Friday 29 June 2018

Thanks Wahid

Wahid, no matter what they say about you, I will always believe that you are a good guy.

I'm wishing you all the best.

Thank you.

Wahid's farewell message,

Assalamualaikum & Salam sejahtera rakan-rakan MBB sekalian.

1. Maaf atas kelewatan membalas mesej kerana saya baru sahaja selesai mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah dan sesi perjumpaan dengan Warga Kumpulan PNB sebentar tadi.

2. Saya dengan segala hormatnya merujuk kepada kenyataan media yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) berkenaan persaraan saya sebagai Pengerusi Kumpulan PNB berkuatkuasa 30 Jun 2018 dan pelantikan YBhg Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz sebagai Pengerusi Kumpulan PNB yang baharu mulai 1 Julai 2018. Ini membolehkan suatu peralihan kepimpinan Lembaga Pengarah PNB dengan lancar dan teratur untuk memastikan urusan pelaburan dan operasi Kumpulan PNB tidak terjejas.

3. Tahniah kepada Tan Sri Zeti atas pelantikan sebagai Pengerusi PNB yang ke4 sejak PNB ditubuhkan pada tahun 1978. Ini merupakan satu kesinambungan tradisi kepimpinan PNB dari kalangan mereka yang ternama dan mempunyai reputasi integriti dan kebolehan yang tinggi bermula daripada Allahyarham Tun Ismail Ali dan kemudiannya Tun Ahmad Sarji. Sebagai Pengerusi yang ketiga, saya berbesar hati menyerahkan tugas kepada Tan Sri Zeti dalam kedudukan kewangan PNB yang terus kukuh dan reputasi kekal sebagai sebuah institusi nasional yang berintegriti. Saya percaya Tan Sri Zeti dan ahli-ahli Lembaga Pengarah serta Presiden & Ketua Eksekutif Kumpulan Dato' Abdul Rahman Ahmad dan barisan pengurusan Kumpulan PNB akan dapat terus menerajui Kumpulan PNB mencapai kejayaan yang lebih tinggi lagi.

4. Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk merakamkan penghargaan & ucapan terima kasih kepada ahli-ahli Lembaga Pengarah, barisan Pengurusan dan seluruh Warga Kumpulan PNB atas segala sokongan dan bantuan yang telah diberikan kepada saya sepanjang perkhidmatan saya. Terima kasih juga kepada Pengerusi, ahli-ahli Lembaga Pengarah, CEO, barisan pengurusan & seluruh Warga syarikat-syarikat strategik dan teras PNB atas sokongan kepada saya & PNB selama ini. Terima kasih juga kepada rakan-rakan semua yang banyak menyokong dan membantu saya selama ini. Saya memohon maaf sekiranya saya ada membuat salah atau terkasar bahasa semasa menjalankan tugas🙏.

5. Setelah 17 tahun 'berkhidmat untuk negara' ('national service') dengan syarikat-syarikat berkaitan Kerajaan bermula dengan Kumpulan UEM-Renong (2001-2004), Telekom Malaysia (2004-2008), Maybank (2008-2013), Kerajaan Malaysia (2013-2016) dan PNB (2016-2018), saya akan mengambil peluang ini untuk berehat sebentar dan meluangkan masa bersama keluarga.

6. Selamat Maju Jaya kepada Kumpulan PNB. Saya percaya dibawah kepimpinan Tan Sri Zeti sebagai Pengerusi dan Dato' Abdul Rahman sebagai Presiden & Ketua Eksekutif Kumpulan, PNB akan terus berjaya sehingga mencapai aspirasinya untuk menjadi sebuah Firma Pelaburan Distinktif Bertaraf Dunia.

Terima kasih & salam hormat.

Abdul Wahid Omar
29 Jun 2018 .


  1. Indeed brbanyak2 terima kasih EnWahid Omar.

    Tho I did not know you personally, I heard such confidence and good words of you coming from a Chinese banker.

    Went to arrange some FD in his bank, according to him the banking industry was very positive and excited with Wahid heading PNB.

  2. Annie,

    OK lah, here's my review of Umno Presidential Debate on Astro Awani tadi.

    Winner: KJ

    Runner-Up: Ku Li

    3rd Place: Zahid

    Something went wrong in Bagan Datuk, because Zahid's eyes were closed almost throughout. Either the lights were too strong or the Jawa man was feeling sleepy!

    KJ in terms of substance was not much better than Ku Li, but he was slick and well prepared. Spoke with a bit more energy and zest. Honestly, some of his answers were quite refreshing in terms of ideas. (Just hope it's not Anwar-style oratory - sounds impressive but whether real or not, hmmmmmmmmm.)

    Ku Li a bit more timid at the start, but warmed up as it went on. Some answers were better than KJ.

    Zahid sounds like the Bad Old Umno. Same old, same old.

    So the real thing tomorrow...

    Just hope for Umno's sake that Zahid is not the winner.

    It won't be a fresh start.

  3. Welcome Zeti...we love you and may you excel at PNB like you did previously at Bank Negara

  4. I like him. He is humble and hard-working. All the best Tan Sri AWO. It is unfortunate Malaysia Baru cannot celebrate views of differences.

  5. Thank you Tan Sri. Especially for turning Maybank into what it is today. He is probably one of the most hard-working GLC heads I have ever come across. He is always a gentleman. Sorry Tun. You made a big mistake by letting Wahid go. Just like how Najib made a big mistake with Hassan Merican.

  6. Where, the comment? If turning into a syedotb, then too bad.

    1. Please read my next posting. Thank you.

    2. sayang, and, i understand..

  7. Telokwanjah says:
    Agreed - he’s a good one for sure and I’m also certain that he will be persuaded to rejoin and help the national agenda regardless of who is in power. Cream always rises to the top and this guy is certainly cut from the same cloth as his illustrious predecessors. He gets a well earned rest and meantime Zeti turn now to improve our most vital state investment fund !

    Ps for those who think he’s being asked to step aside because of his political comments - he’s not. Even look at his GST posting - it’s really not political at all ! Also see the PNB board comments thanking him -certainly going out with his head held high! Well done 👍

  8. Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar is what I call collateral damage.In war some good soldiers are killed because they are in the opposite team.People like Abdul Wahid Omar and Tok Pa will always be remembered by all of us.
    Prof Kangkung

  9. I hope he will be given a role to play in Msia baru. I may not agree with some of his actions at pnb but he is a decent guy. His biggest career mistake is in joining najib's cabinet but in life there are no mistakes, only lessons.

  10. Wahid Omar replaced by Zeti. What is there to complaint about ?

    If he's that good, I am sure he'll get to contribute in another way. Good luck
