Friday 8 June 2018

Sympathy for good ordinary Umno members

There will be a Johor Umno liaison committee meeting later this morning.

All the division chiefs will be there.

They are to decide on the party's way forward in the state after the GE14 defeat.

As far as I know they are divided.

Some want things to remain as they are, others want things to change.

Those who want things to stay as they are will among others want to endorse Khaled Nordin's candidacy as party vice-president despite the guy being fresh from leading them to the defeat in GE14. They will also support Zahid as president and don't want Hishammuddin to contest any top post.

Those who want things to change will want to go the other way around.

Based on what I was told so far, those who want things to remain as they are will win.

Sorry Johor Umno people. I know that most of you all are good people.

But that's just the way it's likely going to be.

I'm particularly sorry because I know that the ordinary members at the branch level are hoping for change.

My special sympathy for the guy who wrote this comment;

Ahmad Shafiee7 June 2018 at 22:04
Hi Annie.
What you say is true. The branch meetings here in johor is well attended n going quite well. I'm an umno member but I rarely attend cawangan meeting before or getting involved. But after the defeat, I just feel the need to be active in umno and bantu apa yg mampu.
My cawangan meeting here in simpang renggam was well attended indeed. Peoples are passionate. Makcik2 ramai yg menangis, yg berucap pon nangis :). And somehow, I end up being the setiausaha cawangan. Crazy, considering I've never been active in umno before. I guess people just not keen to have jawatan in umno now.
Anyway, I think there's still hope for umno. Insyaallah.

Yes, I know the ordinary members really want the party to change.

But with the way things are now, it's not likely going to be so.

Sorry guys.

I also found out yesterday that those who currently hold power in the party do not wish for Umno to change.

Among others, Ku Nan will remain as setiausaha agong, Rauf will remain as setiausaha kerja, Rahman Dahlan will remain as head of communication etc.

It's business as usual for these people.

They just don't care.

Well, unless the ordinary members could think for themselves and vote for change in the coming party election, then Umno will remain as it is.

I was trying to be optimistic about Umno, especially for my home state of Johor but honestly, I'm quite patah semangat with the way things are now.

I'm tired.

I better sleep.

Good night.


  1. UMNO need a revolution to flush out those selfish leaders. For a start UMNO will be destabilise but later on it will settle down and progrese after that. Change will be painful but the end result will be rewarding if it was a positive change.

  2. "Among others, Ku Nan will remain as setiausaha agong, Rauf will remain as setiausaha kerja, Rahman Dahlan will remain as head of communication etc."

    If this is true, then Umno is doomed.

    On 12 June it's likely that Sarawak parties will leave BN completely.

    That's 40-50 BN seats gone across Sabah & Sarawak.

    Meaning that Umno will have to regain power (if ever) based purely on winning Peninsular seats only.

    That will be impossible in the foreseeable future.

    Even with the worst gerrymandering by the EC, it still didn't happen.

    Of all the Umno leaders, only KJ is being a realist.

    He spoke today about the "BN trust deficit".

    If you want Zahid, Ku Nan, Tajuddin, Mael Sabri and Mahdzir Khalid to save Umno...

    ...better close shop tomorrow.

    1. Perhaps Mat Over, Bomoh Teropong Buloh, Kulop Juara Laporan Polis, Penang Out of Work Lawyer Backer could offer themselves to lead the party.

  3. Umno parti perompak,pencuri dan parti melayu tipu melayu sudah terkubur di PRU14. Doa rakyat yang cerdik dan waras di capai. Insyaallah. Doa yang baru supaya umno parti penyamun dibubarkan supaya dapat dibasmikan dan ditalkinkan pengkhianat bangsa,agama dan negara. Insyaallah.

  4. As for Zahid...

    OSTB is suggesting that the case of Amir Bazli will be re-opened.

    This was actually pretty shocking:

    The guy was left literally with holes in his head.

    It was "settled" after Zahid's Tiga Line friends threatened to kill Amir Bazli unless he dropped the case.

    If this case is actually re-opened, it will spell massive trouble for Zahid.

    OSTB also claims (sad news) that Tok Pa won't run for President.

    Guess it leaves Ku Li as best choice.

    FT Umno wants a combo of Ku Li-KJ.

    Maybe workable...

  5. Annie,

    Its not that we need a good opposition right now but later on I think, the check and balance should be there.

    Looking at how things is going.

    I think you guys are rushing things for no good reason.

    Now UMNO is still in denial mode.

    When people in denial mode, they will make the wrong decision.

    The GE15 is 5 years away. You should dimension your time.

    Let things settled first and give some time, a few months at least.

    The 1MDB have not being settled yet, the American said, when the shit the fan.....

    I think the best solution for UMNO is to wait first for at least 6 months. After that you can decide who ever going to lead when you are guys are sure what is reasons UMNO doing badly before and who is the best to lead.

    1. There's a group in Umno and supporters who genuinely want reforms which consists of looking at the real reasons why it was booted out and not going into denial mode.

      There's another group who wants to maintain status quo..i.e. Umno still top dog with Ketuanan intact with its slogan of Agama, Bangsa dan Negara be maintained. But this so called status quo is in danger of leading it down to even further doom. With no more free flow of easy money, these grouping is totally unable to buy votes and support.

      There's another grouping who wants to have another fresh election like tomorrow...they have this idea of getting PKR to leave Pakatan Harapan and join forces with with Umno and PAS and thus be ruling again according to their maths calculation. But the problem here is Anwar. This Anwar is not biting and even as we speak, this scenario is not looking good because Sarawak BN is pulling out and in the worse case some more, some 45 Umno MPs seats looking shaky ( this last part courtesy of OSTB ). So this grouping of wanting to get Umno back into power pronto, like tomorrow, is not happening either.

      There's another grouping, albeit a very small grouping that hardly anyone talk about, is the idea of disbanding Umno totally. To them, Umno as a brand is utterly damaged beyond repair.

    2. PKR has non Malay MPs. I can't see any of them staying in PKR if this happens. I can't even see the Malay MPs staying in PKR. Maybe only Anwars wife and daughter. Do you think people like Azim Ali will just roll over and play dead?

  6. No good people left in umno if they still support corrupt leader and support corrupt practice.
    Good people must put national interest above all.

    Whoever said becoz umno is the party fight for independent, develope our nation from scratch bla bla they are equally proud of their corrupt and kleptokrat leader.

    Dont cling to your histroy.
    Build up your own story and of coz a good story. Not kind of jamal and musa

  7. Sebagai setiausaha cawangan, saya telah pun membisikan kepada ketua cawangan supaya bubarkan sahaja cawangan kerana ahli sudah tidak berminat dengan umno.

    Sebelum ini pun tiap kali mesyuarat agung caeangan, pemuda dan puteri tidak cukup korum, terpaksa tipu tandatangan untuk mencukupkan korum tandatangan, wakil bahagian yang hadir tutup sebelah mata.

    Bukan cawangan kami sahaja, sekurang kurangnya 10-20% setiap bahagian, penyakit dan masalah yang sama.

    Baru baru ini bilik gerakan jentera pilihanraya, PDM, macam rumah hantu, sunyi sepi, paling ramai 10-11 orang kalau ada nuat kambing holek, lepas makan, blah.

    Sudah tentu kalau mesyuarat agung kali ini, masalah akan lebih teruk. Kalau Johor tanah kelahiran begini nasib umno, bagaimana tempat lain.

    Di srsetengah caeangan, ketua cawangan yany dah berpuluh tahun pegang jawatan pun. Masih tak mahu lepaskan.

    Ertinya Ketua Bahagian akan sama orangnya, sudah tentu mentor mereka adalah orang yang sama di majlis tertinggi.

    Mana mungkin ada perubahan drastik.

    Saya berharap benar, umno terbubar. Yalkinkan kerana dosanya pada rakyat sangat besar.

    Lebih baik mati. .

  8. The UMNO cawangan in my locality (led by the sulking Puad Zarkashi, situated in the DUN retained by BN) had completed their meeting last Tuesday. New faces were elected that include my lovely wife as one of the cawangan women wing's AJK. She will be one of those who will vote to elect who will be the leaders of UMNO. Bear with me a little please. Below are the findings concluded during their meeting.


    Why people reject Najib? SEMUA NI SALAH DAP.


    Arul Kanda lied about 1MDB? NO!! DIA MUSLIM. SEMUA NI SALAH DAP

    Was Tun M right about Najib? NO!! TUM M BUKAN MELAYU. DIA MAMAK. SEMUA NI SALAH DAP.

    If you were to evesdrop on what were discussed during that meeting, you'll be forgiven if you had tought you had went to a DAP meeting. DAP was mentioned more times compared to UMNO during an UMNO cawangan meeting.

    The guy elected as the new Ketua cawangan replacing my aging father-in-law gave a fiery speech. I'll summarized his long speech for the benefit of the readers of this blog - SEMUA NI SALAH DAP.

    Best of luck UMNO.

    1. This denial syndrome is going to spell the end for Umno.

      Also...don't be overly obsessed with 1MDB.

      These are all going to be exposed soon:



      Tabung Haji







      And it will not look pretty.

      All Umno can do is to admit wrong, apologise, and truly reform the party.

      No more corrupt leaders.

    2. In that case, the out-come of the coming UMNO's general election will end-up with the entire leadership who're anti Cina-DAP.

      No good for the country's well-being.

    3. Oh, the theme of UMNO meetings is DAP. Well that is good news. Keep it up UMNO!.

  9. As I have mentioned so many times before the grassroots make UMNO alive and kicking,not the warlords.
    When UMNO become an opposition naturally the flow of money stops and these warlords are the first to suffer as compared to the ordinary members.
    It is about time for those who are passionate about the party to take the lead and to change to money politics culture in UMNO.Afterall who want to spend millions of ringgit just want to become a Ketua Bahagian when there is no guarantee of any financial reward.
    In my university alumni group there are many people of high calibre who used to criticize UMNO who are willing to help to rebuild UMNO.
    As for myself I am a few years away from retirement.I will decide later after I retire whether I want to be active in UMNO.Of things do not change in UMNO I might decide to watch all the dramas from the sideline with big size popcorns.
    Prof Kangkung

    1. Prof. Kangkong.

      "When UMNO become an opposition naturally the flow of money stops and these warlords are the first to suffer as compared to the ordinary members."

      In the old days, yes... if you are the opposition, there will not be a free flow of money.

      However, the New PH gpmen have decided to more democratic and generous by giving allocation to the opposition, albeit half of what PH MPs & ADUN are receiving.

      "It is about time for those who are passionate about the party to take the lead and to change to money politics culture in UMNO."

      Still want to 'change to money politics culture in UMNO'???

      UMNO wants to be more sophisticated in the culture of money-politics?

    2. You coming into real action ? From cybertrooper to a leader of the nation ? good luck professor :)

  10. Will UMNO members voting for leaders for the top posts be willing to do the unthinkable, ie vote for baggageless leaders?

    They should take the cue from some Msians voters who wanted a BIG change in Msia govt and voted for PH in GE14.

    A second seismic change in Msia politics in UMNO could be in the cards.


  11. My sympathy to them too ,and I felt only those ordinary members in the Cawangan still think that UMNO is for perjuangan ugama dan bangsa ,where the rest think UMNO is for glamour and money .

    Well PRU 14 has change that ,but their mentality still hasn't changed ,old habit die hard .

    Third generation UMNO are never the same UMNO during their formation days .

  12. Pity the ordinary members that sincerely join UMNO as a political platform to uplift the Malays.Unfortunately, they were cheated by few elite Malay leaders.

  13. Hi Annie,
    You mean the javanese from pornorogo is the umno leader? Speaking English also tak betul, heard he has 200 million war chest to feed the kronis and gangs. Probably good business picking and collecting foreign workers toll. One day, he will be walloped by someone seeking revenge. Too many bad deeds done by him. That guy is an opportunist, before very arrogant in his speech and manner. Now he tries to gain back favor and bowing to Tun Mahathir, wait and see.....the long arm of the law is coming for him as well.

    1. Many speculated on his meeting with Tun Mahathir. Is he striking a turning prosecution witness in return for lesser punishment ? Hanya spekulasi from others je

  14. The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.
    We don't need no water let the madafucka burn.
    Burn madafucka, burn.

    - lyrics from rap song in the 80's

  15. Sadly, it was true...

    "Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno Kelantan, Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed mengesahkan beliau tidak akan menjadi calon bagi jawatan tertinggi parti itu pada pemilihan agung Umno nanti.

    Sebaliknya beliau sedang mempertimbangkan untuk mempertahankan jawatan sebagai ahli majlis tertinggi (MT) sahaja.

    Anggota parlimen Jeli yang mesra disapa sebagai Tok Pa itu juga mengakui dirinya tidak mempunyai kekuatan sama ada untuk menjadi calon presiden, timbalan dan naib presiden.

    "Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada rakan-rakan yang memberi semangat supaya bertanding dalam Umno dan saya sudah berbincang serta maklumkan bahawa saya tidak ada kemampuan fizikal, kewangan, stamina dan semangat untuk bertanding jawatan-jawatan tertinggi dalam parti.

    "Saya sedang pertimbang kemungkinan akan bertanding bagi jawatan MT, tapi belum lagi mendaftar sebagai calon," katanya pada sidang media pada program Makan Colek Bersamo Tok Pa anjuran Kelab Media Kelantan Darul Naim (Kemudi) di Kota Bharu, malam tadi."

    Well, there goes one clean leader.

    Tok Pa can't do much as just an MTU member.

  16. Telokwanjah:

    Annie, can I recommend that those true followers of the Malay cause read and contribute to Ku Seman Ku Hussein’s blog ( ? He doesn’t seem to do much to promote his writings and it doesn’t appear on anyone’s blog roll as far as I am aware.
    He, in many ways, represents the original spirit of Umno as an (now ex) Utusan senior... together with all the strange inconsistencies that makes this country unique. Parochial but not bigoted, Proud but not arrogant - a pristine believer in Bangsa Agama dan Negara but not feudalism. Good luck Umno I hope you can one day rediscover your mojo working with all races fairly and cleanly.

    1. Anonymous8 June 2018 at 09:32

      Agree with you, Ku Seman is a very good writer.

    2. Yaaaa memang betui tapi ramai yg x tahu bhw dia ada laman baru.... kpd peminaf silalah layari kayangdailypost dahulu. Kat sittu dah tertera coretan lama pendita kskh

  17. Of 222 Parliamentary seats, the BN secured only 79 or 35.5%.

    To get a 2/3 majority you need 148 seats.

    Now with the exit of PBB of Sarawak, 13 more seats have been lost by the BN.

    So the BN is down to 66 seats in Parliament.

    The Pakatan Harapan won 113.

    Together with Parti Warisan (8??) they have 121 seats.

    Now with PBB forming a friendly party in Parliament the PH controls 121 + 13 = 134 seats.

    The six more BN seats in S'wak may or will move over to PH as well.

    Then the PH will have 140 seats in Parliament.

    Just 8 seats short of the 2/3 majority.

    That will leave the BN with only 60 seats.

    PAS has 18 seats.

    Penarikan PBB menyebabkan pemimpin Umno dan BN keluar beramai-ramai

    Yes this is likely. UMNO MPs may see that it is time to dump the party.

    There is a strong rumour that UP TO 45 UMNO MPs are on this list.

    45 UMNO MPs.

    UMNO has to do something really quick or lose their party forever.

    If 45 UMNO MPs leave the party, UMNO may as well dissolve and deregister itself.

    1. If you cut and paste, please have the courtesy to provide links or at least quote his/her blog. Thank you.

  18. Telokwanjah:

    Annie, can I recommend that those true followers of the Malay cause read and contribute to Ku Seman Ku Hussein’s blog ( ? He doesn’t seem to do much to promote his writings and it doesn’t appear on anyone’s blog roll as far as I am aware.
    He, in many ways, represents the original spirit of Umno as an (now ex) Utusan senior... together with all the strange inconsistencies that makes this country unique. Parochial but not bigoted, Proud but not arrogant - a pristine believer in Bangsa Agama dan Negara but not feudalism. Good luck Umno I hope you can one day rediscover your mojo working with all races fairly and cleanly.

  19. I suppose the Umno/BN gravy train has been travelling non stop for almost 60 odd years. Last few years that gravy train seem loaded than before and travelling at breakneck speed not thinking of stopping anytime soon. Do you think those on that gravy train are going to disembark? Not on your life. Thus Umno/Bn never took the time to groom second echelon leaders thus when that gravy train was abruptly stopped by the grand good DR., Umno/BN seem lost and leaderless. Look at PH, they have old and young capable leaders .Talent wise PH wins hands down. I guess Umno/BN just has to bite the bullet and elect or attract fresh young talent to its rank. It may take years to rebuild, but then it may become a better UMNO with members that dont think "gravy train" during waking hours or dream during sleep "gravy train"all the time.

    1. "I guess Umno/BN just has to bite the bullet and elect or attract fresh young talent to its rank."

      People join Umno for money, not love or pride.

      Why would young Malays join them?

  20. "It's business as usual for these people." i.e. UMNO.

    For a lot of people that would be good news.

  21. Anonymous @ 8 June 2018 at 05:34,



    Race, religion and DAP?



  22. good ordinary people will leave this evil dumbo enuf said

  23. after raya, the songlap BN hunting season will commence so donot stand in front of the firing line...

  24. I think UMNO is now technically dead, after it failed to conduct their party election after the 1st extension for 18 months. Clause 10.17 that was cited for another extension did not exist. so UMNO is kaput.

    The high court will hear the case brought by the 16 UMNO members soon, after that the party keramat will be declared an illegal party according to the rule of law, as Tun M like to say. Then history will record how Razak family totally destroyed the one party that meant so much and has done so much for the Malays in this country. Happy now ah jibkor ??????

    1. "The high court will hear the case brought by the 16 UMNO members soon, after that the party keramat will be declared an illegal party according to the rule of law"


      Looks that way.

      The excuse Ku Nan gave will be laughed out of court.

  25. Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad mendedahkan bahawa Pemangku Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi bertemu dengannya untuk mendapatkan nasihat berhubung apa yang berlaku dalam Umno sehingga parti itu ditolak pada pilihan raya umum ke-14.

    Zahid, semalam, memuat naik gambarnya bersama Dr Mahathir di Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana, Putrajaya tetapi tidak mendedahkan butirannya.

    “Dia nak tahu cara macam mana nak uruskan Umno. Jadi saya berterus terang bahawa Umno sudah mengkhianati orang Melayu.

    “Saya ingatkan kepadanya, kita tubuh Umno untuk tolong orang Melayu tetapi kini Umno berubah dan mengutamakan kekayaan diri.

    “Sebab itu Umno dibenci sekarang ini. Umno nak pulih susah. Dulu dipandang mulia sekarang dipandang jijik,” katanya pada satu wawancara khas bersama Sinar Harian.

    What if a large section of UMNO breaks off, becomes independent and then joins PPBM?


    It looks like Hisham gave up already...

  26. There is still a lot of good people in Umno and like wise not all in PH are good. Let's just leave it at that rather than saying things u might regret later.

  27. i now 50 years old hope im still alive when BN (or dumbo) do make a comeback wakakaka

  28. If UMNO wants to continue as usual, let it be.

    As Rani Kulup used to say:

  29. Annie,

    Speak to Ibrahim Ali and assure him of your undivided support to hoist him as the next president.

    Given Ibrahim's long and colourful political agility of past, he would gratefully consider such proposal.

    He has been a multiple gold medallist in the battle for Bahasa,Race,Religion and for the Yellow Submarine Fleet, a good orator,exudes class,much handsome than LGE,rarely has a frothing mouth,speaks good English, well dressed,extensive experience in filing general election nomination forms and above all, a true warrior.

    I am sure he will, with all his idiosyncrasies and current
    status of partylessness, rehabilitate and take the party to lofty heights just like its glorious past.

    Say yes to Ibrahim for President !

    Rasta Rules

    1. BEST REMIX OF ALL TIME.......

  30. Put ameno in grave already please

    If a fruit is 100% rotten can u eat it?


    1. 54 kerusi going to grave.12 kerusi will be alive?where is the logic?
      Do keep in mind many UMNO supporters turned against UMNO just to teach UMNO a lesson never to protect a thief.Now the chief thief is gone and soon will be followed by smaller thieves UMNO will regain its strength.Biduk berlalu kiambang bertaut.
      Prof Kangkung

    2. Aaaik, prof kk,

      Have u finally admitted that the integrity of the 6th PM is indeed questionable?

    3. Pros Kangkang,

      Please be reminded that you were denying the thief was a thief - until your paymaster ended up with 36% of the vote.

      Your hypocrisy is well noted.

      Prof Sawi

  31. if dumbos can disband & join Bersatu, every dumbo will do so, annie this is called changed party adoi

  32. Since now dumbo pokai with all monies songlap by MO1, for dumbo to operate perhaps it can solicit funding from National Endowment for Democracy (NED) & then PH 'complain' a foreign pakat to topple a democratically elected govt how the roles have changed wakakaka

    1. When Malays fought for freedom we were poor and uneducated.Malays do not forget easily.
      Prof Kangkung

    2. So now you are a prof (not poor & quite educated) what you fight for??? Are you fighting to enrich your ownself or uplifting malays duh

  33. Prof Kangkung,

    //In my university alumni group there are many people of high calibre who used to criticize UMNO who are willing to help to rebuild UMNO.//

    I am sure there are lots of high-calibre people who are more then willing to help rebuild UMNO - for a price :)


  34. Prof Kangkung,

    //When Malays fought for freedom we were poor and uneducated//

    Very true and I think you were refering to around 1940-1957.

    But after 60 years of freedom under UMNO/BN, many Malays are still poor and uneducated!!!

    Malays like you and Annie probably account for less then 25% of Malays.

    Have you considered the fact that maybe the many poor and uneducated Malays fought one more time in PRU14 to try and change their lot?

    Hopefully, now that we have a Pakatan government in Putrajaya, this will mean a lot fewer Malays who are poor and uneducated.

    Unfortunately, this may mean that UMNO will not have enough poor uneducated Malays to sucker into ... eeerrr... sorry ... I mean ... to help win whatever freedom you are talking about.

    Of cos, if Pakatan does a poor job in Putrajaya, then ....

