Monday, 7 May 2018

Wahid's GE14 message

Assalamualaikum wbt dan salam sejahtera rakan-rakan sekalian.

1. Alhamdulillah dua hari lagi pada hari Rabu 9 Mei ini, kita rakyat Malaysia bakal menjalankan tanggungjawab untuk mengundi dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke14. Ramai rakan-rakan yang tidak sabar untuk keluar mengundi setelah sekian lama berkempen dan 'dikempen'. Bagi kita yang bukan ahli politik pun terasa penat. Bayangkan apa perasaan ahli-ahli politik yang terlibat secara langsung dalam PRU14 ini.

2. Kita menghargai mereka yang secara sukarela mengenengahkan diri untuk bertanding dan berkhidmat kepada rakyat. Tidak kira sama ada menang atau kalah, kedua-duanya memerlukan pengorbanan tenaga, wang dan masa keluarga. Sekiranya menang, sebahagian daripada mereka berpeluang memegang jawatan dalam pentadbiran yang pendapatannya mungkin tidak setimpal dengan tanggungjawab berat yang dipikul. Sekiranya mereka kalah, lagilah berat kerana mungkin terpinggir dari kancah politik negara sekarang-kurangnya selama 5 tahun.

3. Dalam tempoh kempen, pelbagai isu telah dibangkitkan. Antara yang paling kerap dibahaskan adalah cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan atau GST. Izinkan saya menyentuh 5 perkara berkenaan GST yang telah diperkenalkan 3 tahun yang lalu pada 1 April 2015:-

i) GST 6% ini menggantikan cukai jualan 10% & cukai perkhidmatan 6%. Ia bukan cukai tambahan.

ii) Kadar 6% yang dikenakan adalah yang terendah di ASEAN dan antara yang terendah di dunia. 160 negara telah melaksanakan GST atau Value Added Tax (VAT). Sebagai contoh, kadar di Singapura 7%, Thailand 7%, Indonesia 10%, Vietnam 10%, Filipina 12%. Di Australia 10% dan di UK jauh lebih tinggi iaitu 20% .

iii) Untuk mengurangkan kesan kenaikan harga barang kepada rakyat, Kerajaan telah memperluaskan senarai barangan asas yang dikenakan kadar sifar atau terkecuali dari GST. Ini termasuk barangan makanan asas seperti beras, gula, minyak masak, ayam, daging, ikan & sebagainya, ubat-ubatan, buku-buku dan minyak petrol RON95 & Diesel.

iv) Semasa pelaksanaan GST diumumkan dalam Bajet 2014 pada 25 Oktober 2013, Kerajaan juga telah mengumumkan langkah 'pengimbangan' atau offset measures seperti pengurangan cukai pendapatan individu antara 1-3%, pengurangan cukai pendapatan korporat dari 25% kepada 24% dan pengurangan cukai perusahaan kecil & sederhana dari 20% kepada 19%. Pemberian BR1M isirumah berpendapatan RM3,000 kebawah sebulan juga ditingkatkan dari RM500 ke RM650 manakala isirumah berpendapatan RM3,000-4,000 sebulan mula diberikan BR1M RM450 buat pertama kali. Seterusnya dalam Bajet 2015, jumlah BR1M telah dinaikkan masing-masing kepada kepada RM950 & RM750 . Untuk individu bujang berpendapatan RM2,000 kebawah pula, BR1M dinaikkan kepada RM350. Ini semua bertujuan untuk meringankan impak kenaikan harga barang.

v) Tujuan asal pelaksanaan GST adalah untuk memperluaskan asas percukaian negara memandangkan kita hanya ada 2 juta pembayar cukai pendapatan, satu jumlah yang kecil berbanding jumlah rakyat Malaysia seramai 30 juta. GST adalah cukai penggunaan (consumption or indirect tax) dimana mereka yang berbelanja lebih adalah dari kalangan mereka yang berpendapatan lebih. Ini juga selaras dengan langkah konsolidasi fiskal yang mensasarkan bajet seimbang dalam jangkamasa pertengahan. Dengan peningkatan pendapatan Kerajaan, kita bukan sahaja dapat mengurangkan defisit fiskal kita malah dapat melaksanakan banyak projek pembangunan yang tertangguh sebelum ini seperti pembinaan lebuhraya, jalanraya, jambatan, sekolah, hospital, klinik desa, dll. Ini termasuklah pembinaan lebuhraya Pan Borneo yang sedang rancak pembinaannya dan dijangka siap pada tahun 2022.

4. Terdapat cadangan untuk menghapuskan GST dan berbalik kepada sistem percukaian lama iaitu SST. Bagi saya ini suatu langkah yang ke belakang atau 'regressive' dan boleh membahayakan ekonomi. Ini kerana kutipan GST pada tahun 2017 adalah sebanyak RM42 bilion dan dijangka meningkat kepada RM44 billion tahun ini berbanding kutipan SST RM17 billion pada tahun 2014. Sekiranya GST dimansuhkan, terdapat kekurangan pendapatan sebanyak RM27 bilion (2% daripada KDNK).

5. Sekiranya Ini berlaku, Kerajaan ada 3 pilihan. Pertama - Menaikkan cukai pendapatan atau memperkenalkan cukai baru seperti cukai keuntungan modal (Capital Gains Tax). Kedua - Mengurangkan perbelanjaan termasuk perbelanjaan pembangunan. Ini bermakna membatalkan atau menangguhkan projek-projek pembangunan yang telah diluluskan sebelum ini; atau Ketiga - Meningkatkan defisit fiskal kepada 5%. Kesemua opsyen tersebut amat berbahaya kerana boleh menjejaskan pasaran modal dan mengakibatkan penarafan kredit hutang antarabangsa negara kita diturunkan daripada paras A3/A- kepada BBB. Ini sudah tentu akan meningkatkan kos pinjaman dan memudaratkan ekonomi negara.

6. Saya berharap sistem GST akan dikekalkan. Perhatian boleh diberikan kepada memperbaiki lagi pelaksanaan program dan projek-projek yang dapat memberikan lebih peluang perniagaan dan pekerjaan kepada rakyat dan mempertingkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat. Ini selaras dengan matlamat model baru ekonomi yang mensasarkan Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara maju yang inklusif dan mampan.

7. Menjelang 9 Mei 2018, saya menyeru rakan-rakan mengamalkan 3 perkara berikut:-

i) Keluar mengundi seawal mungkin kerana ini adalah hak kita sebagai warganegara Malaysia.

ii) Jangan membenarkan pendapat politik memecah-belahkan atau mengasingkan keluarga. Silaturrahim perlu dikekalkan.

iii) Menerima keputusan dengan hati terbuka, merapatkan saf dan bersatu membangunkan negara.

8. Marilah kita bersama-sama memainkan peranan masing-masing, bersikap membina dan menghayati/ mengamalkan prinsip Rukun Negara iaitu Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan, Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara, Keluhuran Perlembagaan, Kedaulatan Undangan-undang dan Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan.

Selamat mengundi & Salam hormat.

Abdul Wahid Omar
7 Mei 2018.


  1. AWO.. salah seorang melayu yang jitu & boleh dihormati. jika di singapura, beliau ini sudah tentunya salah seorang anggota kabinet punya..was a rising star in malaysian corporate world and served the malaysian cabinet for one term. cant find any scandal about him, seen to be clean. wonder why BN didnt select him and stand in any constituency in Johor, may be he politely declined. anyhow, a good malay man

    1. Anon, I think AWO knows he is not cut out to be a politician especially in Msia. Indeed, he would thrive better as a minister in Spore.

    2. salam

      betul ke boleh percyaa dia ni...abik duit pnb pergi beli plet pnb apa hal...konon untuk korporat..mungkin masa meeting dengan orang lain dia bgtau plet dia n bos2 pnb tu pakai plet pnb..untung ke ape ke...yang penting tu tetap duit rakyat sbg stakeholder...


  2. rational man, walk the talk, full of facts....shouldn't be a politician, his roles to enrich PNB would fulfill his obligation for the people of Malaysia.

  3. Message from AWO last time, I still remember,

    "Kalau harga ayam mahal, jangan beli...."

    "Kalau harta toll mahal, jangan guna lebuhraya....."

    When in PNB, bought the plat number PNB1, RM173,000. Also bought PNB2, PNB3, thousand of ringgit.

    Why not,

    "Kalau tak suka BN, undi Pakatan", how's that AWO.

    Not all country implement GST. America do not have GST and they are the biggest economy and richest country on the planet.

    1. I don't think Wahid said that. As for the plate numbers, I believe he had explained.

    2. I for one remembered seeing this man driving UBER or Grab Car...just for a day, just for show, just for what he is trying to imply? That graduate could sell nasi lemak, drive UBER, Grab Car etc....

      This man, AWO, of so-called 'CLEAN' and with praises by those writings above should come 'CLEAN' that 1MDB is a scamming vehicle!

      -Arul Kanda can go nation-wide tour to explain his 'RATIONALISATION' crap yet he could not produce an AUDITED ACCOUNT since what, 2013-2014-2015-2016-2017....#@%$!!???

      -Why did AG Thambrin Buang reported US$7 Billion UNACCOUNTED for yet it was made OSAed!?

      -Why did 1MDB has to make a DOUBLE-WHAMMY payment to IPIC to the tune of US$6.5 Billion and Arul went around looping chasing his own tail trying to duped people but only made fool of himself?

      -Many other issues but would dragged it longer but I'd like to see Arul Kanda go GLOBAL explaining 1MDB 'EXCELLENT' (excel in CHEATING & LYING) business model instead of doing a local tour only to shove-down 'stupid pills' to those listening but without thinking and justifying and investigating and do further readings on the MOTHER-OF-ALL-SCANDALS ie. 1MDB!

      Hence, AWO aka Mr 'CLEAN' please ask 'CLEAN' question/s to the face of Arul Kanda, Najib, Zahid, Hishamuddin, KJ and the rest of the herd-mentality ministers.

      Then again, if Husni Hanadziah ex FM2 can resign out of 'CONSCIENCE' and went on to 'STUDY QURAN' in Jordan and then came back 'ENLIGHTENED' and slipped back into his 'OLD CLOAK'...even Mr 'UNITS' (US$1 Billion even Arul Kanda lied about this and Najib LIED in Parliament) and this also Mr 'CLEAN' Husni retracted and covered Najib that its all in 'UNITS'.......

      Annie, if you had $1Billion Cash and some people with access to your money converted that into 'UNITS'...won't you be mad as hell? For God sake its not even Bitcoins!


      PS thank you for some pics from your previous postings since my family predominantly hailed from there, mak-atuk-nenek-moyang-pakcik-makcik-sedara bersepah di MUAR-Kluang-Batu Pahat-JB...but I have been away lama dah....


    3. Ini tulit atak betul ka ?, sikalang manyak itu "fake news" ,tapi ini celita semua olang sutak tau maa aa ,apa pasat kasi tayang lagi ,sutak bosan maa aa.

      "fake news" kalau BN atak untung tatak fake news ,tapi kalau tatak untung kila fake news ,manyak fake punya sikap maa aa .

  4. The only take away that i get from this is that there is an affirmation that GST do contribute to an increase in prices as opposed to, decrease. This was definitely not what was bandied around by the Government when they argued for the introduction of the GST.

    1. GST is a like an ocean-going fishing vessel with a large span of 'drag-net'.....anything and everything gets hauled up and, I agree with you entirely!

  5. Kalau dah nama pembangkang tu org cakap apa pun dia nak bangkang.
    Prof Kangkung


    1. Kalau dah nama kangkung tu orang cakap apa pun dia nak kangkung.

  6. This GE punyalah ramai politician, business & corporate figures memberi nasihat. I wonder, did they offer their nasihat to najib when 1mdb scandal first surfaced? If they did, we probably wouldn't be in this quagmire. It doesn't sit well with me to vote for PH whose key members includes someone like Nga Kor Ming. Luckily my PH candidate is a decent person.

  7. Your no 1 point.
    Kenapa harga barang naik mendadak kalau sekadar menukar nama dari cukai jualan dan cukai perkhidmatan kepada GST.

  8. Point no 3. Banyak barang asas naik harga gila gila walaupun di kecuali GST kenapa? Contohny harga ubat di KPJ naik hampir sekali ganda.

    1. Some of them take advantage in the name of GST and increase the price. The blame goes to the Government.

  9. Point no 4. Tidak menyelesaikan masallah GST terhadap kenaikkan harga barang yang berlipat ganda.

  10. Point no 5. Cukai sepatutunya di kenakan lebih kepada perniaga - perniaga yang mempunyai gedung gedung yang besar kerana mereka lah yang banyak membuat keuntungan. Per di adakan satu system yang jitu tidak ada ketirisan. Tidak bokeh kari dari cukai. Cukai individu pekerja 2 juta orang perlu diturunkan menjadi 4% sahaja dlm setahun atau kurang lagi untuk membolehkan mereka mumpunyai buying power.

  11. Annie,

    Why are they sending all this info. It is kind of one sided.

    Civilized country like Singapore, Indonesia, UK and US, they held debates prior to the election.

    Malaysia is in the Asian Continent, we are not part of African tribal country.

    Debates should be held as it is part of the democracy norm in this region.

    Don't tell us to look to Singapore, thailand for GST but we are practicing healthy democracy like them.

    They say that Syed Saddiq is like a little kitten and yet they are afraid to debate with him.

    What kind of species afraid of a kitten, cockroach maybe?

    It is their job to make debate safe so don't tell us that it is not safe.

  12. ... terdapat pilihan ke 4 sebenarnya
    iaitu membasmi ketirisan(leakages)

  13. All I know is, I have never admire or respect this feller. He is the type of new breed CEO who sells assets just to provide beautiful annual report for himself. Ask TM or Maybank staff,what he did while he was the CEO there ...????
    Now, both TM and MayBank are thriving well after he left.
    Kalau dia betul-betul bagus, takkan beri rm100..00 for 10 thousand units penyimpan and declare, PNB gives 8.25% dividen for the year 2017! Wheras in actual fact, it is only 7.25%+rm100..00!!!

  14. This a typical mangkuk, penjilat asli. If the boss ask him to jump, he will ask "how high".

    I wouldn't say he is stupid but surely he is not smart and great. He is just being parked at these luxurious GLC eg Maybank, TM, PNB. Try ask him to set-up a nasi lemak stall himsel, I am sure that Nasi Lemak Dara will trash him to bin.

  15. when the whole world is prosecuting 1mdb, why wahid NO mention of that pirate of 1mdb songlap jho low or as per BN dumbo instruction jho low the one who cant be exposed (or tangkap) sigh
    to fight this Bohong Nasional, lets together vote for a TUKAR on 509 we love Harapan...

  16. Alhamdhulillah.... Tqvm AWO for the crystal clear explanation on GST. Hope it explain and clear the air on this matter once and for all. Please do not use GST as a tool to further divide the Rakyat anymore.

  17. wakakaka if BN 'win' this GE14
    1. wahid will be appointed senator & finance minister 2
    2. tony will be appointed senator & transport minister
    3. lim sian see appointed senator & propaganda minister
    4, shahrizat appointed senator & lembu minister

  18. Annie,

    This AWBO defines the failures of the BN policy, in particular the New Economic Policy.

    Why is he the symbol of the NEP failures? Because at time like this when UMNO BN needs a poster boy to boast their sicken image, an Ahlus Korporat is pushed to the front (again). It seems there's ketandusan watak yang lebih inspiring.

    What is so great about an Ahlus Korporat?

    An Ahlus Korporat is just a makan gaji person only. And makan gaji orang means you take order from your tokeh. You swear allegiance to your tokeh, the hand that feeds you and family.

    You don't serve other's interest while makan gaji tokeh. This is called amanah, integriti and honesty.

    Every government servant makan gaji rakyat. Rakyat is the tokeh.

    Any government servant using government property for the benefits of any political party under any circumstances whatsoever, commits an act of pecah amanah, curi harta orang lain, treacherous dishonesty. And if such act would eventually benefit the culprit in any way whatsoever, that would be an act of corruption, punishable with imprisonment

    Just to share with all government servants.

  19. Orang2 kaya memang tak terkena tempias negatif GST. I restlah Annie.

    Maybe you love GST too yes?

  20. annie there will be more women support for Harapan rafidah than BN shahrizat cowlady right...

  21. Wahid has been shoved to the front to defend GST and if we need to bash GST issues, bash Wahid as the punching bag. Folks, remember AFTA? and has the prices of cars in 1Msia reduced at the introduction of AFTA which was mathematically expected? This is the evil of our tax structure. If the introduction of AFTA by abolishing tariffs and excise duties could not lower down the prices of cars in 1Msia, do you think prices of goods and services will go down without GST? It is very difficult to recoup revenue if you stop the flow from the stream of its very source of income. Once GST is introduced the impact will remain forever. Lowering the rate or absolute abolishment of GST could never bring down prices. The only way is tax maneuvering to replace GST but consumers will still end up paying all the same.

  22. The discussion on sst n gst has taken such a narrow view created for populist agenda. If we are able to see it in a broader context as in the only a tool to hasten the achievement of Malaysia Baru in the mould of pillars and promises in the Goverment Manifesto, we would be clearer of the agenda.

    LGE explanation on GST more transparent than SST is a given thing. No contest. No lies there. Explanation on the impact too which literally means price would still be high or higher is just a bitter pill we have to swallow now as public.

    The reduction of revenue colllection however will have a powerfull impact to speed up the reforms sought at government machineries be it in their performance (result n kpi measure), reform at the level of ministrial organisation function n smaller budget would force for more productive operation, leaner size of resources including manpower and definitely weeding out corruption n leakages associated with ministries with high budget allocation.

    These government organisation reform has to be completed as fast as possible and various consultative councill are being introduce to advise for result based goverment with transparency and more accountability yet with core at the heart is more efficient organisation.

    I expect less huge government infra project - no money. Expect job cut - not enough money for large staffing, expect lower credit rating - no foreign loan, expect lower currency exchange when u travel, expect lower action in stock market.

    These are some of the necessary evil this new government need to wade through n need time before we can become better in their nation building.

    If the government is our parent and running the house budget, then we are now at the juncture where our parent has now lost their job n gotten a less paid job in new setup n need to tighthen up the family spending - not much money left.

    Wish the best for Malaysia baru government. We do not know whether time is on their side to pull it together. Anyway, in the end of the day, i ll stay away from showering vulgarity n profanitiy to the parliamentarian both the government n the opposition.

    Less vulgar between us ‘wannabe’ keyboard warrior, come couch politician, sopo fans also would be nice now that we know the bigger agenda why the government wants less collection. I dont buy the arguement less collection is a hadiah sebagai tanda prihatin kepada rakyat though. Something are better left unsaid.

    In fact less vulgar n profanity in anything should be the order of the day, anyhere n anytime.

