Sunday 23 June 2013

Tak boleh ke budak Melayu cerdik sikit?

Tomorrow is the swearing-in ceremony of members of the Parliament.

DS Anwar Ibrahim who keeps saying that the GE13 was rigged will be among those being sworn in as MPs. Yes, it's the same Anwar who refused to swear about something else even more important.

Any sane Malaysian should realize by now what a load of crap that Black 505 protest really was. If Anwar is really committed to his allegation of electoral fraud, he would not be there tomorrow to be sworn in and instead be in one of those tents at Padang Merbok.

Just judge for yourself those so-called student activists still camping out in protest at Padang Merbok after the failed rally yesterday. Aren't they nuts or what? Don't they have classes to attend? And of course, they are Malays.

Meanwhile, the Chinese students are studying hard.

They know when not to waste time on bullshit.

Well, I shouldn't bother myself and wasting time on this matter.

Malays will always be Malays. They are too much into all these rhetorical stuff without caring on doing real works.

Nanti orang kata malas, marah pulak. Nanti orang kata bodoh, mengamuk.

But that is the reality about these Malays.

Wake up la Malays....the Chinese look at your screwed up priorities and laugh at you.

Oi budak-budak Melayu, tolong la jangan jadi bangang sangat.


  1. I totally agree with you...Malays think they are so smart to risk their life in the haze while the Chinese sit in their air con room and laugh at us..WAKE UP MALAYS ...

    1. Betul lah bodoh sangat budak2 yg berkhemah dipadang Merbuk, sedangkan anwar anak beranak dan kit siang anak beranak duduk relax kat rumah bersiap2 untuk pergi Parliamen esok. Budak2 tu semua duduk merana dalam khemah sedangkan ketua2 mereka bersenang lenang. Bodoh betul.

    2. Dan bila chinese tak payah bayar PTPTN sebab dapat convert to biasiswa, dia orang kena bayar marah pulak. Tuntut nak free sebab tak nak bayar kan...

      :D sarah

  2. Betol laaa..bila org kata melayu bodoh marah..tapi mmg buat kerja bodoh pun...

  3. Tak akan hilang melayu di dunia.
    Melayu mudah lupa etc.

  4. Aku pun menyampah! Orang kita memang gitu, sikit sikit emosi. Cinabeng dah maju kedepan dan semua cinabeng tak kira MCA, GERAKAN, DAP Dong Zongs semuanya bersatu nak punahkan kuasa politik Melayu tapi Melayu kita asyik demonstrasi saja dan memecah belahkan ummah!

    1. Betoi Betoi Betoi ..........susah betul Melayu nak sedar ,apa guna jumlah sahaja banyak kalau tak bersatu tetap lemah.

    2. Bukan kerana Cinabeng dah maju kedepan budak2 Cina tak ikut berdemo. Cina ni kalau kena tangkap dengan pihak penguasa teramat takut sekali.... Takut bila disoal siasat dan kemudiannya merisik latar belakang keluarga - rahsia mereka terbongkar (ramai dari keturunan PATI).

      Kenduri kawin semalam saya baru belajar ayat baru "Cina Kopek".

      Sepupu saya mengajar disebuah SMK Temerloh dimana 90% murid kelas dia terdiri dari budak2 Cina. Dia mengadu hari2 keletihan bila balik sekolah dan putus semangat nak ajar budak2 ni........

      Cina Kopek katanya. Tingkatan dua, nak tulis dalam BM pun tak tau, bila tuju soalan, nganga pasal tak faham Bahasa Kebangsaan! Kawan2 yg faham bisik kat telinga dia dalam Bahasa lidah mereka baru le angguk2 kepala..

      Bila dia panggil nak jumpa ibubapa (kounseling hal pelajaran anak2) terkejut dia.... Mak dan Ayah lagi Kopek... tak faham Bahasa Kebangsaan. Entah mai dari mana hala Cina2 ni semua, apakah mereka benar2 Rakyat Malaysia?

      Dong Zongs buat kajian ke atas perkembangan anak2 Cina keluaran Sekolah Cina? Atau peratusan besar yang dari luar bandar terbiar sebegitu sekali..tamat sekolah nanti untuk dijadikan tenaga kerja (kuli) kilang2 towkey DAP?

      Jiran saya towkey kedai, sama juga... Bahasa Kebangsaan tak pandai baca, cakap pun lintang pukang dan semua anak2 mereka dihantar belajar SJKC - semua tak pandai berkomunikasi dalam BM apatah lagi BI! Bila tamat SPM saya lihat tak maju kemana pun anak2 ini, kalo bandingkan dengan anak2 Melayu dari kawasan ini.

    3. so what, if it is important enough, they will learn it. It like blaming people for not liking your cooking. If your cooking is good enough, people will like it, no need to be upset.

  5. don't bullshit ok !!

  6. Nothing new about Malay students being stupid.
    When they cannot score in their studies, they start blaming others.

    "Leka" is the key word for Malay youth. They will continuously blame the govt for their stupidity.
    Not all are like this though.

    Malays are easily instigated and influenced.

    1. Ramai anak2 muda berwajah Melayu tetapi ramai juga mereka ni asal usul dari keturunan PATI Contoh Mak asal Mak Indon atau ibubapa kacukan India/Melayu/Cina -macam Anwar (darah keturunan India) dan Azizah (dengar kabar dia anak Cina dibela keluarga Melayu).

      Anak sedara saya, bapa dia India (Hindu) convert Islam, kehulu kehilir ikut Keadilan. Ipar saya yang satu lagi suami 2nd generasi dari Pakistan, kuat PAS dan menganut Syiah pulak tu! Darah2 macam ni le yang berlagak lebih Melayu dari Melayu dan mengada2.

      Malays are easily instigated and influenced -
      Kena selidik dulu latar belakang keturunan mereka. Kawasan kami Ayahanda pastikan yang mengaku diri mereka anak Melayu tetapi asal usul dari berketurunan PATI, tak akan berani mengada2 memalukan keturunan Melayu.

    2. mahathir anak lelaki kutty ... nk bg fact pun jgn berat sbelah ...

    3. Yang lagi susah nak faham Melayu tak baca/faham sejarah sendiri. Tok moyang dia dulu sembah Dewi dan Dewa, calit sana sini- cicit duk pikir dia 100% Melayu tulin. Diam2 je lah lagi baik, nanti orang konfem Melayu memang bodoh.

    4. Anon 12:02
      TDM memang darah campuran, tapi terbukti telah berbakti kepada Negara, Bangsa dan Agama.. Kalau tidak masakan during his term even the Chinese and Indians went all out to vote for BN. (Go check past GE performances).

      Negara luar mana yang cuba pelekeh Malaysia dia hentam kaw kaw macam Mat Salleh Australia dulu dia suruh mereka cermin muka sendiri.

      Yang saya sebut diatas (Anwar) dia hegeh2 merayap keluar Negara jumpa makluk asing asyik memburukkan dan mengaibkan Negara sendiri (apakan bodohnya kepala hotak orang macam ni), baru2 saya baca keIndonesia rujuk hal dalaman Malaysia (apakah bodoh punya orang).

      GE13 lebih 4juta memilih gang dia (Pakatan), tak kan sorang pun dia boleh duduk satu meja untuk bincang hal2 dalaman Malaysia? TGNA, LKS or Karpal pun he cannot consult ke?Lekeh sangat ke mereka bertiga ni semua to him? Jenis manusia macam ni nak jadi PM Malaysia? No way Bumiputras will ever accept this sort of person!

  7. .. well said Annie! Buat apalah budak-budak Melayu tu waste their life for a liar like Anwar. Budak-budak tu yg nanti fail exam, Anwar still dapat gaji + allowance buta for being MP. Ketua Pembangkang lagi!

    .. but seriously how can Anwar look at himself in the mirror everyday? Never in the history of Malaya that we have such a consummate liar such as him. DAP leaders are of course closely following his footsteps. Given time, maybe LGE will probably overshadow him!

    1. Could si Berahi be in league with si Dajjal? I mean it's a thought worth pondering .... since the end times-hari qiamat is not too far away ..... Jesus will come back again to kill the Dajjal and then he will govern the world with true justice and loving-compassion.

  8. Budak-budak di demo Anti-505 seperti " Ayam terlepas, tangan terkena cirit". Yang Anwar pula " ludah ke langit, kena muka sendiri ". Anwar bukan peduli " Tergigit Lidah ". Memang " Muka Tebal"

  9. They are smart ... that's why they went for lepak2... ask them anything they have the answer... ask them to study, they will answer you kacang jer.... tunggu lecturer bagi soalan bocor....

  10. Annie, they are just a bunch of 300 or so Malay guys, so you cannot blame all Malays based on these few who claim to be students but how many actually are students. For example, is "student" activist Adam Adli still a student after having been suspended from his university?

    As for different priorities, strengths, weaknesses and inclinations of different ethnic groups, I don't say that's wrong, even though such priorities and inclinations result in the acquisition of skills which are received differently in the current capitalist economy, where art and culture are less valued than money making and technology skills which keep the capitalist economy humming.

    In the Confucian caste system, capitalists - i.e. merchants and traders are ranked the lowest, after peasants and manual labourers who produce wealth in society, whilst merchants just buy and sell the wealth produced and keep the markup without producing anything.

    Above the peasants and workers are the scholars and above them, the Mandarins.

    1. Good reminder "...merchants and traders are ranked the lowest,.." Coz they earned by cheating.

      The same goes to the Chinese shopkeepers in the kampung.

  11. Seriously Annie. Look at those faces in the photos. Imagine sitting down trying to hold an intelligent conversation, discussing philosophy, world history, politics etc...HAHAHAHAHAHAA. While young adults elsewhere in developing countries are rushing at every opportunity trying to get a good education. Working day and studying at nite even cos scholarships are not availble, these anak Melayu generation are wasting their time missing the point and do not know how to invest their youth in working towards a darn good future. Its so PATHETIC!!

  12. Oi Malayu, the DAP Chinese will come make friends with you in another 5 years time, so now u go and lepak first

  13. Oi Melayu, u go back n lepak first, the DAP Chinese will come back n make friends with u in another 5 years time

  14. Saya tak ada apa nak bangkang Annie. Memang betul pun budak2 Melayu ni tidak cerdik. Nak tuntut hapuskan PTPTN, belajarlah rajin2, sehingga boleh di convert ke biasiswa. Kalau dah pengajian tinggi pun nak free, yang paling untung adalah orang yang kaya-raya.
    Inilah anak2 Melayu bodoh macam telur Al-Juburi.



  15. We were driving back from The Pavillion and passed these moron Malays. My mat saleh husband couldn't stop uttering the word 'BODOH' to these Malay monkeys wearing the black out tshirt. He kept saying in his orang putih slang...'muka bodoh, malayu bodoh, muka like monkeys'. What can i say? I am a Malay. Our son is half Malay. Don't get him wrong. He doesn't mean to call all the Malays bodoh. But according to lots of mat salehs, my hubby included, majorities are. In his company which is mat salehs company of course, he tried so hard to help Malays by trying to hire them. But couldn't...even those overseas graduates! He always ended up frustrated. Why? Not smart enough of course. Please lah.... Yg govt dok hantar overseas tu pun bukannya bagus pun, nasib je baik because of the bumiputras punya keistimewaan. Melayu ni perasan je lebih!

    1. Tell your hubby jangan terlalu perasan diri... Mat Sallehs only have white skins but their brains are as grey as ours.. Maybe your husband is not smart enough the very reason why he is here working in Malaysia. Otherwise he should be working in Europe or USA etc.

      We were living in Reading for 15years.. tak cerdik macam mana pon MatSalleh kat UK..

    2. Oh really? Well you also show yourself that you pun tak smart mana pun. You missing the point here. Even the Malays over here saying Malays are stupid! Why are you here reading this in the 1st place? Well it sounds like you also part of the melayu bodoh dok berhimpun Dan merusuh depan parlimen pagi ni lah ye...about my darling hubby who couldn't stop calling these Malays yg dok merusuh berhimpun tgh2 jerebu ni bodoh. Oh so if he's here and not working in the UK and US so it means he's bodoh lah ye? Pandai Nya dok kat ulu mana kat UK tu sampai jadi bebal mcm ni? Or kerja you apa? Kuli petik buah apple? Mmg lah tak semua mat saleh tu pandai. Kena pulak yg kaki minum tu. Eh hubby is a director in a company over here. His company has a branch over here including US, UK, AUS, Netherlands, Switzerland and all round Asia. He happened to meet me while working inhere and we got married. The company is hiring lots of Malaysians. Already hired about close to 150 Malaysians. Paying rm3200 to a smart fresh graduate. No idea how many malaysians they already have with at least rm10000/month for staff below 30s. Wow! so my hubby ni bodoh lah ye offering Malaysians some jobs. And not just that, you made all the mat salehs sound like losers! Wonder why you staying in overseas? It's a loser country don't you think? You should come back and sleep in the tent like bodoh ones in the pic above, If you think you could become smart. Oh since you're already back hopefully, patutlah sound so bebal. Maybe you should post us some photos of you in front of the parliament this morning. :)

    3. And by the way, we have lived in Australia, Hong Kong, US and for several months in Vienna, Austria. None of the Malays that we met in overseas who actually live there sound as bodoh as you.

    4. In any case lah ye, the tech gadgets, Internet, computer that you're using everyday and to post this komen bodoh are also mat salehs stupid inventions. So why don't you chuck them all off and put on your bloody cawat and panjat pokok kat hutan tu ok...melalak depan parlimen buat apa..

    5. Really funny. This blog admin didn't approve my 1st 2 comments in replying to you. Oh well...

    6. I'm not anon 15.46 and can't speak on behalf of him/her. but..why are you so defensive and emotional?

    7. Anonymous24 June 2013 12:58

      too much getting to your head just because you married a Mat Salleh by my observation and reading your comments here.

      Sori Annie, keluar tajuk :P

    8. Anon 18:05,
      All comments for this posting had been approved.

    9. True. That is the reality. Salah UMNO. Malay elites takde masalah. Melayu kebanyakan je masalah.

      Kita tak ada persamaan dah dengan melayu - melayu ni.

      Cina, cina bukit, melayu elites, melayu middle class, melayu kebanyakan.

  16. Annie,
    Do not blame solely on these Bangang,but blame too their parents who made their children kurang ajar and sampah.

  17. TQ for highlighting this Malay mindset. I know u meant well to instigate/provoke their minds not to be dungus...good move! hope they will look at themselves & ask...what has Anwar done for their future??

  18. Anonymous24 June 2013 12:58

    Wow, u sound like those moron Malays yourselves: getting too much to your head just because you are married to a Mat Saleh. I can't help myself putting my comment here as it gets to me this Melayu lupa diri just because tangkap Mat Saleh kaya raya konon! I pon kahwin Mat Saleh dah 20 years whom I met overseas and I have my own observations and reservations on those new trends of 'kahwin Mat Saleh'

    Anyway Annie, now that I have penned my komen yang out of topic (sorry, now I just want to say thank you for your blogging which I had stumbled upon by accident and loving it since. Terbaek and banyak pengajaran utk org melayu though you nvr kondem them irresponsibly.


    1. minah yg kahwin mat salleh tu ckp2 elok2 then korang yg provoke dia.betul le ape yg husband dia ckp tu.salah ke dr pandangan mata husband dia tu???memang ape yg budak melayu tgh buat masa komen tu dibuat sememangnya layak di bodoh2kan.kenapa bila kena btg hidung kita nak marah walaupun ape yg dia ckp tu memang betul.x layak ke dia gelar 'melayu' bodoh pd bdk2 tu di atas perlakuan mereka hanya sbb dia mat salleh.minah ni bukan nak berlagak pon yg husband dia tu bagus sgt tp bila ada anon yg ckp husband dia pun bodoh sedangkan beliau hebat dan lebih hebat sebenarnya dr budak2 melayu yg perasan pandai tu.tolong lah buka mata wahai melayu pandai

    2. dia bukan melayu lupa diri. betul lah ape yg husband dia ckp.then satu anon habaq mai lak husband dia bodoh dia balas le blik sbb husband dia sorang yg boleh dibanggakan berbanding dgn org yg dia bodoh2kan kalau kita x nak dibodoh2kan belajar le jd org yg pandai.
      hanya sbb dia mat salleh so x leh komen apa ke walaupun perlakuan yg dia lihat depan mata tu x beri apa2 manfaat?pls la kwn,cuba lah nasihatkan yg mereka sangka sahabat sebenar2nya sdg berlakon di hadapan mereka tetapi dibelakang mereka, sahabat2 ni sebenarnya memperkatakan yg sama seperti mana mat saleh ni perkatakan.siapa yek 'sahabat2' mereka yg dimaksudkan ni??????

    3. My question is, why every time when someone especially a Malay married to a mat saleh, she/he will automatically be labelled as perasan, berlagak, lupa diri, tak mengaku melayu, berak tak cebok, and so on? But the fact is that, I'm the one (the one yg komen kat atas tu yg buat some people bengang kerana sengaja buat2 tak faham or maybe they are indeed some dungus) yg selalu bela orang melayu whenever we are in overseas and bersusah payah debate dgn Malaysians mostly Chinese yg lupa asal usul mereka bila mereka cuba racunkan otak2 mat saleh2 di luar negara and expats in this country. And again, my husband ni lah yg seriously trying to find some intelligent malays to be hired in his company. Think about this; out of 150 workers, there only less than 10 malays. There are even more Indians than malays. The rest, if not mat salehs, are Chinese! Gaji besar2 pulak tu. While the Chinese are having fun and drinks etc in the air conditioned house, these Malays on the other hand, camping out in the haze - fighting for the Chinese to become Malaysian Prime Minister! Ntah sedar ke tidak melayu2 tu. I really like this part what Annie wrote above..."Nanti orang kata malas, marah pulak. Nanti orang kata bodoh, mengamuk".

    4. Pompuan Melayu perasaan7 July 2013 at 20:27

      Pompuan tu cakap baik-baik mula-mula tapi kita dah tangkap maksud dia nak jual megah dia kahwin dengan Mat Salleh.

      hubby dia peduli apa budak-budak melayu yang lepak tengah jalan. Its a free country man.

      Apa ada kaitan melayu sokong anwar dengan melayu yang hubby dia hire?

      Ini contoh pompuan melayu bodoh. Kalau hubby dia tu betul pandai dia takkan kahwin dengan pompuan melayu bodoh haha....

      No one has the right to call the malays bodoh or what. Who are you? Go to hell. Kalau tak nak bagi kerja who cares. Hubby you lah bodoh bayar 10k pada pekerja bodoh dan tak tahu buat kerja. Betul tak?

      Hubby dia dah hire dan bayar gaji lepas tu merungut bodoh. Siapa yang buat interview? Siapa yang pilih. Kenapa tak fire. Business is not a charity.
      Boleh belah lah... aku pijak muka mat salleh yang kata melayu bodoh..

  19. thanks annie for stating the obvious. i am as malay as can be, and i wholly agree with you. bodoh is just about the right word to describe those idiots camping out in padang merbuk. i could be kinder by saying 'misguided' but heck,why should i..

  20. sama jer,maksalleh ke melayu ke.suamiku pun maksalleh.kekadang dia yang bodoh,kekadang aku yang bodoh. bila kentut,sama saja busuknye beb! bebudak kat negara dia tu pun kekadang bodoh macam budak kita kat merbok tu,selalu gak mereka buat demo.soalnya sekarang ialah macammana nak didik bubudak kita jadi less bodoh ie lebih cerdik.marilah kita sesame put our heads together and try to find solutions to this rather disturbing trend.


  21. semua maknusia ni ada bodoh ada cerdik kalau mat salleh tu cerdik tak de anak luar nikah bersepah sepah kat London tu umur baru 15 tahun dah tolak anak. 15 tahu tu budak lagi tengah dok ngaji tak sekolah bodohlah tu.

  22. bodoh sana, bodoh sini.
    siapa yang cakap bodoh kepada orang lain, maka dialah yang bodoh. dont get me wrong, i have the same opinion for my malay friends. they are, generally in my eyes, not as enthusiastic as other races when it comes to studies.
