Wednesday 19 June 2013

Little bit of brain under their knee caps

Just reached home, did the necessary and now winding down for the night.

I got two fans going at full blast. It's very warm these past few days.

Anyway, I prefer fans rather then air-conditioning as I can't stand air-conditioning at night.

Well, a few political things happened today, but I guess you all probably had read them elsewhere, so that I don't think I really have to write it all here.

Okay, maybe a bit only.

The most significant thing today was of course about DS Anwar Ibrahim confirming that he is a chicken shit leader for not pushing through his threat to boycott the parliament swearing-in ceremony.

You can read it here,

Anwar chickens out, will attend June 24 swearing-in

It effectively rendered his Black 505 protest against the GE13 results to be just a sick joke. By being sworn in as an MP, it effectively means that he agreed with the outcome of the election.

Now, those Pakatan people who still want to turn up at the planned Black 505 rally this weekend must either be real nut cases or simply have their little bit of brain located under their knee caps instead of their skull. They simply follow whatever their leaders say and can't think for themselves as to what is right and what is wrong.

It actually makes me feel sickly thinking of how stupid my fellow Malaysians could be for allowing themselves being conned by the likes of Anwar Ibrahim.

Now, that should do for the politics today. I don't want to get anymore depressed.

Okay, now to more pleasant things before I go to sleep.

I had a very nice dinner with someone before going home.

Just simple seafood fried rice and spinach soup with Chinese tea.

Yes, that's what the spinach soup I had tonight looked like.

He was also very nice to me. We talked only about good things. Nothing about DAP except for his friend who was dumb enough to shave her head in support of the party.

It was so nice that I almost forgot that he is one of the enemies.

Well, it's okay. I think I know now how to control myself when it comes to these sorts of things. I will never be turned to the dark side no matter what.

Every time after I have these nice moments with him, I will remind myself of who I am by exclaiming,

HIDUP MELAYU BERSATU!!! (three times)

Okay...I'm now going to check on the progress of my Game of Thrones at Facebook and then go to sleep. My Facebook account is actually only for playing that game and poker.

Sweet dreams.


  1. They say, opposite attracts and that curiosity kills the cat ... tread carefully Dear Annie

    1. InsyaAllah, I ll be very careful. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Madam, the vegee soup looks really delicious and healthy, it is halal isn't it? Hope the chest pains are gone ... try "Minyak Afiat" by Pakcik Kamaruddin 1924. It's tru-blu Melayu and it really heals. They have the jenis biasa and the jenis hangat, but the biasa works better for me . . . insha Allah.

    1. It's quite halal. Sayur bayam dengan telur je. My chest pain is still lingering a bit. Need to see doctor again for thorough check-up. I will find this Minyak Afiat and give it a try. Thanks very much.

    2. what does "quite halal" mean? Spend more time with your friend and the chest pains will go away. But still, go for the check-up.

  3. man sick of these holier than thou religious psychos where first question will be it halal? Why? bcos if its not you will burn in hell for me?? So sebuk, must be mentally retarded. Mind your own bloody business lah.

  4. As for the sick joker swearing in to uphold the laws of this land: Does anyone know what's the followup findings to the Lahad Datu invasion conspiracy this arrogant guy had his hands in?

    Arrogance and Humbleness:

  5. What to do? It is like the malay who voted UMNO not because they like UMNO but no other choice. Same for the opposition supporters, along as not UMNO, they will support Anwar as there are not many choices.

  6. Brain Under the Knee Cap = Otak kat kepala lutut....hahaha

    Love it...

    :D sarah
