Friday 31 July 2015

Neat things

This is the latest from the ongoing mess,

Claims by Sarawak Report prove a threat to Malaysia’s democracy, says A-G

Well, I'm not feeling well.


No energy to comment on that.

So, you all go to that link, read the story and conclude yourself what is going on.

For entertainment today,  I suggest you all watch my favorite movie of all time, A Man For All Seasons.

The full movie is in YouTube. Go and find it.

I think the movie can help people grow a bit of conscience.

Here are some neat things about it,

Okay, I'm going back to sleep.

Later going to clinic to get medication and MC.

Good day to you all.


  1. The said's crime was not a threat , saying there;s possibilities of crime is a threat .
    Very good interpretation of the law .

  2. Coming from the new AG, it doesn't carry much weight. Yg pegi tukar AG tu buat apa.

  3. Of course Apandi will claim otherwise since he is the new AG, mana tau apa former sacked AG buat. The question of authenticity should be addressed to Gani. Due to Najib's hasty removal of Gani, Sarawak Report claim has more traction than the new AG. Najib and his people's credibility in the eyes of rakyat is currently at ZERO. Najib is turning Malaysia into a lawless cowboy country. Shame on you Najib!

  4. the BIG question mark is the why the haste to terminate Gani's tenure as AG when:
    1. His mandatory retirement is only 2 months away
    2. He is in the midst of a very important investigation with regard to alleged impropriety by the very man who has the power to determine whether he gets to keep his job or not.

  5. Hai Annie ,
    Saya harap baik kamu baca apa yang di tulis oleh A.kadir Jasin dalam entry terbaru beliau saya cuma nak simpulkan disini bahawa negara kita tidak lagi boleh di banggakan kerana diperintah oleh kerajaan seperti dibawah :

    PM - Lagak seperti singa , iaitu terkam saja dengan rakus apa saja wang yang ada dah tak tahu malu dan insaf .

    MENTERI - Lagak seperti serigala , binatang paling licik dan pandai pengampu untuk dapat habuan tak kira haram halal , dah tak ada maruah.

    PIHAK BERKUASA YANG BARU DILANTIK PARA BLOGGER PRO NAJIB MACAI MACAI DAN PENYOKON NAJIB - Ada lah seperti anjing iaitu dah tak penting mana jahat dan baik yang penting daging atau tulang dia boleh diam bila diberi daging akan menyalak dengan kuat bila daging tak diberi tapi kebenaran cuba diketengahkan .

    RAKYAT - Pula dah jadi macam kambing ,iaitu rakyat yang dah tak tahu mana betul mana salah terutama yang malas fikir dan membaca dan yang tak mempeduli hak asasi rakyat , mereka ini cuma tau mengembek saja , dihalau dia mengebek , disembelih pun mengembek .

    1. Macam kau baik sangat. Syiok sendiri.

    2. Hoi anon14.47

      Kamu ni dah terase ke kah kah kah kah.

    3. AKJ ni kan Mamak Bloggers, POTA kan.

  6. Waktu burung hidup ia makan semut; apabila burung mati maka semut makan dia. Sebatang pokok mampu menerbit seratus ribu batang mancis; tapi sebatang mancis dapat mencetus pembakaran ribuan batang pokok.

    Nasib dan keadaan boleh bertukar dalam sekelip mata: Janganlah menghina atau menyeksakan sesiapa pun. Awak mungkin berkuasa pada hari ini, tapi jangan lupa pertukaran Masa itu lebih dahsyat daripada kamu.

  7. The trouble is most don't believe whatever the government says now. Too much evasive answers, asinine bodek statements etc.

  8. excuse me please are you the Headstrong Bogeysman? ....

  9. Zahid: Full brunt of law to be used against Sarawak Report

    Last, definitely, absolutely last warning tsu

  10. i just watched the video you posted and i cant understand anything,and about the growing some conscience oh shit

  11. berita gempar syed keling of OSTB telah ditangkap polis dirumahnya sebentar tadi, harap maklum!

    1. JMD pun senyap.....kena cekup ke

  12. ooopsss ralat! maaf berita palsu, aku pun macam syed keling gak suka buat predictions melulu. lol
