Sunday 19 October 2014

I want to touch a pig, Dyana denied touching other things

Today there was an event called "I want to touch a dog" at the One Utama shopping Complex in PJ.

It was organized for those who want to overcome their fear of dogs.

At least that was how it was publicized.

The media went gaga about it.

Well, it was not because a lot of dog fearing people managed to overcome their fear of dogs after attending the event, but rather because many Malay Muslims turned up to pet the dogs at the event.

I believe most of these Malay Muslims are not afraid of dogs but rather have not been touching dogs because their religion put quite a bit of hassle for them to clean up after that.

Kena samak - basuh dengan air tanah.

That is how it should be according to the traditional Islamic interpretation on the matter.

I actually have no problem touching a dog.

To me it is no big deal. I pet a dog almost any other day.

But for most, I guess it was a big deal to see Muslims touching a dog.

Wow! Muslim girl in tudung patting a dog! Amazing!

That seems the way the media was reporting the event.

Malay Mail,
Squeals and giggles abound as Malays get acquainted withdogs

Malaysian Chronicle,
POSITIVE ISLAM! Helping Muslims get over fear of dogs a HUGE HIT!

The Star,
Touching success at dog show for Muslims 

and my favorite is this one by Rakyat Post,
'I received hate messages' says dog event organiser 

It's my favorite because of this part:
Among them was Yazlina Yazid, 48, who attended the event with her husband and their two dogs, Ayoub and Atan.
“This is a wonderful event and through this, we can see that all Malaysians, including the Malays, are kind and compassionate, even to animals."

we can see that all Malaysians, including the Malays, are kind and compassionate...

What? It needs the Malays to pet a dog to be seen as kind and other Malaysians, is it?

By the way, why does it that the Malay names of the Malay lady's dogs were mentioned but the name of her husband was not deemed necessary to be reported? Weird isn't it?

Never mind.

Malays in a way are quite pathetic sometimes.

Okay, I hope some one can organize a "I want to touch a pig" event after this.

I also hope many Malay Muslims will turn up to touch the pigs so that others will see them as being even more kind and other Malaysians.

Honestly, I have never touched a pig before.

In fact, I also haven't touched a lot of other things....hahaha...okay, one at a time. 

As for other stories about touching, touching, you all can read this report by the best selling English newspaper in the country The Star, complete with a picture :

Zairil Khir, Dyana on passionate photos: ‘It's gutter politics’

Ini mesti Umno punya kerja...hahahaha...


  1. why the need to touch a dog? isnt this a hassle as we need to pray every few hours and where do we get clean earth for samak anyway? I hope muslims especially those so called liberal n modern dont take this lightly. Yes, touch a dog if u desire it so much but make sure u are thoroughly clean for prayers n most important respect others around you.

    1. You samak only when you get in touch with dog's saliva.

    2. Anonymous20 October 2014 07:16,

      Actually, not just saliva, a Muslim must samak only if either you or the animal (pigs and dogs) or both are wet, for example your hands are wet and you touched a dog, then must samak. If both you and the animal are dry, then there is no need. I was also told that soapy water can replace air tanah, but the repetitions stays the same.

      I really don't understand the basis of such an event. Is the organiser trying to insinuate that muslims should overcome their misconceptions about dogs and pigs, so that they won't be afraid to vote for DAP? Maybe they should also organise other events like "I want to touch a sodomite" or " I want to touch gay people" or " I want to touch other people's a**holes", so that we will be more inclined to vote for PKR.

      Don't worry about PAS, Mat Sabu already said that he's willing to eat pork and perhaps Khalid Samad can supply the beers every month, not just in October.

      I know there are a lot of idiots in Selangor but I never realise it is this bad.


    3. Hahaha, hohoho, bloody good one, Pwincess. More, please.

      "they should also organise other events like "I want to touch a sodomite" or " I want to touch gay people" or " I want to touch other people's a**holes" - I like those. And do Chinese tsunami-like, touch their a**holes but don't vote Pakatoon.

      "Mat Sabu already said that he's willing to eat pork"? That's interesting - I missed that one. He and Khalid Samad are not just idiots, they have their brains in Anwar's a**hole.

    4. Anonymous20 October 2014 17:52,

      It was reported that Mat Sabu said that, something like he's more willing to eat pork with DAP than eating chicken with UMNO. I'm not surprise at all as he had also said that the communists terrorising Tanah Melayu in the past. Yet, orang-orang Islam dalam PAS angkat dia sebagai Timbalan Presiden. Stupid don't you think?


  2. You have subtle way to talk about touching :-D

    1. I like to touch things soft and tender. Cannot get, frustrating, hehe

  3. Hi Annie... I am a Malay Muslim. I came from a rural area in Terengganu. Dogs were part of my growing up years. My family had them as protectors because our house quite far from the nearest neighbour. We didnt pet them but we did play with them by throwing stick and stuff. We only performed samak when their wet nose, or tongue touched us. If both dogs and us were dry, we didnt do samak. One more thing, during Rasulullah time, dogs were used to hunt, and it was halal to eat meats from the hunting involving dogs. If I'm not mistaken there's hadith about this.

    1. yes dogs are allowed to be kept as guard dog for safety reasons and for hunting. but not as pet.

    2. It's not in the hadith, it's in the Quran

  4. He..he.. usik janggut, urut-urut annie...

    Orang Melayu bukan takut atau benci anjing. Bulu kering ok je. Bulu basah dan air liur nya? Ini lah najis mughaladzah (Najis berat). Memang boleh samak tetapi rumit. Masaalah nya, mesti di buat secara teliti kerana melibatkan SOLAT yang wajib bersuci kebersihan fizikal dan rohaniah.

    Umpama TIDAK MANDI WAJIB ! Sah kah solat nya ? Ini bukan perkara main-main dalam Islam.

    Agama lain boleh saja.Lepas jimak, usik anjing, usik dan makan babi atau anjing, minum arak, buat zina, tiada mandi wajib kemudian terus masuk gereja, kuil buat ritual agama. Ok saja bukan ? Amalan ini TIDAK BOLEH dalam Islam ! Jika datang haid haram pula masuk masjid ! Orang-Orang Pas tergamak menjemput bukan Islam perempuan tanpa tutup aurat, memberi ceramah di dalam kawasan mimbar masjid ! Nauzubillahminzalik...

    Bila memeluk Islam, perkara jelas ialah Hukum Hakam. Secara asas, Wajib, Makruh, Sunat dan Mubah. Setiap satu ada dalil nya. Setiap dalil ada sandaran Sunnah Nabi. Setiap Sunnah ada Suruhan dan Amalan nya bersandarkan Al Quran. Al Quran (Qalam Allah) datang dari Allah dan bukan ciptaan manusia dan Qalam
    Allah ini tersedia tempat nya bila di 'angkat' kembali setelah cukup nisab nya, tanda nya hampir kiamat, bertempat di LuhMahfuz.

    Satu-satu nya Al Quran yang sama di turunkan, dari mula di turunkan 30 juzuk tidak sedikit pun di ubah atau berbeza sehingga kini, hari ini ; di rujuk sepenuh nya oleh Umat Islam yang 1.3 bilion pengikut nya di dunia dan beratus "liion" lagi di alam ghaib !

    Orang yang benar- benar beriman atau mukmin (dalam keadaan ini ada tujuh peringkat maqam yang di capai sesetengah orang) penilaian nya hanya dari segumpal HATI ( Haq Allah ) dan dari amalan kita seharian (melaksana sebaik mungkin perintah Allah SWT) ia itu kepatuhan hakiki hati, akal jasad dan rohani demi menentukan tahap-tahap keimanan kita sebagai hamba yang juga khalifah Allah SWT di muka bumi ini.

    Jadi nya, annie (sedikit ilmu hujung di hujung kuku sahaja ) sudah menjadikan kita menggeletar, jika kita penuh mengerti apa itu keimanan yang bersaksikan lafaz syahadah Orang-Orang Islam.

    Nilai lah sendiri jika ada penganut Islam yang SUKA kemungkaran, menyanggah perintah Tuhan ! Di peringatkan, orang Islam yang membela anjing di rumah, dan menjadikan anjing itu begitu hampir dengan nya (jadi binatang kesayangan) maka malaikat tidak akan dekat atau masuk rumah nya... ini bererti TIADA rahmat Allah SWT. Pernah annie rasakan perasaan, alabila memasuki rumah saudara Islam, lantas annie merasa nyaman, aman dan tenteram ? Jika ada, ini lah rahmat Allah. Tetapi AWAS jangan tertipu pula dengan mainan syaitan ! Ia seakan serupa dan hakikat nya memang perasaan ini tidak sama di sesuatu tempat lain !

    Ok, berbalik kes anjing. Dalam keadaan darurat, binatang ini terseksa atau teraniaya, menjadi WAJIB kepada Umat Islam membantu dan merawat nya pula sehingga pulih atau lepas dari siksa nya. Setakat itu sahaja dan tidak berlebih-lebih sehingga di jadikan teman tidur...

    Orang Islam yang mengenali Agama nya tidak tergamak mempersendakan Allah SWT kerana sudah belajar penghayatan ilmu-ilmu NYA. Menjadi syirik dan munafik
    besar jika tegar seada nya....

    1. Yang nyata dalam Islam, tak masalah. Itu pun, kata Greek Lecturer, Translator, Interpreter and Commentator of the Qur'an, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, bahasa yang di gunakan dalam Qur'an itu ia lah ancient Arabic, tidak senang di faham, itu sebab dia tulis beribu mukasurat commentaries bagi terjemahan dan interpretasi nya. Siapa yang minat, boleh bei tahu di sini. Saya ada buku tejemhan dan komentari nya itu, boleh beri apa yang di kata nya di atas perkara perkara yang ada dalam indeks nya.

      Hadith pulak, ada berjuta. Ada professor kata dalam buku nya bahawa Imam Al Bukhari saja kumpulkan 600,000 Hadith, dia hafal ha nya 200,000, dalam kitab nya dia menyebut hanya tak sampai 6,000 Hadith, Tapi ada professor yang kata tidak bermakna yang 594,000 lain itu boleh di ketepikan.

      Ada pulak yang lain yang telah mengumpul Hadith - contoh nya, Muslim dan Sayuti. Jadi, jumlah Hadith saya fikir lebih kurang sejuta. Ada yang di panggil Hadith Sahih. Saya tak tahu jika yang lain tak sahih. Masalah nya, saya fikir tidak ada orang Islam yang boleh ingat semua Hadith. Bukhari yang kerja nya memungut Hadith di zaman dahulu pun hafal 200,000 sahaja. Jadi, sesiapa yang menyebut Hadith pasal pegang anjing, mandikan anjing dsbnya, kena sebut Sahih nya,

    2. maae,

      usik janggut, urut-urut is not touching. That's love making with the janggut ..

  5. What I was taught, ok to touch a dog if dry. Samak only if wet e.g dog's saliva.

    SaIiva usually no good. Even human saliva, especially of gay people - may have HIV virus. Yukkk. Even non-gay, if no brush teeth, yukk. Even brushed teeth but smelly, yukkk. Even not smelly, if loud mouthed, the fellow may want to blow into you, haha.

    Touch pig is too much. Muslims simply not allowed under any circumstances. The reasoning is: pig is dirty, in ancient times, got disease. In modern times, no disease, but the rule stays. Muslims cannot argue. Just like Catholic Christians cannot welcome gays - Vatican said so yesterday, cannot argue any more. Anwar angry.

    1. Agree, if in desert etc, no other food, only pork, may die if not eat, can eat the pork even.

      I am a Muslim, have eaten pork - by accident, taken the wrong pau in a rush at the shop with other boys during school excursion in Cameron Highlands long ago. Couldn't remember the samak procedure our Religious Teacher (boarding school) told us - 1-2 others also kena.

      Another time, group travel to US, organizer already told the airline, they already put Kosher food (no pork) label on our seats, but the luscious beef steak was tied (not seen until after half way eating) by something we didn't know what, turned out to be pig intestine or what. One pious Tan Sri was fuming, one younger group member sitting beside me scolded me for saying as we didn't know it was pork, no need to grumble about it half way from Hawai to San Francisco, telling me it had become his darah daging, pointing to his hand, his face red with anger.

      The flight staff of the jumbo airline came apologizing, bowing down deep and repeatedly, saying sorry endlessly, from the Stewardess to the Chief Steward, to the fella ranked "Purser" or something he didn't pronounce clearly under the circumstances.

      Eaten by accident ok innit?

    2. How many times do you wash your hands after touching your mothers stinky aurat and is it halal?

  6. Tambahan sikit dar komeni Maae, sesungguhnya jika sudah tiada makanan hanya ada babi, dibenarkan orang muslim memakan babi dlm keadaan darurat sehingga terdapat makanan lain maka babi menjadi haram semula. Wallahu a'lam

  7. Since you put picture of a pig. I suppose it'd be ok to talk about dog eating. Wonder. how it tastes. Whether dog meat the same taste as pork.

    In the Philippines they eat dog because of poverty. Really pitiable conditions in the Manila slums. Living in shacks and shanties. They are Catholics and not allowed birth control. Hungry children all over the place. Hardly tasting meat or fish for long stretches of time. Stray dogs around. So the dogs conveniently and out of necessity become food. And less stray dogs there I imagine.

    But in China dogs are eaten as normal food by some Chinese. I'm told the Khek clan eat dogs. And practically all animals. I'm not sure whether this is true. I haven't checked this with the Chinese I know. But I saw one documentary about the eating of rare animals in Hong Kong. And mention of eating of fresh monkey's brain that's knocked out of a monkey as it dances to death. Oooo, sounding gruesome.

    Well, one man's meat is another man's poison. What's good for the goose may not be good for the gender. Talking of goose, brings me to goose liver pate. A highly sought-after delicacy among the French. They say they will never have enough of goose liver pate for all the geese in China.

    I have never tasted it. Even if I have, I don't even remember how it tasted. I'm not a connoiseur (lazy to check the spelling), not very discriminating of food. Simple man's taste. I like beef steak, though. And Korean barbeque. Though not Japanese sushi and shashimi. Even from the best and most expensive tuna the Japanese catch themselves or import. Strange, the vast difference in the price of tuna that I saw in one documentary.

    1. It's spelt "con a sir", haha.

      Feeling jovial this morning.

      Who said anything about Black Monday?

  8. Hahaha, "Dyana denied touching other things." Can we suggest a few of those "things"?

    Maybe Lim Kit Siang's leather pouch. Containing his diary, mini camera, mini tape recorder, maybe even a gun? Maybe old fashioned, dunno to use a mobile phone with camera, taping facilities, hehe. Wonder if he has a bodyguard. Apart from Dyana.

    1-2 of you might have been thinking Viagra in the leather pouch. But the man may be still strong. Tun Dr Mahathir told him to retire a few times, he still is always up and about, going strong. How to retire with Dyana around. Who says being an old politico has no perks. No matter if Dyana does touching or not.

    1. Mo matter if the mind is willing, the limbs are not. The fifth limb I'm talking about, hehe

  9. There are certain things if you don't touch, you might die askance. Huge regret. A certain pen. Not anything the size of a pen - very disappointing if that thing is the size of a pen - but a real pen. One that Obama signs treaties with. One of many that he signs each treaty with. One for all the letters in his name.

    I simply find it peculiar that big guns in US often do that. The signature may appear fake, man. Unusual strokes, not of the kind that might be exhilirating and heavenly in certain situations. But false strokes. Broken up moves. Stuccuto, not smooth and continuous strokes. Forgery. Treaties may be broken and countries go to war!

    Lucky for those who got one of those during the last Obama Malaysia visit. Maybe not treaty signing. But some other signing.

    1. Not pens used by Tokong LIm, ok. Those used for signing tipu agreements, racist instructions and biadap statements.

  10. I don't think the dog touching event is a sign of liberalism among the Malays. The male Malay bloke who spoke for it in the newspapers was later reported as saying he was bombarded by many hate messages on his phone.

    It may be a case of attention seeking. Many people do that. Alvin Tan and Viviene did it in seditious, immoral and illegal ways, now blasting each other.

    But I have some respect for that man (was it a woman) in Kedah who news reports said looked after stray dogs. And have sympathy for him when the Municipality asked him to clear out of the State land he and the animals he was looking after illegally occupied.

  11. 1. I want to touch a dog. Jom baca hukumnya:-

    2. Pelihara Anjing Untuk Keselamatan, Buru, Bukan Dibelai - Fathul Bari:-

    3. Perlukah BerKempen Pegang NAJIS? :-

    1. Buku by Fathul Bari ok. Not by Aziz Bari. Be bluffs, for Anwr Al Juburi.

  12. Dear Annie,

    One would have to wonder as to why this is done now? October fest, now event to pat a dog. A liltle to convinient if you ask me.

    Seems like they want to provoke the malay if you ask me. Here i would agree with halen ang, they always do this, baling batu sembunyi tangan. Next time, I would like my fellow people to do or provoke with the same degree and we can all play innocent and say we meant good.

    Yes freedom of every damn thing, but ´why practice it to hurt others? u guys got brain?

    sorry im provoked. If i felt like this, so does majority malay. And had them bothered to care, they would know.

    1. That's why must retain the Sedition Act. Help shout out that as often as possible, as long as Najib has not announced retaining it.

    2. You mean some Chinese were behind this Pat a Dog event?

      You are probably right!

      What do you suggest we do in return?

    3. I agree with 9:25 that this Pat a Dog events shows the the Sedition Act must be retained.

    4. We talk about the history of China. 5,000 years, the largest country at one time, the most populous until now, treated as a pariah by the West, advanced only 1-2 decades ago. Yet Najib wants developed nation day after to morrow.

      The Chinese in Malaysia should not angry. We talking about China. Even Ambiga say they are not pendatang. They just menjelma into this country. Maybe use the word "penjelma" from now on?

      Naaah, who cares about the lawyer who breaks laws, demo-ing without Police permit before the PAA. She got shown the bontot by the group of veterans in front of her house.

      Lucky Anwar did not join in. He always got attracted by bontots.

    5. When Ibrahim Ali says to the Malay ,'if you are given a bible or any christian propaganda ,just burn it', the whole evangelist group scream without stooping until now , probably to their last breath .

      Gerakan (BN component) member from Johore told the Gerakan National conference that Malay are also Pendatang ,so there is no such things as Bumiputra ,everyone with equal status .

      Continues provocation to the Malay and Muslim ,just curious how it's will end.

    6. Yeah, tebing tinggi, those blokes make hell of an issue about Ibrahim Ali's statement, especially the pro-Pakatoon so-called news portals, which are neither news nor portals but full of half truths, twists and spins. Aided by the Google blokes who are pro-DAP and Pakatoon, maybe planted in there to put out s many pro-Pakatoon news as possible in the Google News page. .

      Yet Ibrahim said "'if you are given a bible or any christian propaganda," then burn it. Bloody justifiable because the laws that have been enacted pursuant to Article 3 of the Constitution pertaining to Islam being "the religion of the Federation" say it is wrong to proselytize Muslims. So, if they attempt to do so, burn what they "offer".

    7. Utter nonsense what is said by the Gerakan bloke from Johore telling Gerakan National conference that Malays are also Pendatang. That's the trouble with buggers who don't know history, don't like to read history, were not required to learn history at schools.

      Thanks to TS Muhyiddin, he made History compulsory in schools beginning in 2013. Then the lawyer who broke laws by demo-ing without Police permit before the PAA, didn't like the word pendatang on them written in school text books or whatever. There's one earlier comment I think, saying they should now be called "pensampai" or "penjelma" and perhaps ask another batch of veterans to show their bontots to her like done during the Bersih episode.

      Been already told in the earlier comment such Ambiga blokes (the word is neutral gender!) should read the books "The Malay Civilization" and "Tamadun Alam Melayu" published by the Historical Society of Malaysia, available at Wisma Sejarah, opposite IJN, KL.

      The Malays originated in, and have been moving in and out of the Gugusan Pulau Pulau Melayu - which includes Peninsular Malaysia - for the last 6,000 years and the Orang Aslis belong to the Rumpun Melayu.

    8. Anon 17:52,

      re , The trouble with buggers who don't know history.

      Najib says ,SJKC dijamin dialam pelembagaan, what type of history they learned in SJKC ?.

  13. I think, after this they will be organizing, I want to touch a cock.

    1. Hahaha. hohoho, hihihi

      Hen cock or Teresa Kok.

      Tell me if it's the latter. I wanna join in. If you are female, don't touch, just catch her, and after catching, step aside, will ya.

    2. Am afraid of touching a cat just bcos of bulu kucing can make my nose running. Out of curiosity, anyone out there wants to organize 'I Want To Touch your Pussy' campaign? Please invite as many female and male to the program.

  14. I'm with PASman, the chap who wrote in Malay. PASmen know a lot of hukums but why do their bosses still insist on being in PR? Where does it say you can form a coalition with kafirs and liberals to bring down fellow muslims? Come up with a sahih dalil please or forever bicker

    1. And the stupid pas leaders have to prove that where in ISLAM allow them to accuse their fellow Muslim as KAFIRS.

    2. Bloody good point, bro.

      Keep saying those, will you.

      UMNO will welcome PAS to work together.

      No need to "join". Just work together.

  15. By Marina Mahathir:

    Today it is difficult to speak publicly in any intelligent manner because it is the unintelligent and the belligerent who rule. On university grounds, grounds where the intellect should reign, a man can blithely say that if LGBTs take over this country (despite there being no evidence whatsoever of this happening), he would not hesitate to take his keris out and use it. In other countries, such a pronouncement would elicit immediate arrest. But no, in this self-proclaimed moderate country, such violent arrogance is applauded.

    What is the point of promoting any sort of science in this country when basic evidence is never respected? When anyone can come up with the most dubious statements without any facts to back it up? A full 30% of men in this country are gay, according to someone, and this is a danger to the country. What does this mean? Does that mean that out of the 28 men in our Cabinet, at least nine of them are gay? Out of the 13 Muftis making fatwas around the country, 4 of them are homosexual? If a full 30% of Malaysian men prefer their own sex, they also make a sizeable voting bloc. Why alienate them?

    But there is no longer any point in talking sense or logic in this country. The less logic you speak, the more popular you are. The less facts you present, the more you are lauded. Better still, the more incorrect facts you give, invented out of thin air, the more you dazzle your followers.

    1. Dear Anon 09:24
      I do welcome your comments in this blog, but please try not to cut and paste. I would prefer for you use your own words. I'm letting this through though as it's not too long.

    2. Perhaps those accompanied by the commenter's comments may be allowed (damn it, always the spelling prompter comes out for the word commenter. Woi you bloody Englais, why can't we use that word?)

      However, support that too long and all only c&p, a no no.

  16. It's worth listening to Dr M, but listening to his estranged daughter is a waste of time. That's tell about the quality of that great man in bringing up his children.

    1. Agree with you fully. Don't even want to comment on what's said by the botch (look now the spelling prompter doesn't come out).

      This attention-seeking, highly complex-stricken botch just wants to say things for the sake of it. Because she is TDM's daughter and sounding liberal, thestar gave her a column. Sheet writing. (Again no spelling prompter).

      You see, she is pally pally with Rosmah and Shahrizat since TKC days. Rosmah got to be a PM's wife, Shahrizat got to be a Minister and a cow condo wife. Both always in the news.

      Marina got status only a Mat Salleh Hotel manager's wife. Grand, having landed a Mat Salleh in bed. Living in a hotel. 500-1,000 sq ft space or what. Angry with the father for some family issue I also read somewhere, not nice to repeat in public out of respect for TDM.

      So, Marina got complex stricken lah. One sure way to get attention is to talk songsang.

      Liberal my foot.

    2. If that touching2 photos of the Dap couple turns out to be genuine, where will Marina M hide her face after giving Dyana glowing tribute about being an inteligent, principled and matured women for her choice of joining Dap. Now the choice does not seem to based on principle but based on touching2. Hihihihi

  17. Apa yang kita nak ambil berat sangat tentang permainan kafirun yang mempersendakan agama kita. Isn't the devils are made up of the jin kind and the mankind.The syaitan made up of the mankind promote evils. Stick to what we believe in .Be a good Muslim .Always remember Satan of the mankind uses evil people to get to you. So avoid them.So jangan susah hatilah.Mereka memang nak hancorkan kita dan ada pula dikalangan kita yang menyangka diri mereka begitu hebat 'kononya dialah yg paling logical dalam dunia ini .Kita disuruh bertakwa ,maka bertakwalah .Usah peduli mereka langsung.Kita jalankan kehidupan harian kita sebaik yg mungkin.

  18. First:

    Put another campaign - "I want to touch Zairil Khir" (ops, done that according to viralled photos.

    Due to success of "I want to touch a dog" (hey why only focused on muslim), next time the organizer can do a similar campaign but do also invite our foreign workers for 'certain countries' where dogs are their meat! See how they 'choose' the dogs for their meal!

    1. Agreed, Anon 11:18, excellent idea. Hope to see you head the movement!

      Let them feel what is provokation.

    2. It happened! In some places in Malaysia where there are Vietnamese workers, there are no stray dogs even stray cats; pet dogs and cats not excluded. Wonder why?

      Next time, invite them as well in the campaign!

  19. "Honestly, I have never touched a pig before. In fact, I also haven't touched a lot of other things....hahaha...okay, one at a time."

    Frankly, it's all relative! it depends who you are, what's your values and what you're touching. Would you pat a wolf? An innocent pig wouldn't. Why do keep eating them?

  20. Dyana is in her late 20s. This is the age when most women will be desperate to look for a partner to touch a be touched. If the photos are really hers, there is no surprise in how she behaved. She could be another ostazah, a GRO or just an ordinary office worker. But, I think there is no need to publicised their romantic interlude, except that if they are practicing muslims, they shouldn't be doing that, let alone take selfies. Those voting for them are the real morons.

    1. Who said Zairil is a practicing Muslim? Has any one seen him attend Friday prayers? Ever? Or enter a mosque? At any time?

      Tokong Lim maybe. His underling what'sthename woman last time got verbally walloped delivering a speech from near the Mimbar in baju kebaya but without tudong.

  21. I grew up with dogs.And we learnt early on how to cleanse ourselves if we touched the wet parts of the dog...My question is this...How is it that the Quran does not specifically identify the dog as a haram animal...the pig is clearly identified as haram...but there are favourable verses in the Quran regarding the dog...My other issue are the it haram to doubt them...after all they were collected and compiled 300 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. By humans...faithful but doubt is because in 300 years it is nearly impossible to retain verbatim would be a MIRACLE to encapsulate the original message without any taint of embellishment, exaggeration and cultural bias...

    1. No, it is not "prohibited" to doubt the authenticity of hadith narrations concerning Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. That is why we have an entire body of literature built upon the science of collating and authenticating prophetic hadith - known as "muthala'ah hadith" The Quran for example, is a thoroughly authenticated collation of scriptural verses passed down through very numerous chains of human transmitters since its revelation up until today - indeed it belongs to the genre of "mutawwatir hadith" hence its established authenticity.

      You can't say the same for the Christian Bible scripture. Biblical scholars the world over are unanimous in pronouncing this collection of books as undependable records. For example the blood atonement of the risen Christ for all the Sins of Humanity in the Paulinian gospels are not the teachings of Jesus the Messiah.

    2. KuGaris,

      Mind telling us the Surah and verse of the Quran stating favourable verses in the Quran regarding the dog. I wanna learn about that. Sincerely.

      Hadith - people go by the "Sahih"ness of the Hadith. I suppose if Sahih Al Bukhari, more significant. Anyone here would like to input statements by authoritative sources there?

    3. 15:36,

      Good comment there.

      Would you say something about the opinion of the Muslim Professor who says in his book that, while Kitab Al Bukhari contains slightly less than 6,000 Hadiths of the 600,000 he is on record as having collected, the rest of the 594,000 Hadiths cannot be disregarded or put aside.


    4. I understand the criteria of selectivity has been the subject of controversy amongst scholarly circles, both orientalists as well as muslims.
      Imam al-Bukhari's collection of ahadith was maintained to be authentic on account of his authority, and it has been maintained as authentic ever since. The missionaries' assertion, that Imam al-Bukhari regarded almost 99% of his own collection as spurious, is among the most rash and foolhardy statements ever dared by Christian missionaries. On the contrary, the 7,397 refers to the number of hadiths that Imam al-Bukhari chose to include in his Al-Jami` (The Collection) and left out many authentic narrations or hadith from his vast collection out of concern about their excessive lengths. My knowledge about the subject is not that of the specialist but I would reason that among the 99 % of Bukhari's filtered collection there could be material of importance depending on what one is searching for, and of course a lot of repetitions and also stuff from unreliable human sources. One couldn't pronounce in general terms across the board that Bukhari's unpublished collection can not certainly be disregarded, without due qualifications and specificity of purpose.

    5. Remember!
      When Islam was brought over the Nusantara by the Arabian seafarers, it's civilization was on a decline. That was about 500 year ago and they came here to trade. Beside Religion, there must be 'worldly' interest involved too, then.

      1. Bishop Desmond Tutu: When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land'.

      2. Outsyed the Box : No Money No Religion.

      Even today, people trade religion for political gains (or is it powers which also means, MONEY).

      On second thought, maybe a more purest and dynamic form of Islam can be found in China, which have Mosque over 1400 years old, almost about the same period of the Prophet. Yea, it's was brought over there by the Arabs traders too. But it's more original. Don't you think so?

    6. Roman Catholic Church was the offshoot of Roman Imperialism, and the Christian Bible has been revised so many times throughout history by various special-interest groups of people.

    7. Kugaris,
      Pembukuan hadith diperintahkan oleh Umar bin Abdul Aziz khalifah kerajaan bani Umayyah (tahun 99-101Hijr). dan perintah diamanahkan kepada gabenornya Abu Bakar bin Muhamad bin Amrubin Hazm. (Mana mu dapat 300 tahun selepas Nabi Saw wafat? , agaknya tahun Bukhari/Muslim hidup).
      Diantara ulama2 besar yg membukukan hadith ialah Abu Bakar,Muhammad ibn Muslim, Ibn Ubaidillah Ibn Syihab al-Zuhri seorg tabi'in yg terkemuka dlm ilmu fiqh dan hadith (51-124Hijr).
      mudah2an memberi manfaat. Wallahu a'lam.

    8. Selepas al-zuhri barulah ulama2 lain membukukan hadith. Seperti:
      1. Di mekah Ibn Juraih (80-150H)
      2. Di madinah Ibn Ishaq (150H), Maluk bin Anas (93-179H)
      3. Di Basrah Al-Rabi' bin Sabih (160H)
      4. Di Kufah Sufyan al-Thauri(161H)
      5. DiSyam Imam al-Auza'i (157H)
      6. Di Khurasan Abdul Rahman Ibn Mubarak (181H)
      7.Yaman Mu'ammar bin Rasyad (95-153H).

      Mudah2an manfaat. Wallahu a'lam

  22. Kempen sentuh anjing.Nama organizer dia hebat dari keturunan Nabi saw. Tapi buat kerja yg busukkan nama Nabi.acara ini hanyalah untuk mencairkan sensitiviti org islam terhadap perkara2 haram.Agenda halus pengaruhi fahaman liberalisme kedalam pemikiran org islam.
    Cuba tengok gambar tu, bilamasa kamu nak samak semua satu badan yg dah kena anjing tu, mudah ke? Adakah kamu peluk mak bapak kamu macam tu setiap hari?

  23. Bagi orang Islam, ada satu panduan daripada hadith nabi (boleh cari sanad dia - kategori sahih):

    An-Nu’man bin Basyir berkata, “Saya mendengar Rasulullah saw. bersabda, ‘Yang halal itu jelas dan yang haram itu jelas, dan di antara keduanya terdapat hal-hal musyabbihat (syubhat / samar, tidak jelas halal-haramnya), yang tidak diketahui oleh kebanyakan manusia. Barangsiapa yang menjaga hal-hal musyabbihat, maka ia telah membersihkan kehormatan dan agamanya. Dan, barangsiapa yang terjerumus dalam syubhat, maka ia seperti penggembala di sekitar tanah larangan, hampir-hampir ia terjerumus ke dalamnya. Ketahuilah bahwa setiap raja mempunyai tanah larangan, dan ketahuilah sesungguhnya tanah larangan Allah adalah hal-hal yang diharamkan-Nya. Ketahuilah bahwa di dalam tubuh ada sekerat daging. Apabila daging itu baik, maka seluruh tubuh itu baik; dan apabila sekerat daging itu rusak, maka seluruh tubuh itu pun rusak. Ketahuilah, dia itu adalah hati.’” (HR. Bukhari)

    Pokoknya di sini tentang bela atau pegang anjing, hukumnya tidak jelas tapi ulama telah beri garis panduan berdasarkan syariat Islam demi UNTUK MENJAGA AGAMA.

    Golongan yang memperjuangkan liberalism sekarang tidak akan usik perkara yang jelas haram telah mereka akan perjuang perkara yang hukumnya adalah samar dan tidak jelas sedangkan perkara ini yang boleh menghampiri haram. Nabi dah ajar, sebaik-baiknya jauhi perkara yang tak jelas untuk menjaga kehormatan diri dan agama.

    Tapi sekarang, orang dah mula personal hadith nabi; mana nak jaga kerhormatan diri sendiri apalagi menjaga agama sendiri? Apakah niat sebenar yang tersirat menganjurkan orang Islam pegang anjing?

    1. Yang promosi pegang atau peluk anjing itu samada dia

      a. Si Duggul tak banyak pengtahuan agama tapi nakkan nama dan publisiti

      b. Di eksplotasi depa anti-Melayu dan anti-Islam yang nak mecah belahkan ummat Islam, saperti DAP

      c. Secara sedar (di upah dsbnya) atau tak sedar (secara syiok sendiri) menjadi ejen Yahudi Zionis yang bertujuan melemahkan ummat Islam di seluruh dunia

      d. Secara sedar atau tak sedar di sodok bontot nya dek Anwar Al Juburi yang mahu apa sahaja kucar kacir asalkan dapat kuasa, dan benda Allah saperti Marina Mahathir yang pan... nya melelas di godeh depa yang liberal konon nya.

  24. My Grandfather bela Anjing jaga rumah, no big deal. 'Kena samak - basuh dengan air tanah ,mean if the dog wet then must was properly now got Sabun campur tanah pi beli saja kat supermaket. Why are this thing making round as a big deal, nak pegang babi pun pegang lah tapi janagan lupa hukum kena samak basuh ye. I just am fed up with all htis . Hey we are already 57 years MERDEKA and prove to live harmaneously amount others. Lets stay UNITED and build the country forward, Come on man, Octoberfest, Pegang cacing ka kucing ka apa saja all are non issues. Better watch Akadami fantasia terhibur sikit

    1. Wat u tok one? Kalau semua orang buat, nanti tak cukup sabun, tak cukup tanah amacam? (hehe, stupid comment deserves another lorr).

      Aiseh, lu tatak tau ka 57 years Merdeka, got so-called citizens still cannot talk BM what. Yap Tien Sin Dong Zong administrators of Chinese schools saying "multi nations within a nation" nonsense, keep to themselves, not mixing with mainstream Malaysiana, what UNITED nonsense r u tok?

      You want to sleep with anjing and babi, your business lorr, so long as if you Muslim you don't show to other Muslims or let the Jabatan Agama know.

      Stupid fella you dunno the Constitution Article 3 states "Islam is the religion of the Federation" ka? Very definitive statement there, lorr. Ever heard of respect the Constitution, respect Islam which is expressly stated in the Constitution when other religions are not, lu tak tau ka?

      Lu tak tau, mali sini lu tanya lorr. Not saying "fed up with all this" and such provocative nonsense.

      Lu may be a Malay Muslim but I'm talking to you as if you are kafirun, lu tau ka? Boro punya olang.

    2. Salam Brother, are you Muslim anyway what ever you write and curse I forgive you because forgiving among mulsim is the way. May Allah S.W.T bless you and murah rezeki. Asaalamulaikum.

    3. Pressed the Publish button but not sure if this one went in. Am repeating it and Annie may disregard the second one if the first one went in -


      Salam, Mister, I'm a Muslim but won't call any one who thinks only of the hereafter a brother.

      Aiseh man, you are not living in Saudi Arabia, no goons, no skoons who try and break up one community or the other, or cause chaos like Al Juburi, the DAP blokes, the Chinese tsunami, take take take but don't give, called ultra kiasu and ungrateful ingrate pendatang DAP etc.

      Even in Saudi, people are saying there now appears "Wahabbi militancy". But over there, if you talk or act funny, they just cut your tongue or your dong off if you try an Al Juburi.

      So, over here in Malaysia, you need to grow up, realize and face realities, and act accordingly. Don't give me your attempt at riding the high horse and standing on the high moral or religious ground.

      I don't need you to forgive me as I have not sinned against you, I deal with God directly, and, where you don't appear to understand the political situation, the Constitution of the country etc, you may advise your kind to mind your own business and study those until you do.

      For all I know, you might even be a DAP Red Bean, often masquerading, even as a Muslim, talking Islam and salam-ing, when your hidden intention is slamming the Muslims and breaking them apart.

      What now, you searching for the word Astaghfirullah ...? Try another one - goobledegook. Unto you.

    4. Salam Again Brother. May Allah blessed you and murah rezeki. Amin..

  25. Maae 20th Oct 2016 @1.06.......You don't write rubbish la.....If you don't know....better to keep your trap shut......otherwise your moronic brains will be exposed.
    I take offence to what you wrote....boleh anda membuktikan bahwa kaum Hindu boleh pergi kuil lepas minum arak atau lepas sex/without cleansing themselves ? .....why so stupid....that's why as said is better to keep your trap shut if you cannot qualify your statements with concrete point writing such long comment when you expose yourself as another half cooked wannabe.


    1. Relaks bro. Janganlah marah..benda boleh bincang..

  26. News must be slow these days huh. Guess nobody cares about Malaysia winning a non-permanent seat in the UNSC. Not controversially sexy enough to sell the newspapers I guess.

    Anyways, have a good week ahead especially during the Deepavali break. Going to travel locally & get away from all this nonsense.

    Ms Pakatoon Oppo Hippo
    (because somehow people whose comments seem to be pro-PR is considered to be fat)

    1. Not just fat, ugly, too.

      So, if you want to be slim like fashion models, handsome like ... whatever, write comments pro-BN lorr.

      You fat, ugly, 3 ft wide bottoms, lazy to think, just follow what Anwar Al Juburi says, or what old man Kit Siang and Tokong Lim do, you'll get fatter and 4 ft bottom, you know.

      Pssst, you all think Dyana beautiful ha? Mana atak itu macam, siutak kena itu romol romol by the Chinese tipu Malay or Malay tipu Chinese Zairil, mana atak beautiful horr. Gigi pun siutak lampak jongang worr.

  27. If the event was a feel good thing, and resulted in better understanding about being kind to dogs and not mistreating them, why be so cynical about it?

  28. Ini mesti Umno punya kerja...

    If UMNO members can really do up that Dyana, I'm sure many won't mind the usual Pakatoon accusation. Sure, they'll do her up in more ways than one.

    There's this thing called Machiavellian politics. Anything goes. Somewhat like Anwar Al Juburi's. Even Mat Sabu's - after all the title Al Juburi was given to Anwar by Mat Sabu during the days before Anwar was leading the Pakatoons. And Mat Sabu is said to not mind eating pig - not pork but the whole pig, mind you. No matter the fact that he lost the elections at PRU13.

    So doing up Dyana also goes. Like stripping her naked ..... out of her common sense in joining anti-Malay and anti-Islam DAP.

    I know many of you would like her stripped naked. Or anything else that you may say in here, so long as not too gory to pass Annie's censorship. After all, the Machiavellian politics have been practiced for hundreds of years and are still being practiced now, what.

    I just can't tolerate a girl like that being done up by the Zairil bloke. Jealous bukan main aku. Tak dapat, pulak tu.

  29. Korang cakap lah, apa yang ada pada Zairil tu, yang Dyana nak ngomol ngomolkan dia dalam gambar tu.

    Bukan posong pun dia, Khir Johari kawin emak dia masa dia dah 8 tahun, bapak dia Cina Singapore, kata oang. Ada aku baca dulu nama Cina dia tapi dah lupa. Emak dia suruh si bongol Khir Johari "bisa aturkan" supaya budak itu dapat IC nama anak Khir Johari. Itu pasal kata oang tak pernak nampak masuk mesjid pun.

    Gatal si Dyana bukan main agungkan si Zairil, kata dia dapat inspirasi bila cakap dengan Zairil konon, mendorong dia msuk DAP konon. Sabenar nya dia masuk si bahalul Zairil apekebende nya.

    Oang kata dah macam macam oang kata dia di Internet dan dlm surat khabar. Aku baru nak kata dia di sini ha, mintak mintak jangan Annie block komen aku ni.

    Kasi lah aku chance nak lepaskan geram sikit, Annie, ha.

  30. Baru lepas Octoberfest dan sekarang Pegang Anjing pula. Mungkin besok atau lusa, ada pula puak Syiah dengan restu Kedutaan Iran, bersolat dimana-mana. Kecoh lagi. Nanti ada yang anbil gambar orang pakai tudung makan nasi lemak ditepi/sebelah kedai jual daging babi; orang Melayu kecoh lagi. (Maklum lah kita di ajar supaya 'jijik' dengan babi).

    Mungkin acara pegang anjing ini sengaja di atur atau dibiayai oleh mereka yang berkepentingan untuk menimbulkan perbalahan berterusan di kalangan Melayu/Islam. Maklum sajalah, rupa Melayu sama seperti muka orang Filipina dan Thailand. Iban pun muka macam Melayu. Siapa pun boleh memperagakan tudung atau pakaian 'Islam'.
    Orang pakai tudung buang sampah dari kereta, image Islam tercemar.
    Orang pakai tudung berzina ditepi jalan-raya, image Islam tercemar.
    Pak Lebai pakai Ketayap, langgar lampu isyarat, image Islam tercemar.
    Orang pakai pakaian Taliban sedang sembelih orang bukan Islam. Agama islam di cop pengganas.
    ....dan sebagainya.

    Timbulkan sebanyak issue atau scenario yang boleh membuat Melayu sentiasa bercakaraan sesama sendiri. Akhirnya, kerana sentiasa bercakaran, mereka akan bertambah pecah-belah sehingga tiada masa untuk memperkukuhkan ekonomi dan menjayakan agenda bangsa dan bumiputra lain yang bukan Islam. Maklumlah, kan umat Islam mempunyai berbagai kefahaman (sekarang dah ada liberal) dan mereka asyik bergaduh/bertengkar tak sudah-sudah. Akhir sekali, kafir-mengkafir sehingga sanggup berbunohan sesama sendiri. Senjata yang digunakan pula, di beli dari bukan Islam, terutamanya Amerika dan memperkayakan mereka, secara tak sengaja. Makin tertinggal lah kita lebih jauh kebelakang.

    Oleh itu, mari kita buat tak tahu saja apa-apa yang boleh membuatkan kita 'bercakaran' tak tentu hala. Jika kita nampak ada perempuan yang tak pakai tudung, biar Allah saja yang mengadilinya. Jika ada yang pegang babi pun, kita harus diamkan saja dan berdoa semoga orang itu tidak terlupa samak, serta-merta. Bukannya berdosa pun, kalau pegang. Dengan buat tak tahu kita terhindar dari hasutan 'syaitan/iblis' yang menyamar sebagai kawan atau orang baik. (Syaitan/iblis bermaksud musuh, bukan hantu jembalang dalam filem seram)

    Mari lah kita mendidik anak-anak dengan berbahasa Inggeris di rumah dan lebih mengutamakan pembelajaran Sains dan Mathematics mereka. Jangan di sogokkan Agama yang berlebihan diusia kanak-kanak dengan cerita hantu, iblis dan jembalang. (Contoh: Mengatakan Tuhan tembak iblis bila petir & halilintar menyambar di langit). Sudah berapa lama anak-anak disogok dengan agama, tetapi moral dan kelakuan muda-mudi masih tidak bertambah baik.

    1. Kita tak boleh rule out the possibility ada nya "dirty tricks departments" di berbagai puak di negara ini. Menyamar sebagai Melayu, sebagai orang Islam, dengan tujuan memecahkan kaum dan puak kita.

      Termasuk yang di luar negara, saperti Yahudi Zionis, yang bertujuan melemahkan Kerajaan yang di pimpin Muslimin di seluruh dunia. Memang ada kemungkinan Arab Spring di pengaruhi, dicampur tangan atau sorong tangan Mossad, badan Perisik dan "Dirty Tricks Dept" Zionis Israel. Maka di Malaysia pun begitu. Tun Dr Mahathir dah sebut beberapa kali "The Jews rule the world by proxy".

      Penting kita bimbing anak anak supaya jangan terpengaruh dek anasir anasir jahat, anti-nasional, seditious dan subversif. Dan sentiasa berwaspada dan tak salah curigakan mereka yang nampak alim, hujah ke Islaman tapi janggal dari segi pemikiran dan tata tetib berdasarkan Perlembagaan negara.

      Amat penting anak anak di beri penerangan sejarah negara ini, asal usul penduduk nya, latar belakang kemerdekaan dan usaha usaha menyatu padukan rakyat sehingga ke hari ini. Di semak apa yang di ajar di sekolah dan di baikki mana yang tidak betul atau tidak memuaskan.

      Jangan sekali kali hantar anak atau diamkan jika saudara mara atau sahabat handai berancang hantar anak anak selain dari ke Sekolah Kebangsaan, selalu sebutkan perlu nya sekolah sekolah lain di serapkan ke dalam sistem Sekolah Kebangsaan.

    2. RD,
      Good comment
      My suspicion as well

  31. Dyana join DAP sebab parti ini halalkan pegang -pegang dan jolok -jolok. Kalau join parti melayu sudah tentu kena gam atau dipaksa jadi bini no.4 ostad selebriti. Hehe

  32. Re.Dogs headline has attracted comments Sdr Wan Z.
    for the wrong reasons, especially in alternative media.

    So for Muslim fatwas not to be misunderstood/ ridiculed by the Kapirs, we should suggest Tahaful ASWJ.

    Tahaful ASWJ?
    For a start, appoint the top 3 leaders of Dewan Ulamak PAS into Jawatankuasa Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan.
    ( and why not? )

    Haji M Zin.
    Alor Gajah DPH.


    Based on the discussion above, my conclusion is: DAP is behind it!

    The purpose: Tear apart Malays by hoodwinking the liberal Malays!

    Hope we can now discuss how we should give them a taste of their own medicine!

    Many times over.

  34. Oh you are so witty and smarter than everyone else. I hope you have faculties functioning well enough to sense my blatant sarcasm.

    I'm not sure what your purpose is, being so negative about an event that hoped to bring about some positive change. Oh so YOU'VE touched a dog before? whoop de doo for you. What, did you expect a medal or something? Pat on the head? There are many who haven't- be it for religious reasons, fear, or perhaps just a lack of opportunity- but thanks to this event , they now have. It's not so much the touching of the animal that was the point- but when viewed from afar and never approached, save perhaps some less-than-pleasant instances, it is easy to fear these animals, and have an image of them that is greatly skewed from reality. I'm not sure which "tempurung" you've been hiding in, but there have been a few reports of animal abuse towards these canines particularly from (but not confined to) the malay-muslim community- definitely putting this community in bad light (despite the fact these deeds are done by a minority, social media tends to be buzzing with accusations of hate tied to religion). This could be due to a misguided fear, manifesting itself in a particularly ugly manner. This event was but a small step to show people that "hey, you don't have to be afraid. They are not that bad." (not bad a all, actually.) SO no, genius, touching a dog does not make a Malay person more compassionate "like other Malaysians".. but if you strain your neurons a little bit more maybe you'll see the bigger picture and understand what the point really was. Because honestly, it seems to have escaped you.

    THEN you can choose to disagree with it's objectives if you so please- in a more intelligent manner though, so that perhaps you could save yourself some dignity.

    That aside, I've got a bone to pick with you.
    "Malays are pathetic". Actually, racial stereotypes are pathetic. So is singling out a single person's very positive statement to be ridiculed on your barely coherent blog post. But hey, you don't seem to have a problem with that. Also, I don't mean to nitpick but (and strain those neurons a bit more now) perhaps her husband did not want his name mentioned? GASP. difficult concept to comprehend eh. SO much easier to shoot off whatever snarky comment that appears at the top of your head.

    I see you are listed as an "educator". I certainly hope this is not the kind of half-baked educating you're doing. Let us not try to shoot down good intentions of the people around us. I don't know you, maybe you have had some good contributions to society too- in which case, good for you. But the more good that's being done, the better, wouldn't you say?

  35. By holding dogs or pigs are you already a positive Muslim?
