Friday, 5 April 2013

Ai, formerly of BIGCAT on Datuk Ghani

This is the weekly posting by Ai, formerly of the BIGCAT blog -

By Ai 

I read with a degree of sadness Annie's posting about the impending departure of Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman from Kota Iskandar.

Despite knowing that it is inevitable, still the thought of Johor after Ghani is not pleasant at all.

When I started the BigCat blog in Sept, 2011, one of the speciality topics that I choose for it was matters related to Ghani.

I never hide the fact that I think highly of Ghani.

He is a pleasant, smart, hardworking, and no-nonsense MB. But, above all else, what I really appreciate about Ghani is that he is an incorruptible person. During the years I spend in Johor I didn't find a single instance that makes me believe that Ghani was involved in corrupt practices.

Ghani and his clean leadership is the actual reason that made me switched my support from the opposition to BN. After meeting him and observing his leadership style, I became convinced that there are still good people within BN, and in particular Umno.

Nonetheless I realized that not everyone likes Ghani. His strict adherence to non-corrupt practices didn't go down well with a lot of people, especially those in powerful positions. Ghani also lost a lot of "friends" because of that. Some of his proteges also turned against him when they realized that being part of the Ghani's team doesn't give them the opportunity to amass riches.

Ghani has always says NO to any request by ANYONE which could lead to the detriment of Johor.

It is his strength, but I believe it is also the reason why he has to go much earlier than he should. Personally, I think he should continue to lead Johor at least  for a half term period to ensure a smooth transition of power after the election.

Nonetheless, I am glad that I had managed to contribute a bit to Ghani's effort in ensuring Johor remains a BN stronghold via my former blog Bigcat which is now runs by my friend Tinsel.

This is my first posting on Ghani which is actually about a humorous article written about him.

Guan Eng's fatal mistake

I then started a series of postings in support of Ghani and his effort to defend Johor from the opposition. It started with the speculation of him being replaced as Menteri Besar -

Fortress Johor - Part 1 : A new MB?

Fortress Johor Part 2 : Ghani's Bru

Fortress Johor Part 3 : BN's Achilles' heel

I then did several follow-ups on the speculations of his departure -

Two new names for Johor MB post

The series was followed by another, which was also meant to enlighten readers of my former blog of the difficult task faced by Ghani and Johor Umno -

Johor GE13 : The Chinese votes 

Johor GE13 : The true Ghani's loyalists

Johor GE13: DAP the King of Pakatan

One of the things most distinct about Ghani as an Umno leader is that his harshest critics are mostly those from Umno itself. The opposition finds it's hard to attack Ghani as they can't seem to find a solid issue against him. Despite being supportive of him, I did my share of criticizing him on occasion where I didn't agree with his decisions -

Nonetheless, Ghani's faults were far outweighed by his achievements for Johor. At least that's how I see it.

His visions lead to such big things as,

Birth of Iskandar Malaysia

and his love for the Malay culture initiated several programs such as the preservation and promotion of the zapin dance, among others -

Jati diri Melayu Johor

Also notable in the current scheme of things is the fact that Ghani is much loved by the Almarhum Sultan Iskandar and I highlighted that in this posting about my love for the late Ruler -

Remembering the good old man of Bukit Serene

I'm ending this posting with this poem by Ghani which I had previously posted here -

Hidup Melayu Bersatu


Bersatulah bangsa ku, bersatu lah
Dihadapan sana menanti cabaran tak terjangkau
Ombak ribut taufan kan menyerang
Seperti sejarah silam yang telah memahatkan
Keruntuhan Melaka masa lalu
Dek kelemahan bangsaku

Ingatlah bangsaku
Hanya perpaduan menjadi benteng ampuh
Hanya perpaduan menjadi benteng ampuh
Hanya perpaduan menjadi benteng ampuh

Kejayaan bangsa dan negara selamanya
Ditegakkan dari tonggak perpaduan
Kerana perpaduanlah penjajah diusir berambus pergi
Kerana perpaduanlah kemerdekaan dicapai sebebas-bebasnya
Kerana perpaduanlah komunis dihapuskan keakar-akarnya
Kita lalu mendirikan sekolah, membina masjid, hospital
Gedung besar untuk kita kecapi bersama
Membangunkan ekonomi bangsa
Menukar rimba belantara menjadi kota besar
Kilang tersergam dimana-mana
Ladang menghijau hasil mahsulnya melimpah ruah
Pelabuhan dan jalan raya pun terbentang untuk semua
Anak-anak kesekolah dan universiti
Orang muda bertungkus lumus mengumpul rezeki
Yang tua hidup aman damai dirumah sendiri

Hanya perpaduan yang teguh, persatuan yang kukuh
Akan menyelamatkan bangsa daripada dihancurkan
Oleh onar dalam dan onar luar
Oleh oportunis dan pengkhianat yang licik
Menabur duri dan onar sepanjang jalan menuju wawasan besar kita

Maka ayuhlah kita menginsafi diri
Bahawa dikampung dan didesa dibandar dan juga dikota
Racun fitnah dan pembohongan telah disebar
Dan membangkitkan kebencian dan permusuhan
Percayalah semua ini telah disemai oleh tangan kita sendiri
Oleh bangsa sendiri yang telah lupa diri
Dan mabuk dalam nikmat kemakmuran
Dihasut dengki peribadi dan ketamakan diri
Telah berpecah belahlah bangsa kita
Dalam segenap bidang kehidupan
Dan sipetualang itu sedang merayau-rayau diudara
Sesekali melangkah kebumi sesekali meninggi keawan
Ada yang sedang bersembunyi dihutan subur kita
Ada yang sedang berlayar dilautan luas kita
Disungai-sungai bumi tanah air kita
Mereka sedang menunggu waktu terbaik
Untuk merampas dan menjarah apa yang kita nikmati

Inilah sumpah perjuangan untuk watan dan bangsa merdeka
Dan perjuangan untuk watan adalah perjuangan suci
Perjuangan ini adalah perjuangan sepanjang hayat
Dalam segala bidang keagamaan, keilmuan, ekonomi dan budaya
Dan maka perjuangan suci ini harus dihayati
Dan digerakkan oleh seluruh anak watan
Kerana perjuangan ini tanggungjawab semua

Bersatulah bangsaku, bersatulah
Sesat ditengah jalan, kita pulang kepermulaan langkah
Lupakan saja tamak haloba yang membuahkan dendam
Amarah, dengki, khianat, kesumat dan permusuhan
Yang berasa bersalah memohon ampun, dan kita maafkan
Yang tua dihormati, yang muda dikasihi

Bersatulah bangsaku, bersatulah
Ayuh kita berdiri teguh menentang
Segala cabaran dan rintangan
Jangan biarkan cita-cita besar kita kandas
Dan terjurumus kejurang maha gelap maha dalam itu
Percayalah, sesal kemudian tidak berguna apa-apa
Rumah nenek moyang kita bangunkan
Dari jerih perit perjuangan silam ini
Jangan dibiar terlepas ketangan orang lain
Dan disini hari ini, berjanjilah wahai bangsaku
Perjuangan ini perjuangan sepanjang hayat

Abdul Ghani Othman
Kembara Puisi Darul Ta'zim
Saujana, Johor Bahru

Thank you, Datuk Ghani.


  1. He should go ASAP. Drmuzi

    1. Drmuzi (if you are the person whom I think you are),
      I was informed that you had once attended a function organized for social media practitioners attended by Ghani. You was invited to sit at the same table as him but you declined. I think you should had sat with him and tell him to go in his face. I think that would have been the proper way.

    2. you should go ASAP Drmuzi. you're a nuisance. Ghani is a good man. he will still be around after GE13. you can keep on dreaming.

  2. Don't worry.. if he is as good as you say.. then I'm sure he will resurface as one of the Ministers. Gain for Malaysia :) Alternatively he can be the Head of Khazanah..

  3. Life Of Annie,
    Ghani's social media corps is the ones who should be blamed for his departure. They have offended powerful bloggers. They should apologise if they want to save their boss. As to Ghani being clean, the actual people in Johor do no subscribe to that opinion.
    Btw, this is a good time to jump ship. heard that Khalid Nordin can do with some help. but no recommendation from us until Ai, Tinsel and yourself publicly apologise to Another Brick In Wall.

    1. A truly sincere sopo blogger should not be interested in being powerful. A truly sincere sopo blogger should only be interested in writing about the truth for the good of all. Ghani do not have a social media crops. Ai, Tinsel and myself are his supporters but we are doing this on our own initiative. It is all because we believe that he is a good man. I can do a sumpah laknat that Ghani never pay me a single sen for writing in support of him. As for his departure from Kota Iskandar, just wait and see how it will turn out.

    2. Life Of Annie blogger,
      Hmm. Okay, but our positions differ. Somebody must apologize to Another Brick. If you 3 don"t then who will? But let's wait and see. I do agree one on one Ghani will beat LKS unless..
