Tuesday 6 August 2013

Drive safe everyone, take care

Going back for Raya in a short while.
It's raining heavily out there.
Guess, I need to drive extra careful.

For others who are also going long distance to celebrate raya, please drive carefully.
Don't make those who love you worry, ok?

For someone who is celebrating raya in Johor, here is a song for you,


  1. Hey Annie, remember to were your tudung on your driving journey alright, this will make you looks very pious on the highway.

    Eid Mubarak.

    1. "remember to were your tudung" ?. What the heck that you are trying to say?

  2. is the girl in the pix you, Annie? :)

  3. Selamat Hari Raya Annie!!! Have a good one!!


  4. Annie, that "someone", you are referring to Lim Kang Hoo's partner-in-crime, Ghani Othman, or that poor teacher (what his name?) that you have been screwing since school days? I am sure your husband is very proud of you.

    1. Wow.... You're sick. I'm sure your parents & family are damn proud of ya. Or did they disown you long ago?

      Have a good Raya break Annie. Come back refreshed & healthy.

    2. Annie already married?

    3. Annie is unhappily married. Hubby hardly comes home. Can't blame him though.

    4. Annie, your father's name is Gani? But Ghani Othman has "h". So you must be Ghani Othman's anak haram? No wonder you always write good stuff about that prick.

    5. Anon 22:21
      I think I need to clarify this. There is a reader of this blog who thinks he knows me and had been postings comments suggesting that I'm a married woman with three kids living in Subang Jaya. He had even listed down the details of this lady and her family members in several of his comments, which naturally I had to spike off as they will cause much difficulties to the lady. I would like to therefore remind those who wish to post comments in this blog that I will try to publish all of them, but reserve the right to spike comments which are extremely vulgar, overly seditious or will cause problems for innocent individuals.

    6. to avoid some sicko continue thinking you are this married woman with three kids living in Subang Jaya, why don't you just come clean with your reader your true identity? For a start, why don't share with us your full name. With your high integrity kinda person, i am sure you have nothing to hide Annie.

  5. Salam Idil Fitri Annie. Thank you for your blog and please keep blogging. I am one of your silent reader and I do enjoyed your write up. Drive safely and I am heading towards Johor too.

  6. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Annie.Dont mind the sickos there are many of them out there.

  7. Selamat Hari Raya Cik Annie dan keluarga tercinta, dan sekalian orang mukmin,

    Suatu pesanan kerabat meriah raya:

    Mohon maaf zahir dan batin kiranya adalah yang tersinggung hati . . .

  8. Eid Mubarak to you. Send my regards to your family.

  9. I came across this blog by chance and feeling absolutely appalled when reading some of the comments directed to "Annie" (whoever she is).

    They are not only derogatory but a poor reflection of oneself especially so when commenting from a state of anonymity. It is a false and reprehensible sense of bravado.
