Wednesday 7 August 2013

A new frontline opening up on Hari Raya

Just when I thought I can rest for a bit on this Raya night, the political frontline seems to be heating up again.

This time the threat is not a frontal assault by the Pakatan of DAP, PKR and Pas.

After all, they no longer have such capability. DAP's Chinese chauvinism trump card had been totally exposed, PKR reduced to pathetic sour grapes after their failed Blackout 505 and Pas totally depleted of support from the Malay middle ground.

The threat this time comes from the Pak Lah's gang who dominated Umno and the government right after the retirement of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. in the early 2000s till 2008.

The players are the same.

You may read about the early salvoes of this latest battle at BigDog's


and A Voice's even more detailed

Pak Lah's "tiada maaf" raya revenge

I had my differences with these two senior bloggers in the past but for this one, I have to say that I'm backing them all the way.

I will never forget those dark years of 2004-2008 and no matter how much spinning done, I could not so easily forgive Pak Lah and his people for the damage they inflicted on the country at that time.

It's true that I had of late been warming up to the idea of supporting Khairy Jamaluddin as the young new hope of Umno after he showed signs of turning a new leaf, but these latest moves by people who are his friends and close associates forced me to abort that idea.

It's too bad for KJ.

I admit that I don't have the hard facts on why the attack by the Pak Lah's camp comes only now and not previously over the past five years, but I would like to theorize that it was most likely due to the failure of Pakatan's effort to topple the Barisan Nasional government in GE13.

The attack which was centered at Dr Mahathir could most likely designed as a trigger point for a renewed assault by Pakatan in their early preparations for the next general election.

As pointed out by BigDog and A Voice, those who pulled the strings of this Pak Lah's project to demonize Dr Mahathir and indirectly the current BN government were clearly Pakatan supporters.

And as it was, most of Pak Lah's people are known to be not Umno friendly individuals after all. Some had come out of their closet to directly or indirectly attacked the BN government after DS Najib Razak took over the premiership in 2008.

Now, that this new front is opening up for Datuk Najib to defend, I hope he will clean up remnants of Pak Lah's minions still embedded in his camp. He got no choice but to be firm on this as it has now become clear which side these people actually belong.

As for the Umno people who will vote in their leaders in the coming party elections just weeks from now, they must reject these traitors, failing which it will mark the beginning of the end for their party.


  1. Usaha-usaha menjatuhkan UMNO dari dalam. Semua tahu, siapa di belakang Pak Lah. Mereka adalah petualang negara yang sanggup menggadaikan kedaulatan negara.

    Mereka adalah golongan bangsat yang sentiasa menangguk di air keruh. Orang Pak Lah ini tidak lepas tapisan keselamatan.

    UMNO tidak perlu orang-orang seperti ini untuk menjadi ia kuat dan terus relevan. UMNO kena bertindak tegas dan konsisten dalam berdepan petualang negara.

    Satu lagi, jangan terlalu melayan karenah ultra kiasu. Jangan jadi seperti kata pepatah hidung tak mancung, pipi tersorong sorong. Jangan ambil port sangat pasal MCA nak jawatan menteri kabinet.

    Buat apa bagi kepada parti yang telah ditolak bangsanya sendiri. Ultra kiasu dah tak sudi dan mahu, biarkan saja mereka.

    Perkukuh ageda Melayu, bela nasib orang kampung, sediakan apa jua kemudahan untuk mereka. naikan taraf kampung - kampung Melayu ini menjadi perkampungan tradisional yang moden.

    Bagi lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan dan perniagaan kepada anak-anak Melayu, ramaikan jutawan Melayu ini, peluang pendidikan dengan biasiswa.

    Laksana ini secara merata di peringkat bawah jangan sekadar tertumpu kepada kroni saja, kepada anak-anak Pak Menteri, anak-anak ketua jabatan, anak-anak KSU dan Ketua Pengarah.

    Tindakan kena pantas, cakap kena kurang. Jangan banyak retorik sehingga penyokong kuat ini nanti bosan, meluat dan akhirnya beralih angin. Jangan tunggu lagi. Persetankan mereka yang cuba pecah belahkan parti.

    Jangan dilayan kerana golongan ini akhirnya akan terkubur dengan sendirinya, jika ahli-ahli UMNO mempunyai kesedaran untuk menolak golongan yang telah pun diketahui kedudukan, identiti dan personaliti mereka.

    Golongan liberal ini kononnya mahukan kebebasan demokrasi, kebebasan media, kebebasan dalam memilih agama dan pejuang hak asasi manusia kononnya.HENTIKAN!!!!!!!!!

    1. Tuan. Puak2 Najid juga tidak kurang rakusnya dan mereka lebih lapar. Saki baki konco2 Mahathir dan Daim juga masih belum pupus.

      Suasana politik di negara kita sekarang membuatkan semua orang politik akan korup kerana kuasa politik bergantung kepada uang.

      Its a merry-go-round. Kalau hendak ikut bermain, silakan naik tetapi ingat, tempat adalah terhad dan yang sedia didalam akan berjuang habis-habisan untuk menerajang yang ingin naik.

      Kalau nak selamat dunia dan akhirat, padamkan nafsu untuk ikut bermain.

  2. If UMNO wants to 'win', it must make the economy VIBRANT.

    And you don't get there by reciting shiok sendiri slogans.

    Now, there are many 'UMNO members/supporters' who do not support their president because they consider him weak,etc,etc. Even though he is doing what can be done for the economy. And he can do more if he has their support.

    They seem to prefer hardliners, even though they may be mere ideologues.

    Weaknesses in the world economy is now giving Malaysia a tough time.

    How many % of UITM graduates are unemployed or under employed?

    More real (ie not those that merely siphon away government revenue) jobs are needed.

    They'll give the government time. If results are not forthcoming, they'll become anti-government.

    Being government is not meant to be a REWARD but a RESPONSIBILITY. But I wonder how many of our politicians see it that way?

  3. haha the sleepy PM is coming back with the help of the other writers...awakening from sleep...anyway Selamat hari raya to u..n have a safe journey. I think this is a political bomb to KJ although I almost respect tis guy.

  4. Annie : "The threat this time comes from the Pak Lah's"....

    Kah..kah...kah...kah...kah....cukup lucu !! Memang Annie Mangkuk !! lemang dah naik ke otak ke ? Woi Annie, tolong jangan tulis benda yg bukan-bukan okay, hari raya relax aje-lah.

  5. Dolah badawi, why don't you just disapper or better still, die quietly. We hate the sound of your name, we hate the presence of your face on tv's or news, we hate just about anything to do with you and your family ..

    1. Anon 15:05 .. what has Pak Lah done to you and your family ?? asking him to die is very cruel you know.

      May Allah laknat you for calling an old man to die.

    2. Pak Lah is a weakling. During his tenure as the PM, he gave so much power to his son-in-law, KJ and as a result, it nearly bankrupted the country. Pak Lah as a husband was also not exemplary. When his late wife,Endon was still alive and suffering from breast cancer, he had been unfaithful to her with her own former sister -in-law, Jean.

      Pak Lah,

      We know what you did with Jean in a hotel room behind Endon's back!

    3. Anon 19:41, kalau nak tuduh, semua orang pon boleh buat,macam si Annie mangkuk.
      Ada bukti ataupon video Pak lah dengan Jean kat bilik hotel tak ???? kalau tak ada bukti, ni-lah fitnah !

      kita doakan Allah melaknat orang yg buat dan sebar fitnah.


  6. Assalamualaikum...ini worang cakap kalo 20...1 pun blom tentu bley cayer...veriiii derrrrr laaa......sorry to say...i dont buy...
