Saturday 12 October 2013

Please prove me wrong (with updates on the latest)

via NST SMS alert and online


as of 9.30pm

Shahrizat         42
Maznah           0
Raihan            0

Khairy             54
Akramsyah       0
Syed Rosli        0
Irwan Ambak    0
Abd Karim        0

Mas Ermieyati    80
Jamilah            24


Today is the big day for the Umno wings.

Over 110,000 Wanita, 80,000 Youth and 30,000 Puteri will vote in their leaders.

I'm not going to write much here as I do not believe what I write at this moment will have much impact on the outcome.

The delegates had mostly made up their mind who they are going to vote today.

I just want to put here my prediction of the outcome.

And the winners are,

Wanita chief : DS Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, despite being mired in the NFC cows and condos scandal and the latest, her former political secretary allegedly using money for the poor to buy luxury cars and financing face-lift for girlfriend managed to win after much maneuvering. Her victory may spells the demise of Umno.

Youth chief : Khairy Jamaluddin, is going to win convincingly despite his overly liberal stance and past misconducts which he never repented (including never apologizing for the insults and vilification of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad). Personally, I have nothing against Khairy except for his arrogance when dealing with people whom he thinks is of lower stature than himself but Umno members should have more complaints about him than me. Still, he will indeed wins. Umno members mudah lupa. Well, I never have much regards for Youth members in the first place after many times witnessing their perangai. The Umno idealism is not with most of them anymore. Most only care about their own perut.

Puteri chief : Jamilah Hanim Othman. She is very pretty. Errr...that's all I can say about the Puteri contest, really.

Well, that's all folks. Selamat mengundi. Do try to prove me wrong, ok.


  1. Puteri UMNO - she is pretty!!!! Habislah ..... UMNO. Nak cari jugak yang beauty and the brain. Apa pun I hope Ada upset - Devine intervention.

    1. Shahrizat looks pretty in the picture. Way to go cow lady, show UMNO your cow !!

  2. Harap muka sikit sikit macam Fasha Sanda boleh menang Ketua Puteri UMNO-mampuslah UMNO.

    Undi Mami Jarum pandai kelentong dan suami makan duit rakyat, sebagai Ketua Wanita UMNO, mampuslah UMNO. Tak ada perasaan malu dan insaf pun atas perbuatan suami.

    Undi KJ - not that bleak, still, not that encouraging either.

    Tak ada kah calon berkualiti dlm UMNO. Dengan kelonggaran dlm penamaan dan pemilihan UMNO, kalau calon2nya orang haprak juga, tak ada gunanya perubahan dlm proses penamaan dan pemilihan. Ia menjadi bahan lawak sahaja kononnya UMNO lebih demokratik berbanding DAP dan PKR.

    sri hartamas

    1. BIla ada rungutan bahawa cara pemilihan dalam UMNO perlu perubahan dan pembaikan, UMNO telah buat perubahan besar beri kuasa memilih kepada lebih 140,000 ahli2 peringkat bawahan dan akar umbi. Tetapi bila ada rungutan oleh ahli2 DAP dan PKR berkenaan cara pemilihan parti2 tersebut, pemimpin buat tak kesah saja. Jadi parti mana yang lebih demokratik? lu fikirlah sendiri sri hartamas ooi!!!

  3. U are right... Umno is doom, so is Malasyia. (Chines Slang)

    DAP will rise, our country is now a Singapore Branch.

    Lipis 4 Doom

    1. Dumbo, UMNO doom is good for everyone, tak kesah samada melayu, cina, india, kadazan, iban dan lain-lain.

    2. UMNO Menang, Rakyat Susah
      UMNO Tumbang, Rakyat Senang

  4. Kalau dah sorang dapat 300, mana nak undi calon lain. Mana.... Siapa yang bagi rasuah la kita dahulukan...

    Ahli umno suka makan rasuah macam bos diaorgla

    Perangai buruk !!!

    Lipis 4 Doom

    1. Kalau undi manyak kali pon tatak guna maa ..... ,macam itu DAP ,CEC ,kasi ulang pon itu olang juga menang loo . Halap-halap UMNO jangan ikut itu DAP punya cala maa.. ,siapa ada hat punya kasi buang jauh- jauh , Melayu jangan mulah lupa laa ... .

  5. Bukankah bagus yang comel lote jadi pemimpin puteri/wanita?
    Tahu buat kerja dan ada daya penarik cukuplah. Bukannya nak pilih calon angkasawan.
    Kalau cerdik macam Einstein tapi muka macam lembu NFC takde siapa ndak.

  6. KJ gonna win this hands down. The rest of the challengers are just wannabes trying to punch above their weight

  7. Annie,

    I happen to disagree with your views on Khairy Jamaluddin.

    Look, anybody can be accused of arrogance - some more easily than others.

    Khairy represents the new breed of young Malays who are modern, intelligent and articulate.

    Look at Azmin Ali and Rafizi Ramli who are from the same mould. OK, I know you do not like those two because of their politics, just as I dislike Khairy for his politics.

    But the truth is that those three guys are shining examples of what Malays youths can aspire to. WHY SHOULDN'T THEY?

    I do not want my Malay friends to live like kampung bumpkins all their lives.

    I do not want the children of my Malay friends to not know that there is something better for them out there.

    I have always been uncomfortable with PAS because of their hardline stance but I support them in the hope that all those crazy mullahs in there will die out and be replaced by voices of reason.

    If PAS had leaders who looked and dressed and were as forward looking as KJ, AA or RR whilst still retaining the essence of Islamic beliefs, I suspect UMNO will not last very long in politics.

    Gladiator (yeah, I decided to pick a nick for your blog :)

    P.S. The Puteri candidate is pretty. Pretty girls can also be intelligent, you know. But if I could vote, I'd vote for her because she is pretty without worrying too much about her intelligence :)

    1. What pretty? Kalau rupa macam tu kat Jalan TASR pun berlambak.

    2. I also dislike those mentioned san rafizi, not only because of their politics but also because of the suspicious nature of their respective wealth - where did it comes from? Ain't it too much, too soon? Wasn't one the protege of a once MoF, and the other the SIL of a once PM? As for Rafizi, he was a johnny come lately.

      They may be modern, intelligent and articulate. But what about their attitude? Are they in the game for power for themselves or for the masses? But then power corrupts, its gonna be worse if those vying for power are already of the corrupts.

    3. Azmin Ali is not young laa, he's 3-4yrs shy from 50yrs old. And I almost puked when you mentioned him as one of promising young Malays. He barely graduated from one US college. He was working as guru sandaran when Anwar asked him to be his peon.

  8. If the result is as Annie predicted, I will not be commenting in support for BN/UMNO, anymore. I will not support PR either because they are worst. Just name it; Nepotism, Cronyism, corruption, misuse of power, etc.

    However, in preparation for DAP rule, I will give my children, Caucasian names and stop them from putting on the tudung. This will make their chances to be short-listed for a future job interview, brighter.


    1. RD. Tudung is prescribed by Islam. Do no trade that for worldly gain. Allah has guaranteed our rezeki. No chinese pigs can overcome Allah's will.

    2. RD loves to follow whatever annie said or predict, com'on be a man and make you own stand. And now tell us how's DAP going to rule whereby they only have less than 40 seat out of 222 seat in Parliament.
      RD, your stupidity and worry are beyond anyone can comprehend. Pity your children.Now, please go back and do some more R&D before putting your stupid comment here.
      Do not change your children name okay.

    3. Anon 13:06.
      Please tell me, where in the Koran that says, those who believe must put on the tudung?

      In PR, DAP is the power broker. They have huge funds, locally and from abroad. The Rear Admiral is easily disposable. Who do you think is the most effective givers of bribes or 'shut your mouth, please or else' threats/offers/as incentives?
      I'm Malaysian. If we are to move forward in nation building, the names we use on our children must not be identified with ethnic or faith. In-fact, I am against stating one's religion on IC. I support ONE School for our children and religion should left at home.
      I have already name my children with names, such as; Meriam, Kati, Dani, Adam, Haris, Norman, Sani, etc.


  9. UMNO is corrupt to the core. Do not expect any clean man/woman/boy/girl to be elected as their leaders any soon as it will only thwart their pillaging of the country's wealth, whatever remain of it.

    UMNO will only learn their lesson in the next GE to come as they will suffer the same fate as MCA. The only difference is that whoever inherit this country will preside over an empty treasury with mountain of debts.

    I hope I am wrong.

    1. anon 13:04, you're absolutely right.

    2. I agree too.
      That is where Anwar Ibrahim makes a fortune as Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.


  10. 2013-2014 will be the years where changes will swept across the board on all major political parties in Malaysia. UMNO, DAP, PAS, PKR will see new alignment... all because of PRU13. Mark my words.

  11. UMNO, DAP, PAS, PKR, MCA, Gerakan, MIC will all see changes in their parties in these two years. So many mis-alignment in the original struggle and direction are being questions by their members. All because of the results of PRU13. Just sit back and relax. The status-quo will resume when the dust setteled...

  12. Diharap sinaran politik baru:

    Datuk Maznah Mazlan, Ketua Wanita.

    Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi, Ketua Pemuda.

    Hanim Othman, Ketua Puteri 

    1. Jangan bermimpi lah bro!

    2. mimpi-mimpi......Madey dilantik jadi semula President UMNO...

  13. RD are you saying UMNO is so squeaky clean and innocent and never practice Nepotism lah, cronyism lah, corruption lah, misuse of power and etc ? or UMNO is practice less of it if compared to PR ???????
    RD seem so worry one day PR will come into power, is the same feeling as PR supporters also feel worry if corrupt UMNO continue to rule, soon Malaysia will go kaput.

  14. Yeah...lets prove you wrong Annie. I want it too but then again I guess I don't want it hard enough because i'm not an Umno members. If I'm, I'll joint Umno and fight tooth and nail for others then KJ.

    By the way anon 12.41 two of my youngest have a caucasion names and it make me prepared for future incase DAP rules and the older two can speak manderin fluently now...hehhehheh


    1. Sarah, are you and the two youngest are so ashamed to be known as Malay ?

    2. Nah just somehow during their birth it seem appropriate to give them that name. I believed every kids have their name designated to them before their birth.Somehow I got a dream walking in the garden and seing the same flower that only have an english name before their birth. I got the boy name line up but getting stuck what the name to choose if the baby was a girls, So both of my girls end up with the flower name in my dream. That the stories how my girls get their caucasion name. A flower name which sharing the same name in malay and english.

      ;P sarah

  15. Be Willing to Accept what you Cannot Change..

    Be Happy and be filled with Kindness.

  16. KJ dan Shahrizat MENANG, Hidup UMNO !!

    1. sharizat memang kuat, scandal lembu pon tak boleh tumbangkan dia, malah lagi di lantik Najib jadi back-door minister. Cukup Hebat.

  17. Majoriti sudah bersuara. Tahniah DS Khairy dan DS Sharizat!

    Apa lagi Mahathir mahu?!

    Yang tidak puas hati boleh berambus dari negara ini!

    1. Jom berambus!

    2. besok daging lembu dan susu lembu akan diturunkan harga, sungguh bertuah rakyat dapat pemimpin besar Melayu seperti Datuk Seri Shahrizat.

    3. Boring lah nak komen......UMNO tak ndak berubah nampaknya!

  18. memang umno tak nak dan tak akan berubah.
    dari peringkat atasan sehingga keperingkat bahagian dan cawangan.
    saya tak akan sokong umno lagi lepas ni.

    mampos kita

  19. Ha Ha Ha Hah !!, Pooorah to All the So Called UMNO Bloggers especially the Mahathir Consortium! Now its Mukhriz Turn to Bite the Dust!
