Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Last posting on Umno elections

I'm getting tired of this Umno elections thing.

Latest feedbacks I got was that everyone is settled on maintaining the status quo.

Apparently, even those who were formerly supportive of change had thrown in the towel.

So, I guess I too have to accept the fact that Umno will continue the way it is now.

Seriously, what difference does it makes whether Hishammuddin or Khairy one day becomes our Prime Minister?

As long as they are not corrupt and can run this country properly, I think it should be okay to accept them as our leaders.

What's wrong with having a liberal person leading this country anyway?

Well, if a staunch Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad supporter can accept that, as I was told a few minutes before writing this, why can't I do the same, isn't it?

So, from now on, I will no longer make fun of Hishammuddin or Khairy.

Sorry to Hishammuddin and Khairy for all the pranks I pulled on them.

And I will stop supporting Mukhriz too.

The way I see it, there is no way now that he can win the VP race.

I'm just going to be like everyone else - just accept the status quo.

Yes, and stop fighting over the whole thing. That one for all the hardcore supporters of leaders like Mukhriz.

Guys, its fated, okay.

Well, this is going to be my last posting on Umno elections. I'm closing shop on this one.

Honestly, I'm not really sure what to write for the time being.

Maybe I should just write about my travels instead.


  1. Sokong...mukhriz kalah.....tutup buku.

    1. mukhriz menang....malaysia tutp kedai.

  2. I agree with you about UMNO. No point propping a sinking shit!

    Since UMNO had siphoned all the peruntukan for the malays, why don't you blog about the little know financial incentives and support that had been secretly funnelled to the chinese through agencies like MDec?

    1. UMNO is not a sinking ship but a Pirate Ship with full fledge of pirates.

  3. Remember what I told you about Mukhriz contesting? Now you see dear Makcik Annie that politics is a dangerous sport. If Mukhriz loses, he will be target practise amongst the warlords in UMNO.

    But then again, if he is taken down, does it matter to you? Perhaps not.

    And the statement that UMNO produces non-corrupt leaders is a joke. This is because the definition of corruption needs to be understood in the context of the history of the country, since 1411. All throughout history, leaders considered national wealth and personal wealth as the same thing. This thinking has not changed and will not change.

    Its only the fools who go around fighting other country men who have this notion. The powers that be gladly let u'all do their dirty work.

    My prediction: Status quo prevails

    1. Shadow Banker, please predict for us empat numbor ekor, boleh ? nanti semua orang2 Melayu bolehlah jadi kaya. Cinabeng dan keling pon mahu tumpang sekali shadow banker punya prediction.

  4. Annie,
    I share the feeling of despair. But pls don't give up just yet. Keep on writing even though only 1 guy reads yr article.

    1. Anon 02:07, Annie is not going to stop blogging, she only wanted to stop writing about UMNO election for the time being. However, if Mukhriz made it to top three then Annie will again goes into full swing of writing about the greatness of UMNO.
      As usual, Annie will taruk kaw kaw the DAPigs and the cinabeng till kingdom come.

  5. How about taking up Tai Chi..It will not only do you good but will also keep you away from those toxic bloggers like Rocky and Co.

  6. I pun mcm dah give up. GE14, I akan ajar diaorg.

    1. akaz, apa bezanya antara Mukhriz dan lain-lain warlord didalam UMNO ? semua sama aje.....kuat corruuuuuuuuuuuuupt !!

    2. Yes, to survive in UMNO, Mukhriz will eventually succumb to corrupt practices. What is sickening is that UMNO was electing personalities who were already corrupt. At least give the unproven corrupt a chance.

    3. DAP is more corrupt. Just ask LGE who gets kick backs from that RM6.5 Billion, or is it RM25 Billion, including land reclamation?
      Remember Beng Hock? He lost his life due to corruption by a DAP assemblyman.


    4. RD, don't lie. TBH was killed by your own kind. No matter how much you try to spin a dead man story, the rakyat knows. Now, go back and do some more R&D before putting your rubbish comment here.

    5. Rubbish Dump a.k.a RD, Beng Hock was murdered in MACC building, get it.
      And if DAP LGE get kick backs then RD should go lodge a corruption report to MACC, janganlah RD berperangai macam seekor penakut, suka menabur fitnah and talk only but no action !!

    6. Anon 13:57. Were you there when TBH was kiled? If not, how do you know "your kind" killed him?


    7. Anon 13:57 & 14:04
      You must be trolling Annie's blog.

      Killed by my own kind?
      MACC is made up of mostly Malays. Are you making an assumption that I'm Malay too. Why does anybody's "race" bugs you so much. Yet you are shy to mention it clearly.
      I thought DAP is about Malaysian first. I think those paying you, should have reminded you to be 'Colour blind' when writing.
      Wonder why BH was "murdered" in MACC building, by who? Obviously the one who benefited most is BH's boss who was target of MACC's investigation. Kes tutup after BH died.
      A dynastic regime rules with cronies towing in line. The more cronies, the more powerful the dictator gets. Money and wealth is the 'bonding agent' among cronies. That's where Certificate A & B comes into play. (A=crony, can vote. B=observer status only). The tunnel project (6.5M) creates lots of spin-off projects and avenue to make money. STP2 project around Gurney Drive will cost RM25 Million.
      With this huge WANG Rakyat on the table, BN's past corruption will look like peanuts.


  7. Jangan bersediah. Semua ini adalah sebahagian dari tanda-tanda kiamat dan peristiwa akhir zaman

    Pemimpin Yang Diktator;- Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata, bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:“Sesungguhnya di kalangan kamu nanti akan tertanam kemahuan besar kedudukan (politik) dalam kerajaan. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu akan menjadikan kamu menyesal dan susah pada Hari Kiamat; Sebaik-baik ibu adalah yang mahu menyusui anak (ertinya sebaik-baik pemimpin adalah yang memperhatikan kepentingan rakyat), dan seburuk-buruk ibu adalah ibu yang tidak mahu menyusui anaknya (ertinya seburuk-buruk pemimpin adalah pemimpin yang tidak memerhatikan kepentingan rakyat);- (Riwayat Bukhari dan Nasae’i).

    Pemimpin Yang Menipu Rakyat;- Ka’ab bin Ujrah r.a. berkata bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Akan datang di kemudian hari nanti, setelah aku tiada; beberapa pemimpin yang berdusta dan berbuat aniaya. Maka barang siapa yang membenarkan kedustaan mereka dan membantu (mendukung) tindakan mereka yang aniaya itu, maka ia bukan termasuk umatku, dan bukanlah aku daripadanya. Dan ia tidak akan dapat sampai datang ke telaga (yang ada di syurga);- (Riwayat Tirmidzi, Nasae’i dan Hakim).

    Look after oneself. Jangan kita jadi sebahagian dari mereka yang akan kerugian.

  8. Dear Annie,
    Look at it this way, its the "journey" that's more interesting, not the "destination" (IF you get to the destination, its a bonus lah ok?)... so keep "journeying" for what you believe is right, etc.,... don't get side-tracked by the "destination"... remember if you get there its a bonus... so enjoy what you do & like best lah, "journeying/blogging" on issues that are close to your heart... and saya boleh lah tompang sekaki... right maa?

    Dhahran Sea

    1. Dhahran Sea, what happen if what Annie believes is fallacious and the "journeying" appear to be in a wrong direction, then Annie will end up in the sewer.


  9. I don't agree. I believe that Mukhriz has a chance.

    1. No way. The signals emitted by Wanita, Pemuda and Puteri are clear. They want the corrupt to stay, so that they can continue to bleed the country. Hanya melayu yang jahil, bodoh dan berkepentingan sahaja yang tidak nampak kemungkaran yang berlaku.

    2. what if Mukhriz win and go on to become a PM and what has Mukhriz achieve so far based on his own capacity ? none, tarak !!
      Even his great daddy Madey also cannot transform the corrupt UMNO and you think this little guy can do wonder ? Mukhriz even don't dare to debate with KJ, what more facing the PR gangs.

    3. PR gangs? Oh you mean PR gangsters. Mukhriz doesn't need to debate with PR gangsters lah. What these gangsters need is to be shot dead by PDRM.

  10. Yeah, same here,well what to do other then take it easy and hope somethings good come from it...InsyaAllah

    :O sarah

    1. some thing good coming out from UMNO ?? Sarah, please don't make joke of UMNO, it's very rude.

  11. Makcik annie dah tua, macam burung kakak tua kah..kah..kah... tiap-tiap kali getting tired all the time.

  12. Agreed with you Annie. Que sera sera. By the time PRU14 comes, I will vote for the side that annoys me less. BN will still get my vote if PR put forward hero Tamil as their PM choice. BN will still get my vote if Lim racist dynasty is still around. BN will still get my vote if Christian-led DAP still bring up Allah issue.

    Yup, BN leaders are corrupt. So do PR leaders. Worse in fact. We all know that PR supreme leader is the supremo for money politics. Chinese led DAP is supportive of kongsi gelap, hates Malays and its supporters are bribe-givers. PAS is just plain incompetent - don't even dare to take up MB post in Selangor even though they won more seats than PKR.

    So yeah whoever annoys me less will get my vote come PRU14.

    1. anon 07:57, please save your vote under your pillow will you. Malaysia no need your vote !!

    2. I agree with Anon 07:57.
      I just hope that UMNO would stop choosing more tainted and incompetent leaders this Saturday. We have no other option.
      With rampant nepotism and cronyism, PR is worst. They only care of themselve.


    3. Anon 14:06,

      Gila mahu balik Tongsan? Lu punya tongkang sudah lama nenunggu!

  13. Let's wonder through nether lands hopefully to find ourselves Auntie Annie . . . . .
