Thursday 22 May 2014

Celaka punya Kelingon pariah

There are ways for racists to pretend that they are not so.

RSN Rayer, the DAP assemblyman from Penang used the party's usual way of doing it.

He repeated the word "Celaka Umno!" several times in the Penang assembly the other day, just to vent his anger.

UMNO stands for United Malays Nationalist Organization.

It's an organization which main objective is to unite the Malays.

Unity is the strength which gave the Malays the leverage to demand this country's independence from the British colonial power.

If Malays had not united under Umno back in the early days of this country and fought British's attempt to impose the Malayan Union, they would have become servants in their own land.

This is what people like Rayer hate so much.

People like Rayer do not want the Malays to be united and work together for their betterment.

After all, for people like him, Malays are only good to be their servants.

Of course they would not say it that way.

That would be racist.

So they say "Umno celaka!", and go about "Hey, I did not say Melayu celaka, I said Umno celaka."

So Rayer, Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu is celaka, is it?

Melayu Bersatu is celaka, is it?

For people like Rayer, the Malays are too stupid to see that he was insulting them by putting up that act.

Well, some of them are indeed stupid.

But not all of them, okay.

Anyway, that was all very stressful.

Racial insults are common place these days.

So, I don't want to get all worked up over it.

Last night was restful. I watched an old Star Trek movie.

The bad guys are the Kelingons.

They are an alien race at war with the humans,

They are very bad.

The humans are very angry with them.

Their leader Captain Kirk shouted at the Kelingons, "Celaka punya Kelingon pariah!!!!"

Errr....ok, ok, I made up the last part of this posting about watching Star Trek. I just need it to have the headline.

Jangan marah sama itu Captain Kirk ya.

Captain Kirk bukan racist yang tak suka orang India.

Dia insult Kelingon.

Dia tak insult orang India.


  1. Good one Annie! Very witty posting for a very serious message.. Unfortunately some Melayu are too brainwashed to get it.

  2. Bravo Annie! This really made my day...

  3. I love you Annie. Awesome post!

  4. Well Annie, this one particular kelingoon pariah intentionaly forgot that his kelingoons root got their citizenship because of UMNO and Melayu leadership.

    Melayu should stop being too accomodating from now on. These particular kelingoons pariahs and cinakoons chuvinist of the younger breed are the result of poor parental upbringing.

    1. Without chinese mother, there will be no Annie. Simply does not exist and no

    2. That is umno baru's history. Umno history under TAR went with tan siew sin and sabanthan to see the queen of eng land to get independence.

  5. UMNO main objective is to sapu wang for UMNOputra. Yang bertudung pun boleh bela lembu dan dapat berjuta-juta.

    1. Same la with the other party ! now they have sapu whatever they can in selangor and penang , in kelantan the mountain and the hill been converted to bukit botak . This is how malaysian politics peoples works . If this pakatoon come in to putrajaya everthing will become up side down money sure gone , oh by the the way I olso dont like this tudung lady with lembu trademark she suck.

    2. You want a liberated cewek, like Cindy lauper, girls want to have fun and uptown girl


    4. What to do? Umno gives hundred od millions to its member to raise cows for rendang and susu. Instead only condoms and open shop in sinkapore. no cows by umno.miss your susu very much and lembu trademark

  6. In case you forgot history, Mamakutty destroyed UMNO and formed a parti called UMNO Baru with him as ahli No 1 . Why didn't he called it parti Mamak baru? So that it can be called like UMNO, pretend like UMNO and represent the Malays like UMNO. That's where PAS made the mistake of not calling their party UMNOPAS.

    Apa dah jadi pada nombor ahli dahulu seperti Allahyarham Tunku, Hussein, Abdul Razak dll?

    So the plunder continues using UMNO Baru under the guise of defending the Malays and shouting the slogan of untuk Agama, Bangsa Dan Negara.

    So, when Celaka is directed at the UMNO Baru Melayu, it's more likely directed at them and the rest of Melayu at PAS, PKR, DAP and ordinary Rakyat couldn't care less. More likely Padan Muka and Siapa makan Cili, dia rasa pedas.

    So, Kelingon is directed at who? If it is to all Indians, I would called you an abhorrent Chinese Christian racists. It's like calling the Blacks in America "Negro".

    If your name is actually a guise but you are actually a Malay man beragama Islam then it would be called an abhorrent Malay Islamist racists.

    Celaka means Sial, malang or in English Shithead, unfortunate, etc. So what is so racist about that being directed at UMNO Baru. Most people use it all the time whether they are Melayu, India, Cina or whatever religion. Even husbands and wives, friends and school children use it often. Does the word Celaka means something different for Malays in general?

    1. Celaka punya Keling pariah tak sadar diri.

    2. You Jangan jadi buta sejarah atau barua RBA atau barua peliwat , UMNO diharamkan kerana Tg Razaliegh bawa kemakamah untuk di haramkan kerana tiada pendaftaran kemudian Tun Dr M daftarkan semula. Kalau kamu barua peliwat tak suka UMNO ka orang melayu ka jangan nak buat fitnah lah kalau buta sejarah . Saya bukan minat sangat dengan UMNO ,PAS , Parti kencing Rakyat atau Dapig tapi saya benci dengan orang buta sejarah dan beruk yang suka fitnah orang , Celaka memang perkataan yang di benci dan di keji oleh orang melayu yang ada maruah dan beriman . Mungkin bagi kamu biasa sebab kamu tak maruah boleh berpelok sama si peliwat.

    3. This anon 11.04 must be history blind , Tengku razaliegh is the person who brought The isu to the court after he lost UMNO election 1988 . Then salleh abas another arrogant fellow who act as a judge made a judgment that UMNO haram because was not registered since it was form . Tun M later registered UMNO againt , please if fool dont fool other .

    4. The British didn't bring the Brahmin as Coolie to Malaysia. As non Brahmin they are considered untouchable and less than Human in Mother India. Here in this country they want to "BERSULTAN DIMATA BERAJA DIHATI".

    5. Anon 11:04,

      He is not only pariah but also a Keling! Double whammy! Celaka punya keling pariah!

    6. Lol, your low education. If untouchable, why British go and colonise India where there millions of untouchable.

    7. 11:04 ni tak payah le nak hujah panjang panjang. Perkataan celaka ni bukan perkataan harian. Aku pon tak ingat dah berapa tahun aku tak sebut perkataan ni.
      Haramjadah Rayer undang undang DUN pun tak patuh. ADUN kelemaut apa dia ni ?

    8. Re. If untouchable, why British go and colonise India where there millions of untouchable.

      First, learn history about the British Empire and what colonization is all about.

      India's "Untouchables" Face Violence, Discrimination
      Hillary Mayell
      for National Geographic News
      June 2, 2003

      More than 160 million people in India are considered "Untouchable"—people tainted by their birth into a caste system that deems them impure, less than human.

      Human rights abuses against these people, known as Dalits, are legion. A random sampling of headlines in mainstream Indian newspapers tells their story: "Dalit boy beaten to death for plucking flowers"; "Dalit tortured by cops for three days"; "Dalit 'witch' paraded naked in Bihar"; "Dalit killed in lock-up at Kurnool"; "7 Dalits burnt alive in caste clash"; "5 Dalits lynched in Haryana"; "Dalit woman gang-raped, paraded naked"; "Police egged on mob to lynch Dalits".

    9. rayer is a keling pariah....anon 11.04 is a celaka makes me feel so good to say that i pointed these words specifically to these 2 jokers...

  7. Anon 10:37

    Lu jangan kasi malu itu sama kita pendatang lee aa . sendili mali ini negala Malaisia mau sapu apa ma a ? .
    Kasi itu lasuah , tatak mau ikut law , semua ikut law pendatang Cina tatak bolih kaya loo o , Cina punya olang cekap tatak mau lasuah ,Wa manyak malu lee aa .

    Cilakak punya 'Kelingoons' tatak sedar lili , kepala busat sekalang , kasi malu itu kaum pendatang loo oo , manyak cilakak .

    1. Anon 1131

      You sound inbred. You probably are. Now fuck off to your hole and stay the fuck there with your dumno bullshit.

    2. Hei Dapig dont be bustard la if you dont like it please dont come to this blog la . I thing better sell your ass hold to peliwat , he surely made as his tea boy . beat it .

  8. Hi , annie you selalu merungut letih berkerja dan cepat penat , saya cadang apa kata kita pergi bercuti dan berehat di puncak gunung everest , kawan kata udara sana segar dan buat kita rasa ceria, tapi kalau nasib kita baik mungkin kita pergi dan tak balik ! pasal ini kilingoon pariah , kebiasaan kilingoon pariah macam ini la dia rasa sudah tak sedar diri dari mana asal usul.

  9. are a racist Bitch. Nothing more and Nothing less. Why don't you take your Fucking spinning and piss off?.

    1. Hi bustard ,( annie may not know me ) dont talk to my girldfriend in that manner , May be thats the way your patrent though you but not both of us , if you cannot stand with the fact just get lost this not your bloody blog . I am just to be polite not to use your religion word but just get lost .

  10. What Rayer said is insulting ,that could result to racial unrest . UMNO though it's a polical party it represent the Malay (United Malay) , by saying UMNO celaka it's does too, means Melayu celaka !.

    The same goes, if anybody says MIC or MCA celaka !, it does mean the Indian and Chinese (celaka ) because both political party only represent single race .

    I understand , Rayer does repeat his saying, at political ceramah , to show how arrogance he was ,and the party he represents .

    Rayer ,does reflex the intelligence and quality of his party ,what quality does really shows here if he does understand political structure of a country saying something that could cause racial uproar . If Rayer got over with this ,there will be many others , are we willing with the consequences ?.

    If UMNO leads government look at this called by Rayer as (tidak apa ) I , believe the government memang celaka dan mengundang kecelakaan .

    1. If someone says Umno= all Malays? Then all Malays in PR are pseudo and illegal. Why no action from polisi umno

  11. Assalam.
    I would to extend my deepest gratitude to these people :
    Lim Kit Siang
    Lim Guan Eng
    Hannah Yeoh
    Teressa Kok
    Hew Kuan Yau
    RSN Rayer
    Teo Nie Ching
    Yeo Bee Yin
    Tony Pua

    and to all the RBAs.

    You have no idea how huge you contribution is to our beloved country, Malaysia.

    Due to your continous hardwork, uve put the Malays on the right path. The Malays is starting to reunite, and start to consider the possibility of having our own set of rules, a merge between conventional & hudud.

    With your constant looking down towards us, and provoking us, we realised, FINALLY, what we have to do.

    With all the LOVE that you preached but somehow only HATRED towards Malays who are not supporting you, we realise that LOVE & TIDAK APA attitude, giving WITHOUT questioning, and TRUST & FAITH of a friendships and harmony, IS WITH BOUNDRIES AND LIMITS.

    Without your persistance, we wouldnt have be moving towards achieving these. We wouldnt have realised the importance of being united among our religion and race. We wouldnt have thought of claiming back our lands and rights.



    1. Re. We wouldnt have thought of claiming back our lands and rights.

      When the time come, don't blame us for taking and doing what is right for us.

    2. So do orang asli, dayaks, ibans etc and everyone sing this is your land and this is my land

    3. Orang asli. Dayaks, ibans will thank and unite under their kind too if malayan bumis are under. In the end, apart from ,first pm. TAR, uncle lim makes people united.

    4. Uncle Lim makes Malaysians divided not United lah bodoh! Your uncle Lim was responsible for May 13, 1969 racial riot. Read the real Malaysian History and not the fake one written by Dr Kua Kia Soong!

    5. Re. So do orang asli, dayaks, ibans etc and everyone sing this is your land and this is my land

      Belajar Sejarah Tanah Melayu. Negara ini terletak dalam Gugusan Kepulauan Melayu. Seperti negara-negara lain, kaum pre-bumi memang telah jadi sebahagian dari Tanah Melayu. Status mereka sama seperti status Bumiputera dan mereka mendapat hak keistemewaan yang sama dengan Bumipuera yang lain.

      Pada masa lalu, inisiatif bagi membantu memajukan kaum pre-bumi adalah satu tugas yang sukar, kerana mereka sangat terikat dengan adat kepercayaan nenek-moyang mereka. Tugas mengimbangi cara hidup dan adat resam mereka selari arus pembangunan bukan sesuatu yang mudah, kerana banyak faktor-faktor pantang larang mereka yang patut dihormati. Ini ditambah pula dengan sikap kaum pendatang yang tak sedar diuntung, yang mengambil kesempatan samada dengan menceroboh kawasan kediaman mereka secara haram, atau pun sekiranya kerajaan mahu membuat satu-satu kegiatan pembangunan bagi membantu mereka, makalah melolong dan menyalaklah kaum-kaum pendatang dengan kuncu-kuncu NGO asing mereka, menuduh bahawa kerajaan cuba merampas dan memusnahkan kehidupan mereka. Kisah kaum Penan di Serawak adalah satu contoh terbaik untuk menjelaskan keadaan ini.


    6. You forgot DAP's spiritual inspiration, Sdr LOL.

      Remember his holiness Tok Guru Nik Aziz(?) who spouts: Celoko! Celako! Celako!

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah

    7. Anon 20.50, you or your member is wrong? One thank uncle lim for uniting the people and the other for disunity. No wonder, mas big jat can disappear. No confuse.

  12. Every politicians have their weakness & tends to get carried away while stressing their point. They may mean well but in order for them to be seen as the true leader of a party, they attack others & sometimes did not mean it. Whether it's UMNO or PKR or DAP, they all are the same. But for us to argue about it & take side will not do us any good. It will only increase the racial tension among us. Peace guys!

    1. The point is this particular Kelingon keeps repeating it in other ceramah as well.

    2. LOl, you see the picture,but not the whole picture. This guy does it, why pick on the party. Even umno does not think it is pr's policy/view. So you are having early childhood or uni edu

    3. Re. They may mean well but in order for them to be seen as the true leader of a party, they attack others & sometimes did not mean it

      The point is this particular Kelingon keeps repeating it in other ceramah as well. LET ME ADD, he even refused to apologize. WTF is 'sometimes did not mean it".

      Lain kali kalau dah bodoh duduk diam-diam.

    4. Chinese baba has been here since melaka sultanate, you umno stil call them pendatangs. You people knows only jalan sehala. Early childhood or uni edu?

    5. Re. Chinese baba has been here since melaka sultanate, you umno stil call them pendatangs.

      Nope. I have many Baba and Nyonya Friends, they are very sensible people unlike you the Chinakui. Mulan is a Baba-Nyonya follower in Helen's blog and she hates you guys like nobody business. Alwie Abdullah is another.

      Re. You people knows only jalan sehala. Early childhood or uni edu?

      Betul. "Kita tak main belakang", unlike your "ketua pembangkang" that I shall remain nameless.

    6. Re. Early Childhood Education

      Early Childhood Education is degree offers in many universities.

    7. Kindergarden= early childhood education

    8. LOL, you sound so defensive. Did he talk about your mother? I think you failed kindergarten or maybe got passed due to quota. Just shut your holes & stop creating racial tension. You are a true racist.

    9. LOL, Janganlah berlagak pandai. Dahlah buta Sejarah, racist pulak. Mak Bapak tak ajar hormat kaum lain ke? Kurang ajar!

  13. United under whose banner:)? UMNO, PAS? And where is this unity? Last I checked, support for UMNO continue to slide due to mismanagement, corruption of the government coffers which ultimately undermines the welfare of the hard working middle and lower income Malays. We can go on race baiting for all we care, but where will that get us? Malays do not equal UMNO. And that fact scares the crap out of UMNO. The day of reckoning comes closer:). Sincerely, a big thank you.

    1. Re. Last I checked, support for UMNO continue to slide

      In case you have been sleeping all this while, the Malay support for UMNO has improved in GE13. The most solid evident is depicted with UMNO making inroad in Kelantan by winning 12 seats, the first since PAS took over Kelantan in the early 1990's.

      Please get your fact right before you want to debate this. It is MCA, GERAKAN and the Kelingon component of MIC that lost the support from their respective communities. in any seat that any of them won, all were due to the Malay support.

      Re. ultimately undermines the welfare of the hard working middle and lower income Malays. We can go on race baiting for all we care, but where will that get us?

      The Malays have been well taken care of by UMNO, from education, healthcare, businesses, and welfare services. It can't be helped that some of them turn to be ingrate for it is a normal in any community and in any country.
      I have posted news regarding to many of these initiatives before in this blog and too lazy to post it again. Help yourself with UNCLE GOOGLE.

      Wrt to "get us", if you are a KELINGON Pariah, do act like one, there is no need to be ashamed of it and trying be a fool by acting as unsolicited AGENT PROVOCATEUR. We have seen that enough in this blog.

      Re. And that fact scares the crap out of UMNO. The day of reckoning comes closer:)

      You think so? Than why does DAP go all out chasing after the Malay votes?
      UMNO have proven that without the Chinese and Indian Votes they can still run the country.

    2. Only early childhood education is happy with 500 ringgit when a minister can use millions to spend in sinkapore instead on rearimg animals for makimg rendang

    3. Re. Only early childhood education is happy with 500 ringgit when a minister can use millions to spend in sinkapore instead on rearimg animals for makimg rendang

      ROTFL... if you want to debate with me please at least try learning to string a decent argument with a solid substantiated evidence. Not the kind of crap that you usually posted.

      Try better next time....

    4. Try better next time to refute. Dont crap around. You know how less you are getting as compare dumnoputras who are raking millions. Just wayang kulit for few days, easy income for the ex-minister. When Annie is bitching and groaning about johor. How much she,-man is getting. One is choking and the other crumbs

    5. Re. You know how less you are getting as compare dumnoputras who are raking millions.

      How do you know that we are getting less? The point is ASALKAN BUKAN DAPAT PADA DAPigs and KELINGON.

      Good Enough for us.

      Re. Just wayang kulit for few days, easy income for the ex-minister.

      How do you explain your Mama Dapster's salary is higher than the Deputy Prime Minister Salary?

      Re. When Annie is bitching and groaning about johor. How much she,-man is getting. One is choking and the other crumbs

      This doesn't make sense. Can you write in Malay, your English is ATROCIOUS....

    6. Hey dude. How much side income federal ministers are having? They are untouchable by macc. Umno macc is pouncing to call PR for any wrong moves.your English sucks like old mama. Mumbling

    7. Re. How much side income federal ministers are having?

      It is a concern of yours because?

      How do you explain the "rumah urut", illegal gambling, prostitution rings, and along that are prospering in Pakatan areas and states?

      Re. They are untouchable by macc. Umno macc is pouncing to call PR for any wrong moves.

      You mean, like when Teioh Beng Hock "fell" down building or the Indian gangster being ambushed by the police? All cases are related to side income and bread and butter income.

      Re. They are untouchable by macc

      In this context, based on standard and privileges, we are the Brahmin.

      Anyhow, how do you explain NFC case if they are untouchable?

      Re. Umno macc is pouncing to call PR for any wrong moves

      You mean like when DAP/PR demolished the Malays' food stalls and businesses around Pulau Pinang but keep a blind eye on the Chinese illegal food stalls and businesses; or when they bulldozed Kampung Buah Pala; or why cry fault and play victim over your own CEC debacle.

      Re. your English sucks like old mama

      You mean "SUCKS" like being a non-brahmin and having to live with it? or your old mama the non-brahmin is "Sucks" ?

      Re. Mumbling

      Mumble by definition refers to "say something indistinctly and quietly, making it difficult for others to hear." .

      If you want to debate with me, please at least learn to use the correct/right word.


      I just don't understand why the Kelingon likes to use the term "dude" as a sign to show that they are "cool". Plus the fake lingo/jargon that they are trying to copy from the "hood" very hard, tak menjadi la.... Sigh! so sad

    8. Prositution is everywhere but more so in Indonesia. Bet you have fun as they have the biggest centre and regional centre? Who runs it as you are cruel as you say Chinese are nobody there? Umnoputras like you has money to go to 5 stars hotel for fun with cewek. Ordinary Malays have to thank rumah tumpungan.

    9. Another bs. Good try with the word dude and be like tee and ting. Been smelling underies to give you the kick to oink2 long winded

    10. Re. Prositution is everywhere but more so in Indonesia.

      Do you have statistics to substantiate that? Let's look at the number based on population:

      Indonesia = 0.25 Billion people
      India = 1.27 Billion people
      China = 1.36 Billion people

      If we guesstimate that each country has 1% prostitute out of their population, China rank the highest, followed by India and Indonesia at third place and with a far meager fraction below the two.

      Re. Bet you have fun as they have the biggest centre and regional centre?

      You must be a regular client to know that.

      Re. Who runs it as you are cruel as you say Chinese are nobody there?

      Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. As much as I hate to admit that women should not be exploited sexually, you must give it to Indonesia for not "exporting" their prostitute to all over the world unlike China or worst still in India with Devadasi practice (Prostitution of God).

      Re. Umnoputras like you has money to go to 5 stars hotel for fun with cewek. Ordinary Malays have to thank rumah tumpungan.

      To rebut your comment, it is a case different strokes for different strokes. Unlike the Chinese who not only run and imported the prostitutes, some of them are also the decedent of comfort women (pros la tu...kiranya)

    11. Re. Another bs.

      Speak for yourself Honey.

      Re. Good try with the word dude and be like tee and ting.

      I shall take it as a compliment for there is nothing there to dispute.

      Re. Been smelling underies to give you the kick to oink2 long winded

      Oh! have you been smelling your grandma panties like I suggested before?

    12. You have been oink2 and lost in the way. Dont smell LEG underdies. Now you support prositutions as they exists in Indonesia which is more open and have many kelab malam. Yet you blame chinese and not tony and his umno dudes for cheap airlines to Jakarta for Malaysians to have fun.

    13. Re. Dont smell LEG underdies.

      ROTFL. I never did unlike you who have that fetish judging by your comment.

      Can someone in here tell me what is "LEG UNDIE".?

      Re. they exists in Indonesia which is more open and have many kelab malam

      Same goes with Selangor and Pulau Pinang, with their illegal RUMAH URUT and KARAOKE Club.

      Re. Yet you blame chinese and not tony

      YES I blame the Chinese Prostitutes for flocking this Country day in and day out, and NO, I don't blame Tony Fernandez for he has never advertised something like "! MILLION FREE SEATS FOR CHINESE PROSTITUTES" or the likes.

      Re. cheap airlines to Jakarta for Malaysians to have fun.

      You can be sued by Tony Fernandez for Libel and Slandering.

      Anyhow, just to satisfy your query and if that is so why the heck that you fly AirAsia to Jakarta just to have fun? Why not Thailand or China? Did he point a gun to your head and ask you to fly AirAsia to look for prostitutes?

    14. Your English is terrible; do not know how to read and understand. Only how to copy and paste from the computer. You do not understand the word cheap airlines. You only think everything is own by umno and tony. There are so many cheap airlines operating in klia2

    15. Re. Your English is terrible; do not know how to read and understand.

      A pot calling a kettle black.

      Re. Only how to copy and paste from the computer.

      It is called references to prove a point, so that I won't be like most of you
      with empty talk and thought plus no brain.

      Re. You do not understand the word cheap airlines. You only think everything is own by umno and tony. There are so many cheap airlines operating in klia2

      Here is an excerpt of your exact comment:

      Quote "Yet you blame chinese and not tony and his umno dudes for cheap airlines to Jakarta for Malaysians to have fun. " Unquote

      1. You are insinuating that both Tony and UMNO are encouraging people to have "fun" in Jakarta;

      2. You are not talking about Cheap Airlines in the comment, the Cheap Airlines stated in the para are indirectly link to Tony and UMNO;

      3. If you are stupid, it is better to keep quite.

  14. Celaka is meant only for UMNO only, the only and the one only. As Tun M said, all clever smart professionals are all with Pakatan, only the stupid and celaka people are left in Umno... your great Mamak Umno Baru leader said that.. ada faham??? Memang bodoh and celaka betul orang2 Umno sekarang.. Umno Baru wa....!!!! Other Malays are not affected at all. They are good people, unlike Umnoputras..!

    1. Re. As Tun M said, all clever smart professionals are all with Pakatan, only the stupid and celaka people are left in Umno

      Please substantiate this comment with reference and source.

      Marah ke? Cuba kamu balik India dan tenguk bagaimana CELAKAnya kehidupan keturunan kamu sebagai Kelingon Pariah. I am not making this up to insult the Kelingon Pariah for the British didn't bring the Brahmin here to work ad coolie in the estate back then.

      You and your whole Kelingon Pariah community owe the RAJA RAJA MELAYU for giving your Kelingon Pariah forefather the Jus Soli to be the citizen of this country and by that virtue you and your Kelingon community were elevated to be as human as we are and not LESS THAN HUMAN in YOUR MOTHER INDIA.


    3. You're obviously not a Malay. So please don't pretend to be one.

    4. They respect raja2. That is they see raja2 may have motors biy no tires and proper roads. They are very good in rubber tapping and building roads better than the locals. Raja2 are happy because they do a better job as Raja2 can drive from chinatown to Chinatown. Unfortunately, locals are unable to build kampong roads

    5. Re. They are very good in rubber tapping and building roads better than the locals.

      1. They were saved from their untouchable status by coming here;

      2. They work for the British, not the Raja-Raja Melayu back then;

      3. When the British left, the British doesn't want them, not then and not even now. Hindraf's demand is anything to go by to verify this validity;

      4. The Raja-Raja gave them JUS SOLI the right to be citizen and elevated them to new height as FULL HUMAN BEING as opposed to LESS THAN HUMAN in Mother India;

      5. Going by the way they behave nowadays, I have come to a conclusion that the BRAHMIN have made the right decision for treating them as such in INDIA.

    6. Lol is a big chemeleon for Kutty and forefathers are one of them.

    7. Re. Lol is a big chemeleon

      " chameleon" not "chemeleon"

      Re, for Kutty

      kutty - used to describe something exhibiting a very high level of quality; aesthetically pleasing.

      Note: Better than Dalit right?

      Re. and forefathers are one of them.

      Of course by definition stated above we are superior like "Brahmin".

    8. are you going to be Brahmin or Nazi hilter superior race?

    9. Which one do you prefer?

    10. You have a kindergarden edu. You say you like superior and like Brahmin. It is your preference unless you are mentally retarded, do not know how to answer.

    11. Re. You have a kindergarden edu

      Don't you? Meaning don't you go to kindergarten. Judging by your English, Logic and Reasoning you might have stopped there to begin with.

      Re. You say you like superior and like Brahmin.

      Yes but I can be a Nazi if you want me too. That is why I gave you a choice.

      Re. It is your preference unless you are mentally retarded

      Where is the logic when 'Having Preference" is considered as retarded? ONLY A RETARD thinks that way.....

      Re. do not know how to answer.

      Don't be too harsh on your own mental capability.

    12. Okay I am not mentally retarded. I WANT you to be Cinabeng or think like one. I am sure you can do it.

    13. Re. Okay I am not mentally retarded.

      Do you have a clearance from a psychiatrist to prove that?

      Re. I WANT you to be Cinabeng or think like one.

      This proves that you are mental case. Only a retard would request one to be a Cinabeng.


      You crack me...

  15. Annie oh Annie!
    Such a stupid reasoning that condemn UMNO means condemning "Melayu Bersatu" simply because its in the official party name.

    So next time UMNO/BN fellas cursing PAS with bad words like celaka then, does that means UMNO/PAS also cursing Islam? Since official name of PAS is Parti Islam SeMalaysia, which is formed to unite Muslims in Malaysia.

    Then we can haul those UMNO/BN members and supporters over the years that condemn PAS by name. Easy right? Since cursing PAS means you UMNO/BN also cursing Islam, simply because its in their party name... Bodoh sombong punya logik.

    ~ Kluang girl

    1. Ai Yaa a Kluang girl.

      MCA aa ,itu 100% Cina ,kasi celakak MCA ,selupa kasi celakak sama Cina loo oo.

      MIC aa itu India punya pati ma hh , celakak MIC selupa kasi celakak sama India lea aa.

      Le Aa Pee ,kasi celakak ,Ciana atak malah juga , itu pati Cina lamai ,Cina atak manyak contorol loo oo.

      Lu atak selau cekap olang manyak boloh.

    2. Bro lufang,

      Engkau Melayu rumpun Cina mana? Aku suruh member2 Tionghua aku tolong baca apa yang kau tulis. Diaorang satu pun tak faham langsung. Mungkin dialek baru kacukan Batak kut. Kau pi sekolah mana?

      Mungkin aku kena suruh diaorang pi tengok Apek dengan Sarimah dari filem Ali Baba Bujang Lapok zaman P Ramlee baru boleh faham dialek kelentong kau...

      Aku rasa engkau kena belajar rajin2 ngan Rosnah anak Pendekar Mustar di Sekolah Umum Buta Huruf la...Haha

      ~ Kluang girl

    3. Kluang girl , aa a

      Wa cina sekolah lea aa , Wa tatak malah itu UMNO , Wa malh Wa punya pak , ini Malaisia ma aa ,apa past cina sekolah ?.

      Itu Mustar , apa Mustar ?, Wa a tatak tau lea a , itu P lamlee Wa atak lengar.

      Apa pasat lu tanya Ciana punya olang kasi bacat . Hai yaa a ,Wa ingat itu olang selupa Wa maa aa !, cina sekolah.

    4. Bor lufang,

      Kelentong Batak la kau! Haha
      Mambang mana, lubuk mana ni...

      ~ Klaung girl

    5. Perkataan Kelentong berasal dari kata dasar "Keling" yang biasa dihubungkait dengan sifat suka putar belit.

      Batak pula merupakan salah satu rumpun Melayu Etenik di Indonesia. Nasution, Hutalogong, Hutajulu adalah antara nama-nama keluaga (surname) bagi keturunan Batak ini.


      I am sorry I don't see the connection or synonymous between the two based words.

  16. It's not about party, not about race, it's about good vs evil

  17. That Rayer guy is from a pariah caste. The pariahs are despised by the upper caste Indians. In order to avoid the stigma, they converted to the White man religion hoping to show some class. But, a pariah is still a pariah no matter what religion one profess. Live example is with that Rayer guy.

    1. To whitewash their dark past and secret, they resort to reclassify their root as EUROPEAN INDIAN.

    2. Like some sneak into the penang assembly, some whitewash and reclassify as bumis. Good example is former PM. Same with some chinese like ting and tee

    3. Re. Like some sneak into the penang assembly, some whitewash and reclassify as bumis

      Quote " perlembagaan menyatakan melayu adalah yg habitual bercakap melayu, beragama islam, mempraktik budaya melayu. terma ‘melayu’ sudah jadi teknikal, bukan lagi ‘bangsa’. perlembagaan tidak menyediakan mekanisma bagaimana seorang yang asalnya bukan melayu boleh memohon ditakrif sebagai melayu berdasarkan takrifan melayu yang ada dalam perlembagaan. sewajarnya ada satu mekanisma dimana permohonan boleh dibuat dan diterima' Unquote
      credit: Mae1000 from Helen's blog

      Unlike the European Indian, they are not even born and bred in any European Countries or even adopt and adapt the Caucasian culture except for being Christian. If they were to migrate in any of the European countries they still considered as Indian, not Caucasian.

      Re. Same with some Chinese like ting and tee

      Get your fact right. Both have never claimed that they are Malay. They are Muslim Chinese. Dr. Ridhuan Tee still registered his children as Chinese, based on paternity lineage, as opposed to Mama Dapster Hannah Yeoh who had purposed disregard and disrespect her husband Indian heritage by registering her first born as Chinese. The second daughter was registered as Indian due to public pressure and to safe face.

    4. There is no brahmin there is no pariah. all the caste is man-made innovations for the powerful to keep the poor under their control and to deny them basic human rights. Satan's discrimination and prejudice system

    5. Same first, second, third class, bumis and non bumi caste system.

    6. Re. Same first, second, third class, bumis and non bumi caste system.

      Very true. The Bumiputera with all the privileges is considered as first class citizen. The Chinese through their own words considered themselves as second class citizen. The Indian ...let's not go there, shall we?

    7. anon 8:18,

      You see your mistake in thinking is this: If in Malaysian democracy a person abuse his power while in office for self-profit, then he is a corrupted person and guilty of a crime, but in Brahmin caste system it is their "God-given Right" (according to their religious beliefs) to discriminate against other people of low caste, and to give themselves social and economic privileges above lesser human beings - it's not political abuse of power; instead they call it religious righteousness! muahahahaha! balik kampung lah mama pondek chauvinist

    8. Your eyes are half open. In Indian caste, they are can do jobs fit to their rank in caste. It has nothing to fo with politics. But in malaysia politics, after 1969, the ruling power introduces politics caste system. We hear ketuanan melayu. Have you hear ketuanan dayaks, ibans, kedazahan

    9. Re. Your eyes are half open. In Indian caste, they are can do jobs fit to their rank in caste. It has nothing to fo with politics.

      Doing job based on Caste has never been an issue, but labeling and treating the Pariah as less than human is BEYOND ANY CIVILIZATION.

      Re. But in malaysia politics, after 1969, the ruling power introduces politics caste system.

      We call a spade a spade. It is not a caste system, it is our right for this land.

      Re. We hear ketuanan melayu.

      To ensure the Pendatang understand and remember that this TANAH MELAYU, not Tanah Cina or India.

      Re. Have you hear ketuanan dayaks, ibans, kedazahan

      All of them are under RUMPUN MELAYU just like Javanese, Batak, Minang, Acheh, Madura, Suluk etc. for they are the inhabitant of the Malay Archipelago and that is why they are also called Buniputera.

      Don't like and agree with it? Try to explain why you are non-Brahmin as a comparison.

  18. No the way was reacted as the government has been playing with caste system.


  19. My deepest feelings entirely my dear Sdri Annie!

    His religion casts this guy a Pariah .. and he behaves like a Pariahh, but we Malays shouldn't name him a fucking P.. kan?

    (1) Interlok literature, patut dari dulu boleh.
    (2) Maaf lepas geram disini- TMI editors/ sensors keeps blocking my suggestion that an apology from the YB is not inappropriate.

    Haji M Zin
    Alor Gajah DPH

  20. Quite disappointed with your racist jibe, but it's expected.
    Anyway, I have to thank UMNO. All your dirty money pays from some great bonuses for us keling working in Singapore. Keep it up, Am gonna pay cash for a condo next month.

    1. Re. All your dirty money pays from some great bonuses for us keling working in Singapore

      1. If you work in Singapore, you pay taxes in Singapore not here in Malaysia;

      2. You and a small number of your community are not the only group working in Singapore. They are also Malay professionals and non-professional working in Singapore too. On top of that Khazanah Malaysia owns private hospital chain in Singapore, they have four hospitals currently there and the second largest Healthcare Provider in the World. Maybank, CIMB, RHB Bank are there too. Plus various other Malaysian Government Interest.

      re. Keep it up, Am gonna pay cash for a condo next month

      Hate to bust your bubble, you are not the first person to buy condo in cash terms, there are many others before you as well. I hope you are buying a Condo in Singapore and not here.

    2. Good, umno find there is more money and gold there. Umno can make more money. Why Malaysia is less?

    3. Re. Why Malaysia is less?

      That is called diversification.

    4. You are right. Okay and bagus to diversify in cinabeng companies and in sinkapore when umno says sinkapore id not treating Malays well. Lol, welcome you are supporting it

    5. Re. diversify in cinabeng companies

      Khazanah owns the Hospitals and Maybank, CIMB, RHB and many others stand on their own. It is not a joint venture, they are the subsidiaries.

      Re. umno says sinkapore id not treating Malays well. Lol, welcome you are supporting it

      Many Singaporean Malays and Muslims are employed by UMNO in the Companies there to counter the discrimination that they have been facing all this year.

      That is how we support them, the same way we give them easy access to become PR here in Malaysia and in the long run as citizen.


      Quite shallow in term of knowledge but good question though.

    6. Lol, you are sleeping. See how many Singapore bumis, maybank and hospitals in singspore they are employing? You are asking them to migrate to Malaysia is like asking them to relocate from kl to kangar.they have families.

    7. Re. See how many Singapore bumis, maybank and hospitals in singspore they are employing?

      Why don't you go and see yourself and tell. I can't tell for it is trade secret.

      Re. You are asking them to migrate to Malaysia is like asking them to relocate from kl to kangar.they have families.

      No. I am not asking them, many of them are already here. You just don't know them for they all look and talk like us.

      They love Malaysia, many have settled in small town or kamoung because they hate the HDB flat that look like sarang burung merpati and walit. No space and place to do gardening or even just laze around outside.


  21. Seems like you now have to change the name of your ethnic group from "Melayu" to "Umno".

    What I read is Rayer says, "UMNO celaka" but your Malay brothers said Rayer insulted Malays.

    So, mathematically, this means :
    "UMNO celaka" = "Melayu celaka"
    Therefore, "UMNO" = "Melayu"

    Dato, please remember to change all official documents including your birth cert, remove the word "Melayu" and change it to "UMNO".

    From now on, we can tell the world that Malaysia has is a multi-racial country made up of Umno, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Iban ...

    1. The Malays in Sri lanka, Singapore, south Africa, Thailand, Indonesia = umnos.

    2. No. Think of it this way, just like Indian in India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh and all over the world, some are Brahmin and some are not.

    3. Anon 23:25
      Jadilah cerdik sedikit. Kena faham ahli ahli UMNO 100% orang Melayu. Mungkin adalah sedikit dari golongan etnik Melayu. Luaskan ilmu anda, parti parti di Malaysia seperti UMNO, MCA, MIC malah Gerakan juga berasaskan kaum. Jadi bila UMNO dicelakan sudah tentu orang Melayu sebagai bangsa yang bermaruah dan tuan kepada Tanah Melayu akan marah dan tersinggung. Saya yakin kalau parti parti lain yang berasaskan bangsa dicelakan bangsa yang terlibat akan merah walaupun tidak semestinya mereka ahli parti tersebut. Hanya golongan DAYUS sahaja yang membiarkan bangsa, negara dan agama mereka dicelakakan . Harap harap anon 23:25 tidak termasuk golongan DAYUS.

    4. Only a small-brained monkey would think your way.So u're a m..?

    5. There current Population of India in 2014 is estimated to be 1.27 billion who think that way and that is not a small number, I am just making an inference.BTW, isn't Monkey (Hanuman) is one of your Hindu God and Goddesses and by that virtue the small-brained monkey is sacred and worshiped by the you.

    6. Try to be smartass? You dont understand 20 million and try to know 1.27 billion?

    7. Re. You dont understand 20 million and try to know 1.27 billion?

      What kind of inference is this? Anyway to rebut your comment wittily and in respond to your 20 million vs 1.27 billion comparison, one can only guess it may be related to the exaggeration and drama that your community is always fond of, as Helen Ang's has aptly put it "Ada 4 orang India, mereka hendak mengadakan 5 buah parti poilitik dengan mengadakan 10 jawatan".

      There is a an old saying that goes " Kecil jangan disangka budak, besar jangan disangka bapak".

    8. You have not eatten ndian curries outside SE asia. Are the Indian curries the same as those found in Malaysia? Same with monkies. Just a small sample and you represent it the whole population

    9. Re. You have not eatten ndian curries outside SE asia. Are the Indian curries the same as those found in Malaysia?

      I have been to India and I have seen how they treat the Dalits. For instance, my car driver is not even allowed to step out from the car at the Hotel Lobby. When I was in Agra, I asked the driver why don't he took us inside the Taj Mahal, but he wasn't allowed to do that. On the way, we have to pick up a tour guide of different caste.

      The Malaysian Indian are the non-Brahmin descendant. A dark past past they have been trying to forget and erase. The only different is that over here they got the reprieve from that kind atrocity that they may be facing in India.

      Trust me, if any of you go back to India and told the Brahmin that you are Malaysian Indian, you will be frown upon them.

      Re. Same with monkies.

      It is a sarcasm. Let me rephrase it, Don't call people small-brained monkey, when monkey is one of your god and goddesses known as Hanuman. Don't throw the salvo if you can't take the heat in return.

      Re. Just a small sample and you represent it the whole population

      A study is normally done based on a small sample of population and based on that small sample you can make an inference, just like what I did.

      This is the original comment in case you missed them:

      !. The Malays in Sri lanka, Singapore, south Africa, Thailand, Indonesia = umnos.

      Note: The Question asked whether Malays in other Countries are considered as UMNO.

      2. No. Think of it this way, just like Indian in India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh and all over the world, some are Brahmin and some are not.

      Note: The response justifies that not all Indian are Brahmin as a comparison, but they still Indian. Indian is their Ethnicity and Brahmin and Non-Brahmin are the labels. Just like Melayu and UMNO.

      3. Only a small-brained monkey would think your way.So u're a m..?

      Note: This is an open invitation for a sarcastic comment.

      4. There current Population of India in 2014 is estimated to be 1.27 billion who think that way and that is not a small number, I am just making an inference.BTW, isn't Monkey (Hanuman) is one of your Hindu God and Goddesses and by that virtue the small-brained monkey is sacred and worshiped by the you.

      Note. The inference was derived based on the population of 1.27 billion population in India that acknowledge the caste system which is still thriving until today. Plus the Monkey thingy.


      Have you been to India and able to check into the Taj Palace Hotel, The Oberoi or the likes?

    10. What a joke. You just go to india Disney land. India celebrate divali nit deepavali. Many do not know who is deity ganesh, muninady etc. Malaysia has links with Tamil state and belief eith other regions are different.

    11. Re. What a joke. You just go to india Disney land. India celebrate divali nit deepavali.

      Aren't they festival of ligts. In fact I was there during the Divali. My friend from Indian and the Brahmin here in Kuala Lumpur is celebrating Divali/Deepavali at the same.

      Re.Many do not know who is deity ganesh, muninady etc.

      Correct, because many of you don't study Hinduism. You just go to temple and follow "membabi buta". I studied Hinduism in College, and there are estimated 330 million gods and goddesses according to Hinduism.

      Can anyone of you remember everyone of them i.e. the god and goddesses?

      Re. Malaysia has links with Tamil state and belief eith other regions are different.

      Very true, they are the the non-Brahmin and the lower class. In Sri Lanka they are hunted to death and in India they are despised as less than human.

    12. Re. You just go to india Disney land

      Trust me India is NO Disneyland. It is hell on earth for the non-brahmin. Even if you are staying at 5 star hotels, they advised you not to use tap water to brush your teeth, and you have to use mineral water for that.

      Here is a preview:

  22. Just seen his photo. Look like a pariah and behaved like one too. He definitely give pariah a bad name.

  23. Kelingon car drivers selalu buat hal on the road.

    1. Trivia - Almost every car in blue color normally owns by them. I was told by ex long time ago and since then I have kept an eye on it, and I found that 9 out of 10 are true. Especially that light blue color.

    2. Kelingons like gold necklace and bracelets too.. Black and gold... what a contrast.

  24. Dap celaka .......... Saya tak marah cina tapi dap yg celaka dan bermuka-muka.

  25. Apasal banyak komen komen ni bunyi macam budak Tak cukup sekolah ?
    Kalau Intel tu level VCD peddlers aje toksah buang masa la tulis komen.

    Komen cakap pusing pusing lagi banyak dari yang berfakta. Red Bean Assholes yang berperangai macam ni.

    Perkataan CELAKA ni tak harus ditutur dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri. Manusia sejenis Rayer patut speaker kena halau keluar persidangan dewan. Dan punya kurang ajar Rayer SIAL ni dalam ceramah diulangnya lagi.

    Ini Rayer Anak Sundal memang cari pasal dengan Melayu..

  26. UMNO celaka, PAS sesat, DAP babi sama sama mengata orang, diri yang lebih.

  27. Nowaday in Penang and DAP, so many wannabe Kapal Singh...but sound more like a dongkey.

  28. Well, it's obvious that Annie isn't a "Trekkie"!

    Because if she is, she'd know that the correct spelling is " Klingons" and not "Kelingons".

    Unless, of course, it's her intention to play up the word " Keling", with all it's connotations.

    Bravo, Annie - that's a very mature attitude that you are showing. And a wicked sense of humour too, taking liberties with the Queen's English and all.

    But I wonder - do you share the mindset of those people who have no qualms in calling Tony Fernandes "a low caste pariah" - as happened in a blog curated by a certain ex-MP who shall remain nameless?

    So, is it open season on "Kelings" and "low caste pariahs"?


    1. Absolutely/ almost nothing racist alhamduli'Llah about our beloved TS Tony
      who is totally focused on business, and is World Keling/ Malaysia's Man of the Year.

      VMY 2014:
      Foreigners prefer Malaysia chiefly because of
      - cheap AA flights, and
      - cheap Truly Asia Food & Rooms.

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

    2. Re. Because if she is, she'd know that the correct spelling is " Klingons" and not "Kelingons".

      Didn't you understand what SARCASM and POLITICAL SATIRE are?

      Sarcasm - the use of irony to mock or convey contempt

      Satire - the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

      Re. Unless, of course, it's her intention to play up the word " Keling", with all it's connotations.

      Pun intended.

      Re. So, is it open season on "Kelings" and "low caste pariahs"?

      It is not a seasonal "thingy", it is inbred. Don't kid yourself.

    3. Anon 1712
      You are a shinning examples of the behaviour of Malays and Muslims!

    4. Malay Yes, but as Muslim I still have a lot to learn and I am only HUMAN.


      Why is it wrong when I am merely sharing fact and info. I don't simply make up most of the things I wrote.

    5. Human can make mistakes and you continue to do so because you are not willing to correct. You are umno first and malay second. Your godly heart conscience has been tainted. Umnoputras help themselves more than Malays in kelantan or bumis in sabah and sarawak. They give few hundreds to rakyat but themselves millions in the name of race and religion. Kutty says umno shut off young Malay professionals who had to turn to pas.

    6. RE. Human can make mistakes and you continue to do so because you are not willing to correct.

      Very true. The point is, why blame us and expect us to change when you and your community behavior are nothing less to desire. and not willing to reciprocate.

      It takes two hands to clap.

      Re. You are umno first and malay second.

      Look at it as the Brahmin, who try to stand and protect their ground. It is human nature. We have seen what happened to the Malays in Singapore and that is a lesson well learned.

      Re. Your godly heart conscience has been tainted.

      According to you, because you are at the losing end. Unlike us, your community have been labelled as tainted by your own people right from your own motherland civilization but your expect others to treat you better than that.

      Re. Umnoputras help themselves more than Malays in kelantan or bumis in sabah and sarawak.

      This concern you because? Given the same opportunity, you would have taken the same route or done even worst.

      Why don't you ask Samy Vellu?

      Re. They give few hundreds to rakyat but themselves millions in the name of race and religion.

      BRIM is just one of the initiates, there are many others via education, healthcare, welfare, and businesses. I have commented about this so many times, too lazy to re-post it,

      Re. Kutty says umno shut off young Malay professionals who had to turn to pas.

      All you mean? Why are they heading to PAS? Have PAS been able to help them in Kelantan and Selangor?

      I doubt so, many of them still MAKAN GAJI dengan UMNO in various position in Government and GLCs. Political alliance is a mean for them to get more. Do you think that people going into politics merely after the Rakyat and Public Services? Think Again.


      Why are you commenting about the Malay affairs, when you and your community affairs are nothing less to desire?

    7. Lol you and others see it as race because umno is only talk about race and religion. We talk as Malaysians. Umno to keep in power, gives some candies to some while they themselvrs are raking many times. If umno is helping Malays, then they should help kelantan Malays and Trengganu malays. But they show they are helping umnoputras more. In thr name of bumis, they are spending less on sabah and Sarawak bumis. We are concern on social justice not race like you believe in god as in umno rukun Negara. Guess umno throw into the bin. Singaporeans do not think as chinese, Indians or Malays. You do not think like singapore Malays. If we think as a race, one day, orang asli, dayaks, ibans etc anything will be an insult to their race. You ate living in your land and they will be living in theirs. Repeat, SOCIAL JUSTICE.

    8. Re. Lol you and others see it as race because umno is only talk about race and religion. We talk as Malaysians. Umno to keep in power, gives some candies to some while they themselvrs are raking many times.

      I am to lazy to rebut this for fat to many times, please refer to my previous comment.

      Can you explain what is CEC Debacle in DAP is all about? Why the Indians are given proper notice to attend the general assembly to vote?

      Re. If umno is helping Malays, then they should help kelantan

      The Kelantan Malays voted for PAS. They should ask PAS to help them. That 's the rules in Any Country to begin with. Anyhow, I have not seen any of the Kelantenese students being sideline in Education and they are all over the IPTA, UiTM and Abroad.

      It is the PAS led Government that has failed to develop Kelantan for the last 20 years or so. Kata lebih pandai dan bagus dari UMNIO/BN, tapi kenapa tak berjaya?

      Re. Trengganu malays.

      I don't hear the Terengganu Malays are complaining except you and your ilks who are unrelated party plus none of your business to begin with.

      Re. But they show they are helping umnoputras more. In thr name of bumis,

      Can you prove that? I have given the evidences so many times about this. Too lazy to re-post them.

      Re. they are spending less on sabah and Sarawak bumis.

      I don't hear the Sabah and Serawak Bumi are complaining, If they are being treated that bad, they won't be given BN the Mandate in the last PRU13. Right?

      Get your fact right too. There is UMNO in Serawak, only the BN component. Even when 13 members of DUN declared to be out of one of the components is Serawak, they still want to be with BN.

    9. Re. We are concern on social justice

      Who are we? The Chinese and Indian? I don't hear any other bumputera complaining. Differences in Political Alliance and Opinion is natural and it happens in every country world wide.

      Re. not race like you believe in god as in umno rukun Negara.

      Oh here is the Clincher. Believe in God as ALLAH is the same Jesus? I don't think so.

      Re. Guess umno throw into the bin. Singaporeans do not think as chinese, Indians or Malays.

      The Singaporeans hates their government. Majority of them, because the PAP has been importing PRC Chinese as new citizen to outnumber the local to win the election. I have posted about this before, annually the PAP approved about 25,000 new citizens mostly PRC Chinese since 2005 or 2007.

      On that note, If Singapore is so GREAT, why did 89% of Malaysian Chinese PR in Singapore refuse to give up their Malaysia Citizenship and becoming Singaporean?

      As for the Singaporean Malays, they have been systematically marginalized since 1965. I have also commented about this many times, plus I have friends and relatives there.

      Re. You do not think like singapore Malays.

      Why should I think like a Singaporean Malays? What is the logic?

      I have been to Singapore and many times and I have seen the way they are being treated. They are many Singaporean Malay PR here in Malaysia, some have become citizens. There are many waiting to do so? Why is that so, if Singapore is so Great?

      Re. If we think as a race, one day, orang asli, dayaks, ibans etc anything will be an insult to their race.

      Nope. I have not insulted any of them and I have not intended to do so ever. Since it is coming from you, I guess it must be a Freudian slip.

      Stop bringing up the rest of the ethnic and pre-bumi group to whitewash your own predicament. We don't have issue with them, but the way I read it, you are.

      Re. You ate living in your land and they will be living in theirs.

      Their Land is My land, My land is their land. We are the original inhabitant of the Malay Archipelago (Kepulauan Melayu) and Tanah Melayu to be exact. It is not Tanah Cina atau Tanah India.

      Re. Repeat, SOCIAL JUSTICE.

      What social Justice? When the DAP and Pakatan Goverment Bulldozed the Kampung Buah Pala 2 weeks after they took over Pulau Pinang, that is not social justice.

      When DAP and Pakatan government demolished the Malay and Mamak Stalls and Businesses, but keep a blind eye on the Chinese illegal businesses, that is not Social Justice.

      Need I say more.


      As Indian community you are at the losing end. Internally and within your own community you fail to unite. On top of that, you are still by tainted by your own caste system.

      I REPEAT. STOP BEING AN UNSOLICITED AGENT PROVOCATEUR. If you are an Indian, speaks on behalf of your community and likewise, if you are Chinese act like one too.

  29. If you want to be more convincing, try to add more friends in your facebook account I think any dumbfuck would know that it's a fake account...which leads to the next question. If you're not an "Annie", then who are you? You're such an amateur. Even most of the comments are written by you. Want me to give you some tips? lol

    1. Re. If you want to be more convincing, try to add more friends in your facebook account

      Redbeanies have employed that tactic by having multiple accounts and monikers to make numbers. Still they fail to convince us.

      Re. I think any dumbfuck would know that it's a fake account

      It is decoy, to save her identity and protect her privacy.

      Re. If you're not an "Annie", then who are you?

      Have you ever listened to Michael Jackson's number called "Smooth Criminal" that goes "Annie are you watching? Are you watching Annie... You are nothing but a smooth criminal...." something like that I think.

      Don't you love this cyberworld? You can be anybody and freak out the shit out of some people.

      Re. You're such an amateur

      Nope. In fact you are, for failing to find out who she really is and resort to this tantrum, frustration and anger.

      Re. Even most of the comments are written by you

      Nope. In this entry, I think I i.e. LOL have jotted down the highest number of comments.

      Re. Want me to give you some tips?

      I advise Annie to take rain check for your offer. Maybe you should get a Q-tips to "korek telinga kasih bersih" so that you can hear better, for reading and analyzing are not your forte.

  30. Lol another early childhood edu. Redbeanies? May as well says Martians is living in tanah melayu. Until now, it confirm DUMNOs only make such accusations as they cannot produce proof.

    1. Re. early childhood edu

      You don't go straight to University if you don't get an early childhood education. And judging by your comment, I doubt that you even understand what is a Degree in Early Childhood education. Please google it.

      Re. May as well says Martians is living in tanah melayu.

      We would like to keep the status quo i.e. decedent of Comfort Women and Non-Brahmin, but that will be racist right?

      Re. Until now, it confirm DUMNOs only make such accusations as they cannot produce proof.

      Can you be very specific. Come on, name me one issue and let's debate it.

    2. Lol. You make us laugh. Your. Uni accept you base on your kindergarden edu. No wonder dumno talk and but has no evidence PR has redbeanies as part of its organisation. Dumno is telling armies of Martians have landed in malaysia

    3. anon 08:33

      DAPig have been telling yur ugly mother this isw chinese country

    4. Quote "Lol. You make us laugh. Your. Uni accept you base on your kindergarden edu. No wonder dumno talk and but has no evidence PR has redbeanies as part of its organisation. Dumno is telling armies of Martians have landed in malaysia" Unquote

      Your above comment must be a product of Harvard University right? ROTFL.

    5. Another kellington from umno claiming redbeanies but cannot prove.

  31. Another racist bitch with emotion problem!

  32. Semua ini Adalah rekaan melayu. Sebenarnya, kaum yang dibawa ke malaysia Adalah berkasta devar. Mereka ni adalah pemberontak yang berada didalam tahanan british. Manakala kaum melayu dimalaysia adalah pariah tulen yang telah memeluk agama islam untuk menyembunyikan kasta pariah. Melayu adalah pariah tulen dan cubaan melayu pariah untuk sengaja menunding jari terhadap kaum india untuk membalas balik. Melayu Suka berzina dengan anak adik dan keluarga sendiri...ini adalah haram disisi agama hindu. Ini adalah salah satu sebab mengapa melayu pariah telah memeluk agama islam. Sekian.
