Tuesday 2 October 2018

Stay true Mus (updated)

Someone told me last night that Mustapha Kamil Mohd Janor, the former NST group editor, will be appointed as Media Prima's Group Executive Director for News Operations.

If it's true, then congratulations to you, Mus.

I think I was among the first to write about his resignation from NST back then.

This is the first one;

BlackGold and a bit on Mus

Followed by these;

An advice for pro-establishment newsmen

A matter of conscience

Again, if it's true, I hope Mus will do as what he said when he resigned from NST.

That he wanted to practice true journalism.

I hope he is telling the truth and will from now on uphold and promote the true journalism principles and ethics, at least at Media Prima.

No more ampu and bodek journalism such as practiced by some media bosses since even before the Najib's administration.

No more taking orders from PMO or others with vested interests.

Things like that.

Here I put again this video for reference,

Well, Mus, I hope you stay true to what you said. All the best.

UPDATES (at 14:10)

Just saw this,

Media Prima appoints Mustapha Kamil

 as executive director


  1. When you walked out on them you have preserved your family's honour
    Your intuition was correct back then
    It's called wisdom
    Now,you are back
    This is your moment


  2. Annie said:-

    "No more ampu and bodek journalism such as practiced by some media bosses since even before the Najib's administration"

    What she failed to mention is that Najib made it 1000 times worse.

    1. https://lifeofaannie.blogspot.com/search?q=media+prima

  3. Annie, you made my day Girl. Suddenly, feeling hopeful again for the world of journalism.

  4. Annie,

    //I think I was among the first to write about his resignation from NST back then.//


    You were not among the first.

    You were the first. :)

    I recall reading your blog post, then went to look at other news portals to see what they said - nothing.

    Nobody seemed to know anything.

    It was only the following day or two that other news portals picked up your blog post and reported it.

    Then, they covered Mustapha Kamil's subsequent resignation.

    //I hope he is telling the truth and will from now on uphold and promote the true journalism principles and ethics, at least at Media Prima//

    From what I can tell Mustapha Kamil is the real deal.

    He walked the talk when he resigned from Media Prima due to differences in journalistic directions.

    Media Prima could become a truly world-class news organisation under him. No joke.

    This is looking really good for the rakyat.

    First, we have Art Harun appointed as Electoral Commissioner.

    And now, we have Mustapha Kamil as Group Executive Director for Operations at Media Prima.

    These are kick ass appointments!!

    I hope there are more to come.


    1. For sure there will be more to come.We are in the new Malaysia era.more kick ass appointments are bound to happen.We have a lot of catching up to do to be a country respected by the world for its good governance and not for being the largest kleptocratic regime in the world.

    2. Lets see what happen after the brother took over when Dr.M turns 95.

      Me... I would not be surprised or terkejut if all those kick-ass appointees were slowly and stealthily sidelined.
      By GE15, kiss-ass appointments might return to normalcy.

    3. Yes..quite worrisome if bro Anwar change direction but I do believe in the people of DAP. At the moment they are the party with the most integrity and they don’t have a baggage like the others in te coalition.Lets hope DAP stays true to their principles.

  5. Annie,

    Finally you and I agree on something!


    Encik Mustapha Kamil is a brave, brave man and a person with great integrity and honour.

    To walk away on principle at the height of the Najib regime took a rare amount of courage.

    If the PH gomen descends to the same level, I am sure he'll have the courage to walk away again.

    If I'm not mistaken, Mus pointed out the huge irony that all the 1MDB exposes were coming from foreign publications, yet he felt powerless as a local journalist to do the same.

    Yes, a free press always scares kleptocrats and dictators.

    It's a real shame that the staff of the The Edge who were banned by Zahid and lost their jobs cannot be compensated for their loss of income.

    Their last act of defiance, knowing they would be closed down, was to print a double page spread of all the forensically-verified money trails of 1MDB.

    I still have that issue.

    So congrats to them, they must feel vindicated now though losing their jobs must have been a lot of hardship.

    And congrats to Mus - stay real, brother : )

  6. Media Prima is a business entity.Even though the new government has taken over the country the media especially tv3 is not doing too well I guess.Those who boycotted tv3 for the 'biased reports ' against the opposotion then are not watching tv3 Buletin Utama.
    I wonder what is the tv3 ratings nowadayas especially buletin Utama.I am still watching buletin utama.I guess old habit is hard to break
    Prof Kangkung

  7. RD,

    //I would not be surprised or terkejut if all those kick-ass appointees were slowly and stealthily sidelined.//

    I dare PH to try that :)

    They can try it and they will see what happens in the very next GE :)

    //By GE15, kiss-ass appointments might return to normalcy//

    No lah, if PH wanted to try sidelining kick-ass appointees, it will not be before GE15 or even GE16.

    Not before GE15 and GE16 because they want to win those two GEs.

    If they did try it, I think they would probably try it around GE17 or GE18 because that is when voter fatigue might set in, if PH can last that long.

    What I mean is that, after 15-20 years, voters might be so tired of looking out for anything naughty that PH may think that they can sneak in their cronies without anybody noticing.

    But OTOH, things might have changed so much that NO POLITICIAN would dare to anger the rakyat for fear of losing his/her job.

    In the end, it is really up to us how we control our politicians, regardless of which political party we support.


  8. Anonymous @ 2 October 2018 at 13:46,

    //Yes, a free press always scares kleptocrats and dictators.//

    The legendary woody Guthrie has a guitar which had the words, "This guitar kills fascists".

    Maybe Mustapha Kamil could have something similar on his keyboard like, "This keyboard kills kleptocrats and dictators" or something like that :)


  9. You must be sleeping...how about the Tokong 😩
