Thursday 14 May 2015

Tun in the Holy Land

Still don't feel like writing much today.

Just wanted to post this latest picture I received from a friend featuring Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohamad Ali who are now in the Holy Land performing umrah.

I think that's their son Mokhzani who is handling Dr Mahathir's wheelchair.

I pray for Allah to bless Dr Mahathir and Dr Siti Hasmah with good health and happiness for many more years to come.

I also pray for the ongoing tussle between Dr Mahathir and PM DS Najib Razak to end soon so that we can get back to do our best for the good of the country's future.


  1. Pray for Tun Mahathir, DS Najib and for peace, unity and wisdom to prevail. We love Malaysia.

  2. Just a diversion while his henchmen continue bombarding the public with negative perceptions of 1MDB etc etc.

    That sly cunning fox never fails to impress the audience.

    1. You are away from reality, Singapore will soon unable to cover all the shit that 1 MDB has created. Good luck to Msia. Anyway as Keduak mentioned earlier Msia will not go bankrupt like Greece as the dept ratio is low comparing with other developed contries. Msia got a lot of smart people like him invluding you.

    2. Anon 18:04,

      Kalau anda seorang Muslim, beristighafar lah!. Kalau anda bukan seorang Islam lakukan lah cara agama/budaya anda untuk bertaubat apabila menuduh orang lain berbuat dosa!

      Siapa tahu niat sesaorang bila melakukan sesuatu? Hanya dan Allah swt sahaja yang tahu. Mungkin TDM mengerjakan Umrah untuk mendapat ganjaran pahala, berdoa untuk keselamtan dan kesejahteraan negara dari ancaman nyata dan tidak nyata! Mungkin juga untuk berdoa di tempat yang mustajab doanya, untuk diberi kekuatan oleh Allah swt untuk terus memperjuangan kebenaran demi kedaulatan negaranya. Atau mungkin juga berdoa moga moga Allah swt membuka pintu hati Najib untuk melakukan sesuatu yang benar dan baik untuk negara!

      Ada bermacam macam lagi sebab tetapi saya yakin 100% bukan seperti sangkaan buruk kamu, ibadah Umrahnya untuk dijadikan alat 'deversion' untuk mengaliahkan perhatian rakyat terhadap isu 1MDB.

      Tuduhan kamu bertambah berat bila menuduh TDM juga mengambil kesempatan supaya para penyokongnya terus terusan menanam perspetif buruk terhadap 1MBD!

      Jadi beristighfarlah banyak banyak dan kalau ada peluang minta maaf dengannya .

      Memohon keampunan dari Allah swt amat mudah kerana Allah swt sentiasa ada dan Maha Pengampun. Manusia bersifat baru dan ada penghujungnya!

  3. Semoga ibadahnya diterima dan doa tun dimakbulkan.

  4. Semoga Allah merahmati. Kita sama2 doa Allah mengamankan sesama kita.

  5. Perbezaan yg paling ketara antara Tun Mahathir dengan PM DS Najib adalah Tun cepat memahami sentimen dan denyut nadi rakyat. Dan beliau cepat bertindak. Begitu juga dengan orang orang yg bersama Tun. Tetapi PM DS Najib adalah sebaliknya. Kegagalan beliau memahami kehendak rakyat ditambah pula dengan kegagalan penasihat penasihat beliau menasihati PM dengan betul telah menyumbang kepada permasalahan yang berlaku kini.

    1. itu pasal Tun menang semua PRU semasa dia jadi presiden UMNO dengan majoriti 2/3, Najib first time pon dah hampir kiok...kiok...kiok

  6. Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin fi awaalin wal akhirin, wa ala alihi was sahbihi wa barik wa salaam

    Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) & Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him)

  7. tun mahathir lepas belasah pm, pergi mekah. haha, politik murahan tun. nak muntah saya.

    1. Kalau cara Najib & isteri betul, tiada siapa nak 'belasah'.

      Cuba tanya Najib, mengapa suka guna 'orang-tengah' dalam urusan kerajaan?
      Pegawai Kerajan berlambak, mengapa tak guna?

      - Sebagai Menteri Pertahan dulu: Beli Kapal-selam guna 'orang-tengah' bernama Razak Baginda.
      - Sebagai PM: Guna Jho Low untuk berurusan bagi pihak 1MDB atau 'rakyat Malaysia'.

    2. Kiasfansuri, aku lagi nak muntah tgk penjilat tegar mcm kau ni. Tak habis habis nak jilat jubor PM. Sebab tu ramai rakyat meluat kat PM sebab mangkuk hayun mcam kau ni la hahahahaha.... Lagi byk mamat bangang kaki jilat jubor mcm kau ni lagi cepat ahjib tersungkur

    3. Kiasfansuri, ko memang takde adab kan? Bila orang dijemput menjadi tetamu Allah, apa hak kau nak mengata dan menghina orang. Memang low class betul mentaliti penjilat tegar najib..

    4. Kianfansuri ni yang reti bahasa kan. Org semua tengah BENGANG dgn PM. Diorang bengang but definitely not bangang!

      At least Tun pergi Mekah buat umrah bukan pergi main golf masa negara tengah ditimpa bencana. Ko tengok Tun Hasmah tu gi shopping ke buat ibadat?

      Your beloved PM tu tengah pening ni sebab dah terkacau duit yg org kampung simpan utk pergi Mekah. Allah dah bagi petanda tapi kalau tak sedar jugak, maybe PM pulak kot yang kena gi Mekah... jangan asyik gi New York jer...

  8. If you can still remember, before Tun Abdullah resigneed, he demonise Tun M through Kalimullah's media, get the macai like nazri to do the same. At the same time he gather his supporters to show full support to him in a big way. He did say that the rakyat is with him and won't resign to respect the mandate. That was an act of panic.

    Do you see any similarities now? There was no "big time" scandal during Pak Lah years but he can't survived because the tide was against him.

    Now the rakyat has started showing their disgust towards Najib in a big way. UMNO can choose to kick him out or surely be kicked in 2 and a half years time.

    1. Yup. Can't agree more. Can't believe UMNO never change. Their mentality in 'mentaati pemimpin' is their own weapon for harakiri. This is suicidal death for UMNO if they fail to learn from their past mistakes..


  9. Our d'ua that Tun Dr M will receive guidance from Allah SWT, Sdr ANON 22:46

    Confidential, confidential :
    We were afraid that he's in London with Ms Rewcastle Brown, to reload with more too confidential Singapore banks info(?) that SR apparently obtains so easily.

    Haji M Zin
    Alor Gajah DPH.

    1. Zin, you been reading Calvin Sakaran and fallen for his rhetoric? Impressive English isn't it?


    2. Can't comment, S'pore banks client info too confidential Sdr ANON 23:23

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

    3. I highly doubt Tun Mahathir, of all people, needs info to be fed to him by the Sarawak Report. For the same reason I have a sneaky feeling he knows what happened behind the Altantuya thing. He gave Najib a way out, but the guy is too thick to listen. I think PM is just asking for it.

    4. The no class blongangs are bz ridiculing and demonizing Tun while the blongangs with some class are trying to implicate that Sarawak Report has set 1mdb up bcoz it is owned by Soros and these Jews just want to tear us apart.

      I say, if it is Soros who is behind this then we should raise our brows at those Mat Salleh advisers around Najib. As far as the rakyat is concern it wasnt Soros who took up 42billion loan guaranteed by the gomen.

      Najib had had a chance to learn from the very person who had defeated Soros but he chose not to. In fact, he did exactly and totally the opposite, even makes the person the enemy and befriended all his enemies.

      Benarlah hanya jauhari yg mengenal manikam. Obviously, Najib is no jauhari... Stupid ppl dont know how to differentiate the minds of Stephen Hawking and Mat Sabu!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Najib syok sendiri. Tak memahami sentimen pemgundi. Org yg terima brim tu, kalau dia dap, will always be a dap.
