My workplace still observes the usual Saturday and Sunday weekends.
No one bother us about it because our's is just a small family type outfit.
I prefer it that way.
Also, the arrangement makes it much easier to coordinate work with most other parts of Malaysia....and the rest of the world.
Anyway, I have been hibernating at home since yesterday.
Got an invite to go on a ride by the gang but decided not to go.
It's too hot out there these past weeks.
Well, I'm not much into convoy riding anyway.
Nothing really worthwhile to write today, except maybe the controversy about Lim Guan Eng's over RM2 million bungalow.
But then again, so many people had written about it, that I got nothing more to add.
Guan Eng is really in a fix this time, I guess.
He should had just instead bought one of those nice sea-view apartments at Gurney Drive.
If I'm not mistaken, the price is more or less the same, but people won't really notice because it's not landed.
Sure the towkeys there can give discounts too.
Also, I don't think Betty mind it that much living in an apartment. Makes it feels like living in Singapore. Quite classy, actually.
![]() |
Guan Eng and Betty looking classy |
However, I doubt the whole thing will make much of a difference.
Most Chinese will still support DAP.
Even more so if Guan Eng is charged, found guilty and thrown in jail for corruption because of that expensive house.
That's just the way it is.
DAP people had done their job really well as far as winning the Chinese support is concerned.
It's just too bad for them that their leader is not so bright that he got caught like that,
Umno on the other hand is still struggling to unite its own members, let alone the Malays who are its core support group.
Then there's that rebellion on top of it all.
Instead of calming things down, their big-time bosses and macai started to shoot not only the rebels but also those who refused to join the fight.
They even employed some weird people including spiteful DAP rejects to wage a hate campaign against their fellow party members who refused to be like them.
Of course such people who don't have any love for Umno would happily take the job of tearing up the party to pieces.
Let's not even talk about the fighting among themselves, such as the very ugly and public quarrel over who initiated the #RespectMyPM campaign.
Why can't they just do their work properly instead of getting bogged down by such things?
Well, that's how things are at the moment.
Both sides are equally bad one way or another.
At least that's how I see it.
I know, not very nice stuff to write on a Sunday afternoon like this.
So, that's about it.
I better just relax and watch some Korean drama instead.
Yup, that's what I'm going to do now.
You all rest well too, okay....unless you have to work on Sunday like most people here in Johor.
ReplyDeleteNow Malays've easier choice(?) Lil sis Ms Annie
between corrupt UMNO vs. corrupt DAP-led Pakatan.
PAS has not even bothered, to engage Sabah & Sarawak partners for leverage to Putrajaya. PAS OK pining for Paradise by becoming most ethical opposition, than kafir DAP.
( majority happy to colaborate kan? more Syaria laws)
Haji M Zin
Alor Gajah DPH
Memang betul senang bagi melayu utk pilih kerana Label umno korup akan terpahat di hati rakyat malaysia sampai bila bila dan of cause DAP memang orang melayu tak boleh buat apa kerana ,majoriti melayu tak akan dapat peluang undi DAP kerana DAP tak akan bertanding dikawasan majoriti melayu ,Cina of cause sekali 100% undi DAP ,MCA ,Gerakan dan PPP boleh pergi mampus ,dan jangan la pandai nak mengada ngada nak buat cerita bodah DAP dengan majoriti kerusi 40 ke 50 tak akan menjadi parti utama nak mengada nagada macam kamu bolot kuasa macam mana pun mengharapkan kerusi dan undi majoriti undi melayu, jadi hentilah buat cerita penglipurlara UMNO dan berhentilah mengada ngada .
Delete'PAS OK pining for Paradise by becoming most ethical opposition'......HA HA HA HA! Depa x nampak 1mdb atau 2.6 beliyon tu ke, nak peluk penyamun bugis tu Pas, viva corruption! Perghhh, "ethical" plak...kih kih kih...
Delete"corrupt UMNO vs. corrupt DAP-led Pakatan"
DeleteAlamatnya tak keluar mengundilah pada PRU 14 nanti kerana kedua-dua belah pihak tak ada yang betul-betul ikhlas dalam memperjuangkan nasib rakyat.
"Let's not even talk about the fighting among themselves, such as the very ugly and public quarrel over who initiated the #RespectMyPM campaign."
ReplyDeleteFarid TV3, right?
Damn bloody stupid timing, lah.
Who the hell "respects the PM"???
Go and ask people in the street and kampungs. Don't ask the KBU, MTU, or all the fat bloggers (DAP cina with B.O., anjing or kari - they should be called "blobbers", not "bloggers", LOL!) Ask the rakyat jelata instead.
Making $$$$$ from the PM is not "respect"; it's called prostitution, kan?
Yea bro. what some call common sense is not so intelligent after all. Problem is... the common sense of the corrupt and their sycophants is neither good sense nor sense of decency.
DeleteSemakin meluat, semakin menyampah ada lah.
Ingat Najib, ingat korupsi!
Ingat politikus ingat korupsi yang dihalalkan.
Delete"Of course such people who don't have any love for Umno would happily take the job of tearing up the party to pieces.
I agree with Annie. Najib is very stupid. He even hired a MatSalleh to give him nasihat.
Therefore the longer Najib stays as PM, more Rakyat's MONEY will be wasted. The latest was that RM640,000 wasted on 1MDN & Gang Baju-Merah, clarifying book.
Just a few days ago. Jamal Yunos adopted a budak-cina, siap gambar sedang mencium budak itu. Asyik rhetoric, berlakon dan berpura-pura untuk mengambil hati Rakyat terutamanya yang berbangsa Cina.
How stupid can they be, thinking that the Chinese like it very much when one of their young is being adopted by a Malay?
Anyway, I just hope Jamal don't Islamized that young kid. It might cause more damage to UMNO and national unity too.
LGE may not be in a fix, after all.
ReplyDeleteThe building is old and small (4000 sq ft for 2 storey) for the land (10161 sq ft). Most people who buy it at 2.8m would knock it down and put up a much larger house on it.
The media visit for some 30 newsmen has put speculations to rest.
This controversy actually created a bigger headache for Najib. Now people are comparing the response to accusation between GE and Najib, one immediately request the authority to investigate him while the other uses all his power to stifle and delay any investigation against him.
DeleteSo these kaki bodeks, such as the remesh guy,shabudin,jamal etc are actually creating more problems for Najib than helping him. Pitiful, right ?
Headache for the Lim Dynasty yang penuh dengan tipu dan putar alam. Janji masyuk.
DeleteAnne..LGE is a smart guy la, not laki the Bugis lanun. He invites reporters and bloogers to inspect his house. U can see the picture at Laluan masuk rumah dari pintu pagar tak bertar dan bertaile like my house, whic is under RM500K. smart of Lim Guan Eng. He even coperate with SPRM and asked them to investigate. Now he challange Ahli Parlimen Tasek Gelugor, Datuk Shahbudin Yahaya
ReplyDeleteto make his accusation in public!!!!
Ini baru anak jantan Anne.
Not like Pahlawan Bugis who hide behind his wife skirt.
Oooo silap...behind his penjilat's skirt.
Jumpa reporter pun takut.
All he can do is shouting IAM NOT A CROOK!!!!
Iahave never steal the balak in Pahang.
Now, who is accusing him of stealing the balak.....????
DeleteChe Minah,
You cekap manyak betut maa aa ,Wa manayk setuju .
Pandei punya olang cekap ,"belak tengah jalan siapa mau ngaku" ,sikalang lia kasi tunjuk itu taik maa aa ,Wa memang pecaya lia manyak belani maa aa .
'Belani kelana benar ,takut kelana salah' ,tapi ini lunia lalam kalang-kalang salah jadi benar ,benar jadi salah maa aa .
Wa tak tau lea aa ,kusut fikiran lor rr .
I want to see inside of Imelda Rosmelda house called seri perdana, with RM1,200 one time hairstylist!
DeleteLGE invited repoter to see his house.
ReplyDeletePahlawan bugis tak berani nak tunjuk gambar kenduri anak dia
Delete" He said the owner had agreed to hold on to the price based on an understanding with his wife Betty Chew"
-- Star Press on 20th March 2016
Ai yaah, blame the good woman Sdr Minah
who but the pathetic cowardly YAB Guan Eng
who worse corruptly selling off Penang state green hills to $ developers(?) for % election funds.
Where now state land for poor housing?
Haji M Zin
Alor Gajah DPH
Pahlawan bugis tak berani nak tunjuk bank statement pon : )
DeleteAsk-lah yr pathetic TS Moo, Sdr ANON 22:43
where cow he got the $ million to win Pagoh seat. OK and at the same time ask what the DAP candidates
from which DAP pig-bank?
Haji M Zin
Alor Gajah DPH
Mr. Zin, please mind yr grammar. Yr comments are getting unintelligible.
DeleteGrammer outstanding you corrupt-DAP lover
apparently you understand perfectly
( RBA menyamar? )
Haji M Zin
Alor Gajah DPH
Jangan begitu pakcik menghinakan orang ... kita gelar "Haji" kan?
DeleteMinta maaf kalau Sdr ANON 08:56
rasa dihina(?)
Haji M Zin
Alor Gajah DPH
"Haji" (?) mulut celupar nih x habis2 menghina & meremehkan orang lain jer.....munafik betul
DeleteTerpulanglah kalau rasa bijak(?) Sdr ANON 25:27
tuduh orang munafik
namun kita in-sya-Allah tetap menghormati geng yang mencintai YB Lim dan YB Betty
Haji M Zin
Alor Gajah DPH
It's the greedy profiting for ad-Dunya that makes men insist "if you're not for us, we're against you!"
Tuan Haji Zin of Alor Gajah DPH.
DeleteI am just like YB DS Tuan Haji Hadi Awang.
I bukan mencintai YB Lim & YB Betty.
I cuma admire his gut tidak menyorok di bawah
katil bila orang datang menyergah pasal membeli
banglow below cost tu. At least he got the gut
to face the reporters, to accpet investigation
by SPRM. Najib ada............?????
Now don't repeat the old tape that Najib ada
mintak SPRM menyiasat his 1MD and the Rm2.67
million money supposed to be a donation from
some royal Arab for UMNO which ended up in his
private account at AM.Bank.
The whole world know, what happended to that SPRM investigation!!!!
Please note this: I admire Lim Guan Eng's gut
but not his action.
"Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu Dialah yang lebih mengetahui tentang siapa yang tersesat dari jalan-Nya dan Dialah yang lebih mengetahui orang-orang yang mendapat petunjuk.”
DeleteBertaubatlah, Tuan Haji....
DeleteYa tak perlu menyorok, Sdr Cik
daripada '000 pemohon rumah kos rendah di di tanah kerajaan P Pinang yang kononnya nak jadikan pusat pergigian, dah jadi hotel dan apartment mahal untuk di sewa.
Where do you think DAP gets its political funds but from % of $ developers of state land? CAT is out of the bag, with throat slit.
( subsidised bungalow some more)
Haji M Zin
Alor Gajah DPH
Bukan tak menyorok tapi main wayang putar belit untuk menghalalkan cara.
Deletesin and sinners
ReplyDeleteHave u watched Mermaid, Annie?
ReplyDeleteNow the attention is diverted to LGE house issue , but it was never near 1MDB and SRC issue .
In 1 MDB and SRC someone dengan rela hati transfer billion ringgit into someone account .
In LGE house issue ,someone dengan rela hati sold the house bellow market price .
In both cases kerelaan hati menjadi persoolan .adakah memberi dengan kerelaan hati menjadi kesalahan
We have to wait and see .
Kes sebiji macam Khir Toyo. Harga rumah dan discount pun, lebih kurang sama. Jawatan serupa. Yang berbeza adalah bangsa dan agama orang yang terlibat.
DeleteKalau diikutkan, kelaziman pendakwaan terletak kepada Kerajaan yang nampaknya hanya berani bertindak terhadap Melayu. Kali ini kita lihat bagaimana kerajaan ada telor atau tidak, bertindak terhadap party anak-beranak yang punyai banyak peguam sebagai Ahli-Politik.
Di buatnya, Guan Eng, secara tiba-tiba menunjukkan kesetiaan & menyokong Najib sebagai PM, terus diistiharkan 'tiada-kes', berputih-matalah mereka yang tidak suka pada Guan Eng.
Kebarangkalian ini terjadi, tidaklah mengejutkan. RPK yang pernah buat SD, mengatakan Rosmah berada ditempat dimana Altantuya dibunuh, kemudian melarikan diri ke UK, hari ini adalah penyokong tegar Najib yang paling berpengaruh.
Oleh yang demikian, Rakyat langsung tidak hairan jika Dr.M dan Kit Siang sanggup mengenepikan perbezaan politik mereka dan bergabung buat Deklarasi Rakyat, tuntut Najib letak jawatan.
Deletere ,berputih-matalah mereka yang tidak suka kapada Guan Eng.
Suka atau tidak kepada siapa seharusnya tidak menjadi penghalang kapada pelaksanaan undang-undang yang pada dasarnya tidak berpilih-pilih .
Malang sekali jikalau pelaksanaanya begitu.
I don't have any sympathy for Guan Eng. But that doesn't mean I support the lying lanun and his gang. Is it true that the division secretary who gasak 100 million ringgit is from KJ's ministry? If so, that explains his silence. Takut kena accused as well. Interesting to see.
ReplyDeleteEverywhere crooks and thieves.
I'm watching People Power:30 years On on Discovery now about Marcos' s rule and overthrow. Macam deja vu only. Just swap Marcos and Imelda's names with ......err, who ah?
"I better just relax and watch some Korean drama instead."
ReplyDeleteSetuju dengan Annie. Suasana politik negara sangat menyakitkan hati dan sentiasa buat rakyat gundah gulana. Lebih baik tengok cerita Korea seperti drama "Reply 1988"(highly recommended, nostalgic, heart-warming, touching and so very funny).
The are no different set of rules for anyone. Yes, rightfully the MACC must investigate. This is a serious allegation. See the point? ��
ReplyDeleteAnother Toyol in the making from Penang.
DeleteYour big bro RinggitBru all of a sudden cozying up to SPRM big boss, batu api him to corner Guan Eng kaw kaw. What a phatetic nonsense piece of c**p!..
ReplyDeleteAll this while he hounded the fellas like no tomorrow when it comes to his 'Cash is King' boss regarding 1MDB and billions of donation in his accounts. And now ho goes holier-than-you with the bungalow thingy and speaking nonsense. Why don't you go drive up to PMO,cuddling up to your slimy boss, asking him for a couple millions to fund for your another round the globe motorcycle trip. The trip will be called Kembara Blogger/Bangang Suci. What a slimeball fella..
Should your comment be in response to mine perhaps I need to elaborate. Just as in the case of Khir Toyo, there should not be a different set of rules as far as the law is concerned AND should the MACC find enough evidence to charge then it follows that LGE must be brought to court. The key words I used is "there should not be a different set of rules for ANYONE". So, if you don't get my drift, well, to each his own.
Deletere, there should not be a different set of rules as the laws is concerned .
That would be the concern and interesting to watch .
Dah ramai rba dlm blog you sekarang annie..hahaha dah bau..
ReplyDeleteJust bcos we kutuk the lanun, doesn't mean we RBA. this kind of Ah So mentality is what holds malaysians back from progressing. Why is it so difficult for some people to understand that having a different viewpoint doesn't mean supporting the opposite side?
ReplyDeleteWe should start back debating clubs in school.
First topic, is it ethical for a country's pm to secretly accept bilions from a foreigner, and keep continuosly lying about it until the media shows otherwise.
No, it is downright unethical ,,, a big black hole
Even if LGE is indeed guilty and gets thrown into jail, we Penangites wouldn't mind having local lad Chow Kon Yeow as our next CM.
ReplyDeleteFor all the time CKY is the head of Penang DAP,he has been unable to make a dent on BN, only after GE went to Penang in 2008 can DAP defeat BN, so what so great about Chow Kon Yeow?
DeleteAnnie, I think itu perempuan kalau tak tulis about you, blog dia tak manyak hits kut. So, terpaksa recycle posts about Annie! Annie! Annie! Tak kisah la, biar dia shiok sendiri.
ReplyDeleteActually there is nothing for Macc to investigate now since they had already investigated LGE's rental of Ms Phang's house. The Macc closed the case since they found no evidence to show Ms Phang has any official dealings with Penang Gov't or the CM. That would be the key element of corruption whether Guan Eng rented or bought the hse from Ms Phang.
ReplyDeleteShabuddin is a stupid Umno member who wanted to please Najib and got najib in more trouble. He knew that there was no corruption involved and cowardly refused to accept Guan Eng challenge to repeat the allegations outside parliament. People now will ask & expect Najib to show his bank a/c with respect to the RM2.6billion and RM42million SCRI monies.
Guan Eng is not stupid like our Annie here. He would not have rented and subsequently bought the house if ms Phang had any official dealings directly or indirectly with the Penang Govt or CM office.
ReplyDeleteLove the RBAs appearing here in what glorious shades and hues
( bukan menghina tentera? )
Haji M Zin
Alor Gajah DPH
Oh no, is the PAS elephant man ranting again with his no-standard Islamic credentials?
DeleteHa ranting like the corrupt DAP, Sdr ANON 21:27
YB Guan Eng against Yg Bhg DS Haji?
Haji M Zin
Alor Gajah DPH
i am beginning to like PM Najib.
ReplyDeletedear PM najib if, somehow this message reaches you,i want you to know that i like you because you gave me the BRIM.
yes it is not much but hey i got something from you and for that reason i LIKE you.
and for all those that dont like him, F-OFF for your leaders are no angles
DeleteAlhsmduli'Llah for millions BR1M receivers, Sdr ANON 01:O7
for those who need/ deserve it.
Haji M Zin
Alor Gajah DPH
Tuan Haji has apparently nothing to say about 1MDB. Must be wonderful to be so insulated from the real world.
ReplyDeletePity though the foreign media don't see it that way. The ******** won't let the matter rest....
Remind us again.... Goldman Sachs, AMBank Group, Deutsche Bank, Maybank, BSI Singapore.
Confused? Refer to the Singapore Business Times ( report today - "The 1MDB monster".
Can we expect an outraged response from that SWF that is busy monetising key assets?
Just asking, Tuan Haji. Seeing as how you are au fait with current developments and all.....
Oh, my - are u sure that Tuan Haji knows the meaning of "au fait"? Seeing as how the English Language is not exactly his strong suit (judging from his posts).
DeleteBut he is more than generous in throwing the "RBA" label around. Like a certain blogger that we know and love - the one who has a thing for "evangelistas" and "Christian conspiracies".
So, how about it, Tuan Haji? Are you posting from a beneficent sense of duty, honour and justice and in support of freedom of speech?
DeleteYes 1MDBs our Sovereign Wealth Fund co, Sdr tgtdds
must succeed but initially got its business strategy wrong. I have commented on the technical aspects of 1MDBs debt financing here and other forums.
New CEO Sdr Arul has put it back on track but the BOD is wholly resposible for the initial chaos and criminal acts if any will be charged.
Don't know how to comment on so many political speculation often ubstantiated, but how the issued were handled/ mishandled will certainly impact votes during GE-14.
Happy for more good English here, Sdr Tebing.
Maybe not you kut(?) but whats apparently serious evangelists and RBAs/ DAP cyber-warriors we see here alhamduli 'Llah make great reading.
Haji M Zin
Alor Gajah DPH