Tungku Mahkota of Johor had apparently sent a cruise missile with a nuclear warhead which exploded right in the middle of PM DS Najib Razak's camp last night.

His Royal Highness was responding to minister DS Nazri Aziz's rather brusque remark against him on Saturday.
You can read TMJ's statement in English at Apanama's
TMJ - Don't use me to divert attention from 1MDB and other national issues
or in Bahasa Malaysia at Zam's
Now, even the royals are not backing off and ready to slug it out.
Nazri really should not had tried to be tough on TMJ.
As, I previously tried to warn, fighting fire with fire is quite stupid, actually.
I heard there will be a gathering of thousands of people in JB this morning,
Johor Umno was said to be the organizer.
I was told that it's a rally to express support for TMJ.
If it's true, then they seemed to forget about their loyalty to their party president.
I guess Johor will once again be the place of turning point in the country's history.
Personally, I think the whole thing is bad.
What would happened if every time there's an issue everyone decides to take side, including members of the royalty?
How I wish these are all just a nightmare.
Note: Please be careful with your comments and avoid being seditious.
...que sera sera
ReplyDeleteIs Najib buying time when he said that the 1MDB problem can be resolved in a year time? Maybe he is buying time to destroy the evidence. Everybody with straight mind can analyse the issue correctly and TMJ is one of them. Even Nixon can be brought down due to his watergate scandal, is Najib with his 1MDB scandal immune to law? TMJ the raayat really salute you for fighting for the truth.
DeleteThe way I see it....
DeleteIf BN lose the next election: you can bet PM N and those sewaktu dengannya are going to jail. PR will go for the kill. Why you think TDM is trying to say?
For BN to win, PM N needs to resign and go gracefully. Do a side deal with the next in power on not to persecute him by handing over the power with smooth transition.
Some of us don't seem to get it .... this 1mdb fiasco is a major criminal act. Its nothing to do with political arrangements.
DeleteAnnie ,
DeleteSelamat berpuasa ,semoga di Ramadhan ini diberi segala keberkatan .
Annie, the Brigadier General's stare is enough. Delta Force, Navy Seal team 6, SAS, Spetznaz, Gurkha,Rambo,Kopasus,Paskal,Paskau all will kecut telur and lari lintang pukang.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he should be sent to war fronts, just that look will stop great armies in their tracks......hi hi hi hi hi.
The every 5 years Malaysia has erection guy is playing the role of a batu api. A few months back he said that he is not going to write about politics anymore but soon did a 180 degree turn. Kampung Malays call it "Janji K*ling".
ReplyDeleteThe Tengku's comment could have just gone unnoticed but these mamak bloggers made a big song and dance of it.
Dulu, satu tilam satu bantal......satu dunia boleh pusing.
Sekarang, satu keyboard satu komputer........satu alam boleh kasi pusing.
"The Tengku's comment could have just gone unnoticed but these mamak bloggers made a big song and dance of it"
DeleteAnon 5:57, are u playin dumb or really dumb? Were his comment made at 7 eleven adv board? On a piece of paper? On newspaper's small adv column?
Stop spreading stupidity dumb dumb
Crux of the matter is:
Delete"Najib, we the people are sure you have Everything2Hide!"
I agree this is a turning point, whether it is "the" turning point, i am not enlightened to that. We can see that the Najib camp is getting smaller and they are cornered. It is only Nazri and Salleh barking. Now probably only Salleh left.
ReplyDeleteThe evil temenggong and cronies is too jealous of the noble bendahara - only the perwira(s) with the shining heart can save the Sultan Protector of the Rakyat, insha Allah.
ReplyDeleteI refrain from commenting .
I also prefer not to comment now, no point and I agree with Kak Annie, the whole thing is bad. When I read about the recent statement, it feels like a pot calling a kettle blackface. Oh well, everyone is entitled to their opinion and I'm entitled to mine, no need to wait for the so called "new world order" where "a future that every person has a right to voice their opinions." But then again, police reports were lodged against DS Nazri Aziz simply because he voiced his opinions, albeit in a rather less classy manner.
Najib kata Sultan Pahang sokong dia, tetapi berita ini lain pulak.
ReplyDelete"Sultan Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah bertitah Raja-raja Melayu tidak berpihak kepada anutan dan fahaman politik kepartian dalam urusan pentadbiran dan pemerintahan negara.
Baginda bertitah Raja-raja Melayu dan Yang di-Pertua Negeri adalah bersifat berkecuali dalam kedua-dua urusan itu.
Raja-raja Melayu dan Yang di-Pertua Negeri hanya ingin memelihara kepentingan rakyat secara adil dan terhormat dan tidak berasaskan kepada musim-musim pilihan raya."
Salah fahaman atau sahaja nak menipu rakyat?
Jangan nak sibuk libatkan Sultan Pahang. Depa dok sebok cari bauksit ..
Deletehahaha good one anon 11:47. kawan setuju!
Delete"Jangan sekali-kali kamu menanggap bahawa orang yang gembira dengan apa yang telah mereka lakukan dan mereka suka dipuji atas perbuatan yang tidak mereka lakukan, jangan sekali-kali kamu menanggap bahawa mereka akan telepas dari azab. Mereka akan mendapat azab yang pedih.
ReplyDeleteSurah Ali Imran 188.
"Go slow or my heart is going to pop".......the show
ReplyDeleteGod bless all our hearts brother
annie, if i am royalty i would not stand idly either watching the people suffer. he is right. he could have just enjoy his wealth but he stands with the people.
ReplyDeleteif i have the power to voice out my opinion and i just sit on hands, wht kind of person would I be ? actually tun m also starts with the same reason, he see things are getting worst people are telling him to do something. some people still listen to him so he voice out.
at least I am glad to know tht some royalty can still relates to their people. the ministers ? pm ? they are way up there, dont even look down anymore. i wouldnt put my hopes on them. I hope the rest of the kerabat will follow suits. well except for pahang.
UMNO Johor must stand behind their sultan. i am...
ReplyDeleteUMNO Johor should kick these bunch of Idiots Out! Starting with the Leader without Balls.
ReplyDeleteOff topic sikit, Annie. I feel sorry for the gymnast who recently got embroiled in a controversy. When I look at her, I look at her pretty face and her abilities. But the god forsaken Geng Unta is more interested in the lurah.
ReplyDeleteFor goodness sake, just let her be and if you have a warped mind, then seek some professional help. Hope you will write something in relation to these Geng Unta someday.
just hope that some articles out there be corrected. they claim that aurat means genitalia. article camni pun ade spin.
DeleteIn Islam aurat is clear. If she chose to obey the game,'s code of dressing and ignore the command of Allah that's her choice. She will answer to that when the time comes. Those who made sincere comment will be rewarded, those enjoy the sight of her exposed part will also have their reward. But one thing muslim should not question Allah's command.
DeleteDr. Fathul Bari : Isu Farah Ann; Hukum Aurat VS Pingat Emas:-
Bapak dia bagi nama Farah Ann. Kalau diberi nama Fatimah mungkin lain ceritanya.
Deleteannie u are only loyal if ur boss is doing things right. first u try to advice him but when hes still doing hanky panky, then u shouldnt blindly be loyal to the fella.
ReplyDeleteplus i believe tht they should be loyal to the people who voted them
The royalty shouldn't take sides but they should speak up when there are wrongs done by the Government of the day. 1MDB is a clear cut corruption with a capital C. As TMJ said if even he can't speak up without being attacked then what can a normal rakyat do? Are we suppose to close one eye and let Najib and his merry bandits rob our country blind? Are we suppose to wait for audit silently when we know that the audit will not be independent?
ReplyDeleteOne thing good about BN supporters are we don't support our leaders blindly (can't say the same re PR supporters), that's why we want Najib and his merry bandits to go pronto!
Bloody JibiRos are disgracing the Malay civilization!
DeleteDahlah ketutunan kau ditipu orang putih. Ko dah ditipu yahudi sarawak report.
ReplyDeleteTDM chief editor Sarawak report.
ReplyDeleteYe la off budget. Off budget pun mestilah ada limit, ada cap. Takkanlah sampai berbilion-bilion jumlahnya kalau off budget pun. Off budget biasanya melibatkan jumlah pinjaman yang jecil. Kalau dah mencecah billion, ianya perlu melalui kabinet dan Parlimen untuk kelulusan pasal jumlah tu besar.
ReplyDeleteKalau lah Melayu boleh bersatu seperti di Johor ini, menentang kaum Cina dari parti chauvinist DAP kan lebih elok. Ini Melayu bertelagah sesama Melayu, Cina DAP menjadi batu api bertepuk tangan.
Sampai bila kah Melayu nak sedar diri bahawa mereka menghancurkan bangsa sendiri.
Hang pegi tanya si melayu celop-pak arab islamist itu, sampai bila dia mahu balik kepada pengkalan fahaman orang mukmin melayu ...
Deletejadi pd siapa rakyat nak ngadu bila pm dan pemimpin politik tidak amanah..kalau pemimpin politik ada teloq nak negoq salah laku pm ayahanda tun pon takan bersuara tengku pon tak kisah..tubuh 1 mdb senya2 utang mencanak naik nak bayaq bunga pon utang duk perabih mana yg ada annie nak ayahanda tun dan tengku duk dendiam..baguih annie ni nooo..tadak sifat kemanusiaan sama mcm najib lanun penipu tak amanah tu...jgn annie ada 3 sifat ni sudah la..1/penipu 2/mungkirjanji 3/tidak amanah..najib ada ketiga2nya...
ReplyDeleteMacam lah kau amanah sangat. Buktikan.
DeleteTun tu hangus 100 billion pun hang diam je.
DeleteAnnie..bagus la tu tmj sound tepat kat nazri..saya harap benar himpunan yg nak dibuat tu dpt kumpul ratusan ribu manusia...biar umno tau key point kat sini ialah rakyat dah stress dgn politik mempertahankan parti..byk polisi2 umno ni menekan rakyat...cth mudah gst..semua kena..kerajaan bagi brim..rumah prima..semua dapat ke...ini nak naikkan tol pulak..bengong ke apa diaorang ni..saya ni dah menyokong bn ni dah lamatapi kali ni sorry la..klau tak ada improvement bye2..
ReplyDeleteSangat setuju.
DeleteRatus je. Orang dah muak.
DeleteSya dan smua kaum kluarga dari sungai besar selangor sokong TMJ dan Tun!!!
Kami dari ipoh pun sokong!!! Jibgor dan menteri2 yg x reti wat keje mesti BERENTI!!!
Deletetime ni TMJ kritik benda yg korang sokong bole la... kalo nanti smpai masa mane2 royal kritik bende tak betul cane? kita nak tgk politician kt malaysia ni kritik keluarga diraja? kalo drng tak balas balik, kredibiliti drng terjejas. kalo balas balik tak hormat pulak. better stay out of politics je.
ReplyDeleteApa2 yg baik utk rakyat kami sokong...biar dari raja2, org politik, pekerja biasa mahupun peminta sedekah.
DeleteYg penting Negara maju dan dipimpin oleh mereka yg tak gila kuasa, korup dan pengkhianat rakyat.
Ayam butter...define politics as per your understanding with regards to the issue.
DeleteIf a politician go and rob his fellow politician, will u call that politics?
If a politician lies to the public will you call it politics?
If a politician involved in some bizarre tragedy involving your own family will you call it politics?
If thats the case, should your mom, sis or wife got sexually assaulted by any politicians, please dont bother to report to the authority. Instead you should be telling to public that it is normal as it is just politics
Paling elok sekali, sultan or anak anak sultan harus elakkan diri dari berpolitik atau komen berkenaan politik dan juga masuk campur dalam bidang sukan. biarlah rakyat yg tentukan. Berkenaan dengan rasa tidak puashati terhadap pimpinan sekarang atau kerajaan, rakyat telah diberi hak dan kuasa mengundi. Jadi bila tiba pilihanraya sama sama lah kita mengundi mengikut apa yg kita mahu. Rakyat boleh jatuhkan kerajaan melalui peti undi. Saya sudah tekad tidak akan mengundi kerajaan yg ada pada hari ini jika tiada apa apa perubahan kepada kepimpinan yg ada sehingga akhir tahun ini. Harap mereka berubah jika tidak undi saya akan diberi kepada pihak lain. Itulah cara utk meyedarkan mereka mereka ini. Tidak perlulah kita melibatkan raja raja melayu dalam hal ini. Biarlah mereka dengan dunia mereka. Kehidupan mereka dilimpahi kemewahan yg tiada terduga oleh kita, mereka juga dilindungi oleh kekebalan undang undang. Jadi lebih baik kita bersedia dan fikirkan masa depan kita anak anak dan keluarga kita. Bila tiba masa untuk memilih nanti, pada masa itulah kita buat pilihan sama ada mahu mengekalkan kerajaan yg ada atau pilih yg baru atau kita ajar kerajaan yg ada dengan kemenangan yg tipis sahaja atau apa apa yg kita suka.
DeleteAnon 18:34, kalau hang hantar anak g sekolah yg mula bulan januari. Bila anak balik hang test tanya apa yg dibelajar anak kat sekolah. Anak pun jawab cikgu ajar 1+1=3, 2+2=5. Adakah anda nak kata takpa lah mungkin sampai tgh tahun cikgu tu ditukar atau akan ada pembetulan dibuat oleh pihak sekolah. ATAU esoknya hang ke sekolah tanya kenapa cikgu ajar begitu dan buat komplen supaya cikgu ni di ambil tindakan?
ReplyDeleteSamalah ceritanya dgn pemerintahan skrg....kalah da tau terang2 menipu, mungkin menyonglap/merompak/menyeleweng dan sebagainya takkan nak dibiarkan tunggu sampai lagi 2-3tahun. Sama la klu anak hang di cabul dpn mata...takkan setakat tepon polis je dan tunggu dorang datang...hang tak mau buat apa2 utk bantu anak hang sambil tunggu pihak berkuasa dtg ke?
Hang semua tau, terra betui.
DeleteWoi anon 20:39 awat anak hang bahalol sangat??? Hang hantaq dia pi sekolah mana sampai 1+1 pun anak hang tak tau kira. hahahaha anak dengan bapak sama bahalol.
Deleteanon 20:39
ReplyDeleteapa punya perumpamaan hang bg ni??? Hahahaha..... Betoi la apa anon 18:34 bgtau. Sultan ka anak depa ka jgn campoq hal politik or sukan. Dulu pun ada sultan ni pegang persatuan bola sampai 30 tahun habis rosak bolasepak negara. Lni anak dia pulak dahhh. Jgn la bg la kat rakyat utk urus. Hang bayang tgk dulu perdana menteri pertama pun anak raja jugak. Nasib baik ada tun mahathir.
"There's nothing more satisfying than seeing a happy and smiling child. I always help in any way I can, even if it's just by signing an autograph. A child's smile is worth more than all the money in the world." - Lionel Messi
DeleteMungkin President FAM boleh bermula pemulihan bola sepak negara dengan mewujudkan "liga junior" berperingkat di seluruh negara! Hakikat hari ni remaja tidak ada program2 untuk laksanakan karier football mereka. Talnt pool kita jadi terlalu kecil dan style permainan Malaysia agak lembap.
Maknanya simple jer...kalau da tau sesuatu tu merosakkan, jgn tunggu lama2. Kalau tunggu melarat...macam org isap rokok ler...org nasihat rokok blh sebabkan cancer dan mcm2 sakit...tapi hangpa p bg alasan "saya muda lagi". Soalannya hang nk tunggu confirm kena cancer baru nak berenti ka...
DeleteSikalang ala paham ka?
Anon 22:17 tak paham?? Aku paham...senang je maksudnya...kalau dah tahu benda tu mudarat eloklah dibuang/dicuci/diselesaikan dengan seberapa segera...
DeleteBukan cerita roket sains pun yang susah nak paham....hehehe
TMJ tak carry weight lah.
DeleteTMJ tidak pun berpolitik kecuali di politik kan oleh Menteri Hang Celupar.
ReplyDeleteApabila Najib kata Sultan Pahang sokong dia, ramai yang diam kerana itu cakap politik bangkrap Najib. Ramai yangvtersengeh dengar lawak pak pandir.
Jika Hang Celupar tak komen TMJ dan tunjuk kebodohannya...takkan ada isu pun.
Annie, now chegubard pulak dah masuk sebagai attack dog PM DS Najib. Mamat ni lately ni cuba mempersalahkan Tun Mahathir berkenaan judiciary crisis. Yg herannya media massa tempatan boleh memberi ruang kepada beliau. Najib akan jatuh pada tahun ini juga. kalau mamat 3 suku mcm chegubard pun terpaksa diupah oleh najib untuk membela beliau maka saya fikir beliau sudah gelabah teruk dan akan jatuh bila bila masa sahaja.
ReplyDelete"We don't want the Malay Rulers to be whacked by any quarters. That's why I said the rulers should keep out of politics because otherwise, they will be whacked. That's what I meant,".
-- DS Nazri at Parliament lobby on 15th June 2015.
DS Nazri is concerned for Royalty and has given his more graphic -ve consequences following DYMM Dr Sultan Nazrin's advise for royalty to rise above partisan political polemics, should instead be a stabilising presence as they have they have absolute power to appoint MBs.
DYMM Sultan Johor has not been heard yet, although his other son suddenly wants succession.
Cukuplah kerenah hingusan(?) ..
Haji M Zin.
Alor Gajah DPH.
Well done Tuan Haji, saya menyokong penuh pendapat Tuan Haji M Zin.
DeleteMungkin pelik/ tidak pelik(?) Cina pula beria menyokong, Sdr 21:12
cucunda kepada yang mereka sebelum ini menyebut sebagai keturuanan lanun(?)
Daulat Tuanku!
Melayu perlu 100% berwaspada, bersatu dan menyerahkan sepenuhnya kawalan anak raja kepada DYMM Sultan Johor dan Majlis Raja-raja.
Haji M Zin
Alor Gajah DPH