Honestly, I was a bit tired of bitching about how things were there on my own.
Everyone, including the other Johorean bloggers didn't seem to care too much, so why should I.
This is the last Johor-related post which I wrote on Feb 26,
Kota Iskandar's consultants
Since then I heard Johor MB DS Mohamed Khaled Nordin had hired some good people to help him improve his administration.
The names appeared to be good as I know one or two of them.
So, I thought I should give Khaled a chance and stop bitching about his administration for a while.
Unless of course if I heard anything freshly rotten.
Anyway, what I really wanted to write today is about the Tengku Mahkota Johor versus DS Nazri Aziz issue.
Actually, I had rather stay out of it because of personal reasons, but since someone I respect asked for my opinion about it this morning, this is what I think,
1. TMJ shouldn't make that remark about the #nothing2hide thing as being a royalty he shouldn't be involved in politics.

2. Nazri shouldn't behave the way he did when voicing his displeasure about TMJ's remark because no matter how much he disliked TMJ's opinion, he should know better then to use such a harsh language on his royal highness.
Stay out of politics or we'll 'whack' you, minister tells Johor prince
Many Johoreans had since taken to cyberspace to express their anger towards Nazri in defense of their beloved TMJ.
Some, being supporters of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad were quick to point out why didn't Nazri say anything about the Sultan of Pahang's support for PM DS Najib Razak.
That's quite awkward, as pointed out by the Apanama's blog posting,
OK atau TIDAK?
For the records, I maintained that ALL members of the royalty shouldn't get involved in politics. That also means politicians shouldn't use members of the royalty to promote themselves among the people.
Yes, I'm of the opinion that the prime minister shouldn't talk about the support given to him by the Sultan of Pahang.
I also have to say here that I disagree with Dr Mahathir for saying that TMJ was just exercising free speech when he made his remarks because being a member of the royalty, his royal highness should know the impact of his remarks on politics. The same goes for Tuanku Sultan of Pahang.
There, I have said it.
Okay, things seem to get worse now in Johor with several members of the state government getting involved,
I think these state executive council members should stay out of it as their statements will only make things worse.
I know that they were probably worried that many in Johor may not like it that Nazri, being an Umno guy had sorts of pick up a fight with the popular TMJ, but they should also remember that collectively, they need to support their party president who is the actual target of criticism of the royal highness.
Either that or they should declare that they no longer support Najib as their party leader.
Well, that's if they really have the balls lah.
Okay, I know, it's the popular thing to do in Johor at the moment, but considering the circumstances, they should just keep quiet for the sake of their integrity as Umno leaders.
I think Khaled as the MB and state Umno chief should remind them of that.
Otherwise, he and the other Johor Umno guys could be deemed as rebelling against their party president.
On another front, a member of the Johor royal household has this to say today,
The younger brother of the Sultan of Johor must be referring to this statement by Dr Mahathir,
Judiciary crisis not my doing, says Dr M
It's now all very convoluted, I'm afraid.
I don't know how it could be fixed but those in power really need to do something as the whole mess doesn't look so good for Johor.
Note: Please be careful with your comments to avoid being seditious.
Actually Tun did mention that TMJ shoudnt be involved in politics
ReplyDelete'Tun M agrees that the Crown Prince of Johor (TMJ) should refrain from commenting on politics, but as Tun puts it sometime when things are irritating you have to 'scratch' it a bit.'
My opinion:
ReplyDeleteYes royalty should not get involved in politics. This literally means that they shouldnt be contesting in election.
However with regard to the affairs of this country (whether there is direct or indirect political implication), they should have a say on it. they are entitle to their opinion. Both Sultan Pahang and TMJ has their right!
If you want a Sultan that stay quiet then we might as well elect a "tunggul kayu" as our Sultan!
Especially when it involved the scandal to the tune of 42 billion, then yes I expect the Sultans to give their opinion (in fact they must give their opinion) on the matters for the betterment of rakyat under their rules.
Just look at all the Cina Bukit on Malaysiakini, Freemalaysiatoday, Malaysia Insider coming out in support of the Johor Royals. When did ever these Cina Bukit supported the Royals?
ReplyDeleteAnnie, seditious or not, you only have to look at the track record of the Johor Royalty which speaks for itself. Many unsolved cases remains deliberately unsolved.
What the fuck has this got to do with the Chinese? And what the fuck is the cina bukit reference in relation to this? Did you just graduate from fat ang's school of bitchery?
DeleteCina Bukit : The type of Chinese who have problems pronouncing the letter R. For an example......Egg Flied Lice. Another example......the Ngeh cousins........Another example.......DAP supporters who tried to speak English but fail miserably.......Happy?
Deleteanon:21:52 . I really admire you for linking Cina Bukit with the above article Bravo!
DeleteKak Annie,
ReplyDeleteFor every actions, there are reactions and reactions tend to be greater than actions which provoked them. Honestly, TMJ should see that coming his way and especially from someone like DS Nazri Aziz, who in his previous cabinet portfolio had defended the PM very well in Dewan Rakyat. So, I'm not surprised that DS Nazri was faster than DS Shahidan Kasim in providing a response to TMJ's remarks about the PM.
Perhaps, there was a great misunderstandings between them about semantics and the connotation of the word "Whack". So when DS Nazri said "whack", this is not necessarily the same "whack" that was inflicted on a member of Negeri Sembilan royal family or T-Team's foreign football players or other unknown cases. It's significantly different ok. Even when those cases became public, our beloved PM never went to the social media to give his public opinion, and my boyfriend the dashingly handsome Mr. KJ was also being very diplomatic about the "tunnel incident", so regardless of what the PM did especially not turning-up at the dialogue with NGOs, he did not deserve that kind of public comment and DS Nazri was right to be upset about it. However, TMJ just like any other Malaysian citizens has a right to express his opinions about so many different things, just like how he commented about FAM etc. The only difference between him (and Sultan of Pahang of course) and us is that, the royals generally have louder loudspeakers and it can affect the public.
Johoreans just like those two state EXCOs should also not add more oil to the fire, especially when the whole country is fully aware of Johor Royal Family's track record. "Whacking" in politics is different than physical whacking, so there's no question of ugut-mengugut. The same thing with the phrase "Chief Whip" in Parliament, surely they don't expect an MP wearing a leather garment and carrying a whip to whack other MPs in Parliament right?
Entahlah Kak Annie, I think TMJ and DS Nazri deserves each other kot tak? Both seems to have the same "fiery" qualities. And we'll see how this drama pans out. Apparently, police reports have been lodged against DS Nazri because of his comments and that seems like an uneven playing field right? Other royals also comments about important matters, but just look at how the Sultan of Perak and the Sultan of Selangor handle things especially when it comes to politics. They've done it with finesse and class. Not too mention the late Sultan Azlan of Perak, he is one of the wisest Malay Rulers.
KJ's girlfriend,
Whack kepala butuh nazri taik palat tu la. Ko ni pun macam taik juga. Taik sama pm and his damned cabinet. F**k u for that.
DeleteAnon 15 June 17:01,
DeleteAre you a JDT supporter? You surely wrote like one. Please leave your football hooliganism in Larkin if you cannot debate politely in here. Sekolah tak habis ya? Hardly surprising.
The excos are men of two faces.
DeleteKJ Girlfriend? Bukan ke dia da kawin? Maknanya Pwincess ni cik sundalo la ya....emmm...patut ke rakyat dengar cakp seorg sundalo? Hehehe
DeleteSetuju dengan pendapat pwincess!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could say many things about royalties in semenanjung but I'd rather not.
That's the dilemma with people like me.
If I invoke the spirit of Jebat , all the spirits of Tuah will rise and make police reports.
Royal Najib, i wanna be more like me and less like you
Tunku Abdul Jalil lebih sesuai sebagai TMJ. Ada class
DeleteSeriously, Annie? TMJ wrong, TSP wrong, Dr M wrong, Ministers wrong. Can kiss goodbye to your datinship.
ReplyDeleteyeah i think they should refrain from involving into politics. what if one day we have a royal who regularly and unfairly/irrationally criticizes politicians. people would be mad but they wont hit back to the royals because of respect and they dont want to undermine the royal's status. letting the criticism flows wouldnt be good to any politicians being unfairly attacked, but criticizing the royals would undermine their position and the system we have here in Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteso its best if they dont involve in politics. for sustainability's sake.
All royals are human and as humans, they are entitled to voice out opinions. TMJ is voicing out the concern of the rakyat, and yes TMJ, thank you, we really appreciate that. When daylight robbery happens in the country, hats off to him for pointing out that there is something wrong happening in this nation. This is what 'amar makruf' and 'nahi mungkar' is all about. No matter what blood you are, blue or green or red (err..or Bugis?) one should say the truth even if is bitter. Nazri thinks with his mouth and not his brain. That just shows the lack of wisdom that he has.He is certainly not fit to be a minister. I am not a Johorean and I certainly think, that with the seeming negative systemic effect to our economy under Najib's admin, we should applaud all bravery from every corner to criticise Najib n Co.
عن أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه; قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: «من رأى منكم منكرا فليغيره بيده, فإن لم يستطع فبلسانه, فإن لم يستطع فبقلبه, وذلك أضعف الإيمان».
DeleteFrom Abu Sa'id al-Khudri r.a., he said: "I heard the Messenger s.a.w. said," Whoever amongst you sees rebelliousness or wrongdoing (munkar), let him change it with his hand (physical ability); but if he is unable, then with his tongue (castigation); and if he is not able to do even that, then feel it in his heart (disgust) - and that would be the weakest of faith.' " (narrated by Muslim and Tirmidzi)
But don't insinuate.
DeleteKalau gomen seksa rakyat kpd sape kmi nak mengadu? Bukankah kami semua rakyat bawah naungan Tuanku?
ReplyDeleteDaulat Tuanku!! Kami sekeluarga sokong Tuanku
Kalau Tuan awak seksa awak macam mana pula? Dah banyak contoh pun sebelum ni kan? Diam je la ya?
I refrain from commenting .
ReplyDeletemalaysia dah jdi gila! Sebenarnya menteri tak betoi anak raja pun tak betoi. Semua dah jadi gila. Menteri nak jadi samseng anak raja pun nak jdi samseng. Masing masing nak tunjuk hebat nak tunjuk kuat... Rileks la melayu woiiiiii. Kahkahkah apa nak jadi bangsa melayu ni. Makin lama makin celaru. TMJ pun bukannya baik sangat pukul org dan sebagai, Nazri ni pun celaru punya manusia, menutuh bohsis keliling pekan, dia rasa dia Don, mcm ni punya sakai pun boleh jadi menteri kahkahkahkah
ReplyDeleteBrigadier General konon, almost burst out laughing. Please try to do a hard day's work first before bestowing self grandeous titles.........Brigadier Freeloader is more appropriate.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the statement made by Anon 21.50 - "Malaysia dah gila".
ReplyDeleteBut one thing stands out in this TDM (+ Nazir + TMJ) vs Najib (+ Nazri +Arul + TV3) ongoing saga, TMJ has better advisers and speechwriters than Najib.
Najib is PM.....cuba be reasonable for a minute....now, PM has the most authority in Malaysia(tak payah ckp pasal undangx bcoz anythg that related to PM, all the legal players or processes will be in a very complicated position) and bila PM dah buat benda tak betul yg boleh memudarat NEGARA, sape nak tegur? Rasanya kita dah saksikan ramai individu di berbagai peringkat dah menegur tapi hasilnya?? So, now.....yg tinggal skrg, those that above PM....the Royalties no matter whether Agong or Sultans or equivalent....they are our(rakyat) last option of justice. Cuba fikirkan....there is a reason why Perlembagaan Negara meletakkan Ketua Agama Islam dan Pemerintah Tertinggi Angkatan Tentera Malaysia sebagai tanggungjawab YDP Agong and the Sultans. Such big responsibility on their shoulder, right?? So, to all politicians....jangan lupa diri!!
ReplyDeleteAnnie, looking at the situation now....by all means....TMJ has the right and he did well.
Daulat Tuanku!
-Proud Johorean-
Yg menegur pun tak betul dan yg ditegur pun lagi tak betul. Dua dua mereka kehidupan dilimpahi kemewahan, yg terkesan dengan kecelaruan ni adalah rakyat. Rakyat akhirnya yang menjadi mangsa. Ini lah negara badut. Diperintah oleh badut, dunggu dan samseng kampung.
DeleteCuba siasat dari mana kemewahan itu mereka perolehi.
DeleteHere's what i think. This spat is created, a sideshow. Nazri volunteers to be the attack dog, knowing there will be a reaction. Then wham!, everyone forgets about 1MDB. Because then we'd be arguing abt role of monarch, free speech, pro nazri, anti-nazri, pro royals blah blah. Dah lupa 1MDB.
ReplyDeleteThere is a line from TMJ that i find very prescient. "Do not use me to divert the attention from 1MDB and other national issues." For this i give the tunku A++.
Yup, folks don't get distracted. Stay focused. The issue is 1MDB.
ReplyDeleteThankfully he didn't call the Yg Bhg DS a dog(!) adinda Ms Annie
as he depicted on a stadium tifo banner of the FAM President, who is the well respected DYMM Sultan of a neighbouring state. Even Royalty could have been sued for lese majeste slander(?) in the Special Royals court, but unfortunately not.
Dah lemak:
Now Budak semakin lomak, and attracting totally wrong publicity and fair game for public comments against his own family!
The DS is the perfect match, growing up in MCKK close to Istana Iskandariah where reigns by comparison some finer Royalty. Samseng or not he'll in-sya-Allah take care of himself being former Law Minister, Sdr ANON 23:50.
Haji M Zin
Alor Gajah DPH.
hanya najib yg benar tidak ada yg benar melainkan benar adalah najib bg annie..sori annie..org curik 2 hengget pon masuk penjara..nikan berbilyun bilyun...1mdb masallah Negara dan sgt memalukan bila pm hanya buat cerdik..
ReplyDeleteDarah sama merah, TMJ baru nak kenal dunia..cari publisiti setelah gagal dengan bintang bintang bola dan artis..
ReplyDeleteBetul darah merah, tpi darah hang darah pondan sama cam si jubor tu...arga pun tak sampai 3 sen seliter....tu arga klu ada telor la...klu xde telor darah tu blh buat pewarna rambut utk kekal jdi pondan jer...darah jenis ni vampire pun tak nak....takut terkena sindrom bebal kata mereka
DeleteDarah royalty bejuta kali mahalnya dan darah perwira.
Actually TDM have all the while been consistent in his story. He had told the same story about the removal of Tun Salleh from the very beginning even when the late Sultan was alive. There was no objection from the late Sultan or his family members then. Why the objection now? This information could be obtained from old editions of NST.
ReplyDeleteCorrect. In fact, Tun Mahathir also wrote about it in his book "A Doctor in the House", yet nobody especially from Johor made an issue of it until now. His book was published many years ago.
Snake, snake & snake.
DeleteThe Malaysian prince is the first foreigner to lead a unit of Indian Army in the Indian Republic Day Parade.[7][9][10] On 26 January 2007, with a rank of captain in Indian Army, he led a mounted column of Jaipur-based 61 Cavalry regiment to salute president of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam during the Republic Day celebrations.[9] The president himself chose Tunku Ismail to lead the unit of around 400 men of the world's only non-ceremonial horse-mounted cavalry.[8] The parade was witnessed by chief guest of the day president of Russia Vladimir Putin and his entourage, along with other dignitaries of Indian politics and military amidst tight security.[8][11] Tunku Ismail's father Tunku Ibrahim Ismail flew in from Johor Bahru on 23 January 2007 to be present at the celebrations while his son added a chapter to the history of Indian Army.[11]
ReplyDeleteTapi kan, anak-anak raja lain ramai masuk universiti. Lepas tu, ada yang pergi Sandhurst atau Westpoint, these are very prestigious institutions. Many young Royals in Malaysia and Brunei including male members of the British Royal Family, went to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the UK. For example, the Raja Muda Selangor graduated with a degree in Ecology and Environmental Biology from Leeds University in the UK, and after spending some time with the Malaysian Army, he's going to Sandhurst too. A Negeri Sembilan prince was educated at the LSE and the current Sultan of Perak hold degrees from both Oxford and Harvard. So what are you trying to say anyway?
Biasalah jenis malas baca buku
ReplyDeletehi owner of the blog, can i know your name. is for my project assignment to put in citation. u can email me at hafiqhalim92@gmail.com. thanks