I only realized that Defence Minister DS Hishammuddin Hussein has become the first to confirm Raja Petra's claim when I read this comment by Rocky;

Dear Pak Tam,
It turns out that RPK and Utusan Malaysia reported the truth - the PM did invite his Cabinet Ministers who are not with him on the 1MDB to quit. His cousin Hishammuddin Hussein has also confirmed this via his Twitter, something about supporting the PM with conditions (well that's Hisham and that's another story!)
As for using the Jews in this posting, well, I'm just quoting Tun Dr M, guys. Just like most of you, I was boycotting Starbucks for a while, too, you know :-))
It turns out that RPK and Utusan Malaysia reported the truth - the PM did invite his Cabinet Ministers who are not with him on the 1MDB to quit. His cousin Hishammuddin Hussein has also confirmed this via his Twitter, something about supporting the PM with conditions (well that's Hisham and that's another story!)
As for using the Jews in this posting, well, I'm just quoting Tun Dr M, guys. Just like most of you, I was boycotting Starbucks for a while, too, you know :-))
Now, all those who used to accuse that Najib's cousin of being a coward, spineless, menteri amaran or even a pondan surely have to eat humble pie.
Hishammuddin seems quite brave to me now....either that or he was actually not sure what he was talking about when he twitted that conditional support thingy.
There were lots of talk today about Raja Petra's claim that PM DS Najib Razak had given the ultimatum for his Cabinet ministers to either support him over the 1MDB issue or resign from their post.
You can read it here:
Najib asks his cabinet members not with him to resign
Major newspapers such as Berita Harian and NST gave prominence to the story about Raja Petra's claim today.
It was a bit weird that those newspapers had to rely on a report by Raja Petra who is in self-imposed exile in London for such a major news break.
Surely, the newspapers have better access to "insiders" within the Cabinet and could had broke the story themselves.
Well, never mind...the fact that the newspapers reported the claim indicated that there should be some truth to it.
Maybe the newspaper people are a bit shy to use their own story about the whole thing.
Whatever it is, I think they should get a confirmation of the story so that it can become irrefutable fact.
Maybe the journalists should just asked the Cabinet members or the PM himself point blank about it.
As I'm writing this, I haven't seen any confirmation yet from anyone.
Still, I tend to believe that there should be some truth to Raja Petra's claim.
After all, I think that should be the right thing to do on the part of the PM.
He needs a ship with all crew members following his orders.
It's the natural thing.
Really, I would have quit if I don't agree with what my boss is doing. I just get myself another job.
Anyway, when the alleged ultimatum became news, everyone seems to zoom in at two names, DPM TS Muhyiddin Yassin who is Umno deputy president and Rural development minister DS Shafie Apdal, an Umno vice-president.
I had heard rumors that the two guys had been identified as heading a quiet rebellion against Najib.
I find that a bit weird though as I don't think Muhyiddin and Shafie have enough clout to challenge Najib for now.
But still, I think those two and others being suspected of rebelling against Najib should make their stand clear.
They should either openly declare that they are all the way with the PM over all issues including 1MDB or quit their post in the government.
They can meanwhile keep their post in Umno and challenge Najib in the party elections scheduled next year.
Of course they have to prevent the party from postponing the party elections to after the next general election.
Well, they can try, can't they?
That's how real pejuang agama, bangsa dan tanah air should do.
As the Malays say it "Berani kerana benar....", something like that.
Somehow, however, I hope Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin will not be among those who oppose Najib.
It's a pity if the tall, dark and handsome guy resigns from his ministerial post.
I don't think Umno has anyone better to replace him as Youth and Sports Minister.
KJ, rocks with the young people, okay.
He is also good with the older people.
Hmmm...nice isn't he???
Annie, najib cukup bodoh kalau benar dia cabar secara terus begitu. Ini kerana tidak mungkin mereka akan mengakui bahawa mereka menentangnya. Dan tiada apa yg boleh dilakukan olehnya. Mereka mungkin akan dilihat menyokong beliau tetapi itu mungkin sokongan sampah seperti kata Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin. Apa yg sepatutnya dilakukan oleh Najib ialah mengenalpasti siapa diantara menteri kabinet yg tidak sehaluan dgn beliau, kemudiannya beliau haruslah melakukan rombakan kabinet. Tetapi adakah beliau mempunyai telur untuk melakukanya. Dalam keadaan seperti ini pun najib masih play safe kahkahkah itu menunjukkan karektor beliau sebagai seorang pengecut.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all if your boss doesn't own the company/organization etc...it is not necessary that you should resign.
ReplyDeleteIf your boss actually own the company/organization then yes....you definitely should resign!
Does Najib own Malaysia or for that even UMNO???
If you disagree with your boss and it isnt clear whose on the right or wrong then perhaps yes you should resign...
However if your boss done something obviously incompetent or even worse wrong.....example say causing billion dollars of loss or worse still... lost! then you have solid ground to stay and your boss is the one that should resign!
I am still surprise how could people fathom for "other people" to resign when the one that asked other people to resign and should have resign is the one that is directly implicated with the issue in the first place!
Anon 20:03,
DeleteLu cekap manyak betut lea aa , salah punya olang patut resign lor rr ,tatak salah punya apa hat mau resign maa aa .
Tapi eaa aa , salah punya olang cekap lia tatak salah apa macam maa aa ,atak salah punya olag ,sutak jatuh hukum pon cekap tatak salah ,itu conspiracy punya hat , apa macam ?.
Manyak pening lor rr , hansom punya olang manyak baik ,tatak hensom punya tatak baik , Hai yaa apa macam mau celita lea aa.
Wa , eaa aa , mesti tatak baik punya ,pasat Wa tatak hensom maa aa , lagi Cina sekolah lea aa .
Haha KO sorang je paham apa ko tulis
Deleteannie...as for KJ , its all politics, is it real him , I don't thing so...............
ReplyDeleteapa le Annie ni... very soon maaa...
ReplyDelete..tak cukup damar nak tutup leaking kapal bugis tu... nak sinking dah..
Ini sungguh malang bagi negara mempunyai macam ini punya PM , dengan menteri dia berani ugut yang jadi punahsihat dan consultans melingkup negara termasuk dalam 1MDB dia tak berani nak sentuh , kenapa ya? sudah tentu telurnya telah dipegang atau Rosmah yang kawal .hehehe...
ReplyDeleteDo the natural thing to me. O la la. I am the one you're looking for.
ReplyDeleteBaru nak komen dah ada org atas tu komen dulu.
ReplyDeleteIni bukan Malaysia Bhd atau BN sdn Bhd. Pemimpin dipilih rakyat bukan untuk mengurangkan harta negara. Sebaliknya rakyat mengharapkan negara ditadbir dengan baik, lebih kaya dan makmur supaya rakyat mendapat kehidupan yang adil dan selesa.
Walaupun wakil rakyat ialah pekerja kontrak 5 tahun dan perlu menunggu PRU untuk ditukar, tetapi jawatan-jawatan lain boleh digugurkan jika gagal menjalankan amanah rakyat.
Tak mati pun letak jawatan. Dapat Tun lagi. Bolehlah bebas kemana saja nak shopping atau holiday.
Apparently, most commentators cannoot fathom the meaning of Cabinets. Its the perogative of the Chief Executive. Ask Obama or Cameron. In fact, in those kafir countries, if you strongly disagree with the Chief, you resigned without being asked.
ReplyDeleteIts call balls.
Especially when The Chief has no balls!
DeleteYes, frozen balls!
DeleteMenteri kabinet yg bersama DSN, seumpama merestui salahlaku pengendali2 1MDB. H2O berbuat sokongan bersyarat menunjukkan beliau adalah orang yg tahu buruk baik dalam tadbir urus sesebuah syarikat. Mana mungkin 1MDB yg selama ini diwujudkan tanpa dokongan kabinet dan tiba2 bermasalah serta memerlukan sokongan kabinet utk plan rasionalisasi dapat diterima bulat2 oleh H2O. Apakah gila memberi sokongan walhal kita sudah mengetahui keburukkan yg dialami oleh 1MDB.
ReplyDeleteSyabas buat H2O, ternyata masih ada ahli politik UMNO yg waras.
i agree with u, annie. hishamudin is a brave man.
ReplyDeleteKJ is the symbol of umno's downfall. He is tainted. He has the word 'rasuah' written all over him. He and his petty ideas mark the end of intellectuality in our youth. Whatever he touches, destroyed. He should not be forgiven for wht he did with MV Agusta.
ReplyDeleteI thought only Melayu mudah lupa, but it looks like half Melayu like annie also mudah lupa. Just bcoz u like his look, you cant think straight anymore eh? Thts cheap.
Annie was being sarcastic la
DeleteIs KJ one of them Oxford fellows who lost their souls to the world?
DeleteAgreed, it was pure sarcasm by Annie, most people could see that unless Annie says otherwise hehe..
DeleteNajib doesn't own the government you know. The party does. BN.
ReplyDeleteDon't postpone UMNO election anymore.
""KJ, rocks with the young people, ok""
ReplyDeleteRock the young ppl does not mean he can bring in the votes.
Takat Rembau boleh lah rock and roll with atuk, nenek,pakcik,makchik, mak su @ pak su.
Kalau really got balls pergi lah rock Parliment Seremban, he is so full of himself but reality rocks he is just a jaguh kampung born with a silver spoon.
...and the Grand Old Man STILL the master of the game...
ReplyDeleteI used to think both hishamuddin and najib as pondan......seems like hishamuddin has found his manhod now 'if the report is true though'......unfortunately my view of najib still remain the same....he is still 'pondan'.....nak debate dgn org tua umur 90 tahun pun takut!
ReplyDeleteHishamuddin and Najib are cousins and lifelong political associates: Ada udang di sebalik batu kut ....
DeleteNajib takut debate with anyone. So used to having a good life that he is not used to being argued with... lack of grey matter no doubt... and a dressed-up nitwit.
DeleteThis is ridiculous. he stole the country's wealth and now asking those who disagree with his stealing to resign. What utter rubbish is this! UMNO does not belongs to him or Bik Fat Mama so he do not have the right ask anyone to resign. Since he was elected as the President (the dumbest ever and the greatest thief in UMNO history),the UMNO should sacked him. That is the only way out.
ReplyDeleteBut then who dares to make the move? Who wants to give up the nice position and income? That's UMNO.
Zack, you and all the nay sayers pls give up your citizenship if you really feel that al-Jemuan bil Bangang has wronged Malaysia.
DeleteWhy should he? Does the country belong to Mr & Mrs Bangang?
DeleteThat shows how clueless Najib is. He doesn't love the party. he'd rather everyone of them in the cabinet follow him "masuk longkang". Nampak sangat kebodohan Panglima Bugis Sombong Kayu ni.
DeleteYeah right @ Anonymous 2 June 2015 at 09:47.... let's all Malaysian give up our citizenship because we don't agree with Si Bugis Bangang and let all the desperate Rohingyas come in to support si BB sebab depa apa peduli. Damn you BB!
DeleteI am eating humble pie for breakfast this morning.
ReplyDeleteI should view Hishammuddin differently from now on.
Now that Najib has heard the advice of the worm tongue from Manchester, everyone should see not whether Hishammuddin would resign, but Najib dare to let Hishammuddin resigns.
There won't be a Gandalf to save Najib from the Manchester Worm Tongue , who has for years trying to bring down UMNO and now being paid by its very own President to do so. What an irony.
So You Want Khairy to also be a Ball Carrier!!
ReplyDeleteSedehnya you ni!
Hisham doing a condom ... playsafe brand. He is afraid of the supposed wave down there. As cousin brother he has to be with Najib. Being with another Johorean Muhyiddin will not help his rise to Premiership.
ReplyDeleteThrough out the 1MDB debacle, Hishamuddin has been quiet and non commital. Hi slatest 3 conditions just proves he has no balls to give amaran anay more.
Any cabinet minster who is yes-man to whatever the PM did is an idiot. Any cabinet minister who resigned because the PM told him to do so is a coward. A real cabinet minister is one who advise the PM when the PM is wrong (even though that will result in the cabinet minister being sacked.
ReplyDeletePerasuah jadi menteri. Itu nak dibanggakan? Biar handsome sekalipun, akhlak pelaku rasuah itu dikutuk dalam agama. Jangan lupa itu.
ReplyDeleteTak boleh cuci dosa dgn bersandar dgn kacak atau cerdik semata-mata.