Friday, 9 October 2015

The Rulers' actual Press release on 1MDB

Someone asked me for the original Press release of the Rulers Conference on 1MDB.

Well, when I first read it, I was taken aback by the whole thing.

The construction of the sentences was "unique", as far as I'm concerned.

So, here it is for the record:

Pejabat Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja Malaysia,
Majlis Raja-Raja,

7 Oktober 2015

Berikutan mesyuarat Pre-Council Raja-raja yang diadakan di Istana Negara pada hari ini, Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-raja mengeluarkan kenyataan berikut:

1. Raja-raja Melayu amat prihatin terhadap rasa resah dan kebimbangan yang telah disembah maklum oleh rakyat menyentuh kritikan terhadap kredibiliti dan integriti Kerajaan dalam melaksanakan amanah rakyat mentadbir negara. Budi bicara Duli-duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja-raja Melayu telah dipohon untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah yang sedang melanda negara ketika ini.

2. Sesungguhnya Duli-duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja-raja Melayu ada tanggungjawab fardu kifayah untuk memastikan keamanan dan kemakmuran negara dapat berlangsung dalam suasana politik yang stabil dan rakyatnya hidup dalam harmoni. Justeru itu, Raja-raja Melayu setelah berbincang bersama, merasa bertanggungjawab untuk mengeluarkan satu kenyataan berkaitan dengan persoalan dan kontroversi yang sedang melanda negara ketika ini, iaitu isu 1MDB. Raja-raja Melayu maklum bahawa Kerajaan pada ketika ini sedang melakukan siasatan. Baginda sekalian menegaskan perlunya pihak Kerajaan menyelesaikan dengan secepat mungkin penyiasatan yang sedang berjalan. Jika terbukti terdapat sebarang perbuatan yang menyalahi undang-undang, maka Kerajaan hendaklah mengambil tindakan tegas yang sewajarnya terhadap pihak-pihak yang terlibat. Semua pihak adalah bertanggungjawab untuk memberikan kerjasama yang sebenar dan jujur agar usaha dan maksud siasatan tersebut mencapai kejayaan.

3. Penemuan siasatan ini hendaklah dilaporkan secara lengkap dan telus supaya rakyat dapat diyakinkan akan keikhlasan Kerajaan yang sama sekali tidak akan melindungkan fakta dan kebenaran. Kegagalan memberikan penjelasan dan jawapan yang meyakinkan, dikhuatiri telah mengakibatkan berlakunya krisis keyakinan. Akibatnya rakyat percaya sama ada dengan realiti mahupun secara persepsi, bahawa ia turut menjadi antara sebab yang telah mempengaruhi kejatuhan nilai mata wang Ringgit Malaysia secara mendadak, sehingga memberikan impak negatif ke atas pasaran kewangan dan iklim ekonomi negara dan sekali gus telah menjejaskan pandangan dunia terhadap Malaysia.

4. Raja-raja Melayu bimbang jika isu ini tidak ditangani secara bijak, apatah lagi jika berlarutan dan memakan masa terlalu lama, ia berpotensi menjejaskan keadaan ekonomi negara dan memudaratkan kehidupan rakyat jelata yang dikhuatiri berkemungkinan pula menjejaskan ketenteraman awam serta keselamatan negara.

5. Raja-raja Melayu dengan ini, mengingatkan semua pemimpin agar pada setiap masa mendukung prinsip-prinsip Keluhuran Perlembagaan dan Kedaulatan Undang-undang menurut yang termaktub di dalam Rukun Negara. Demi memastikan Kerajaan mendapat kepercayaan, pemimpin dihormati, kestabilan politik terus terjamin dan ekonomi negara terus berkembang, semua pemimpin wajib pada setiap masa memastikan keadilan dilaksanakan secara saksama lagi telus berpaksikan undang-undang. Untuk itu badan-badan penguatkuasaan serta institusi-institusi kawal selia seperti Polis Diraja Malaysia, Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah, Bank Negara, Jabatan Peguam Negara dan Badan Kehakiman, begitu juga badan-badan serta institusi-institusi Kerajaan yang berkaitan hendaklah menyempurnakan amanah ILAHI dan kepercayaan rakyat secara telus, berkredibiliti dan berintegriti. Pemimpin-pemimpin hendaklah senantiasa mengutamakan faktor-faktor keselamatan, ketenteraman, keamanan dan keharmonian serta meletakkan kepentingan Negara dan rakyat mengatasi kepentingan peribadi.

6. Raja-raja Melayu memandang berat isu-isu menyentuh kaum dan agama dan dengan ini mengingatkan para pemimpin parti-parti politik dan badan-badan bukan kerajaan agar tidak mensensasikan isu perkauman dan isu agama dalam hasrat meraih sokongan rakyat terhadap parti atau pihak masing-masing. Raja-raja Melayu menzahirkan peringatan bahawa hubungan harmoni dan perpaduan antara kaum dan antara agama yang terjalin baik selama hari ini telah berperanan penting sebagai tunggak utama kepada kestabilan sebuah negara Malaysia yang merdeka, aman, maju dan makmur. Oleh itu hubungan harmoni dan perpaduan rakyat wajib dipelihara pada setiap masa dan tidak boleh sama sekali dikorbankan kerana matlamat politik yang cetek.

Dikeluarkan oleh

Dato Sri Syed Danial bin Syed Ahmad, Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja Melayu pada 6 Oktober 2015.


  1. Annie,
    Saya berharap pada mesyuarat atau persidangan majlis raja raja yang sebenar nanti harap pihak majlis raja raja akan meminta agar satu suruhanraja bebas dibentuk untuk selesaikan hal 1MDB ini serta isu RM 2.6 billion yang masuk akaun najib . Kalau tunggu kerajaan nak siasat tak guna , semalam pejabat AG dah keluar kenyataan 1MDB bersih tiada kes ini dah sekali lagi nak memperbodohkan rakyat .

    1. Saya sokong.

    2. RCI punya Terms of Reference must include:

      - cari dan identify "hidden hands".

      - siapa "pnderma" EM2.6 bilion sabenar nya.

    3. KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 9 — Bank Negara Malaysia has revoked three approvals for 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) to invest US$1.83 billion abroad due to failures to make mandatory declarations.

      Commenting on the Attorney-General’s Chambers decision not to consider prosecution of the state-owned firm, the central bank today explained why it had made the recommendation for action to be taken against 1MDB under the Exchange Control Act 1953 (ECA).

      “On its part, the Bank concluded that permissions required under the ECA for 1MDB’s investments abroad were obtained based on inaccurate or without complete disclosure of material information relevant to the Bank’s assessment of 1MDB’s applications."

      - See more at:

    4. bersih is right then snd red guards prove bersih is right

    5. Thanks for the interesting info, 2127, but 0708, "red guards"? You thinking of Mao Zedong's Red Guards? Communist-inclined are you?

      And would you, 0708, explain how Bersih is right? They have never been right as far as I'm concerned - started wanting to fight on election issues but allowed Anwar to prostitute them, and since then have been on the streets, illegal demos, taking up a rojak kind of agenda, even seen by many as trying to overthrow the duly elected government by other than thru the ballot box. .

  2. The terms used are Raja-raja does it include other races as well or only for the Malays?

    1. Givig you the benefit of the doubt that you are not cheeky and genuinely want to know, I'll explain: The Raja Raja are Raja for all Malaysians.

      Just that they are Malays but their sovereignty in the states and that of the YDP Agong for Malaysia covers all in the states and in the country.

  3. Haven't yet seen a reply by the PM, Finance Minister and 1Mdb adviser to the Rulers' statement.
    Why? Considers himself unanswerable to them ah?

    1. Read the Constitution. Or go to this blog for ease of understanding -

    2. Najib is at Least answerable to the rakyat. The Malay Rulers say members of the public approached them, hence want to speak for them.

      Hope more developments from the Rulers Conference.

    3. Developments from the 8 October Rulers' Statement so far -

      - DPM Zahid saying on 8 Oct giving Government assurance that proactive measures are being taken to address the concerns of the Malay Rulers pertaining to the 11MDB issue.

      - Minister Rahman Dahlan saying what the Rulers said are what the Government wanted

      - AGC statement on 9 Oct that Bank Negara's Investigation Papers have been returned to BNM after a no wrong doing verdict by AGC

      - BNM issued a statement later 9 October explaining they investigated after finding 1MDB not providing accurate and all the necessary information regarding investments abroad, and revoking approval on 3 cases of investment totalling RM1.83 billion and asking that the money be returned to Malaysia (that amount appeared to be the money sent to Singapore).

      Further developments are awaited with baited breaths.

    4. What also attracts attention in the AGC's statement is "The Task Force on investigations into 1MDB has never been dissolved or disbanded and the AGC has never made any statement to that effect." That is true but nice to hear it said by AGC now.

      And the AGC's statement also says, "In fact the investigations conducted by the respective agencies were never at any time halted or hindered." Of course no mention of the "hidden hands" alluded to by the former Deputy Director of Special Branch that has caused Gani Pattail suddenly losing his post and the "immediate transfers" of senior MACC and Police Officers involved in the 1MDB investigations.


  4. OK bagaimana Mesyuarat Pre-Council (?) adinda Ms Annie
    boleh mengeluarkan kenyataan akhbar sebelum diadakan
    Mesyuarat Majlis Raja-raja di mana Perdana Menteri huhu adalah Penasihat?

    OK who is playing bad boy politics here, ada??

    Haji M Zin
    Alor Gajah DPH

    1. This blog operated by a law lecturer says they may "deliberate on questions of national policy and any other matter that they think fit."

      Presumably when they do such deliberation, PM needs not be there - only at the main conference when the PM must attend as Adviser to YDP Agong.


    2. The more reason the PM to attend(?) Sdr ANON 15: 58
      when it is a question of national policy kan(?)
      which begs the Q whether the Pre-Council was hijacked?

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

    3. I think PM not obligated to attend the Pre-Rulers' Council meeting. Also the Menteris Besar who always accompany the MBs at the normal Rulers Council Conference where PM accompanies the Agong by procedure or regulation.

      The Rulers may insist on the pre-Council meeting only by themselves. The PM and the MBs may not be welcome. Especially when they talking about “rasa resah dan kebimbangan yang telah disembah maklum oleh rakyat menyentuh kritikan terhadap kredibiliti dan integriti Kerajaan dalam melaksanakan amanah rakyat mentadbir negara.”


    4. You a straight baik sangka man, Sdr ANON 20: 03
      but the Majlis should expect an UMNO reappraisal of their relations as a consequence of this behaviour.

      You should note that only UMNOs openly juggling all the 3R balls.

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

    5. I think the UMNO Ketua Ketua Bahagian, Pemuda and Wanita objecting to the Sedition Act being thrown away by Najib showed the extent of their feelings towards the Malay Rulers.

      The Sedition Act protects the sensitive Articles of the Constitution, a lot of which are on the position, roles and responsibilities of the Rulers.

      And the Malays at large - most of them see the Rulers as their saviour in the event of political upheaval in the country - not just as their "payong".

      Btw, sorry for being slow on the uptake - but what's 3R balls, please?


    6. Race, Religion and Royalty Sdr ANON 08: 53
      and can UMNO think to drop one(?)

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

  5. No so, Annie, not "unique", as far as I'm concerned. Only formal language, a lot of affixes and suffixes, like in "berkemungkinan menjejaskan ketenteraman .."

    But good that you publish the BM/ original version. Nobody can accuse us of wrong interpretation because of relying on the translated version.

  6. Some asked why the Conference of Rulers issue the statement. Their roles, functions and responsibilities are stated in the Constitution. They are not required to do so but they may "deliberate on questions of national policy and any other matter that they think fit."

    It's not written as "shall" (obligatory) but "may" (if they want to).

    The reasons why they deliberate and issue a statement this time are as stated in the statement. Members of the rakyat have requested them to - "rasa resah dan kebimbangan yang telah disembah maklum oleh rakyat .."

    So, they "menyentuh kritikan terhadap kredibiliti dan integriti Kerajaan dalam melaksanakan amanah rakyat mentadbir negara." It's good that they did. I support them 100%.

    1. I still have not seen Tun Dr Mahathir's reaction to the Rulers' statement.

      He is a shrewd politician. I suppose he must wait, ensure his comment is timely, for best effect.

    2. TDM has done so in his new blog post at Chedet cc. A very quick glance makes me feel it's mild, I think. Of course I'll read again and see if he has couched his words in not so "frank" statements.

    3. He is the mastermind.

  7. Blogger cina bodoh

    1. Don't say like that lah. It shows bad upbringing. Or no upbringing at all.

      Annie is half Malay (her father) and half Chinese (her mother). And she is not bodoh. You are.

  8. Gua tak paham. *shrug*

  9. Presiden FIFA pun kena gantung kerja.

    1. Gantung 3 bulan je. Kita gantung selama lama nya amacam?

  10. Siapa masuk ke syurga siapa tercampak ke neraka nanti kelak?

    1. Pesanan dari surah Al-Insan:

      (23) Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan Al-Quran kepadamu (wahai Muhammad), dengan beransur-ansur.
      (24) Oleh itu hendaklah engkau bersabar menerima hukum Tuhanmu (memberi tempoh kepada golongan yang menentangmu), dan janganlah engkau menurut kehendak orang yang berdosa di antara mereka, atau orang yang kufur ingkar.
      (25) Dan sebutlah dengan lidah atau dengan hati akan nama Tuhanmu (di dalam dan di luar sembahyang), pada waktu pagi dan petang;
      (26) Dan (dengan apa keadaan pun maka) pada sebahagian dari waktu malam sujudlah kepada Tuhan (dengan mengerjakan sembahyang), dan (seboleh-bolehnya) bertasbihlah memujiNya (dengan mengerjakan sembahyang Tahajjud), pada sebahagian yang panjang dari waktu malam.
      (27) Sesungguhnya orang-orang (yang menentangmu) itu sentiasa mencintai (kesenangan dan kemewahan dunia) yang cepat habisnya, serta mereka membelakangkan (tidak menghiraukan bekalan) untuk hari akhirat yang amat berat (penderitaannya kepada orang-orang yang tidak bertaqwa).
      (28) Kamilah yang menciptakan mereka serta menguatkan tulang sendi dan urat saraf mereka; (Kami berkuasa membinasakan mereka) dan apabila Kami kehendaki, Kami gantikan (mereka dengan) orang-orang yang serupa dengan mereka, dengan penggantian yang sebaik-baiknya.
      (29) Sesungguhnya (segala keterangan yang disebutkan) ini, menjadi peringatan; maka sesiapa yang mahukan (kebaikan dirinya) bolehlah ia mengambil jalan yang menyampaikan kepada keredaan Allah (dengan iman dan taat).
      (30) Dan tiadalah kamu berkemahuan (melakukan sesuatu perkara) melainkan dengan cara yang dikehendaki Allah; sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana (mengaturkan sebarang perkara yang dikehendakiNya).
      (31) Ia memasukkan sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (menurut aturan yang ditetapkan) ke dalam rahmatNya (dengan ditempatkannya di dalam Syurga); dan orang-orang yang zalim, Ia menyediakan untuk mereka azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya.

  11. Annie - Read Syed's latest blog on BNM's response about 1MDB.


    My comments in blue : This is a very carefully worded statement by BNM. The way I read it, it exposes the 'baru jatuh dari langit, kita semua tahu pasai apa' newly appointed by the Boogey's Man Attorney General Apandi Ali as a complete bullshitter.

    Note the following:
    "..under the Federal Constitution, the decision to initiate criminal prosecution lies solely with the Attorney General."

    In other words it is Apandi Ali who is not doing his job. Dont try to blame it on Bank Negara Malaysia.
    the Bank is duty bound to conduct its investigations with the highest professional care and diligence

    In other words, Apandi Ali's contention that there was insufficient evidence or that there was no new evidence is bullshit. This is not a "kes curi itek" in the kampong ok.

    Apandi Ali is not an expert on banking regulations. As the Government's sole banking and financial regulator, BNM is the technical expert on banking laws, financial regulations and the compliance or breach thereof. Not Apandi Ali. Bank Negara Malaysia knows what they are talking about and what they are doing.
    the Bank concluded that permissions required under the ECA for 1MDB’s investments abroad were obtained based on inaccurate or without complete disclosure of material information

    This is not a subjective matter, ie subject to interpretation, debate or argument.

    Merriam Webster says that the word 'inaccurate' is also synonymous with "false, incorrect, untrue, untruthful, wrong". I hope Apandi Ali knows what is Merriam Webster.

    If 1MDB had submitted information which Bank Negara in their expert opinion believed was "false, incorrect, untrue, untruthful, wrong" then that was a crime. That is why Bank Negara had recommended criminal charges in Court against 1MDB.
    the Bank has revoked three permissions granted to 1MDB under the ECA for investments abroad totalling USD1.83 billion and also issued a direction under the Financial Services Act 2013 to 1MDB to repatriate the amount of USD1.83 billion to Malaysia

    So Bank Negara Malaysia had already revoked permissions granted to 1MDB for investments abroad totalling USD1.83 billion (RM7.57 billion).

    Permission granted by whom? According to the Kway Teow seller, by the Minister of Finance.

    BNM had also asked 1MDB to bring back the USD1.83 billion which UNTIL today 1MDB has NOT done. This is a super clear breach of Malaysia's financial regulations. So 1MDB has broken the law. This is not subject to interpretation, argument or debate.

    Under the powers vested in Bank Negara, which is the Government's own banking and financial regulator, they had revoked whatever permissions granted to 1MDB.

    There is no more argument. 1MDB did not comply.

    Bank Negara even told 1MDB "to repatriate the amount of USD1.83 billion to Malaysia" and gave 1MDB time "to submit a plan to the Bank for this purpose"

    All this - 1MDB did not do and has not done until today. That is breaking the law.

    Not having any experience running the AG's Chambers or perhaps not properly understanding the expert role of Government regulatory bodies like Bank Negara Malaysia, Apandi Ali still went ahead and did what was expected of him as the "brand new jatuh dari langit, kita semua tahu pasai apa" Attorney General of Malaysia.

    Hence Apandi Ali's predicament today. He is certainly the laughing stock of the AG's Chambers, of Bank Negara Malaysia and the whole country.

    What a way to cap a career.


    You still want to defend Najib?

    1. Wow, this is very interesting. Will say more another time.

    2. "the Boogey's Man Attorney General Apandi Ali as a complete bullshitter." -

      If the fler has not been arrested or threatened so, it's ok for us to use those words or that kind of tone in here, innit, Annie?

      But we'll try to be less shitful than that on the powers that be.

    3. "it is Apandi Ali who is not doing his job. Dont try to blame it on Bank Negara Malaysia." -

      Not that he is not doing his job. He always does what he perceives bossman wants. Also doesn't do what he thinks bossman doesn't want.

      Mebbe he knows he has not been put there for nothing. Bossman has been said to prefer loyalty to intelligence.

    4. "Apandi Ali's contention that there was insufficient evidence or that there was no new evidence is bullshit. This is not a "kes curi itek" in the kampong ok." -

      The smart Apandi has made it out that it was his underling who studied the BNM IP (Investigation Papers) and decided no wrong doing - the statement said, "Having studied the IP, the Deputy Solicitor General 1, Datuk Tun Abd Majid decided that there was no offence committed by the 1MDB officials and directed that no further action should be taken."

      The Datuk Tun will likely be given the AG's post if Apandi is incapacitated for one reason or another. Btw, has he a kidney problem that they used against Gani Pattail when removing him from the AG post?

  12. Apandi's Boss... !
    who do you all think the boss is you and me and all of us having blue ic voters
    We all bosses are questioning our you mind..for unexplained actions and chains of event may have caused Malaysia in unaccounted billions that better be spent on the livelihood of her people - Melayu, Cina, India dan sekelian bangsa dan suku lain yang menuntut hak mereka sebagai warganegra Malaysia (ini subject to those who live by the RUKUNEGARA only).
    We are bosses and we demand answers but we are not getting them. And those who know a thing or two and speak loudly to demand answers from the servants we elect to the legislative assembly are being charged with "sabotage". Sabotage how ? Zero Aziz sabotage too ? Those wanting to know the truth are just saying what we all bosses want to know. Betul tak ? Ada among is bosses yang tak nak tahu kebenaran macam A Voice, Rockybru, ? Please identify yourself...Haji Mat Zin, awak tak nak tahu perkara sebenar ke ?
