Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Malays, don't hate the Chinese please

There have been quite a lot of anti-Chinese articles being written ever since the Chinese-dominated Bersih 4.

Some even equated the rally with the victory parade of the opposition parties which led to the bloodbath of May 13 1969.

Some accused the Chinese of wanting to chase the Malays back to the kampung or even into the jungle.

Those articles called for the Malays to be united in the face of the so-called Chinese threat.

Quite a few of the articles were printed on the pages of reputable newspapers.

I wonder how the editors could have let that happened.

Are the Chinese as a society really that evil?

Or are they so dumb that they want to be lords and masters of the majority Malays and other races?

After all they are less than 30 per cent of the population.

I got my complaints about the Chinese too but I don't think the answer to those questions is "yes".

Why did they go out in droves for the Bersih 4?

I am not sure of the exact answer, but probably it's because they wanted the country to be governed properly.

I'm quite confident the majority of them didn't do it because they hate the Malays.

I think it's wrong to accuse all of them of being Malay-hating Chinese as written in those articles.

I know a lot of good Chinese who don't have evil intention against the Malays.

My mother, grandmother, cousins, aunts, uncles.....okay, my grandfather a bit garang but still, he is not a Malay-hating Chinese.

My ex-boyfriend is a prick, but it's not because he is a Malay-hating Chinese. He is a prick because he is a horny bastard. That's all.

Yes, there are racists among the Chinese but there are racists among the Malays too.

There are bad Chinese and there are bad Malays.

I do believe the Malays need to be united as a society but that's not because we want to go against the Chinese.

Malays need to be united because it's for them to help each other so that they could improve themselves and be on par with their fellow Malaysians of other races.

They should be motivated to be united by the desire to improve as a society and protect their rights instead of being united to hate another race.

Actually that's how the United Malay Nationalist Organisation got started.

Sometimes I got angry with the Chinese too such as in the aftermath of their tsunami in the last general election.

That's because they wiped out a lot of good Malay leaders from Umno who sincerely wanted Malaysia to remain a country shared by all its citizens irrespective of their race or religion.

But still, I don't hate them because of that. Just angry with them for awhile.

In fact I'm still in love with one of them. Yes, that prick, despite him having someone else now,.

Back then, the DAP's election campaign which heavily relied on the Chinese sentiments blinded them at the polling stations.

I was angry with the Chinese electorate for letting that happened.

As I fear, that Chinese tsunami had led irresponsible Malay leaders and their lackeys to the easy but destructive route of pulling out the race card every time they faced a problem.

I hope the common Malay folks could resist from being influenced into hating the Chinese.

This country is in a state of worry now.

I am worried.

I hope all these will end soon.

I want Malaysia to be back the way it used to be.


  1. Not this melayu. I don't.

    Reading pro-Najib blogs, both english and malay, really makes my hair stand. Know what? They have lost the plot. Losing the argument, bring out the race card.
    Tun turned up, lagi tambah marah? heheh.
    Cool lah The Old Man. May Allah protect him. Amin

  2. I used to have many Chinese friends as I was the only Malay boy in the class. We meet regularly over lunch or dinner. There was no racial divide them.
    However of late with the onset of Bersih I noticed a significant shift in my friends perception and attitude towards Malays. ABU... anything but umno has metamorphosed into anti Malay sentiment. Mind you we have known each other for more than 50 years. I can discern the growing hatred .

  3. It is always the Jews/Chinese/Indian/white female from Sarawak Report, never the Malay themselves. 58 years of Merdeka (oppsss but we never been jajah according one of the ministers). And 60 odd years UMNO perjuangkan hak org Melayu, tapi Melayu masih bangsat, tak payah la tunggu kalau bukan UMNO yg jadi gomen pun. Gua Melayu tapi gua sakit hati dgn Melayu yang duduk atas tu balik2 guna bangsa, guna agama dan last sekali guna cerita porno... Apala bodoh2 belaka menteri kita ni...

    1. True. Focus on main issue; Najib's blatant corruption and abuse of power. Annie is perpetuating this diversion tactics to their advantage.

      Nasib baik Mahathir turun. Genius orang tua ni. Dia nak pastikan, demo ni tak spin sebagai cina benci melayu punya narrative.

      Cina pun bangang juga. Fokus la sikit. Let Mahathir take the lead. Fokus isu Najib bukan bersimpang siur tak tentu arah.. Tak habis habis kiasu.

    2. MahaFiraun desperados for his cronies.

  4. I am Malaysian and is of Chinese descent.
    Let me share with you a story.
    True story.
    If you, Malays, want to be angry with the Chinese and Indians and whoever who joined Bersih 4, ask yourself how do you feel after hearing this story.

    My friend, a Malaysian who works in Singapore, went for training on taxation. The lecturer made a joke. Mat Salleh mind you.

    Do you know when did Singapore implement GST? It was in 1994 and pegged at 3%.

    Your neighbor just implemented theirs at 6%.

    They hope it goes into the right account.

    My friend said it is EMBARRASSING.

    When you speak to people in UMNO, why do they still hang on to DSN, their answer is who else can take over now?

    You gotta be kidding me! 3 million members and nobody can replace him?

    Where is your Malay pride? Melayu pantang dicabar tetapi okay bila Negara dijadikan bahan jenaka sebab tindak tanduk seorang pemimpin?

    Siapa yang sebenarnya tidak patriotik?

    Kalau nak bidas lagi, kenapa DSN bela sekor Cina babi bernama Jho Low? Tak pulak Melayu desak pemimpin agung mereka mengapa dia bersubahat dengan Cina gemuk tu? Sampai sekarang nak tangkap pun susah. Kalau pompuan mat salleh sanggup minta bantuan Interpol, mengapa cari Jho Low tak pula minta bantuan Interpol? Cina babi tu ada 2 kewarganegaraan. Kenapa tidak disiasat sama ada benar ke tidak? Kebalnya sekuriti Cina babi ni.

    Marah seorang Cina.

    1. Setuju. Tapi be careful not to cross the line. Melayu pun boleh faham benda ni - terang lagi bersuluh. Jangan rasa macam genius pula.

      Diversion tactics je ni. UMNO propaganda machine at works. While Najib sits ....

    2. What are Najib Al-Bangang's freaking expensive Con-sultans doing about the quickly diving economy? Or do they ever listen to cabinet ministers?

  5. ...malays will unite whence the malays have a very good leader...

    Tunku Abdul Rahman was a very good Malay leader....


  6. Me ... You: Who says words with my mouth?


  7. Hi Annie,

    Untuk pengetahuan Annie, disini Peranchis ramai amoi cina berkahwin dengan monsieur Peranchis, amoi cina dari Malaysia pun ramai dan mereka tidak berapa suka bercampur gaul dengan orang disini apatah lagi masih tidak fasih berbahasa Peranchis walhal berkahwin dengan orang Peranchis... masih tergagap-gagap pelat dimana grammar-nya tunggang terbalik padahal berkurun lamanya puluhan atau berbelas tahun sudah menetap disini ! Untuk menjalinkan persahabatan pada dasarnya perlu celupar seperti mereka tapi orang melayu budi bahasanya halus jadinya tidak serasi, begitu juga dengan orang Peranchis asyik tersalah faham dengan apa sahaja yang diperkatakan karena bahasa pelat yang mereka gunakan tidak pasti dimana hujung & pangkalnya, oleh itu terjadilah suasana yang mengelirukan sekali ! dan setiap kali orang Peranchis bertanya mengapa saya berbahasa english dengan kaum cina yang berasal/datang dari Malaysia yang tidak menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan Melayu? terus cakap saya dipotong, kami bersekolah aliran cina maka itu tidak boleh atau fasih, lantas terbeliak matanya orang Peranchis sambil menyampok "disini Peranchis kita katakan "racial segregation", mengapa sekolah dan bahasa tidak sealiran? salah satu puncak perpaduan bersatu yang boleh dicapai bersama yang berlandaskan prinsip kemakmuran yang sempurna semestinya satu sekolah untuk semua, satu bahasa untuk semua dan etc, kepada sesiapa yang menetap disini semestinya perlu fasih bercakap Peranchis jika disebaliknya dan bla bla bla... untuk pengetahuan semua orang Peranchis gemar berdebat.
    dan saya pun menyampok "racial segregation" diatas kehendak/pilihan mereka sendiri dari situ dijadikan satu jurang bagi menjauh renggangkan cara hidup bermasyarakat sesama kaum yang lain, maka itu terjalin kefahaman budaya hidup yang sering tersalah anggap ataupun berburuk sangka begitu pekat dikalangan mereka !

    Annie, jangan salahkan orang melayu ya karena selama ini orang melayu begitu pemurah dan senang bertolak ansur, tapi lama kelamaan sampai bila asyik ditekan lagi diputarbelit sampai lumat tak kan melopong kosong tanpa aksi yang tepat... maka itu cina cepat kaya bukannya mereka kerja kuat tapi kuat menipu, ngapa ya?

    Petikan dari sebuak buku "The Chinese Dilemma" tulisan dari seorang ahli perniagaan Ye lin-Sheng,
    "Sampai hari ini, sesetengah orang Cina Malaysia masih menggunakan istilah menghina terhadap orang Melayu. Dalam dialek tertentu, orang Melayu dipanggil dengan nama yang bermakna ‘orang hutan’ atau ‘orang liar’. Maknanya, bangsa yang tidak bertamadun.
    "Keangkuhan orang cina Malaysia telah membuatkan mereka sentiasa memandang rendah terhadap keupayaan orang Melayu, walhal ramai orang Melayu sebenarnya bekerja atau belajar lebih pandai dari kaum cina Malaysia ini. Perkara ini sudah lama saya perhatikan, kerana saya memiliki perniagaan di Malaysia dan telah bercampur dengan orang Cina Malaysia ini. "Kejayaan orang Cina Malaysia hanya tercapai jika mereka dapat menindas orang Melayu dalam masa yang sama menggunakan kudrat dan kelebihan orang Melayu. Mereka juga tidak akan mengakui bahawa kepimpinan Melayu adalah sangat mahir, cekap serta bagus dalam pengurusan politik, ekonomi dan sosial.

    Sikap mereka suka cakap belakang dan tekan orang Melayu adalah menjadi tabiat dan budaya mereka. Mana mana orang Cina Malaysia yang tidak menghina orang Melayu dikatakan kolot dan membelot bangsa cina"
    Sepatutnya orang Cina yang perlu berbakti kepada orang Melayu kerana sudah diberi peluang mendapat kerakyatan, tetapi saya selaku orang asal dari China berasa malu dengan sikap bangsa saya yang tinggal di Malaysia. Tidak ada perkataan yang dapat saya berikan kerana dasar orang cina terlalu keras, ekstrim serta perkauman.

    Sebenarnya jujur saya mengatakan orang cina Malaysia sedang menjajah orang Melayu, mereka seperti menganggap bahawa orang Melayu adalah musuh yang nyata"( The Chinese Dilemma - Ye Lin-Sheng)

    Chinese, don't hate the Malays please..

    1. Don't worry. Relics from the past. Things will fix itself.

      Sekarang ni kita dah tahu cina tak adalah hebat manapun. Cina sendiri tahu diorang pun tak hebat manapun.

      Racial divide sebenarnya makin lama makin tiada. Abad baru ni tak ada orang kisah pun.

  8. Personally I do not like Chinese. I just do. Tak ada adab. Kiasu sangat. Yet at the same time, I do not hate them. There is definitely them and us mentality.

    Sama je. Diorang pun macam tu juga. We can still get along.I am sure of it.

    1. A short story of me:Saya melayu sejati,a education consultant back 16yrs ago in Malaysia.Hampir 80% cina yg byk duit buka IPTS atau updrade College kpd Uni College Dan saya byk buat duit dari cina yg nak buka College ini.Dan sekarang byk cina Msia nak buka business(sy tidak lagi jadi consultant pendidikan.disini(Indonesia)guna juga khidmat saya utk networking di Indonesia.Ada yg gagal mula saya jadi penasihat bagi mereka disini dgn fee yg tinggi.Jadi saya melayu yg buat duit dari cina.

    2. Huh, patutlah BM ko pun dah jadi pelat Cina. Sib baik ko bukan Cina menyamar Melayu. Bersepah sekarang ni kat blogs. Kan?

  9. I don't hate the chinese. I just don't want to be associated with the chinese who are not muslim and hate and do against the muslims.


  10. A single Chinese family can survive and doing well in a remote Malay kampongs ,never being known otherwise .

    Annie , it's isn't proper for you to make a pledge to the Malays not to hate the Chinese instead ,it's would be proper to tell the Chinese to respect their non Chinese and get respected .

    Chinese has been allowed free life hear to achieve whatever they want ,to the extend of allowing their own style of education ,culture of practice and religion ,does that a sign of hate ?.

    Be like a Roman if you are in Rome never applied to the Chinese hear ,instead they want Malays to be answerable to them .

    There is so much hate in them.

  11. What's hate got to do with it? This racial hatred is just what the UMNO ministers and cronies are trying to hoodwink and divert the attention of the rakyat from the real issues. Why the Chinese go out in droves to support Bersih? It's for wanting a good government with good governance filled with intelligent and able leaders not like those we are having now. And why do some Chinese look down on Malays? It's because they think that Malays after being afforded with a handicap through DEB for 50 years still cannot compete and excel with the rest. To be fair you cannot blame the Malays. It's just they have chosen the wrong leaders to lead them. The policies sucks and those leaders just want to enrich themselves. The Chinese know where they belong . They know they cannot be the government. But they just want a abled and clean Malay government to lead them.thats why most of them support Bersih. No hidden agendas like those spin out by the government and ball carriers.Please don't divert from the real issues.

    1. Ok, for a start Chinese and Malay must go to the same school lah, Chinese cannot have their own schools and think Malays want to listen to what you want if Malays don't even know you. Assimilate, help the Malays counter this Arabisation by being in their everyday life. It will help you too term you see.

  12. I think the older generation may not have too much fuss about all of these.

    But the younger generations of Cina who made up the majority of the rally-goers just want a change of government.

    They basically think that, with Pakatan Rakyat government, all their problems will be solved immediately.

    The traffic problem, crime problem, environment problem.

    Same name God problem, sexual orientation problem, Bumiputera problem, TV RTM play less Cina drama problem, I sue people but I don't always win problem, Malays always jeles of Cina problem, less job in air-conditioned office problem.

    Lazy problems, Too much expectation problems, aiyah!!! E-ve-ry-thing lah!

    If CM Lim become PM, everything solved.

    1. Stupid statement. How can Lim Guan Eng become PM..don't try to anger the Malays.its statements like this that are trying to incite the Malays. We Chinese know other then a Malay no other race can be PM in Malaysia and we have accepted the fact.

    2. Lim Guan Eng can become PM if he commands the support from the majority of parliament. There's no law to forbid that.

      Or he doesn't have too. Let Anwar become PM, but Home Ministry, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Domestic Trade, Ministry of International Trade must go to DAP.

    3. Rear Admirer al-Juburi will assign beautiful boys into his PM Office to do prime Consultancy work leh. ...

    4. That is so true.

      In Penang, most Malays PKR and few PAS leaders bestowed with Datuk title. Imagine those who nobody ever heard of got Datuk. They all go print business card and if anyone wants project, must go through them before seeing Lim.

      They all shiok already . But Lim very smart, I have to give it to him, the strategic portfolios like land and finance, him and his party control.

      PAS even more stupid. They want all the JKKK posts. Lim gave to them, no fuss. They praised him like an angel. But those posts only entitles them to maybe 300 ringgit a month.

      I salute you lah Lim. If you were a Malay, you'll be Mahathir. Penang will forever be under DAP.

  13. It is a way for dear leader to use the Malays to stay in power. There is no way he could give up power because that is the end of him. He knows in the coming election he would be a gone case. Only way is to create an emergency situation so that he could cling onto power and save himself for a while. Meanwhile he got to think of some other measures.

  14. it used to be the chinese by and large werent to interest in politics. but when tun stepped down things started to change. sometimes i think they are a bit "in your face" . malays are uncomfortable for this.

    1. '"in your face"

      The talk about Melayu punya ICT centre kat MARA and Seremban pun in your face punya statement from the Malays. Mungkin they have learned from the best. Tapi it seems like Cina pun tak senang sama itu statements wor?? Hoh?? How lah like that??

      Cina ony can in your face, is it??

  15. The price that we paid after we abolished ISA. This is the begining of the racial and will lead to religion issues. Middle eastern countries is good example for us to think what we wish our beloved country to be after 58 years MERDEKA.

  16. "Or are they so dumb that they want to be lords and masters of the majority Malays and other races?"

    a resounding YES! they are so dumb that they want to be political lords and masters in this majority malay malaysia, after they successfully become economic lords and masters!!!

    how would you explain the tsunami GE13 if not for wanting to be political lords and masters?

    1. Tsunami 13 is for good governance. We want to elect a new clean government.See what happens now.1MDB RM42b debt...USD700m donation..Tabung Haji and Mara land deals..dll..
      If tsunami 13 have been successful we wouldn't be in this shit now..
      To be fair the chinese got support the UMNO government when they think they are going to do a good job..
      Example..1999 election..chinese support Mahathir because they think he can manage the economy better then the then opposition under Anwar..
      2004 election..chinese support Badawi because he is new and promises to clean up corruption like justice Bao..but then it turn out to be a task too difficult for him to handle and he endup joining the band.
      2008 election ..chinese took a chance and support PR..and they feel they are doing well in Selangor and Penang with less corruption and better management of state finances which make them vote for PR in 2013
      Get it in your heads ...it's not race..it's all about good governance ..if malays can produce capable,clean and competent leaders the chinese will support them.Alas till now we cannot see any in the present BN government.

    2. Yeah rite, and Anwar is so clean.

    3. They always do their business under the table and its clean.

    4. Atas Meja semua nya berseh sebab, mereka semua buat kerja bawah meja.

    5. Haha, good summary. And what kind of work do they do under the table? Nampak Bersih tapi paling KOTOR.

  17. Let me put this in a simple and easily understandable way.

    The Chinese ACCEPT WITHOUT MALICE that Melayu will always rule this country.


    Thank you.


      So what about YOUR CINA SHIT? Tutup sebelah mata is it?!

    2. True, just manage, make sure you get lots goodies right, you want to do all what you want, separate school and make sure you are safe then you can enjoy life right. Same thing like parasite meh...

  18. I don't hate the chinese. Love their open mindedness and availability.

    Lots of my early premarital sexual experiences were with chinese. So you see, we really need them .. :)

  19. Hi Fellow commentators...
    Sini Cina Malaysia. What I don't understand is why, why la, still got Melayu want to support Ah Jib Kor? I have no problem with Mahathir, I have no problem with Muhyiddin. Although I personally feel these 2 are racists, but is common. I also racist. You are Cina sure you will support your own group,in this world nobody is so open minded one. Racist is normal, because you share some common culture and way of thinking. THis is not a bad racist kind. Of course, I am still Malaysian, and cinta my country. Please don't ask me balik Cina. Born here and proud of it. Same la, you think Mahathir ancestor come from Tanah Melayu, he also come from India....Ah Jib Kor, come from Bugis islands Indon there. That;s why he call himself Bugis. This is all politic play to hold power. The Toyol guy always from Kg Jawa, Indon also can at one time become MB here. Everyone is cari makan....Ah Jib Kor also want to cari makan. So he play la whatever racist this and that, in the end he enjoy. Problem, he destroy...the rule of the game. He break that rule. One hand say fight for Melayu, on other hand get Jho Low suap there. Jho Low and his step son got care you Melayu kah, Cina kah, Indon kah...whatever...they enjoy with Paris Hilton. For them...Wang Besar Wang BEsar......Cash is King...while you fellow stupid here, fight Cina, Fight Melayu...argue for what? Very stupid. We should work together...Cina kah, MElayu kah, Islam Kah, Christian , Tokong kah....to say enough is enough. Jibby MUST GO!!! together with Jho Low, Rosimah and gang...OUT YOU GO!!! Lets work together my dear fellow Malaysians....Melayu Cina INdia dan lain lain....don't argue among yourself and fall into trap. Our enemy is not each other...our enemy is Jibby, Jholow,Rosimah,Lembu Queen, these are the corrupt tat make fool of all of us....

    From Cina Racist who don't like Mahathir, but agree with Mahathir thinking...

    1. No melayu want to support Ah Jib Kor. Only wants him out. But they don't support DAP either. Be mindful of that.

      2 choice for Malays la. This is wholesale support OK.

      1. Support secular UMNO but corrupted.
      2. Support islamist PAS also corrupted.

      Don't mention about PKR and the harapan baru parti. No support base at all.

      Sarawak? Whoever wins they will support as long as you don't disturb their politics which is even more complex.

    2. Atas Meja semua nya berseh sebab, mereka semua buat kerja bawah meja.
      And what do they do under the table? Nampak bersih tapi paling KOTOR

  20. "Johor must always be Johor" - Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar.

  21. I am Chinese and have no problem with a Malay gomen as they comprise the majority. Remember we give nearly all our votes to Pak Lah for his promised reforms but KJ hijacked the lot and created the 4th floor boys hated by all and sundry.

    I have many malay frens and clients and understand the problems they are facing now. Most of them unless strongly connected can hardly get any jobs from the gomen. During Mahathir's time, contractors still get jobs spread out to a large group but not now as they are groups that want to "sapu" everything.

    1. Malaysia is 3rd place in world rankings of CRONY CAPITALISM; Singapore s 5th placed.

    2. All the non malay Tan sri get special preference from kuti. But not now.


  22. Malays don't hate the Chinese, adinda Ms Annie
    only irritated by Chinese superiority complex,
    from dominating commerce the result of their wholly material world-view
    through having better world-wide trade networks
    and now claiming to be corruption-wise squeaky cleaner than Malays by dominating BERSIH(?)

    Just stop bragging who pays the most taxes thus being oblivious of the contributions of all races in Malaysia, boleh?

    Haji M Zin
    Alor Gajah DPH

    1. Tuan Haji

      How would you categorize China's behaviour in the South China Sea?

      Another manifestation of the "superiority complex"?

      If you are going to write about "corruption", then be so kind as to acknowledge that for every "giver" there is a "receiver".

      Isn't that an irrefutable fact?

      So, what are you trying to articulate here?


    2. Totally agreed with you on corruption Sdr Tebing
      and my being maybe not being articulate enough for some.

      DAP hijacked BERSIH 4.0 to bring down UMNO leadership because of konon-nya widespread corruption(?) including the big big campaign funds.

      Q: There're enough US records of their funding for BERSIH
      while DAP, do they declare their slush funds?

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

    3. x abih2 la nak tunjuk bangang m zin mangkuk ni pun....masalah skarang ngan umno ka dap???abih nak babitkan sumer orang wtpa???


    4. Masalah UMNO ya dan bangang(?) boleh bincang, Sdr eri
      namun cantik sangat ke politik DAP yang awak macam bela habis-habisan ?

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

    5. Melayu mudah lupa.

  23. Ayoo, ini manyak susah ooo, kita cinis bayar cukai manyak manyak, middle class, tuition fees banyak sebab kiasu, sikalang bayar itu GST 6% lain kali 8%, semua balang naik, harga rumah naik, gomen manyak suap mau bisnis, sini suap, sana suap...manyak susah oh, kepala busar sudah suap 2.6 Billion....manyak takut oooo.......ekor sekarang pun mau suap manyak sebab semua balang naik dan kapala itu kaki kuat suap...suap pun mau naik.
    Cina sikalang manyak susah, itu Malayu tak tau macam mana mau kasi itu kapala kotor jadi boss...tak bagus lo...kita cinis sudah buang MCA, itu DAP cakap dia Mau Cari Angpow....kita manyak susah, takda angpow liow.....sudah habis gst.....itu Amat Masilan, suloh pi masak goreng telur sendili....tak payah GST oh...tapi telur mana mau beli...teli sendiri dua biji saja....manyak susah goreng...cina sekalang susah, lain kali satu ikan kongsi lima olang makan....Malayu jangan gaduh gaduh Cina, kita sama sama susah....lu tengok lu punya boss Ah Jib Kor...lu suluh dia turun....dia buat malu kasi kita semua olang, semua ketawa kita pasal P EM, kuat makan luit, luit itu cakap jual unta dapat untung busat.....lu percaya ka? Ayoo....kita Malayu Cina sama sama kawan.... kita tak Mau Cari Angpow, kita tak Mau jual Unta.....ok...kita saying Malaysia, mau kasi maju....kotor kotor kita buang...kita mau sama sama bersih....set? ok...

    1. Cina itu orang suka main itu bawah meja. Melayu bodoh main atas meja itu suap punya.

  24. Bersih 4,a blessing in disguise for Ajibgor
    Now he is really convinced Chinese Tsunami in GE 13 realoly happened
    This made his strategies for GE 14 easier and we will see the Chinese base parties in BN will be given areas with Chinese majority voters or go against DAP.No more areas with Malay majority voters.If BN still governs after GE 14[I think they still do ,observing the political scenario now] there will be no Chinese Reps in the govt.
    Annie,actually the Malays do not hate the Chinese,but the Chinese here sudah naik tochang.They took for granted the silenced of the Malays when they challenged lots of Malay rights stapulated in the Constitution and as result they developed superiority complex.In the case of BERSIH 4,in the first day they had observed that only a handfull of Malays participated,they should not continue the next day but they wanted to show their arrogancy,so do not blame the Malays for showing displeasure towards the Chinese as the rakyat were preparing to celeberate the Merdeka Day
    As for TDM ,he made a great mistake,bak kata orang Melayu dia sudah jilat bukan air liur dia tapi kahak dia balik.He lost his credibilities amongst the Malays.,whatsmore when we see banners kutuk dia masa Demo.
    Whats next after this demo,Ajibgor is still the PM....Waste of time,money,unnecessary traffic jams,......the worst was the creations of lost of trust by the Malays towards the Chinese communities which is bad for multinational nation like Malaysia.

    1. Melayu dah terpecah belah berpuluh tahun oleh Sang Takfir Hadi Awang dengan Amanat bathilnya ... saudara Cina tak terlibat ... lagipun oleh sandiwara bahlol Si Zionist Anwar anak angkat Soros ... Cina pun tak terlibat .... maka akhi renung-renungkanlah ...

    2. 'This made his strategies for GE 14 easier and we will see the Chinese base parties in BN will be given areas with Chinese majority voters or go against DAP.No more areas with Malay majority voters.'

      Hang doa banyak2. Hang jangan lupa, ahjibgor kata dia suka dikelilingi oleh orang bangang tetapi setia daripada pandai. Budak2 PMO pun ramai yang drop out tapi kabel kuat dapat gaji rm4ribu wei!

      Fresh graduate pun tak dapat macam tu!

    3. Anon16.15

      Hang cakap apa?? La ni, walau pun parti mca kalah teruk dlm pru dulu Najib tetap lantik org depa jadi menteri . Baru-baru ni tambah seorg lagi menteri dari mca. Kata org cina sgt suka kpd sistem merit tanpa tak dengak pula mereka komplen pasai ni. Guess bila untung kat mereka , tak pa dan tak tau malu pulak . Hmm, Najib ni pula memang tak suka pd melayu kot...

  25. Chen Shui Bian, former president of Taiwan ROC was convicted in 2009 for misappropriating US$3 million and he was sentenced to 19 years in prison.


  26. Hi Annie,

    Have been reading your blog since I found it in Rocky’s blog.

    I think the problem was created when they overhauled our education system. Because our education system has been murdered by Barisan Nasional, the Chinese thought they could do a better job than national education. Hence, their rudeness which they think as being open minded.

    Also PARENTS nowadays don’t teach their children manners, period!

    Have you ever been followed around when you go shopping by the Chinese staff, they imagine you are to steal something? Have you ever been had people rub themselves silly just because your skin touched you. And, I kid you not, till today whenever I go out to buy fruits i.e. durian from a street vendor I am always pointed to the cheaper ones than the one I asked the price for. All these because I am of the darker variety of Indians. I have faced racism in its face. And yes, the Indians and Malays are paid less in some Chinese companies. I get monetarily angry and then I am reminded that for every time I want to hate them, of the gracious Chinese people who have helped us with food when we were too poor to buy. Of the Bas Sekolah Chinese man who we still owe till this day quite a bit of money for transportation to school. Wonderful people, so I cannot hate Chinese people wholesale just because the ones I have encountered are bloody rude. The only way is for a reverse-BTN course for the Chinese on how to conduct themselves with society at large.

    And I love the Malay people! I grew up with them, ever so polite, something that the Indians and Chinese should have learned but never did. Always ever ready to “pinjam satu koleh beras, achi, nanti cukup bulan bayar balik”.

    My very best friend is a Chinese, and she was horrified that I was treated that way by her countrymen and couldn’t believe it first.

    But my main aim right now is for Najib to move out and Barisan to overhaul itself so that it remains the ruling government for a while at least, till the Chinese learn some manners and humility which sorely missing.

    1. Melayu memang tak pernah ada masalah dengan India. Cuma sekarang ni India geng-geng evangelist yang perasan bagus.

      Saya rasa kita boleh salahkan UMNO. UMNO tak buat benda - benda yang tak populor untuk bangunkan negara. Sibuk mencuri.

  27. Dear Annie,
    Ayoyo, our PM kena sound by International Anti Corruption Head....http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/310842

    Malu...malu malu....ayoyoyo....

  28. sorry a lot of typos in my comments above....momentarily not monetarily (thinking too much abt money:)...your skin touched theirs (not you)

  29. Annie,

    Saya orang melayu dan saya sekolah cina waktu sekolah rendah dan sekolah melayu waktu sekolah menengah.

    Ini cerita orang cina secara otomatik benci orang melayu adalah karut. Setahu saya tidak ada perkataan dalam bahasa mandarin seperti yang dikatakan di sini yang menghina orang melayu.

    Ada orang cina, melayu dan india ada yang baik dan ada yang tidak baik kerana semuanya manusia.

    Kalau orang melayu dengan orang melayu sendiri pun hasad dengkinya kadang-kala terlampau buruk. Pengalaman saya orang melayu lebih banyak bergaduh antara sendiri daripada bangsa lain.

    Kadang kala sentimen kenegerian juga timbulkan masalah. Orang kampong saya tidak suka orang Kelantan.

    Ramai yang diberitahukan kepada saya, kalau orang Kelantan jumpa geng dia, maka kita ditinggalkan.

    Apabila saya berkawan dengan orang Kelantan tidak ada masalah, dia ajar saya makan budu dan dan saya boleh berkawan orang Kelantan. Memang ada kalanya apabila orang kelantan bertemu sama sendiri dia lupa orang lain tetapi ada yang "exaggerate".

    Orang melayu kena paham, sentimen perkauman mesti ada dalam semua manusia tetapi kita perlu akui adanya dimesni politik yang mana sentimen perkauman digunakan berlebihan bukan untuk kesejahteraan negara tetapi untuk peti undi.

    1. Disini lah saya jumpa seorang yang cakapnya waras dan tidak berat sebelah. Kalaulah sebilangan pemimpin kita ada pengalaman dengan berbilang kaum macam awak, tak lah Malaysia jadi macam ini.

  30. Betapa besarnya kuasa Allah SWT. Akal fikiran anugerahNya kpd manusia kini tampak berbeza diantara satu sama lain. Bagi kita yang bernasib baik, telah dianugerahkan akal sempurna yang dapat berfikir secara rasional setelah melihat dgn jelas kemungkaran yg sedang dilakukan oleh Najib. Bg golongan manusia yg tidak bernasib baik, atas sebab yg hanya Allah Maha Mengetahui, telah dibutakan 'mata' akal fikirannya justeru gagal menikmati aliran pemikiran rasional ini diketika melihat akan kemungkaran Najib yang sedang berlaku di hadapan mata kita semua. Inilah manusia2 'cacat' yg melihat permata(Tun Dr M) sebagai bencana dan sebaliknya melihat bencana(Najib) sebagai permata. Malah ada antara mereka ini bagaikan tidak sedar apa yg sedang berlaku dan duduk mengelilingi serta mempertahankan kemungkaran Najib.

    Oleh yg demikian, saya menyeru supaya sahabat yg berada dlm golongan bernasib baik, kasihanilah mereka yg 'kurang upaya' ini dan janganlah mengherdik mereka. Ingat, kita telah dianugerahkan keupayaan akal fikiran yg lebih daripada mereka maka janganlah kita berkelakuan seperti mereka.

    Semoga Allah memberi petunjuk kepada golongan ini....aminnn!

    1. Satu komen yang boleh masuk akal, rasional dan berperi kemaknusiaan.

  31. Swiss authorities freeze money laundering account related to 1MDB.....http://www.wsj.com/articles/swiss-authorities-freeze-tens-of-millions-of-dollars-linked-to-malaysian-fund-1441202360

    Arul Kanda and Najib and Jho Low in deep shit now...

  32. i dont hate chinese. just get along ok with them. even send my kids to chinese teachers.

  33. IACC slam Malaysia government!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTBTOwYiAFw

    Worldwide participants clap hands.....support the speech.....

    Malu oh...malu.....this is our government? Very shameful...bring shame to Malays only have this kind of leader....oh sorry Najib is bugis....

  34. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gib_fuPU6j8


    Waktu mencemburui aku
    Kota raya menjamah ku
    Dimana perginya mimpi ku
    Mungkin dijemari mu

    Kau menghidupkan semangat ku
    Kau memberikan harapan
    Dan kau rampas semula

    Ku mencari jawapan
    Di setiap persimpangan
    Impian yang ku simpan
    Hanya pada mu

  35. Melayu benci Cina.
    Tak ada lah..
    Ada perasaan kurang senang aje..
    Orang Cina pun macam.tu jugak..
    Perasaan curiga..
    Dari apa yang kita diajarkan dalam subjek sejarah, perasaan kurang senang dan curiga di antara 2 kelompok bangsa yang paling ramai lahir dan timggal di Malaysia ni memang wujud dah lebih 100 tahun dengan 1 peristiwa besar. 1% in 46 years.
    Jadi yang ada tu perasaan...
    Jangan jadikan perasaan leka
    Jangan dengar batu api
    (DAP contoh batu api)
    Keharmonian rakyat Malaysia were what Malaysia was telling the world we are..
    What happen ?
    Sekarang kita jadi bahan ketawa dunia dengan segala kelalaian, ketirisan, kesalahan pentadbiran kewangan & undang undang, kebodohan, kelemahan, kesombongan dsg orang orang besar yang kita telah undi untuk membawa kita maju kehadapan. Mereka mereka ini telah lalai dan leka dengan tamggungjawab yang telah kita amanahkan.
    Orang Cina, Melayu, India, bangsa kacuk & asal di Malaysia semua mahukan perkara elok dan sama. Orang Cina lebih kecenderungan politikal secsra amnya. Orang Melayu jenis tak kesah. Yang banyak ambik kesah pun orang bandar. Orang Cina memang kebanyakannya penghuni bandar. Kita ketepikan lah politik ni yang kerja menhasut (batu api)
    Kita tak kelahi pun...
    DAP dah faham kan ?
    Aku ada masalah dengan batu api.
    Aku ada masalah dengan pembohongan
    Itu aje...Melayu tak benci Cina. Cina tak benci Melayu.
    Orang politik boleh cerita macam macam. Kita boleh kesan fakes

    1. Another good comment. Not bias but kenapa DAP aje? Yang parti lain pun 2 x 5 lah. Betul?


  36. you must be dreaming .

  37. Annie, you should write to Transparency International chief Jose Ugaz, explaining to him that you cannot believe that Najib would have taken the 2.6 billion, and I strongly believe this will convince & correct the misguided perception the participants of the convention have about Najib & nation.

  38. i think Cina better keep quiet le. The country is run by malay for malays. If malays want who become boss/pm also ok la. Cina is passenger only. Comment so much for what? better stick to old model, keep quiet, make money, and live on. politics let malay handle. Corruption is just like taking money from all the poor people, be it malay or cina. but which race suffer the most? If the malay never help their own kind then let it be. Cina why so bising for the malay? Each time u help them they despise u more. Just stick to your old plan and let the malay blame you for everything; cina tsunami, harga barang naik, bersih 4.0, gst, low wages for malay, low job opportunity, alcohol, pork, gambling, corruption, dap, communism, greedy, filty, prostitution, geng fights, kongsi gelap, along, lowyat, crime rate, chinese school, never respect muslim, eating in puass month - everything is cina babi fault what. Everything u do is salah, so please keep quiet.
