Thursday 10 September 2015

Najib chose to be soft as the hardliners dug in

In my previous posting

I argued that

If Muhyiddin stays as a party leader, the rebels will see it as a victory for them and it will encourage them to continue the fight.

I don't think Najib will let this happen.

But yesterday Najib decided not to act against his estranged party deputy.

He must had realised that the time was not right to sack Muhyiddin and his other critics at the party's highest level as the sentiment against him was still very strong.

Najib may also be aware of the danger of relying too much on DS Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the new deputy prime minister and Home minister, who is now the only one with the real capability and instruments to oust him.

After all, some of Zahid's people have of late becoming rather blatant in displaying their ambition.

Anyway, the hundreds of Muhyiddin's supporters, mostly from Johor who gathered at the vicinity of the party headquarters at Putra World Trade Centre yesterday may also reacted in an unprecedented manner should their leader be removed from his party posts.

I believe Najib has managed to buy some time to strengthen his position by not removing Muhyiddin now.

It was even reported that

Johor Umno grassroots praise Najib

But the fact that Muhyiddin remains as deputy president means the rebellion against Najib will continue with a purpose.

The 68-year-old leader was the rebels' only viable hope as Najib's replacement.

It was indeed a celebration for them yesterday.

I first saw this video at Apanama blog last night,

In case you are wondering what was that song they were singing, that's Johor Umno's anthem.

And this is what Apanama blog has to say about yesterday

Timbalan Presiden Umno selamat, Presiden Umno ikut 'lorong tikus'

The hardliners in Najib's camp must have been unhappy with their boss' decision not to decisively act against Muhyiddin and the other dissenters.

They had immediately after the meeting yesterday told their troops to ramp up the attacks against the rebels.

Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) appeared to be very well briefed as usual.

This is what he wrote just a few hours after the Umno supreme council meeting

Muhyiddin admits there is a conspiracy


What is interesting is that while Muhyiddin admitted that he is aware of the conspiracy, he did not explain why he kept quiet and did not bring it to the attention of the Prime Minister considering that the number two should be covering the number one’s back.
It is like a security guard at the bank telling the police that he was aware that a robbery was going to take place but he is not involved in the robbery — he just did nothing to stop the robbery.
What was the reason Muhyiddin kept his mouth shut? Did they threaten him that if he revealed the conspiracy then he, too, would be brought down? Or was he promised that if the conspiracy succeeds then he would become the beneficiary by taking over the job of Prime Minister?
Anyway, if they do go ahead with the plan to table a vote of no confidence against Najib in Parliament next month the answer to those questions would be revealed. If Muhyiddin refuses to join the vote then he is definitely not involved in or is part of that conspiracy. If, however, he joins the no confidence vote, then he is definitely with the anti-Najib group.
I asked my friend Wan Dal Cha, who is a pacifist in this ongoing Umno civil war for his opinion and this is what he said to me via Wassap;

Awal2 lagi (Immediately) someone in Najib's outfit has already tipped off RPK on some of the things discussed at the MKT (supreme council meeting). About a conspiracy. RPK fully intends to deepen the intrigue. And he is getting lots of help.

There was indeed an investigation. Semua orang tahu (Everyone knows that). It was not a conspiracy. And yes they briefed Muhyiddin as the second in command because the No 1 was being investigated.

The nation has gone past this particular phase. Move on..

Tak pa..pelan2..(It's okay. Be cool about it)


  1. Conspiracy my a**!!..

    Najib and Rosmah are the 2 most hated people in the country. How to lead already no more respect for them from most of the rakyat.

    Just resign will ya.

    1. ok, ok it's a conspiracy ok? papa & mama perdana ... it's all for you

    2. 2.6 billion. Najib tak boleh nak clear ni.

      Conspiracy??? UMNO seriously have problems analysing and prioritising issues. UMNO is already dead.

      Anything but UMNO

    3. No problem maaa!!

  2. Conspiracy apakebenda? Takde consiprasi. Semua orang terang-terang nak Najib belah. RM2.6b "donation" masuk personal account, RM2m masuk personal account bini, conspirasi apa? Dah sah korupsi. Kalau Najib pemimpin yang ada sekelumit moral, dah lama dia resign. Unfortunately, dia sama aje macam Anwar. Manusia yang takde conscience. Thick skin.

  3. I like this wan dal cha guy/girl lah :)

  4. Hai Annie ,
    Sekarang jelas bagi saya memang Rosmah ada campur tangan dengan hal kerajaan, cuba perhati betul betul ,kenapa kalau melibatkan pegawai kanan kerajaan , menteri menteri dan semua yang terlibat dengan kuasa PM ,tindakan seperti pecat , berhenti dan tukar ke PMO dibuat macam kilat , tapi melibatkan umno ia tersangkut , kerana saya percaya Rosmah tak mampu campur tangan didalam hal umno , kerana ia membabitkan perlantikan dari ahli umno iaitu rakyat bawah , sebarang pemecatan mesti jelas dengan sebab sebab kukuh contoh terbabit dengan jenayah memalukan parti dan sebagainya yang dianggap serius dan perlu diberi peluang kepada yang punya diri untuk membela diri kerana ia membabitkan sentimen ahli biasa yang ramai , jadi bukan senang ,walau pun maklumat awal memang sah 100% 7 pemimpin tinggi umno termasuk TSMY akan di pecat kerana menggugat kedudukan Najib dan nafsu besar Rosmah , saya yakin dengan teori ini , kerana dari bukti dan apa yang saya lihat memang najib ini sudah jadi tongkol diguna untuk kehendak orang lain iaitu Rosmah bernafsu buas, saya dan kekawan lain yang tahu hal ini sungguh hairan kenapa ini boleh terjadi dengan begitu serius kita tidak mahu tuduh perkara kurafat tapi ini la hakikatnya , Najib dah habis dan najib bukan dirinya yang sebenar.

    Kalau nak dikirakan siapa harus di pecat ia seharusnya Najib bukan TSMY dan lain lain peminpin kanan umno , kerana najib telah membawa imej umno ,BN dan negara ketahap paling rendah dan memalukan , dengan skandal yang dah terdedah kemudian dengan tindakan zalim memecat bekas AG dan menahan pegawai pegawai SPRM dan AG , memecat TPM semua untuk menutup penyelewengan beliau ini semua boleh diterima sebagai seorang pemimpin tak berintegriti dan bermoral kemudian hari kesehari penipuan dan penutupan hal sebenar dibuat oleh menteri kuncu kuncunya dan Najib dan menganggap rakyat bodoh . Ini memalukan dan satu dunia tahu hal ini ,Adoiii !!! ya allah kenapa aku dan rakyat malaysia terpaksa menanggung dan menghadapi seorang PM yang tak bermoral seperti ini .

    1. Fully agree with your opinion.

      Najib's face and features on his face have changed. The pipi dropped down and the mouth a 'u' shape terbalik. At the bottom of his both side pipi there are sunken in holes near the chin, which were not there / not obvious previously, that's tell tale sign for something not too good (ask you sifu). Due to his thinning hairline at the forehead, and complete whitening thereof, his eyes appeared to be right at the centre of his face. This makes his mouth to be at the three quarter bottom of his face. And below his mouth on top of his chin, there's also another 'u' shape terbalik. That makes him looks like the crying face in a Beijing opera.

      Good luck to him and his followers.

    2. Rosmah is controlling Najib and the PMO. Thats why the present adminstration is in such a mess. If you dont believe please the Private Sec's, Pol Sec's and pegawai2 khas. Ask them who they orders from? Najib or Rosmah?

      How can we let a woman destroy our country?

    3. May i add another sign,when he and she fart in the afternoon,not early morning(a.k.a. Kentut sulong)the aroma is what the indon say
      Busuk mampoos.

    4. Tak habis habis teori basi ni.

  5. You want dalcha, you must buy roti canai first

    1. Hehehe, and if GST sangat teruk then fry kangkung lah

    2. Aiya so bad aaa.

  6. So Bogeysjib and Zahidjuburi want to fight Sifu Muhyiddin ...

    "Zahid you go first, you hear me!" said the bangsatwan softly.

    Our national problems will be resolved only when the true-hearted ones prevail


  7. For UMNO DS Mohd Najib will step down for GE-14, adinda Ms Annie
    being a victim of wilful defamation/ fitnah and unfortunately perception
    of the PM stealing for the love of his wife(?) is fact by the non-discriminating voting public.

    Democratic/ syura:
    He may appear soft but sad when he goes. He really tried be more democratic and to empower his surbordinates by allowing them more voice in government, but they instead misused the opportunities for petty personal politics.

    I don't love the PM but all spreaders of unsubstantiated accusations including some very very senior should in-sya-Allah burnt to crisp in hell, so better repent and kneel to DS Mohd Najib and DS Rosmah for forgiveness.

    Haji M Zin
    Alor Gajah DPH

    1. There you go again Zin, spinning and scandalizing others on behalf of your prime idols.

    2. Dear Haji Zin.

      "a victim of willful defamation..perception."

      The Malays proverb: If there is no gale, trees would not sway.

      - When he was Defense Minister, why picked Razak Baginda on behalf of the Gomen aka RAKYAT, to buy French submarines?
      - Why picked Jho Low to negotiate for the Gomen's 1MDB aka RAKYAT, with the Arabs?

      Don't we already have enough high level government officials?
      Why must he have too many advisers and consultant, especially the white-man? Why not make use of those many Professors in public Universities where you only pay them allowances, including mileage claims? Why waste RM7.2 billion of Rakyat's money in 5 years?

      Well, I don't love Najib too but I would rather cherish the thought of being burnt crispy in hell, then seeing my country go asunder, lead by a dubious character.


    3. Provide evidence DS Mohd Najib personally gained(?) Sdr RD
      and I don't mean political parties slush funds.

      If the top criteria is $ cleanliness, then PAS with DS Haji A Hadi most deserve a shot at Putrajaya after GE-14, betul?

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

    4. Here you go confounding issues as your usual self:
      "If the top criteria is $ cleanliness, then PAS with DS Haji A Hadi most deserve a shot at Putrajaya after GE-14, betul?"

      If Najib's top criterion is loyalty, then Zin deserves to be his right-hand man, benar?

    5. Well, the RM 7.2 billion he admitted be the amount spend, doing the thinking for him for 5 years, should be clear enough evidence of his spendthrift attitude.

      Do I need to provide evidence too, for Najib's engagement with Razak Baginda then and now Jho Low in government dealings?

      Where do I mention that Najib gained anything personally?

      Maybe it's in your own mind that Najib gain something by liaising with strange people.

      I'm talking about being prudent or frugal with Rakyat's money, not thievery or corruption. I had the impression that Najib was 'making money' for his Party of which I support. That's the way he want us to believe anyway.

    6. PAS also doing the same thing. Ladang Rakyat, Koperasi, Janapari, lebuhraya rakyat, pelabuhan tanjung bali...................

    7. Re: "Kneel to Najib and Rosmah for forgiveness" !?

      Hoh hoh hoh! That shows how sesat is this Mat Zin guy. Nauzubillah!

      Does your religion taught you to kneel before Najib and Rosmah, or anyone for that matter, for forgiveness? Setan betul Mat Zin ni.

      And you called yourself haji?

    8. Re: Hadi most clean.

      Mat Zin you see mimbar and believe it's a masjid, and you see jubah and you trust the person an orang alim.

      While for you a serban plus janggut probably could make you attain orgasm, what you believe has nothing to do with Islam and certainly you are sesat and had gone astray.

      You do not need evidence and willing to promote a man based on your misguided belief, yet you support a criminal when he had himself admitted having money wired into and out from his own accounts, claiming it a donation while the Act says that donations are but one form of corruption. There is a plain prima facie case against this man, yet you want evidence and you said "INSYA ALLAH" to curse the rakyat who want justice to be burnt in hell.

      And you want the rakyat to kneel down before Najib and Rosmah for forgiveness.

      Tiu Nia Mah Mat Zin.


    9. re ,Kneel to DS Najib and DS Rosmah for forgiveness .

      Aii yaa !, Hj Zain eaa aa , lu apa macam cekap maa aa , ini cala balu kaa mau mintak ma'af ,wa tatak tau lee aa .

    10. Dengan bukti kukuh RM 2.6 billion masuk dalam akaun pribadinya dan sehingga hari ini beliau tak menafikan fakta ini dan RM 2 juta masuk dalam akaun rosmah dalam masa singkat dan tidak juga dinafikan ,dengan memecat mantan AG dalam masa tergesa gesa kerana menyiasat salah laku penyelewengan wang 1MDB dan wang masuk akaun pribadi Najib kemudian menahan pegawai SPRM dan AG apa lagi yang kamu mahu wahai Mr Zin jangan la nak mengada nagada , kamu seorang la pi melutut cium tangan Najib dan Rosmah hanya manusia yang bangsat saja yang mahu buat semua ini ,jangan marah la ini najib bangsat yang cakap.


    11. Why so heated to reveal your TNM personality(?) Sdr ANON 17:17
      as this subject is far from ours personal.

      NB. Personal: I don't wear a turban nor spout a beard, OK?

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

  8. Annie,
    Bila la jadi Msiakini ni......hundreds of TSMY supporters...
    Mostly young chikos agaknya dapat duit....
    Najib prevailed because all his distractors and mostly commentators in almost the blogs are not even UMNO members.They can barked,or shout,but they had no bearing at all to effect Najib resignation except wait for GE 14.Say and write whatever tou like to instigate others or to please your own selves,only ALLAH akan menentukan segalanya .

  9. Najib is relying on RPK to tell stories to the public?

    How stupid can this PM be? FYI, the only conspiracy that is going on in the circle of power is the conspiracy to cover up the crimes committed by PM.

    1. Justo has told his side of the story. Just continue from that, one by one.

    2. Are you stupid? Justo did not bank in billions into Najib's private bank accounts.

    3. RPK tak habis -habis conspiracy ...... cakap berbelit -belit .... Menipu terlampau banyak sampai tak payah baca dah RPK nak kata apa

    4. In the Name of Allah Most Compassionate and Merciful

      Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. once said: "Shall I tell you about the worst of major sins? ... [1] (They are) to worship another along with Allah Most High; [2] disrespecting one's parents; [3] making a false statement, and testifying as true something which is false."
      And he kept repeating that over and over again until we were silently telling ourselves: "If only he would stop."

    5. More heat on Tony Puaka.

  10. Hi Annie,

    Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu/United Malay National Organisation, mengapa UMNO tidak pula PKMB? Lagi sekali bahasa kebangsaan kita dibelakangi ! Cuba fikirkan dalam sedalamnya... UMNO lahir/ditubuhkan secara rasmi pada 11 Mei 1946 di istana besar Johor, demikian sebab dan penyebabnya ialah penubuhan ini terlebih dahulu telah dibangkang keras dari kaum Melayu akan tetapi kita ikut juga telunjuk kerajaan British, dan pertelingkahan diantara lingkungan pertubuhan kesatuan melayu dengan hasrat Dato' Onn yang bertentangan dari dasar ketuanan Melayu dimana beliau mahu keahlian parti dibuka kepada semua penduduk Tanah Melayu tanpa mengira kaum, dan PKMB/UMNO ditukar pula diatas nama "Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Penduduk Tanah Melayu Bersatu". Namun cadangan tersebut ditolak dan beliau meletak jawatannya sebagai president UMNO kemudian menubuhkan Parti Kemerdekaan Malaya (IMP) pada 26 Ogos, 1951.
    Dari titik sejarah PKMB aka UMNO yang asalusulnya dari tanah Johor dan satu-satunya Sultan yang bersuara secara halus ialah Sultan Johor mengenai ketegangan krisis politik dalaman PKMB/UMNO dan dimasa yang sama mengenai pemecatan keatas bekas timbalan perdana menteri Muhyiddin yang juga berasalusul anak-Johor, jadinya hendak tak hendak PM ter...paksa memaksa diri menurut "terms & conditions" yang dipujuk-nasihat oleh kalangan "divine right" dan dari situ terserlah sedikit sikap bertolak ansur datangnya dari PM bagi meredakan tuduhan dan syak wasangka dari terus disyaki... dan cerita hadir mengikut pintu belakang amat dikesali karena boleh menimbulkan semula pertanyaan liar... bak katanya pepatah melayu berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah.


    1. Datang perasmian perhimpunan tahunan UMNO Pasir Gudang dengan kereta rasmi plat Singapura, diiringi polis dan bodyguard Singapura, lepas tu balik ke Singapura dengan kereta rasmi Singapura, diiringi polis dan bodyguard Singapura.

      Maruah Melayu pada tahap kemuncak! 16 sep 2015, tarikh keramat buat semua orang Melayu. Pergi, jangan tak pergi. Bawa samseng Jalan Alor Mat Gajah, yang duduk DePan Hospital. Nama dia Zin Al-Kohol.

    2. Saudara betulkah Ah Jib Gor datang ke Pasir Gudang sebegitu?

  11. Chose? Your hero chose nothing. He was cowed by the various warnings made by UMNO from the NT down to the grassroots. If Muhyiddin was sacked your Najib may have cost UMNO yet another state in the next PRU. Nice try at spinning it into a positive thing, but the fact is the same reason why he went in and out using the back door. Tikus pengecut. Dah tiga kali dah. Hahaha.

  12. Melayu love getting fucked by UMNO. I don't quite understand. A.bit like those countries in Africa. Some more want to talk about maruah. Be careful not to choke on your ikan bakar sekinchan.

    1. Noi more bro, no more. UMNO is dead. PAS's turn now.

      Time to trust the devil you do not know.

    2. Aiya you want to come comelah if not stay back home.

  13. Zain,
    Aku tak tau la buat haji kat mana...kalau kau betul haji you should know that you only bow kneel to God.
    Care to share which islamic school of thought teaches you to kneel to humans?
    Kau belajar ugama kat mana that gives you the right to condemn people to hell..are you trying to play God?
    Do not insult the title Haji for the millions of those who have performed it.


    1. OK Allah SWT forgives all sins except Shirik, Sdr Belum
      ( al-Quran 39: 53 and 4: 48 )
      and for sins between fellow man, you'd seek humble forgiveness in person kan(?)

      OK I don't mean to literally kneel, and hope this explanation suffices.

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

    2. Patut le belum haji lagi.

  14. I can't wait for the day when this bugger got thrown out by the people...

    1. Mimpi je lah sampai kucing bertanduk.
