Yesterday evening, Umno president DS Najib Razak scolded pro-establishment bloggers for "fighting with each other".
Najib, who was delivering his closing speech at the Umno general assembly at PWTC said pro-Umno bloggers should stop attacking party leaders and instead direct their attacks at the opposition.
“Kenapa kita tak salah kan mereka (opposition) kerana semua ini (wrongdoings) ? "Jangan serang kami, serang pembangkang.
"Blogger kita sendiri menyerang kita.
"Friendly fire is not friendly. Bloggers kita ni kerja untuk siapa?
"Pergi lah tembak pembangkang. Itu caranya kita nak menang perang.
"Jangan gaduh sesame kita. Itu kerja tak masuk akal."
That's more or less what Najib said in his speech.
Okay, I confess, I am one of those pro-establishment bloggers who go around whacking Umno leaders who went out of shape.
One of my main targets is Johor MB DS Mohd Khaled Nordin for what is now happening in Johor.
Should I heed the no bashing of leaders directive issued by Datuk Najib last night?
Must I let the excesses which is happening in Johor goes by without doing anything about it because they were committed by Umno people and those who claim to support Umno but in reality are parasites which are sucking the party's blood dry?
Does it make Umno stronger if I don't write about the current rotten state of affairs in Johor Umno?
Must I keep quiet while Umno is being raped by the crooks at the party headquarters?
You all tell me la where that fat NOT-SO-FUNNY fella at Umno HQ got so much money to buy himself a Bently?
Untung jual bendera dengan poster BN masa GE13 ke?
Well, at least hide la a bit.
Don't flaunt it around like that.
We on the ground work hard to make Umno and BN look good and then come along such an idiot who was given such a high ranking post flaunting his dubious gains for all to see. And you want me to just close my eyes to such things?
Come on la. I am not a DAP cybertrooper who never say anything when they see party leaders committing such excesses.
Heck, in fact I am not even an Umno cybertrooper.
Umno doesn't pay me anything for what I write here.
Do you think Umno pay me to write this posting?
If you do, then you can fuck off, okay.
Being free, it's my only selling point when harassed by the DAP people.
That being a pro-establishment blogger, I can criticize my leaders if they do wrongs.
That's actually the only reason why BN is still better than the Pakatan side. At least in my eyes la.
If Datuk Najib wants me to be like those DAP cybertroopers who agree with everything that Tokong Guan Eng says and does, then sorry.
I rather blog about other things.
Err...maybe I will blog about fat bastards and their expensive cars.
Please read this to know what my stand on this matter:
BN needs to fix itself first
Note: Excuse me for the bits of profanities. Tengah marah sikit ni.
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Friday, 28 November 2014
Not out of the woods yet
Everyone pro-establishment seems euphoric that the Sedition Act 1948 is not to be repealed but instead enhanced.
Just read the headlines on the rocky's bru main blogroll. Most are falling over each other to hail the decision.
I'm however more inclined to be more sober like BigCat, who described the whole thing as
It's a beginning, therefore I'm not going to be too enthusiastic.
In the first place, it's just a corrective measure of a decision which should not have been made.
So I rather be more cautious.
Anyway, if Najib had not made the announcement yesterday, it would be rather awkward as his deputy Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had sort of made the announcement a day earlier as Rocky pointed here,
People would have been quick to point out that the two top Umno men are not in tandem with each other and that
Something may be brewing in Umno
I was actually at PWTC yesterday and I was not overly impressed by the remainder of Najib's speech.
I think he need to ditch that "sing song" style. It reminded me that he still have the same set of advisers who told him that speech style is the best way for him to get more applause from the audience. I wonder what those idiots said to Najib to make him changed his style.
Najib should just be himself.
I honestly prefer him pre-2008 when I used to occasionally followed him on his visits to the villages in his Pekan constituency.

He looked genuine, sincere and humble as he tried his best for the rakyat.
I believe he is still the same man.
But all those people who surround him are the ones who make him looks the way he is now.
Really, Najib needs to have a look again at how the people around him made him looks weak, insincere, and at times clueless and detached of the wants of the people.
This is why, I don't think Najib is yet out of the woods.
Case in point, yesterday, I was told that some numb nuts in Umno top hierarchy had appointed a guy I know from Johor as the director of the party's central war room.
I honestly got nothing personal against the guy, but I don't think he can pull off the job.
Yes, he looks intellectual and good, but knowing him, I think his appointment to the post will be disastrous.
You need to have a man with sound knowledge of the political battleground to command the troops, instead of a theorist who could only come up with grand ideas which later turned out to be duds when put in practice.
A war room director should also be brave and willing to put the interest of the party above his personal interest.
This guy was supposed to be on the frontline in Johor during the 2004 general election.
However he abandoned his post when it turned out that he was not to be a candidate.
What happened after that still saddens me whenever I think about it.
But I will not go beyond that as it could get personal and improper.
I'm now just praying that Najib will after this rethink of how he surrounds himself with these types of people.
He needs genuine help from the real good guys as the road is long and full of potholes over the next three years before the 14th general election.
Just read the headlines on the rocky's bru main blogroll. Most are falling over each other to hail the decision.
I'm however more inclined to be more sober like BigCat, who described the whole thing as
Growing A Spine
It's a beginning, therefore I'm not going to be too enthusiastic.
In the first place, it's just a corrective measure of a decision which should not have been made.
So I rather be more cautious.
Anyway, if Najib had not made the announcement yesterday, it would be rather awkward as his deputy Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had sort of made the announcement a day earlier as Rocky pointed here,
People would have been quick to point out that the two top Umno men are not in tandem with each other and that
Something may be brewing in Umno
I was actually at PWTC yesterday and I was not overly impressed by the remainder of Najib's speech.
I think he need to ditch that "sing song" style. It reminded me that he still have the same set of advisers who told him that speech style is the best way for him to get more applause from the audience. I wonder what those idiots said to Najib to make him changed his style.
Najib should just be himself.
I honestly prefer him pre-2008 when I used to occasionally followed him on his visits to the villages in his Pekan constituency.
I believe he is still the same man.
But all those people who surround him are the ones who make him looks the way he is now.
Really, Najib needs to have a look again at how the people around him made him looks weak, insincere, and at times clueless and detached of the wants of the people.
This is why, I don't think Najib is yet out of the woods.
Case in point, yesterday, I was told that some numb nuts in Umno top hierarchy had appointed a guy I know from Johor as the director of the party's central war room.
I honestly got nothing personal against the guy, but I don't think he can pull off the job.
Yes, he looks intellectual and good, but knowing him, I think his appointment to the post will be disastrous.
You need to have a man with sound knowledge of the political battleground to command the troops, instead of a theorist who could only come up with grand ideas which later turned out to be duds when put in practice.
A war room director should also be brave and willing to put the interest of the party above his personal interest.
This guy was supposed to be on the frontline in Johor during the 2004 general election.
However he abandoned his post when it turned out that he was not to be a candidate.
What happened after that still saddens me whenever I think about it.
But I will not go beyond that as it could get personal and improper.
I'm now just praying that Najib will after this rethink of how he surrounds himself with these types of people.
He needs genuine help from the real good guys as the road is long and full of potholes over the next three years before the 14th general election.
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Something may be brewing in Umno
I suspect that Umno deputy president TS Muhyiddin Yassin is very likely up to something.
Those who carefully listened to his speech at the opening of the Umno's party wings last night which was televised live may agree with me.
Here is the story of part of his speech which is most telling....
Don't postpone UMNO 2016 election, says Muhyiddin
The next few days of Umno general assembly will be very interesting.
Those who carefully listened to his speech at the opening of the Umno's party wings last night which was televised live may agree with me.
Here is the story of part of his speech which is most telling....
Don't postpone UMNO 2016 election, says Muhyiddin
The next few days of Umno general assembly will be very interesting.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Umno lost in cyberspace
PM DS Najib Razak said this yesterday,
Internet not a tool for stoking racial, religious tension
Sorry Datuk Najib, I disagree.
Internet is indeed a tool for stoking racial and religious tension.
In fact, it's a tool for stoking all other sorts of things.
Actually, it's a matter of who are using the internet better, and not how the internet is being used.
In the context of cyber warfare, this is why Umno and its BN allies are being massacred.
They simply do not know how the war is to be fought.
Does complaining about how your enemy is misusing the internet helps you to win the fight?
I don't think so.
People wouldn't listen to you if you keep whining about how your enemy cheated you.
You simply have to act and not just talk.
As you all may likely agree, Umno and its BN allies were utterly crushed in the cyberspace prior to the general election last year.
Umno and the other BN gangs simply have no answer to the likes of Malaysiakini and Malaysian Insider.
I believe they were set to be crushed again in the next general election.
Maybe for good this time.
The reason is because, whomever were put in charge of Umno's and BN's cyber war effort are lazy morons.
Either that, or they are corrupt bastards who are more interested in reaping profit for themselves from the allocations provided for cyber war by their party, instead of doing their job.
Okay, do you see any changes in the cyber war effort of Umno and its BN allies since the general election last year?
I don't think so.
They can't even get positive news about the establishment into Google News.
Check for yourself if you don't believe me.
Google News is full of negative stories by pro-Pakatan portals about the government and its BN leaders.
What is this guy doing as Information Minister?
Yesterday at the event where the PM spoke, DS Shabery Cheek said he carries three smart phones to illustrate how tech savvy he is....and also because he is the Information Minister.
That's a bit stupid if you ask me.
In fact the whole event was not very smart either as getting speakers from the likes of North Korea and China to talk about the world's hyper connectivity is actually rather dumb.
And this event was supposed to be part of the run-up to the Umno general assembly which starts today.
You don't get people excited to write good stuff about Umno and BN in the cyberspace by holding talk shops.
It doesn't work that way.
If you want to get people to voluntarily write nice things about you, then you have to INSPIRE them.
It's the only way.
I used to write good things about Umno and BN, particularly in Johor because I was inspired by the good leadership of former MB Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman.
He never asked me to write all those good stuff about him and his party, let alone pay me to do so.
I did it just because I feel good that I can contribute to something good which was being done by good people.
My conscious was clear back then.
To be honest, I'm now struggling just by looking at what were happening in my home state Johor.
I hope the PM realize that many non-Umno members who used to support the party are beginning to have doubts because of the way Umno people behaves.
Arrogant and stupid.
That's how many of them are starting to describe Umno people.
Actually, I said that a couple of times this blog.
Internet not a tool for stoking racial, religious tension
Sorry Datuk Najib, I disagree.
Internet is indeed a tool for stoking racial and religious tension.
In fact, it's a tool for stoking all other sorts of things.
Actually, it's a matter of who are using the internet better, and not how the internet is being used.
In the context of cyber warfare, this is why Umno and its BN allies are being massacred.
They simply do not know how the war is to be fought.
Does complaining about how your enemy is misusing the internet helps you to win the fight?
I don't think so.
People wouldn't listen to you if you keep whining about how your enemy cheated you.
You simply have to act and not just talk.
As you all may likely agree, Umno and its BN allies were utterly crushed in the cyberspace prior to the general election last year.
Umno and the other BN gangs simply have no answer to the likes of Malaysiakini and Malaysian Insider.
I believe they were set to be crushed again in the next general election.
Maybe for good this time.
The reason is because, whomever were put in charge of Umno's and BN's cyber war effort are lazy morons.
Either that, or they are corrupt bastards who are more interested in reaping profit for themselves from the allocations provided for cyber war by their party, instead of doing their job.
Okay, do you see any changes in the cyber war effort of Umno and its BN allies since the general election last year?
I don't think so.
They can't even get positive news about the establishment into Google News.
Check for yourself if you don't believe me.
Google News is full of negative stories by pro-Pakatan portals about the government and its BN leaders.
What is this guy doing as Information Minister?
Yesterday at the event where the PM spoke, DS Shabery Cheek said he carries three smart phones to illustrate how tech savvy he is....and also because he is the Information Minister.
That's a bit stupid if you ask me.
In fact the whole event was not very smart either as getting speakers from the likes of North Korea and China to talk about the world's hyper connectivity is actually rather dumb.
And this event was supposed to be part of the run-up to the Umno general assembly which starts today.
You don't get people excited to write good stuff about Umno and BN in the cyberspace by holding talk shops.
It doesn't work that way.
If you want to get people to voluntarily write nice things about you, then you have to INSPIRE them.
It's the only way.
I used to write good things about Umno and BN, particularly in Johor because I was inspired by the good leadership of former MB Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman.
He never asked me to write all those good stuff about him and his party, let alone pay me to do so.
I did it just because I feel good that I can contribute to something good which was being done by good people.
My conscious was clear back then.
To be honest, I'm now struggling just by looking at what were happening in my home state Johor.
I hope the PM realize that many non-Umno members who used to support the party are beginning to have doubts because of the way Umno people behaves.
Arrogant and stupid.
That's how many of them are starting to describe Umno people.
Actually, I said that a couple of times this blog.
Monday, 24 November 2014
Dr Mahathir's absence and a message from Perkasa to Umno
The much anticipated speech by former PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the Perkasa's function yesterday did not materialize.
Tun was not well enough to attend the National Unity Convention at Pusat Islam, KL.
(Note: Let's pray for Allah to grant Tun good health and long life. We need his wisdom more than ever now)
His speech was instead read by his former political secretary TS Aziz Shamsuddin.
This is a short report on his speech,
It was instead an advice on how to manage the racial complexity of the country.
I want to believe that it was meant for Najib.
Despite the disappointment over Dr Mahathir's absence, Perkasa, along with over 300 Malay NGOs represented at the convention finalized their memorandum to be submitted to Yang DiPertuan Agung, the Conference of Rulers and PM DS Najib Razak.
The memorandum basically calls for the defense of the country's pribumi's (sons of soil) rights, sanctity of Islam, and the royal Malay institution.
These are basically the core struggles of Umno.
The way I see it, it's a message to Umno - if you can't deliver what you say are your core struggles, then we are ready to take over from you.
Umno, which will have their general assembly two days from now should not just brush off the memorandum by Perkasa and the Malay NGOs.
They should study that memorandum and activate an action plan on how Umno could satisfy those demands by it.
Umno needs such wake up calls now.
Yes, Perkasa and its gang are rather funny people sometimes, with that Ibrahim Ali at its helm and all, but their arguments on those issues raised in the memorandum were no laughing matter.
They represent mostly Malays who want to support Umno but were unhappy with the party leadership and the direction of the party.
These members of Perkasa and other Malay NGOs may not be as refined or politically as polished as the usual members of Umno, Pas, PKR or other parties, but they appear as determined or even more so in their quest for their goals.
At least, that's the way I understand them after observing the way they carry themselves at Pusat Islam yesterday.
Tun was not well enough to attend the National Unity Convention at Pusat Islam, KL.
(Note: Let's pray for Allah to grant Tun good health and long life. We need his wisdom more than ever now)
His speech was instead read by his former political secretary TS Aziz Shamsuddin.
This is a short report on his speech,
Dr M: Conflicts between races to go on without power, wealth sharing concept
Nothing on urging the removal of Umno president DS Najib Razak, as some people were hoping.It was instead an advice on how to manage the racial complexity of the country.
I want to believe that it was meant for Najib.
Despite the disappointment over Dr Mahathir's absence, Perkasa, along with over 300 Malay NGOs represented at the convention finalized their memorandum to be submitted to Yang DiPertuan Agung, the Conference of Rulers and PM DS Najib Razak.
The memorandum basically calls for the defense of the country's pribumi's (sons of soil) rights, sanctity of Islam, and the royal Malay institution.
These are basically the core struggles of Umno.
The way I see it, it's a message to Umno - if you can't deliver what you say are your core struggles, then we are ready to take over from you.
Umno, which will have their general assembly two days from now should not just brush off the memorandum by Perkasa and the Malay NGOs.
They should study that memorandum and activate an action plan on how Umno could satisfy those demands by it.
Umno needs such wake up calls now.
Yes, Perkasa and its gang are rather funny people sometimes, with that Ibrahim Ali at its helm and all, but their arguments on those issues raised in the memorandum were no laughing matter.
They represent mostly Malays who want to support Umno but were unhappy with the party leadership and the direction of the party.
These members of Perkasa and other Malay NGOs may not be as refined or politically as polished as the usual members of Umno, Pas, PKR or other parties, but they appear as determined or even more so in their quest for their goals.
At least, that's the way I understand them after observing the way they carry themselves at Pusat Islam yesterday.
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Painfully, Umno people
Earlier in the morning I woke up and felt severe pain all over the left side of my body.
I suspected something was wrong with my muscles.
Initially, I tried to ignore it and went through my off day routine.
Checked this blog and decided that of late I sounded very much like a pro-Pakatan blogger.
Very negative.
Can't help it. Things are indeed not going very well.
At least being a pro-establishment blogger, I can criticize the leaders whenever I feel they are not doing the right things.
You can't do that if you are a DAP, Pas or PKR people.
In DAP, you can be sacked for not having enough affection for the leaders. That's how the then DAP's star Wee Choo Keong got booted out.
Okay, BN and Umno also have their purges but they are not as bad as that.
Whatever it is, I need to find something that can inspire me to write properly again.
But for now, I am just simply tired and feeling fed-up.
I look at all those smug irritating faces in the Umno leadership line-up and I got fed-up.
Faces like this,
Talked nonsense, being arrogant, lost the Batu Pahat parliament seat for being arrogant...and the Umno people elected him into their supreme council and get him appointed as a board member of the pro-establishment Media Prima.
No wonder Umno's media strategy is completely useless.
Then there are all those issues such as fuel prices....well, I rather not talk about it again.....need to be positive.
Anyway, the pain in the left side of my body grew intense in the afternoon.
Decided to go for a massage.
Took a long drive to Setia Alam for it.
Had a two hour Thai herbal massage.
It eased the pain but not by much.
Had Vietnamese beef noodle for lunch and then went for a movie.
Nice movie until it got muddled up towards the end.
Driving home, I could felt the pain crept back all over my left side.
Now I am resting.
Hopefully the pain will be gone by tomorrow.
I got a very important thing to do tomorrow.
If the pain persist, I will have to go for proper check up on Monday.
Hopefully, it's nothing sinister.
I suspected something was wrong with my muscles.
Initially, I tried to ignore it and went through my off day routine.
Checked this blog and decided that of late I sounded very much like a pro-Pakatan blogger.
Very negative.
Can't help it. Things are indeed not going very well.
At least being a pro-establishment blogger, I can criticize the leaders whenever I feel they are not doing the right things.
You can't do that if you are a DAP, Pas or PKR people.
In DAP, you can be sacked for not having enough affection for the leaders. That's how the then DAP's star Wee Choo Keong got booted out.
Okay, BN and Umno also have their purges but they are not as bad as that.
Whatever it is, I need to find something that can inspire me to write properly again.
But for now, I am just simply tired and feeling fed-up.
I look at all those smug irritating faces in the Umno leadership line-up and I got fed-up.
Faces like this,
Talked nonsense, being arrogant, lost the Batu Pahat parliament seat for being arrogant...and the Umno people elected him into their supreme council and get him appointed as a board member of the pro-establishment Media Prima.
No wonder Umno's media strategy is completely useless.
Then there are all those issues such as fuel prices....well, I rather not talk about it again.....need to be positive.
Anyway, the pain in the left side of my body grew intense in the afternoon.
Decided to go for a massage.
Took a long drive to Setia Alam for it.
Had a two hour Thai herbal massage.
It eased the pain but not by much.
Had Vietnamese beef noodle for lunch and then went for a movie.
Nice movie until it got muddled up towards the end.
Driving home, I could felt the pain crept back all over my left side.
Now I am resting.
Hopefully the pain will be gone by tomorrow.
I got a very important thing to do tomorrow.
If the pain persist, I will have to go for proper check up on Monday.
Hopefully, it's nothing sinister.
Fuel subsidies blow for BN foot soldiers
This is the news of the hour
Malaysia to stop petrol subsidies from December 1
and this is among the justifications
Bye-Bye Fuel Subsidies
but I am afraid reaction on the ground was actually quite harsh.
I was on the phone with a lady in Kuantan just now and she was telling me how everyone in her former college Wassap group were very unhappy about it.
She said even the pro-BN among them were apprehensive as it was expected that with an increase price of fuel, prices of other goods will also go up.
It will be a strain for the average wage earners, already struggling with ever increasing costs of living.
"Kita orang pun tak boleh nak kata apa bila geng opposition hentam government pasal harga minyak ni," the lady said.
"Actually kita orang pun rasa tertipu sebab hari tu ingatkan ada lah something yang boleh ringankan beban rakyat. Kalau cakap pasal BR1M meringankan beban rakyat kat geng opposition, dia orang ketawakan kita je. Sekarang harga minyak dah nak naik lagi. Tak tau lah nak kata apa," she added.
I don't know how to console the lady.
I can put forth an argument about how the move to stop fuel subsidies will be good for the country in the long run, but I don't think the lady could buy it.
She was more concerned about the here and now, and countering the taunting of her pro-Pakatan friends in the Wassap group.
It's easy for a well paid armchair commentator to come up with a theory of how good our life will be without the fuel subsidies, but it is a totally different game for those in the political trenches facing the enemies in real time.
Well, I am not happy myself.
I don't see any positive change from how things were after the general election last year.
In fact, things appear to be getting only worse.
Johor is sliding down the drain, purges were happening in the Umno rank and file, good people are giving up the fight, the crooks are in control of almost everything....etc.
Pakatan, despite their problems such as the recent Selangor leadership crisis seem to be gaining ground almost everywhere.
Umno and the other BN gang never seem to learn from their dismal performance in the general elections of 2008 and last year.
Malaysia to stop petrol subsidies from December 1
and this is among the justifications
Bye-Bye Fuel Subsidies
but I am afraid reaction on the ground was actually quite harsh.
I was on the phone with a lady in Kuantan just now and she was telling me how everyone in her former college Wassap group were very unhappy about it.
She said even the pro-BN among them were apprehensive as it was expected that with an increase price of fuel, prices of other goods will also go up.
It will be a strain for the average wage earners, already struggling with ever increasing costs of living.
"Kita orang pun tak boleh nak kata apa bila geng opposition hentam government pasal harga minyak ni," the lady said.
"Actually kita orang pun rasa tertipu sebab hari tu ingatkan ada lah something yang boleh ringankan beban rakyat. Kalau cakap pasal BR1M meringankan beban rakyat kat geng opposition, dia orang ketawakan kita je. Sekarang harga minyak dah nak naik lagi. Tak tau lah nak kata apa," she added.
I don't know how to console the lady.
I can put forth an argument about how the move to stop fuel subsidies will be good for the country in the long run, but I don't think the lady could buy it.
She was more concerned about the here and now, and countering the taunting of her pro-Pakatan friends in the Wassap group.
It's easy for a well paid armchair commentator to come up with a theory of how good our life will be without the fuel subsidies, but it is a totally different game for those in the political trenches facing the enemies in real time.
Well, I am not happy myself.
I don't see any positive change from how things were after the general election last year.
In fact, things appear to be getting only worse.
Johor is sliding down the drain, purges were happening in the Umno rank and file, good people are giving up the fight, the crooks are in control of almost everything....etc.
Pakatan, despite their problems such as the recent Selangor leadership crisis seem to be gaining ground almost everywhere.
Umno and the other BN gang never seem to learn from their dismal performance in the general elections of 2008 and last year.
Friday, 21 November 2014
An old Johor story and Umno's weakness
This post
by Rocky somehow reminds me of a rather interesting story told to me by an old friend from Johor.
It's about Shahredzan's father, current Media Prima head honcho TS Johan Jaafar.
It was either in 1996 or 1997.
Johan, who is a Johorean was said to be groomed to be the Johor menteri besar.
At that time Johan was the big boss of Utusan Malaysia.
His Umno godfather who wanted him to take over the Johor MB post was then Umno deputy president DS Anwar Ibrahim.
Anwar at that time ruled the mainstream media with an iron fist.
If you don't believe this story, ask Utusan Malaysia editor Zulkifli Bakar for confirmation as he was at that time a journalist based in JB.
Better known as Zul Bakar, he is the one who asked that now popular cheeky question "Apa lagi Cina Mau?"
Ask him what kind of stories he was told to write about then Johor MB Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman.
Whenever I think about the plot, I do wonder what would had happened in Johor if it had succeeded.
As everyone knew, Anwar was sacked and jailed in 1998 for abuse of power before the plot could take off.
Johan spend a few years in the wilderness after Anwar's fall before making a comeback and now head the editorial of pro-establishment Media Prima, the biggest media organization in the country.
Strangely though, his son becomes a rabid Pakatan supporter.

Anyway, whenever I think of the story, it reminds me of one of Umno's main weaknesses.
Its leadership doesn't know how to differentiate between those who genuinely fight for its struggles and those who pretend to do so for their own vested interest.
Since the Umno general assembly is coming soon, let me elaborate more on this Umno's problem.
The party actually spend a huge chunk of its energy on internal fights for positions within the party itself.
The victorious factions will usually chopped off their rivals from the party.
It doesn't matter even if their rivals had contributed to the party in the fight against the opposition.
Not only they will chop off their rivals but also those they deemed to be aligned with their rivals, no matter how small the alignment.
Here is an example of it: The eradication of Datuk Ghani has begun
Well, if you keep cutting off your limbs because you don't like the way they were, then you will end up with no limbs at all.
That, I believe was what is happening in Umno now.
If those in power don't like you - off to the chopping block with you.
Soon all the good people will be gone.
All that's left will be the cronies and those who are milking Umno for their vested interest.
Kesetiaan dan perjuangan sebenar sudah mula tiada nilai.
Shahredzan will say sorry "only if the AG wants to hear it"
by Rocky somehow reminds me of a rather interesting story told to me by an old friend from Johor.
It's about Shahredzan's father, current Media Prima head honcho TS Johan Jaafar.
It was either in 1996 or 1997.
Johan, who is a Johorean was said to be groomed to be the Johor menteri besar.
At that time Johan was the big boss of Utusan Malaysia.
His Umno godfather who wanted him to take over the Johor MB post was then Umno deputy president DS Anwar Ibrahim.
Anwar at that time ruled the mainstream media with an iron fist.
If you don't believe this story, ask Utusan Malaysia editor Zulkifli Bakar for confirmation as he was at that time a journalist based in JB.
Better known as Zul Bakar, he is the one who asked that now popular cheeky question "Apa lagi Cina Mau?"
Ask him what kind of stories he was told to write about then Johor MB Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman.
Whenever I think about the plot, I do wonder what would had happened in Johor if it had succeeded.
As everyone knew, Anwar was sacked and jailed in 1998 for abuse of power before the plot could take off.
Johan spend a few years in the wilderness after Anwar's fall before making a comeback and now head the editorial of pro-establishment Media Prima, the biggest media organization in the country.
Strangely though, his son becomes a rabid Pakatan supporter.
Its leadership doesn't know how to differentiate between those who genuinely fight for its struggles and those who pretend to do so for their own vested interest.
Since the Umno general assembly is coming soon, let me elaborate more on this Umno's problem.
The party actually spend a huge chunk of its energy on internal fights for positions within the party itself.
The victorious factions will usually chopped off their rivals from the party.
It doesn't matter even if their rivals had contributed to the party in the fight against the opposition.
Not only they will chop off their rivals but also those they deemed to be aligned with their rivals, no matter how small the alignment.
Here is an example of it: The eradication of Datuk Ghani has begun
Well, if you keep cutting off your limbs because you don't like the way they were, then you will end up with no limbs at all.
That, I believe was what is happening in Umno now.
If those in power don't like you - off to the chopping block with you.
Soon all the good people will be gone.
All that's left will be the cronies and those who are milking Umno for their vested interest.
Kesetiaan dan perjuangan sebenar sudah mula tiada nilai.
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Being Malays
The blog BigCat has this posting
which I think is a good read for those who want to understand how Malays and Bumiputera experience racial discrimination in this country.
Yes, it's not just the Chinese who can claim of being discriminated because of their skin color.
Sometimes, I find it weird that the liberal urbanite Malays can't see such things.
Just consider this, of all those smart and savvy Malay journalists in MCA-owned but pro-DAP, The Star newspaper, none of them had ever managed to be an editor with real decision making authority.
And there you have all those liberal urbanite Malays given the space to write in The Star about how we are all Malaysians and being a Malay is not that important anymore or even a racist thing to do.
Yes, this is the same newspaper that gave prominence to MCA's CC member Datuk Ti Liang Ker's "gentle reminder" on Monday for Umno to mind their language in the party's coming general assembly.
Okay, go and ask the so-called Malays such as Anas Zubedy who is a great fan of The Star what does he know about "jati diri Melayu".
Ask him whether being a Malaysian first means he supports single stream schools for Malaysian students instead of the current multiple school systems. Tell him to write and put it on record at The Star.
Yes, let's see whether it get published by all those powerful Chinese and Indian editors in The Star.
It will be interesting to know what people like Marina Mahathir, Azmi Sharom and Anas Zubedy think of the Chinese vernacular schools.
Anyway, the Umno general assembly is drawing near.
I believe it's a make or break for the party.
If it fails at the assembly to convince the Malays that it is helping them instead of just helping themselves, then I believe the party is doomed.
If Umno choose to be as liberal as Anas Zubedy, then I believe the party is doomed.
If the more educated Umno people still choose to read The Star over anything else, then I believe the party is doomed.
Sometimes I wish Malays still look, talk and behave like this,
Shunning Politics
which I think is a good read for those who want to understand how Malays and Bumiputera experience racial discrimination in this country.
Yes, it's not just the Chinese who can claim of being discriminated because of their skin color.
Sometimes, I find it weird that the liberal urbanite Malays can't see such things.
Just consider this, of all those smart and savvy Malay journalists in MCA-owned but pro-DAP, The Star newspaper, none of them had ever managed to be an editor with real decision making authority.
And there you have all those liberal urbanite Malays given the space to write in The Star about how we are all Malaysians and being a Malay is not that important anymore or even a racist thing to do.
Yes, this is the same newspaper that gave prominence to MCA's CC member Datuk Ti Liang Ker's "gentle reminder" on Monday for Umno to mind their language in the party's coming general assembly.
Okay, go and ask the so-called Malays such as Anas Zubedy who is a great fan of The Star what does he know about "jati diri Melayu".
Ask him whether being a Malaysian first means he supports single stream schools for Malaysian students instead of the current multiple school systems. Tell him to write and put it on record at The Star.
Yes, let's see whether it get published by all those powerful Chinese and Indian editors in The Star.
It will be interesting to know what people like Marina Mahathir, Azmi Sharom and Anas Zubedy think of the Chinese vernacular schools.
Anyway, the Umno general assembly is drawing near.
I believe it's a make or break for the party.
If it fails at the assembly to convince the Malays that it is helping them instead of just helping themselves, then I believe the party is doomed.
If Umno choose to be as liberal as Anas Zubedy, then I believe the party is doomed.
If the more educated Umno people still choose to read The Star over anything else, then I believe the party is doomed.
Sometimes I wish Malays still look, talk and behave like this,
Monday, 17 November 2014
A little request
I'm a bit disappointed.
For my past few postings, the comments I received were mostly out of topics.
Maybe you all are not too interested in issues which were close to my heart, such as the well being of Johor Umno.
A lot of the comments were instead about bashing PM DS Najib Razak.
Well, I think that's a waste of time and energy.
Najib is here to stay and he will be our PM at least until the next general election.
There is no two way about it, okay.
Live with it and if you want Barisan Nasional to stay in power, you should support him.
You may voice your disagreement with his policies as constructive criticisms are what we needed, but please stop talking about replacing him. It's tiresome, okay.
Umno had endorsed him as party president. He retained his post unopposed not even more than a year ago. So, don't go on with the nonsense of wanting to replace him and such.
Even Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, despite his criticisms of things such as BR1M and 1MDB, never said he wanted Najib to be toppled.
Okay, having said that, I hope for my future postings, those who wish to comment should try to do so within the topic of respective posting.
I will appreciate very much if you all could do that.
For this after midnight posting, I am not going to write anything further then that.
Sort of a break for me to think how to do a posting without attracting comments which are out of topic.
I hope you all don't mind me too much for requesting this.
Okay, instead of me writing about things which may not really interest you all, here is a song instead,
I am going to sleep now.
For my past few postings, the comments I received were mostly out of topics.
Maybe you all are not too interested in issues which were close to my heart, such as the well being of Johor Umno.
A lot of the comments were instead about bashing PM DS Najib Razak.
Well, I think that's a waste of time and energy.
Najib is here to stay and he will be our PM at least until the next general election.
There is no two way about it, okay.
Live with it and if you want Barisan Nasional to stay in power, you should support him.
You may voice your disagreement with his policies as constructive criticisms are what we needed, but please stop talking about replacing him. It's tiresome, okay.
Umno had endorsed him as party president. He retained his post unopposed not even more than a year ago. So, don't go on with the nonsense of wanting to replace him and such.
Even Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, despite his criticisms of things such as BR1M and 1MDB, never said he wanted Najib to be toppled.
Okay, having said that, I hope for my future postings, those who wish to comment should try to do so within the topic of respective posting.
I will appreciate very much if you all could do that.
For this after midnight posting, I am not going to write anything further then that.
Sort of a break for me to think how to do a posting without attracting comments which are out of topic.
I hope you all don't mind me too much for requesting this.
Okay, instead of me writing about things which may not really interest you all, here is a song instead,
I am going to sleep now.
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Johor Umno it is
Earlier today I called a journalist friend who was covering the Johor Umno convention in JB to find out how things were over there.
He sent me this picture:
"Tu masa Khaled tengah berucap masa nak tutup convention. Engko tengok je la berapa perwakilan yang tinggal. Dari situ engko agak la sendiri macam mana konvensyen tu," he said.
"Tak kan segitu je yang hadir. Kan semalam ramai orang masa Najib bukak konvensyen tu? Paper pun kata ada 800 perwakilan. Lepas tu ada pemerhati lagi," I retorted.
"Eleh, semalam ya la ada PM. Semua nak tunjuk muka le tu," he replied.
"Habis tu usul ke apa ke macam mana?" I asked again.
"Dia orang buat workshop je la. Semua tertutup. Aku pun tak tau nak tulis apa. Cuma buat story press conference je la," he replied.
"Engko tak interview perwakilan ke?" I probed again.
"Interview juga, tapi lebih banyak negetif dari positif. Lepas tu banyak cakap retorik yang sama je. Malas lah aku nak tulis," he said.
"La, tulis je la. Orang nak tau. Ini konvensyen Umno Johor le. Bukan main-main. Johor ni tiang seri Umno," I provoked him further.
"Tiang seri apa kebendanye ? Ni dah setahun lebih lepas PRU, apa yang dia orang dah buat? Najib pun semalam dah sound, kalau dia orang tak faham juga aku pun tak tau nak kata apa," he said referring to this report:
Johor Umno Told To Conduct Reality Checks
Well, what else can I say.....they didn't even answer this question,
He sent me this picture:
"Tu masa Khaled tengah berucap masa nak tutup convention. Engko tengok je la berapa perwakilan yang tinggal. Dari situ engko agak la sendiri macam mana konvensyen tu," he said.
"Tak kan segitu je yang hadir. Kan semalam ramai orang masa Najib bukak konvensyen tu? Paper pun kata ada 800 perwakilan. Lepas tu ada pemerhati lagi," I retorted.
"Eleh, semalam ya la ada PM. Semua nak tunjuk muka le tu," he replied.
"Habis tu usul ke apa ke macam mana?" I asked again.
"Dia orang buat workshop je la. Semua tertutup. Aku pun tak tau nak tulis apa. Cuma buat story press conference je la," he replied.
"Engko tak interview perwakilan ke?" I probed again.
"Interview juga, tapi lebih banyak negetif dari positif. Lepas tu banyak cakap retorik yang sama je. Malas lah aku nak tulis," he said.
"La, tulis je la. Orang nak tau. Ini konvensyen Umno Johor le. Bukan main-main. Johor ni tiang seri Umno," I provoked him further.
"Tiang seri apa kebendanye ? Ni dah setahun lebih lepas PRU, apa yang dia orang dah buat? Najib pun semalam dah sound, kalau dia orang tak faham juga aku pun tak tau nak kata apa," he said referring to this report:
Johor Umno Told To Conduct Reality Checks
Well, what else can I say.....they didn't even answer this question,
Bolehkah Umno Johor lepas tangan?
Friday, 14 November 2014
Bolehkah Umno Johor lepas tangan?
This is a message in conjunction with the Johor Umno convention which starts today from a party member who was on the frontline throughout the past general elections:
Hari ini Umno Johor mula bersidang dua hari di Stulang Laut, Johor Bahru.
Ini adalah Konvensyen Umno Johor yang pertama selepas 18 bulan PRU tahun lalu.
Bermakna, DS Khaled Nordin akan pertama kali berdepan dengan perwakilan dan pemimpin akar umbi 26 Umno Bahagian Johor atas nama Pegerusi Perhubungan Johor dan MB Johor.
Ramai menunggu apa mesej Khaled.
Tentunya mesej Khaled akan menjadi asas wakil Umno Johor yang berucap di Perhimpunan Agung Umno (PAU) tahun ini yang akan bermula 25 Dis nanti.
Apa pula pemimpin akar umbi 26 bahagian Umno Johor nak bincang dalam konvensyen itu?
Biasanya apa yang disuarakan dalam konvensyen akan dibawa ke PAU.
Itu sebab, sebelum ini, ramai ter tunggu-tunggu konvensyen Johor dan ramai nak tengok apa isi ucapan wakil Johor di PAU.
Berkait dengan mesej Khaled dan apa yang akan disuarakan dalam konvensyen, adalah menjadi persoalan, apa yang sudah dihidangkan oleh Umno Johor serta kerajaan negeri Johor sejak Khaled menjadi orang nombor satu 18 bulan lalu.
Dari mata kasar, yang banyak berlaku ialah kerancakan pembangunan pesisir pantai dari Stulang Laut hinggalah ke Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas (PTP). Memang pesat, macam-macam nama pemaju ada,termasuklah yang kaya dan terkenal.
Malas nak cerita terperinci projek-projek ini, kerana ramai dah tahu mengenainya.
Semuanya pembangunan hartanah, semua mahal belaka, semuanya free hold, semuanya buat kami rakyat Johor gigit jari.
Hartanah free hold yang akan jadi milik kekal pembeli asing atau orang kaya (kerana Melayu tempatan tak mampu beli) sepanjang pesisir itulah akan jadi sempadan negeri Johor dengan Singapura, bukan tanah kerajaan negeri Johor.
Ia meresahkan rakyat Johor.
Pergilah ke mana pun di Johor, orang bercakap pasal projek-projek tu. Malah, orang luar Johor pun bercakap.
Kami rakyat Johor pun kadang-kadang rasa malu apabila orang luar tanya pasal projek-projek tu. Nak kata apa, untouchable!
Hari ini dalam konvensyen, nak tengok sama ada berbangkit tak soal pembangunan sepanjang Lido hingga ke PTP tu.
Soalnya, adakah Umno Johor nak kata: Inilah projek kita untuk rakyat Johor. Inilah yang kita buat untuk ahli Umno. Inilah kemajuan yang kita perjuangkan untuk rakyat.
Pembangunan macam itu ke pemimpin akar umbi Umno Johor nak banggakan di PAU nanti? Projek macam itu ke mereka nak bagi tau kepada rakyat Johor di kawasan masing-masing?
Yang kita dengar pemimpin akar umbi ini pun sama resah macam rakyat yang bukan ahli Umno. Mereka yang dalam kelas menengah Melayu, dan bukan ahli Umno, dah lama resah dan tak puas hati.
So macam mana? Umno Johor nak cakap apa?
Kalau Umno Johor tak dapat terima pembangunan macam itu, boleh ke Umno Johor kata: “Kami tak terlibat dengan hal ini. Bukan yang macam ini yang kami nak.”
Boleh ke?
Boleh ke Umno Johor menyisihkan parti itu (yang keramat, yang lahir di Johor, yang merasa denyut nadi rakyat, yang jadi tiang seri Umno Malaysia) atau mengasingkan diri dari projek-projek mewah tersebut?
Boleh ke?
Apa pendirian Umno Johor?
Atau pun Umno Johor pilih jalan selamat (play safe kata orang). Tak sentuh langsung projek-projek mewah. Buat tak tau seolah-olah tak ada apa-apa berlaku. Boleh ke Umno Johor lepas tangan dan lepas tanggungjawab?
Boleh ke?
Lebih menarik, Perdana Menteri Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak, selaku Presiden Umno akan merasmikan konvesyen itu.
Boleh ke Najib berkata: Umno Johor adalah nadi Umno Malaysia, parti keramat ini yang lahir di Istana Besar Johor Bahru, telah berjasa besar dan akan terus berjasa besar, lihatlah pembangunan yang rancak sekarang, inilah perjuangan kita Umno untuk rakyat Johor!
Boleh ke?
Kenapa Umno Johor sepatutnya bincang hal ini?
Umno kena ingat bahawa Umno sejak lahir pada 1946 sentiasa mengambil tanggungjawab dengan pembangunan negara dan orang Melayu. Dan Kerajaan Johor masih diterajui oleh Barisan Nasional (BN) yang bertunjangkan Umno.
Tun Razak, sebaik terima tauliah jadi Perdana Menteri dari Yang di-Pertuan Agong pada 22 Sept 1970 terus menemui ahli-ahli Umno dan dia berkata: “Kerajaan ini adalah yang didukung oleh Umno dan kepada Umnolah saya serahkan tanggungjawab kerajaan ini supaya Umno dapat menentukan apakah corak kerajaan hendak ditubuhkan. Kerajaan yang mesti mengikut kehendak dan hasrat Umno sendiri yang mesti dari masa ke masa menjalankan dasar yang ditentukan oleh Umno.”
Nah, itulah semangatnya, Umno mengambil tanggungjawab kerana orang Melayu yang jadi ahli Umno dan orang Melayu seluruhnya menyerahkan amanah masa depan mereka kepada Umno.
Tapi, apakah orang Melayu akan terus menyerahkan amanah masa depan mereka kepada Umno kalau Umno sendiri sudah mulai menyisihkan diri dan tidak mahu bertanggungjawab?
Konvensyen Umno Johor 2014 kena jawab persoalan ini. Kami orang Melayu Johor perlukan jawapan.
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Najib in full control of Umno's apparatus
Nothing is really cooking on the political front for now except the Umno general assembly which starts on Nov 25.
That's how dry things are at the moment.
Almost everything were constant.
All those stuff they said about a rebellion brewing against Najib from within his own party, well...the truth is that it was not true.
Whether you like it or not, Najib actually has full control over the party's supreme council, the vice-presidents, party wings and even his own deputy.
That's good enough for him to stay in power for quite a while more.
The majority of those who are supportive of the establishment but now said they want Najib to be ousted are actually mostly non-Umno members or party members but those who have not much influence in deciding the direction of the Malay party.
What will actually happen at the Umno general assembly?
Well, the resolutions (usul-usul) by the party divisions will indeed be heard at the PWTC.
But that will be as far as they will ever get.
The party leadership had actually already made up their mind on those issues.
No joke, okay.
They will let the delegates vent their anger and frustrations but in the end persuade everyone that what they are doing are good for agama, bangsa and tanahair.
Yup, that is what going to happen at PWTC.
The delegates can talk all they want about issues such as absorbing the Chinese education system into the national school system, but that will be all there is to it...just talks.
The truth is, Chinese schools are here to stay "selagi ada bulan dan bintang" and their safe existence "has been put under lock and key" by the government.
The first part about moon and stars was promised by DPM and Education minister TS Muhyiddin Yassin during the Sungai Limau by-election last year while the part about the right for the schools' existence being put under lock and key was uttered by PM DS Najib Razak during the recent MCA's AGM.
You all remember those, right?
As for all those protests over Sedition Act, well, the speakers at the Umno general assembly can whack the issue till its skin and bones but I believe the Act will in the end still be phased out.
It's all already decided, okay.
The same goes with other issues.
Nonetheless, the pressure on Najib will continue.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and others will continue to criticize the Najib's administration, but it was not because they want to topple the PM but rather want him to be a better PM.
I myself will be criticizing Najib and his people if I detect them doing something wrong.
It's actually good that there are pressure as it will keep Najib and his people on their toes and not think that they can do whatever they want because they are in power.
But still, honestly, I don't really fancy Najib's job.
It's too stressful.
It is actually better to be his critique rather than to be the man himself.
That's how dry things are at the moment.
Almost everything were constant.
All those stuff they said about a rebellion brewing against Najib from within his own party, well...the truth is that it was not true.
Whether you like it or not, Najib actually has full control over the party's supreme council, the vice-presidents, party wings and even his own deputy.
That's good enough for him to stay in power for quite a while more.
The majority of those who are supportive of the establishment but now said they want Najib to be ousted are actually mostly non-Umno members or party members but those who have not much influence in deciding the direction of the Malay party.
What will actually happen at the Umno general assembly?
Well, the resolutions (usul-usul) by the party divisions will indeed be heard at the PWTC.
But that will be as far as they will ever get.
The party leadership had actually already made up their mind on those issues.
No joke, okay.
They will let the delegates vent their anger and frustrations but in the end persuade everyone that what they are doing are good for agama, bangsa and tanahair.
Yup, that is what going to happen at PWTC.
The delegates can talk all they want about issues such as absorbing the Chinese education system into the national school system, but that will be all there is to it...just talks.
The truth is, Chinese schools are here to stay "selagi ada bulan dan bintang" and their safe existence "has been put under lock and key" by the government.
The first part about moon and stars was promised by DPM and Education minister TS Muhyiddin Yassin during the Sungai Limau by-election last year while the part about the right for the schools' existence being put under lock and key was uttered by PM DS Najib Razak during the recent MCA's AGM.
You all remember those, right?
As for all those protests over Sedition Act, well, the speakers at the Umno general assembly can whack the issue till its skin and bones but I believe the Act will in the end still be phased out.
It's all already decided, okay.
The same goes with other issues.
Nonetheless, the pressure on Najib will continue.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and others will continue to criticize the Najib's administration, but it was not because they want to topple the PM but rather want him to be a better PM.
I myself will be criticizing Najib and his people if I detect them doing something wrong.
It's actually good that there are pressure as it will keep Najib and his people on their toes and not think that they can do whatever they want because they are in power.
But still, honestly, I don't really fancy Najib's job.
It's too stressful.
It is actually better to be his critique rather than to be the man himself.
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Much noise over really nothing
Don't you ever think that politics can be so boring?
I do.
Well, quite frequently actually.
Does it really makes any difference?
Honestly, these days, I am not so sure anymore.
Okay, here is a normal boring political question.
Najib and Anwar, who is better as PM?
Errr....why don't you all ask that question to those Umno people who nowadays have been whacking Najib upside down.
Frankly, I don't understand that type of Umno people.
They are the ones who decided to let Najib continues as their party president during the party elections less than a year ago and now they wanted him out.
Hey funny Umno people, why didn't you all voted Najib out back then?
Why only now you all are making all kind of noises?
As if there is a party election this year, where you all can get rid of Najib.
You know the time there is a party elections again, the same Umno people will likely change their mind again.
By that time they will say,
Najib is so handsome and smart.
We love PM.
Bla bla bla...
Remember....they were chanting that just last year....before GE13.
They are all such tiresome people, don't you think?
For instance, about that Sedition Act. Najib had wanted to get rid of it a long time ago. As if nobody ever knew that.
Why then all the hero-hero Melayu semua only making noises now?
Well, most of them are only making noises now, aren't they?
Then there are those who blame the failure to implement the Sedition Act as being the problem....well, if the Act is truly implemented, most of them would be in jail by now for breaking that very law, I think.
I would probably be in jail too because of this blog's contents.
Those who like to write nasty words in the comments section would be in jail too.
They include those who call the Chinese as Cinabeng, pendatang and such.
Yup, Sedition Act is not really pleasant actually.
By right, it applies to both sides of the political divides.
That is if the authorities really want to properly implement it, as demanded by some people.
Sedition Act is not a weapon to be used against those who disagree with us.
That's not how it work.
Many are missing the point.
Think about it, okay.
I think Najib got the concept right and that's why he feels that the Act is no longer the best for its purpose.
That's why he wanted it to be replaced or at least amended.
Personally, I don't really care as long as it's for the better.
If Najib thinks he can make it better, then why not let him do it.
Isn't that why the Umno people elected him unopposed as their president? To affect such changes.
Otherwise, when later proven that he is just making a mess of it, then go after him la.
Kick him out by all means.
Now, all that are rather stressful, isn't it?
I think Umno people need to learn the following,
You simply cannot win everything every time in the current political climate.
Instead, you must accept that you can win sometime, but have to also accept defeat from time to time.
That's the way it is.
The truth is, sometimes, whenever I thought about it, I felt like just switching off and ignore the whole thing.
Ya, just forget about the whole bloody thing.
There are more to life than that.
Enjoy a good book, hug and kiss someone I love, listen or watch something wonderful.
That is what really nice about life.
Try to relax and enjoy the ride sometimes.
Really, there's more to life than thinking about what people like Najib, Anwar, Guan Eng, Hadi etc can do to, and for you.
We are after all what we make of ourselves.
I do.
Well, quite frequently actually.
Does it really makes any difference?
Honestly, these days, I am not so sure anymore.
Okay, here is a normal boring political question.
Najib and Anwar, who is better as PM?
Errr....why don't you all ask that question to those Umno people who nowadays have been whacking Najib upside down.
Frankly, I don't understand that type of Umno people.
They are the ones who decided to let Najib continues as their party president during the party elections less than a year ago and now they wanted him out.
Hey funny Umno people, why didn't you all voted Najib out back then?
Why only now you all are making all kind of noises?
As if there is a party election this year, where you all can get rid of Najib.
You know the time there is a party elections again, the same Umno people will likely change their mind again.
By that time they will say,
Najib is so handsome and smart.
We love PM.
Bla bla bla...
Remember....they were chanting that just last year....before GE13.
They are all such tiresome people, don't you think?
For instance, about that Sedition Act. Najib had wanted to get rid of it a long time ago. As if nobody ever knew that.
Why then all the hero-hero Melayu semua only making noises now?
Well, most of them are only making noises now, aren't they?
Then there are those who blame the failure to implement the Sedition Act as being the problem....well, if the Act is truly implemented, most of them would be in jail by now for breaking that very law, I think.
I would probably be in jail too because of this blog's contents.
Those who like to write nasty words in the comments section would be in jail too.
They include those who call the Chinese as Cinabeng, pendatang and such.
Yup, Sedition Act is not really pleasant actually.
By right, it applies to both sides of the political divides.
That is if the authorities really want to properly implement it, as demanded by some people.
Sedition Act is not a weapon to be used against those who disagree with us.
That's not how it work.
Many are missing the point.
Think about it, okay.
I think Najib got the concept right and that's why he feels that the Act is no longer the best for its purpose.
That's why he wanted it to be replaced or at least amended.
Personally, I don't really care as long as it's for the better.
If Najib thinks he can make it better, then why not let him do it.
Isn't that why the Umno people elected him unopposed as their president? To affect such changes.
Otherwise, when later proven that he is just making a mess of it, then go after him la.
Kick him out by all means.
Now, all that are rather stressful, isn't it?
I think Umno people need to learn the following,
You simply cannot win everything every time in the current political climate.
Instead, you must accept that you can win sometime, but have to also accept defeat from time to time.
That's the way it is.
The truth is, sometimes, whenever I thought about it, I felt like just switching off and ignore the whole thing.
Ya, just forget about the whole bloody thing.
There are more to life than that.
Enjoy a good book, hug and kiss someone I love, listen or watch something wonderful.
That is what really nice about life.
Try to relax and enjoy the ride sometimes.
Really, there's more to life than thinking about what people like Najib, Anwar, Guan Eng, Hadi etc can do to, and for you.
We are after all what we make of ourselves.
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Najib backed by his VPs on Sedition Act
There has been quite a bit of hue and cry about Umno people protesting for the Sedition Act to be maintained.
The latest is Wanita Umno chief DS Shahrizat Abdul Jalil saying that the party's wing will send a petition to urge PM DS Najib Razak not to go on with the plan to have the Act either repealed or amended.
She even said that Wanita Umno will go about collecting one million signatures in the effort to "save" the Sedition Act.
If you want to know her motive, please read A Voice's
Bet some political low life will say Shahrizat getting even for NFC
Really, I would had done the same....low life or not....
Honestly, I rather wish for Wanita Umno to embark on registering one million Umno supporters as voters in preparation for the next general election instead of trying to pull such a rather silly stunt.
These efforts, supposedly to prevent the Sedition Act from being replaced by another law which could safeguard the country will not come to anything.
That's how I see it.
Because the Najib's administration will proceed with the plan to replace the Sedition Act.
There's no stopping it.
Even Shahrizat knows this. What she was doing is just wayang, I'm afraid.
Surely she knows that the top Umno leadership had already decided on this matter.
Read this NST report carefully and try to understand what Umno VP DS Hishammuddin Hussein was trying to convey, especially to Umno people:
Can't you all see that?
Hishammuddin was telling Umno people that they shouldn't worry if the Sedition Act is to be repealed or amended.
Simple isn't it?
It means that the Act is actually going to be either repealed or amended.
Well, and another Umno VP had actually told me the same too.
Yes, I'm not kidding you.
This Umno VP will come out with a statement similar to Hishammuddin's within the next few days.
The third Umno VP is also expected to do the same before the party's general assembly starts on Nov 25.
It will be a solid support for Najib by his vice-presidents.
Their message to Umno members:
Malaysia has to change with time.
All the draconian laws have to go.
Umno also has to change with time.
Without the changes the country will not be able to move forward.
That's the firm belief of the Najib's administration.
Umno members have to swallow this bitter pill.
Their president wants to take them forward.
That's how I understand it.
Oh, and I think people like Shahrizat is on her way out.
Najib has these next three years to fix things which may turn ugly for now.
He is set for his administration to be remembered in history for affecting the necessary changes which will enable the country to achieve it's developed status.
I'm fine with that.
Well, what do you expect me to say?
As if anyone can do anything about it.
Personally, I don't care too much about the Sedition Act.
If the Act is so good, why our race relations became so tense these past few years?
Honestly, I just hope they draft that proposed Harmony Act or whatever it is rather properly if they want it to replace the Sedition Act.
Otherwise, this country can get quite stuck in a really sticky mess instead of going forward as Najib intended.
Whatever it is, I will pray that Najib got it right on this.
I will pray for this country too.
The latest is Wanita Umno chief DS Shahrizat Abdul Jalil saying that the party's wing will send a petition to urge PM DS Najib Razak not to go on with the plan to have the Act either repealed or amended.
She even said that Wanita Umno will go about collecting one million signatures in the effort to "save" the Sedition Act.
If you want to know her motive, please read A Voice's
Bet some political low life will say Shahrizat getting even for NFC
Really, I would had done the same....low life or not....
Honestly, I rather wish for Wanita Umno to embark on registering one million Umno supporters as voters in preparation for the next general election instead of trying to pull such a rather silly stunt.
These efforts, supposedly to prevent the Sedition Act from being replaced by another law which could safeguard the country will not come to anything.
That's how I see it.
Because the Najib's administration will proceed with the plan to replace the Sedition Act.
There's no stopping it.
Even Shahrizat knows this. What she was doing is just wayang, I'm afraid.
Surely she knows that the top Umno leadership had already decided on this matter.
Read this NST report carefully and try to understand what Umno VP DS Hishammuddin Hussein was trying to convey, especially to Umno people:
Hisham: Umno will not stop championing Islam, Malays
KUALA LUMPUR: Any amendments to the Sedition Act or any law to replace it will not affect the core struggles of Umno, said party vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.
In an interview with TV3 during its Soal Jawab programme, Hishammuddin assured members that Umno would continue to uphold Islam, the Malays and the monarchy, amid a spate of recent controversies, including the use of the word “Allah” among non-Muslims.
Detractors of the act had called for it to be repealed after several individuals, including politicians, were charged for making allegedly seditious statements.
The government had pledged to review the act.
Hishammuddin said many had misunderstood the spirit behind the act, which aimed to maintain peace, order, mutual respect and racial harmony, in line with Article 153 of the Federal Constitution.
“Many Malays are afraid that their rights, as enshrined under Article 153, will be affected if there is a change in the act. I want to assure them that Umno will continue to defend Islam, the Malays and the royal institution.
“We have our stand and will not be affected,” he said during the interview last night.
He said some quarters were wary of losing ground following a possible amendment to the act.
“Previously, you didn’t hear of people complaining or voicing concerns.
“But today, there is the Internet. We are living in a borderless world,” he said.
On the party’s move to include a Sunni clause — the term “Sunnah Wal Jamaah” — to replace the word “Islam” in its constitution, Hishammuddin said it was to bolster efforts to promote the image of Islam and to deter misappropriation of Islamic teachings by deviant groups.
He said with the dangers propagated by the Islamic State (IS) on a global scale, Umno was doing its part to curb the spread of deviant teachings in Malaysia.
Hishammuddin said IS had attracted thousands of converts from Western countries to join its cause in the Middle East.
“The world is watching Malaysia and Umno to see our approach in presenting Islam and what can we do to promote moderation.”
Can't you all see that?
Hishammuddin was telling Umno people that they shouldn't worry if the Sedition Act is to be repealed or amended.
Simple isn't it?
It means that the Act is actually going to be either repealed or amended.
Well, and another Umno VP had actually told me the same too.
Yes, I'm not kidding you.
This Umno VP will come out with a statement similar to Hishammuddin's within the next few days.
The third Umno VP is also expected to do the same before the party's general assembly starts on Nov 25.
It will be a solid support for Najib by his vice-presidents.
Their message to Umno members:
Malaysia has to change with time.
All the draconian laws have to go.
Umno also has to change with time.
Without the changes the country will not be able to move forward.
That's the firm belief of the Najib's administration.
Umno members have to swallow this bitter pill.
Their president wants to take them forward.
That's how I understand it.
Oh, and I think people like Shahrizat is on her way out.
Najib has these next three years to fix things which may turn ugly for now.
He is set for his administration to be remembered in history for affecting the necessary changes which will enable the country to achieve it's developed status.
I'm fine with that.
Well, what do you expect me to say?
As if anyone can do anything about it.
Personally, I don't care too much about the Sedition Act.
If the Act is so good, why our race relations became so tense these past few years?
Honestly, I just hope they draft that proposed Harmony Act or whatever it is rather properly if they want it to replace the Sedition Act.
Otherwise, this country can get quite stuck in a really sticky mess instead of going forward as Najib intended.
Whatever it is, I will pray that Najib got it right on this.
I will pray for this country too.
Sunday, 9 November 2014
The beautiful Sonmi 451
Feeling nauseous and had been vomiting since yesterday.
Nope, I'm not pregnant.
I'm just feeling sickly.
Too weak even to go to a clinic.
Just been drinking a bit of ginger tea.
I'm writing this with one finger....just in case I conk out tonight....haha...
Really, I'm feeling that bad.
By the way, things are bad at my workplace too.
The bosses are telling us that they need some of us to volunteer to quit our job.
If not they are going to retrench some of us.
Never happened before in the long history of the company.
Ya, I guess things are really bad and all those talks that the economy are doing well are all lies.
Anyway, I also learned another thing from this episode.
Loyalty is an overrated virtue.
The company I work for made it clear to me that my loyalty is not appreciated.
They don't even understand what good values are all about.
Nobody seems to appreciate good values anymore these days.
It's all about who have more money...more power...
I am beginning to lose hope for this country....
Okay, maybe I'm just sick.
Need to rest.
Good night.
Saturday, 8 November 2014
Putting the bible burning issue in the right context
I have to admit that I never really like Perkasa people even from the inception of the organization as they seem to be quite an abrasive bunch.
The bad press they have been getting had also to a certain extent influenced my opinion of the Malay rights group.
Ibrahim Ali being their leader further put me off.
I never like the man since back then when he was with Umno due to his rather unpleasant personality.
Due to those factors, I have always wonder why did Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had consented to be the patron of Perkasa.
When Ibrahim became embroiled in the Malay bible issue, due to his alleged call for Muslims to burn the Christians' holy book, I was of the opinion that the guy deserved all the brick bats which came flying his way.
That was until I read this article by veteran journalist Shamsul Akmar of The Malaysian Reserve,
When context is disposable..
Honestly, I was not aware that the issue started that way.
Otherwise, my opinion of Perkasa would most likely had been less harsh.
A lesson I learned here was that I need to do a more thorough study on the origin of an issue before forming an opinion about it.
Getting things in the right context is indeed crucial.
The bad press they have been getting had also to a certain extent influenced my opinion of the Malay rights group.
Ibrahim Ali being their leader further put me off.
I never like the man since back then when he was with Umno due to his rather unpleasant personality.
Due to those factors, I have always wonder why did Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had consented to be the patron of Perkasa.
When Ibrahim became embroiled in the Malay bible issue, due to his alleged call for Muslims to burn the Christians' holy book, I was of the opinion that the guy deserved all the brick bats which came flying his way.
That was until I read this article by veteran journalist Shamsul Akmar of The Malaysian Reserve,
When context is disposable..
For context, the issue sparked several months ago when a few individuals reportedly distributed Malay-language Bibles to Muslim students in Penang in what is believed to be an attempt to proselytise them.
The matter was brought up to Perkasa to which Ibrahim said anyone receiving these Malay-language Bibles should burn them.
If that was the context, then the call is specifically for those Malay-language Bibles being distributed for proselytising purposes and not any other Bibles, be it in English, Malay or any other languages.
Then, if such call was specifically made for those ill-intended distributed Bibles are still deemed unacceptable, surely the morally upright detractors should also insist on the original provocateurs be pursued and charged for wrong doings.
But with context dismissed, the issue has now been rendered to be that of an extremist calling for the burning of Malay-language Bibles hence the criticisms on the AG for not charging Ibrahim for sedition.
And given the lack of sophistication in some of Perkasa’s leaders in articulating their views, they contributed further to their already battered image.
And with that, the “original sinners” are ignored and probably laughing away at the success of their venture to cause mischief.
Honestly, I was not aware that the issue started that way.
Otherwise, my opinion of Perkasa would most likely had been less harsh.
A lesson I learned here was that I need to do a more thorough study on the origin of an issue before forming an opinion about it.
Getting things in the right context is indeed crucial.
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