Thursday 2 May 2013

Prediction of GE13 outcome

This is my personal prediction of what will happen at national level after polling on Sunday -

1. BN wins a two, third majority.

2. The Chinese votes overwhelmingly went to DAP.

3. The Malays/bumiputera votes overwhelmingly went to BN.

4. The Indian votes mostly went to BN, which is the crucial factor enabling BN to win the two, third majority.

5. BN's Chinese component parties, the MCA and Gerakan lose all except a few of their parliamentary seats. MCA will be taken over by young leaders who try to save the BN "kongsi" formulae. Gerakan will be dissolved.

6. DAP wins almost all of the Chinese majority seats and retains Penang but with a lesser majority in the number of State assembly seats because most Malays and Indians of Penang voted for BN.

7. PKR suffers a crushing defeat and die a slow death. BN regains Selangor.

8. Pas lose Kedah to BN but retains Kelantan with razor thin majority in the State Assembly, similar to what happened in 2004.

9. The Malays/bumiputera and Indians will dominate the government while the Chinese form a block in the opposition.

10. A more racially polarized Malaysia.

And this is my prediction of the outcome of GE13 at Johor level -

1. DAP's Lim Kit Siang defeats BN's Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman in Gelang Patah by a small majority, which marks the end of the "Johor moderate way".

2. Despite DAP winning just three Chinese-majority parliamentary seats - Gelang Patah, Kulai and Bakri - Johor Umno hardens its stance on racial issues in the State.

3. Pakatan wins up to ten out of the 56 State seats with all of them being won by DAP in Chinese majority constituencies.

4. The new Johor Menteri Besar will fashion himself as an ultra Malay following Ghani being rejected by voters in Gelang Patah despite his moderate Malay ways.

5. Johor's rapid development ends.
I hope I'm wrong.


  1. which parts of your predictions that you wish to be wrong? the johor part or the national part?

    1. Quite right but at Gelang Patah once declare of DAP wins, 13th May incidence begin. And that slow down johor present rapid development for sure

    2. What are you smoking annie?

    3. I smoke Marlboro light.

    4. Its doing wonders for your perception of reality. Or lack of it rather.

    5. Sing $$$ comes to Johor, UMNO will sing jingle bell and wish every one Happy New Year. So what trouble and what hard liner. UMNO has been spending Billions on the election - fre makan, Tvs etc and need $$$ to replace. That is why there are so many Jokers in Johor and need Batman to clean up Johor City.

    6. I heard the Badmen will come from Pakatan. They will surely sweep the $$$ clean in Johor City.

    7. To UMNO they are badmen as they sweep UMNO's $$$ clean - free makan, nasi but vote PR.

  2. seems legit...

    a malay dominated government against chinese dominated opposition.

    things are going to get ugly...

    1. i wish common sense will prevails. not all chinese are anti BN. If BN manage to get 10% of chinese votes, Ghani has a chance to create an upset

    2. 10 per cent of Chinese votes is not good enough for Ghani to win.

    3. things will get interesting. the real fun starts on May 6. a Malay dominated government vs a Chinese led opposition. what a script !

    4. not even 10 percent. in fact, bn might as well had plan their strategy based on 0 percent support from chinese...

      anything more than that is a bonus.

    5. I think you're right. I've been reading all the pro and opp.blogs and I can feel the moods of the chinese voters which are sorry to say totally anti BN right now. I just hope that common sense will prevail for all the voters especially the young voters to make the right decision now.

    6. Common sense and young voters? Strange bedfellows.

    7. What chinese dominated opposition? Jibby ask help from China and Jane Bond aka Ms Yeoh chinese Wonder Women came to help? Joker to talk chinese dominated opposition trying play racists.

    8. Annie, I think your blog is firmly in the Red Bean Army's target sight now :(

      Anonymous2 May 2013 17:57

      Chinese dominated opposition=DEMOCRATIC ACTION PARTY=DAP.
      don't la buat-buat tak tahu.

  3. Can ghani get 10k chinese voters? older ones?

    1. Ghani will get more than 10k of Chinese votes, but I'm very skeptical that what he is going to get is good enough for him to win.

    2. Annie - Never mind - Ghani can apply for BRM1. I also have to apply for one.

  4. "DAP's Lim Kit Siang defeats BN's Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman in Gelang Patah by a small majority, which marks the end of the "Johor moderate way""

    This is the game changer. This will set the tone on how the Malays will view the Chinese sincerity in the kongsi formula.

    If an MB of 18 years lost to a parachute candidate, there is no other explanation other than most Chinese are actually "racist at heart"

    I hope you are wrong too Annie. I am a Malay but look like Chinese, really hate to be caught in a crossfire!

  5. Be prepared for a rough next 5 years.

    I predict a significant drop in GDP growth and more chinese will leave the country.

    Good riddance, howeve. Let the country be defended by those who reallh love it.

    1. Currently about 100k of them left the country every year.

      Hopefully 10 times more will leave this year.

    2. Hey !, that good to hear ,the lesser they are the batter that will be ,we don't want opportunist just the "cari makan type" attitude with more demanding then giving. Malaysian will be better structured society then ,where everybody will honestly taking the national pride seriously .

    3. If there is a drop in GDP, everyone will be like Pinoys and Banglas and IMF will squeeze Malaysia like Greece for all the money UMNO has been spending and giving Microsoft in the advertisement. People can eat rubber trees or palm trees?

    4. The chinese are just economic mercenaries. When the going get tough, they will seek greener pasture.
      That's why very few of them joined the army or the police. Why die for the country, leave it to the pribumi.

    5. Why not tough? China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indon, Philippines are going the same path as Malaysia. Malaysia has to compete with them and now Malaysia has to employ cheap workers. Even Indon workers are not cheap.
      Can chinese, Indians get into government unis, service? Few of them are allowed to join by UMNO even MCA and MIC has to begged. So don't talk shit.

    6. Let cockroaches leave, we're better without them anyway, and may God have mercy on the countries they infest next cos I hear the Australians and even Singaporeans are beginning to complain.

      Let them leave. Thanks to the NEP, Malays are now in a position to take over whatever gap they leave behind. We've been struggling to control the economy cos they have had a stranglehold on it for so long, we can't even win distributorship licenses. Once they leave, we'll get to show them that the idea we need the Chinese to develop this country economically is just a myth.

      The new generation of Malay entrepreneurs are as good as and sometimes even better than the Chinese. And the new Chinese generation are just as lazy as the other races they like to look down upon. And it's always the lazy ones who whine the loudest.

    7. Ramayana As good Thanks to NEP? If no NEP like others have to become cockroaches?

  6. i hope this predicition wrong on Chinese sentiment... i want to still believe there are "patriotic malaysia spirit" within Chinese community..i want to still believe it..

  7. For goodness sake, i do hope the kulai girl from dap will lose as she is useless in serdang.... We suffered so i do hope kulai will not suffer the same - she cant talk & work... Now dap is putting 'dr' ong at our place in serdang!

  8. For those who are advocating for a two party system, in the Malaysian context such possibilty will only be based on racal division. A strong Malay governing party and the Chinese opposition block.

    1. PAS and PKR are not malay base party?

    2. Yep. In their view to racialize everything, these people forget about PAS & PKR sneaking up...

    3. Who racialised by shouting "ketuanan", pendatangs and holding keris?


  10. Dear Annie.

    On Johore Level, I only agree when you opine that;

    "4. The new Johor Menteri Besar will fashion himself as an ultra Malay following Ghani being rejected by voters in Gelang Patah despite his moderate Malay ways".

    "Johor Umno hardens its stance on racial issues in the State",

    if.....DAP wins Gelang Patah, Kulai and Bakri, or other constituent where Chinese is the majority.

    However I still feel, there are more moderate Chinese (although not a member of MCA or Gerakan) out there, anywhere. Therefore, Ghani will still wins, but with small majority.

    On the national level, I agree that PKR will die a slow death, like S46.

    MCA & Gerakan will win slightly more seats than 2008. The idea that Gerakan should dissolve into MCA, is good for the Chinese community.

    BN will surely win Kedah and Kelantan. There is a 50-50 chance that Penang (don't forget Seberang Perai) would also fall back to BN, but still, I think BN can win with small majority, though.


    1. Sorry lah man, penang crowds about 10-50k per night, BN no chance

    2. So UMNO Jibby's promise of another chinese school in Johr is another LIE?

    3. why you guys so hung up Chinese schools? I thought we're all Malaysian FIRST, race second? Why not send your kids to one school where they can mix with all races?

      and they call other people racist. jeebus.

    4. Tell it to UMNO Jibby. I thought we're all Malaysian FIRST, race second? Why not send your kids to one school where they can mix with all races?
      You 3 monkeys? Chinese school allows everyone but Malay not college and UTM

  11. Most of the Chinese will vote DAP. Period. I grew up with them, 90% of the people around me (other than my own family) are Chinese. I admire them, learned from them, and I pity them for all the discrimination they have been facing.

    But one thing I can't deny - Chinese people are like the jews, as in, their survival is due to their sense of community, and for that reason, if they have to choose between someone who fights for the greater interest of their community and you, the choice is pretty obvious regardless who you are.

    I won't say they have no sense of loyalty, but the survival of their community is always their biggest priority - the reason why you can find Chinatown almost everywhere on this planet.

    1. And so should the Malays learn from the Chinese..survival of the Malays. Henceforth from the outcome, Malays should prioritize every aspect of their lives and learnt from our past...never to give an inch more those ungrateful people. Malays have been too kind, We should have been tougher and rougher and be more kiasu. ALL Malays political leaders should now come out with plans on how to raise the Malay stakes in every facet of life in this country, with Islam as our central pillar. PAS and PKR will dead and gone

    2. Yes - UMNO has wasted 50 years of tongkat NEP and needs another 50 years to become tough.

    3. Only PR can make them tough. So vote PR otherwise UMNO make them soft.

    4. If we do lose Chinese support big time in GE13, I say cut our losses. Go hardline and focus only on Malay and Indian development. We don't need the Chinese to develop. Once they vacate their monopoly on distribution and cartels, Malays can now handle it, no problem. The booming Malay IT and multimedia entrepreneurs are an indicator that Malay business minds have changed.

    5. What non-bumi monopolies? Most monopolies are already taken up by Umno Cronies. Even East Malaysia bumis have KFC bones

  12. What will happen to PAS? How come Pas was left out in your prediction? It looks that they will win big, with all the hoo haa at Putrajaya.

    1. Pas will significantly lose ground at national level. They will be totally wiped out in Johor.

  13. Very Mediocre Effort!

    Need to go back to School.

  14. tebing tinggi2 May 2013 at 12:47

    Probably not that not what DAP is planing to gain and projecting.

    1. DAP will be a leading in the UBAH government with the full force of Chinese backing and win all the seat that they are contesting with Chinese Majority.

    2, With the successful of ABU movement as projected by DAP ,where Malay vote are divided into 3 party UMNO,PAS and PKR ,UMNO only manege minimum because of the division .

    3. PKR and PAS will only manage reasonable number but will not outnumber DAP because the swing of Chinese vote to DAP as first choice.

    4 .UMNO definitely will failed to form the government ,Barisan National will be crumpling as MCA , GERAKAN ,and other non Malay base with the seat that they won will be joining DAP making DAP even greater in number where the democratic principle rightly allowed DAP to lead the new government.

    History will be created with new non Malay PM.

    5. Some state still with UMNO dominant but UMNO is an opposition at national level.

    1. DUMNO - non-malays are not approved by Sultan to be MBs. Even Sultan does not approve any Malays to be MB. So what history you are talking?

    2. History that you're probably too dumb to read up on.

      Good gawd, PR cybertroopers, just go away already. JUST GO. earn your lunch money elsewhere. argh.

    3. Sawlo - we are helping you to earn more 1Malaysia care money. The more you write good about BN, the more you get from 1 Malaysia cares. We have to donate more to PR like ceramah when we write more.

  15. I think all will come true except Ghani Othman will win in Gelang Patah.
    After GE 13, Malays and Indians can have field day.
    What ever we want will be fulfill by the BN Government.
    Time to catch up with the chinese economically has finally arrived.

    I hope the Chinese will continue with this pattern for GE 14 too.
    10 years will be enough to catch up with the chinese as Malay and Indians
    have more hardworking youngsters nowadays.

    By GE 15, the chinese will realised that working together with the Malays and Indians is
    the only way forward and thier vote will come back to BN. That time will be too late as they
    have worthy competitors in Malays and Indians.

    I hope these all will happen and others Malays and Indians can take up their place in Government as well.

    1. And I certaily do agree with you.......the last 5 years the BN govt gave more than they should to the Chinese..and more...leaving ALL the other races frustrated. Najib should by now realise, he is wooing an ungrateful crowd....the Malays have been patient, extremely patient and the Indians have been left far behind by their great time to move on, move forward. Also remember, there will be less Chinese due to their economic successes and they fell so "global" with only 1 or 2 kids. The next decade will see the Chinese forming less than 20% of the population...and will leave to the experts to manage this new found "weapon". Also I think they Chinese have almost "maxed" their political strength, being confined to the big cities and towns ...and who should form the majority then?? Experts please respond.....TQ

    2. I agree.
      By 2040, Chinese will be less than 20% in this great country of Malaysia. By that time, Malay & Bumiputra will account for almost 70% of the population. Indian will fall to around 6%. Penang state will be no Chinese majority state anymore, as well as Gelang Patah, and other Chinese majority areas.
      I take this from:

      Although it is not apparent now, the trend is going there. As it is, Chinese are at their peak in term of population and political power. In a decade, we will see the decline.
      And in a few years, most Malay will flock back to UMNO, since UMNO has learn quite a lot under Najib transformation, and they will see DAP true colours, which ain't pretty.

      I like that under Najib, BN knows that they have to be answerable to the rakyat. I believe Najib transformation will bring us forward, but then, not all want that. Such a shame...

    3. zakzak TQ for the affirmation.....and the link....with their reduced birth rates and tendency to migrate, we will have our TANAH MELAYU back. Meanwhile, Australia and New Zealand ...let this be a lesson to you. Malays were far too generous... and before you guys down-under grant them citizenship and permanent resident status...think 100 times about the implications... these slant eyes banana will bite back viciously at the hands that feed them...Mark my words...Malays have been bitten and it hurts...

    4. The Malays need another May 13 to shake them out of their slumber, especially the younger generation.

      It is sad that whatever we have built were being dismatled before our own eyes by a few evil-incarnated politicians.

      Whatever it is, the chinese had shown their true colour and they will have to pay for it. Indonesia had seen it, Fiji had seen it.

    5. Kutty asked NATO why no action in Bosnia. Why Nato - no action talk only?

    6. Will the % jump in Malay population help if the % of registered Malay voters remain unacceptably low (it is now)? What matters and counts most when PRU comes is "votes". Make it our duty to get all Malays who come of age to register with SPR.

  16. I hope you're wrong too, and for the reasons you must feel as well.

    Most people think BN supporters just want to support corruption, but most of us really just want a united Malaysia, good relations between her people, Malay+Indian+Chinese and everything in how it used to be.

    (and no PR cybertroopers, stop saying BN-UMNO is the reason we're polarized racially. With the exception of May 13, and the spats of events leading up to it, things were so good. Between 2008 till now something went so wrong.

    1. You call that BN wanting people to live together? What has UMNO been doing when leaders are hold keris - telling people they are pendatangs, who are Ketuanan, insult people religion, Indians have been stateless? East malaysia bumis are lower than those from Malaya?

    2. tebing tinggi2 May 2013 at 21:09

      Anonymus 18:08 and 18:12

      I love your style of commenting ,it's does reflex who you really, are representing ,how could Malaysian give their vote and trust when you can only highlight others wrong doing while hiding yours under your smiles .

    3. Anonymous2 May 2013 18:12

      Menghunus keris in a function is a symbolic sign. It's not meant to kill anyone. And keris holds a special meaning in Malay culture - of Malay strength and loyalty. Learn context before you comment.

      Telling people they are pendatang - Try saying that to PR leaders and ABU guys Haris Ibrahim, who had sent out letters explicitly telling 'foreign people', namely Myanmara, Bangladeshis and Indonesians to stay away. Also, implied ethnic profiling - meaning only those with BROWN FACES will be targeted. How are you going to check for those with brown faces at the polling station and say they're 'foreigners'? Talk about about racism and racial superiority.

      For Indians who have been stateless - ask Lim Guan Eng on what he did to Kampung Buah Pala, and make those poor villagers homeless. Talk about jatuh ditimpa tangga.

      East Malaysian bumis lower than those in Malaya? - we're lower if our homeland is in the valleys duh. Those staying around KK would be higher above the sea level.

      I kid. But your English is so BAD i can't stand it. Anyways, I'm an East Malaysian who had worked and stayed in Malaya for quite a while. Never felt I was treated like I was lower than anyone. Ironically the few people I met who were incredibly ignorant about Sarawak and Sabah are PAKATAN RAKYAT supporters now :)

    4. So you admit BN is doing wrong but your religion in your heart wants you to continue supporting the wrongs? Tell me what is hiding in my heart to say that?

    5. No, I think he's admitting that Pakatoon is no better and in some cases even worse.

    6. Of course there is no perfect government and people as regilion tells us. PR is very humble but BN is very arrogant and like football, not willing to admit and lose.

    7. "So you admit BN is doing wrong but your religion in your heart wants you to continue supporting the wrongs? Tell me what is hiding in my heart to say that?"

      "Of course there is no perfect government and people as regilion tells us."

      Thanks for answering your own question, moron. Kahkahkah.

  17. We have MCA saying it represent the Chinese in the government for 50+ years.All MCA do is listen to UMNO and feed on the crumbs left over by UMNO and also enriching themselves like the UMNO goons.What's the difference of having them in the government.The chinese really hope that this time god willing with the help of the malays they will have better prospects and chances in this country.At least in PR all parties are equal and no one party dominates and bully the other unlike the BN.That's why you see PR parties are not afraid to voice out their opinions and displeasures but at the end of the day the top leaders will decide on the issues.IF the malays are not ready the chinese will rather remain in the opposition..


    1. is that what DAP leaders have been telling you?

      No wonder DAP leaders have always harped on UMNO. Because it's a Malay party? Instead of attacking BN as a coalition - DAP tried to turn UMNO's partners against UMNO by whispering: why share? When you can get MORE...

      See how greedy and evil that sounds?

      That's what it really is all about isn't it?

      There's nothing equal in PR. PAS have been constantly bullied by DAP. PKR only fights for its own interest. If anything is equal, it's their thirst for power at all cost.

    2. Malaysian Malaysia = 1Malaysia

    3. The truth is MCA has done a very well for the Chinese. Just look at the number of millionaires, businesses, professionals, properties owned by Chinese, etc. Meanwhile, the only thing the DAP is doing is to sow discord among the races. If the Chinese wanted to be in the opposition, it will be their own loss.

    4. That is why these people vote for MCA. You think all chinese are millionaires, businesses, professionals, properties owned by Chinese, etc? Meanwhile, the only thing the BN is doing is to sow discord among the races.

    5. Anonymous2 May 2013 14:16,

      OK, this is annoying because I keep hearing the same word over and over again.

      I think the correct word is "Kali ini lah" not "Ini kali lah". This is why we should abolish Chinese schools. Just see how many chinese in this country who can speak proper Bahasa Malaysia.

      Anyway, even my Indonesian Chinese friends are laughing at Malaysian Chinese, the chinese here keep barking for equality and asking to be treated like one of us Bumis but cannot even speak Bahasa. Sungguh memalukan dan tak sedar diri.

      I read something really funny on FB today. To identify a foreigner voting on 5/5, try to ask some questions in BM, if the person is having a problem replying, that person must be a foreigner and PR supporter should alarm ABU at the polling station. It's hilarious to think that the person who is asking also cannot speak BM properly..just be careful yeah not to be mistaken as pendatang..hahahaha

      Change government? LAIN KALI LAH

  18. The grim reality is that Chinese will lose out, no matter which way the result goes.

    Stats and facts don't lie. Muslims contest the majority of seats. If BN wins and Chinese votes go to oppo, they will have a major problem with MCA quitting cabinet and remain a sitting duck.

    If PR wins, PAS won't give face to DAP and possibly form a unity government with UMNO, having Hadi as PM and Muhyiddin as DPM. UMNO shall let whatever PAS wants them to do. UMNO just need to ensure the Sabah and Sarawak parties left untouched

    1. you gotta be kidding if you think PAS have any power to tell DAP what to do. PAS never had any clout to do anything in that capacity, never.

      The strongest component party in PR now is DAP - they control Penang, a rich state with its own port, they hold much of Selangor, and so far - they don't have any leaders laden with scandal-baggage in their repertoire. I believe they have enough dirt on Anwar to rein him in, or to bury him. DAP had always played their cards right. With most if not all of the Chinese support going to them - they're reaping the benefit.

    2. Penang Port is own by UMNO Government and sell to Syed like Johor Port

    3. please read history. Syed Bukhary did a LOT for the country in building and taking care of the port. Did you know he managed to get Maersk away from Singapore to set up port in Tanjung Pelepas? Did you know he built the Islamic Museum in KL as a gift to the country? Did you know when the financial crisis struck in 1997, instead of taking their business overseas like lots of other businesmen did where it'll be more lucrative because of our falling currency - he stayed to help inject more money into the Malaysian economy, as well as for the sake of the workers in his companies? He lost billions during the time, but stayed to help stabilise the country's economy.

      No wonder you guys hate him so much. A good man like that only serves to make the rest of you look so bad.

  19. Annie,

    I am a Malaysian of Chinese descent and I will give my support to Najib and BN, whoever the candidate, mainly because the alternative is simply untenable. Deep in my heart, I know Abd Ghani will win despite Kit having such an aura about him. I know Kit has the interests of Malaysians like me at heart ( bless him ) but he has to know that the spirit of "kongsi" is vital if Malaysia is to survive, and survive we must. Let me just put it this way. Najib's plans are workable for the continued peace and prosperity of Malaysia. Pakatan's plans are not.

    1. What kongsi? Who is the boss in BN? Why people like to go to Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Kuala Lumpur. No peace in those places rule by PR?

    2. No boss in BN. Who is the boss in DAP? for 50 plus years already, always Lim Kit Siang, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Kit Siang. Tak pernah UBAH punnn

    3. Boss Kit Siang has been in power for 50+ years and counting. Once he's out as in dead, the son Guan Eng will succeed him for the next 50+ much for meritocracy at last it's still family and friends first. What a bunch of clowns.

  20. My prediction : A hung Parliament.
    In this case, all pre election agreement are broken. Every party for themselves. UMNO, seeking survival will invite PAS to join a unity government. Promising cushy positions and Shariah law. MCA left with nothing, objected but fall to UMNO deaf ears. Thay left the coalition.
    DAP win big but still a loser. 'Operation succesful, patient died on operating table'. PKR ceased to be relevant. PAS the biggest beneficiaries despite losing big.

    Anwar has a new career. He teach 'proctology' at Harvard to young effeminate male students.

    1. Annie, RD, IT Shiess, Tebing Tinggi and UMNO, MCA loves PAS huduh law when PAS forms unity government with UMNO.

    2. Latest I heard PAS is pulling out of Pakatan. Most probably this Saturday May 4. Therefore, there is no way they can implement Hudud on their own.

      This revived 'PAS lama?' will be headed by Nasarudin, Hasan Ali and another person whom I forget. (The current PAS, even Harakah is infested with Rear Admiral's people).

      I will never support PAS version of Hudud. If their intention is genuine, Mustapha Ali would likely be stoned to death, already.


    3. Rabbit.

      3 month ago, I have the same opinion as yours, but now 2 day to polling, I think BN will win with 2/3 majority. MCA & Gerakan achieve better result than 2008, thanks partly, to the Indian voters.

      Yes the Rear Admiral will be teaching proctology (field of study related to the human anus or rectum) not in Harvard, but somewhere in France.


    4. Last time I heard that UMNO is pulling out of BN and elecion just a day before polling caught for flying aeroplanes bringing in pendatangs to help them.

  21. I am a Chinese but I have a lot of Malay friends who are very friendly, humble and well mannered. I and very sad that Lim Kit Siang had destroyed our racial harmony by creating this politics of hate to the Chinese community. No wonder he is implicated in the May 13 incident.

  22. Fuyoh Annie... so clever lah you, boleh tolong kasi predict 4 nombor ekor toto magnum kah ?


    1. Let me Annie.....1144..everday die die....surely hope you win 'red bean'

  23. My prediction for Johor - Ghani will lose. The next MB can't afford to be an ultra because most Johor seats are mixed and this wold be a disaster for the next GE as well as hopes of any investment in the State. So following this GE, BN will need to take a long hard look at what it needs to do to win over the Chinese again. More love and more understanding, the flower power age will be upon us.

    1. Sorry to disappoint you. Ghani is the most Chinese-accomodating Johor MB there will ever be. He was even recently branded as a Malay traitor by pro-Umno bloggers for being too nice to the Chinese. If he fails to convince the Gelang Patah Chinese that they should choose someone with a good track record instead of just because they want a Chinese as their leader, than I doubt the next MB will try that again. Fyi, there is less than half of the so- called mixed and Chinese State seats in Johor.

    2. I beg to differ Annie,..Gelang Patah will see Ghani wins as d big crowd present are chinese who went to see d last of LKS's antics n lies,..jst like going to see d opera n on d voting day dey will choose Ghani,..hehehe,..wat else can I say,..(,")

    3. I am of the same opinion with Annie. If Ghani loses, so will the Chinese. Even now the Malays are already thinking, if the Chinese don't support us, then why do we even want to waste time on them?

      Enough pandering to people who keep biting the hand that feeds them. Kick the Chinese businessmen out: Malays can now manage the economy that the Chinese businesses will leave.

  24. Annie, the battle is not over until it is over. The DAP crowd is indeed intimidating but God willing, Ghani will prevail. I have faith in him.

  25. DAP is a chauvinist and racist party. They accused UMNO to be racist but DAP is even worst. Almost all of their campaigns are conducted in Mandarin and their election banners as well. Other races, it seems to be treated as second class citizen even before they in power.

    1. Iphone and Microsoft are racist Americans. Why their products and manuals are in English? Why Internet are also in mainly English? Also ubat untuk kesihatan are also in English? They are real racists.

  26. Annie, I read your posting since the nomination days till the last 2 days of campaign, overall what you wrote is 90% accurate. Why I say that, your view in non partisan and neutral while my job is to analyze all blogs in the net.

    Pity on Chinese , they will caught in the cross fire between DAP and BN in overall, this will bring a massive damage to the Chinese in Malaysia, no matter where they migrate , there always a percentage of Chinese that will stay in Malaysia.

    DAP will and has bring damage to the Chinese community and the fraction between PAS and PKR doesn't help Chinese at all to win all the parliament seats and cant even make up the government.That is the biggest flaw in the pakatan coalition.

    Again , I stress, Chinese will definitely back for DAP at almost 99%, this are very dangerous move for the Chinese which signal to Malays, Chinese are definitely hate Malays and try to overight the jus soli soul that given out 50 years ago to them.

    To Indian and Malays , you guys will get along very nice and pushing chinese back to the non urban areas, and slowly the rubber estate will be full with Chinese people to survive. Chinese shop will deserted by Malays and more Malays and Indian entrepreneur born after GE13. This is no joke, this is a domino theory after GE13.

    What is tear my eyes is, DAP has kill the harmony of gongxi raya spirit and they have to pay a high price of it.Well, not all Singapore intel data are suitable for DAP, and for this time for Chinese it is late to learn from mistakes.

    1. Why wait after ge13, I have already started buy chinese last. All the chinese salesman get from me is a quote "uncle lim suruh UBAH".

    2. Great, got to close my HLB account and move to Bank Islam.

    3. Also close my Bank Islam and moves to HLB

    4. Why don't you move too?

      Singapore can give you better interest rate or maybe to Hong Kong?

    5. Agreed. I have already stopped buying even prepaid cards and newspapers from Chinese shops. It's not a case of Buy Malay First, it's more of Buy Chinese Last, If At All.

      The Chinese will rue the day they became racists.

    6. Me too. I stop all my tailoring request from my current chinese tailor. Every salesperson I look for is non-chinese (doesnt matter any race, but not chinese). Heck the chinese coffee shop that i go to almost everyday, i despise just by looking at it. Truthfully, I really think chinese (generally excluding 1% of non typical chinese) are a bunch of greedy human and not able to live in a multiracial country without claiming their chinese supremacy. Maybe the sentence chinese go back to china is right. Over there, it is sure hell is chinese supremacy.

  27. A strong DAP backed by the majority of the Chinese Malaysian, will definitely make UMNO more racist.

    Even Najib will be thrown out by UMNO member if he try to make and kiss with chinese anymore after the election...mark my word...any UMNO leader try to 'kipas' any bontot Cina...will be kick out by the member of UMNO and the Malay community.

    1. yada yada yada... always umno the racist.

      look in the mirror man, you can see a shiny reflection of a true racists.

    2. I'm a malay but not an UMNO member. Come tomorrow, I will vote 2 chinese guys to be my MP and ADUN. This is the kongsi formula professed by BN. If the Chinese rejected this formula tomorrow, maybe I really should look into a mirror and decide whether I would be better off making decisions based on race.

  28. Anon 15:24.

    I think this will be very good for the country. Malaysia need to project its image as "Malay"sia, not an oveseas chinese bastion.

    We need Malaysian to be loyal to the country, not as a piece of land to be bleed dry and the left.

    Najib should go too. Rosmahn botox and hermes, is too much of a liability. Unthinkabke that he dare to ditch her for the good of the country.

    Looking forward to this.

  29. What else is new la...

  30. my prediction base on numerology shows - BN 5vs7- indicate sadness,
    PR 6vs7 indicate success.BN influenced by the moon-fast growth and quick fall.Malaysian will have new gov on 6/5/2013.TQ

  31. Great views
    hope every one is right
    god bless malaysia
    let the corrupted ones redeem themselves
    oh god dont let the clean ones (dap,pas,pkr etc) become corrupted

    1. That means Anwar, Nik Aziz and Lim Guan Eng are out then? Great news! Let's pray for that.
