Thursday 31 July 2014

Back to work

Have to cut short my Raya holiday.

Something comes up and I have to immediately get back to work.

It's going to be quite busy for me over the coming days.

I may even have to slow down a bit on blogging for the time being.

As of now, the really big thing brewing is the situation in Selangor where Pas' support for Menteri Besar TS Abdul Khalid Ibrahim may signals the demise of Pakatan or at least the political career of DS Anwar Ibrahim.

The situation is getting hotter.

I would like to suggest for everyone to follow the development of that issue.

Please get updates of the issue from other reliable sources as I may not be able to provide the latest due to my possibly hectic work schedule over the coming days.

Well, that's all for now.

Need to get ready for work tomorrow.

Be cheerful, okay. I leave you all with a bit of nice music,

Wednesday 30 July 2014

A fight Singapore cannot win

Some feel that it's shaping up into another tit-for-tat between Malaysia and Singapore.

Senior blogger Apanama is apparently one of them. You can read his take on the matter here,

Singapore threatens Malaysia… again?

I'm on the other hand believe that it is not going to be the case.

This is so because I believe the Singaporeans are not stupid.

My bet is that there are many more Singaporean registered cars plying the Causeway than those of Malaysia.

I believe it will still be so even if the costs of driving across the Causeway increase by 10 times.

So, if there is an increase in toll charges on their side, the ones who are going to bear the brunt will mostly be Singaporeans, not Malaysians.

Singaporeans simply just need the space Malaysia provides.

As I had previously argued, Malaysians who will mostly suffer from the toll hike are only those who drive to work in the island republic.

As for all those vegetables lorries and other Malaysian vehicles carrying essential goods into the republic, any additional cost due to the toll hike will likely be passed on to Singaporean consumers.

In short, if there is going to be a tit-for-tat over the cost of traveling across the Causeway, the Singaporeans are the ones who are going to be worse off.

I believe the Malaysian government had taken this into account before deciding on imposing the VEP and additional toll charges at the Causeway.

Still, I hope Malaysian officials and their Singaporean counterparts could meet to discuss the matter and made each other understood and find a common ground for the benefit of people on both sides.

I do not like the idea of another round of Malaysia-Singapore hostilities.

Both countries had done well to improve relations over the past years and it would be a pity if relations deteriorate again.

I never consider myself anti-Singapore despite numerous irritating things the government of that island did in the past.

Many of my loved ones are Singaporeans and Malaysians living there.

I hope the Singaporeans could for once tone down a bit on their kiasu arrogance and admit that there are instances where they cannot win going against Malaysians.

This is one of them.

Okay, I know the Singaporeans need to save face and try to sound tough when they said they are going to retaliate on the toll charges, but seriously, this is one fight that they cannot win by playing tough.

Singapore need to remember that they are not actually Israel.

What? You are angry with Malaysia for charging your people more for driving across the Causeway and in response to that you want to charge your people even more? Don't be stupid, okay.

Better for you all to get your truly handsome Hsein Loong to talk with his friend Najib so that the whole thing doesn't affect our bilateral relations.

Anyway, I really hate the idea that some Malaysian crooks, particularly those in Johor using a potential tit-for-tat between the two countries to divert attention from their nefarious agenda.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

About EDL, haze and Empress Ki

First, let me write a bit about the Eastern Dispersal Link (EDL) issue in JB.

You can read the news at Bee Kim's blog here,

New Toll Fee System at CIQ

There has been quite an outcry over the new toll charges at the Causeway,

One of the complaints was that the BN government had before the last general election promised to buy the EDL highway from MRCB and make it toll free.

The promise was made despite the initial proposed toll charges being meant only for vehicles coming from Singapore.

As far as Malaysians are concerned, the toll hike primarily affects those who everyday drives to work in Singapore from JB.

I don't think others who occasionally drives through from either sides of the Causeway are going to really feel it too much.

It's a fact that this group of people who can afford to drive into Singapore to work there instead of riding a motorcycle or took the bus are mostly Chinese with relatively good job in the island republic.

Bear in mind that the promise by BN was made at a time when the ruling coalition was bending backward to please the Chinese community.

The outcome of GE13, however, suggested that no matter what BN do for the Chinese community will never be appreciated by them.

All 14 Chinese majority State constituencies in Johor went to DAP.

BN leaders such as former MB Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman who had done a lot for the Chinese community in Johor got burned at the polls. That despite promises by his old Chinese friends that he would get their support.

Now, I guess the Malay-dominated BN government has become smarter. Enough of trying too hard to please the Chinese community.

Just be fair to them. That is good enough.

After all, it was silly to spend so much money to buy a highway and make it toll free just to please a handful of well-off people who could afford to drive to work in Singapore.

Really, if you drive along the EDL in JB without going into Singapore, it's free.

So, I don't know what the so much fuss is all about.

Pulai MP DS Nur Jazlan Mohamed was among the angriest.

You can read about it at Outside the Box's,

Jom Menyusahkan Manusia : Raise Toll Ok But Why 400%?

What's wrong Jazlan? So many of your constituents drives to work in Singapore is it? Do you think they will appreciate you and BN if there is no toll at the Causeway?

Well, I don't think so.

Anyway, if you think the toll charges at the Causeway is now too expensive, I would like to suggest for you to try going through the Second Link instead. I think it's about the same, plus it's not so congested there.

Okay, enough of that. As if MRCB or BN pay me to defend them....

Today is the second Hari Raya.

Someone actually asked me out but I declined.

Why the hell would I want to go to Sunway Lagoon with him on a day like this.

I rather continue sleeping at home.

Anyway, the haze is so bad here that I don't really feel like going outdoor.

I think the haze has become a permanent feature of our KL environment.

Whenever I go outside these days, I put on a surgical mask.

Almost every weekend now, I would drive out of KL to get a proper breather.

My favorite is either Cameron Highlands or the East Coast.

But today, I think I just want to rest at home and continue watching some Korean drama.

I am a bit hooked on these Korean dramas.

They got the winning formulae, especially for girls.

Most of the story line have it that there is a beautiful girl whose love is being sought after by at least two men.

Girls love to fantasize about that sorts of nonsense. Myself included....hahaha.

At the moment I am watching Empress Ki at Episode 22. The serial has more than 50 episodes.

It's about this girl who had the emperor of China and king of Korea, both dying for her love.

Well, what more could a girl ask for isn't it?

And the girl was not even that pretty.

I think the guy who played the Chinese emperor was prettier and more girlish than her.

All not so pretty girls like myself would love to watch this drama.

You can actually just watch it at YouTube.

Okay....enough of my nonsense rambling.

I need to go to toilet now for big business.

It's all those Hari Raya spicy food that I have been eating since yesterday.

See you all later.....

Monday 28 July 2014

A Raya morning prayer

It's not yet 5am as I'm writing this.

Earlier, woke up automatically for sahur only to realize that it's pagi Raya.

Can't go back to sleep.

I don't think it's going to be much of a Raya for me this year.

It has been like that for a few years now.

I just go through the routine.

Later, after doing all the necessary, I will get dressed up in my baju kurung and do the ritual of beraya with my parents.

Kiss the hands of my father and mother while asking their forgiveness for whatever offense I had cause them.

Actually it's a good practice as I think I offended my parents quite a lot, especially my mother.

As I had previously said, I am not a good girl.

It's also always nice to once in a while see my mother all dressed up in baju kurung and demure with my father.

Normally, she is always the garang Chinese wife.

Well, later I think I am going to rest the whole day.

I am not too much into the habit of going Hari Raya at my friends' and acquaintances' house.

Some may accuse me of being an anti-social but I think everyone should just spend time with their family on the first Raya.

Just relaxing at home is nice, okay.

Being comfortable and cosy with one's own family on such a special day is the best for me.

Actually, I can't remember the last time that I attended a Hari Raya open house.

Well, not many Raya open houses this year anyway.

The government had more or less canceled all of their's due to the MH17 tragedy.

Yes, there have been too many tragedies this year.

It's just not appropriate to be too joyful even on Hari Raya.

There were even tragedies on the political front.

The biggest should be the one hitting opposition leader DS Anwar Ibrahim over the past two days.

First, Pas president DS Abdul Hadi Awang said he is backing TS Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, thus thwarting Anwar's attempt to install his wife DS Dr Wan Azizah Ismail as Selangor MB.

Then yesterday, on Raya eve, Pas spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat gave Anwar the coup de grace by saying that he is backing Hadi's decision.

The Anwaristas in Pas, led by the likes of Mat Sabu, Husam, Mahfuz etc were totally checkmated.

This is going to be the worst Hari Raya for Anwar in a very long time.

With the pending decision of his final appeal against the sodomy conviction still hanging in balance, Anwar must be feeling really lousy now that the Pas leadership had clearly deserted him.

DAP has suddenly gone quiet.

They know that Pakatan will split up if Pas continue to assert itself and refuse to play the part of a junior partner in the coalition.

The DAP leaders must be scrambling to get themselves into baju melayu and baju kurung for visits to Pas leaders' homes during this Hari Raya.

DAP people knew that it is up to them now to salvage the situation.

PKR is too messed up even to save themselves while Pas appeared not to give much of a shit anymore about the whole thing.

If Pakatan breaks up, I think DAP knew it will be the start of a scary new Malay unity for them to fight.

The worst case scenario for them - Pas working together with Umno.

If that happens, the real loser will be the Chinese community who had mostly thrown their lot with DAP in the belief that they are the king makers in Malaysian politics as seen in the GE13 last year.

Honestly, I am also scared of the prospect of a super powerful united Malay front, similar to the united Chinese community support for DAP now.

I do wish for a more united Malay community, but not the way it is shaping up now.

A united Malay gang on one side and a much smaller united Chinese gang on the other.

With the Malay and Islamist hardliners on the rise, things can get nasty real quick.

All those DAP's rhetorics about the more prosperous minority Chinese being oppressed in this country may actually come true.

Remember Lim Guan Eng's "We are second, third, fourth, fifth class citizens...." rhetorics. Well, that's going to come back and bite your ass off Guan Eng.

I hope the Chinese will realize that going the arrogant DAP's way was wrong.

That is actually my Raya morning prayer.

Really, despite the DAP cybertroopers accusing me of being an anti-Chinese racist, I sincerely don't want their Chinese community to suffer for foolishly believing in that immature daddy's boy Guan Eng and his evangelical banana church gang.

Anyway, I do love the Chinese side of myself.

Always has and always will.

Selamat Hari Raya.

Maaf Zahir Batin.

Saturday 26 July 2014

Hadi's special Raya present to Anwar

So, Pas president DS Abdul Hadi Awang had dropped a bomb shell yesterday.

He doesn't want DS Abdul Khalid Ibrahim to be removed as Selangor MB.

And the result of it was obvious :

Rift Widens As Hadi Backs Khalid

No wonder Hadi was not present at the Pakatan's presidential council meeting on Tuesday.

Opposition leader DS Anwar Ibrahim had tried to use that meeting to show that all Pakatan parties are united in wanting his wife DS Dr Wan Azizah Ismail as the new Selangor MB and Khalid to be ousted.

Today, the Pakatan camp appeared to be still reeling from the Hadi's upper cut which seems had floored Anwar and practically destroyed his Selangor dream.

Their news portals were scrambling to put up headlines such as these to limit the damage,

Hadi's support for Khalid is not PAS's stand, Mat Sabu says

Is Hadi using S'gor MB tussle as a personal bargaining tool? 

But seriously, what is Hadi trying to do by backing Khalid?

I had given it some thoughts and here is my top 10 likely reasons why he decided to risk breaking up Pakatan by not giving way to Anwar's plotting against Khalid :

1. He knows the PKR sharks are waiting to pounce on all those lucrative contracts and other whats-not in Selangor once the follow-the-book Khalid is gone.

2. Anwar will have a hell of a party in Selangor once his wife, who is living under his thumbs became Menteri Besar.

3. The DAP evangelists will have full freedom to do what ever they want in Selangor if Khalid is removed. Issues such as the bibles seizure will go the evangelists' way and this will make Pas people look really dumb.

4. Pas will lose what ever left of its credibility as a party which supposed to be the defender of Islam because a Selangor government under Dr Wan Azizah will likely be more pro-DAP than pro-Pas.

5. Pas has everything to lose if the Malays in Selangor were not happy with the change of State government leadership while DAP will strengthen its position as the Chinese community will continue to vote for them no matter what kind of shit they do.

6. Hadi must had realized that the Pas' non-ulama faction led by Mat Sabu, who are backing Anwar's move will become more powerful than that of the ulama faction which he is a part of, if they get their way in Selangor.

7. Now that Pas' mursyidul am Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat is more or less retired. Hadi may feel that it's better to be friendlier with Umno than DAP, which clearly objects to Pas' struggles and PKR, which from day-to-day proved itself to be worse than Umno.

8. Hadi was probably irked that Anwar had meddled in the internal matters of Pas by planting his agents known as Anwaristas within the party's ranks. Mat Sabu and the gang even appeared to be living in Anwar's pocket by agreeing to all his whims and fancies. Hadi probably thinks that the Selangor crisis is the best opportunity for him to tell Anwar and his fanboys in Pas to f#*k off.

9. Hadi may likely has become smarter and realized that there is no future for Pas if it continues working with DAP. DAP's ultimate aim is after all to dominate everyone the way its Singaporean parent PAP did on that tiny island down south. Backing Khalid is probably the best way Pas could assert its power in face of the DAP's arrogance.

10. Hadi cannot tahan the pig smell in Pakatan anymore.

Saying it NICE like Anas Zubedy

Can't sleep and ended surfing the net.

Found at Anas Zubedy's blog that he is inviting Malaysians to say something nice.

He calls it,

#SaySomethingNice Campaign 2014 

Anas Zubedy is a handsome, a bit Mat Salleh Bangsar looking fan of The Star, that pro-DAP MCA owned newspaper.

He has the habit of buying expensive advertisements at that newspaper to display nice slogans, such as those Bangsa Malaysia stuff to make us Malaysians feel warm and fuzzy.

I guess he must be a very nice fella.

Well, I also guess that I am not much of a good Malaysian by his standard as I actually always feel like vomiting reading those Bangsa Malaysia slogans.

It's the hypocrisy that I can't stand.

Well, at least that's how I see it.

If I remember it correctly, the whole campaign (or is it campaigns) was actually initiated when The Star was making the effort to appease the Malays after they were hit by the Chinese tsunami of GE13 last year.

The Star, as far as I am concerned played a significant role in initiating the Chinese tsunami by helping the DAP's campaign to inflame the Chinese community against the Malay-led Barisan Nasional government.

Bangsa Malaysia.....hmmmmm

Here is my take on the concept of Bangsa Malaysia which is being bandied by people like Anas Zubedy in that backstabbing The Star (please check Helen Ang's blog for better understanding of that backstabbing bit),

Bangsa Malaysia bullshit

Well, never mind, since I got nothing better to do as I can't sleep, I think I want to try this "say something nice" campaign by Anas Zubedy.

How about this,

"Israelis are murderous bastards and their DAP evangelical Zionist supporters are so full of hypocritical shit for wearing tudung to mosques to dupe the Muslims in this country."

How about that Anas? Nice or not?

Or how about this,

"Liberal Malays who think that supporting DAP is cute are so full of shit."

Hmmm...I am already feeling warm and fuzzy.

Maybe I can now try going to sleep again.

If you want to feel warm and fuzzy too, please read my last posting,

Christian Zionism in Malaysia

That should explain why I said all those nice words.


I am a bitch, you said?

Ya ya ya...I know, I am the nasty racist sepet Sino-Malay bitch and Anas Zubedy is the good handsome Mat Salleh looking Bangsa Malaysia boy.

I am fine with that.

Oh, by the way, the Gaza Palestinian death toll as I am writing this had further increased to 840.

You can read about it here,

Gaza death toll rises amid diplomatic push

Friday 25 July 2014

Christian Zionism in Malaysia

Helen posted this about two hours ago,

Palestinian dead and the hypocritical living

Helen was as usual trying to tell the Muslims, particularly the Malays not to be conned by the DAP evangelist Hannah Yeoh and her gang.

I hope Helen doesn't mind me simplifying her message here for the benefit of the intended audience.

Hannah Yeoh ni sebenarnya depan kita je baik sebab nak suruh orang Islam sokong parti Kristian dia DAP.

Dia tweet konon-konon simpati kat orang Islam Palestine yang kena bunuh kat Gaza,

tapi tak  sekali pun sebut yang dia simpati tu ialah orang Islam Palastine.

It's another one of Hannah Yeoh's con artist tricks, similar to her wearing tudung and going to mosques to show how Islam friendly her party and herself are.

It's something like what the Americans and other supporters of Israel do to show that they are humane while continuing to support the murderous Israelis.

They will condemn the violence but will not condemn the Israelis who commit the violence.

Do you know why evengelists such as Hannah Yeoh and others of her kind in DAP will never condemn Israel for being more barbaric than the Nazi?

If you don't, then read this,

Christian Zionism

Don't be scared to read it as it's just an article in Wikipedia and not some Islamic nut case propaganda manual.

If you are still not convinced, then read what the Islam hating evangelical American preacher Pat Robertson has to say about the whole thing,

Why Evangelical Christians Support Israel 

Really, I am not kidding you.

The evangelical Christians believe that it's okay for the Israelis to kill the Palastinians because the Jews are the chosen people.

These evangelical Christians include all those DAP leaders such as Hannah Yeoh, Theresa Kok, Ong Kiang Ming, Teo Ni Ching and many others.

I even suspect handsome boy Guan Eng to be among them.

Well, I hope some Pas people will leave their comments in this posting to refute what I wrote here.

It will be fun to read them go on the defense of their allies, the Christian Zionists of DAP.

Meanwhile, as Muslims elsewhere are preparing for Hari Raya Aidilfitri, the death toll in Gaza continues to increase and as at the moment I am writing this it stood at 762.

You can read about it here,

At least 15 killed by shelling of Gaza school; toll exceeds 760

Thursday 24 July 2014

A ketupat story

It's a few days more before Hari Raya.

Somehow, at the moment I don't really feel very enthusiastic about it.

Maybe it got something to do with the gloomy atmosphere following the MH17 tragedy and the yet to be solved MH370 fatal mystery.

Or maybe it's because of my worries over Johor.

I don't know.

Except for the new baju kurung bought for me by my friend Aisya, there was nothing else in term of my preparations for Hari Raya.

I need to later buy a matching selendang to go with that attire though.

Well, I will dress myself up in the baju kurung to look a bit like a proper Malay girl and kiss my father's hands on pagi Raya.

My mother don't really care much about all that but she will also be there.

I know that she will, as always, put up a show for my father to make him happy.

Hari Raya is the only time she ever try to pretend to be a bit of a Malay, wearing a baju kurung and speaks more in Bahasa around the house.

I also play along.

We will even cook some ketupat.

My mother learned to weave the ketupat from a friend a few years back. She would purposely put up a show of weaving them in front of my father in the kitchen a day before Raya so he can have a bit of suasana Hari Raya.

My mother said it makes a lot of difference between weaving the ketupat ourselves rather then buying the already made ones at the market. Having the instant ketupat in plastic bag like many do nowadays is a complete NO for my mother.

I tried to learn weaving ketupat from her over the past few Hari Raya but is still struggling with it.

Nonetheless, it's quite fun doing it with my mother.

My mother had also practiced cooking rendang but I believe it was of much less success. Her rendang, despite her best effort, is still rather not good.

Sometimes I think she is going overboard with trying to please my father for Hari Raya.

The other day she told me to get rid of the red color of my dyed hair.

"You don't want to look like a Chinese harlot on Hari Raya, okay," she said.


But still, I think she got a point there. Had set up appointment to re-do my hair for tomorrow.

Anyway, I am not going to balik kampung.

My father's side of the family are all living in KL now. No one left in our hometown Kluang.

It's a bit sad.

My Malay grandmother passed away before I was born while my grandfather, a few years ago.

The old kampung house was sold off as there was no one to look after it.

I remember the house well as I enjoyed it every time my father took me there when I was a little girl.

There were several rambutan and cempedak trees around the house.

My father was always in charge of cooking the ketupat, using a makeshift stove outside the house, fueled by wood collected from a nearby rubber small holding.

He would stay up the whole night to make sure the ketupat were properly cooked.

It was a lot of fun. A bit like a camp fire. I remember playing bunga api with my cousins, running around the series of lampu minyak tanah put up by my grandfather around the courtyard.

My aunts and uncles would also be there, working together to prepare the food for the big day.

All that seems such a long time ago.

I guess, things have to change with time....sometimes not for the better.

Anyway, no politics or serious stuff for today.

I am tired of them all....for now.

Just want to relax and try to hype myself up a bit for Raya.

A gloomy Raya, we don't want, right?

Well, hope you all have a good suasana Aidilfitri over the coming days, okay.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Malaysia must keep its cool

I have so far refrained from writing too much about the MH17 tragedy because I want to wait for the investigators to complete their job and come out with a solid conclusion.

As PM DS Najib Razak said on the first day of the incident, Malaysia does not wish to point fingers at the culprit behind the incident, if any, before the investigation had been completed.

Najib clearly wants our country to be known as a responsible nation.

Despite repeated accusations by the US and its allies that the Russian-backed separatists and Russia itself were responsible for firing the BUK anti-aircraft missile which allegedly destroyed the plane, Malaysia had remained completely neutral.

It was the key to the success of Najib and Foreign Minister DS Anifah Aman, along with the Malaysian team in Ukraine in securing the return of the black boxes and remains of the victims.

But yesterday, several hundreds people, primarily organized by Umno Youth loudly demonstrated in front of the Russian and Ukrainian embassies to demand justice for the victims.

They claimed that their motives were non-political.

However, since they were indeed mostly members of political parties, it's inevitable that they would be perceived to have done so to further their political interests.

Personally, I do not understand what they really hope to achieve by doing such things.

Does shouting and carrying placards in front of the embassies help in bringing justice for the victims of the tragedy?

Or is it by doing so, it will uplift the profile of the protesters themselves , especially the leaders?

Okay, maybe they can get their antics into the world news, but what are the consequences?

I am of the opinion that such demonstrations would only be manipulated by the Western media and their masters.

Here is one of the headlines by them,

MH17: 'You killed 298 people, Russia. We demand the truth'

Such reports made it as if Malaysia had already concluded who shot down the plane.


The organisers, members of the youth wing of Unmo, Malaysia’s ruling party, insisted their demonstration was not political.
Yet having received tacit support from Malaysia’s leaders the protest was precisely that. Black-clad demonstrators came on specially chartered coaches to send Moscow the message that Malaysia’s politicians have so far felt unable to publicly deliver themselves.

Did the protesters really receive tacit support from the Najib's administration to point fingers at the Russians, just a day after its success in negotiating with the pro-Russian separatists for the return of the black boxes and remains of the victims?

I don't think so.

I believe reports such as this are attempts to draw our country into the geo-political conflict which we are for now rightfully trying hard to remain neutral.

The US and its allies had from the start of the tragedy directly blamed Russia, accusing it of supplying the Ukrainian separatists with the BUK missiles.

Russia had repeatedly denied this.

Now, if a Malaysian mob, allegedly supported by the ruling government, had directly pointed their fingers at Russia, then it's going to be perceived that Malaysia itself had sided with the West on this matter.

It definitely had damaged the country's neutrality and the much praised Najib's "quiet diplomacy" had been torpedoed.

I therefore strongly believe that such demonstrations don't serve any purpose other than serving the interests of US and its allies.....and maybe getting certain individuals having their faces seen in foreign media coverage.

I doubt that justice for the victims of MH17 tragedy would be served in any way by such demonstrations.

We need to be smart and not be manipulated by others.

Malaysia had handled this tragedy relatively well since day one.

Our authorities have definitely learned well from the earlier MH370 tragedy.

Let's not spoil it.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Si-young better than husband and wife nonsense (updated)

For the person who asked me to convey his/her message to a former classmate regarding the arrangement for victims of the MH17 tragedy, the reply from the former classmate  was that "MAS will be responsible for all."


A few hours ago, PKR boss DS Anwar Ibrahim announced that the party is going to appoint his wife DS Dr Wan Azizah Ismail as the new Selangor menteri besar or something to that effect.

This is via NST SMS alert:

NST 22/07: PKR named Wan Azizah as the next Selangor Menteri Besar at the supreme council meeting tonight.

So, Anwar's wife is to replace the supposedly PKR's super clean and efficient menteri besar TS Khalid Ibrahim.

I guess Khalid is to be replaced by the wife of the party's boss because he is too clean and efficient. PKR people probably can't make money because of that.

I am sure Malaysians don't mind that Anwar is telling the world that his party wants his wife to be the MB of the richest state in Malaysia.

Only he can pull such a stunt.

I hope Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng will not try to do something similar.

Despite daddy's boy's supreme belief that the Chinese community will support his every move, I don't think that they can swallow him announcing that his wife Betty will be the next MB of Seberang Perai.

Ok, ok....I know the Chinese community accepted it when daddy Kit Siang gave the Penang CM to his son, but for the son to give a similar post to his wife is I think a little bit too much even for the Chinese.

As for PM DS Najib Razak, I am certain that despite all those slanders against him regarding his wife DS Rosmah Mansor, he will never in a million years name her as the next Johor MB.

Remember, only Anwar can do such thing.

Well, all that are actually very tiring. It just shows that 51 per cent of Malaysians are not of the very smart variety for wanting someone who wants his wife to be MB of the richest state in Malaysia while he himself becomes the Prime Minister of the country.

Actually, I started writing this post just now because I want to talk about something more cheerful than the MH17 tragedy and the sorry state of affair of our political system.

I just want to put two or three paragraphs to show my disgust about the husband and wife PKR thing before proceeding to what I really want to talk about but ended up with writing more than that about the Anwar's nonsense.


Okay, what I really want to write about is to introduce you all to my favorite Korean drama artiste.

Really. That was my real intention when I started writing this post after having my sahur just now.

She may not be the most famous Korean actress, but I really like her very much.

Her name is Lee Si-young

(Note: Click on the link if you want to know more about her)

Well, it's actually not her beauty or acting which I admire the most.

I admire her because she can do this,

That one is for real, okay. Not acting.

Cool isn't she?

Any guy try to be funny with her will surely be sorry.

I wish I can box like her.....and be beautiful and talented too.

Hey, really la....I actually started this post wanting to write something about Si-young.

Please just ignore the earlier part about Anwar, his wife and all the other nonsense.  All that wasting time only, okay.

Eh....subuh already.

Need to go.

Have a good day you all.

Monday 21 July 2014

Justice for MH17

Unlike during the aftermath of the MH370 tragedy, this time I am not going to comment much.

I had not posted anything the past three days as a mark of respect for those who lost their life in the MH17 tragedy.

This time I rather let the investigators do their job and wait for their findings.

I am not even going to dignify insensitive comments by pro-Pakatan individuals, portals, and other media that suggested the tragedy was the fault of Malaysia Airlines. I will not respond to them.

I just want to pray for the victims and hope for their loved ones not to suffer too much.

I also pray for the perpetrators of the tragedy, if any, to be brought to justice.

Whatever it is, at least this time we know where the plane went down and the most likely reason for the crash.

If it is true that the plane was shot down by a missile, those who shot the missile and the supplier of the missile must pay for what they did.

I know. It's a long shot, but I am still hopeful for justice to be served for the 298 souls who were lost and their grieving families.

The record of past similar incidents was not very good though on that account.

There were the case of

Iran Air Flight 655


Korean Air Lines Flight 007

In both incidents, the individuals who were responsible for pulling the trigger were not punished but in fact bestowed with medals by their country.

I hope the MH17 case will be different.

I am also still hoping for a closure to the still missing MH370.

May they all rest in peace.

Friday 18 July 2014

Prayers for MH17

I am lost for words.

At the moment I can just pray for those onboard the ill fated MH17 and their loved ones.

For updates of the news, you may go to this link,

(Live Updates) MH17 'shot down' over Ukraine

Thursday 17 July 2014

Hari Raya cards

Today I received my first few Hari Raya cards.

Believe it or not, the first one that I opened was this one,

Yup it's from the Prime Minister, his wife and family.

Well, I have met Datuk Najib a couple of times. He is a nice guy.

But of course he doesn't really know me all that well.

And that Hari Raya card is really send by his people and not by him personally.

They probably send out hundreds if not thousands of those.

Still, it's flattering to be the recipient of such a gesture from the Prime Minister (or his office to be exact).

Anyway, the person whom I think was really responsible for sending that card to me is this guy whose Hari Raya card I received along with that of his boss,

Thanks Tengku.

Well, Tengku, I know it's a little bit early, but I want to wish you and Datuk Najib, along with families to have a good Hari Raya.

Maaf Zahir Batin.

I also today received this Hari Raya card,

Thanks Datuk Anifah. Wishing you the same.

And of course thank you and the best Hari Raya wish also to his press secretary Datin Nirvana Jalil Ghani, who is actually the one who send me the card along with the one from herself.

PM could not be blind

It's past 1am as I am writing this.

I am tired but can't sleep.

My chest is hurting again.

The doctors had repeatedly checked my condition and told me it's nothing sinister.

I don't know....guess I just have to trust them.

It's something like trusting the PM to do something to stop the excesses in my home state Johor.

I have to admit that I was very disappointed when I got to know that he had praised the state government at the end of his visit to JB yesterday..

I had wished for Najib to chastise them for incompetence and dereliction of duty for allowing the excesses in the state to fester.

But then again, I told myself, he was probably only doing so as part of public relation effort to prop up the BN State government.

Maybe in the back of the public, he is fixing things.

I am trying to believe that is the case.

I am also still trying to believe that the PM is not turning a blind eye to what were happening in Johor.

I have to believe this.

Otherwise all is lost.

If nothing is done and the excesses continue, BN will lose more votes, particularly among the urban Johorean Malays.

The State will then fall to the opposition in the next general election just three years from now.

When Johor, the so called Tiang Seri Umno falls, the rest will follow.

It's as simple as that.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Trusting Najib and cooking red snapper head soup (updated)


This just came in via NST SMS Alert

 NST 16/07: Najib declares Johor a model state for future development with state govt enjoying good relationship with Fed govt to ensure success.

Well, what do you expect the man to say in public's after all still a BN state government.

I am sure Najib is aware of the excesses in Johor and doing something about it.

Let's just wait and see.


The other day my friend Aisya told me that PM DS Najib Razak will do the necessary to fix the problem of severe excesses in Johor which I had highlighted a number of times in this blog.


She told me to ease off a bit from blogging about my home state as I am beginning to sound like an obsessed nut case going after the crooks there.

Well, apparently the PM is going down there again tomorrow.

He will have a close door briefing with State government officials and buka puasa with them.

Najib had just been there less than a month ago.

Guess Aisya was right, the PM is really going to fix things in Johor as I have always hope.

The weird thing however was that Najib was not scheduled to have an audience with the Sultan of Johor. The same thing happened during his last visit to the state.

Whatever it is, let's wait for the outcome of the visit.

For the mean time, I am just going to relax a bit.

Yup, in Najib I am going to trust.

Who knows, he may actually do it.

It's now just past 5pm.

I am going to stop thinking about Johor and instead cook for buka puasa today.

It's going to be just a simple meal, but better than all those "outside food".

I am tired of buka puasa in restaurants or even worse, buka puasa functions.

Okay, later I am going to cook congee and red snapper head soup.

Well, everyone knows how to cook congee.

It's just like cooking rice but with extra water.

I will also boil some ground nuts and salted eggs to go with it.

The congee will also be nice with a bit of fried anchovies and shallot.

As for the soup, I bought a red snapper head yesterday and had cut it into four pieces.

Going to put water in a pot and boiled it before putting in the cut fish head.

The key ingredient is ginger.

There should also be fried garlic and shallot as well as cinnamon, star anise, cardamom and black pepper.

I am going to put a radish, cut in blocks and celery to go with them.

A bit of salt.

Okay that's about it.


Since I am feeling quite okay at the moment, let's have a bit of nice music,

Yes, they are indeed hypocrites

Just had sahur, now waiting for Subuh.

Okay, this is just a short one.

Helen's latest post,

Munafik … seven years of waiting

basically describes DAP's Hannah Yeoh as a munafik (hypocrite).


You would not fault the fundamentalists Christian for siding with Israel as after all, the rival three Abrahamic faiths mutually consider Jerusalem their Holy Land.
You would not really be surprised either at a fundamentalist Christian’s lack of empathy for what is happening in Gaza.
Except in this case, the said fundamentalist Christian keeps masquerading in Muslimah garb.

The supposedly Islamist Pas should organize a Pakatan's Save Palastine campaign and invite their DAP ally to take part.

Let's see who among their leaders who will go to the front and condemn Israel for the ongoing murder of Palastinian civilians, women and children.

Let's see how many of the DAP's evangelical leaders who will come forward and say they support Palastine.

Actually, I have my share of comments on the Israeli-Palastinian conflict in this blog which I strongly believe came from DAP cybertroopers.

This is an example of one of the smarter evangelical ones, who obviously did some research, and twist what he/she got into a material to ridicule Muslims and their faith:

Humans do have a natural instinct to hit back at those who hurt their race or ethnic group, not religion.

Which is why Arabs generally don't give a shit about non-Arab affairs, like how Arabs are pretty doing nothing much for non-Arab Muslims in Kashmir, Mindanao, etc. instead Arabs are busy expanding business with India and Philippines.

When the Philippines promised maids to Arab countries in exchange for not helping Moro in Mindanao, the Arabs agreed.

Muhammad said that the Quraysh (his tribe) are more virtous, trustworthy, and honored than all other peoples. (Even other Arab tribes)

Hadrat Aisha reports that Rasulullah (sallallhu alaihi wa sallam) once came to her and said, “Had I no fear of the Quraysh becoming boastful, I would have informed them of their status in the sight of Allah.” (4)

Hadrat Abu Hurayrah (radi Allahu anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (salallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “Look for trustworthiness amongst the Quraysh, because a trustworthy person from the Quraysh is superior to a trustworthy person from another tribe and a powerful person from the Quraysh (in Deen and in leadership) is twice as superior as a strong person from another tribe.”(5)

Now, I hope there will be a commentator from Pas who will deny that this  is a handiwork of one of their DAP evangelical friends.

Really, I have mixed with that sort of DAP people. They were very nice in your face but when the opportunity arise, they will take the pleasure in ridiculing you and your belief.

Helen used the right terminology - MUNAFIK

Okay, it's already azan Subuh. Need to go.

Have a good day.

Monday 14 July 2014

Johoreans should set aside politics to save their state

Senior pro-establishment blogger Apanama posted this just now.

Mute Pas begs for Dr Mahathir’s voice 

The Pas VP wants Tun Dr Mahathir to continue to champion the interest of the people of Johor i.e. The Iskandar region and issues surrounding the foreign direct interference via foreign direct investments facilitated by the royalties and a subservient state government.

I am actually glad that the Pas VP, Salahuddin Ayub had admitted that there is a serious problem in Johor and that Pas and its Pakatan allies are not capable of being the check and balance of the issue on their own.

The fact that the Johorean Pas leader had even acknowledged the importance of
Dr Mahathir's voice in the effort to save Johor shows that the crisis is already  quite critical.

For me, the issue is beyond petty partisan politics as it affects the rakyat as a whole.

I had during the Pas elections a few months ago met a very high ranking national Pas leader from Johor and told him of my worries about the environmental impact of one of the reclamation projects currently carried out along the Tebrau Straits.

I had asked the Pas leader to voice out the problem as at that time I was desperate for someone to champion the cause to stop the excesses in my home state.

The Pas leader acknowledged the problem caused by the project but had only this to say to me,

"Yang you cakap tu betul, tapi kita nak tegur project tu susah sebab melibatkan istana."

He told me, that even DAP was cautious about their objection against the project.

He, however, just shrugged when I asked him whether DAP is actually happy with the reclamation projects as in the long run, they will benefit the Chinese-dominated party as the Malay population will be pushed further into the Johor hinterland by the unbridled development.

Maybe Salahuddin has seen the danger of those projects, especially to the Johorean Malay Muslims, thus his call for Dr Mahathir to voice out his objection against them.

I do not blame Salahuddin for doing so. Pas actually is with just a little voice in Johor being a junior partner of the Pakatan in the State.

Of the 18 Pakatan's State seats in Johor, Pas only have three as compared to DAP's 14. As for Parliament seats, DAP has four, PKR has one, while Pas has zero.

Maybe Johor Pas has by now realized that they were only used by DAP in the effort to break up the Malay vote banks in the State.

Actually, Pas too could benefit from the current situation in Johor as more Johoreans, in particular those in the urban areas may switch to their side or stopped supporting Umno after being repulsed by the ongoing excesses.

But I guess, their leaders such as Salahuddin sees no point in Pakatan winning the State if the Malay Muslims ended up living on the fringes of the rapid development which was actually not meant for them.

That's probably why Salahuddin went to the extent of calling for Dr Mahathir's help to save the ummah in Johor.

In that sense, maybe Salahuddin is not such a bad guy.

It would be nice if all Johorean leaders, notwithstanding their political affiliation could sincerely work together to save our home state.

Congratulations Germany

Argentina prayed....

Germany prayed....

They played....

Germany scored....

Germany won...

Germany deserves to win the World Cup. They have the best team.

There was no way they would not had won the World Cup after thrashing host Brazil 7-1 in the semifinals.

Congratulations to Germany.

Sunday 13 July 2014

Israel's atrocities creating more such as Zulkifli

This is an old post by Aisya on the world's most wanted Malaysian terrorist in the BIGCAT blog,

The untold story of Zulkifli Abdul Khir

The first real indication that Zulkifli would one day be a jihadist was in 1982. Just like Osama bin Laden, it was the Sabra and Shatila massacre during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon that year, which first made him hate the US, Israel and their allies. He was said to be very affected by the incident and had kept pictures of the massacred Palestinian civilians which were cut out from the Times magazine.

This is a more recent report by the NST,

'Cheng' a Deep Purple and Bruce Lee fan

The red flag to Cheng’s inclination towards jihadism occurred in 1982. It was the Sabra and Shatila massacre during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon that year, which drew his hatred towards the United States, Israel and their allies.

Sabra and Shatila massacre

- it's the defining moment in the series of atrocities inflicted by the Israelis upon the Palestinians.

There had been so many other such massacres but that's the one which triggered the radicalism of many jihadists including the one as told in the story of Zulkifli.

The Israelis are at the moment still at it. 

Pulverizing Gaza, with the death toll steadily climbing to almost 200 as I am writing this.

All the while, the Muslims are looking, quite impotent as they watch their fellow Muslims being murdered with impunity. 

All they can do is to shout their condemnation, as well as call for volunteers and collect money for humanitarian effort.

Some other Muslims however turned into the likes of Zulkifli.

They want to hit back. Blood must be paid with blood.

That is the story of Zulkifli.

It's the same intriguing story because it's told to Aisya and NST by the same person, a once close friend of Zulkifli.

It's hard to ignore that the story has a tinge of sympathy for Zulkifli, who is supposed to be a ruthless terrorist.

The guy who told the story was after all his once close friend, who grew up together with him.

I have once met the guy with Aisya.

"Cheng masa tu kata tak kan orang Islam asyik nak kalah je. Tak kan kita je yang kena bunuh. Tak kan sedara se Islam kita kena bunuh kita nak kutip derma je," the guy said when relating the story of his friend.

He said he would not have known about Zulkifli's later part of the story as a jihadist if he had not told his friend of his interest to join in the fight at that time the First Chechen War in Russia.

"Saya pun masa tu teringin nak berjihad juga. Geram tengok askar Russia bunuh orang Islam kat Chechnya," he said.

That was, he said, what made Zulkifli told him about the details of his war experiences and the fact that there was a network which trained jihadists in Afghanistan which later on became known as Al Qaeda.

The guy however never joined the fight. Aisya told me that he now lives a normal mundane life somewhere in Kuala Lumpur.

Anyway, the government is currently making an effort to stop the growing number of young men who want to go down the path of Zulkifli's.

Reports indicated that scores of young Malaysians are now fighting in Syria and probably Iraq. Some had been killed.

More are probably now gearing up to go there.

I think the government is doing the right thing as a host of other problems will crop up if such a trend is not checked.

This country could not afford such radicalism and militancy.

However, the ongoing continuous murder of Palestinians by the Israelis are not going to help such an effort.

Young Muslims, who are passionate about defending their fellow Muslims would feel that it's their religious obligation to join the fight in the far away land.

It doesn't matter to them whether they are going to win or lose as long as they get to fight in the name of Allah.

If they die, they believe that they are going to paradise.

It's a win-win thing for them.

Zulkifli's friend told Aisya and me that was how he felt when he first thought of being a jihadist.

It was clear at that time that he admires his friend despite Zulkifli now living in hiding and hunted by almost every security intelligence agency in the world.

Such an attitude was wrong but how is it for us to stop it while the massacres of Muslims are continuing, not only in the Palastine, but also other parts of the world?

Humans, Muslims included have a natural instinct to hit back at those who hurt them. No?

Saturday 12 July 2014


I hanged out with my best friend Aisya earlier today.

She is the one who originally operates the BIGCAT blog, which is now handled by another friend. The blog is not very active anymore. I actually modeled this blog after it, as Aisya is the one who encouraged me to write.

We went shopping a bit for raya clothing. Well, actually she is the one who was shopping. I was just keeping her company. Honestly, I am not too much into Hari Raya stuff.

After coming back from Taiwan where she studied for almost two years, Aisya settled down in KL. She used to stay in JB where she started her blog.

She quit it not long after she went to Taiwan. She used to contribute to this blog but quit that too after the general election last year.

Like me, Aisya lives alone. We are a bit of the same kind.

Today she gave me an important advice - Don't get too hooked up with blogging.

"Furthermore, I think you are getting a bit too fixated with what's happening in Johor. You need to ease off a bit," she said.

I told her I felt obligated to voice out what many Johoreans feel about the excesses by the current powers-that-be in our home state.

"You have done all you can for now. The PM already knows about the Johor problem. Let him handles it," replied Aisya.

"Are you sure Najib is handling it?" I asked again.

"Yes, I am sure he is handling his own way. Just be patient, okay," she said.

"By the way, I am not telling you to stop writing about Johor but there are other things which need some attention. You don't have to write about Johor everyday," she added.

Aisya or Ai, as she calls herself, is a bit older than me. She is like my big sister. I always listen to her advice as she is more matured, wiser and less eccentric than I am.

I told her that I will do as she advised me, but I am not going to ever give up on Johor. If I see something wrong, I will still write about it.

She said that should be the way.

Well, for now, I am just going to ease off a bit about it.

Anyway, Aisya bought me a ready made baju kurung.

She told me to wear it for Hari Raya.

Ya, I think I will wear it. It's not so bad despite not being tailor made.

Aisya is not only wise but also has good taste. She is also very much prettier than me.

Okay, I know it's a bit early but I feel like listening to a raya song after writing all that.

This one with the Johor zapin touch is by the late Sharifah Aini,

Singapore/Israel could tac but Johor/Arabs not allowed to tic (updated)


The supposedly clean and principled JB MP TS Shahrir Samad has suddenly found his voice back, now that there is a chance to whip up the Johorean spirit via a little Singapore bashing.

You can read about it at Miss Chuah Bee Kim's latest post,

VEP on Singapore-registered vehicles

Shahrir has been very quiet when his little protege, Johor MB DS Mohd Khaled Nordin did some sweating out from running around as an errand boy the past weeks.

Guess it's always nice to have patriotism to fall back on in times of having your tongue being caught by the cat.

Well, Shahrir, still no comment on Khaled's rating as MB so far is it? How about all those massive reclamation by the Chinese companies in your constituency? You okay with that?

Then again maybe Shahrir's own mentor Tun Musa Hitam can come up with another nice phrase for this occasion, such as the "elegance silence" bit that he crafted for former PM Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.


I got the idea for the title of this posting from A Voice's

Singapore could tac but Johor not allowed to tic 

Yes, in the far away land of the Middle East, the Israelis can tac, but the Arabs cannot tic.

If the Arab tic then they will get not a tac but a whack.

Here is the latest on the folly of thinking that the Arabs can play tic tac with the Israelis,

Gaza toll passes 100; Israel to counter rockets 'with all power'

This is a repeat of past massacres of the Arabs. One thousand Arab lives in exchange for one Israeli life.

It's happening over an over again.

That's so far is the jihad story.

I think it's foolish for the Arabs and the Muslims as a whole to think that they can fight their enemies with the tic for tac strategy.

They just going to get bludgeoned to the ground.

You shoot a few rockets at us, we shoot one thousand back at you, said the Israelis.

Instead of trying to hurt their enemies the way they were being hurt, I think Muslims should instead be focused on empowering themselves with knowledge and economic prowess so that they can be on par with their enemies in term of capabilities.

Only then we can talk about playing tic and tac.

Now, as for Singapore increasing the charges of its Vehicle Entry Permit and Good Vehicle Permit, I think it's because they don't want too many Malaysian vehicles to enter their country.

Singapore is after all a small country and they don't have that much road.

I doubt that it's because the Singaporeans suddenly developed a surge of hatred towards Malaysians that they decided to increase the charges.

After all, Malaysia-Singapore relations is currently at an all time high.

Of course Malaysia could do the same by imposing the same charges on Singapore cars entering our country.

It's our right as it was their right to do so.

But it should not be done on the tic for tac basis.

Such a decision must be made with proper rationale and study.

Malaysia need to be smart, not emotional.


Do we like the Singaporeans to come over and spend their money here? Should we discourage them from doing that?

Lets not be like the Arabs. Shoot a few rockets at the Jews and then get hit back by the thousands.

And please la, don't let the crooks in Johor use the Singapore bogeymen to make us forget the trouble that they had created.