Sunday 26 January 2014

Lazy days and sick DAP people

I spend the whole day today lazing at home.

Just slept, ate, played computer games, watched cooking shows and Korean dramas at Astro, texted at Wassup, ate some more, slept some more, did postings  at this blog....

Basically, I was deliberately being very unproductive.

I didn't step outside the house at all the whole day.

Just wanted to rest.

Unfortunately, I also spoilt my non-carbohydrate diet. I ate rice for the first time in two weeks.

Wished I could had avoided that, but there was nothing else to eat in the kitchen.

I need to be more disciplined. Just can't let myself cross the 50 kg mark.

Anyway, my first posting of the day was about the passing of Pas' Dewan Ulama chief Datuk Harun Taib at

Farewell to a good Pas guy

You may however read the parting shot at Harun by Malaysian Insider and its DAP supporting readers at Helen Ang's

What kind of sick people are they?

Ya, those people are really sick.

May Allah forgive them for hating Harun so much.

Well, as for tomorrow, I hope to spend my Sunday in a more productive manner.

Going to run some errants in the morning, have my facial for CNY in the afternoon and go for movie later in the evening.

They said that movie HER is good. Maybe I will watch that one.

The double-chin Chinese guy said he wanted to take me for the movie, but I'm not counting on him much. DAP people are not good at keeping their promises.


  1. Good luck with your diet program. But you dont need to starve yourself without rice. You need to take more vegetable, water and exercise daily. Surround yourself with love, stay beautiful and be happy with life.I maintained my 50 mark for 50 years and still wear 3" platform shoes at work. Now at 51, I increase 1 kg because i did not exercise regularly. Otherwise, good food and exercise should do you good.

  2. You hate DAP so much but you still go out with DAP supporter..real half past six species.
    Or are you a closeted DAP supporter but cannot admit because then you will not be on BN payroll?

  3. Why don't you write a book about your love life with the double chin dapster. I am sure it will make a fiction best seller.

    1. I don't think it will sell la. Story about a cute girl being in love with a fat boy is not very romantic. Nobody want to read one :-)

    2. Sedangkan Lidah Lagi Tergigit (P. Ramlee & Saloma)

      Lepas yang keroh ambil lah yang jernih Che Annie; baru teguh peribadi!

      Yang mesra,
      Sang Labah

    3. lucky for you annie.... nasib baik your boyfriend is a dapster and not Dumno.

  4. I will definitely buy this novel if it is published. A title like "My Darling Dapster ... How I Love Him So." ...... It'll be about a love/hate relationship. Oh, it's so romantic.

    1. "My Darling Dumno ... How I Love Him So"

      If it doesn't have the love/hate ingredient, it's not the recipe for a bestseller.

  5. Dear Annie, how did you fall for such a guy? I'm surprised since you have an aversion to the Chinese even though you are part Chinese. Get a nice Malay guy. At least religion and culture will be the same.

  6. DAP peoples are sick and I am still on shit. Love? What is that shit?

    Sick DAP peoples are fully shit, Man! They shit all around the country and they think how big shits they are. 

    You know, how much shits there are in Penang, ooh lots of shits! and they continue shitting. This Tokkong shit, he is the biggest shit of all shits. He talks like shit and all the shits believe this shit and follow by this shit is shitting.

    No wonder they are sickly shit. They smell shit, eat shit, walking like shit, look like shit, making love like shit, think shit, live around shits, give away shits and therefore their heads are full of shits. They are named the Shit-Heads. We will keep on giving them shit until they can't shit no shit!   

    These Shit-Heads go along well with the Grand Don Shit-Head who loves to shoot shit holes. He is very sick shit. While the Tokkong shit is shitting, this Grand Don Shit-Head can still shoot Tokkong's shit hole Man! Life is full of these sickly shits. To the DAP's Shit-Heads, have your sickly horse-shit cuisine is a great delicacy.

    1. anon 13:12, you like shit so much, so now you can go eat shit !

    2. Anon 13.12
      You truly funny! Lol. I feel you, man... Haha.. I agree there's a lot of shit in Malaysia. The problem is, it's not allowed to dry up and disappear because there are too many shit stirrers. And that's why forever we malays always look like we are permanently smelling shit. Geez!

    3. Really nice one! And creative too.

    4. Anon 14:14, no! you go and eat shit, I smoke shit stuff!

    5. Anon 13:12

      A very good comment. I just want to add : the tokong's face also looks like shit. Maybe because he eats too much pig shits. Also he is a mentally retarded shit head but the chinkies worship him as though he is heaven sent. See how stupid shit the chinkies are!

  7. A shitty comment from a bona fide shithead. Anon 13:12

  8. DAP has no respect for others ,except their own kinds ,that clearly gave a clear picture of their genetic natural character which accelerated further by their vernacular education system . That the reason they are fighting hard to retain their vernacular value wherever possible denying the local system they are supposed to adept and uphold , 'dimana bumi dipijak disitu langit dijujung' bukanya memijak bumi yang lain tetapi menjunjung langit yang lain.
    For that matter , I do blame UMNO because they failed to justified that 1 Malaysia does belong and followed only one school system not several system in one country.

    1. tebing tinggi is an indisputable 'UMNO Shit Stirrer'. Woi tebing tinggi, UMNO jahat dan kuat rasuah, you lagi mahu rakyat kasi sokong kah ??

      Askar Malam

    2. Apa yang DAPster fikir? Semua dalam dunia dia punya ka? Semua dia mau, tak kira orang lain susah. Saya rasa depa ni setan-setan jelmaan.

    3. Tebing tinggi,

      I always enjoy reading your comments.

    4. Stirring shit can make lots of money. Chinese like lots of money, thus they should join and stir more shits. Itu limau ipoh pun pakai baja babi shit lo!

    5. Re. Itu limau ipoh pun pakai baja babi shit lo!


    6. Anon 19:26

      Oi! Bangang Cina yang kuat bagi rasuah kau tak gebang pulak? Dasar HIPOKRIT

    7. Tebing Tinggi is also a Kampung in my Hometown in Segamat, Johor. My brother in-law is from there.

  9. Terima kasih Annie kerana memberi kami peluang untuk mengingatkan cina-cina di sini supaya senantiasa lebih bertatasusila dalam perhubungan dengan orang melayu di negara ini.

    Orang cina hanya boleh didisiplinkan dengan kekerasan dan ugutan, seperti diamalkan di China dan Singapura. Bila diberi sedikit kebebasan mereka akan naik tocong, balik kepada perangai asal yang kita semua tahu adalah amat keji. Matlamat merek akhirnya mahu menguasia segala disekeliling mereka denagn apa cara jua.

    Boleh diambil bahawa teguran orang melayu adalah satu kewajipan, malah boleh ke tahap jihad, semoga Allah SWT memberkati.
