Saturday 25 January 2014

It shouldn't be racial

This had just came in via NST SMS alert:

NST 25/01: A parent has lodge a police report in Sungkai, Perak, against a Chinese school teacher for forcing her son to eat grass.

I was told that the parent is a Malay and the teacher involved is a Chinese and that the case is fast becoming a racial issue.

I believe this case is an isolated incident and hopefully the authorities could immediately defuse any potential irrational backlash from  people who think it may got something to do with the race of the student and the teacher.

Just because a teacher of a certain racial background allegedly did something irrational to a student of a different race, doesn't mean it should be considered as a racial issue.

Everyone should maintain their cool in instances such as these.

Let the authorities investigate the case properly.

I have met several Chinese teachers of Chinese schools in the past and all of them are good people. None of them are like this Dong Zhong guy,

As it is with any institution, there will always be the bad apples among them.

To say that all Chinese teachers of Chinese schools are racist just because of this case is the same as when Pakatan people said all Umno people are corrupt. It is just simply wrong.

We must know how to sort out the bad from the good.

Otherwise, this multi-racial country will face a bleak future or no future at all.


  1. Satu lagi modal politik bagi UMNO dan Ani untuk hentam si pendatang. Tingkatkan usaha mu Ani !

    1. Jangan terlalu dulu membuat kepetusan. Baca dengan teliti dan faham apa mesej yang Annie paparkan. Sensitiviti perkauman jangan diambil keremehan.

  2. aiyoh, makcik annie, tolong jangan sembar fitnah, kasi lah orang2 cina peluang utk celebrate the CNY with peace. Fitnah tu dosa besar, annie !

    Ceritanya begitu :

    1. Lu bahlol la!  faham tak ke apa yang ditulis. Lu kona kelain kenapa? Annie beri nasihat, Lu kata fitnah pula. bahlol! bahlol!

  3. ANY teacher which does such a thing should be:

    1. Sacked;
    2. Charged; or
    3. Sent to a mental asylum.


    1. anon 15:29, tell it to UMNO lah, but do not believe UMNO's truth okay, UMNO is now trying to twist any 'truth' for their selfish agenda.

    2. 21.34

      its either ur chinese pig ot ur idiot chinese

    3. SUNGKAI: Two Year Four boys were made to wear bells around their neck and “offered” grass to eat as punishment for not doing their homework at a vernacular school here.

      Worse, after the lesson was over, the pupils’ class teacher saw the boys and allegedly mocked: “Since when did I have two additional cows in my class?”

      The 9am incident on Thursday allegedly happened at SJK (C) Khai Meng after both pupils were caned twice by their English teacher for not passing up their homework.

      During recess time, the same teacher plucked grass and allegedly told the boys to eat it or get another 10 strokes of the rotan. The boys refused but were spared from further caning.

      This was related by a mother and a guardian of the two 10-year-old boys at a press conference at a public hall in Taman Permai here yesterday.

      One of the two boys, Muhammad Naswinder Muhammad Hamid, was also present.

      His classmate, Mohd Izat Iqbal Mohd Harith, was said to be too distraught over the incident to talk to anyone.

      Their families lodged police reports on the matter on Friday. The school’s headmistress Piong Yee Hsiang declined to comment and barred reporters from entering the school.

      The 25-year-old teacher was said to have apologised but the families have called for him to be transferred out.


      Anon 15.29 (a Chinese)

    4. Like Alvivi, this 25 year old Chinese teacher has shamed his race.

      A Chinese

  4. A malay muslim teacher will never forced his/her pupil to eat grass. He/her know what is halal or haram.

    1. This so-called teacher must be someone who can't keep control over his/her emotions. Really unfortunate. Maybe a good idea to restrict her diet for 7 straight days to rice and kangkong only, and give her lots of sambal belacan! And then compel her to study Confucius and Buddha teachings for 70 months, and test her at the end; and observe her class behaviour for 7 years to make sure the right values have sunk into her otak and hati. May Allah forgive her for her stupid actions just as we seek His forgiveness for ourselves, poor fallible human beings.

      Ah so, let the lessons begin ......

    2. ...but recently some muslim headmistress and teacher asked the murid-murid India balik india, and murid-murid cina balik China. Halal or haram ? Moreover there is no truth of a teacher asking the pupils to eat grass !

    3. @15:39 a number of Malay/Muslim teachers take advantage of their students (sexually) - just read the papers. I suppose since this is a Malay/Malay issue you think it's ok?

      Annie is right in that there are bad people of all races.

    4. It looks like anon 15:39 dah terkena propaganda UMNO. Hey anon, no pupils are forced to eat grass in school okay. Go read from MM yourself and be smart, always.

  5. Cikgu Chen Yan Yan??

  6. Since they arrive by tongkang , they want their own vernacular system ,they don't speak the Malaysian language ,they dislike the Malay lead government which they labelled with disgust ,all they want was Malaysian I/C enable them to earn a living ,
    isn't that raciest ?.
    All this years Malay has accept and tolerate them with inconvenience , what they could do with little authority they have and what more if in their hands.
    The (SRJK)C Teluk Sengat incident , the tudung singer and what more which never being told, alas ! Melayu mudah lupa.

    1. sudahlah tebing tinggi, jangan manabur fitnah, regime UMNO salah guna wang rakyat, naikkan harga petrol, letrik, tol dan sebagainya, apa macam ? Mahu rakyat tetap sokong UMNO lagi ke ?

    2. As expected, not a word from UMNO bosses. Kononnya toleransi maksima. Poorah!!

    3. anon 18:52, UMNO bosses is busy creating havoc for LGE in Penang. From kangkung to daging babi, nasib baik this 'cow eat grass' incident is not happen in Penang, otherwise mampuslah LGE !

    4. Tebing Tinngi, the ingrates dislike the UMNO Malay led gomen because UMNO is corrupt and incompetent, get it !

    5. Better check your facts on the tudung singer - there was a good reason for this. I'm too lazy to copy and paste here. just Google the info yourself.

    6. anon 20:21, tebing tinggi is infamous of creating fitnah around the blogsphere, Annie's blog is one of his breeding ground.

    7. I missed the tudung singer sensational story. Can anyone tell me?

    8. Re. regime UMNO salah guna wang rakyat, naikkan harga petrol, letrik, tol dan sebagainya, apa macam ?

      Padan dengan MUKA KAU ORANG, hasil dari semua tu nanti akan digunakan untuk orang Melayu. Contohnya tahun ini saja GOMEN bagi MARA RM2 Billion untuk biayai pelajaran anak-anak Melayu di Universiti dalam dan luar negara.

      KOTA BARU: Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) has allocated RM2 billion for about 25,000 students who want to further their studies in various fields at the degree, masters and doctorate levels this year.

      Read more: Mara allocates RM2 billion to sponsor students this year - General - New Straits Times

      Re. Mahu rakyat tetap sokong UMNO lagi ke ?

      Rakyat MELAYU TOTOK mesti sokong punya.

    9. You guys get it all wrong. It is just grass Man! What the shit is that? It is a good shit turns bad. The teacher is in a big shit, no shit! How could he gives that shit when he himself eats too much shit. He must be full of shit when giving shit to his student. Shit Man, why so big thing about that shit and why don't he smokes the shit? Are you out of your shitting mind to smoke that shit. Shit, I don't mind smoking it. Are you shitting on me? By the way, the teacher belongs to a bunch of shit and they are the fools of shitting. Please stop bullshitting. What a shit Man! a 'high'-trouble shit, punching himself with shits.

    10. LOL, please don't be a fool and make us LOL okay.... semua orang kena bayar apabila harga barangan naik, the most affected group are the low and middle income group. So,LOL siapakah yg padan muka ? LOL-Pencacai UMNO yg bodoh !

      LOL Somemore

  7. Tanjung Malim MP Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan said he has spoken to the school’s headmistress, who admitted that the pupils were asked to wear the bells around the necks. She said the teacher has apologised for the incident, and declined to comment further.

    Ini lah kebodohan kepemimpinan melayu. Cina senang-senang buat kurang ajar lepas tu minta maaf. Melayu terima dengan hati terbuka. Memang melayu sudah jadi bangsa layu!!

    1. anon 17:57, tolong pergi buat laporan polis dengan segera !

    2. anon 17:57, engkau jangan racist, memang cikgu tu salah, tapi bukan kerana bangsanya. Menteri Pendidikan Muhyiddin mesti ambil tindakkan supaya perkara seperti ni tak berulang lagi. Apa pulak cerita Kamalnathan yg ditumbuk oleh puak UMNO, dah selesai ke ?

    3. Memnteri memang tak ambil tindakan punya.

      Bernama reported: "Tapah police chief Supt Som Sak Din Keliaw confirmed receiving the report from Yarnis and having the meeting as well.

      "We had the meeting with both parties and the boys too. The school's headmaster and Batang Padang District Education officer were also here. The teacher admitted to punishing the boys but denied making them eat grass," he said in a statement here today.

      Som Sak said investigations found that the teacher had punished the pupils for not doing their English homework for the past two weeks despite having potential in the subject.

      "The teacher admitted his action and apologised. Both parties agreed to settle the matter amicably and the mother has left the matter to the District Education Office for further action," he said.

  8. Everything is sensitive these days. I don't think it racial. As a teacher, even I get frustrated when my students regardless of race, doesn't follow instructions and do home work as indicated. And parents these days are not helping.

    Marah sikit, anak balik mengadu, terus datang ke sekolah, marah cikgu. But anak tak buat kerja sekolah, tak pulak marah anak. Salah cikgu jugak.

    Don't politicise this matter. Sebagai cikgu, this Chinese teacher probably feeling geram anak murid lalai buat kerja sekolah.

    1. Jangan jadikan alasan feeling geram maka boleh menghina kanak-kanak? So many ways to punish pupils, that will not jatuhkan air muka.

  9. Your blog really attracts lots of Red Bean Armies.

    1. .......and also pencacai UMNO.

  10. Banyak cara nak hukum murid yang tak buat homework. But what the teacher did was purely to demoralize and hina orang Melayu. The psychological effect on the pupils will be devastating. They would develop inferiority complex due to being treated like cows. They would be laughing stocks to all the other Chinese pupils. Automatically the Chinese pupils would feel more superior. Alasan mereka tak buat homework maka boleh dihina sebegitu rupa adalah tipikal untuk menutup kesalahan.

    1. Kalau cikgu cina murid melayu, ok - settle.

      Kalau cikgu melayu murid cina, DAP pasti mengamuk.

      Siapa racist?

    2. Anon 23:20

      Exactly. Termasuklah kalau anak India yang kena.


    3. Hai..yaa Anon 23;20

      Lu cekap atak betul loo , Wa pon atak ingat mau cekap itu macam maa...., hai..ya ...sekalang balu ingat , wa mintak ma'af leaa......

    4. lobang, kalau tak erti bertutur atau bertulis bahasa malaysia, lu tolong keluar malaysia, jangan buat malu kat di situ !!!!

  11. to the red bean armies! go f*** yourself

    1. how to f*** oneself ? Pls elaborate.

  12. Annie,

    I have several friends who are teachers and we do occassionally discuss the education system. One area we have touched on is discipline and my understanding is that the government schools have very lax discipline but the vernacular schools are extremely strict.

    The story is being sensationalised but it does not excuse the teacher for practising such medieval forms of punishment.

    The Malaysian school system is badly broken if even a supposedly good school such as a Chinese vernacular school, actually thinks it is ok to employ such harsh antiquated methods of disciplining their students.

    I cannot even be bothered to discuss whether the punishment is meted out fairly to any child regardless of race or religion. Such punishment should not exist in the first place!!

    I know it is easier said than done but any good school system, government or vernacular, will do it's best to find other methods of dealing with misbehaving children.


  13. I don't want it. I don't welcome it. But at the rate it is going things are going to blow up between the races.

  14. If you want to make it racial, it will be racial lor. While i dun agree with wat d teacher did, but worst things have been done than this la in Chinese schools. up to d parents wat they want to do. if d teacher only target the malay students, then it is really racist.

    some parents say want stricter discipline, but when your kid kena cane, parents report to police and sue the school. last time my discipline teacher was a malay. if today, imagine how many police report he will get for all the chinese kids he caned.

  15. Perpecahan, syak wasangka telah dan sedang berlaku... Malaysia lagi 20 tahun menuju kehancuran jika tidak ditangani skg.

  16. Another school incident. This time both perpetrator and victim are muslim.

    MALACCA: A woman who went to meet her two children’s headmaster was nearly assaulted by a female security guard who was said to have been enraged by her dressing.

    Marketing executive Fatimah Abdullah (pic), 28, from Desa Ria, Tangga Batu claimed the guard, in her 40s, had allegedly scolded her for wearing “tight” clothing. She also claimed the guard wanted to hit her before she was stopped by a teacher and a clerk.

    She said the incident happened on Thursday when she was at the primary school to meet the headmaster to discuss the studies of her two children, aged 10 and eight.

    “I was wearing my uniform at the time when I came at the office.

    The guard, who was nearby, accused me of exposing my body for wearing a tight and revealing attire.

    “I was surprised because I was not dressed indecently. She also told me to go home and change.

    “I told her to mind her business and I went straight to the office.

    “She dashed into the office and I believed that she wanted to hit me. However, she was stopped by the teacher and the clerk,” she added.

    Fatimah, who lodged a report at the Tanjung Keling police station, said she also brought up the incident to the district education office.

    There has been no response so far.

    “I felt humiliated as the whole incident occurred in full view of teachers and staff.

    “I am baffled by her behaviour as I was not wearing a mini-skirt or a bikini to school,” she said.

    “My two children also felt ashamed as the incident had become the talk of the school,” she said.
