Friday 24 January 2014

Anwar's most probable reaction to a divorce petition

PKR has lately become a sensational party.

First there was the Khalid-Azmin fight over who between them should be the sexiest PKR man in Selangor.

Then there's Anwar accusation that the BN government is conspiring with the Japanese authorities to stop him from traveling to the land of the rising sun and other countries with thriving adult film industry....or something like that.

Now the latest is that Nurul Izzah matrimonial controversy.

Not unlike the other sensational PKR dramas, Nurul Izzah's one is also intriguing.

If you goggle "Nurul Izzah divorce" you will see a very intriguing story line.

For instance,

First, there was this story by the Star

Nurul Izzah files for divorce

Then, it was countered by Malay Mail
Nurul Izzah denies divorce report

After which, NST in its usual dreary style throw in this report
Court confirms Nurul Izzah filed for divorce

That's the problem with PKR people which I can't stand.

If you are a public figure whose farts were also followed with interest by your very intelligent followers, then why don't you have a proper press conference to tell the truth so that they don't jump around like monkeys because you decided that your husband is not so handsome and sexy enough any more.

Well, never mind, at least Nurul Izzah has yet to blame Umno for her marital problems.

I am very certain that if it was her father being the one facing a divorce petition from her mother Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Umno will get the blame.

"Umno telah membuat perancangan jahat dan ia telah menyebabkan isteri saya memfailkan fasakh terhadap saya," Anwar would have said.

Or he could said,

"China doll tu sebenarnya Umno yang letak dalam bilik saya masa isteri saya menyerbu masuk. Tu yang isteri saya tuntut cerai. Ni semua memang Umno yang rancang."

Ya, I really think that it would have been like that.


  1. rock on PKR (Pekat Kasih Runsing)! Si Berahi and his whole lotta love

    1. PKR..parti kelentong rakyat

      these pkr leaders learned from chinese on how to kelentong n go on kelentong orang

      tara tipu tara cina
      tara kelentong tara

    2. UMNO..parti tipu rakyat

      these UMNO leaders learned from 'Ali Baba' on how to kelentong n go on kelentong orang

      tara tipu tara UMNO
      tara kelentong tara

  2. Politics is not dirty but the practitioners and followers are those who will always blame others but themselves. This Anwar saga is never ending from Day One when Wan Azizah sought the advice of Tun Hasmah Mohamed whether to divorce her husband Anwar Ibrahim in the earlier days when Anwar was caught pants down in his colourful sexual assaults in the early 80s.

    1. MasAgungKL, you are dirty, please go mandi lah !

    2. Red Bean Army menjalankan tugas.

  3. Wow! Nurul will be available soon.

    1. Its already available to tian chua hahaa
      n surendran keling pariah hahaa

    2. Ayoyo, saya sudah keluaq air lioq lah. Apasal dia pilih itu tadak potong punya?

    3. It's high time Nurul tanggalkan tudungnya and stops being a hypocrite. Like father like daughter. Can't wait to see Nurul's sex videos with Chinaman and Indianman. Wow! You terror lah Nurul!

  4. How many PKR members are true believers in being a viable and just alternative to the incumbent government? Are they just a bunch vengeful scavengers riding on the waves of popularity of the Anwar name?

  5. Annie, I had hoped that you would have left this issue alone but you being an ardent UMNO ball licker just couldn't help it. Why can't you see that a family is involved here. A family break up is sad nor matter what religious, political or racial affliation one may have.......shame on you for stooping so low.

    1. But Anwar for the last 30 years has just about broken every ethical taboo from sodomy to lechery to financial scam to treachery against country .... never has a Malay politician been so far up politically who has stooped so low morally and done so much damage to the national consciousness of an entire generation .... could never forget he was telling his own mentor Dr. Mahathir to go and die during his PRU 13 campaign! Would he blame Dr. Tun for being compelled to act on what Umi Hafilda was emphatic to reveal about Anwar's fiasco with her sister-in-law? What worse creature could have captured the imagination of so many Malay people and misled so many good folks for many long years?

    2. Yeah when it comes to others you holler and jump like a monkey but when it come to you own you talk about decency..go to hell!!!

    3. I hear someone says, "kucing mati pun nak salahkan Umno"

      I feel sorry for Nurul and regret that their marriage ended. As we wish for the couple to dead they part, missed the  serenity and the joyous of marriage. 

      The 'blame syndrome', Umno is blamed, I am a poor Umno 'Man' is willing to take her and her two lovely children for hands of marriage. Promise, don't blame Umno again.

    4. When Nurul run for public office, her entire life and family became subject of public scrutiny. Either Nurul accept that fact or get out of politics. She could try to become the female equivalent of Ostad Ferrari.

  6. Its funny when a miserable hag like you should poke fun at a divorce. Grow up Annie. There is more to life and there are boundries. You really dont want the world talking about your non existant life do you?

    1. ur stupid chinese dogs
      arent that pkr n dap communist style to attack other n wen they are attacked they talk about decency

      wat a moron fuckatan

    2. Anom 14.22.
      Fuck you. And fuck off. You inbred scum. Now go look it up.

    3. Anonymous 24 January 2014 21:33,

      Go and fuck an unwashed cibai or uncut batang. Oops! Chinaman got a batang or just telur? Small wonder chinkie Hannah 'banana' Yeoh married an Indian man who got more batang as compared to chinamen like Lim Gua merENG!

    4. 14.22
      chinese prostitues in bukit bintang always busy laa cant get myself to fuck them tmrw i ll fuck those chinese whore rm100 yeah hehee

  7. Why are you reading this blog of Annie ---the miserable hag with a non-existant life? I think you must be following it to know she is in misery but thanks for taking the time to comment. I, however, see Annie as a sassy babe who is both insightful and witty.

    1. i am in love with annie, smart & witty, my type of girl

    2. Anon 09.44 was replying to Anon 08.35.

    3. That's right, we love reading Annie's blog. Keep writing Annie GO GO GO!

  8. Pada dasarnya, seorang wanita haram meminta (menuntut) cerai terhadap suaminya kecuali adanya sebab yang dibenarkan; seperti perlakuan suami yang buruk terhadap dirinya -tidak mencukupkan nafkahnya, suka memukul dan menganiaya, dan semisalnya- atau tidak ada rasa suka dalam dirinya terhadap suaminya sehingga membuatkan takut akan menelantarkan hak-hak suami.

    Meminta cerai tanpa ada alasan yang dibenarkan syariat termasuk dosa besar yang wajib dijauhi dan ditinggalkan istri muslimah.

    Diriwayatkan dari Tsauban Radhiyallahu 'Anhu ia berkata: Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam bersabda, أَيُّمَا امْرَأَةٍ سَأَلَتْ زَوْجَهَا طَلاقًا فِي غَيْرِ مَا بَأْسٍ فَحَرَامٌ عَلَيْهَا رَائِحَةُ الْجَنَّة
    “Siapa saja wanita yang meminta (menuntut) cerai kepada suaminya tanpa alasan yang dibenarkan maka diharamkan bau surga atas wanita tersebut.” (HR. Abu Dawud, Al-Tirmidzi, dan Ibnu Majah. Dishahihkan Syaikh Al-Albani dalam Shahih Abi Dawud)
    Syaikh Muhammad Abdurrahman bin Abdurrahim al-Mubarakfuri, Penulis Tuhfah al-Ahwadzi, menjelaskan tentang makna diharamkannya bau surga baginya: dia dilarang menciumnya. Ini sebagai bentuk ancaman serius. Atau itu terjadi berkaitan pada satu waktu dan tidak pada selainnya. Maksudnya: ia tidak mendapati bau surga di saat orang-orang suka berbuat baik (muhsinun) pertama kali menciumnya. Atau ia tidak mendapati bau surga sama sekali sebagai ancaman yang serius.”

    Sebagian ulama lain menjelaskan maknanya: diharamkan baginya mencium bau surga walaupun ia memasuki surga tersebut.


    1. Macam mana syaikh-syaikh tersebut tahu yang wanita-wanita tersebut diharamkan mencium bau syurga? Syaikh-syaikh tersebut tidak berkata-kata dengan Allah. Allah juga tidak mengatakannya dalam Al-Quran. Jadi bagaiman syaikh-syaikh ini tahu? Kalau boleh tolong terangkan bagaimana syaikh-syaikh ini tahu semua ini.

    2. Anon 11:28. Kalau tak percaya, senyap aja lah. Jangan persoalkan.

    3. Nape lak x bole persoalkn. Salah ke tanya. Klu x hole jwb diam je la

    4. Ada beza di antara tidak faham dan yang mempersenda. Kalau kamu islam dan ada iman, jangan sesekali persenda ayat Allah dan sunnah Rasullah.

    5. bro anon 24 January 2014 15:54, you wasting your time with these people and their BS lah ..... agama diaorang ni mana boleh guna akal, logik tak boleh pakai, haram!!!!! LOL

  9. Keharmonian rumah-tangga tak boleh jaga dan kacau-bilau. Dah lah Party sendiri pun kacau-bilau, berebut jawatan. Party anak-beranak. Bapa seorang peliwat dan telah di hukum penjara kerana salah-guna kuasa sebagai TPM. Pasal tu Jepun tak bagi masuk negara mereka.

    Dipecat dari UMNO dan bertukar jadi Ketua Pembangkang pula.

    Keluarga pun porak-peranda, macamana nak jaga keharmonian rakyat 1Malaysia.

    1. mamak RD, jangan buat kecoh sini !

    2. bapak kaki goyang
      anak kaki rewang
      hahaaa welcome to keluarga anwar 69

  10. Khong Khek Khuat24 January 2014 at 11:28

    Saya syorkan Nurul mendapat kaunseling dari Ostad Badrul Amin... tapi pukul tiga pagi tau.

    1. kih kih kihhh

      good reply hahaa...

    2. At 3:00am. Ostad Badrul will have excellent under standing.

    3. Saya syorkan Khong Khek Khuat pergi jumpa Ani utk memuaskan nafsu kong khek khuat, tapi pukul sepuloh malam, malam jumaat.

      Mau Kongkek

    4. Malam jumaat Khong Khek Kuat pergi karaoke. Dia sudah ON dengan GRO. Malam sabtu baru laya\n GF.

    5. 16.04
      can i add here cool chinese name..

      Tong sam pah

      tee cee rit

      gan bon tot

      chan tah aik

      lim boo ngok


    6. A good one, Anon 00:47. I want add a few more:-

      Tak koh keh

      Yeoh poo kee

      Gua chee bai.

      Small wonder why these chinkies have Christian names. Hahaha!

  11. I feel so sorry for Nurul Izzah if the hubby buat pasal which resulted in her having to file for divorce. If she herself yang cari pasal then I feel sorry for the hubby. Whatever it is I feel double sorry for the kids.

    Your statements re what Anwar might have said if Wan Azizah files for divorce are so funny! That guy has lost all credibilities. I wonder why PR supporters still want him as their leader? I can understand why DAP and PAS leaders want him as their "leader" but PR supporters can't be so silly and morally corrupt too can they?

    1. Bird of the same feather flock together..hehehe

    2. Anwar must take the blame. His son in law has been his part time driver for quite sometime. Nurul did not like the ideal but Anwar went  on. He should have listen to Nurul's request to leave her husband alone, what a shame! and petty to Nurul.

  12. Nurul probably have the ambition to be the first lady prime minister of this country. Thus she need a husband of higher stature than the father of her children, to propel her towards that lofty ambition. She need not worry about public perception as there is already a precedent. An certain, perhaps more ambitious lady left her first husband to marry a then up an coming politician from an aristocratic family. She went on to become the first First Lady of Malaysia. A happy ending indeed.

    1. And you Anonymous 24 January 2014 12:23 is married to a bapok like Anwar Aljuburi.

  13. annie orang kata you rupa mcm itu ahso tua, itu mcm hag juga ka? .... :)))

  14. to red bean armies! go fuck youself...

  15. Let's bomb the RBA, the nuisance of ur society

  16. I feel sorry for the kids... they're too young. Very few people even consider about them. What a shame.
