He said I should check properly again on that one because if I got it wrong, it would be unfair to MB DS Mohamed Khaled Nordin and his team.
I think that's a sound advice. I will check some more.
I had wanted to write about the matter because I heard complaints about how slow things are going on the ground.
It was made worse because there's a rumour going around that the general election may be held as early as March next year.
"Kajian sikap pengundi pun tak buat lagi, macam mana nak buat pilihanraya bulan tiga tahun depan," said a Johor assemblyman when we met earlier this week.
That's bad, with less than two years to go before the deadline.
But, I have to agree that I better check properly again before writing about it.
Anyway, that someone who cautioned me about the whole thing also told me that I shouldn't be too cocky.
"Hey, you are not very popular, okay. Someone did a research on your blog and it's very much down the Alexa ranking," he said.
"Alexa who?" I asked back. Honestly, at first I didn't get what he was talking about.
![]() |
Alexa Chung is a British fashion model, television presenter, and contributing editor at British Vogue. She's a bit Chinese...like me. |
Then, he showed me the links and where he got it from.
I had a good laugh when I read it.
I was like, Whoa! A research to prove how unpopular I am.
That's awesome actually.
In all honesty to Allah, I have never checked where my blog is in the Alexa ranking.
It's just an insignificant anonymous blog, okay.
A platform for me to express myself and not for me to be popular.
And of course the likes of Papa Gomo are more popular bloggers in term of hits compared to me. I'm sure they are of the same level on the Alexa ranking chart and elsewhere as the person who did that research on my blog.
But never mind lah.
That was a bit of fun, anyway.
Eh, I have a very important meeting at 10am. I better go now.
Sorry, can't hang around and layan you all the whole day.
Unlike some lucky popular bloggers, I have to work like normal people, okay.
"Unlike some lucky popular bloggers, I have to work like normal people, okay."
ReplyDeleteThe dedak-eating fatty is popular? Hardly lah Annie.
Comment on her blog:
"Noticed that your readers’ reply getting less and less. Wondering if there is anything to do with the broken vinyl record.
But things not the same at the other blog. The blog that you always condemned. Traffic seems to be good there.
Also noticed that some of your staunch supporters also feel bored by your broken vinyl record. Even going against you now.
Karma be-falling. Soon it will be fall on your family members, if you’ve got any, btw."
BOOM!!! Padan muka, Blobby.
After that, the 3-chinned one got all defensive, as she always does. After all, if her blog is useless, then the paymaster stops the dedak. Then poor Blobby has to get a real job. So sad.
The simplest test is that you've been blogging since 2013, she since 2008, and yet your page views rate is way higher, pro rata. In other words, once you've hit the 8-year mark in 2021 (wow, jauhnya!) you would be way, way ahead of Ustazah Blobby.
Padan muka, Blobby.
Also, 118 comments vs 9 (3 of which from Blobs herself, so actually, 6?)
Numbers don't lie, Fatty.
'broken vinyl record'......otak betina gemok tu mmg 'broken' jugak.......
DeleteWow, Blobby is seriously jealous about Annie to stoop to such lengths. She justifies her worth by rankings. No wonder she's obsessed with graphs and charts.
DeleteShe must be "fun" and the life of the party at social gatherings.
Mzfdrs, you really like whacking the "Fat Soh" nicely, but are you exagerating about her weight? Cant be that bad la bro
Delete@ Zamri 9 September 2016 at 13:59...
Delete...well, you be the judge, my friend.
I cannot cut & paste the name here because Annie won't allow it, but please enter "its" name into Google Image Search.
See that photo? See the round face, the tiny, tiny eyes and the very visible double chin in the bottom right of her face?
Well, that photo was taken when Fatty was whining in self-pity about being detained under the Sedition Act for insulting Islam.
By now, I think those two chins have become three.
That's how it works, bro.
You be the judge.
Thank you.
Kenangan manis "seorang wanita berbangsa Tionghua......"
Delete"Rencana-rencana tulisannya disiarkan di dalam media sesawang Malaysiakini dan Centre for Policy Initiatives.
Perkasa mencadangkan agar H**** disiasat di bawah Akta Hasutan dan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA). Di dalam laporan polis yang dikemukakan, mereka mendakwa H**** “dengan angkuhnya” memburuk-burukkan Yang Di-Pertuan Agung Tuanku Mizan dengan mempertikaikan kuasa baginda.
Media propaganda Umno, Utusan Malaysia pula melemparkan tuduhan liar melaporkan, ‘Perkasa minta polis siasat H**** A** pertikai hak Melayu, Islam’ dan ‘Perkasa lapor portal pertikai Islam’.
But enough of that flabby, repetitive windbag.
ReplyDeleteHere's great common sense from Tun on the eagle issue:
"Dr Mahathir said that, at one point, the ulama, deemed today as the highest authority on Islam, even banned photos, but suggested that even the Malays thought little of such fatwas.
“Islam forbids carvings of statues of men and animals. At one time, painted portraits of such were also forbidden. The Turkish Caliphs used to have their portraits painted but they were hidden from the public,” he said.
“But now, with the advances in photography, it is impossible for Muslims to ban photographic pictures of men and animals. Certain ulamas declared that still pictures may be exempted but not moving pictures.
“But now the pictures move and speak. Muslims now just ignore the breaches in the rule against painted or photographed portraits, moving or speaking. Even the religious scholars now have their pictures taken,” Dr Mahathir added.
After much criticism Zamri claimed he was misquoted over the issue, saying he never referred to Langkawi’s iconic eagle replica or the National Monument here.
Sinar Online reported Zamri as saying in Ipoh that his opposition to the construction of full-scale replicas of animals was only in response to a question by a local authority in the state, who had asked for advice about building a replica at a new location."
That's what we miss in 2016.
Common sense leadership.
Quote-"That's what we miss in 2016.
DeleteCommon sense leadership."
I dont think we miss anything in 2016, but on the other hand, many faith follower missed having any common sense.
Kekadang terfikir Ya Allah macam ni pemikiran generasi yang akan mewarisi bumi Malaysia ni.......bermatian cuba untuk spin,menyalahkan TDM atas kesalahan najib buat,sanggup butakan mata,pekak kan telinga sedangkan dengan nyata dan jelas najib mencuri harta Negara/Wang rakyat,salahlaku dan salahguna kuasa.......
DeleteKesian sungguh........cuba korang renung dan fikir sekejap..cari punya kenapa peminpin pujaan korang dikecam oleh rakyat sendiri..atau korang tak faham kronologi 1MDB tu sendiri........bagaimana nahkoda kapal kamu berbohong dgn selamber dan mudabya..orang yang begini korang puja sebagai peminpin,maka betul lah pepatah melayu........
'Siakap senohong gelama ikan duri
Betcakap bohong lama2 mencuri..'
ha ha, nampaknya si timbalan mufti Perak tu dah coba "gostan" plak......kih kih kih
DeleteEntahlah, bila kat duit ada muka manusia ie muka agong tiada pulak kata apa. Siap ada pi 'sembah' duit lagi. Apa yang heboh sangat tentang ikon pulau langkawi tu. Dah lama pun monumen burung helang tu dibina pun.
DeleteBenda kecik je. Tak perlulah panjang-panjang kan.
Hormatilah je lah pendapat timbalan mufti tu. Dia bagi pendapat ikut apa yang dia belajar. Sama seperti kita hormati Tun Mahathir.
"“Menggambar makhluk hidup haram bahkan termasuk dari dosa-dosa besar. Sama saja apakah pelaku menjadikannya sebagai pekerjaan atau tidak. Dan sama saja apakah gambar berupa ukiran atau lukisan dengan tangan dan yang semisalnya, atau sebaliknya dengan kamera dan yang semisalnya dari alat-alat ataukah berupa pahatan batu atau semisalnya…dan seterusnya. Dan sama saja apakah untuk sebagai kenang-kenangan atau yang selainnya. Dikarenakan hadits-hadits yang datang pada yang demikian. Dan hadits-hadits tersebut umum untuk segala macam proses menggambar dan gambar makhluk hidup. Tidak dikecualikan darinya kecuali yang disebabkan darurat."
DeleteSetuju ke tak 12,17
Sdr Zamri, just read OSTB article:
Delete"Once upon a time, the Taliban and the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia (who obviously are in sync with Biblical teachings) totally banned the taking of photographs.
But it was not practical. The religious guys found out they could collect more money by putting their pictures on posters, on CDs, on cassettes, appearing on TV etc.
The Taliban have not changed but the Saudis came out with a new fatwa. The Saudis said that a photograph is like a reflection in a mirror. So it was halal. I call this a Saudi fart."
Delete"The word for statues in the above verses is 'tamatheel'. It is rooted in the word mithal which in Malay is also 'mithal' or 'misal' which means an example, an image, a representation or allegory.
Statues (tamatheel) are images or representations of human and animal forms.
In 34:13 above the Prophet Solomon (Nabi Sulaiman) had statues (tamatheel) made for him. A Prophet or 'Nabi' had statues made for him.
So it is NOT wrong to make statues or carvings. It is wrong however to worship statues (and stone buildings as well).
As you can see, in the Quran there is nothing about forbidding paintings or making statues. Making statues itself is not haram in the Quran.
It is the worship of statues that is not allowed."
Like Tun says.
Terima kasih di atas penerangan sdr zamri dan anon 16:06.
DeleteWhy the timbalan mufti make statements then pull back...??....becose he know he make mistake
DeleteSebab marah punya pasal kt Tun replika burung helang kt langkawi pun nak diroboh? Apa kata jangan robohkan keseluruhan......cuma tukar kepala burung helang tu je. Badan masih helang tapi kepala tukar jadi kepala poke-MO1.....mesti cantek punya.......
DeleteAnonymous 9 September 2016 at 16:06,
Delete//Like Tun says.//
Yes, as Tun says.
Is Tun one of the ulama like the Deputy Mufti of Perak?
Did Tun study the Quran and Islamic jurisprudence for years and years, like the Deputy Mufti of Perak?
Has Tun been entrusted with advising a Sultan on matters of Islam, like the Deputy Mufti of Perak?
Can Tun issue fatwas, like the Deputy Mufti of Perak?
Lastly, is Tun holier and more pious than the Deputy Mufti of Perak?
The answer to all those questions above is "no".
In Malaysia, no ordinary Muslim is more knowledgeable than a member of the ulama.
Basically, the ulama in Malaysia have hijacked Islam and Muslims in Malaysia just have to dance to the ulama's tune, no matter how tuneless that tune may be.
You may point to verses in the Quran to support your case, eg 34:13, but how dare you suggest that a member of the ulama, the Deputy Mufti of Perak, does not know of that verse?
Or perhaps you are suggesting that the Deputy Mufti of Perak made his statement without understanding that verse in the Quran?
Wah, you pikir Deputy Mufti takde otak ke?
Off to jail with you :)
In fact, Tun should consider himself lucky if he didn't face a syariah court for speaking out on matters of Islam.
Remember what happened to Kassim Ahmad?
And, I felt that the poor fellow was actually asking some intelligent questions about the hadiths!
Thank you Gladiator, glad that you understood what i meant. To me, why argue on petty issues. Money or monument has no religion so why made it religious.
DeleteIt the timbalan mufti opinion by his expertise. Even i want CHANGES but i do respect everyones values and opinion in their own perspective and their angle degree of their understanding.
It seems some just turn 180° in their views in politics and religious matter.
Then you spoke about "common sense" but then you cant accept a sense by a 'dumb' commonner?
Anon 12:17 & Anon 16:45
By now TRX was supposed to be completed, long, long ago.
ReplyDeleteHere was the "vision":
"The plan was to build a financial district much like London’s Square Mile where financial companies and banks were located, but with an Islamic financing slant with Middle Eastern funding."
Sounds familiar?
Start a grand-sounding project "for public benefit", then create some mark-ups and fake shell companies, songlap all the money, and move on.
That is Najibnomics 101.
So Rafizi is right.
This whole Tugu park wayang is merely to extract $$$$$$$ from Khazanah for future dedak purposes.
There is still no answer on whether the CCCC East Coast Railway deal has gone through.
Someone MUST investigate this matter.
Nama memang memberi kesan kepada kehidupan seseorang. Jika namanya islam tapi perangainya sangat teruk memenangkan kejahatan @ kemungkaran itulah talibarut syaitan dalam kalangan manusia. Jika namanya bukan islam tetapi perangainya elok dan membawa kebaikkan kepada sesiapa sahaja itulah manusia sebenar. Manusia berbagai ragam dan perangai yang baik itulah manusia dan yang jahat itu ialah syaitan bertopengkan manusia......
DeleteEven Khalid ex-MB S'gor say the cost way too high, so kemonlabro...serious, this whole thing is scam by Najeeb to steal more money la. For GE14. 1MDB too high-profile so work with China & steal from Khazanah...new tactic bro
DeleteBukannya semua projek mega itu bagus. Projek mega itu bagus jika ianya melibatkan kepentingan rakyat. Projek yang tidak meminggirkan keperluan rakyat atau mengabaikan hak rakyat. Projek yang hanya menguntungkan kronisma, kapitalisma, sebelah pihak yang berauthoriti dan mereka-mereka yang berkepentingan menjana keuntungan semata-mata, projek mega itu tidakla bagus. Wujudnya rantaian ekonomi pun hanya bersifat sementara yang mana berkemungkinan akan bagi vibe negative kat rakyat pada masa mendatang. Contohnya projek mega KLCC. Kita setakat berbangga gitu-gitu je la. Hasil yilek. Ini nak buat menara satu lagi. Tak cukup dengan menara, tambah tugu negara pula. Sementara itu menteri bersetuju dengan cadangan kutip derma dari ibu bapa & pelajar bagi membiayai kos penyelenggara bangunan sekolah.
DeletePadan muka org Melayu kampung yg telah taat setia pangkah umno selama ini tiap2 5 tahun.......kena tipu oleh Pemimpin Perompak Negara, redo aje lah apa yg Pemimpin buat sbb kamu semualah yg sokong dorang & beri talian hayat selama ini.......padan muka korang semua yg suka jadi lembu pemimpin keris telanjang tak usahlah mengeluh itu ini naik pasrah aje lah yop kerana bukan salah ibu mengandung tapi salah oleh kebangangan sendiri........sori lah.....
DeleteThe Independent, one of the youngest newspapers in the UK, is closing down its print edition.
ReplyDeleteDuring its heyday, the paper surpassed 200,000 copies but now, it's selling just about 57,000.
Death at the doorstep for the industry?
One newspaper in Malaysia is now selling just 50,000 copies daily.
It's the NST.
Is the NST following the Independent to the grave?
Or it continues to defy death. Ha ha!
Bekas Editor Kumpulan New Straits Times (NST) Mustapha Kamil Mohd Janor meletak jawatan kerana mempertahan etika kewartawanan yang berpaksikan kebenaran
DeleteMustapha Kamil melepaskan jawatannya dan kemudiannya memperincikan alasan di sebalik membuat keputusan berkenaan.
Dalam postingnya, Mustapha Kamil menulis:
“Dalam kerja saya, terdapat elemen yang dikenali sebagai disiplin kebenaran.
“Ini memerlukan wartawan melakukan segalanya dengan betul, betul dari segi ejaan nama orang atau tempat dan semua laporan yang difailkan."
“Tanggungjawab pertama wartawan adalah kepada kebenaran supaya beliau boleh membimbing masyarakat dalam mengemudi jalan yang mereka pilih.”
“Tetapi apabila sebuah akhbar Amerika, yang beribu pejabat di suatu tempat di Lower Manhattan di New York, melaporkan berita yang dicalonkan untuk Hadiah Pulitzer berhubung isu yang berlaku betul-betul di depan mata, saya mula serius mencari suara hati dan bertanya kepada diri sendiri mengapa saya memilih bidang kewartawanan.”
“Tetapi apabila sebuah akhbar Amerika, yang beribu pejabat di suatu tempat di Lower Manhattan di New York, melaporkan berita yang dicalonkan untuk Hadiah Pullitzer berhubung isu yang berlaku betul-betul di depan mata, saya mula serius mencari suara hati dan bertanya kepada diri sendiri mengapa saya memilih bidang kewartawanan.”
x payah tambah komen lagi......baca & paham
Salute to Mustapha Kamil FOR DOING RIGHT THING
DeleteKalu budak oxford tak main politik kampong, habihh, sapa nak undi dia? Pemuda mana tau cakap omputih, mana ada baca WSJ? Depa baca utusan, so kena la main politik kampung, baru ada berita dia keluaq dalam paper utusan.
Delete'budak oxford main politik kampong'? budak oxford tu pandai main politik wang jer:
Jgn lupa ye.....
Kalau rakyat kampung bodoh sangat tak paham apa apa pergi belajarlah. Tak kan lah bodoh sangat sampai isu politik kampung saja menggerakkan mereka.
DeleteIsu kampung-kampung sahaja
Isu politik selain dari kampung tak boleh ke?
Bodoh dan bengap
Najib yang belajar overseas pun pemimpin sangap, opportunist kasi takut orang kampung
Lagi teruk education sistem yang selalu buat u-turn
'Najib yang belajar overseas pun pemimpin sangap, opportunist kasi takut orang kampung'......exactly
Delete"Projek yang hanya menguntungkan kronisma, kapitalisma, sebelah pihak yang berauthoriti dan mereka-mereka yang berkepentingan menjana keuntungan semata-mata, projek mega itu tidakla bagus. Wujudnya rantaian ekonomi pun hanya bersifat sementara yang mana berkemungkinan akan bagi vibe negative kat rakyat pada masa mendatang."
DeleteAlhamdulillah ketika terjadinya krisis ekonomi di zaman Tun Mahathir saya dan keluarga tak rasa tertekan. Sungguh begitu majikan saya mampu bayar gaji setaraf dengan kelulusan akademik saya.
Tapi sekarang kita rasa tertekan dengan kos hidup yang gila tinggi tak padan dengan gaji yang kita terima.
Keadaan sekarang menjadikan orang kaya makin kaya dan orang biasa makin susah, yang miskin makin melarat.
Dengan gaji tahap ijazah sekarang nak beli rumah dan kereta pun susah. Tolak belanja rumah dan anak2....tak ada apa yang dapat disimpan. Tambah pulak yang kena buang kerja company tutup atau nak kurangkan pekerja.
Tambah lagi kita kena pikul hutang negara yang berbilion2 hingga keturunan anak cucu kita pun masih tak habis2 lagi hutangnya. Semua tu ada kesannya atas kita dan ekonomi negara.
annie,what you write is your opinion and it got nothing to do with your ranking or what your friend's think of you.
ReplyDeletewell annie, it wouldnt be that hard to fathom that they want to hurried the PRU.
ReplyDeletethey ARE desperate. wht with the PPBM and now challenge to the MKN act in courts. its possible they want to exercise MKN before it is challenged too.
who cares about kajian sikap pengundi ? theyve been known to act recklessly without any regards to law before. desperate action spells it all.
ur mistake is thinking that this will be a normal PRU climate. it is not.
MKN kes sure thrown out bro, who control court?
DeleteYou certainly don't need popularity dear, to live a good life, but everyone ought to be careful about their own manners for goodness' sakes!
ReplyDeleteNo need act BIG, you just standing tall on DEDAK!
ehhhh, blog papagomo ada lagi ke? rase xde pun......
ReplyDeletePapa Gomo close down, finito, finis, hanco
DeleteHow you know? Nama "papagomo' to tulis dlm IC ke? Mungkin dia dah 'undercover' dlm blog lain, kan?
DeleteThere is no doubt that geng Baju-Merah are sponsored by UMNO. And ... used to intimidate those who opposed UMNO-Najib. That is why people are scared to participate in demos, organised by Bersih or Tangkap MO1.
ReplyDeleteAnd that was also why Najib needs the new-NSC... so that... at slightest hint that thing are getting out of hand, rowdy or 'a bomb detonates'... of-course fingers will be pointed at IS/Daesh... then he could declare an emergency which nullified election process and rendered GE14 being postponed, indefinitely.
Furthermore... Najib cannot wait for DoJ's kleptocracy action... more 1MDB's worms will crop-up in court... if he let his term expires... in 2 years.
The problem is... as long asa he is in Power... DoJ and Dr.M.... can go fly kite.
well broder, he gonna run but he can't hide ... no no man, he ain't flee to no places that God can't see. even he ride on a kite to heaven the gates of hell will be welcoming the lord and his macais.
DeleteRosmah dh bagi arahan supaya Najib berdiam diri akan segala tohmahan atau tuduhan yg dilemparkan terhadap najib........arahan rosmah ialah supaya anjing2 Najib spt Nazri, Rahman, Ismail, Keruak, Tengku tu, Azalina bersuara & mempertahan Najib walaupun kelihatan bodoh.......rosmah juga sudah arahkan Ali Tinju dan Jamal Ikan buat kacau klau ada demonstrasi menentang Najib.......pompuan puaka nih mmg sial......
DeleteSha has no right to intervene
DeleteFuck you rosmah
That will be the worst you can do for the country.
Delete'Sha has no right to intervene', ya but Najib also have no right to become PM in 2009...Badawi dah pilih TSMY, Tun yg kacau, sad to say.
DeleteBig egoed Mama loves to intervene with her 15000 bomoh association - Syirik Akbar!
DeleteAmokh cover line:
ReplyDelete'Instead of building higher towers, Khazanah Nasional Berhad has decided to carry out a project for the benefit of city folk with its urban rainforest called the Taman Tugu park.
The state investment arm said the park would give the people an alternative recreational venue to frequent rather than visits to shopping malls.
“People would be able to walk, cycle, camp and enjoy the rainforest,” Khazanah Managing Director Azman Mokhtar said of the project.
Khazanah will be financing RM500 million of the RM650 million Taman Tugu Rainforest Park, launched by the prime minister earlier this week.'
There is already plenty of those lah, dunggu. What is Bkt Nenas, Lake Gardens, so many more? This is Boogees stealing money for GE14 lah. Jilake betui......
Jelas bahawa projek yang dijangka menelan belanja RM650 juta terlalu tinggi dan tidak munasabah hatta setelah diambil kira kos pembinaan infrastruktur dan bangunan seperti dalam perancangan.
DeleteJadi, tidaklah menghairankan jika ramai yang musykil dengan metodologi penilaian yang digunapakai oleh Khazanah Nasional Berhad dan Perbendaharaan Negara/Unit Perancang Ekonomi sehingga mewajarkan nilai yang begitu tinggi.
Throw Bugis pirate out BEFORE this money can be wasted!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThere are only two subjects which Blobby Fatso writes about nowadays, Hannah Yeoh and you.
Everything else is simply filler until she can re-word another of her previous articles on Hannah Yeoh and/or you to make it seem different before she publishes it.
As for Alexa, I guess Blobby Fatso has brought that up because she probably uses statistics off Alexa to justify the payments she gets.
Seeing as Alexa is such an important and respected stats site (according to "some people"), I thought I'd have a look around it and I noticed something strange.
Alexa says that 54% of her visitors comes from Malaysia and a whopping 41% of her visitors come from CANADA!!!
WTF!! Blobby Fatso has a HUGE following in Canada?
No other countries are mentioned - presumably they make up the remaining 5% and are too small to count.
Now, I don't really know how Alexa calculates those stats, so I suspect there is some technical reason for her HUGE popularity in Canada.
It appears that Alexa stats are also quite selective.
The stats seem to be based on some kind of Alexa toolbar which must be installed in your browser - no Alexa toolbar, no Alexa stats.
Also, the number of domains which link to a particular website seem to benefit an Alexa ranking.
For some reason a search engine query with the words "Malaysiakini BM" seems to send a lot of traffic her way. I dunno why.
Maybe this was from the days she worked at Malaysiakini.
I don't confess to be an expert on deciphering Alexa stats or explaining how Alexa works, so for the moment, I can only offer these small insights in the claims made by Blobby Fatso about how famous she is - on Alexa, that is.
I am sure there are other methods of ranking websites offered by other organisations but I couldn't tell you offhand.
As a layman, I find it really strange that most of her readership seems to be only from 2 countries, Malaysia and Canada.
P.S. And oh, her bounce rate of 51% shows that 51% of visitors just visit her site and do nothing, in other words, they land on her front page, maybe read the front page, and leave.
P.S.S. Looking at her Global Rank, I noticed that she dropped from around 400,000th rank in Oct2015 to nearly 1millionth rank in Sep2016.
P.S.S.S. I just realised that her huge popularity in Canada could be due to a Canadian bot which just lands on her front page and leaves - which could explain both the high bounce rate and the massive number of hits from Canada
So much for Alexa Ranking Wanking:
Wordpress page views are more accurate. Yet Blobby has managed to scrape together pathetic page views, despite the fact that she (having no life) she blogs and comments incessantly - rabidly, even - and has been doing so since her mid-40s, which was a long time ago.
It's taking a toll on her, though. Like a pasty pale yellow grub she sits there, shut off from sunlight, scowling at the screen with tiny little raisin eyes that will be eventually be overwhelmed by the surrounding flab.
Not pleasant, is it? No, it isn't.
Get ready for the plaintive wail of "what sort of people are they"? - which is frankly a little rich, coming from the venomous slug herself.
Why Canada?
Because walruses live in Canada.
They visit Blobby to see what a walrus looks like when she lets herself go.
Get a job, Blobby.
And a life.
Delete//Because walruses live in Canada.//
See, I told you there was a totally logical explanation for her popularity in Canada.
So she is a poster pinup celebrity for walruses.
There goes my dumb theory about bots exploiting Alexa vulnerabilities.
So obvious that fatso HA is using many pseudonyms soa as to prop her blog. Her style of writing is so obvious. Look at comments from Lemac, Ayam, Rina etc. got her trademark words and style. Must prop her blog, or no more dedak
The fat loser is really amusing, though:
"MCA has tunjuk belang and DAP has tunjuk taring. So far the Malay and the Muslim party have not reacted. But should the Dapster-evangelistas continue provoking and attacking over the 355 developments as they’re doing at present, you can rest assured that PAS and Umno will indeed join forces."
Why? Because a fat Cinapek ex-Malaysiakini communist like you tells them to?
Don't think so, beb.
And she has a hilarious lack of self-awareness.
She posts pix of Hannah Yeoh wearing selendang as evidence that Yeoh is a Malay wannabe, without realising that she herself is even sadder by writing posts dotted with words like "ummah" and "nawaitu".
WOW, such credibility!!!!
You get it, Blobby?
Fat Chinese chick wearing selendang = hypocrisy
Even fatter Chinese chick wearing fake Islamic credentials = worse hypocrisy
Aiyaaaa, Ploppy, u sama chugak, maaaaa. Lu changan tipu, arrrr. Lu hipoclit no.1 maaaa. Wa ingkak itu "adipose tissue" soolah masuk dalam lu punyak otak, O. Itu sipap lu punyak thinking as flabby as the rest of you.
Forgive her lo. She has been having menopause since puberty..
DeleteSo quite sad too...
Like that song's lyric.. " lonely, i m so lonely, always on my own..."
She has been having menopause since puberty...LOL
DeleteNow I miss Lufang again.
DeleteBro, 'hipoclit' sounds wrong la bro....ewwww geli
Deletefatso is a mole. she doesn't condemn her ex boss LGE and Hannah Yeoh allows her to to say and write whatever she likes about her (Hannah Yeoh) No saman or a word of reprimand for fatso HA. Isn't that strange?
Deletewajib baca.......
ReplyDelete"Khairy tidak kehadapan dalam permainan politik kekampungan yang berpandu kepada pemikiran yang cetek tetapi menampilkan general-generalnya untuk memburukan tokoh-tokoh profesional negara yang mahu membantu menegakkan kerajaan yang bersih.
Kalangan profesional ini digambarkan seolah -olah akan membunuh masa depan Melayu sebaliknya mereka inilah yang diharapkan oleh orang Melayu untuk mengangkat maruah Melayu dengan lapuran terhadap mereka dibuat kepada polis..
Khairy tidak berani untuk mengambil kesempatan dari kehilangan keyakinan rakyat terhadap kepimpinan negara untuk bertindak sesuai dengan citarasa kebangkitan generasi Melayu baru yang mahukan kepada kepimpinan yang berwibawa, bersih, cekap dan amanah
Khairy berada dalam krisis keyakinan diri untuk bertindak berani saamada mengambil risiko melancarkan suatu revolusi dalaman atau meneruskan tradisi evolusi politik cara UMNO untuk survival politiknya."
Berani nak jawab ke, KJ?
KJ play safe always
"Gelang Patah Umno permanent chairperson has announced his resignation from the Malay party during his speech at the division's delegate meeting earlier today.
"I declare that I am no longer an Umno member during my speech as permanent chairperson at the Gelang Patah Umno Delegate Meeting," Baharom Abdul Ghani posted on his Facebook page.
Baharom was a founding member of Gelang Patah Umno division which he founded in 1994 and was an assemblyperson from 1995 to 2004."
Kulai Umno deputy chief Tosrin Jarvanti has also exited.
Delete- anon truly
DeleteGelakan gelak ketawa:
ReplyDelete"Penang Gerakan’s Teng Chang Yeow has lashed out at Umno vice-president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for calling on Barisan Nasional component parties to follow in Umno’s footsteps to recapture Penang.
Teng, who is also Penang BN chairman, responded with heavy sarcasm to Ahmad Zahid’s remark at the Balik Pulau Umno division delegates’ meeting.
“There is no denial that Umno has better election machinery. Their machinery is so good that they are unable to win back Kelantan and Selangor,” Teng said in a statement today.
“Umno’s machinery, under Zahid himself, as co-director of operations for the Permatang Pauh by-election, did not win the Permatang Pauh by election!”
But who care what Gerakan think? Depa xde kerusi Parlimen pon? Atau 1-2 jer....nak bising plak? Kihx3