Sunday 11 September 2016

Squeezed doctors

I went to hospital today for treatment.

Old ailment working up again.

Bumped into a schoolfriend who is a surgeon there.

We had lunch and talked quite a bit about what is happening ever since we last met about a year ago.

She was apparently worried over the latest directive by the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) on tax treatment for doctors at private hospitals like her,

She said the directive, issued earlier this week requires tax treatment for doctors like her be based on personal basis instead of Sdn Bhd as had been the practice all these while.

Like most other doctors at private hospitals, my friend had set up a Sdn Bhd company and received her service fees from the hospital through it.

She technically provides her services via her own company while "renting" facilities at the hospital.

"What I understand is that the tax I paid via my company over the past three years since I'm at this hospital will not be counted. I have to pay a new sum on personal basis and on top of that I have to pay penalties," my friend said.

"I had done the calculations and it looks like I have to pay about RM1.3 million for the whole sum.  I'm not really sure where I'm going to get that much money, as the deadline is on December 15.

"My lawyer said I can't fight this one as I will surely lose and they will punish me further later on," she added.

She said she had always paid her taxes on time and as according to the normal practice.

"If the method of my payment was wrong, why did they only tell me about it now. I have no intention of cheating the government. It's just that I followed the practice which have been in place all these while."

My friend said the Malaysian Medical Association had told the over 3,000 affected doctors nationwide not to fight the IRB directive.

"Even our association had abandoned us. They even told us not to make noise about this," she lamented.

"Talks among my fellow doctors is that they will go after those who run private clinics after this," she added.

My friend, who is an Umno member also told me that the government's standing among the affected doctors is not very good at the moment for obvious reason.

Hopefully the IRB can come up with some sorts of mechanism so that the doctors will not be too burdened by the whole thing.

I don't think it's wise to be harsh towards those doctors at this moment in time.

They save lives, okay.

We should at least appreciate them for that.

It's also not such a good thought to have 3,000 doctors joining the rank of people who hate the government.

Especially now.

Anyway, I'm writing this while laying down on my bed.

The doctor who treated me today told me to rest my body as much as I can to avoid aggravating my old ailment.


  1. There are two certain things in life: death and taxes.

    Income Tax Act made no concession for others. Why should doctors be treated any different?

    Doctors should hire tax accountants to sort their matters. Not make own deductions based on their limited knowledge of ITA.

    If ill accountants can sought doctors for professional service, why can't it be reveresed?

    Serves them right for not having proper tax consultants.

    1. My friend said if things get too difficult she may migrate for better life. She is a good UK trained nureo surgeon and we don't have too many of that in this country. I think we can do with accountant shortage but not surgeon shortage. Unless we are okay being cut up by surgeon from Bangladesh la. Bangladeshi accountants may be okay.

    2. Ex-AA & Co. 12 September 2016 at 00:40

      //Doctors should hire tax accountants to sort their matters.//

      It is very likely that most professionals like doctors, engineers, etc, will use tax accountants.

      I have a feeling that such professionals know that given the amount of money involved, they need someone competent to navigate the complexities of the Tax Act.

      Also, they can easily afford the fees charged

      I will be extremely surprised if any professional does attempt to fill in those tax forms on his/her own.


    3. Ex-AA & Co. I don't think you read the post properly. See this?

      "What I understand is that the tax I paid via my company over the past three years since I'm at this hospital will not be counted. I have to pay a new sum on personal basis and on top of that I have to pay penalties," my friend said.

      Anyone can run a business under a company name. Your LHDN file is hen OG and not SG. There are tax benefits. You can claim business expenses. This is legal.

      She said she had always paid her taxes on time and as according to the normal practice.

      "If the method of my payment was wrong, why did they only tell me about it now. I have no intention of cheating the government. It's just that I followed the practice which have been in place all these while."

      What LHDN is trying to do is make it RETROSPECTIVE. There has been a directive to them to try and squeeze money for the gomen's empty coffers.

      That would be wrong.

      Actually Annie's friend should take them to court.

    4. Why we don;t hear the case before. Malaysian Medical Association xde teloq ke?

      They shld defend to rights of their member

    5. I'm still not 100% clear on this case, but if retrospective penalty then Malaysian Medical Association should file a class action lawsuit.

  2. ....They save lives, okay....

    yes many of them save lives but with condition...and the condition is give me a lot of money or go and die because i am a DOCTOR

    1. Many are not like that lah bro.
      Problem is our government health care system is broke.

    2. You're stereotyping all doctors 1.55. So if you go to any doctor at GH, you think they are making tonnes of money?

    3. Some goverment doctors I hold high respect really, very long hour but not motivated from money. And service is good. Really there's some

  3. Not to worry doc.. We have got the best of the best government when it comes to squeeeeeezing its people dry.. damnnnnn...

    1. First GST, then this witch-hunt by LHDN. Meanwhile 7 billion USD public cash missing thanks to our beloved PM. Thanks Najeeb. You da man.

  4. Then Kadir Jasin was spot on in his article last week. We're eally in a mess financially. I've read somewhere they even begin to collect tax on duty free tourist attractions such as Langkawi and Labuan. With all the name calling on Mahathir, they now turn to his legacies to leech for more money. For government of the day, the only way to shore up its finance is to squeeze the people dry for juice.

    1. Dakwaan Johari bahawa pertumbuhan ekonomi kita adalah antara yang terbaik di Asean kurang tepat dan boleh dipersoalkan.....

      Kadar 4.1 peratus yang Johari petik itu sebenarnya rendah berbanding Filipina yang tumbuh 7.0 peratus, Vietnam 5.6 peratus dan Indonesia 5.2 peratus. Dari 10 negara Asean, kita hanya menang dengan Brunei dan Thailand saja.

      Johari pun tidak boleh seronok sangat dengan pertumbuhan 4.1 peratus itu kerana ia adalah yang paling rendah sejak tahun 2013.

      Kita tentu masih ingat yang Najib menjadi Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Kewangan tujuh tahun lalu mulai 2009. Antara tahun 2009 dan 2015, ekonomi negara berkembang pada kadar purata 4.6 peratus berbanding 5.7 peratus dalam tempoh tujuh tahun sebelum itu......

    2. Anonymous 12 September 2016 at 11:16,

      I am no economist and I am curious how that 4.1% growth figure was calculated.

      I do know however that after the introduction of the GST, price growth in some areas are ridiculous.

      I dunno - maybe the price increases are in areas which are absolutely essential and people have no choice but to buy those items. So, businesses make more money which are then reflected in the 4.1% growth.

      But I am no economist, just a dumb "jaga kebun" for my father's piddling small plots of oil palm trees, so my theories are all suspect anyway.


    3. I'm juiceless already. Squeezed dry by Mama Ros' thunder thighs.


      "The Wall Street Journal reported this year, citing banking documents, that at least $1 million in purchases made by Ms. Rosmah at jewelry and fashion stores in Europe and the U.S. in 2014 were paid for by Mr. Najib using credit cards that drew on 1MDB funds. The couple declined to comment at the time.

      New documents seen by the Journal show those expenses are part of at least $6 million in spending by Ms. Rosmah between 2008 and 2015 on clothing, shoes and jewelry from London’s Harrods department store, Saks Fifth Avenue of New York and elsewhere.

      Feeling even more geli now, Sdr. Zamri?

    5. Geli max bro. If 25 million how many hospital and sekolah2 can build? Geram la aku

  5. Annie,

    Think about it from the government's point of view.

    3000+ doctors/surgeons.

    Let's say RM1million each.

    That is about RM3billion of tax revenue.

    Not easy for anybody to say "no" to that kind of money.

    Of course, it is anybody's guess as to why our government has decided to go after doctors/surgeons now.


    1. Najibjinggovitis tissue have turned into malevolent cancer cells; it's going to eat up the good flesh and blood.

    2. 'That is about RM3 billion of tax revenue.' But that's not incremental. The doc in Annie's story was paying tax all along as OG file holder (or possibly under "D" if it's a partnership, as come professionals do, or "C" as company).

      Now they want her to be SG. There isn't a massive difference actually.

      The doc was already paying tax. But you cannot change the rules and then say the new rules apply backwards.

    3. I agree,can test case to sue lhdn. But MMA also have to brave lah

    4. Anonymous 12 September 2016 at 12:20,

      //But that's not incremental.//

      Hm, the doctor in question is being hit for an additional RM1.3million so I would have thought that's incremental.

      Unless you mean something else by "incremental".


    5. Gladiator,

      What I meant was based on:

      "What I understand is that the tax I paid via my company over the past three years since I'm at this hospital will not be counted. I have to pay a new sum on personal basis and on top of that I have to pay penalties," my friend said.

      "I had done the calculations and it looks like I have to pay about RM1.3 million for the whole sum. I'm not really sure where I'm going to get that much money, as the deadline is on December 15."

      OK, say that the "new sum" plus penalties is 1.3 million as an SG.

      However, say that for the three years she actually did pay (e.g.) 850K as an OG or D or C.

      Ditto with these 3000+ doctors/surgeons.

      Say they are liable for 800K already, but the govt changes the rules and makes it 1 million.

      So govt's actual "profit" is 200K each. Not 1 million clean.

      What I'm curious is, for Annie's friend, how can they just ignore the money already paid for 3 years? Isn't it contra? Is there a refund? Very puzzling.

    6. Anonymous 12 September 2016 at 18:13,

      //So govt's actual "profit" is 200K each. Not 1 million clean.//

      Aaahh, OK!

      That is where we differ.

      I has assumed that Annie's friend was liable for an additional RM1.3million.

      But you are saying that the RM1.3million is merely the new total tax that should have been paid over the three years.

      OK, all sweet.

      It was not very clear from Annie's article if her friend has to pay an additional RM1.3million or just the difference between RM1.3million and what has already been paid.

      //how can they just ignore the money already paid for 3 years? Isn't it contra? Is there a refund? Very puzzling.//

      Come on lah..

      There HAS to be a contra for tax already paid if the RM1.3million is the new total for the three years. :)

      Otherwise, it will just become what I had originally assumed - that the RM1.3million is ADDITIONAL to tax already paid!



  6. Annie,

    In the end the rakyat always pay the price for the excesses of the leeches at the top.

    Take just one example:

    "Off the fairways, another side of Mr. Najib’s time in office was on display. Two days earlier, the prime minister’s credit card was charged $130,625 to Chanel in Honolulu, according to Malaysian investigation documents. A person who works at a Chanel store in the upscale Ala Moana Center recalls Mr. Najib’s wife shopping there just before Christmas. The credit card was paid from one of several private bank accounts owned by Mr. Najib."

    Why can't the Bugis pirate sue on this allegation? Clear his name, more importantly, the nation's?

    Because electronic forensic evidence and eyewitness accounts can't be argued with.

    It's so simple:

    a) Did the credit card in question belong to a certain person and was it linked to this particular account? (YES.)

    b) Do you recognise the woman with big hair who waddled into your outlet, while people were dying in the East Coast floods back at home? (YES.)

    There goes your case, Mr MO1.

    And the lies. Oh, so many lies...

    "If I was going to be a robber (penyamun), why would I transfer the money back into the country? That is, if I wanted to be a robber. I am thankful that many people did not believe the news that I transferred money to my personal accounts.” MO1, quoted in Rakyat Post, 5th July 2015.

    Then the Umno comedy of errors began.

    The Filipinos had Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos, who enriched themselves greedily while ordinary Filipinos suffered more and more.

    We now have our own.

    1. Sampai bila dia nak berkuasa? Sampai bila dia nak menganiaya amanah yg rakyat berikan? Dosa orang yg bersubahat lebih besar drp dosa orang yg membunuh. Tanyalah guru guru agama mana pun.

      Tiap2 hari marah rakyat makin membara makin benci makin meluat dgn penipuan demi penipuan yg dia dok buat........

      Dulu bolehlah dia sorok. Skrang makin hari makin terungkai dgn sendirinya.........

      Makin negara Malaysia dok sorok makin negara negara lain menyiasat dan dah mula bertindak......tunggu hari saja kau ni najib oiiiiiii. Makin hari makin jaranglah gigi keruak makin lonjonglah kepala nazri makin sakit pinggang saudara ni tengku palsu dan mat maslan pun dah bisu.......

    2. "ALI-BABA" atau "APEK-BUGIS"???

      "Akhbar The Wall Street Journal hari ini mendedahkan sekutu Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Low Taek Jho yang kononnya mengendalikan akaun peribadi AmBank perdana menteri.

      Menurut laporan itu, Low berulang kali menekankan sensitiviti akaun berkenaan dan menekankan keperluan untuk kerahsiaan.

      Beliau juga dilaporkan melarang AmBank daripada menghantar penyata kad kredit yang berkaitan dengan akaun tersebut ke kediaman perdana menteri.

      cafcd1480f88e1411ccec349b31c04…“Jangan biarkan mereka di luar bank atau lebih daripada beberapa orang dalaman tahu mengenai akaun ini, arahnya. Gunakan Gmail, bukan sistem e-mel bank, untuk komunikasi.

      “Apa sahaja yang kamu lakukan, jangan hantar penyata kad kredit ke rumah perdana menteri,” petik laporan WSJ yang menyenaraikan arahan yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan oleh Low."

      Wa tolong lu...

    3. During Tun Mahathir Mohamad years, our Malaysia economy flourished, he did a great deal with infrastructure, our living standard improved. Name one good thing this Najib has done for Malaysia. Najib absconded with billions of dollars of "rakyat money"; for his personal use; which were supposed to help kick start the economy. Najib managed to drive Malaysia economy to a brink of bankrupt. We Malaysians, are very grateful to have Tun Mahathir Mohamad to guide us during this dark time...

    4. Kepada penyokong tegar Umno, kalau Umno runtuh, salahkan Najib. Jangan salahkan Tun M atau Anwar. Najib telah diberi peluang tapi dia tetap heret Umno sehingga jadi kebencian rakyat. Najib adalah liabiliti bagi Umno.

  7. If she is asked to pay 1.3 million then her undeclared income would be probably 4 million. Yup she surely going to be poor after paying tax. Ask her to go ahead and migrate to Europe where they put you in jail for tax evasion...there are a lot of professionals in this country doing great services and paying their taxes properly...nobody is asking your friend to pay more then others...

    1. It's not that my friend doesn't want to pay her taxes. It's the methods of payment which all these while been okay suddenly becomes not okay. Now she has to raise that amount within a short period. Well, if people like you can't appreciate that then I think she should just take her skills elsewhere.

    2. Hari, you don't understand the concept of 'tax evasion'. Really you don't.

    3. tax avoidance - leagal
      tax evasion - not leagal

      simple bro

      Sole prop not illegal

    4. The thing is she didn't set up a sole prop. She set up a sdn bhd, i.e. company but her 'company' doesn't have any employee. Tax laws are clear. Just because lhdn has ignored it all this while doesn't mean that it is right. If she thinks she has legal standing, she should challenge it.

  8. hari 12 September 2016 at 10:47

    //Ask her to go ahead and migrate to Europe where they put you in jail for tax evasion...//

    The point here is that the doctor was not evading taxes at all.

    She was happily paying her taxes as was required by law.

    No doubt she took whatever deductions she was permitted by law, but that, too, is not the point - she was permitted by law to take those deductions just as you are perfectly entitled to take any deductions permitted by law.

    Therefore your suggestion that there is some kind of tax evasion seems a bit unfair to the doctor in question.


    1. My friend is not the only one. As mentioned, 3,000 doctors affected by this. I don't think all of them had wanted to avoid paying their taxes.

    2. Gladiator, yeah you're right. Actually anyone providing any service can register as self-employed or sole proprietor for tax purposes. It's 100% legal. I thot the gomen wanted to encourage entrepreneurs.

      Maybe the rakyat should follow entrepreneur MO1 and pakat with a fat Chinaman and 2 Arabs to steal money from the public coffers? Elok lah, "fpllow the leader".

      PS; Did Najis ever pay income tax on either the 1 billion plus from 1MDB or the 42 million stolen from SRC? Soalan cepu mas.

    3. Hehehe...yea, pakat with a fat Chinaman and 2 Arabs to steal money from the public coffers is the fastest way.

      But then you cannot sleep at night and then you have to steal more money for anti-ageing, but you still look old

      Simple lesson dont steal

    4. Steal will caught. Siapa yang terdesak sekarang? Transaksi electronic banking tak bolem padam. Padam pon orang luar dah ada copy. Yang curi dan dapat habuan curi tu, so enjoy lah ye, selagi ada peluang....x lama lagi

    5. Anonymous 12 September 2016 at 12:26,

      //pakat with a fat Chinaman and 2 Arabs//


      Fat Chinaman? Hmmm...

      I know where to find a fat Chinawoman.

      She is just as willing to sell off her principles and integrity.

      Will that do?


    6. Bro, fat Chinawoman is Ustazah M'kini kan *wink wink* you know I know bro

    7. Zamri 13 September 2016 at 02:14,

      //fat Chinawoman is Ustazah M'kini kan//

      Hmmm... fat = oil

      And we all know that oil = Arabs

      There is enough fat in that one to make up the 2 Arabs with plenty of blubber left over.


  9. Auntie Annie,

    I should call you auntie because judging from your admission above to have an old classmate who is now a neurologist having practiced for quite some time, you must be at least 40 now.

    Ask your friend to leave for other country, where the people can afford her service. After all, rich people's lives are more precious.

    There is no need for any reason to be given. Have air ticket can go.

    Ask your friend, why are the drugs for illnesses being designed to be taken 'daily', and once you start to take the drugs you must not stop 'until the day you die'?

    Ask your friend, why is it that every time you pay a visit to the doctor they would not diagnose you and would instead take your blood, your urine, x-Ray, and god knows how many more tests and ask you to go home and wait for the reports? What do they learn in medical school?

    Ask your friend, why is it that when the doctor knows that you are covered up to RM10k, the final bill would come to around that figure? Did the doctor generate / engineer the bills?

    And last but not least, ask your friend, why is an angioplasty being touted as simple surgery can cost more than RM 50k easily, and if the doctor cannot 'negotiate the corner' you may have to fork out another RM40k for his 'failed attempt'?

    There is one thing that your friend must ask herself, how much does she think that her skills which she learned from her medical school worth? Paying millions for tax?

    Go where the customers could afford.

    1. 'Ask your friend, why is it that every time you pay a visit to the doctor they would not diagnose you and would instead take your blood, your urine, x-Ray, and god knows how many more tests and ask you to go home and wait for the reports? What do they learn in medical school?'

      Habis? Alternative is what?

      Agak-agak without tests? Use X-Ray vision like Superman? Measure your blood glucose by taking your pulse?

      Bodoh kerbau punya remark, sorry.

    2. 'Measure your blood glucose by taking your pulse?'

      LOL good one

  10. They're FOOLS to make war on our healing brethren!

  11. Anonymous 12 September 2016 at 12:14,

    I am puzzled at your questions.

    //why are the drugs for illnesses being designed to be taken 'daily'//

    Are there drugs on the market which can cure illness with just one course of treatment?

    Some illnesses are life-long conditions, so life-long medication is the only answer kan?

    Of cos, I am no doctor so I don't really know if there are people who have been cured from different cancers or diabetes or heart disease after just one or two courses of medication.

    //take your blood, your urine, x-Ray, and god knows how many more tests and ask you to go home and wait for the reports?//

    So, you are suggesting that a doctor should just take into consider what the patient says and what the doctor can determine visually?

    Don't you want the doctor to know what your blood says about your liver functions? Your urine? Etc?

    Do you expect a doctor to sniff a patient's breath or urine and stool to work out what is wrong with the patient?

    I say, that is bit demanding but I guess a good doctor can work a patient's problems just by sniffing.

    I know that for me, I can usually tell when a person with diabetes has been using a urinal. It is hard to describe the smell but I am quite certain that the person is diabetic.

    //when the doctor knows that you are covered up to RM10k, the final bill would come to around that figure//

    OK, I don't know if this is the case, but I accept that such instances can occur, so you may have a point here.

    //why is an angioplasty being touted as simple surgery can cost more than RM 50k easily, //

    Bloody hell!! If angioplasty is so simple, save yourself some money and do it at home yourself.

    What's stopping you?

    If you miss the corner, no worries, just pull out the coat-hanger you are using, and bend it to the right shape and shove it in again. Easy peasy lah, right?

    Poke poke here, twist twist there, and everything will be fine. Go on!!

    //how much does she think that her skills which she learned from her medical school worth?//

    Come on, my friend, we live in a market economy, OK?

    That is the market price.

    In Cuba, angioplasty is free and apparently doctors are paid no different from lorry drivers.

    I do understand that some people might feel that medical services to citizens of a country should be totally free and doctors should be paid a decent salary for the work they do.

    In fact many countries do provide free medical services to their citizens and doctors who work in the public system make a damn good salary.

    But this requires a government which uses its assets and resources wisely.

    I am told that every Norwegian man, woman and child is a millionaire through the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund.

    In Norway, healthcare is free to children under sixteen and adults pay a deduction of some kind to receive free top quality world class healthcare.

    You can decide for yourself whether the Malaysian government has been using the assets and resources of Malaysia wisely.

    If you feel that the government has been wise, by all means vote for BN when PRU14 comes by.

    If you feel otherwise, vote for the Opposition.

    If you don't want to vote, well ... what can I say?

    Maybe you can come back and complain on Annie's blog.

    Despite being a die-hard UMNO supporter herself, Annie is unusual in the fact that she allows many diverse views, even outlandish ones like mine :)

    Not many pro-UMNO bloggers are like her, for example have you ever heard the name "Blobby Fatso" ......


    1. 'If you miss the corner, no worries, just pull out the coat-hanger you are using, and bend it to the right shape and shove it in again.'.......yeah this fella 12:14 don't understand, doctor job not so easy....


  12. Annie,

    Here's some comedy to get your mind off hospitals.

    It's courtesy of Ti Wan-Ker, "Religious Harmony Bureau" (seriously?) chairman of the Malaysian Chibai Association (MCA).

    In his ongoing spat with Nazri Aziz, Wan-Ker has retreated crying to his corner. His "save face" is this:

    "Barisan Nasional must seize the opportunity to unite behind the Prime Minister’s 1Malaysia now that the “race extremists” have left and joined Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, says Datuk Seri Ti Lian Ker."

    Alamak, Wan-Ker. But your Annuar Mara, Mael Sabri, Jamal Ikan Pelacur (rare species) Bakar, Tajuddin Songlap Wang ITM, Zahid "let's shoot Indians without warning", Wan Junaidi (child rape tolerance), Ali Dedak, and many, many more are still all round you. Do you need reminding?

    Wa ingkak lu manyaaaa siow punyak olang, Wan-Ker.

    He then says:

    “We must now unite under Datuk Seri Najib and charter the nation back to the spirit of the founding years of the Alliance and gear BN towards a moderate course of 1Malaysia in spirit, thoughts, words and actions."

    Dear oh dear, what a mess.

    In fact, the Tun era was far less marked by racism than Najis's current desperate attempts to divert attention from his crimes by using race & religion.

    Can you recall any of this happening in the 1980s and 90s?

    Not at all.

    Fact is, MCA is a bit of a joke. Their only function is to kiss enough Umno ass so that the Cinapek towkays can cream off some fat contracts of their own. The MCA is now merely a business lobby for Cinapek towkays. That's it.

    Did you know Genting is mentioned twice in the 1MDB money trail? Yet when contacted by the WSJ, they just said "no comment". With all that haram gambling money coming in by the millions daily, they can afford the best lawyers in the world. Yet neither they nor their Bugis "bapak ayam" has the testicular fortitude to sue.

    Wonder why?

    1. nazri dah 'block' ti.....x boleh bertanding lagi kat kuantan atau pahang......hanco ler ti lian ker nih.....nake jadi hero tapi akhirnys - hmmmm. Bukan hang tuah atau hang jebat tapi "hang" diri sendiri.....kih kih kih

    2. "Ikan Pelacur"? Well, that's a new one. I've heard of "ayam" and "itik" but this? INTERESTING.

    3. Dahulu nazri penjilat mahathir, sekarang dikata org tua nyanyok,baling gelas pun tak pecah. Dahulu hisham menangis masa mahathir nak bersara, sekarang dia menentang apa yg di kata mahathir, dahulu najib puji melangit mahathir tika berjawatan naib presiden, apa yg di kata semua betul,tetapi sekarang kata mahathir semua tak betul kerana mahathir sudah tiada kuasa. Dan itulah perangai org umno yg hipokrit.......

    4. 'najib puji melangit mahathir tika berjawatan naib presiden, apa yg di kata semua betul,tetapi sekarang kata mahathir semua tak betul' - most ungrateful najeeb

    5. Still Tun's biggest mistake of his life. And this bugger was already a crook in MOD before he became DPM. Tun, Tun...**sigh**

  13. I suffer from several aiments since childhood so I've been in and out of hospitals. I used to go to govt hospitals but gave up because of long queues, foreign doctors from countries I don't trust their degrees etc.

    Now I go private even if it bankrupts me. There are some doctors who charge very high fees and I find these are the arrogant impatient ones. There are still some dedicated doctors who actually charge 60 to 70 rm in SJMC and Sunway like my cardio and gastro. And they honestly tell you to buy medication from outside pharmacy because way cheaper. And they are patient and caring.

    Under Najib, eveything is screwed. Instead of wasting 650 million rm on tugu park, spend that money on hospitals and schools. Syiok sendiri projects for entitled crooks should be banned.

    1. The Tugu Park is not a public project lah. It's for funding dedak in GE14. You don;t find the timing, errrrr strange? I sure do : )

    2. Yup, strange as hell bro. We're broke financially, cutting budgets here and there, and all of a sudden the gomen announced Taman Tugu out of nowhere for whopping 650 million??Tengah-tengah tak ada duit nak spend money on Taman Tugu. 650 juta pulak tu. Bukannya 20 juta..

  14. Annie

    I dont trust private hospital doctors. Come with an Insurance GL and your bill moves up by 2 to 4 times.

    They are leaches. So they deserve to be heavily taxed. Their expenses should be deducted for their net income. That information the doctor intentionally witheld from you.

    Not only this private doctor is a leech, she can be a snake.

    The wonder of medical science, even medical practitioner can mutate into a fusion of two animals.

    If she tries to use political leverage, DAP government will be worse.

    1. Does the same apply to all doctors? Stereotyping again.

    2. lawyer? is how?

    3. 17:46, every lawyer will cheat you, kawan. Not every doctor will.

    4. Anonymous 12 September 2016 at 16:16,

      //Their expenses should be deducted for their net income.//

      Not sure what point you are trying to make but as far as I know, most tax returns by professionals do deduct expenses from their income.

      //If she tries to use political leverage, DAP government will be worse.//

      There is no DAP government in Putrajaya yet, so what are you trying to say?


    5. Not all doctor bad bro

      Tak kan if accident you ask for doc's resume first. Then nego price LOL

  15. Breaking news, read it & weep people:

    "The prime minister's wife Rosmah Mansor allegedly spent US$6 million on clothes, shoes and jewellery, claims the Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

    The report said the spending, made between 2008 and 2015, was based on new documents reviewed by the WSJ.
    "Newly revealed documents show (Rosmah) has racked up at least US$6 million in credit card charges in recent years - despite having no known source of income beyond her husband’s salary.

    "She is the only child of schoolteachers, hasn’t had a regular paying job in years and her husband, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, is a longtime bureaucrat with an annual salary of US$100,000," said the report.

    It said the spending were made from London's Harrods department store to Saks Fifth Avenue of New York and elsewhere.

    According to the WSJ, the latest US$6 million expenses include the close to US$1 million spending by Rosmah which it previously reported.

    In March, the WSJ reported that Rosmah spent €750,000 at an Italian branch of Swiss-owned jewellery store De Grisogono and US$130,635 at Chanel in Honolulu, Hawaii.

    In that report, the WSJ claimed the spending was charged to the credit cards of Rosmah's husband Najib.
    It claimed the credit cards drew on 1MDB funds."

    OK so the WSJ has waited for 15 months for the lawsuit that was supposed to happen "hari Selasa depan".

    So? What now?

  16. Same as RM24.6 million

    Almost 25 million

    This is crazy. So she got pay tax or not?

    They will NEVER saman WSJ.

    They cannot "fix" oversea court

    1. Are Malaysians so stupid that they will allow our "leaders" to treat public funds as their personal credit card & kitty? We are too passive, lah. Try this in other countries, they will carry those 2 to the airport and throw them on a plane (or worse lah!)

  17. Dear Sir / Madam

    Recently 1000 of 5000, housemen have been reported to, not complete their housemanship , going missing in action
    because, they were not interested in medicine but were forced to study by their parents, disillusioned by the hard work,
    long hours, because they couldn't handle the stress of a medical job, as well as the the scolding from their seniors

    Also it has been reported that of those who finally complete their housemanship, about 30 % have repeat a posting
    or get an extension because of unsatisfactory performance

    In addition , the keen competition, low prospect of being able to specialise (only about 5-10%), limited prospects of
    private general practice ( recently reported widespread gp clinic difficulties and closures),and the hignly likely
    prospect of unemployment, or underemployment or or employment in a different /lower professional level or
    in a different industry , individuals wishing to study medicine shoulder consider

    1 Are you brilliant- as the health care industry is knowledge based, values problem solving a, requires innovation and improvisation
    the average individual could survive in the past , but may find difficulty nowadays, as only the fittest survive.
    The average person may take longer to learn, be more often scolded, victimised, sidelined , stressed out, burnt out

    2 Can you cope with dissappointment Are you a kind , compassionate character willing to help the troubled,
    willing to work for next to nothing , ready to to give the needy a free meal wnen? where required

    3 Is there a back up plan- eg willing to accept a lower status job , help work in a family buisness

    4 Never, Never , Never take a big loan to pay high fees you cannot afford , This is stressful , painful and cruel to your family,
    good potential ,brilliant people have had to abandon specialist training because of socioeconomic reasons

    5 Do not be misled by education agents , Make sure , make sure that your qualification will be recognised, in the
    country you wish to work in and you will qualify for residence requirements , and that you have a realistically, a
    reasonable chance of being given a chance to get medical officer position

    6 Choose a medical college which/ with
    -reasonable fees, not for profit, run by established local Malaysian organisations eg UTAR, AMIST, Mannipal, IMU,Monash
    - a substantial faculty, with many experienced , staff members with full time appointments,

    7 Do not , Do not make the big , big mistake , Do not choose any medical college with/which
    - expensive fees , twinning programes linked to colleges overseas , or having preclicinal teaching overseas,
    - advertise , advertise excessively as excessive advertising chews up resources better used for teaching facilities eg library ,
    - charge fees of RM 500,000-00 but do not inform that the real cost , inclusive of the living expenses is about RM 1,200,000-00

    8 If in spite of the difficulties and difficult uncertain future of a medical career, you wish to study medicine then consider,
    a medical college with
    reasonable costs 250k - 350k
    recognised by Malaysian Medical Council
    full time academic staff , who have substantial track records in clinical service, teaching , research and publication

    9 Do not pay excessive amounts for medical college fees hoping that their degree is internationally recognised as claimed in adverts
    because the country you wish to get a job in may
    a) change the recognition , ie cease/ stop recognition of the degree in future eg as happened to one medical college
    b) not have a vacancy for a position at your stage of medical career , when you require one
    c) may only consider international medical graduates for temporary remote , rural jobs after which they need to pass difficult exams
    d) may only consider international medical graduates who qualify for permanent residence or citizenship

    Please feel free to edit or publish, Thank You
