Saturday 11 November 2017

Melayu, where are you going?


By Gondrong

Soalan-soalan pembuka gelangang kepada orang Melayu.

Kek ekonomi negara sudah sebesar mana agaknya? Bagaimana pembahagiannya ?

Bolehkah sasaran negara berpendapatan tinggi dan 20 negara terhebat dengan pendapatan cecah trillion dapat memastikan kek ekonomi di agih secara adil dan saksama?

Diukur dari segi penguasaan ekonomi antara kaum, Melayu bangsa majoriti di Malaysia masih ketinggalan jauh.

Sebahagian besar kaum Cina terus bergerak laju menguasai sebahagian besar kek ekonomi.  Manakala hanya kelompok Melayu kecil merasa bahagian kek yang besar dan agak selesa.

Siapa kelompok kecil Melayu yang merasa kek ekonomi yang besar dan banyak daripada keseluruhan kek ekonomi Melayu?

Di mana kedudukan dan kelompok kecil Melayu ini berada dalam pembahagian keseluruhan kek ekonomi  negara?

Adakah kelompok kecil Melayu ini boleh bertahan dan terus dapat mengembangkan kek ekonomi mereka untuk dikongsi secara merata dengan golongan pertengahan dan bawahan?

Agak berapa peratus golongan pertengahan dan bawahan ini mendapat bahagian mereka?

Jurang ekonomi yang semakin melebar sesuatu yang tidak bagus untuk negara. Malah, boleh mendatangkan impak jauh lebih buruk.


  1. Saya rasa soalan2 yg anda tanya telah dijawab oleh economist Dr Muhammad Abd Khalid melalui bukunya 'The colour of inequality'. Beliau adalah economist yg ulasan nya mengenai bajet dlm rancangan rtm menjadi viral.

    1. "Colour of Inequality"?


      Pink diamond......24 juta.....tambah 24 juta auta MO1 & badak......ish

      Rakyat miskin tak ada baju
      Membantu itu perbuatan baik
      Kalau ingin negara maju
      Jangan pilih parti yg munafik....

      Tolak Umgnok!


    2. Hali-hali bolih tengok maa aa ,Bulayu luluk mana maa aa,tatak payah fakta pon bolih tau lea aa .

      Kalau kasi fakta itu milik tanah ,Bulayu lagi habit lor rr ,lumah pon susah mau lapat ,atak peluntukan semua kasi seleweng maa aa ,apa macam ?.
      Milik tanah pertanian ,tanah kilang lagi tak ada lor rr.

      Ini negala siapa, lu sendili jawab maa aa .

      Apa pasat jadi ini macam ?, sendili pon tau maa aa.

    3. rampas bini orang 10 kali pun alhamdulillah
      janji sokong UMNO
      rampas bini orang berjiwa rakyat

      jho low

    4. Itulah dia budaya umno...dimana gula disitu ada semut....memang jijik dan kotor...semoga pru14 ni ia tersungkur kerana keangkuhannya.

  2. Saya kurang bersetuju dengan kata-kata kelompok Melayu kecil sahaja merasa kek ekonomi.saya rasa hampir semua rakyat Malaysia merasa kek ekonomi yang berkembang.
    Kita bukan negara sosialist yang secara idealnya semua orang berkongsi kek ekonomi secara sama rata.
    Prof Kangkung

    1. Sebagai professor jgnlah main rasa aje, carilah fakta. Ini fakta dari buku Dr MAK:

      Wealth composition (2009)
      > Financial Assets (mean ~RM 18k), 53% of population with zero ownership;
      > Propert assets, 25% of population with zero ownership.

      Ini pula fakta pemilikan ASB (2012)
      > RM5k & kebawah: 73.7% of unit holders yg memiliki 3.2 % dari jumlah tabung ASB;
      > RM 50k-500k: 7.7% of unit holders yg memiliki 65.9% dari jumlah tabung;
      > RM500k keatas: 0.2 % yg memiliki 7.7% dari jumlah tabung.

      Kalau nak tahu belilah buku Dr Muhammad, RM40 je, x sampai 0.5% gaji prof sebulan

    2. Anon 1804
      Apa cadangan saudara/i untuk membetulkan ketidak seimbangan ini.rasionalisasi subsidi dan pemberian BR1M adalah antara langkah kerajaan untuk merapatkan jurang antara golongan kaya dan miskin.
      Prof Kangkung

    3. Cadngan saya, kita TUKAR KERAJAAN.
      Kalau Najib terus jadi PM, Melayu akan terus merempat. Yan gkaya dia dan kroni-kroninya.

    4. im comfortable in malaysia walaupun tak cukup duit
      buat design buruk taik anjing
      mark up harga songlap
      saya suka malaysia macam ini

      jho low

    5. Prof 21:05, saya rasa sampai kiamat pun BR1M tak akan merapatkan jurang antara top 1% dan bottom 40%.

      Bagi saya perkara paling penting ialah education system: kurangkan agama di sekolah, kukuhkan pelajaran bahasa inggeris, & kembalikan biasiswa & kuota mrsm kpd pelajar yg berhak.

      Kedua, perlu ada perancangan & kesungguhan untuk mengurangkan tenaga buruh asing di m'sia. Jgn dilayan sgt tokey2 yg dah punya kekayaan lebih 3 keturunan. Akan tetapi jgn le buat perkara bodoh umumkan nak berhentikan semua pekerja asing serta merta. Business perlukan masa untuk buat perancangan & capital untuk berubah kepada teknology lebih tinggi.

      Anyway, ini ulasan 2 sen saya. Saya bukan economist, cuma saya heran -
      Anda, saya, cik minah & ramai lagi berjaya mengubah nasib keluarga dgn pelajaran tapi ini tidak lagi berlaku pada hari ini.

  3. Bagaimana kamu menilai kedudukan Melayu dalam 'KEK EKONOMI' ? Adakah berdasarkan jumlah JUTAWAN MELAYU.........????'

    Kalau di nilai dari sudut Melayu sebagai golongan MENENGAH dalam Kek Ekonomi itu, jawabnya memang sudah tercapai. Setengah daripada kek ekonomi itu adalah kelompok Melayu Menengah. Kejayaan ini adalah hasil daripada dasar ekonomi baru juga bila Melayu diberi peluang untuk meningkatkan diri melalui pendidikan tinggi.

    Malang sekali, Melayu memang gagal dalam dunia perniagaan walaupun kerajaan sudah buat macam-macam cara untuk galak Melayu bergiat dalam bidang ini. Jumlah jutawan Melayu di kalangan ahli perniagaan memang boleh dikira dengan jari. Daripada 20 jutawan Cina, Melayu cuma ada 3-4 orang sahaja. Tetapi, sekarang ini jumlah ini mungkin sudah meningkat kerana ramai Melayu sudah jadi jutawan, tapi hanya di kalangan pemimpin umno. Tengok je duit kerajaan yang lesap, takda yang kecil jumlahnya. Semuanya makan puluhan atau ratusan juta!!!

    Namun, saya bersyukur sudah berjaya masuk ke dalam kelompok besar golongan menengah Melayu dalam kek ekonomi itu. Walaupun tidak jadi JUTAWAN, kami juga dapat menegecap hasil DEB zaman Tun Mahadir dulu.

    1. DEB digubal di zaman Tun Razak cik Minah.Diteruskan sehingga tahun 1990 di zaman Tun Mahathir.

      Prof Kangkung


    2. Pros Kantoi,

      Kebetulan percuma:

      "DEB (Datin Excessive Birkin) digubal di zaman Najib Tun Razak. Diteruskan sehingga tahun 2017 di zaman lanun Bugis."

      Sila dimaklumkan.

      Prof Sawi

    3. Prof sawit, apasal tulis bahasa melayu berterabur? Spm BM cukup makan je ke?

    4. RBA detected.nama dia prof sawi

      Prof Kangkung

    5. 'Malang sekali, Melayu memang gagal dalam dunia perniagaan walaupun kerajaan sudah buat macam-macam cara untuk galak Melayu bergiat dalam bidang ini.'

      'Follow the money' lah.....masyukkkkkk o kera2 KBU!

      Najib al-Songlap hanya hendak mententeramkan perasaan bersalahnya ......dan untuk "mengolah persetujuan" ahli umno 3 juta orang itu .....nak rasuah 3 juta tu susah sikit tetapi nak rasuah ketua bahagian tu senang sikit le.......tunggulah PAU bulan depan, konpom ada 'cash is king' sequel kat PWTC.....

      Ketua2 Bahagian Umno semuanya sampah belaka. Dibeli olih Najib utk dapat sokongan. Kan Najib kata 'cash is king'......jadi kalau ada cadangan dari sampah2 ni, mestilah disebabkan olih 'cash' haram yg disumbat dlm mulut mereka.

    6. Menjawab kenyataan Cik Minah kalau nak selesai masalah tukar Najib,tukar kerajaan.That is too simplisticlah.Macam org Pas selalu kata nak selesai masalah jenayah laksanakan hudud.Sesiapa yang pernah ke Mekah untuk haji atau umrah tentu pernah dengar pelbagai masalah jenayah menimpa jemaah haji atau umrah.Ada kena ragut(my wife included).Padahal Saudi laksanakan hudud.
      Pertanyaan saya kalau Mukhriz atau Azmin atau Tun Mahathir atau Anwar atau Lim Kit Siang jadi perdana menteri,masalah tidak sama pengagihan kek ekonomi di kalangan orang Melayu ini akan selesai ke?

      Prof Kangkung

    7. Pros Kantoi

      I think you may be suffering from a serious case of projection.

      Prof Sawi

    8. Prof.Kangkong,

      Kalau kita tukar kerajaan, kek ekonomi takkan 100% kepunyaan Melayu. Tidak juga 100% kepunyaan bukan Melayu. Yang penting MO1 ditangkap dan dihadapkan ke mahkamah. Tapi, kalau kita tak berani kerana sentaiasa dimomokkan dengan persoalan MELAYU, WHERE ARE U GOING - Kek ekonomi dah tinggal sekeping kecil untuk kamu. Elok sokong Najib. Kalau kita tak berani, hidup kita semua rakyat Malaysia takkan berubah sampai bila-bila. Bila tak berubah..........
      Jangan merungut kalau GST dinaikkan jadi 13% atau16%. Jangan menangis kalau harga minyak naik sampai rm500..00 seliter, jangan menangis kalau semua anak-anak jadi mat rempit walaupun berijazah, jangan menangis kalau harga b eras naik melangit dan kita terpaksa makan bubur air.
      Ini pilihan kita, jadi jangan menangis.

  4. Memang digubal zaman Tun Razak Prof. Kangkong. Tapi saya adikberadik membesar di zaman Tun Mahadir. Zaman Tun Razak, saya belum wujud lagi

  5. 1. Lebai2 PAS dan ustaz2 umno jangan ingat kamu adalah pewaris nabi.

    2. Lebai2 PAS dan ustaz2 umno jangan ingat kamu adalah manusia maksum dan boleh keluar fatwa sesuka hati tanpa lihat realiti, kebenaran dan fakta terlebih dahulu

    3. Lebai2 PAS dan ustaz2 umno jangan ingat kamu adalah pembela bangsa dan agama. Sebaliknya pemecah perpaduan melayu dan muslim dalam malaysia.

    4. Lebai2 PAS dan ustaz2 umno jangan ingat kamu adalah pentafsir kehidupan dengan berbicara pasal sunnah nabi dan rujuk pada kitab2 lama yang belum tentu kesahihannya

    ingatlah.....ijmak ulamak bukan semestinya 100 betul kerana selagi kamu bernama manusia, banyak khilaf dan ketidaksempurnaan

    ingatlah......jika kamu berpegang teguh pada al quran dan hadith yang benar......agamawan tak jadi bisu, pekak dan buta dek nikmat dunia. sepatutya kamu bersuara pada perkara yang batil dan tekan pada perkara yang haq.

    ingatlah...semua kita akan berjumpa our creator...dan akan diadiliNYA. justice will prevail. apa yang kamu ajar kononnya berilmu tak semest bawa kita ke syurga. Apa kah mengkafirkan orang boleh? Allah yang maha tahu. Adakah bersekongkol dengan pencuri duit rakyat digalak dalam islam dan pencuri dilindungi?

  6. Kekayaan dimiliki kelompok kecil ini terlalu besar sehingga memakan bahagian yang sepatutnya menjadi milik dan dapat dinikmati kumpulan M40 dan B40. Ukuran bagi mencapai sasaran negara berpendapatan tinggi banyak diambil daripada kekayaan kelompok kecil itu. Secara 'ukur halus' Melayu masih terlalu jauh ke belakang.

  7. Melayu dalam apa jua keadaan terus tewas di atas pentas yang secara fizikal nampak mereka berkuasa. Kuasa yang ada semakin terhakis sebab Melayu berpecah2 jadi kelompok2 kecil, tertinggal jauh dalam penguasaan ekonomi, jatidiri pun tidak ketentuan lagi, banyak ajaran agama Islam tidak dipatuhi, sebahagian kecil kelompok Melayu sendiri jelek melihat keadaan bangsanya; bahasa, budayanya pun sudah tidak lagi dihayati. Sehingga semakin ramai tidak mengaku Melayu lebih selesa asal usul nya dinyatajan sebagai bugis jawa banjar bangkahuku dan sebagainya.


    1. 'Sehingga semakin ramai tidak mengaku Melayu lebih selesa asal usul nya dinyatajan sebagai bugis jawa banjar bangkahuku dan sebagainya.'

      Mai belajar bhsa boogis:

      “Sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, leksikon bahasa Najib menjadi semakin berwarna – orang putih kata “colourful” – yang membawa maksud kasar, kesat atau lucah.

      Antara yang terkenal adalah:

      Haram jadah - ditujukan kepada peneroka Felda yang dituduhnya tidak menyokong Barisan Nasional.

      Bangang – ditujukan kepada blogger/laskar siber Umno yang bergaduh sesama sendiri.

      Kepala bapak kau – kepada yang menyuarakan kebimbangan pergantungan kepada China akan menjejaskan kedaulatan negara, khususnya Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

      Stupid (bodoh) – juga kepada yang menyuarakan kebimbangan pergantungan kepada China akan menjejaskan kedaulatan negara.

      Bangsat – amaran kepada orang Melayu sekiranya Barisan Nasional kalah.”

      Ikut benci kat boogis mmg tak boleh gelak langsung tapi bila dia buat u turn perut jadi senak sbb gelak sakan......sah telur separuh masak najib mmg tak guna langsung!

      Najib kulup! Seekor bacul "terbangsat" bersifat "haram jadah".....

  8. Agihan kek ekonomi ni mata kasar pun boleh nampak ke mana perginya apatah lagi kalau dipandang dengan mata hati. Orang Melayu sedang merosakkan bangsanya sendiri.

  9. Anat berbahaya, orang Melayu dipengaruhi kuasa, kekayaan, kepercayaan, ilmu dan pengalaman yang sedikit sedang merosakkan bangsanya sendiri dari dalam.

  10. Gondrong,

    //Sebahagian besar kaum Cina terus bergerak laju menguasai sebahagian besar kek ekonomi.//

    Personally, I think this is bullshit.

    As far as I am concerned, it is just old bullshit brought out time and time again to justify the discrimination against the Chinese.

    From what I can see, the Malays control most of the economy either directly or by proxy thru UMNO nominees or GLCs like Tabung Haji, Khazanah, FELDA, etc etc.

    You think Vincent Tan controls 100% of his company? Think again.

    You think the family of Yeoh Tiong Lay controls 100% of YTL Corporation? Think again.

    You think any Chinese tycoon controls 100% of his company? Think again.

    Every single one of those big companies will have huge shareholdings linked to UMNO nominees and proxies, GLCs, etc.

    I doubt if many of those Chinese tycoons even have majority shareholdings in their companies - they, most likely, just have large blocks of voting shares, and not a majority share.

    AND the Chinese suffer from the very same problems as the Malays, i.e. only a small number control most of the wealth.

    It is easy to see which Chinese control the wealth - they stick out like sore thumbs, they have been around a long time, they are your Vincent Tans, your Yeoh Tiong Lays.

    Not so easy to see which Malay controls the wealth because it is all spread out and hidden behind the Tabung Hajis, the Khazanahs, the FELDAs, the proxies, the cronies, the GLCs, etc.

    Folks, we have been played for suckers all these years.

    Consider this.

    I think the average income for each Malaysian is supposed to be US$12,500 per annum.

    Ask yourself - how many people do you know actually make around RM50K a year?

    For those who do not make RM50K a year, who in the hell has their share of the remainder?

    Here is an example.

    10 people.

    1 person makes RM910K a year.

    The other 9 persons make RM10K each a year.

    The total for those 10 people is RM1million a year.

    The average for those 10 people is RM100K each.

    That is how statistics can lie.

    So, I ask you again - do you make RM50K a year, because that is supposed to be the average income?

    If you do not make RM50K a year, who has your share of the remainder?

    It ain't me, that's for sure.


    1. 50k per year mean 4.2k a month individually.

      Koyak nak bayar gaji pekerja macam tu.

      Entrepeneurship is dead, definitely. Monopolisation will risen to the max.

    2. Can you imagine if economic gap among Malay elitis, middle and below continue to arise. At the same time Chinese tycoon continue to control big chunk of economy with strong support from middle and lower group. Chinese have a strong business networking, either locals or international. Either Malaysian Singaporean or Chinese mainland.

    3. Gladiator, how can you say Tabung Haji is part of UMNO crony when all Muslims in Malaysia regardless of their political affiliation keep their money in Tabung Haji.

      Prof Kangkung


    4. Itu tatak nampak punya apa mau celita maa aa Gladiator !.

      Tanah busat Cina punya ,lumah busat Cina punya company busat Cina punya ,kedai semua Cina / India meniaga .

      Bualayu ? , jadi kuli maa aa ,itu pon sikalang sutak manyak ganti Indon ,Bangla ,Myanma .

      Bulayu cekap ini negala lia punya .

    5. Gladiator,

      You are right.

      There is a Crony Class in Malaysia that controls most of the wealth.

      It is MCA-linked Chinese tycoons "greasing" palms of Umno.

      Classic Ali-Baba, lah.

      The problem is that because of this, Malaysia will never become fully competitive.

      Corruption is an easy way out - it weakens the intellect and the drive to make a difference.

      If Steve Jobs was Malaysian, he would have sat on his backside, paid a few million to some Cinapek to make products in China, and got millions as an Apple director.

      But zero hunger, zero invention, zero anything else...

      ...yep that's the tragedy of Malaysia.

  11. Anonymous @ 12 November 2017 at 01:34,

    //50k per year mean 4.2k a month individually.//

    And that's at low-end of calculations, rounding down, etc.

    And using USD1.00 at MYR4.00, OK?

    Gua lazy lah to mentally multiply USD12,500 by 4.3372 or whatever.

    EVERY working man and woman in Malaysia, OK?

    Absolute minimum we are supposed to be receiving per year in cash - RM50K.

    Siapa sini dapat RM50K in gaji annually?

    What about those who dont earn RM50K?

    Who has their share?

    People should sendiri pikir sikit lah.


    1. Allrite, if that the lowest benchmark. I try to hit that by next year.


  12. Melayu... biar papa asal bergaya je yang banyak. Kerja tak seberapa, tapi credit-card ada 10 keping. Megah la konon, mampu berbelanja guna credit-card. Akhirnya, hutang keliling-pinggang demi menampong kehidupan mewah dan bergaya.
    Akibatnya, terpaksa kerja bertungkus-lumus, termasuk part-time, siang-malam kerana terdesak bayar hutang.

    Kalau duit gaji tak cukup, cari dari sumber lain... dan dari sinilah bermulanya rasuah & klepet WANG orang lain atau Rakyat.

    Akibat desakan untuk hidup bergaya dan hutang terpaksa dibayar, habis asset & tanah-pusaka tergadai. Dah lama dah benda sebegini, sejak dari zaman Penjajah lagi... Tumasek, Pulau Pinang (malah Seberang Perai dipajak), Selatan Thai (Narathiwat, Yala & Songkla).

    Berterusan sehingga kehari ini. Oleh itu, marilah kita beramai-ramai menyanyikan lagu 'Anak kecil bermain api'.
    Kalau dulu, lagu ni menjadi kemestian dinyanyikan beramai-ramai dalam PAU. Nampakgayanya, bermula zaman UMNO-Najib, lagu ini sudah mula dilupakan.

  13. Prof Kangkung,

    //how can you say Tabung Haji is part of UMNO crony when all Muslims in Malaysia regardless of their political affiliation keep their money in Tabung Haji.//

    OK lah.

    Shall we then say that any money from Tabung Haji is virtually all Malay money, OK?


    Definity no Chinese taukeh there :)

    BTW, as far as I know only UMNO cronies get to be in charge of TH.


    1. BTW,

      TH is also subject to Umno's pilfering hands.

      The forced secret sale of TRX land to TH at way over market value being a prime example.

      Umno screw Melayu yet again.

    2. //how can you say Tabung Haji is part of UMNO crony when all Muslims in Malaysia regardless of their political affiliation keep their money in Tabung Haji.//

      That's not the issue.

      KWAP also has (largely, say 95%) money belonging to Malay civil servants.

      KWAP is the money raided by Hippo & Jibby for their SRC spree.

      Who lost money?

      Umno KWAP members

      PKR KWAP members

      PAS KWAP members

      non-political KWAP members

      Yes, equal opportunity songlap = equal damage for everyone!

    3. "Who lost money?

      Umno KWAP members

      PKR KWAP members

      PAS KWAP members

      non-political KWAP members"


      Its good point

      There are no winners among Malays when the thieves strike public funds....becos we are ALL PUBLIC!


  14. Anonymous @ 12 November 2017 at 07:45,

    //Chinese tycoon continue to control big chunk of economy //

    OK, so it looks like you buy the myth that the Chinese control companies like FELDA, Tabung Haji, Khazanah, KWAP etc etc.

    No problem.

    //Chinese have a strong business networking, either locals or international.//

    The only PROFITABLE networking any local or international Chinese can do is with UMNO, OK?

    Let's not be naive.

    Any other networking between the Chinese, local and international, is just small potatoes.

    I don't really know of any big stuff which the Chinese have kept only for themselves.

    I hear that even the permits to import pork into Malaysia is held by a Melayu - I dont know for sure, OK? Just what people in the meat importation business tell me.


    1. "The only PROFITABLE networking any local or international Chinese can do is with UMNO, OK?"

      Scenario changing as Najib jual bontot to China. These crooked deals are arranged by his "Baba" partners in crime.

      ECRL scam (we lost 20 billion ringgit under table money to cover 1MDB hole) was arranged by the infamous Jho Low.

    2. Individual or family business chinese control big chunck in strategic bussinesses. Utilities, telco, construction supplier, food and beverages,financial etc etc. MNC GLC control by government cant be considered as Malay own. Small group Malay elit own small percentage of wealth thru their own hardwork with government support and reward. May be 1 % or below. This small group is super rich create big gap with middle and lower income group. Gap between race gap between super rich malay middle and lower income.

    3. 18:53

      "Small group Malay elite own small percentage of wealth thru their own hardwork with government support and reward."


      Not at all. Closer......

      Small group Malay elite own huge percentage of wealth thru their own jilat-ing of Umno.

      Sorry lah but true.

      I wish like Mat Maslan I could get RM2 million cheque from Bugis Ambank Songlap 1MDB Account....

      ....but I don't want stolen money.

      That's the difference.

  15. lufang,

    //Bualayu ? , jadi kuli//

    So you think no Chinese kuli or Indian kuli?


  16. Wow!!

    Came across the following comments while browsing some website which featured this very article "Melayu, where are you going?"

    The figures quoted appear to be official Govt figures and it is quite revealing.

    It is quite tough going dissecting and digesting the comment but well worth the effort.

    Note that the figures are for 2011 and 2014.

    Basically, it is as follows.

    Malays control about 23% of equity and GLCs (i.e. Malay interests) control about 20%, giving Malays about 43% of everything - 2011 figures.

    The Chinese control about 32%, the Indians about 2% and presumably foreign interests control about 23% - 2011 figures.

    Of the Top 20 money earners (2014 figures), Malays make up more than half - 53%. Most of them are government servants.

    For the M40, Malays make up 64% of this group.

    For the B40, Malays make up 73%!!

    When Malays are taken as a group by themselves, only 16% of Malays amongst Malays are in the T20, 38% in the M40, and 44% in the B40 (2% in rounding errors).

    Still think the Chinese control the economy?


  17. ======================================================
    From Some Website...

    (Comment 1)
    Gan Sg Kg

    'Melayu where are you going?"
    Answer -Laughing all the way to the Bank doing little
    the 20 % does not enclude another 20 -30 % of GLCs run by government and pension funds.

    KUALA LUMPUR: The equity ownership of the Bumiputera and Indians in Malaysia recorded an increase between 2000 and 2011.

    Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar said the percentage of Bumiputera equity ownership increased to 23.5% in 2011 from 18.9% in 2000.

    In terms of value it was RM211.5 billion in 2011 compared to RM62.98 billion in 2000.

    The Indians held a 2.4% share of the equity ownership pie in 2011, an increase from 1.5% in 2000. In terms of value it was RM21.3 billion in 2011, up from RM.5.14 billion in 2000.

    The equity ownership of the Chinese dropped to 32.2% in 2011 from 38.9% in 2000, but showed an increase in value from RM129.32 billion to RM290.3 billion in the same period.

    Abdul Wahid said this in a written reply to a question by Datuk Wira Ahmad Hamzah (BN-Jasin) who wanted to know the latest statistics on the value and percentage
    of equity ownership based on race.

    Abdul Wahid said the equity ownership for the year 2014 is still in the data analysis process, and that the 11th Malaysian Plan has set several programmes and action plans to increase the equity ownership of the bumiputera to at least 30% by 2020.
    Like · Reply · 11 hrs

  18. (Comment 2)
    Gan Sg Kg

    PARLIAMENT Bumiputera households make up the majority of the country's top 20 percent income earners (T20), but the community also sees the widest intra-group income disparity.

    According to data from a parliamentary written reply, the bumiputera make up 53.81 percent of the T20 category, followed by Chinese at 37.05 percent, Indians at 8.80 percent and others at 0.34 percent.

    However, when the comparison is made within the bumiputera group itself, T20 earners only comprise 16.34 percent.

    The remaining comprises the middle 40 percent income earners (M40) at 38.96 percent and the bottom 40 percent income earners (B40) making up the majority at 44.7 percent.

    This is in contrast with the Chinese and Indian communities, where the M40 group makes up the majority.

    Within the Chinese community, the T20 group makes up 29.66 percent, followed by the M40 group at 42.32 percent and B40 at 28.02 percent.

    As for the Indian community, the T40 group stands at 19.98 percent, followed by the M40 income earners at 41.31 percent and the B40 at 38.71 percent.

    The T20 group is defined as having a median income of RM11,610 or a mean income of RM14,305.

    The M40 group has median income of RM5,465 or mean income of RM5,662, while the B40 have a median income of RM2,629 and mean income of RM2,537.

    Compared across ethnicity, the bumiputera also make up the majority of the M40 group at 64.17 percent.

    Chinese make up the remaining 26.43 percent followed by Indians at 9.10 percent and others at 0.30 percent.

    However, the bumiputera disproportionately make up the majority of the B40 group.

    They make up 73.61 percent, followed by Chinese at 17.50 percent, Indians at 8.52 percent and others at 0.36 percent.

    The data, from the household income and expenditure 2014 report, was furnished by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Abdul Wahid Omar in a written reply to Ampang MP Zuraida Kamaruddin yesterday.

    The rural-urban divide is also apparent in terms of the income they earn.

    For rural households, the B40 group makes up the majority at 64.06 percent, the M40 group at 29.35 percent while the T20 group only makes up a meagre 6.59 percent.

    In contrast, the middle class M40 makes up the majority at 43.19 percent, followed by the B40 at 32.79 percent while the T20 group is at 24.02 percent.

    Interestingly, for the T20 earners, one in five of them, or 20.5 percent, identify themselves as government servants.

    Of the remaining in the T20 group, 8.1 percent identify themselves as “employees”, 57.8 percent as private sector workers and 13.5 percent as self-employed.

    For the M40 group, three percent identified themselves as employers, 17.3 percent as government servants, 59.2 percent as private sector employees and 20.5 percent as self-employed.

    As for the B40 group, only 0.8 percent identified themselves as employers, 8.1 percent as government servants, 56.9 percent as private sector employees and 34.1 percent as self-employed.
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  19. Gladiator,

    "Bumiputera makes up 53.81 percent of the T20 category". While I don't doubt this number, I do think the ethnic chinese percentage in the T20 is under represented. According to world bank, the size of msia shadow economy is about 30% of gdp (pre gst).

    Which group do you think has highest representation in the shadow economy whereas those makan gaji cannot lari or hide their income.
