Thursday 23 November 2017

Being a good opposition

I always believe that for a democracy to work, there must be a good opposition to check on the government.

For me, a good opposition is one which could articulate itself well with facts and capable of taking over the government if elected by the people.

A bad opposition is one which only capable of yelling curses in its attempt to stir up hateful emotion among the people by playing on their sentiments. And if given the chance to govern, they can't do it.

Still, there must be an opposition, because otherwise those in power tend to abuse it with impunity.

That's why, even back then when I was going all out helping the team of former Johor MB TS Abdul Ghani Othman, I still managed to make friends with some of the opposition people in the state.

The ones I like most among them was a group of young Pas leaders, because they seemed quite smart and proper.

They were not the kafir mengkafir type.

I haven't met them for a while now, but back then we were quite chummy.

The guys are however now with Amanah, as they belong to the professionals team ousted in the Pas election in 2015.

One of them is Dzulkefly Ahmad.

He is now the Johor Amanah deputy chairman.

He's really a nice guy and seemed quite sincere to me.

Yesterday a journalist friend forwarded his statement on housing in Johor to me. He said his bosses would most probably not publish it.

I think Dzulkefly argued the issue quite well in the statement, and even gave some reasonable suggestions.

So, for today, rather than letting his statement goes to waste, I decided to publish it in full here.

For me, it's a good example of being a good opposition

22 November 2017

1. Laporan Suku Tahunan Bank Negara  Malaysia (BNM) baru-baru ini melaporkan dalam suku pertama tahun ini sebanyak 130,690 unit kediaman yang tidak terjual dan jumlah ini adalah dua kali ganda purata tahunan iaitu 72,239 unit (tidak terjual) antara 2004 hingga 2016. 83% daripada jumlah itu adalah dalam kategori harga melebihi RM250,000 dan 61% pula adalah daripada bangunan tinggi (berstrata seperti pangsapuri dan kondominum). Negeri Johor mempunyai jumlah unit kediaman tidak terjual yang paling tinggi iaitu 27% berbanding Selangor (21%), Kuala Lumpur (14%) dan Pulau Pinang (8%).

2. Persoalannya apakah  cadangan Kerajaan Johor untuk mengurangkan kadar minimum pemilikan hartanah oleh warga asing merupakan kaedah penyelesaian yang praktikal dan terbaik kepada isu unit-unit kediaman yang tidak terjual di negeri Johor?

3. Parti Amanah Negeri Johor (Amanah Johor) berpandangan  kerajaan Johor perlulah terlebih dahulu mengenalpasti sebab-sebab utama yang menyumbang kepada berlakunya keadaan unit-unit kediaman yang tidak terjual ini (penawaran melebihi permintaan).

4. Apa yang berlaku sekarang ini adalah pihak pemaju memberi keutamaan untuk membina rumah kediaman kos mewah berbanding rumah mampu milik bagi memaksimumkan keuntungan mereka. Itu sebabnya menurut BNM 61% daripada unit kediaman yang tidak terjual adalah daripada bangunan tinggi yang kebiasaannya berharga melebihi RM500,000 seunit. Bagaimanakah perkara ini boleh berlaku? Sedangkan Kerajaan Negeri Johor mempunyai Dasar Perumahan Rakyat Johor dimana dinyatakan dengan jelas 40% daripada unit-unit yang dibina di kawasan perumahan hendaklah terdiri daripada Kuota Rumah Mampu Milik Johor (RMMJ) yang terdiri daripada Rumahan Komuniti Johor (A) RM40,000,  Rumah Komuniti Johor (B) RM80,000, Rumah Mampu Milik Johor (RMMJ) RM150,000 dan Kedai Kos Sederhana RM200,000. Masalahnya sekarang tidak semua kawasan perumahan baru yang memenuhi syarat ini disebabkan kelonggaran serta pengecualian yang diberikan oleh kerajaan negeri disamping kelemahan penguatkuasaan polisi perumahan ini. Walaupun syarat pembinaan kuota 40% RMMJ ini akan mengurangkankan keuntungan pihak pemaju tetapi pengurangan kuntungan tersebut boleh ditampung oleh keuntungan yang diperolehi daripada pembinaan 60% unit-unit lain yang kebiasaannya terdiri daripada rumah jenis mewah (cross-subsidy). Sebagai galakan kerajaan boleh memberikan insentif kepada pemaju yang memenuhi syarat kuota 40% RMMJ seperti memberikan pengurangan dalam bayaran premium tukar syarat kegunaan tanah dan meningkatkan plot ratio atau kepadatan (density) pembangunan tersebut.

5. Kelemahan juga berlaku dipihak Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) dan Kerajaan Negeri didalam meluluskan komponen pembangunan sesuatu projek perumahan yang baru. Sebagai contoh darpada laporan BNM, 60% daripada kelulusan pinjaman perumahan baharu (taman perumahan baharu) yang diluluskan oleh bank adalah untuk pembelian rumah berharga dibawah RM500,000 seunit. 72% daripada pinjaman perumahan adalah merupakan pembeli rumah kali pertama bagi rumah yang berharga kurang daripada RM500,000 seunit. Statistik ini menunjukkan segmen hartanah yang masih mempunyai permintaan yang baik dipasaran adalah yang berharga dibawah RM500,000 seunit. PBT dan Kerajaan Negeri sepatutnya perlu mendapatkan pandangan daripada pakar perunding hartanah seperti Pusat Maklumat Hartanah Negara (NAPIC) di bawah Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta (JPPH) bagi mengetahui keadaan permintaan dan penawaran hartanah semasa bagi membantu merekan membuat keputusan dalam meluluskan komponen pembangunan yang masih ada permintaan dipasaran sahaja. Proses ini akan dapat mengelakan daripada pemaju membina komponen pembangunan yang akhirnya tidak terjual kerana tiada pemintaan dipasaran.

6. Kesukaran untuk mendapatkan pinjaman perumahan adalah juga antara penyebab kepada berlakunya unit-unit rumah yang tidak terjual. Sejak 2010, BNM telah mula mengetatkan kelulusan pinjaman perumahan dengan hanya memberikan kelulusan 70% pinjaman (Loan to Value – LTV) kepada pembelian rumah kediaman ke tiga atau lebih. Selepas itu diperkenalkan kaedah “Debt Service Ratio (DSR)” dalam menentukan kelayakan seseorang permohon dalam membuat pinjaman perumahan berdasarkan kepada gaji bersih setelah gaji kasar ditolak potongan wajib seperti Perkeso, KWSP, PCB-Cukai Pendapatan, perbelanjaan bulanan isi rumah dan segala komitmen keawangan sediada seperti ansuran kereta, kad kredit, pinjaman peribadi, PTPTN dan lain-lain. Kaedah DSR ini menyebabkan semakin sukar pembeli rumah untuk mendapatkan pinjaman perumahan.

7. Amanah Johor berpendapat cadangan Kerajaan Negeri Johor untuk mengurangkan kadar harga minimum pemilikan hartanah kediaman (lebih rendah daripada RM1 juta) oleh warga asing bukanlah merupakan pilihan yang terbaik pada ketika ini untuk menyelesaikan isu unit-unit kediaman yang tidak terjual. Beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini berlaku kenaikan mendadak harga rumah kediaman di kawasan perumahan baharu (prime market) dan peningkatan melebihi 100% bagi pasaran hartanah kedua (secondary market). Di kawasan Skudai atau taman perumahan yang berlokasi 16 KM daripada pusat bandaraya Johor Bahru harga rumah teres 1 tingkat telah mencecah RM300,000 – RM400,000 seunit manakala rumah teres 2 tingkat telah mencecah RM450,000 – RM600,000 seunit. Rumah kluster dan berbandung 2 tingkat ada yang telah mencecah RM1 juta seunit. Walaupun harga rumah kediaman meningkat tetapi dengan kejatuhan nilai ringgit kebelakangan ini akan memberikan diskaun besar kepada pembeli warga asing seperti Singapura untuk memilikki hartanah kediaman di Johor. Bagi hartanah kediaman yang berharga RM1 juta, rakyat Singapura hanya perlu membayar S$333,333.33 sahaja. Jika di Singapura dengan S$333,333.33 mereka hanya mampu membeli flat HDB 3 bilik berbanding dengan rumah 2 tingkat jenis kluster atau berbandung di Johor. Keadaan ini berbeza dengan rakyat tempatan dimana peningkatan harga rumah yang mendadak ini menyukarkan rakyat tempatan untuk memilikki rumah sendiri dan tindakan kerajaan mengurangkan kadar harga minimum pemilikan hartanah kediaman oleh warga asing akan menyukarkan lagi rakyat tempatan untuk memilikki rumah kediaman sendiri.

8. Campur tangan kerajaan yang terlalu banyak dalam pasaran hartanah kediaman tidak baik kepada pasaran hartanah kediaman dalam jangka masa yang panjang. Campur tangan kerajaan dalam menentukan kuota RMMJ sudah memadai dan  membiarkan kuasa pasaran (permintaan dan penawaran) membuat pembetulkan struktur harga pasaran (market price correction) adalah sesuatu yang baik khususnya kepada jenis hartanah bukan mampu milik (RMMJ). Pembetulan struktur harga pasaran ini adalah memberi kesan yang baik kepada rakyat tempatan berbanding dengan tindakan mengurangkan kadar harga minimum pemilikan hartanah kediaman oleh warga asing.  

9. Di New Zealand, Perdana Menteri baru Jacinda Ardern dalam proses untuk membekukan kebenaran pemilikan hartanah kediaman oleh warga asing kerana menurutnya pemilikan hartanah oleh warga asing telah menyebabkan harga hartanah melambung tinggi dan menyukarkan rakyat tempatan untuk memilikki rumah sendiri. Bahkan kerajaan Australia juga mula mengambil tindakan yang hampir sama iaitu dengan meningkatkan bayaran levi kepada warga asing yang ingin memilikki hartanah kediaman daripada 4% kepada 7% berkuatkusa Januari 2018.

Timbalan Pengerusi
Parti Amanah Negara (AMANAH)
Negeri Johor


  1. Saving umno from being opposition or annihilation - like the 1940s umno sohai members to sell their diamonds & golds to finance umno continued struggle for agama & bangsa wakakaka

    1. It works before and it doesn’t work now

      Just look at UMNO najib, berfikir dan jangan jadi lembu

  2. Annie,

    Dzulkefly Ahmad has done a good service to the public.

    However the Opposition are still sleeping on the issue of Prima homes.

    The govt cannot explain why Prima has built only 883 homes since 2012, rather than the 240,000 targeted by 2014. That is not even close to KPI!

    Where did all the money go from annual allocation?

    If you really get to the bottom of it, the truth may be worse than 1MDB, FELDA and MARA cases combined. I am serious. Look at the total budget every year since Prima started. It's huge.

    Who is protecting the directors of Prima homes from being held to justice?

    1. We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid ... Some people (intellectually) die at 25 and aren't buried until 75.

      - President Benjamin Franklin


    2. When corruption is every where ,nothing can work. Policy will just remain as a written policy forever .

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry. I no longer allow comments which describe Malays as "monyet" or Chinese as "babi". Thank you.

  4. from OSTB blog.

    'The gomen (actually the Treasury or MOF to be exact)  has forfeited or repossessed over 150,000 houses from defaulting Civil Servant housing loans.  This is a huge figure and is quite unprecedented.  This is like 10% of the Civil Service !!

    Civil Servants can take out loans from the gomen to buy houses. 
    The gomen then deducts from their monthly salaries to repay the housing loans.  

    If a Civil Servant leaves the Civil Service, then of course he has to refinance the housing loan from a bank and settle the gomen housing loan.  If he cannot settle the housing loan or if he cannot pay the instalments then the gomen housing loan goes into default. The gomen will repossess his house.

    If the Civil Servant faces disciplinary action (for corruption, discipline issues etc) then his gomen housing loan is also terminated. The Civil Servant then has to pay the loan in full (by securing refinancing from the private sector).  If he cannot refinance or he cannot pay the instalments anymore, then it also becomes a loan default. The gomen will repossess his house.

    In this way (plus more of course), the Treasury has repossessed 150,000 houses under the Civil Servants housing loan scheme. 

    If the average gomen housing loan is RM100,000,  that works out to about RM15 BILLION in default !!

    150,000 x RM100,000 =  RM15, 000, 000, 000'.

  5. 'The really stupid "High Income Nation" idea is definitely one major cause of this disaster. I will expand on that soon.

    The other reason is of course the GST. As I said the Malays are largely "fixed income" monthly wage earners. The Civil Service alone employs over 1.6 MILLION Malays (Federal gomen, State gomen, Army, Navy, Airforce, Police, Maritime, GLCs etc).

    Easily 20% of their "purchasing power" has now been sucked away by the GST (through higher prices of goods and services). To maintain their life styles they have no choice but to dip into their savings and reserves. After TWO years of the GST, their savings and reserves are possibly depleted. Now they are selling their assets just to survive. It is NOT going to get any better.

    Anyway, 150,000 units are a lot of unoccupied houses in the country.'

    Actually the government is always creating false hope for civil servants. Anytime election is near they throw out bonus sini sana to 'bribe' them as voters. Then kena them with GST, petrol prices etc.

    Some people think government is very kind to abolish toll.


    The amount paid to PLUS as compensation is massive.

    We still pay.

    People must learn to 'see through' all these cheap populist tactics.

  6. I’m baffled by your friend’s suggestion that his/her boss won’t publish the piece. It’s actually pretty good perspective of housing issue in Johor. Especially from the opposition. I failed to see why the boss will reject it. Just pitch it at him will ya...If he turns it down then you look at other avenue.

    Which newspaper does he/she works for Annie? It’s newsworthy stuff..

  7. “For me, a good opposition is one which could articulate itself well with facts and capable of taking over the government if elected by the people..”

    Examples: 1. Rafizi Ramli
    2. Tony Pua
    3. Husam Musa
    4. DAP’s MPs for Selangor
    5. Khalid Samad
    6. Hanipa Maidin

    1. 23 November 2017 at 15:53,

      No way lah.

      Please, get real.

      Look at my team:

      1. Rosmah Mansor (current Prime Minister)
      2. Zahid Komedi
      3. Bung Mokhtar bin Orangutan
      4. Mat Maslan 3.85
      5. Jamil Khir al-Golfing Yapeim
      6. Isa Samad al-Songlap FELDA
      7. Jamal Jamban
      8. No-No Omar

      Sorry, you lose.


    2. All the above listed names are losers.I am referring to the anon 1553 list.
      I will detail out their failures if anybody ask me to do so.
      Prof Kangkung

    3. Masalah rmh mampu milik di johor sapa yg overrule dasar 40% rumah murah bg setiap projek perumahan tk lain tk bkn masa tn sri ghani othman jd mb, dh la pemaju agak berat utk bina rmh murah sbb tk menguntungkan sepatutnya kjaan yg bina rmh mampu milik di tanah milik kjaan, sama spt tsmy bangunkan tmn bkt saujana di jln yahya awal, yg mana merupakan penempatan kuarters kjaan, tsmy majukan kwsn tu dgn pemaju memindahkan penguni kuarters dgn memberi pampasan 24k selama 24bln utk sewa tmpt lain, bila kwsn tu bgn pemaju kena kembalikan kpd kjaan unit kuaters spt dulu, tp skrg dlm bentuk high rise building, jd kuarters msh kekal db kwsn dibangunkan, dn majoriti pemilik pangsapuri dn condo di kwsn tu adalah melayu, jd tp bila tiba ghani othman habis tanah2 kjaan dibangunkan secara pengswastaan dn bina rmh yg tk mampu dimiliki oleh org2 melayu,lihat la apa yg jd pd nong chik, kebun teh, datin halimah, asal tanah kjaan yg kini dimiliki oleh cina msia dn warga asing

    4. Salah tu. Ghani tak pernah overrule dasar 40 per cent rumah mampu milk tu. Cuba check betul2 bila masa Ghani keluarkan arahan sebegitu jika ada. Saya yakin tak ada.Malah ketika pentadbiran beliau ramai penduduk setinggan dapat memiliki rumah seperti diBakar Batu, Kg Datuk Hasnah dan sebagainya. Kalau saudara memandu di EDL boleh lihat rumah2 yg dibina untuk golongan berpendapatan rendah. Rumah mampu milk juga ada dibangunkan di BBU Uda, Mutiara Rini, kawasan2 perumahan di Pulai dan banyak lagi. Terima kasih.

    5. Anonymous23 November 2017 at 18:23

      Good list but not complete, let me help you...

      9)...Hasan "carimakan only"
      10)....Musa Aman "40 million in suitcase"
      11).....Azeez Baling "why my company in 1MDB stolen money trail"

      .....and many more!

    6. 13:34

      To Azeez's sins against the rakyat, please add:

      Tabung Haji bailed out TRX by agreeing to buy land there at inflated price.

      Azeez gelabah biawak when it was exposed, then admitted it. Then Najib promised the deal would be cancelled and land sold.

      Till news.

      These snakes need to be watched carefully!

    7. 12. Jho Low

      How cruel leaving me behind, after all budi pekerti yang saya sudah lakukan

      Jho Low

  8. Annie,

    //Still, there must be an opposition, because otherwise those in power tend to abuse it with impunity.//

    It is only in the last 10 years or so that Malaysia has had an opposition which can put up a bit of a fight.

    As for Dzulkifli Ahmad's observations, I am quite surprised that Johor has houses for RM40,000!!

    Wot a bargain!!

    But just putting aside the press release for a moment, the fact is that we have a housing crisis in Malaysia.

    House prices are ridiculous.

    In my kampung there are currently 3 new tamans being built.

    Houses there are going for RM850,000!!

    The mind boggles.

    How in the hell are they going to sell them houses? I dunno.

    What we need is housing for the common folk, the average man-in-the-street, the needy, the poor.

    The billions and billions which have been pissed up the wall on pointless projects and buildings could be put into cheap housing for those who need it.

    PR1MA is a joke.

    If I am not mistaken, less then 10% of what has been promised, have been sold.

    I don't know if that means that people are actually occupying these supposedly sold PR1MA houses.

    Let's do a simple survey here as I think we have several thousand readers here.

    Does anybody here know of anybody who lives in one of those newly completed PR1MA houses?

    I am curious.

    As others have asked, where has all the allocated money for those promised unbuilt houses disappeared to?


    1. "Does anybody here know of anybody who lives in one of those newly completed PR1MA houses?"

      The govt is so far behind target they should force PM Rosmah to live inside a PR1MA construction she can feel the broken promises...what kind of PM is this???

  9. The argument was done inside Dewan Undangan Negeri or outside Dewan Undangan Negeri ye Annie?

  10. The rich and the very well-off is on building frenzy. They keep on erecting buildings one after another, in each corner of the country but there’s no takers. This acute mismatch between supply and demand proved that under kleptocratic and mega thief government, the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting more poorer by days. The statistics shows it.

    Income inequality has widening in unprecedented scale in a very short period of time. That’s what happen when you put a dracula in charge of blood bank.

    1. Anon 08.41
      You are correct on 'building frenzy' and 'erecting one after another'
      It is called Housing Starts a leading economic indicator contributing to GDP growth
      That is the reason why the authority keeps on issuing and approving
      housing constrution permits to boost GDP growth

      Sustained declines in housing starts slow the economy and can push it into a recession
      Likewise increases in housing activity triggers economic growth

      At the moment the rakyat are struggling with high costs of living


    2. Even Noh Omar says anything over 250K cannot sell.

      This is total 'syok sendiri' when gomen talks about GDP...poorah!

  11. The hallmark of kleptocratic government:

    1. The housing and commercial units are oversupply;

    2. Over reliance of foreign labour;

    3. Overspending and overborrowing of the government;

    4. Government’s debts overlimit;

    5. The civil service is overstaff and overpaid;

    6. The ministrial cabinet is oversized;

    7. Government’s advisers large in numbers and overpaid. The advice never solicited;

    8. Government’s facilities and perks are excessively overused;

    9. Government’s department and agency disproportionately large in numbers and overlapping;

    10. Over indulgence of government’s allowances and perks by the powers-that-be;

    11. Over the top constructions and upgradings (e.g. SPRM office, parliament house)

    12. Diplomacy overreach to China and Saudi Arabia;

    13. Over estimating of one’s own ability in managing the country’s economy

    All in all, nearly everything is in excessive, immoderate, imprudent and over the top in this government. This unrestrained spending is immensely worrying. Throwing away our hard earn cash everywhere as if the money coming from kepala bapak dia.

    They relentlessly extolling moderation, wasatiyyah and what not but doing exactly the opposite. It’s all just a smokescreen to mask massive raiding of the country’s coffers.

    1. "12. Diplomacy overreach to China and Saudi Arabia;"

      Actually, the PM's husband needs:

      China for kickbacks

      Saudi so macai will see him as "Islamic" (ha ha).

      Now Saudi has said that Hadi's organisation is terrorist...what will he say?

    2. Absolutely correct Anon 0949.

      Thank You Very Much.

    3. Ini semua fitnah to the highest degree anon 9:49


      Jho Low

    4. UMNO will win what say you??
      UMNO tetap akan menang with landslide

      Jho Low

    5. Umno menang, jho low bebas - a pre thank you to all gullible msians wakakaka

  12. Fadzireen,

    //It is called Housing Starts a leading economic indicator contributing to GDP growth//


    Thanks for pointing out that little trick to make the GDP figures look good.

    I have always been suspicious as to how Malaysia could be recording GDP growth when there are no visible or tangible benefits to be seen amongst the common folk.


  13. Houses priced between RM250,000 to RM300,000 considered affordable housing according to gomen numbers. It is not considered as luxury type. Even at that price range, 83% are unsold according to BNM report.

    83% Malaysians can’t afford to own homes priced more than RM250,000. The rich and wealthy could own up to 3 luxury homes but the average people couldn’t even afford even one affordable home.

    What’s happening for past decade which contributing to this mismatch between supply and demand? The numbers have doubled since 2015. It means the situation is getting worst.

    Low income and stagnant wages. Faling ringgit. Unemployment. The country is geared towards high income nation but the people still low income or have no fixed and stable income. Couldn’t even afford an affordable housing.

    Let’s not dwell too much on this. It’s okay you can’t afford a home now but make sure you receive your BRIM evey year and attend TN50 townhall session near you.

  14. Anonymous @ 24 November 2017 at 14:51,

    //The country is geared towards high income nation but the people still low income or have no fixed and stable income//

    But... but ... but ... as I pointed out elsewhere, if I make RM910,000 a year and 9 other people make RM10,000 a year, our average income is RM100,000 a year.

    So, we are, statistically speaking, a high-income nation, aren't we?



