Sunday 12 November 2017

The silent killers which may trigger a Malay tsunami


By Gondrong

PRU14 akan berlangsung tahun depan. Itu kata Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Dato' Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Bulan Mac agaknya iaitu ketika cuti sekolah. Ramai berpendapat PRU14 adalah "ibu segala PRU".

Ia timbul mungkin disebabkan jangkaan persaingan sengit antara tiga blok parti2 mewakili Barisan Nasional, Pakatan Harapan dan Gabungan Parti Islam SeMalaysia ((PAS) dan Ikatan. Kalau diikutkan PRU sebelum ini pun agak hebat jugak menyaksikan BN kehilangan majoriti 2/3 pada PRU12 dan majoriti diterima merosot lagi pada PRU13.

Mungkin disebabkan itu juga PRU14 nanti dikatakan 'ibu segala PRU'. Kali ini dikatakan bukan saja berlaku tsunami pengundi Cina, malah akan berlaku tsunami pengundi Melayu.

Sebabnya, Melayu dikatakan sudah ada pilihan lebih baik daripada BN iaitu Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), Amanah, PKR, PAS, malah mungkin DAP yang selalu dipromosi sebagai parti pelbagai kaum walaupun hakikatnya ia dikuasai oleh kaum Cina.

Adakah tsunami Melayu akan melanda pada PRU14 bila mana orang Melayu dikatakan bosan dengan Umno beralih arah ke parti dipelopori dan diterajui pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu meskipun pada hakikatnya telah berpecah2 menjadi parti-parti kecil.

Secara fizikal dalam sesi2 perhimpunan dan perjumpaan parti pembangkang tidak terlihat pun kehadiran ramai orang Melayu bagaimana tsunami Melayu mahu menjadi realiti. Kalau tsunami Melayu mahu dikira berdasarkan peperangan di alam siber, ia juga mungkin tidak begitu tepat kerana daripada hampir 19 juta pengundi di negara ini peratusan tinggi kalangan mereka yang tidak peduli dan tidak ambil tahu pun apa yang berlaku di alam maya itu. Jadi, kena realistik dan perlu berpijak di bumi yang nyata.

Satu lagi pandangan bahawa tsunami Melayu akan berlaku di kalangan orang muda orang bandar dan pinggir bandar. Adakah betul?  Berdasarkan situasi semasa kumpulan besar orang muda kurang memperlihatkan kecenderungan dan ambil tahu mengenai politik. Mereka lebih menjurus kepada kepentingan diri mereka mudah dapat kerja, gaji pun OK, berniaga pun senang boleh berhibur bertemasya menonton bola sepak dan boleh untung berniaga dengan adanya niaga online guna sosial media.

Malay crowd at a concert

Cumanya kos sara hidup dan isu2 perumahan dan kos rumah di bandar terutamanya perlu diuruskan secara bijak kerana isu2 ini boleh menjadi duri dalam daging kepada BN. Kenaikan harga minyak masih berterusan.

Isu2 babitkan rasuah, penyelewengan integriti dan moral amat penting ditangani secara serius tegas tanpa kompromi kerana implikasinya kepada imej dan reputasi negara.

Adakah isu2 ini akan menjadi 'pembunuh senyap'  merangsang kepada tsunami Melayu seperti diwar-warkan tu? Malah, dikatakan ramai yang tidak berpuas hati dan kecewa dengan apa yang berlaku di pelbagai peringkat kepimpinan masih berada di dalam UMNO sebagai parti teras BN dan hanya menunggu masa saja untuk meletup dari dalam.

Banyak juga kaji selidik dilakukan baik di sebelah kerajaan atau pembangkang untuk mencari ketepatan apa sebenarnya dirasai rakyat dan kemanakah kecenderungan mereka masih tidak memperolehi jawaban yang jitu konkrit dan boleh diyakini.

Manusia berevolusi dan sifatnya terlalu kompleks gaya permainan pada masa kini sehingga ke saat-saat akhir sebelum PRU masih terus berubah2 mengikut kebijaksanaan mengurus dan mengutarakan isu, apakah kejadian2 yang akan memberi kelebihan seperti Pulau Pinang lumpuh dilanda banjir atau apakah program dan event yang memberi impak spt penganjuran Sukan SEA selain kenyataan dengan permainan isu2 yang boleh dipusing2 sentimennya.


  1. Gondrong,

    //Satu lagi pandangan bahawa tsunami Melayu akan berlaku di kalangan orang muda orang bandar dan pinggir bandar.//

    If this is the case, UMNO has nothing to fear.

    UMNO does not care about the urban areas.

    Kapar has over 140,000 voters for one lousy parliamentary seat while there are several seats in Sabah and Sarawak which only have about 20,000 voters for each seat. maybe less than 20,000 voters.

    In fact, in Sarawak, I think there are 3 or 4 small rural seats (20,000+?) which the Opposition does not even bother contesting because sure to lose.


    1. Gladiator,

      You are right due to gerrymandering & malapportionment we have the most imbalanced seats in the world. Like Putrajaya(17k voters) and Damansara (170k voters) are equal??? This violates our own Constitution!!!!

    2. Mmg lah, taktik kotor...biasa lah. Najib penipu.....tapi sampai skrg macai2 masih diam...bila "pemimpin islam" (konon) pokjib tu menipu...dorang semua jerit 'kipidap!'


    3. Kalau nak belaku tsunami Melayu pon belakulah ,memang itu pon yang diharapkan .

      Mungkin Melayu akan lebih tebela tampa UMNO ,we are ready to take the risk.

  2. Just like an ocean tsunami,the signs of tsunami are visible for those who care to look at it.
    I have been following pitical development seriously since the reformasi era (1999 GE).
    IMHO , it is very unlikely this time around there will be Malay tsunami because it is not visible at all.
    Amanah and Bersatu are not capable of challenging Pas and UMNO as the parties that represent Malays.
    PKR are split between Rafizi and Azmin' camp.
    Pakatan Rakyat is no longer there.
    Events by the opposition fail to attract the crowd.
    So,.where are the signs of Malay tsunami?
    Prof Kangkung

    1. PAS bertanding PRU bukan untuk menang....tapi untuk menangkan Umno walopun perahu PAS dah bocor….takpe…pindah jer ke pinisi lanun Bugis. Bila dah dapat duit dedak baru cakap jiran sebelah itu saudara kita. Tak boleh bermusuh dgn sesama agama. Kononnya strategi berhemah......sebelum ini berpuluh tahun dok menuduh orang lain "kafir" itu strategi apa? Dah dapat dedak haram baru kenal jiran sebelah……munafik betui o…..

    2. "Kononnya strategi berhemah"

      Kah kah kah.

      Strategi $$$$$$$ tu ade la.

      Sinar Islam?

      Majlis Fatwa?


      JAKIM, YAPEIM,.....

      Dalam sebuah negara yang bergegar gegar kata negara islam, namun dah jadi?

      Melayu dah bangsat oleh bangsa sendiri

      Muslim diabaikan oleh orang yang berwajib menjaga agama Islam

      Ulamak? Agamawan membisu, memekak dan membuta....tapi mahu orang islam dan bukan islam menghormati....

      Allah tak akan bantu kita jika kita tak bantu ubah kita sendiri.

      Since kleptocratic goverment berkuasa, just dream hingga kiamat

      Saya berdoa, orang islam tak bersekongkol dengan kleptocratic government akan berjaya berjuang untuk negara tercinta.

    3. anon 13:49

      Lu cepap atak manyak betut maa aa . kalau sutak tatak guna punya apa buat simpan maa aa !.

    4. "Ulamak? Agamawan membisu, memekak dan membuta....tapi mahu orang islam dan bukan islam menghormati...."

      Anonymous13 November 2017 at 13:49 - betul lah tu.

      Lobai Hadi tak nampak penyangak paling besar dlm dunia ade dlm umno....lagi pon mata dia kebu bila dah rentap ratusan jota...

      Penyangak mcm Hadi yg bikin orang Melayu M'sia mundur dan terus mundur.

      Leboi ni penjual agama.

      Hadi telah menjual agama Islam dengan harga yg sangat murah.

      Ini benar2 satu dari kifarah kechil dari Allah yg mesti ditanggung oleh Hadi si pengkafir sesama umat Islam.

      Bertaubatlah, Hadi Ah Wang...

    5. Saya berdoa, orang islam tak bersekongkol dengan kleptocratic government akan berjaya berjuang untuk negara tercinta...Ameen

      Perangai Pas::

      Isu zika....bising
      Isu nama Allah....bising
      Isu anjing...bising
      Isu makanan halal haram...bising
      Isu tak puasa....bising
      Isu lgbt....bising
      Isu Zakir Naik....bising



    6. What can you do? At most you can say nauzubillahminzalik

      Party telanjang di New York tak ada nauzubillahminzalik ke

      Jho Low

    7. Jho,

      You OK becos you technically kafir. But your good friend the Hippo Boiboi is (theory) a Muslim so why he songlap OUR money to make film with nudity, prostitutes and drugs?

  3. Kalau yakin takda MALAY TSUNAMI akan berlaku, eloklah buat PRU14 dengan cepat. Jangan tunggu tahun depan, macam-macam perkara boleh terjadi. Macam-macam skandel boleh terdedah. Sementara kek ekonomi Malaysia dikatakan sangat bagus, inilah masanya, jangan tunggu sampai harga petrol naik sampai rm4.00!!!!!

    1. Rakyat miskin tak ada baju
      Membantu itu perbuatan baik
      Kalau ingin negara maju
      Jangan pilih parti yg munafik

      Tolak Pasumno!

    2. Kerajaan Kak Semah nih dah naik gila.

      Rakyat berpendapatan rendah dah terseksa kena bayar GST tiap apa yang di beli, harga banyak barangan dah melambung tinggi, harga petrol pun baru saja naik.

      Kepala taruk kaki ke? Saja nak cabar pengundi supaya pangkah atau undi Pembangkang di PRU14 ke?

      Wahai pengundi sekelian, kita dah di cabar, maka jangan lah kita undi Najib dan UMNO/BN di PRU14.

  4. PRU14 adalah 'ibu segala kekalahan' bagi BN ko...

  5. Cik Minah tak sabar sgt nak hadapi patient cik Minah.Najib has a lot under his sleeves.laporan RCI on forex losses belum dibentangkan ROS mungkin batalkan parti Bersatu kalau tak selesai isu Armada.Tol yg dibatalkan berkuatkuasa januari 2007.bonus RM1500 utk kakitangan awam end of this year.He will wait until all these will come into effect baru dia buat election.

    Prof Kangkung

    1. 10:08,

      So you seem to have high level of approval for all the dirty tricks of the Bugis thief? Doesn't say much about you, really. Do something useful, like asking him when he's going to sue the WSJ - next Tuesday? Ha ha

    2. Kalau Najib batalkan Party Bersatu, I lost ALL MY RESPECT towrds him. Tak gentelman langsung. Orang akan anggap dia PM PONDAN, bacol, pengecut dan perompak. Dengan orang tua 93 tahun yang akan mati bila-bila masa pun, takut. Apa guna menang, kalau takda kemegahan.....?
      Kita ikat kaki tangan dan tutup mulutnya, kita pukul dia sampai mati, INI MENANG ke........????????
      Lebih kurang sama macam budak-budak tentera UPNM yang bunuh kawannya beramai-ramai.
      Mana letak marwah dan harga dirinya sebagai Pahlawan Bugis ........?????

    3. Cik Minah,

      Kan ada peraturan. Kena la ikut. Rasanya kalau ikut peraturan tidak akan timbul masalah. U nak rakyat Malaysia ikut hidup tak berperaturankah?


    4. I have heard of 'dedication' but this stalk of Kangkung only has 'dedak-cation'.

      Prof Sawi

  6. Dah malas dah nak ulas pasal pilihanraya dan parti mana yg paling baik antara yg buruk.

    Adakah anda berani berubah dan mencuba sesuatu yg baru atau anda lebih suka 'the devil that u know...?' Tunggu je pru, tepuk dada tanya selera & pangkah lah. Tapi ingat, kepada pengundi yg dah lepas middle age, kita mengundi bukan untuk kita tapi untuk masa depan anak2 kita.

  7. Prof Kangkung,

    //Events by the opposition fail to attract the crowd.//

    Do big crowds equate to winning GEs?

    Even when UMNO/BN does not have big crowds at their events, they still keep winning GEs.

    PAS can organise MASSIVELY HUGE crowds but can PAS win a GE?

    //So,.where are the signs of Malay tsunami?//

    Many people think that a Malay tsunami will happen.

    But they forget that UMNO doesn't care if a Malay tsunami occurs.

    If a Malay tsunami occurs, it is very likely that it will only occur in the urban areas.

    We already know that UMNO does not care about the urban areas.

    Yes, urban areas have lots of people but there are very few seats there.

    I have already pointed out that one Kapar seat alone is equivalent to 10 Putrajaya seats.

    Let's not talk about Puchong, Seputeh, Kepong, etc etc.

    It is the rural seats which are important to UMNO.

    And UMNO does not need many Malay votes to win GEs.

    I recall reading somewhere that UMNO only needs about 25% of the Malay vote to win a GE.

    And this 25% is found in the rural areas where there are lots of seats, lots of Putrajayas.

    There is also, of cos, the Sabah-Sarawak safe deposits which guarantee about 50+ seats every GE.

    So, Malay tsunami?

    OK lah, go ahead.

    UMNO doesn't care.



    //Amanah and Bersatu are not capable of challenging Pas and UMNO as the parties that represent Malays.//

    BTW, you could be right about Amanah but you underestimate PPBM at your peril.

    That wily old fox, Mahatir, cannot be discounted at any time.

    You will notice that, to date, Najib has gotten nowhere trying to suppress Mahatir - attacking his sons, attacking his businesses, attacking his sons' businesses, attacking on the forex RCI, attacking on the Ops Lalang issue, attacking on the Memali matter, attacking on the Bugis issue, and now attacking his grandchildren.

    Result? Nothing.

    Not bad for just one 93 yo man on his own versus the entire UMNO juggernaut, don't you think?

    1. Gladiator

      I would think that two of the many institutions that the Najib regime has corrupted will the next to carry out "orders":

      a) EC

      b) ROS

      The first, even tho not even constitutional, is to try and rush thru the gerrymandering of Selangor even though the case is in court

      The second is to try and deregister PPBM based on some stupid technicality.

      Funny thing...

      UMNO should have been de-registered based on its 2014 accounts. Why? Becos the so-called "political donation" of RM2.6 billion given to the party and not the pink-lipped crook personally (so he says) NEVER appeared in UMNO's books - till today!

      One law for the UMNO crooks, the others...hmmmmmm

    2. I just hope Najib isn't stupid enough to attack Dr.M using 'Ops Lalang'.

      One must remember that Ops Lalang was carried out about 2 weeks after Private Adam ran amok in Chowkit. In-fact, it was Private Adam's action that put a halt to that very tense racial atmosphere between Malays & Chinese, akin to that fateful May 13, 1969.
      That racial antagonism was over Education Ministry's decision to post Malay teachers in SRJKC. The Chinese, led by MCA held rallies together with DAP & Gerakan in protest.
      Counter rallies were also held by the Malays in UMNO & PAS.
      Publication permits for The Star, Sin Chew and Watan were temporary suspended because of publishing racial hatred and seditious article.

      Nonetheless, after the failure of Forex's RCI to achieve its vile objective, and if the Kleptocratic government still wishes to venture into another 'waste Rakyat's time & money' RCI, this time on Dr.M's usage of ISA during Ops Lalang, then go ahead.

      At least the following mysteries will probably be answered:-

      1. Just like the motif for the murder of Altantuya, what made Private Adam lost his mind then, is still unknown. There were rumors though, that Adam ran amok to avenge for his brother's death in the hands dot dot.

      2. In a counter-rally held by UMNO's Youth in TPCA Stadium, someone was alleged to have thrust a Keris in the air and clamored to drench it with Chinese blood. Yet he was not among those 106 who was ISAed. Who was he?

    3. "2. In a counter-rally held by UMNO's Youth in TPCA Stadium, someone was alleged to have thrust a Keris in the air and clamored to drench it with Chinese blood. Yet he was not among those 106 who was ISAed. Who was he?"

      Hee hee hee....siapa lagi?

    4. Don;t talk ISA pun...the abuse of Sedition Act & MCMC by Jibros against rakyat and oppo is already WORSE than Tun using ISA.


      a) Steal more

      b) Abuse laws

      c) Appoint barua

      d) Repress media

      ...far more than Tun's era.


      Cartoonist also arrested? Kemonlahbro...

  8. Apa la Che Minah merepek ni..
    Apahal pulak Najib nak batalkan pari Bunga..bukan kerja dia..kalau batal pun salah Munga sendiri,tak ikut arahan ROS.
    Lagi lama Najib tangguh PRU,saya rasa lagi banyak scandal dan keburukkan PH terdedah..
    Hakikat dan realitinya partix Melayu dalam PH skrg ada lah indah dari khabar saja..
    PKR...Tanpa PAS mereka kantoi.Mereka tidak ada ahli akar umbi,Ahli akan jelas kelihatan apabila nak ada pemilihan,yg hairan bangsa Tamil yg banyak.Banyak General dari askar.Contoh demo tempoh hari bendera PKR tidak kelihatan sebab tidak ada yg nak memacak..Dengar khabar Azmin pun nak lari dari Gombak..
    BERSATU,/MUNGA...Wujud ke tidak ahli tak tahu.Serupa PKR banyak Pembesar dari peringkat akar umbi ahli.Dah dekat 1thn setengah dah Mesyuarat Perwakilan pun tak buat lagi.Mana cwg/bahagian dan perhubungan negeri,masih diawangxan.Yg bising Armada ,yg tidak wujud dlm perlembagaan parti.Belum apax dah bergasak antara ahli sesama sendiri.
    Langsong tidak menyakinkan.
    AMANAH...Fikir sendiri.Kalau rela diperkudakan olih DAP,samax lah buat tafsiran.
    Justeru itu untuk mengharap Tsunami Melayu saperti Tsunami Cina pada PRU 13 ada lah agak jauh.
    PH perlu lah mempamir dan membentangkan alternatif yg berkesan untuk memintas tindakanx yg dibuat olih BN untuk memenangi hati rakyat.Elakkan memberi bola tanggung untuk BN..
    Salah satu cara kurangkan pergantunggan kpd TDM,kerana dewasa ini statementx beliau banyak mendatangkan liabiliti daripada keuntungan pada PH..
    Sebagai golongan Urbanites yg sering dicop anti establishment,memang hidup di bandar pedih dan mengharapkan masaalah yg dihadapi dapat diselesai,tetapi masih ditakok lama.Jangan hairan sokongan akan beralih angin..

    1. Laaaa...kamu nih sokong si Lanun Darat Najib tu dengan membuta tuli. Najib kentut pun kamu kata wangi pulak.

      Dia sendiri mengaku di menipu dari awal lagi pasal duit 1mdb & src dalam akaun.....apakah macai bodoh atau bangsat macam najib sendiri cakap atau macai buat2 bodoh sebab najib sendiri buat2 bodoh....atau memang najib sama spesies dengan macai.....memang bodoh2...ishhhh

    2. Nurul Izzah pun nak lari ke Permatang Pauh.Memang diaorg jadikan Lim Kit Siang sebagai idola.Lim Kit Siang the running man.Lepas gelang patah dia nak pergi mana pulak.

      Prof Kangkung

    3. Declare state of emergency immediately

      Jho Low

    4. Nak declare emergency, kena ada sebab munasabah. Tak boleh secara tiba-tiba je, terus istihar darurat. IED (Improvised explosive device) mesti diletopkan dulu di tempat awam. Di ikuti tangkapa secara besar-besaran anggota Daesh yang baru pulang dari Syria atau Malawi.

      Dan setelah emergency beberapa ketika, Malaysia terus jadi aman dan tiada lagi kejadian IED meletop dimana-mana.
      Makanya, UMNO dan Najib menjadi amat popular dan BN mampu membela dan memperkayakan elit-elit dikalangan orang Melayu, sampai bila-bila.

      #Hidup UMNO-Najib, Hidup Jho Low.

    5. Hmmmmmm RD I think you are right. Maybe there is already an evil plan to do "something" nearer to the PRU14...

    6. these UMNO scum are going to rot in jail

      i DARESAY that these lowlifes are planning something to prevent that at any cost

      Hidup Pakatan, persetankan Barisan Nasional

  9. 13.55
    Ini lah contoh mentaliti Pakatoons..
    Bila pula kita kata sokong Najib..
    Baca habisx dan fahamkan isi kandongan komen...
    Kita hanya beri pendapat mengenai Tsunami Melayu di PRU 14 nanti..
    Betul tidak apa saya catitkan TDM mesti kurangkan statement beliau..semalam dibuat statement Najib telah dibomohkan olih Rosmah..ini lah saya kata bola tanggung tu untuk BN smash PH...

    1. I rather vote cartoon character as a prime minister than your silly Barisan Nasional

      No hard feelings

    2. Anon 240
      It shows how irrational pakaton people are.

      Prof Kangkung

    3. 08:00,

      Actually his/her statement is MOST rational. Why? Becos cartoon character won't steal US$800 million from KWAP, or cheat TH & FELDA, while yelling loudly about how "Islamic" they are...only those who are irrational, weak, brainwash or stupid will vote for such criminals. So ----

      Which are you

      Or maybe paid : )

    4. i have never seen a cartoonish character such as Jamal Jamban berkemah

      he is definitely irrational and more so for his supporters

  10. Anonymous @ 13 November 2017 at 17:13,

    //Becos the so-called "political donation" of RM2.6 billion given to the party//

    I think the rationale for not de-registering UMNO is that it was NOT a "political donation" ... or was it?

    Whatever that money was, the claim was that it was returned to the donor, so the matter can be forgotten.

    That's the story anyway.

    RoS seems quite happy to accept such cock-and-bull.


    1. 8:23,

      They changed story 41 times (I saw a list of the number of lies about the "donation").

      But along the way I think Zahid Komedi's macais were pushing theory that Saudi wanted Umno to win for Islam (ya, I also laughed), and there is "no law against political donations."

      No logic why it's not in umno accounts, until you grasp the truth it's money songlaped from 1MDB and used a personal slush & shopping fund by Jibros.

      ROS will accept any story from their Jibros masters, tho'

  11. Still in the state of denial,PH and supporters.
    They refused to accept realities.It is ok to be optimistic but considerations should be given to the current situation now which are not that favourable to PH.Time is running short...
    Even the most formidable party amongst PH..i.e DAP is shaky now.
    The rakyat esp fence sitters are watching these development and by the look of it,the so called Malay Tsunami that is similar to Chinese Tsunami in GE 13 unlikely will occur but the urban base Malay parties maybe face in the declining of support....

    1. There's no Malay tsunami coming lah.

      There are only 2 types of Malay: Smart and Stupid. Category 2 live in gerrymandered areas.

      The Stupid ones will vote Umno / PAS, and will be liwatted hard for another 5 years while the leaders of Umno / PAS feast on riches.

      Heh heh get what you deserve, kan.

  12. History repeat itself - like sleeping abdullah, sleeping najib will be toppled by tis malay tsunami!!!

    1. Malay tsunami?haha

      Prof Kangkung


  13. The heat is on!!!!!

  14. Please be informed.........petrol price has increased by another 7 cts this week. My fren, an owner of a petrol kiosk stasion said, we will face 7 cts increse every week until March, 2018. No increase in April as PRU14 will be held most probably in May or June 2018, so BN gomen got to show a bit of kindness so that we will vote them again.
    I am sure Mr.GONDRONG would want us to vote BN again so that we can enjoy the economy cake.

    1. Cik Minah,

      I Love PM because hapuskan tol....HOOREY!!!!!




      Gomen must compensate PLUS etc, by more than 2 billion because of the toll cancellation....

      Where does the 2 billion come from?

      From us, lah.

      (Tak kan Kak Ros going to sell her pink diamonds or Birkin to pay PLUS!)




      We will STILL pay for the toll.

      If Malaysians can think logically...then this corrupt gomen will fall.
