Tuesday, 29 November 2016

For the good Umno people

It's Umno general assembly time again.

I'm going to PWTC later in the afternoon to meet some friends from Johor Umno.

One of them is an aide of Johor MB DS Mohamed Khaled Nordin.

Well, it's nice that I still have friends in Kota Iskandar despite many there hating me for my criticisms of Khaled.

Good to know that Khaled can still appoint true professionals into his team so that criticisms could be turned around for good.

At least my friend still wants to talk to me and even sometimes want to belanja makan.

These days, whenever I got angry with Khaled, I would remember my friend and it made me cool down a bit.

Nonetheless, Khaled and his boys are still not my favourite bunch of people.

I'm still sore with what they did to former Johor MB TS Abdul Ghani Othman and his people right before and after the last general election.

I'm also still not happy with them for messing up my home state ever since they took over Kota Iskandar.

Well, that's the way I see it but I better not start on it again.

It's not going to help anyway.

So, that aside, what could be expected of this Umno general assembly?

Personally, I don't expect anything.

I have to admit that I lost quite a lot of interest in Umno at the height of its civil war last year.

When both warring sides started with their "either you are with us or against us" policy, I decided to distance myself from the whole nonsense.

Told myself that I'm not going to fight my friends on either sides just to support some politicians.

I have been trying my best to be politically neutral ever since.

These days I prefer to write about what's happening the way I see it and let you all dear readers decide for yourself what to make out of the subject matter.

I no longer try to even guide you all to what I think is right or wrong.

As for the Umno general assembly itself, I think it will more or less be a showcase of party unity in preparation for the next general election.

No doubt, Umno is more united this time compared to during its general assembly last year.

TS Muhyiddin Yassin, DS Shafie Apdal, DS Mukhriz Mahathir are no longer around.

So, no more dissenters in the party.

At least that's how it appears to be.

But I believe there are still many in the ranks and files who are not happy but keeping quiet.

It's not that they don't love the party, but they are worried over the things that were troubling Umno ever since the civil war started and the rebels were either kicked out or left to join the opposition.

It will be foolhardy for Umno to deny this and not addressing it at the general assembly.

Whatever it is, if I'm an Umno member (which I'm not) I would be wanting the same of this general assembly as these people,

Umno seniors want rationale debates, not fiery speeches

I think the Umno members interviewed for the story made a lot of sense.

Excerpt 1 :

“Please stop saying that there is this elaborate Jewish-backed agenda to wipe out the Malays and Islam from this country,” quipped padi farmer Daus Saad who has been a card-carrying member for 23 years.

Excerpt 2 :

“Waving the keris while chanting demi maruah Melayu (for the dignity of the Malays) just does not work anymore in this era,” reasoned a 62-year-old Johor Umno wanita delegate Norasyikin Hamid.

Excerpt 3 :

Based on his observation, another senior party member, Zamidi Ishak, is of the opinion that some leaders and the party machinery had been wasting too much time showing support, instead of gathering support for Umno.
“The majority of Umno members already support the party and the Barisan Nasional, so there is actually little need to loudly declare their support.
“What they really need to do is to go down to ground-zero and convince the fence-sitters in swing states to vote for BN.
I think these senior Umno members are better than some of their leaders and party strategists.

Well, I'm not an Umno member.

So, I can only say that as an observer. It's the party leadership that will decide how they are going to proceed with things.

All the best then for those who are sincere and good among them.


  1. 'No doubt, Umno is more united this time compared to during its general assembly last year.

    TS Muhyiddin Yassin, DS Shafie Apdal, DS Mukhriz Mahathir are no longer around.

    So, no more dissenters in the party.'

    So that's a good thing?

    Everything they said about 1MDB was true, as confirmed by 3 countries.

    In the end org Melayu kena liwat by Umgnok again...

    ...so how wins?

    1. Ketua penyamun macai pencacai angkat tahi. Yang melapor ditangkap yang kena lapor bebas. Apa punya kerjaan ni, sial iblis. Otak undang punya macai, bola lagi mereka ini dilaknati. Amin...

    2. Doa dan solat langsung x memberi apa2 kesan. Jangankan solat hajat, solat wajib pun entah diterima Allah ke tidak.

      Ada rasanya terkadang mahu pergi tetak saja kepala2 menteri penyamun bebal abadi ni. Faham denyut nadi rakyat haper? Malah mempersendakan pula saban hari.

      Saya menjangkakan rakyat masih lagi menahan sabar dgn harga barang yg entah tahun depan kita tak mampu membelinya lagi. Kacang2 yg dahulunya rege RM2-3 hingget di 7e, skrg dah jadi RM14-15 dah. Sungguh tidak masuk akal lagi. Skrg masuk pun, takat beli air mineral dan roti gardenia ja yg mampu.

      Kesabaran sudah ditahap maksimum dah. Tesco dan Giant harga menggila. Gaji saya sudah lebih RM11k pun dah terketaq2 berbelanja. Entahlah rakyat yg dibawah RM5k income sebulan.

      Kemana arah Malaysia selepas ini?

    3. Di bawah si Bugis Lanun, semua boleh jadi.

      Selweweng, songlap, tangan ghaib buang Gani Pattail serta merta tanpa alasan munasabah, tukar tempat kerja serta merta pegawai2 tinggi PDRM, SPRM yang siasat berbilion dalam akaun Najib ... Rosmah pakai jet eksekutif gomen lease RM90 juta ...

      Macam macam lagi.

    4. Jangan klentong lah!

      Mana orang Melayu susah. Orang Melayu tak ada masalah penyamun Bugis dan suku sakat dia curi wang pukal-pukal. Melayu pandai setakat mengeluh aje. Dapat BRIM.. Beres..

    5. 22:14

      ha ha, yes that is the problem. How sad after 60 years we are reduced to this?

  2. Tahun ni patut ada pemilihan parti. Tapi kena tangguh sebab ada orang kecut perut. Suburnya demokrasi dalam UMNOOOOOOO hahahaha!

    Boleh pecah rekod sebab pemegang jawatan sejak tahun 2013 boleh pegang jawatan sampai tahun 2018. Silap haribulan sampai 2019.

  3. thegreatteadrinkerdownsouth29 November 2016 at 14:26

    Annie - when will you address the 1MDB issue squarely front & centre?

    Or will you emulate another "prominent" blogger who has claimed that she is absolutely totally not interested in 1MDB, preferring instead to whack the J-Star, Red Beans and Dapsters?

    1. How in the world is a fat, ugly, smelly ass blogger prominent? She's anything but that. She's a miserable old bitch who's as ugly on the inside as her writing. Hope she reads this and squeals...again..

  4. '“Please stop saying that there is this elaborate Jewish-backed agenda to wipe out the Malays and Islam from this country,” quipped padi farmer Daus Saad who has been a card-carrying member for 23 years.'


    People are not falling for the same tired old lies again and again.

    1. But..'DAP a Chinese chauvinist party anti Malay anti Islam out to grab ruling power from
      the Malays' still works.

    2. 22:25,

      Yes you're right. But less so i think. In any case the decreasing birth rate of the chinese means that this tactic will eventually no longer make much sense. Once the % of chinese is 10% or 15%, how does it work?

      The sad truth is that in cases like 1mdb and the double priced ECRL, it is rich chinese and rich malays who gang up to cheat the rakyat jelata.

      As for malays, we are not divided into 5, but only 2:

      a) smart

      b) stupid

      If you are in category (a) then you can see how fake umno's broken record of 'bangsa, agama & negara" is.

      It is now a criminal organisation, pure and simple. What would Dato' Onn and TAR say, I don't know.


  5. Wa manyak pikir ini UMNO eaa aa , hanya ada members saja lea aa ,tapi sutak tiada supporters lagi maa aa.

    Coming itu GE ,Wa ingat manyak susah maa aa.

    1. Tapi ee aa, jangan lupa taktik "cash is king", maaaa.

      Itu beluk chantan 'Janggut Sial' dari Pasir Salakan sulah jadi multi-millionaire oooo. Itu MTU semua multi-millionaire ooooo. Lagi itu 'Pukis wallier' soolah jadi billionaire oooo.

      Saya halap olang Bulayu kali ini changan kina tipoo ee aa. Ini parti umgnok mmg halam chadah, suka kuat tipu olang Bulayu dan songlap wang saja ee aaa.

      Lebbih baik undi parti Tun Madey. Kalau tidak, itu padak air gemoo akan belmahalajalela lima tahun lagi. Mampos oooo.

  6. the fact that the umno member can stomach the crimes commited by najib and co speaks volumes about the organization.

    it is a betrayal to BANGSA, AGAMA and NEGARA

    there will be nothing u can say to justify ur silence.

    u all should be ashamed for being the very pengkhianat u guys swore to fight againts.


  7. Give business to cronies, this happens....

    "A passport supplier has alleged that the aging scanner and "modified" scanner software could be among reasons why new passports, issued after May 17, cannot be read at the e-Gate of the Immigration checkpoints for the past three months.

    This was according to a senior official of the Datasonic Technologies Sdn Bhd, the supplier of new passports' polycarbonate datapage and embedded chips."

  8. Annie,

    Bad management is bad management annie, there's no two way about it.

    There's no union in UMNON just loyalist.

    Don't break that loyalty. They never got to get it back.


  9. Jamal Jamban xde teloq ke?


  10. “The majority of Umno members already support the party and the Barisan Nasional, so there is actually little need to loudly declare their support."....KIHKIHKIHKIH, REALLY....??????
    My sister & her husband is among the majority but they no
    longer support umno. They just attended the gathering,
    ambil cenderamata/hati, simpan. Nak pakai lambang umno pun, MALU!!!!!!

  11. UMNO will win the next GE.no doubt about it

    Prof Kangkung

    1. Yup, pretty sure about that too prof. :)
