Monday 11 May 2015

Umno Day: The party president and his deputy

Today is Umno's 69th birthday.

Here is the Bernama's report of the speech by Umno president DS Najib Razak in Kota Belud, Sabah yesterday evening,

Najib says will not bow to pressure to resign

Datuk Seri Najib Razak sounded a defiant note today to pressure to step down as prime minister, saying he will remain in the job with support from Umno and trust from the people.
Calls for Malaysia's sixth prime minister to resign have risen since pilgrim fund Lembaga Tabung Haji confirmed buying land from 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) – the state strategic investor whose RM42 billion debt has even pushed retired strongman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed to ask for Najib's ouster.
I only bow down to party members and the people. As long as the party members support me, and as long as people give their trust, I shall continue to serve," state news agency Bernama quoted him as saying in front of a 40,000-strong crowd in Kota Belud, Sabah today.
Bernama said Najib's declaration was received with cheers and applause from those attending the "Sabah People's solidarity with the PM" event at the tail-end of his Sabah visit.
He said that his job as prime minister and as Umno president was obtained through the democratic process and decided by the people and Umno members throughout the country from Padang Besar in Perlis to Pulau Sebatik in Sabah.
This was the first time Najib has openly slammed former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad for the numerous calls for his resignation.
Checking for support, the report said Najib shouted "rakyat Sabah sokong" (the people of Sabah supports...) which was later followed by a reply of "Najib, Najib, Najib!" from the crowd.
Reaffirming his stance, he then read aloud a Bugis philosophy, pointing out that he has no plan to back down.
"Obviously one voice (Dr Mahathir) cannot be greater than the voices heard from the crowd here, in Kota Belud and the mandate given by the people," he said, in another swipe at Dr Mahathir.
Najib told the crowd that each leader, including himself and Dr Mahathir, would be tested in many different ways during their tenure.
"Was he (Dr Mahathir) not tested? There was the test of Team A and Team B, (where Dr Mahathir) almost lost. More than 50% of Umno members back then demanded for his resignation. What was his reply? "Even if I win by a single vote, I will continue to be the prime minister. A great answer.
"In 1987, I was one of those who supported him. He remains the PM because of what? It is because we (Umno members) were together even in hardship. When he was faced with hardship, we give our support to ensure that he stayed (in power).
"If we did not support him in his time of need, Dr Mahathir would not have stayed on for 22 years as the PM," he said.
"So, do not forget, when he was the PM, we gave him our full support... Now that he is no longer the PM, support us in return.
"Don't make noise even if not so supportive," he said.
Najib also sought to allay public concern that Tabung Haji's land buy was to help bail out 1MDB, saying the deal was twisted to mean pilgrim depositors' money was used to rescue the debt-laden state strategic investor.
He said he advised Tabung Haji to sell the 0.64 hectare land to avoid prolonging the controversial land purchase.
"We do not want to continue with this controversy because it will take away a lot of our energy in terms of concentrating on some of the big programmes that we have in mind," he said after launching the Kota Belud People's Housing Project (PPR) in Sabah.
Bernama said Najib was asked about Tabung Haji's announcement that it would sell off the land it purchased from 1MDB.
Najib said turning the land over to the private sector was a good commercial deal, which would see Tabung Haji make a few million ringgit overnight.
"So, it cannot be a bailout (for 1MDB). No private company will buy over a project if the company is going to lose money," he said.
Tabung Haji Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim said yesterday Tabung Haji planned to sell the land in the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX), after receiving three offers from interested buyers.
The purchase of a plot of land from 1MDB for RM188.5 million for the purpose of building a residential tower had created uproar among its depositors, some of whom even withdrew their savings at its branch in Shah Alam on Thursday.
Opposition politicians were quick to note that Tabung Haji was paying far more per square feet (psf) than what 1MDB paid at RM64 psf, when it first bought the land from the government, leading some to call the deal a "bailout", given 1MDB's massive debts.
Umno leaders, including deputy president and Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, have also criticised the deal as 1MDB's RM42 billion debt was a well-known fact. – Bernama, May 10, 2015

And here is the statement issued yesterday evening by Umno deputy president TS Mahyuddin Yassin in conjunction with the party's anniversary today,


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, salam sejahtera dan salam 1Malaysia.

UMNO menyambut ulangtahun yang ke-69 pada tahun ini. Saya bersyukur ke hadrat Allah s.w.t. kerana amanah kepimpinan yang dianugerahkan kepada UMNO telah dapat kita laksanakan dengan sebaik mungkin sehinggakan kita berjaya membela bangsa, memartabatkan agama dan memajukan negara Malaysia yang tercinta. Kita juga telah berjaya mewujudkan keharmonian kaum dan memelihara kestabilan negara dengan bekerjasama dan berkongsi kuasa dengan rakan-rakan parti komponen di dalam Barisan Nasional.

Namun, sebagaimana yang kita tahu, kedudukan UMNO pada hari ini tidaklah sekukuh dahulu. Selain gagal mempertahankan majoriti dua pertiga dalam pilihanraya umum ke-12 dan ke-13, UMNO juga sedang menghadapi masalah persepsi yang kian gawat.

Tidak dinafikan orang Melayu masih meletakkan harapan yang tinggi terhadap UMNO untuk membela nasib mereka. Namun saya bimbang jika isu-isu yang melingkari parti kita tidak dapat dijawab dengan baik untuk terus meyakinkan rakyat tentang keikhlasan perjuangan UMNO, maka rakyat akan menolak UMNO dalam pilihanraya dan kita terpaksa melepaskan amanah kepimpinan yang digalas selama ini. Na'uzubillahi min zalik.

Sesungguhnya, survival UMNO bergantung kepada sejauhmana rakyat melihat UMNO sebagai parti yang boleh dipercayai. Maka, adalah menjadi kewajipan kita sebagai ahli UMNO untuk kembali membangkitkan dhamir UMNO sebagai sebuah parti yang dipercayai oleh rakyat.  Kita perlu sentiasa bermuhasabah, memperbaiki segala kelemahan dan bertindak memperbetulkan keadaan sebelum terlambat.

Rakyat sedang memerhati tindakan dan pendirian UMNO dalam beberapa isu utama. Dalam isu hubungan kaum dan perpaduan nasional misalnya, rakyat sedang melihat ke mana arah tuju UMNO? Adakah UMNO akan terus menjadi sebuah parti Melayu dan Islam yang moderat, sederhana dan progresif atau berubah menjadi sebuah parti perkauman yang rasis dan ektstrem?

Saya ingin menegaskan bahawa UMNO tidak boleh terjebak di dalam polemik perkauman dan agama yang ekstrem sehingga meruntuhkan asas-asas negara Malaysia yang telah dibina oleh pemimpin kita yang terdahulu dan termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan.

Saya akui memang wujud pelbagai asakan dan provokasi yang ingin melihat UMNO terjerumus ke dalam jerangkap rasisme dan ekstremisme. Tetapi kita perlu istiqamah. Pendirian UMNO selama ini yang seimbang, moderat dan sederhana dalam mengurus hubungan kaum dan agama perlu dipertahankan. Kita bukan sebuah parti Melayu yang rasis. Kita juga bukan sebuah parti Islam yang jumud dan ekstrem.

Sebaliknya, UMNO adalah sebuah parti rahmatan lil’alamin. Sebuah parti  Melayu dan Islam yang membawa rahmat dan manfaat untuk semua. UMNO membela nasib bangsa Melayu dan memartabatkan agama Islam, tetapi pada masa yang sama memelihara kepentingan yang sah bagi kaum-kaum lain dan menghormati kebebasan mereka untuk mengamalkan agama masing-masing. Saya percaya selagimana kita berada di atas landasan perjuangan yang seimbang ini, maka kita akan berjaya mengekalkan perpaduan nasional dan parti kita UMNO akan terus dihormati dan dipercayai oleh rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum dan agama.

UMNO juga perlu menampilkan jawapan yang segera kepada segala permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh rakyat. Antaranya ialah tekanan kos sara hidup yang kian meningkat. Kita akui bahawa kenaikan harga barang dan kos sara hidup adalah disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor yang sebahagian besarnya berada di luar kawalan kerajaan. Namun, sebagai kerajaan yang prihatin pelbagai dasar dan program dilaksanakan untuk meringankan beban kos sara hidup rakyat. Saya percaya masih banyak yang boleh dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah beban kos sara hidup dan UMNO perlu menjuarai isu ini.

Rakyat juga semakin mementingkan soal ketelusan dan tadbirurus yang baik. Kewujudan sebuah kerajaan yang telus dengan tadbirurus yang baik menjadi keutamaan rakyat dalam membuat pilihan politik. Maka, sebarang isu yang melibatkan soal ketelusan dan tadbirurus perlu dipandang berat dan jika terdapat masalah ianya perlu diselesaikan dengan segera. Ini termasuk isu 1MDB yang tidak boleh dibiarkan berlarutan. Setiap dakwaan mengenai penyelewengan dalam urusan 1MDB perlu segera disiasat secara bebas, telus dan adil dan pihak yang bertanggungjawab dibawa ke muka pengadilan. Imej UMNO tidak boleh terpalit dengan isu 1MDB.

Amanah menjadi satu nilai penting yang menjadi teras kepercayaan rakyat kepada parti dan kerajaan. Jika pemimpin UMNO dilihat amanah dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab kepimpinan, bersih daripada sebarang bentuk salah laku dan penyelewengan, maka saya yakin rakyat akan memberi sokongan padu kepada UMNO. Sebaliknya, jika pemimpin dilihat tidak amanah, maka rakyat akan menolak parti kita.

Sebagai ahli UMNO yang sayangkan parti, kita perlu sentiasa mengutamakan perjuangan parti. Perkukuhkan perpaduan, elakkan perpecahan dan hindari sebarang tindakan yang boleh melemahkan parti kita. Teruskan beristiqamah dalam menjulang panji-panji perjuangan parti. Kewajipan kita yang paling utama ialah memperkukuhkan kedudukan UMNO untuk menghadapi pilihanraya umum ke-14 yang pastinya lebih mencabar.

Akhirnya, saya mendoakan semoga UMNO terus diberikan kekuatan dan inayah oleh Allah s.w.t. untuk meneruskan perjuangan suci membela agama, bangsa dan negara. Kepada seluruh ahli UMNO, saya mengucapkan selamat menyambut ulangtahun UMNO ke-69.

Hidup UMNO! Hidup UMNO! Hidup UMNO

Timbalan Presiden Umno

10 Mei 2015

Here is a report of Muhyiddin's statement in English by Rakyat Post:


  1. Evidently, from DSN’s speech, he has sets his heart on remaining as UMNO President and Malaysia PM (read: Selfish; thinking about I, me and myself only!) whereas from TSM’s statement, he has sets his heart on UMNO's survivability and relevancy (in particular, and Malaysia and Malaysians' welfare, in general). Hence, if I was an UMNO member, choosing between a rock and a hard place, I chose TSM. As for DSN, he could choose to stay behind in Sabah or Cayman Island.

    1. He has the mandate from the party and the people so it's democratic that he is removed by the members or the people.

      Indirectly he welcomes challenges to his position as UMNO president and PM. So this should be viewed positively. If we want to change our leaders let's do it democratically.

      Now the ball is in TSMY court to state his position. If he had lost the confidence in the president then he can call for EGM to discuss the president position. If the EGM decided they have lost the confidence in the president then UMNO can elect a new president.

    2. Mandate from the people? He was lucky coz of our popular votes he was rejected

    3. If Ah Jib sets up shop in Sabah then the Sabahans will also be encumbered by his stupidity and greed.

  2. He will listen to no one but Big Mama

  3. Akhirnya berjaya juga Mahathir bangunkan Najib. Alhamdulillah!!!!!

    1. Kalau dia tidur dia main elegant silence, kalau dia bangun dia main caci-maki. Tapi Ah Jib Gor ni memang dia kaki tai kor Jholow.

  4. Semalam Najib dapat sokongan padu dari bugis di tawau selepas diberitakan diboo di kuching pada awal bulan ini. Kalau najib nak tahu rakyat masih sokong dia ke tidak, bubar parlimen, buat pilihanraya macam cadangan jazlan. Jangan cakap sahaja selagi dapat sokongan rakyat tapi tidak ada bukti sokongan masih wujud atau tidak. Dalam umno pun bukan semua ketua bahagian sokong. Ketua cawangan sebagai pemimpin akar umbi pun entah berapa orang yang masih sokong. Jangan pula tangguh pemilihan umno pada tahun depan kalau nak tahu tahap sokongan akar umbi parti.

    mypm, ahjibb go........

    1. Najib is no "pasompe" bugis hero lah .... don't know whether he could even manage a vegetable-farm free of vermins.

    2. Bangga dengan darah bugis tetapi dia lupa ramai Jebat di kalangan rakyat marhaen...pada satu ketika Jebat pun setia kepada raja seperti Tuah...tetapi mengapa Jebat derhaka...raja adil raja ku sembah..raja zalim...raja ku sanggah

    3. Yaaaa..... Steady lah jebat! Bugis ni bukannya reti apa. Dok terjerit jerit pastu cakap mcm org mabuk. apa punya bugis. Kebanyakkan bugis adalah lanun. Elok la panglima bugis yg ni pun melanun jugak tapi cara moden kahkahkahkahkah bodoh punya bugis!!!! Caittt ptuiihhh!

  5. Annie,
    Is there any truth to this report???

  6. PETALING JAYA: Retirement Fund Inc (KWAP) has agreed to buy a parcel of land and building that will be its new headquarters at the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) at a price that is more than 15% lower than what Lembaga Tabung Haji (LTH) had paid for.

    Now, who's the fool? who's the thief?

  7. "Opposition politicians were quick to note that Tabung Haji was paying far more per square feet (psf) than what 1MDB paid at RM64 psf, when it first bought the land from the government,..."

    If that is the issue, how much PKNS and Penang SEDC paid when they bought their lands for development from Selangor and Penang state government respectively.

    Why do PKNS and Penang SEDC sell their properties at market price while IMDB cannot do that.

    IMDB, PKNS and Penang state government are 100% owned by the federal and respective state governments.


    1. What the heck 1MDB want to sell the land? Why don't they develop the land like PKNS or PSDC?

  8. So..all 1mdb does is sell back the land. KWAP cud just buy the land directly from gomen from the very beginning. Why need to set up 1mdb?

  9. I don't know about all of you, but if Najib is still a PM by PRU14, I will stay at home and not vote. That was what I did during PRU12. Ini kalilah may not succeed in PRU13 but if Najib is still PM, Ini kalilah will happen in PRU14, not because PR is better, it is just that BN supporters are fed-up.

    Najib may syiok sendiri to say that he got the support of the rakyat. But logic will say otherwise. During PRU13, popular vote already went to PR. We all know that MCA members supports DAP. Now if you count Tun M's followers, Najib's real supporters will be less than 20%.

    Tak payahlah Najib nak buruk2kan Tun M dengan mengungkit kisah lama. Najib cuma perlu jawab what happen to the 1MDB unaccounted for RM27billion? Tak payah nak konar sana sini. Just answer that question!

    I think more people will boo Najib in public. Maybe then his bubble will burst. He should leave while he still has his dignity left. I also want MACC to investigate his family excessive wealth. Just follow the money.

    1. The crowd that cheered him in Sabah were partisans who are probably enjoying his perks and privileges.

    2. Agreed tuan...dia kena jawab dengan formula matematik mudah...ada duit RM10...dah belanja RM6..di mana baki RM4...dalam kes GST...dulu cukai 10%...skrg 6%..10-6=4...patut harga barang jadi murah 4% bukannya jad bertambah mahal...tak perlu guna formula berbelit.

  10. Annie, setelah saya membaca ucapan Panglima Bugis di Sabah, ketauhilah saya bahawa Panglima Bugis adalah seorang yang Tidak dapat membaca permainan politik dan denyut Nadi rakyat.
    Jika panglima bugis percaya akan kekuatan sokongan yg ditunjukkan oleh lebih kurang 40 ribu hadirin disabah beliau silap. Sokongan seperti itu juga ditunjukan di pulau pinang dalam acara makan besar sebelum PRU13 tetapi keputusan PRU13 adalah sebaliknya. Politik disabah adalah berbeza dengan politik di semenanjung. Sentimen politik disana boleh dibeli dan berubah dalam satu hari. Jadi saranan saya supaya ahjib jangan lah cepat pancut sangat, anda sedang ditipu oleh penjilat penjilat tegar anda. Jika anda pasti anda mempunyai sokongan rakyat, anda patut bubarkan parlimen dan adakan pilihanraya umum. Jika tidak, anda sepatutnya jangan bunyi banyak sangat, lagi banyak anda bunyi lagi terserlah ketakutan dan kebodohan anda di mata rakyat. Jadi cukup cukup lah anda membangangkan diri sendiri.

  11. Ms Annie. I don't think this is fair comparison. The speech by the PM was his speech during his function in KK and not his speech to mark the UMNO anniversary.

    So I would appreciate it if you could do it again when Najib gives his speech later today to mark this day.

    Please compare apple to apple.

    Jangan disebabkan kebencian kita kepada seseorang menyebabkan kita berlaku tidak adil.

    Terima kasih.

    1. A Jibby kangkung can never pretend to be kailan.

    2. Yup. Even more, kangkung can never be broccoli meh..

  12. bring it on. apalah guna umno berdepan dengan pembangkang, tapi dalam masa yang sama, ada pengkhianat dalam umno. dato seri. inilah masa menyahkan mereka dari umno.

  13. Najib fall right into Tun M's trap. By fighting back, he is exposing his real self, stupidity, lack of integrity, lack of vision and syok sendiri.

    He is now a sitting duck, a lame duck.

  14. Petikan dari blog TS Zam:

    Dalam ucapannya di Tawau,Najib mendakwa menyokong Tun Dr.Mahathir dalam persaingan pucuk pimpinan 1987 tetapi saya segera mendapat pesanan ringkas dari seorang bekas pegawai tinggi UMNO " Dia bohong sokong Dr.M 1987. Dia mula sokong TR( Tengku Razaleigh) saya masih ingat lagi. Masa itu dia timbalan ,AI(Anwar Ibrahim) . AI yang tekan dia sokong Dr M, banyak saksi yang masih hidup. He is really desperate . Dr M menang dgn 44 undi . He didn't campaign at all. He is playing safe.

    Selepas ini banyak lagi pendedahan akan dibuat oleh mereka2 yang mengetahui fakta sebenar.

  15. I would rather have Najib than any of the other contenders. People think Najib is a creampuff, but the former CM of Terrenganu knows better. By next month, the DPM will be searching the situations vacant section of the papers for a new job. The PM deals with disloyalty with a sharp knife. Some bloggers may also find pressure applied. The only one who won't be touched is Tun, while Najib waits for time to take its course, but his son might not be so fortunate.

  16. Anon 16:07,

    Are sure Najib is that cleaver? Not sure weather it's Muhyiddin or Najib. ' will be searching the situations vacant section of the papers for a new job'.

    But don't worry, If anythings happened to him, Najib wont be searching vacant section of the papers for a new job!. He is rich enough to 'hidup goyang kaki' even if it reached 100 years!
