Sunday 17 May 2015

Dr Mahathir's time was different from now

I spent about an hour watching the recordings of the speech by former PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in Ipoh yesterday.

You can find the recordings here:

Bicara Negarawan di Ipoh 

The almost 90-year-old statesman looked and talked as if he was still in his late 60s.

He seems very energetic and enthusiastic about his main current endeavor, which is to prevent Barisan Nasional from being defeated in the next general election.

And of course he intends to do that by urging Umno to replace DS Najib Razak as their party president and prime minister.

There was however nothing really new in his speech yesterday.

It was a repeat of the same questions and allegations directed at Najib.

Still, it was fun as always to watch and listen to the handsome old man as he addressed the enthusiastic crowd in his trademark cool and witty style.

What I however don't really like about the event, as it had been with past public engagements by Dr Mahathir was the prominent presence of characters whom I deemed as weird and shady.

For instance, during the questions and answers session, when the name of Umno turncoat Tamrin Ghafar was announced as the next person to pose a question to Dr Mahathir, I actually cringed.

These sorts of people seem always to be there whenever Dr Mahathir was around.

I'm quite sure these sorts of Umno rejects will hang around Najib instead if the PM allows them to do so as there's more for them to personally gain something by doing so.

For me, their presence somewhat cheapened the event which was supposed to be a vehicle to further Dr Mahathir's noble intentions.

They were the equivalent of those clowns from the Najib's side who were featured on TV3's prime news simply for the purpose of bashing Dr Mahathir.

Anyway, Najib yesterday appeared to give Dr Mahathir an answer about the allegedly missing money of 1MDB. Here is the report by Rakyat Post,

If I was wealthy I'd buy this goldmine, PM says of 1MDB projects

Personally, I am not sure whether that's really an answer that Dr Mahathir wanted.

Najib had also insisted that

I'm following in Tun M's footsteps

Well, he actually first said that in Sabah the other day and I think he will repeat it again and again later for quite awhile.

In relation to what Najib said that he was fighting his detractors the same way Dr Mahathir did during his premiership, I think it should be noted that during Dr Mahathir's time, BN had the two third majority in Parliament while now it no longer has the same amount of support.

Thus, during Dr Mahathir's time, the risk of BN losing the general election was not as great as now, with all these troubles going on.

I don't know how long this ding dong fight will go on, but the longer it drags on, the worse it will be for Umno and BN.

As I had previously wrote, I hope Najib, as the one in power and younger of the two will try to see Dr Mahathir again to end the fighting.

I think it's the only way for Umno and BN to survive beyond the next general election.


  1. not really, common people really hate the current pm due to GST and raising cost of living. i know because i am one of them and i mix with the ordinary people everyday.

    of course the wealthy and rich wakil rakyat and ketua bahagian do not know about this or pretend to not to know about the sentiments down here..

    1. UMNO is done. the way the president and its leadership acts is just ditsgusting. Tak pernah pun terfikir untuk vote PAS. But this time around so be it. The lesser of two evils.

    2. Cudn't agree more. What UMNO is doing now is inscribing its own tombstone. Goodbye UMNO if u fail to learn and change from past history...

  2. Annie, saya sokong Najib,..kalau dia kaya lantak dia le apa dia nak beli..
    Tetapi apabila duit rakyat, negara berhutang, bukan duit mak bapak depa..kena ikut law dan jadi bijak...

    1. Saya setuju.

      Kalau dia kaya, adakah beliau sebagai boss 1MDB, berani berhutang atas nama sendiri?
      Mengapa berhutang berpuloh billion atas nama Rakyat?

      Rasanya, lebih baik letak jawatan sebagai Menteri Kewangan. Baru senang Auditor General dan PAC buat kerja mereka. Itu pun kalau AG dan PAC ada 'telur' untuk siasat dengan lebih telus.

  3. Ramadhan Al Mubarak and follow by Idilfitri, just round the corner. They all have to pay their zakat fitrah (wajib) and by hook or crook must clean all those messes !

    Everything will be fine by then, Annie. Insya Allah. he..he.. Fail to do that, both must go !

    1. I don;t think "all those messes" could be 'cleaned' by Syawal. A debt of RM42 billion is too huge to clear unless more of Rakyat's assets are disposed-off as collateral.
      Strengthening of the Ringgit would surely help, though. Relinquishing the Finance portfolio is first step, Najib should do.

  4. Seeing Tun Dr. M will not solve the problem. Follow some of the other leaders...when you're not wanted, it is best to go rather then staying on till everything collapse. Recently Pas Hadi asking not to change the PM...he has the point there. If PM change, then they have start all over again to dig out new dirts (if any) and they may loose out in the next GE. So Hadi idea is that let this dirty baggage stays till the GE.
    Base on the two by-elections, the tell sign is there...but when people dont want to go due to the many reasons that they have, the fight will still goes on.
    Tun Dr. M cant do it alone requires forces within the party and someone need to take the lead....still no one prominent here....let's wait and see.

  5. I think they have reached the point of no return already. NAJIB MUST RESIGN! He can't even answer Tun M's questions clearly. Konar sini konar sana. Dia ingat rakyat is as moronic as him and his advisers. His lackadaisical attitude in spending our money is totally unacceptable!! His mismanagement of our economy is treasonous!!

    BN supporters are fed up!! NAJIB MUST RESIGN!!


  6. Wait for screams of agony when crude rebounds to US100 per barrel(?) Sdr ANON 09:10
    now no subsidii ..

    Haji M Zin
    Alor Gajah

    1. Tuan haji terlupa ke tulis DPH after alor gajah???

    2. Efficient economies have little problems with crude at US100/barrel.

      Malaysia is not an efficient country because it is full of entrenched populist policies; and who will give up what they now consider their rightful entitlement? MAS is a microcosm of it.

      But many will ask: Why can't we be like AirAsia? After all, aren't they staffed by ... Malaysians?

      AirAsia represents what a microcosm of what Malaysia could be.

      The turnaround of MAS will require renegotiation and termination of contracts and staff. There will be much pain. Those affected have no choice but to accept their fate.

      The turnaround of Malaysia will too require much pain. For example, because of the most bloated civil service in the world, because of the years of deficit spending when TDM was PM, because of the running down of our oil reserve without commensurately increasing our people and business productivity - Najib has now no choice but to impose GST. That's just to keep the government's income and expenditure in balance, for now.

      The primary responsibility of a government is to give its people at least a reasonably good living by providing marketable education as well as opportunities for employment and business. Under normal circumstances, such takes decades to achieve. In 1970, Malaysia and Singapore were at par, but Singapore has surged way ahead us since. In this current world economic situation and local political climate, could even much more moderate objectives be achieved anytime time soon?

      While it is easy to go from a frugal life style to a rich one, it is difficult to go from a rich life style to a frugal one. Especially when those in power causing such 'hardship' can be voted out.

    3. 13:43

      Most politicians prefer to cater to the shiok sendiri sentiments of the majority of the rakyat, because these rakyat are not farsighted as to know what needs to be done for the good of their next generation.

      The aim is to get power and stay in power.


    4. Yes it's important efficiency but difficult to compare Sdr ANON 13:43
      when the large civil service includes so many teachers, nurses and Drs.

      We have free education here for those don't chose vernacular, and free medical treatment, and in Alor Gajah outpatient even on weekends (9am-1/ 5-9pm)

      We know one neighbouring country you start paying from kindergarten.

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

    5. Yes tuan Hj.. kesilapan fakta ni terus berulang2 tanpa henti. "Malaysia has a bloated public service". Dah jadi mantra atau tahap mcm hadis palsu.. ("belajarlah walau sampai ke negeri Cina"). Yg tak baguih tu.. bloated civil service ni dikait dgn org Melayu..tak cekap dsb. Mungkin sebab tu PM pakai konsultan. Tuan2..banyak negara lain termasuk US tidak mengira tentera, polis, cikgu dan lain2 perkhidmatan khas sebagai khidmat awam. Di Msia sesiapa yg kerrajaan bayar gaji dikira civil servant..cikgu saja dah lebih empat ratus ribu..ini case salah perbandingan.. Cukup2 lah mengutuk Melayu.

    6. sebenarnya ramai yang join into the bandwagon, geng-geng ni mmg anti BN tak kira sapa yang jadi PM pun

  7. Annie, PM DS Najib adalah perdana menteri yg penuh dengan khayalan... Beliau berkhayal tanpa mengira waktu. Sudah sampai masanya utk beliau berhenti berkhayal dan tumpukan sepenuh usaha beliau terhadap rakyat dan selesaikan segala permasalahan dalam keadaan sedar dan bukan lagi berkhayal. Saya juga memohon kepada rakyat malaysia yg berbilang kaum, pada masa hadapan jika tiba masanya utk kita memilih seorang perdana menteri, diharap kita dapat memilih seseorang dari kalangan rakyat biasa dan bukan dari golongan anak anak bangsawan atau golongan diraja.

  8. Annie,

    1. Weird and funny characters are everywhere, they are just opportunist and the organiser can't stop them from coming to the public and free event. Usually they will come so that people will see them and they can ask for things later. This opportunist is hedging their future income. It will not cheapen TunM's events as they are not the focal point, and people come to listen to TunM, not them.
    2. TunM is very consistent and focus. he will not digress from his main point and he will talk the same thing over and over again until the thing he said is so deep inside the heart of the people that any thing said by his opponent will not do good anymore.
    3. The comment from Najib are truly pathetic. If the RM42B debt is only reflected in the land that 1MDB get it cheap from the govt, then we know that 1MDB has no other valued assets other than that. And we are doomed coz the money spent has gone elsewhere...become smoke.

  9. Najib says if he were wealthy, he'd buy the 1MDB lands. He not weathy meh? Didn't PMO issue statement that his family has "legacy" wealth? Didn't our erudite ambassador to Indonesia also say likewise?

    The thing is, nobody, except for ball-carriers and sycophants, believe whatever Najib says these days. Just ask any ordinary rakyat. He launched something recently (can't remember what as he has launched dozens acronym projects which mostly fizzle out after fancy launch) and those who were watching the news with me, all went like "ala pigilah Najib..etc"

    He has such a credibility issue now. Today I read he's deflected BRIM as not his idea, but Bank Negara's or some fiscal committee's. If I recall correctly, he used to say it was HIS idea! I must check out earlier BRIM news reports to verify this.

    And his attacking of Tun M leaves a bad taste in my mouth, all that thumping, fist-waving and shouting. Whatever you say about Tun, I have never seen him shout or gesticulate like Hitler when speaking. Tun spoke evenly, clearly and dripped with biting sarcasm to make a point.

  10. In the history of the country since independence, there is no prime minister presiding over so much miseries and hardship upon Malaysians other than him. From Tunku, Tun Razak up until Pak Lah, disasters and tragedies of massive scale like we had endured recently is almost unheard of. But now, it happening way too often.
    Something is not right somewhere. That's what brought Tun M to his senses and begin his quest to prevent further damage to this beloved country.

    1. Me too. Tun dari tu dulu ada style. Look at the last video when he was taking questions from audience.. apa dia buat? That 90 old man was with a piece of paper and a pen!! Writting down the questions so he will not forget to answer them... pernah tengok PM2 yang lepas dia buat? Nak fikir pun guna otak orang. I rest my case lah. Either you love him or hate him, he is still the only one PM that the most of us Malaysians are proud of.

  11. Why so many Mahadey boot lickers? Why the need to throw him out undemocratically even if he wins by only 1 vote? Hypocrites and snake oil salesmmen are all these Mahathirists.

    Let's assume, Mahadey is the PM instead and Najib is the one asking and telling people, "Mahadey must go because of abuse of powers and bailouts etc"

    What do you think Mahadey wii do? Sure, Ops Lallang 2, is it not?

    Mahathir and all his Mahathirists should bersyukor and count their blessings because this Bugis Warrior is still so patient with them. Anyone ever seen a Bugis warrior go Amok, before?

    He'll pull out his Keris and bathe it with blood!

    1. You same as Najib also....when asked where the money go we expecting him with capacity as Finance Minister to tell the truth instead his answer was Tun is not Malay as his grandfather was from Kerala India. Maharaja lawak needs new participants for this year programme....both of you are good candidates

    2. Najib is no Bugis warrior, he is pondan, nyorok belakang bontot Rosmah King Kong.

    3. Anak bangsawan yang berjalan berlaga lutut, nak mengamuk dengan keris berlumuran darah. Warrior Bugis konon. Suruh dia sprint 100 meter tengok, larat ke? Jangan buat lawak la.

    4. Anon 13:51
      Rakyat tanya mana duit tu? Rakyat nak tau tu saja. Rakyat tak mau tau mamak ka kerala ka pahlawan agung bugis ka???? So sebagai kaki kulom najib hang patut jawab la soalan tu. senang saja. Apa yg dok cakap merapu ni. Ini lah yg dikatakan cikgu kencing berdiri anak murid kencing berlari kahkahkah. Tolong la bro jangan tunjuk sangat otak hang ni otak selut. Bugis warrior nak mengamok pun mengamok la sapa pun x heran aihhh. Mana duittttttttt??????? Jawab la wahai bugis warrior or macai pun takpa

    5. Huhh!!.. najib bugis warrior??..sekali rosmah penguin senggol.dia..terus keras mcm patung..come next GE then he should campaign..I just need bugis votes..ader berani panglima,??!!

    6. I am a bugis descendent but i am terribly ashamed with pseudo-bugis like najib.. So you najib licker..go ask your boss..where is the money?

  12. Tun M is really a learner and a learned man...see or not he talks about the drones and he knows about things like this.....

    >james bond

    1. James Bond you make anon 13:51 intellectually handicapped.

  13. dr mahathir penyanjung machievelli. tiada beza dengan ds anwar. putar belit perkara biasa asalkan dpt membuahkan hasil. ds najib is a noble politician.

    1. Cina kata lu ini kiasu dan kiasi fansuri

    2. "noble politician" apakebendanya.

      Hutang bagi pihak Rakyat sampai RM42 Billion. RM27 billion daripadanya tidak dapat dikesan pergi mana. Guna 'orang-tengah' yang menjadi misteri, apakejadah manafaatnya kepada rakyat dan Negara, juga menjadi misteri.

      Masa jadi Menteri Pertahanan guna 'orang-tengah' Razak Baginda untuk beli kapalselam. Masa jadi PM pulak, guna 'orang-tengah' Jho Low untuk berurusan dengan Pak Arab, bagi-pihak 1MDB (Rakyat? dan Negara. Guna Pegawai Kerajaan yang berlambak ada, tak boleh ke?. Sia-sia kena bayar komisyen berbillion ringgit. Langsung tak selari dengan slogan Ismail Sabri, KPDNKK ; "Jihad Memerangi Orang-Tengah" ke apa.

      Index Persepsi Rasuah Negara amat buruk dibawah Najib. Tak ingat ke, bagaimana Najib janji nak beri Rasuah RM5 juta jika BN menang di Sibu?
      Noble Politician apakebendanya? Money is King? Anak bangsawan yang megah dengan menabur WANG. Wang Rakyat pulak tuh.

    3. En kiasfansuri, tak kisah la machievelli ka, putar belit ka, anwar ka or Dr Mahathir ka. Rakyat nak tau mana pi duit tu. Jawab la. Tak kisah la najib nak jadi noble ka panglima bugis ka apa ka, duit manaaaa?????? Toksah la dok kona pusing satu kampung cakap merapu mcm keling minum tuak. Jawab la kepada rakyat mana pi duit tu??? Rakyat cuma nak tau tu saja. Isu dia 1MDB. Bukan anwar, dr mahathir, panglima bugis ka apa ka! Nak jadi noble jadi laaaa sampai tercirit dalam seluar pun mampuih dia la. Cuma tolong jawab apa yg rakyat tanya and jgn dok cakap pusing.

    4. Noble apanye konsultan keliling pinggang...siap ada konsultan import lagi tapi hutang negara melambung...siap implement gst lagi menyusahkan rakyat...

      Itu bukan noble...itu bangang namanye..

  14. Ending the "fight" between both of them will not solve anything or make BN/UMNO stronger. In fact there is no fighting, it is Tun highlighting the wrongdoing of current administration which has shown that our economy is going down the drain if left unchecked. With some exposures now, we have became jittery and i wonder what will happen when more is reveal on the free hand of government coffers by "you know who lah". Najib fails to command the respect of the people and had failed miserably and there is no turning back. The honorable thing for him to do is to f**k off.


    1. Jibby and Hippo must work against their own demons ....

  15. This last endeavour of Mahathir coined as "Mahathir's last fight" inviting you in his quest to pull the country back from the edge of immense fiscal tragedy.
    Due to his age, he's unable to do this alone. Please show your support by turning up in large numbers whenever Tun shows up in next Bicara Negarawan. It could be in your town next, who knows. I do hope next time around they will do it in large venue like a stadium or a big hall.

  16. Apa bising-bising hilang RM46 billion ni? Nak jawapan, tunggulah Laporan Odit atau PAC.

    Sebelum jawapan keluar, kalau PM nak settlekan segera pon senang jer.

    Jual semua tanah TRX atau Bandar 1malaysia , dah dapat balik RM20 billion.

    Sita harta Soros Malaysia dan anak-anak Mahadey dah dapat RM10 hingga RM20 billion.

    Sita harta kroni-kroni Mahadey yang lain , dapat lagi RM10 billion.

    Baki tu, sita juga kedai roti Mahadey, rumahnya kat The Mines dan ladang-ladang kat luar negara.

    Tak susah pon. Cuma nak buat ke tidak sahaja.

    PM Power hasil anugerah Mahadey dan untuk keturunan PM selepasnya.

    1. Awak dah habis shitta belum?

  17. Itu bukan jawapan la tongong. Kahkahkahkah awat la depa ni bodoh sangat!!! 42 bilion la bahalol, bukan 46 bilion. Itu jumlah duit ketua lanun hutang. Selepas tolak semua yg dia beli mana pi lagi 14 bilion????? Rakyat tak mau mahadey ka kerala ka mamak ka kroni ka apa, rakyat nak tau duit tu pi mana??? Ishhh awat la bangang sangat macai macai bugis niii???? Otak penuh taik

  18. Anon19:23,

    Apa bangangnya kamu hendak sita harta TDM dan anak anaknya. Atas alasan apa? Kecualilah anda dapat membuktikan harta harta mereka diperolehi secara haram! Kalau anda orang Melayu, anda adalah jenis Melayu HAPRAK. Kalau Melayu kaya anda cemburu dan menagata ngata. Ini penyakit hasad dengki tahap tinggi, amat merbahaya, kronik yang sukar diubati. Tapi tidak pulak berdetik bila ramai orang bukan Melayu kaya raya!, Kenapa tidak anda pertikaikan? Takut ke? Hanya berani dengan.bangsa sendiri?

  19. Annie,
    What I see now TDM is used by unscrupulous people.I agreed with you the faces of audience for his events.No surprise.Now these people made him to lie the case of Pandikar Amin.His 1MDB case of now haywire with distorted facts,his critics now compared him in the same mentality of Mahfuz when he brought out Sirul's case,and now they started to attack his families when he attacked Rosmah.What I observed now day by days he is beginning to lose influence and Najib could careless,but keep on doing his job as he knows best until the time comes for him to step down,most unlikely before GE 14 and that also depends on Oppo capabilities.

    1. Anon 22:03,

      Saya tidak fikir TDM begitu mudah untuk dipergunakan oleh sesiapa pun kecuali kalau dia sendiri mahu melakukannya!

      Kehadiran watak watak tertentu dalam majlisnya tidak boleh dijadikan alasan dia dipergunakan. Sesiapa sahaja pun boleh menghadirinya. Mungkin mereka mahu point point untuk counter attack Najib!

      Memang ada perjumpaan antara TDM dengan Pendikar Amin Mulia. Pendikar Amin Mulia mengakui dia ada menemui TDM dan memberitahu akan 'ketidak selesaan' nya sekarang. Jangan lupa Pendikar Amin Mulia lama tidak mempengerusikan sidang parlimen.

      Mungkin TDM salah dalam memberi tafsiran terhadap kes ini. Begitu juga ada kemungkinan Pendikar Amin Mulia dipujuk untuk terus menjalankan tugasnya.

      Besar implikasi kepada Najib kalau Pendikar Amin Mulia menamatkan tugasnya! Saya yakin Pendikar Amin Mulia seorang yang bertanggungjawab dan tidak mahu mengeruhkan keadaan!

      '.......he is beginning to lose influence and Najib could careless,but keep on doing his job....'

      Anon 22:03, cerita masih belum tamat untuk membuat kesimpulan itu! Pada saya masih di peringkat awal. Jadi tunguuuuuuuuuuuuuu perkembangan seterusnya!

      Keputusan dua PRU telah selesai. Adakah keputusannya menunjukkan Najib disokong penuh oleh rakyat? Tidak lama lagi ada satu lagi PRK di Lenggeng! Tunguuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hasilnya!

  20. Your writings attract so many comments. You're very charismatic, Annie. How to be engaging, Annie? Can u tell me?

    1. Be fair and have goodwill?

    2. answer ? with ?

  21. Kan dah cakap..dan percayalah, tidak ada penjelasan ringkas, seringkas a,b,c untuk menyembuhkan racun kekeliruan dan fitnah yg telah ditabur sekian lama hinggakan mereka yg dikatakan “genius” pun telah turut sama menari mengikut gendang “pencacai” yg “low class” seperti readbean army mahupun mahfuz.
    ..semua benda yg dibangkitkan keatas PM adalah berasaskan tuduhan/persepsi, apa perlunya dijawab...tapi bila tak jawab ada pulak tuduhan kata dia takut nak jawab...bila jawab timbul pula kata dia berbohong...bila PM saman, kata PM nak tutup mulut pengkritik...bila Menteri atau ketua Jabatan kerajaan berkenaan memberi penjelasan, dikatakan cuba melindungi PM... adakah dengan adanya PM yg baru semua masalah selesai!!!
    ..inilah masalahnya bila racun fitnah/bohong/benci memberi kesan kepada kepada daya pertimbangan akal sampai kerajaan bagi duit kepada rakyat pun dikatakan tak betul..gaji/pencen kakitangan awam dan wakil rakyat masih mampu dibayar pun tak betul...penjenayah dikatakan betul, hakim dikatakan salah...penipu dikata betul, penjelasan dengan fakta dikata bohong..bila dipaparkan secara detail perancangan dan kejayaan yang telah dicapai setakat ini, ada pulak yang tak mahu tengok dan tak mahu ambil utama ialah PM Najib letak jawatan sekarang juga sebab tiada alasan lagi yang hendak dituduh...lebih lama lagi, segala fitnah akan terdedah disamping rakyat akan menikmati peningkatan taraf hidup hasil dari berjayanya perancangan kerajaan...seperti kata ‘Rockys bru’..” The thing is, his detractors are well aware of the fact that the AG has been investigating the 1MDB and that the NurJazlan-led PAC, which includes YB Tony Pua as a member, is starting its own probe soon. It's as if they don't want the Accountant General's office or the PAC to find out the truth. It's as if they want to stick to the perception ...adakah Dr M juga terikat dengan “target date” oleh mana2 pihak dalam menjatuhkan PM..
    Bolehkah dikaitkan dengan maklumat ni... (Oleh rmf).. Nathaniel Tan, pembantu khas Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sejak dari tahun 2007 ...“Selain membantu Tian Chua, dia menulis dalam Malaysiakini dan dipercayai masih berperanan dalam sebarang program “educating Malaysia for democracy” yang dibiayai oleh CIA,” ulas The Unspinners…Many people are throwing about words like ‘tactics’, ‘strategy’, ‘Mahathirism’, ‘racial and religious incitement’, ‘strengthening Pakatan Rakyat’, etc, etc… I did this because, like so many others, I wanted to concentrate on the big picture. I desperately wanted a Malaysia free of Umno... For too long now, I think Anwar, PKR and Pakatan have become convinced that they can get away with murder, because they believe those of us who hunger for change simply have no other options… This story suggests that we are on the edge of a crisis; that forces linked to former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad are looking to dethrone Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, and instigate an era of unprecedented racial and religious strife…
    Terfikir juga kenapa tidak bersungguh2nya pentadbiran Dr M nak menyiasat penyelewengan berbillion RM oleh Anwar dan beratus billion yang dibawa lari keluar Negara dulu tu...sampai kini harta Anwar berlambak hingga ke Afrika Selatan...sepatutnya usaha bersungguh2 sekaligus mendapatkan kembali billion2 itu..ada ape2 ke!!!

    1. Rakyat nak tau mana perginya duit RM27 bilion tu? Soalan senang saja, Jawablah berpandukan soalan. Bukan lain ditanya lain dijawab. At this moment the people wants to know where's the money, just answer that question. Why is it so difficult to answer the question?????

    2. Anon 13:56,

      Betul benar pendapat anda. Isu pokok amat mudah dijawab, maka jawablah! Ini yang coner sana, coner sini, buat apa! Maka isu ini jadi makin besar dan sudah keluar tajuk pun!

    3. It's not that he doesn't want to answer but I think that the answer ought to be given in details to leave no room of doubt for the detractors. Because the way it is now it doesn't matter what he did, it will not satisfy those whose agenda is to make him step down. So if we really want to get to the truth then we should wait for the audit and queries by PAC. At least for me I will only be with Tun if it's proven that there are wrongdoings by Najib. Simple. Prove of wrongdoings then Najib have to go. No prove of wrongdoings then it's just allegations. Let's practice innocent until proven otherwise. And that's what good Muslims should do. Bersangka baik.

    4. By then its gonna be too late already. 3 tahun dari sekarang PRU14, we r running out of time, he has to step down immediately. Or else rakyat will show him the exit.


  22. Life of, Blog :
    OK I like the so-honest writings of adinda Ms Annie, Sdr ANON 2:45
    but more this site is so well designed to open The Fastest, with no plug-ins(?) kan?

    ( and get all ANON comments published! )

    Congratulations, and ple.eease don't change!

    Haji M Zin
    Alor Gajah DPH

    1. Saya dapat rasakan bahawa tuan haji M Zin sudah jatuh hati dengan Cik Annie. Benarkah begitu tuan haji????


    2. Siapa tidak(?) and still UNattached until she sings Sdr ANON 20:21

      ( bowling BF terbaru pun tak? )

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

  23. Annie,Ed
    Everybody are supporting TDM shall be I say crusade for Najib to step,down my big,big question here same like what we want answer relating to 1 MDB,why he never dare to mention Najib's replacement.Nanti Malu tidak Ada support from UMNO ?Now his creditibilty hancor kes Pandikar Amin.He is no Saint ,everybody makes mistakes,kita dengan tidak disedari akan menjadi riak apabila ramai penyongkong yang menunjukkan sokongan yang mungkin membawa rebah.I have this feeling as time goes on ,there will be more errors cropped out from his statements and what more Najib is in the aggressive mood.I do not agree a debate to be held between him and Najib.Who is the PM now.Do not tell me subjects of the debate are those of what happened 20 years ago and after all who kept all these records and files now.IDo not underestimate Najib's capabilities ,he was seen too to be outstanding in giving ideas and interactions internationally.My wish here,do not be hasty,Malaysia is not going to go bust,wait for GE 14,elect we can elect any of Oppo leader such as TGHA or WAWI as PM because TDM said BN will lose if Najib do not step down now.

    1. how come no new post today? where are you annie? are you okey?
