Friday 18 April 2014

Datuk Najib, please save Johor

Honestly, I have to a certain extent given up on trying to save my home state Johor.

I am of the opinion that the excesses which have been going on in the state ever since the change of state administration following the 13th General Election last year would be too hard to stop now.

I had concluded that Johor is doomed to fall to DAP and its gang in the next general election.

More and more people, including from among the 83 per cent Johorean Malays who voted Barisan Nasional in GE13 are now fed-up with what's been going on in their state.

I do not wish to write in detail anymore about these excesses as I do not want to play any further part in causing the fall of Johor.

Suffice for me to say that Johor and its economic interests were being carved out into pieces and being distributed among several bunch of powerful people.

To make it even more shocking, all these were done in broad day light for all to see. It's done with impunity because those who did it feel that they were invincible and above the law.

There was no more sense of shame among these people.

That's why I had almost given up on Johor being saved.

I wouldn't have written all these if not for a plea I received from someone in Johor tonight.

This high ranking government official wrote these,
"Johor dah nak kena jual. Penjualnya is that so called pejuang rakyat dan agama. Semua dah dicontrol. Banyak isu-isu rakyat tak ditangani. Cuma sibuk jaga boss sediakan keperluan sambil sama-sama buat laba. Tolong kami selamatkan Johor."

The truth is I had tried, but I don't think I will get the desired results. I had written about all these several times previously without much impact.

After all, I am just an insignificant anonymous blogger.

All I could probably had achieved was getting more people to know about what were happening in Johor.

An instance which indicates that more people are becoming aware of the impending disaster in Johor was this blog posting by former minister and senior journalist DS Zainuddin Maidin,


Excerpts from the posting,

"Beberapa insiden yang berlaku sebelumnya mewajarkan kita untuk melihatnya sebagai  cetusan perasaan penentangan rakyat  terhadap penerapan budaya samseng dan ketakburan yang didorongkan oleh kemabukan kuasa dan keyakinan kepada  kekebalan."

"Jika keliaran  perasaan kekebalan dibiarkan bermaharajalela di hati  maka ia akan  semakin meghakiskan  keyakinan  rakyat kepada  kerajaan negeri  sebagai pelindung kehormatan mereka."

"Kerajaan negeri mesti berani untuk memberhentikan penerusan budaya ini dalam semua bidang demi untuk mengekalkan kehormatan  dan taraf   peradaban rakyat Johor dan juga pengekalan kerajaan BN di Johor.Kebencian ini boleh merebak menjadi kebencian politik."

Honestly, I don't think the state government under the leadership of DS Mohd Khaled Nordin is capable of doing anything regarding the situation as I think his people are being part of the problem.

I believe most people who know about the situation in Johor would agreed with me.

My personal opinion was that only PM DS Najib Razak could do something to save Johor.

I had made my appeal to all those whom I know, who have direct access to the prime minister.

I am sure if Datuk Najib, being a good man that he is, realizes the dire situation in Johor, he would have put a stop to all those excesses. The problem is that he may not be informed of the true nature of the problem in the state and the discontent which is brewing there now.

Therefore, I am renewing my plea,

Datuk Najib, please save Johor. Thank you.


  1. Najib ada berani ka?

    1. from cow dung to biogas .....

  2. kena la berani. kalau tak ke longkang

  3. Johor is doomed. Full stop!

  4. A gentle reminder after PRU13*
    Penang, Selangor & Kelantan - Pakatan Rakyat in control. Total rubbish & disorders.

    PRU14 - don't let Johor be part of Pakatan menu.

    Too high of a risk.!!


  5. I'm from Perak and even I can see that Johor is a train wreck waiting to happen. I wonder what would Dr. Mahathir do?

  6. Deafening whispering gossips that even to set up high tech belacan or cokodok or tempe factory would need the nod of u no hoo !

  7. Manusia akhir zaman termasuk pemerintah hanya sebuk merebut peluang mencari keuntungan dari cara haram dan mubah..

  8. Feudal. Federal Government conniving. All lands formerly owned by Customs Department have been squandered. With approval by Najib. Attention is now to Muar too. Never in the history of Johore has the Head of State scrutinised ExCo papers before meeting. Save Johore before it is too late. The most unfavorable will be the Malays, politically and economically.

    Detain all the cronies.

    1. Macc whas been doing? Never mind, umno style

  9. Najib nak selamatkan Johor? Macamana nak tolong kalau diri sendiri pun lom tentu selamat.

  10. Stupid woman..asking a wolf to help the chooks!

    1. anon 12:14

      stupid woman?... at least she have a blog that attract low life people like YOU!!

    2. He pretndd yo be she to entice mem

  11. Missed the days from Almarhum Sultan Iskandar.

  12. Until and unless Malay boys start playing this style of football the Harimau Malaya will not get anywhere the fans can appreciate, and no one will be able to save our World Cup hopes:

    TIKI TAKA! get it coaches?

  13. What are the alternatives for Johor? To be forever an exporter of skilled and unskilled labour to Singapore?

    When Singapore was kicked out of Malaysia, the ultras thought that Lee Kuan Yew would come crawling back in abject submission. That didn't happen, did it? Fast forward to 2014 and it's investments from Singapore that are being courted by Johor.

    What, exactly, have the successive BN governments in Johor, and their hand-picked MBs, achieved for the rakyat of Johor?

    In an information economy, where education, skills and talent are key differentiators, Johoreans have been ill-served. Where are the high-tech start-ups, the vibrant SMEs and the world-class schools and universities that could have educated Johoreans to aim for a better and brighter future?

    Johor Bahru is a case in point. The city is fast descending into mediocrity and irrelevance. Very soon it will be the Haadyai to Iskandar Malaysia or Singapore.

    Don't tell me that the powers-that-be in Johor didn't see this coming? Heck, they have a live case study just across the Causeway.

    1. Never mind with all dumno willing to give their lives.

  14. If you are serious about the things you write, take ownership and stop being anonymous like Syed Akbar Ali. Maybe that will have more impact.

    1. With the sedition laws hanging over one's head?

      You gotta be kidding, mate!

    2. Sedition laws? Do you think what Annie writes is seditious?

  15. Annie,
    Anda membuang masa kalau meminta DSN menyelamatkan Johor! Dirinya yang diserang atas, bawah, kiri, kanan, hadapan dan belakang daripada biaDAP Cinabeng dan orang orang di kelilingnya begitu tidak bermaya bagi dia untuk menghadapinya.

    Ini pula untuk menyelamatkan kepincangan di Johor. Rasanya jauh panggang dari api!Kita perlu pemimpin yang 'brutal' seperti TDM. Orang sebegini sahaja mampu menyelamatkan agama, negara, bangsa dan UMNO/BN dalam PRU ke 14. Sudah tentulah dengan izin Allah swt.

  16. Off topic. I jumped with joy when I heard the news that the incumbent FAM President announced that he would not defend his post in the upcoming FAM election!

    Hope the son stays out of FAM also.

    1. Thanks to God. I am also jumping with you! Stop all these individuals from further putting our football in the dustbin.

    2. KUANTAN: The Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) President Sultan Ahmad Shah has no intention of stepping down from the helm of the national governing body, at least for now.

      Sultan Ahmad Shah who is also the Sultan of Pahang said "The best man wins" when asked to comment on the expected three-cornered fight for the post of President on May 25.

      According to Sultan Ahmad Shah who has helmed the FAM for 30 years, he was not concerned with who he would be facing during the FAM Congress which doubles up as the election for office bearers.

      "Me as the President, Tengku Abdullah who is the Deputy President and the Tengku Mahkota of Johor (Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim) are all keen to contest. Therefore we must be prepared for any eventuality," he told reporters when met after opening the Pahang State Assembly, here today.

      Sultan Ahmad Shah in denying rumours that he would step down and allow his son Tengku Abdullah to take over said he was not afraid to face any opposition.

      "I did not say I will withdraw, why must I do that. I have no objection in allowing anyone to contest against me. We have given the freedom to anyone who wished to contest.

  17. Sebenarnya semua org dengki dgn johor. Jadi mcm2 dikata johor kena jual la.

    1. Anti orang-orang Melayu Bodoh21 April 2014 at 10:46

      Either you are not someone who lives in JB or you are blindly stupid, not realizing large chunks of land around Gelang Patah, Danga Bay, Tanjung Puteri and Tebrau have been sold to foreigners.

    2. Those crony earn big bugs while giving peanuts ti keep those monkeys and monyets happy with their ketuanan to find they have nothing at all. They not knowing they have been misused.

  18. Annie, your comment,

    "It's done with impunity because those who did it feel that they were invincible and above the law."

    Karpal Singh said that the "constitution is the supreme law of the land". No one should be above the law.

    He said "Jangan Main-Main". People are laughing to him at the time.

    Now when we are in the trouble, we realized what he meant.

    We have the constitution to safeguard us from thugs but we need somebody to have the will to upheld it.

    1. Problem those dumno do not know what is malaysian consitution. They keep amending it become belacan

  19. Hello brader.. i think you yourself dont know what is exactly inside our FC. Go and read it properly and dont act like you know what are the people's talking about.

  20. Terperanjat dibuatnys apabila Pengurus JDT II terbabit dalam kes menumbuk pengadil. Budaya apa yang hendak ditunjukkab kepada masyarakat terhadap satu permainan yang seharusnya boleh dijadikan platform memperkukuh setiakawan dan berkenalan dgn lebih ramai orang. Permainan bolesepak telah menjadi begitu ekstrim meskinpun terhadap individu yang secsra fizikal dilihat begitu tenang.
