Monday 27 May 2019

Melaka land grab - Dr Mahathir is not the same PM anymore

This is Rocky's post today,

The PM knows about that 
controversial land deal in Melaka

He even put a copy of the letter from SDP group chief executive Mohd Bakke Salleh to Dr Mahathir.

That Rocky's post more or less confirmed what I wrote about the issue on April 30


SDP CEO TS Bakke Salleh had then wrote to PM, Dr Mahathir on the matter but nothing came out of it.

Well, some tried to spin the whole thing to pin the blame on the previous BN government but that's not working because the whole nonsense certainly belongs to the Pakatan's state government in Melaka.

Why Dr Mahathir did nothing about it?

Honestly, I don't have a sure answer to that.

Maybe it's because the Melaka CM is an Amanah guy and not from his party.

I'm quite sure Dr Mahathir would have done something if the CM is from Pribumi Bersatu.

He did that in Johor.

Of course that Johor MB affair was messy and still unsettled until today but at least he did something about it.

Seriously, I don't think Dr Mahathir has much say as to how leaders of DAP, PKR and Amanah conduct themselves.

That's why I think he did nothing about the Melaka land grab issue.

And even if he wanted to do something, he can't.

That's unfortunate isn't it?

Back then when Dr Mahathir was a BN PM, he had total control and could steer the nation to greater heights.

But not now.

Okay, I can understand if he doesn't have any say about what DAP and PKR people do.

After all, DAP is the dominant party of Pakatan while PKR is the party with the most number of parliamentary seats in the coalition.

But for Dr Mahathir to have no say over the conduct of even Amanah leaders such as in the Melaka land grab issue is really unfortunate.

Amanah is almost as junior as Pribumi Bersatu in Pakatan, and Dr Mahathir as the PM can't even stop its leaders from abusing their power and punishing them for it.

Well, nothing much we can do now except just wait for Anwar to take over from Dr Mahathir as PM next year ( if it's going to happen).

Who knows maybe Anwar can do what Dr Mahathir can't....control over all the Pakatan component parties.

After all, PKR is a bigger and older party than Pribumi Bersatu.

Somehow, suddenly I find it hard to swallow that Anwar may be more capable than Dr Mahathir in handling all these problems.

Cannot be, right?

Just wait and see lah.

Whatever it is, bear in mind that no Malay leader, either Dr Mahathir or Anwar can control or have any say about what DAP leaders are doing. 

That I'm very certain.

They are the real gang in charge.


  1. DAP again ?

    At this rate they might be fully responsible for climate change. Get over it Annie.

    Oh in the case above, why would DrM get involved ? leave it to the courts.........oh i forget, DAP controls the judiciary in Msia.

    1. Simple arithmetic and logic. 13/222 = 5.9% (Malaysia)
      1/6 = 16.7% (Malacca)

      Kan dok habaq sejak dulu..

      harimau takde gigi sekadar bole mengaum aje. Grrrrrrmmmmm. Tapi takde gigi nak gigit camna?? Nak telan pun payah satni tercekik tau..

      Professor Nasi Lemak

      Professor Nasi Lemak

    2. Hang ni tak gheti-Melayu ka?

      Kerajaan Melayu-BN Melaka sudah lama suruh Rakyat hentikan tulis 'Malacca' dalam Inggeris. Tulis saja 'Melaka', baik dalam BM & BI.
      Apa yang susah sangat. Patut pun orang Cina keras-kepala. Orang Melayu sendiri-pun engkar pada perintah Kerajaan UMNO/BN.

    3. RD,

      That's all you can say? I used to support Kutty when he was the PM 4 but not anymore. He has lost his taring and now DAP is the boss in PH and there's nothing much he can do about it. Nowadays he likes to belittle the Malays by saying "pemalas, pemakan dedak, bina masjid gunakan duit sendiri jangan harap bantuan kerajaan, bla, bla, bla" tapi anak dia dan kroni disuap dengan berbagai projek bernilai billions of RM. Tak kan tu pun you masih tak nampak?

    4. Betul juga saudara RD,

      Gula Melaka yang dok jual satu Malaysia pakai Gula "Melaka".

      Mana ada gula malacca.

      PN Lemak, semangat Portugis dia kuat ni....

      Mungkin PN Lemak ada susur galur kerabat Alfonso de Albuqurgue.

    5. Prof. Nasi Lemak aka Anon 20:47.

      Jika Melayu mahu maju & berjaya dalam semua bidang, pertama sekali kita mesti mengakui kelemahan kita. Jika tidak, macam mana nak majukan-diri, bila kita rasa kita sudah bagus dalam serba-serbi.

      Cuba bandingkan sejarah Hong Kong & Singapura dan bagaimana keduanya boleh maju akibat 'wisdom or lack of it' dipihak Pemimpin China & Melayu dahulu.

      Bangsa China pajak Hong Kong kepada Penjajah British selama 100 tahun.

      Pemimpin Melayu jual Pulau Tumasek, selagi ada bulan & bintang.

      Semasa mentadbir Hong Kong, British tidak perlu bawa masuk pendatang India untuk bekerja, manakala diPulau Tumasek, mereka terpaksa bawa-masuk pendatang-asing dari China & India untuk bekerja.
      Lama-kelamaan, majority Rakyat di Hong Kong masih Cina, manakala di Pulau Tumasek, Melayu jadi menjadi minority.

      Jika Melayu rajin bekerja, sudah tentu Penjajah British tidak ada keperluan bawa-masuk pendatang-asing.

      Pada masa yang sama, setelah British banggunkan kedua-duanya sebagai Pusat Perdagangan & Komersial terkenal seluruh Dunia, Hong Kong dipulangkan kepada China Komunis selepas 100 tahun, manakala Pulau Tumasek jatuh ketangan pendatang Cina, pada 1965.

      Jika Tumasek di'pajak' Pemerintah Johor kepada Penjajah, mungkin kita masih ada hak untuk halang British dari bawa masuk pendatang dengan jumlah ramai, kerana satu haru ini, ia mesti dipulangkan kepada kita.
      Ni... dah hang jual, selagi ada bulan & bintang, jadi hak British la, nak buat apa pun dengan Pulau tu.

      Hang tahu tak... sejak bila orang-Acheh seolah-olah diberi 'lampu-hijau' untuk masuk, demi memajukan perniagaan runcit dan meningkatkan penguasaan ekonomi Bumiputera-Melayu/Islam, pada masa yang sama menaikkan maruah Islam?

      Cuba hang tengok cara Acheh berniaga... 24/7, tidak pernah tutup-kedai, kecuali waktu solat Jumaat, sama seperti Bangsa Mamak berniaga runcit dan restoran. Layanan mereka terhadap pelanggan... pantas & cepat. Itu belum masuk bab kepai pomen-kereta milik Melayu... dari 1992 saya pakai kereta, tak pernak lagi saya jumpa pomen-Melayu yang saya puas-hati.


    6. (sambungan)

      Berbalik ke Bangsa Acheh... mereka jauh lebih rajin dari Melayu. Begitu juga Bangsa Pakistan., cuba hang tengok orang-Pakistan... bertapa rajinnya merekla berkayuh basikal jual-carpet, potong-rumput. Ada hang nampak Bangsa-Melayu kayuh basikal jual carpet atau potong rumput?
      Berketayap/bertudung, minta sedekah depan Bank, pusat beli-belah, stesyen Petronas, ada la kan?
      Sebab apa... sebab minta-sedekah, kerja paling senang... lebih-lebih bila ada surat lulus Jabatan Agama, untuk bina Masjid & Surau. Dr.M suruh buat macam ni la kot... daripada minta dari Kerajaan?

      Sampai bila Bangsa Melayu nak jadi Bangsa yang suka meminta-minta?

      Tak bolehkah orang Melayu, kutip duit dari mereka yang kayaraya untuk bina Masjid?
      Selama ni... hang ingat orang Kapir bina Rumah-Ibadat mereka, guna duit dari mana?

      Bukankah sejak sekian-lama, jika Kerajaan guna duit kutipan-cukai untuk bina satu Masjid, atas nama keadilan & kesaksamaan, Kerajaan juga terpaksa bina sebuah Gereja atau Kuil. Orang Melayu tak tahu kerana Kerajaan BN merahsiakannya dari pengetahuan orang-Melayu.

      Oleh yang demikian, dalam keadaan ekonomi dunia yang tidak menentu ini... Perang perdagangan US-China, Brexit, peningkatan nilai USD, ancaman-perang antara US-Iran, Arab Saudi/US-Yemen/Iran... orang-Melayu semestinya berjimat.

      Nak buat apa Masjid banyak-banyak, jika dipergunakan demi kepentingan Politik berpuak-puak. Kalau semua kariah nakkan Masjid seorang-satu, lagi berpecah la kita. Lebih baik kita-naik motor ke Masjid lebih jauh dari rumah... lagi jauh jarak Masjid, lagi banyak dapat pahala... disamping mengeratkan hubungan sesama Islam.

      Takut nanti... bila Masjid sudah terlalu banyak... satu hari nanti, Masjid akan bertukar kepada Masjid-PH & Masjid UMNO/PAS. Akibat permusuhan, nanti jadi macam Pak Arab... hang bom Masjid aku, aku bom Masjid hang... lepas tu masing-masing claim sebagai berjihad atau mati-shahid.
      Melayu kemana, Islam kemana... jadi macam Pak Arab... Negara Kuasa Besar-Kapir datang masuk-campur dan atur segalanya.

      Oh ya... lupa pulak.
      Bab tulis 'Malacca' tu, saya harap hang hentikan. Tunjuk kepada Bangsa lain yang orang Melayu patuh & taat perintah Kerajaan Bangsa-Melayu sendiri. Jika Melayu sendiri pun engkar arahan Bangsa-sendiri, Bangsa lain apa lagi... semakin keraslah kepala mereka terhadap Pemimpin-Melayu.

    7. RD
      Hang dok cakap sorang depan cermin ke? Nampak gaya family dn kuncu2 RD semua kaki pemalas ya? Koman sgt ke keluarga kamu ni? Issh

      Minta2? Hai ada jenis tak payah minta pun. Semua main magic aje. Keluaq kereta model baru aje tetiba landing sebiji depan pintu rumah. kekekeke

      Anak2 cucu kroni semua lajin keleja dlm syalikat2..??chairman la, director la.. tapi syarikat2 apa pun depa tak tau. Itu pasai kena cepat2 tukaq boss KLSE tau dak??

      Nak banglo mulah kolam renang pun tak payah minta2 tau. Tetiba toyol pelawa aje.

      Nak tanah mulah? Propose melalak aje nak buat Telowong, kreta terbang, tanam buluh/ganja whatnot.. tak menjadi pun takpa.. kan kena feasibility study dulu?.. nak bayaq bg sja tanah2 kerajaan.

      Mmg la olang2 macam ni mayak lajin.. Lajin kelentong.

      Professor Nasi Lemak

    8. Saya baca semua yg RD tulis. He is rasional compared to u profesor kankong. I bet your Phd is a book review. No wonder otak takat kangkong and nasi lomak. Balik-balik kroni. Matilah awak dgn otak kroni. sebab itu tak boleh fikir outside the box.Puiiii....

  2. Tun M just being himself la..he loves people with scandal so he can blackmail them to kow tow to him...same old same old

  3. rule of laws..follow je lah, kenapa pula minta Tun campurtangan?

    lepas tu ambil pula kesempatan lagakan Tun dengan Sultan Kelantan?

    Takkan semua perkara minta Tun campurtangan? logik le sikit..

  4. Ohhh rocky bru...another supporter of penyamun Jho Low. Why should we believe him ?

    Pergi mampus dgn deklasi rakyat 2.0 kamu! Nak buang Tun M konon Tun M kacau raja2. Tapi kali ni nak minta tolong Tun M campurtangan pula. Biarlah nak samun tanah ka nak samun pasir ka nanti dituduh derhaka pula.

    So, Annie, tell us what should we do now ?

  5. Maybe its because there is hidden Royal hands in that land grab in Melaka. That's why Dr.M seems reluctant to do anything about it.

    You know la Annie... anything having to do with Istana is very sensitive and complicated, especially after UMNO become the opposition and very friendly with PAS.
    They would grab whatever shit they can grab, then throw at Dr.M and PH. Hence, those claims that DAP-led PH Gomen is anti-Monarch, trying to abolish Raja-Raja Melayu or something like that.

    Maybe... with the declining Ringgit, economy is not getting better due to US-China Trade-War, Brexit, compounded with the fact that Malaysia supported the Palestinians, Malaysian anti-Israel stance... therefore our economy is under some sort of pressure by World's Kapir Business & Trading Community.

    Maybe... when Najib takes over government after GE15, Malaysia will become more favorable to Zionist and the West, especially, America.

    Therefore no more negative statement against Israel from Dr.M. Maybe he is fed-up or no longer give a damn, when it involve the Istana too. So he just let it be as it is ... just to make the Rakyat see for themselves, what's left for their anak-cucu or future generation.
    After-all. he might have a few years to live.
    Maybe, in a hundred years time, the Istana will give back land to Rakyat's anak-cucu.

  6. Annie,

    Under Malaysia baru, cannot simply-simply PM do this do that without the law.

    Now cannot.

    Under Malaysia baru, as what Tun M reiterated, the power is divided into three,

    1. The Executive
    2. The Judiciary
    3. The legislature

    So, Tun M cannot do whatever he like.

    Supposing Bossku is found guillty and sentence to 1 year in jail.

    Bossku cannot go to Tun M to ask forgiveness. Tun M also cannot ask Bossku to bend the knee and apologize.

    How can?

    So, now that this SDP already forward their case for judicial review.

    That would mean that this under the purview of Malaysian court before a judge. A judge will review this matter and decide whether there is any wrong doing.

    So, Tun M just cannot simply-simply do whatever he want.

    You have to have some faith on Malaysian court.

    By the way, what DAP has to do with this?

    Rain you blame DAP, not rain also you blame DAP. You have to be a little bit fair laa...

    1. DAP as far rumour that I heard influence the appointment of AG.Once in control of AG office, can determine whose court case to be heard or dropped and dont be surprise if court case under trial can also be dropped by AG office.Rule of Law, they said.Yelah, Rule of Law to selected people.

    2. DAP runs the AG office ? How dumb can you be. Good thing north korea aint here to tweet on your low IQ.

    3. Annie is just a c*nt who believes BN is better off running the country than PH. Never mind the corruption & the xyz % lost in tax payers $. As long as every body get a piece, all is good

  7. Apa susah....panggil ja Afonso de Albuquerque tolong Tun. He knows how to settle the land issue. On Bro Anwar...hahahaha..dream on PKR...unless you dial up Tony Stark for help...AVENGERS do wonders..

  8. DR M must bring PPBM out from PH
    wht use of him be a PM of PH if he didn't have a guts to muscles DAP and PKR. he got nothing to lose if he come out from PH instead DAP & PRK will definitely die standing, why DR M wht are u afraid of...

  9. since jokers mcm dumbos, locky + annie cant do anything to reject bossku, komedi, kerismudin, kunan, whatnot why not these jokers stand aside & let PH govt apply the coup de grace wakakaka

  10. As mentioned aboved, if there is criminal elements leave it to sprm and court. Why should pm be involved in land case.if it is moral issue, amanah president should deals with cm.

  11. Buat apa speculate apa Mahathir boleh buat dan tak buat. Dia PM. Biaq pi la dia apa dia suka nak buat dan tak nak buat.

    Aku baca dia memang tak pedulikan hal civil ni. Hang semua undi for change, ha change la sekarang. Terima aje la. Malaysia ada rule of law mah. Kasi judicial system settle ini hal. Kerajaan negeri, kerajaan negeri punya hal. Ketua Menteri fumbles, dia jadi bekas ketua menteri. Senang. Toksah runsing2.

    DAP influenced Tommy Thomas appointment; so what if it is the case ?

    Ada professor dah terlebih makan nasi lemak. Balik2 statistic and equation sengal dia. Eja Melaka pun tak ikut syllabus semasa. PAN memang kuat di Melaka, Melaka got Amanah CM la. Susah ke nak fikir. NS pun sama.

    Kalu bukan Mahathir calon PM, tak akan menang de PRU14 PH ni. So strategy dah betul. Tapi beruk2 PKR ni buat janji melangit. Fikir dengan kepala lutut. Ha sekarang jawab le. Ketua Umum pun nak Mahathir selesai masalah dulu baru nak tak over. Cakap dia la. Dia ni gila kuasa jugak. Dia tak payah cakap. Dia dah buat.

    Rocky pun satu. Kata Malaysia Baru. So old practice kena buang la. Berhenti jadi batu api la, Annie & Rocky

  12. of course the thais will jail thaksin first rather than debating him so annie pls stop this chicken Bullshitting Nasional wakakaka

  13. What I can say here is, PM can advise that inexperienced young chap Adly to stop the process as he has all the authority to do so. Instead looks like Adly let the process go through and even endorsed it. We all know he is very innocent, green, inexperienced and shallow knowledge with state admin, don't you guys think the people advising and surrounding him are a bunch of unscrupulous thieves looking after their self interests? I think Adly is powerless to ward these MoFos taking advantage of him...

  14. sejak dulu lagi i dont care about manifesto or janji2 PH, yang penting rejim Klepet jatuh dan akan disumbat dlm penjara. Susah soru, itu sendiri malas usaha. DAP control dlm PH apa nak kisah, dah mmg set set depa bersatu hati. Harapkan Melayu, jgn haraplah. Tak habis2 dgn batu api. Dedak masih masukkah bulan2?Mana dapat duit cover bulan2 ye? Milioinaire barangkali?

  15. Tok sah harap Madey lagi lah,dia baca surat tu pun tak habis,pas tu lupa nak sambung baca.entah entah surat tu dah masuk fail terus tak buka lagi dah.Orang 94 tahun dia hanya cakap/buat apa yg ada dalam kepala dia je,kalau org lain yg mintak kene menjerit macam protes ICERD,baru dia ingat.

  16. Mahathir is no longer a feared leader because he comes from a minority party

    Prof Kangkung
