Friday 2 December 2016

Chinese, Malays don't hate you, even the Umno ones

I like this story coming out of the ongoing Umno general assembly,

Seniors disagree with suggestions to oust BN parties

excerpt 1 :

“BN is strong because of the unity among all component parties. You throw away MCA or Gerakan, then how are we going to win the hearts of the Chinese?” asked 58-year-old Saad Abdullah from Kundang.

excerpt 2 :

“These budak-budak muda (young people) think that what the MCA is doing will only cause Malays to hate the Chinese… but if you kick them out of BN wouldn’t that also cause the Chinese to hate us?” argued retired history teacher Maznah Arshad, 60, from Telok Mas, Malacca.
“Who says the Chinese are no good? Remember how they helped BN win the 1999 general election when Umno lost much Malay support?” she recalled.
excerpt 3 :

“I know that most of them (the Chinese) now support the opposition but then again, to go on and on about how MCA is a deadweight to BN is not going to win back their votes,” reasoned 60-year-old fisherman, Hakimi Manzin, of Setiu, Terrengganu.

Yes, not all Umno members or the Malays want to throw the Chinese into the sea.

The ones who want to do that are either Malays who came across some rude Chinese in their life or maybe Chinese themselves who got jilted by their Chinese boyfriend/girlfriend.

It's more a personal thing, than anything else.

Just like when I was accused of these and that including being a paid DAP blogger - that one was a personal thing.

Some people, when they got angry, they got personal and went overboard.

Cannot control their emotion one.

Quarreled with some rude DVD sellers at pasar malam and went, "Pukimak punya Cina."

Actually, those DVD sellers are rude to Chinese and Kadazan Dusun too.

As for the Chinese who got dumped by Chinese and because of that wanted to throw the whole race into the sea (or maybe just the longkang)....well, that one I leave it to those handsome MCA young men to do the trick.

Sure can be okay after that one.

DAP guys can also try again if they want :) It's your fault in the first place.

Anyway, as I said, most Malays, including many who are Umno members, are actually sensible people.

They don't hate the Chinese.

So, if you are a Chinese, don't hate them back.

It's not good to hate anyone or any race....even if you got dumped by one of them.

Just relax....and find a new love....a Malay one also can :)



  1. Correction Annie! The Malays only hate someone when he or she would not benefit them in term of RM and power. There are so many examples but Penang is a classic case. The Malays there like Mat Sabu definitely loves Chinese-DAP since LGE made him a company director. The same with other Malays in the state government. Not only they are in loved with DAP but would serve LGE unconditionally after he made them an assemblyman, exco members or DCM. I hope you now realise that not all Malays are like those who you see and meet at PWTC.

    1. 14:38

      There is indeed much muhibbah between Malays and Chinese. For example, the Singapore courts have confirmed that BSI banker Yeo Jiawei illegally obtained S$23.9 million in only 15 months from Malaysian funds, yet our local A-G is 100% pekak, buta & bisu when it comes to this theft. This is true racial harmony. Sadly you are left with the task of cleaning up for PRC at Bandar China, the largest Chinese railway station in Asia. No matter. You too can strike up a beautiful friendship like a young Chinese whale and an older Minangkabau whale. Wide screen is recommended for viewing.

    2. 16:42

      You are no different in terms of pekak, buta and bisu. Good in imagination but terribly poor in accountability. For a change why not go and complain to MACC or P. Ramasamy instead of babbling in this forum and continuously demonstrating your low IQ.

    3. 19:26,

      Babbling in this forum and continuously demonstrating your low IQ is what you do best. I am unable to reach your depths, simply because my grammar is not quite as hancur as yours. Please enrol in night classes after you have finished cleaning up the PRC spit originating from the penthouses of Danga Bay & Iskandar condos. After falling an average of 30 floors it leaves quite a mess.

    4. 19:56,

      The least you can do is to ask first before plagiarising somebody else sentence. Too bad for you since both Danga Bay and Iskandar City are the pride of Bangsa Johor. All are welcome to this part of peninsular where race and faith matter very little. Long live Bangsa Johor!

    5. Danga Bay and Iskandar City are pride of Johor. That is where it stops.

      For the Malays, the properties there are Rumah Mampu LIHAT. Mampu MILIK are Flet Larkin.

    6. 09:56,

      Important is the owner and not the race. From low cost flats to expensive condos - all belong to Bangsa Johor. Its up to the malays to catch-up with the rest of Bangsa Johor and not vice versa. If a king who happens to be half-malay and of course Bangsa Johor can afford a jet as birthday gift, then why can't other malays. Obviously they must think out of the box. For a start they must think and treat themselves as Bangsa Johor like the king does. Problems solved!

  2. Annie...kawan tu dah tenang,janganlah sakat dia lagi..

    1. Quite to the contrary. The fat bitch has been inciting hate on a daily basis. Clearly shielded from Sosma by her paymaster... though she's resorted to comenting on her own posts under multiple names to keep earning her dedak...


  3. Memang manyak betut ,Bulayu tatak benchi sama itu Cina , itu pasat Cina masik atak ini Malaysia.

    Tapi Cina tengok sama Bulayu ,macam itu selupa you pegi itu Amerika tengok sama itu Mat Salleh ,you kena senyum pasat itu negala dia ,you kena ikut lia olang punya cala maa aa .

    Manyak sakit hati maa aa .

  4. Buat apa nak salahkan kaum lain pulak? Kalau Melayu tertinggal dan terpinggir, jangan salahkan sesiapa. Salahkan diri sendiri. Melayu walaupun di mana berada, UK, Singapore, US dan Australia masih dibelenggu mentality Melayu Kuno. Hidup hanya untuk makan, kahwin dan beranak pinak.

    Perancangan masa depan dan keluarga tiada dalam kamus hidup Melayu. Mentaliti beranak ramai2, supaya mak bapak boleh hidup senang di masa tua, dengan PAU anak2 yang berkerja adalah perangkap maut Melayu untuk terus jadi miskin dan mengharap subsidi.

    Dengan gaji yang kecil dan anak sampai 7 orang, orang Melayu abaikan pelajaran dan kebajikan anak2. Akhirnya, anak2 pun senasib dengan mak bapak. Terperap di PPR dan miskin sampai 7 keturunan.

    Bangsa yang minority seperti Malbari dan Punjabi berjaya dalam bisnes dan pelajaran tanpa ada parti politik sperti UMNO, MIC dan MCA yang membantu mereka. Mereka berjaya kerana kebanyakan ibu-bapa dari kaum Malbari dan Punjabi ada visi untuk masa depan anak mereka.

    Kebajikan dan pelajaran anak2 mereka dipentingkan dulu.


    1. Tak setuju. Bahkan taraf pelajaran Melayu setaraf bangsa lain, Sdr ANON 19:00

      Budaya dan rangkaian bisnes:
      Cuma setuju kita tertinggal dalam bidang keusahawanan dan industri berbanding budaya busines Cina juga rangkaian luar negara termasuk Chinatown di seluruh dunia

      Ya perlu in-sya-Allah diperkasakan kesuhawanan Melayu, juga 3+ juta Dayak, Kadazan DM dan Bajau dengan bantuan kaum Cina dan kerajaan walaupun perlu berpuluh tahun lagi

      M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH


    2. Saudala Zain,

      Lu atak mimpi hali siang lea aa. Cina pandang lendah pada semua bangsa and semua bahasa lea aa ,Bulayu lagi manyak lendah lor rr.

      Sikalang Cina sutak pegi satu dunia maa aa ,apa mau kila itu Bulayu punya standard lea aa.


    3. Setuju Cina perasan paling layak memerintah, Sdr Lufang
      cuma Dayak, Kadazan DM dan Bajau
      ( 25% seats in East Malaysia)
      lurus atau tidak pemimpin Melayu(?) lebih percaya Melayu memerintah Putrajaya daripada Cina

      M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH


  5. Kesian betul:

    Look at the setting.

    Pintu KELUAR clearly visible.

    'The prime minister’s wife Rosmah Mansor was conferred a Lifetime Achievement Award for Leadership in Early Childhood Education by the World Chinese Economic Summit (WCES) today.

    The award was presented to her by WCES chairman Michael Yeoh, who is also Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (ASLI) chief executive officer, here.'

    Not exactly UN stage...


    1. Tahniah wal hamduli 'Llah kelada PERMATA
      ( early childhood education)

      M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

    2. Teach your children?:
      "Do as I say but never never never do as I do"

  6. Tell that to the 1 Malaysia Lying Crook who ranted a despicable racist speech today. Using the anti-Chinese Dap bogeyman again ad nauseam to ensure he clings to power.

    There is NO WAY the Dap can seize national power. Numerically it's impossible. There are just not enough Chinese voters to do this.

    I dunno why Malays continue to be fooled by this racial untruth. If the opposition wins in the general election, the pm will definitely be a Malay. No leader can upturn everything to victimise the Malays, simply because they are the majority.

    Najib just wants to save his thieving butt.

    I just want him in jail to pay for his crimes.

    Zahid, anybody (except H2O ugh), for the sake of the nation, DO SOMETHING!!!!

    1. "Say (O Muhammad) to those who disbelieve (ie. the hypocrites and evil frauds):
      "You will be defeated and gathered together to Hell, and worst indeed is that place to rest."
      -Quran 3:12

      Makan, makan, makan hak dan darah Rakyat?!!!

      [It will be said], "Taste! Indeed, you are the honored, the noble! Indeed, this is what you used to dispute." - from Quran ch. "The Smoke"

  7. We are the Hidden Citizens ...
    Taigorjib! dont push us too far!!!



  9. Who says Malays hate Chinese?We love Datuk Lee Chong Wei.We sing along with Elizabeth Tan.
    The hatred is caused by politics.It is just like a footbal match.When Mat Yo played for JDT we JDT supporters love him.we JDT supporters used to hate Mat Yo when he was playing for TRW.
    Similarly, if Lim Kit Siang join MCA I am sure he will be invited to perhimpunan agong UMNO.
    When Tun M goes to the other side the chinese over there no longer hate him.He no longer hates Lim Kit Siang.
    It proves my theory that hatred is caused by politics.
    P/S I believe the DAP Chinese still hate Tun M.The chinese are smart and they are using Tun M to split the Malays further.
    Prof Kangkung


    1. Chinese DAP use their Singh proxy to call A spade a spade, Sdr Prof

      We totally disagree but Sdr Shamser Singh already called Tun M a Snake and a pimp

      M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

  10. Jamuan makan malam UMNO hambar.   Meja banyak kosong.   Perwakilan yg datang lepas makan tak sampai 10 minit belah balik.  Najib fed up bengang.  Banyak yang tak datang makan. Pasal tau duit haram.   Ramai perwakilan bengang dan marah ucapan Najib, Zahid dan sayap2 semua mengundang perpecahan,  menyerang sesama Melayu.

    Ahli Umno sendiri sudah mula menghukum Najib dan Umno.   Allah Swt sedang tunjukan... 
    Najib sekali ini berucap pun pegang sapu tangan asyik lap air liur bersembur dan selekeh.   Dalam criminology itu bukti Najib nervous dan ketakutan dan guilty conscious.   Itu bukti orang bersalah.
    Jiwa tak tenteram makan duit haram, duit keringat rakyat.  Semua itu Allah Swt sedang tunjukan.

    1. Thius is all lies speed by outside the box. Lim Sian See has explained in detail. Anon 09:26 is a moron for trusting outside the box. This mamak's articles are all based on lies and deceptions. Too much eating dedak Mahathir.

  11. Anon 926
    Tak baik menabur fitnah

    Prof Kangkung

    1. Anon 12:00

      Tak baik memakan hak rakyat

      Prof Kangkang

  12. I am beginning to think you are one of those cute cheerful and feisty malay girls we chinese romanticize about :)

  13. yeahhh we dont hate chinese...but they keep on provoking us....just look at the couple harrassing the mbsa staff who is doing their job. she is a muslim and the chinese guy touching and cornering her n wanting to take pics.the wife pulling on her shirt....this is typical chinese actions towards malays....BULLY! so if you people want the malays to respect u ...better change and start respecting others...
