Friday 1 December 2017

Managing Umno's success


By Gondrong

Terlalu banyak jasa dan budi Umno kepada perjuangan agama, bangsa dan negara ini.

Sewajarnya parti yang tidak 'berdosa' ini terus diperkasa dan kuat untuk terus membantu memartabatkan perjuangan agama Islam dan bangsa Melayu, dan rakyat keseluruhan walaupun perjalanan  amat berliku.

Parti ini telah begitu lama menjadi platform dan wadah perjuangan bagi kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan rakyatnya.

Melalui detik-detik perjuangan yang begitu getir di awal membebaskan negara dari belenggu penjajah sehingga berjaya membawa negara dan rakyat ke satu era kemajuan membanggakan.

Dan dalam menempuh  kemajuan dan kejayaan parti itu berdepan lagi cabaran getir iaitu menguruskan kejayaan dan terus memperkasakannya.

Dalam mengurus kejayaan timbul cabaran lagi hebat apabila ramai yang tewas dan tenggelam dibuai kejayaan dan kemajuan diraih lupa kepada perjuangan asal membela agama bangsa dan negara.

Fasa-fasa mengurus kejayaan dan kemajuan yang dilalui sampai ke satu peringkat tidak dibuat dengan baik dan bijaksana.

Dan jika ini berterusan tidak mustahil parti ini akan berkubur dan menjadi satu lipatan sejarah.

Roh perjuangan seharusnya meninggalkan jauh naiwatu nafsu nafsi membuat kekayaan secara salah, terlalu materialistik, maintenance gaya kehidupan yang begitu tinggi, agihan kekayaan yang tidak adil, kos perbelanjaan yang terlalu besar, terlalu fokus kepada perbelanjaan kurang berfaedah dan membazir secara keterlaluan dan senarai ini berterusan dan berterusan.

Parti yang tidak 'berdosa' ini seharusnya diperlakukan secara adil dan tidak diperalat untuk kepentingan kelompok kecil atau individu.

Ia sepatutnya menjadi parti yang terus memberi manfaat kepada bangsa Melayu beragama Islam dan rakyat Malaysia secara menyeluruh bukan berpilih-pilih.

Tidak kiralah siapa peneraju dan pengikutnya mereka semua telah bersama memetik buah-buah kejayaan daripada perjuangan parti ini .

Selepas kejayaan diraih tidak sewajarnya parti ini menjadi mangsa kepada kebobrokan dan kifarah kepimpinan sama ada yang terdahulu atau terkini

Yang mana keadaan itu semakin terserlah kerana semakin kurangnya pemimpin jiwa besar untuk melihat Umno terus menjadi wadah perjuangan.

Ingatlah pemimpin pengikut rakyat keseluruhan perjuangan Umno bukan perjuangan sehari dua.

Ia adalah perjuangan yang diwarisi daripada darah keringat nenek moyang yang wajib dan menuntut amanah tanggungjawab untuk terus dipertahankan.

 Parti ini memerlukan kekuatan roh dan fizikal serta pemimpin yang berjiwa besar dan sanggup melakukan pengorbanan demi kelangsungan perjuangan.


  1. Itu semua UMNO zaman Tun Mahathir dan sebelumnya.

    UMNO sekarang diperkudakan oleh sekumpulan orang saja. Yang semestinya kita sebagai rakyat tidak bersubahat.

    1. Pada zaman Tun Mahathir sbg PM, lihatlah bagaimana beliau mengambil balik Carcosa Seri Negara, Guthrie, dll daripada penjajah.

      Pada zaman Dato' Seri Kaki Klepet pula, lihatlah bagaimana satu demi satu aset dan harta negara dia jual, gadai, lepas kepada negara luar.

    2. Anon 1609
      RM31 billion loss apa cerita?
      Prof Kangkung

    3. Loss bkn klepet prop

    4. Loss bkn klepet prof

    5. Fuck your “kerajaan tak ada duit”

    6. Biar saya bagi satu analogi.kita ada supermarket.ada dua org pengurus.sorg tu dia curi duit.hari hari sebelum tutup supermarket dia akan amik RM10 masuk dlm poket.Seorang lagi manager mmg jujur tak pernah amik duit.tapi dia lupa nak kunci pintu supermarket sampai abis barang dlm supermarket dibawak lari.nilai kerugian dianggarkam RM100 ribu.Manager ini cuba sorokkan kesilapan dia tanpa memberitahu pemilik supermarket.Soalan saya ialah, yang mana lebih bersalah antara dua pengurus supermarket itu?
      Prof kangkung

    7. 18:33,

      To answer your question, obviously it's the first guy (the thief). Duh, what a dumb question.

      So what's your point? Also, don't compare RM10 and RM100 - the total theft from 1MDB alone is close to USD$8 billion globally - almost RM32 billion. And nobody lied about BNM - that's the spin that the barua RCI tried to paint on Dr M & Anwar, following instructions from above. Guess there must be an election nearby?

      I was under the impression that Islam forbids stealing, or perhaps you are from some sect that loves it? Very curious : )

    8. Yang curi duit setiap hari.Dia telah hilang perasaan salah dan benar dan adalah sukar untuk mengubati penyakit jiwa yang telah menular kedalam sanubarinya.Kesalahan manager kedua pada peringkat pertama hanyalah terlupa which is human dan takut pada peringkat seterusnya.Kedua dua kesilan ini lebih mudah diatasi dan dibaiki.

    9. Tak ada siapa nak layan kronologi bodoh engkau..

    10. 'Prof' dari universiti mana nih? Kih kih kih....ishhhh, best-lah geng pemakan dedak pro-Najib ni. Sentiasa nak kaitkan org tua tu bila berhujah. Berilah hujah2 yg lebih signifikan drpd membuat perbandingan dgn pencapaian org tua tu. Semakin korang guna pendekatan tersebut, semakin rendah imej dan penampilan Najib.

    11. Mana genf RBA ni.Prof sawi kalau kita tulis dalam BM dia mmg menghilangkan diri.
      Prof Kangkung

    12. Anonymous1 December 2017 at 20:12

      I suggest you do not try to use logic or facts when conversing with this fellow.

      Kangkung = his IQ
      Kangkang = his preferred position for receiving dedak of RM15 a day

      A very sad case.

      Prof Sawi

    13. Rendah x rendah kena jawablah dulu.mana nilai yg lebih besar.RM2.6 billion atau RM50billion.mesti RBA tanya.knp pulak quote RM50 billion sedangkan RCI kata dalam RM31 billion.Belajar sikit konsep 'time value of money' you stupid.Kalau sapa tak tau apa dia 'time value of money' mari dtg berguru dgn prof kangkung.
      Prof Kangkung

    14. 20:12.....relax lah bro. Dat's the resident "toyol" of annie blog. His religion is 'dedak' dat's all.....

    15. kalau forex terus buka kertas siasatan....kalau 1mdb senyap sampai tak boleh tanya pasai tu...kepala bapak kau...

    16. It looks like I don’t need to declare state of emergency after all

      Jho Low

    17. Wei 21:54 Prof Longkang, ape ko merepek nih? Mabuk ketum ke? Sial...'you stupid' plak...kih kih kih

    18. 21:54

      You are just throwing figures out with zero understanding. What are you talking about???

      a) RM2.6 billion is just one small tranche of total money stolen by Najib - it's the one that the WSJ first reported, that blew open the case. The total 1MDB/SRC THEFT is about $8 billion = RM32.7 billion ringgit.

      b) Where did 50 billion come from?

      You are just babbling nonsense. What "time value of money"? And you never answered my question, does Islam promote stealing like your idolized paymaster practises?

      1MDB is pure theft for personal gain. The Forex losses are not that. I don't see Tun Siti Hasmah wearing Birkins or pink diamonds bought with stolen money, do you?

    19. Let me ask you guys one simple question. If Najib is guilty, why didn't FBI or US govt or whatever arrest him. I want an intelligent answer from the RBAs
      Prof kangkung

    20. Anon 2041
      Sedap aja panggil org bodoh.kau yg tak tau beza 'analogi' dan 'kronologi' tu cerdik sgt ke.haha
      Prof Kangkung

    21. 2 Dec 6:08

      Pemakan dedak hardcore mcm si Kangkung nie hanya Islam pada ‘ritual’ saja. Babi dan mungkin arak tak sentuh (? entah lah), tapi haram besar yang lain rembat sampai roboh.

    22. "If Najib is guilty, why didn't FBI or US govt or whatever arrest him."


      a) Please understand the difference between seizure of assets and a criminal case. The DOJ is now embarking on the latter after first securing the proceeds of MO1’s theft. In which case, Jho, Riza and the Hippo are all at risk, though your paymaster may claim head of state immunity. That does not mean he is not the main mastermind of close to US$8 billion in DIRECT THEFT from the rakyat.

      b) I doubt you can read, but go through the 136 page DOJ report on your MO1.

      A few highlights:

      1) Transactions from Prime Minister Najib’s AmBank account 211202211906 reveal that one of the beneficiaries of this money, which came from 1MDB subsidiary SRC International, was his son. On 4th July 2014 RM200,000 was cashed out to Nor Ashman Razak.

      2) On the SRC credit card (hence, money from KWAP): EUR750,000 (RM4.091 million) at an Italian branch of Swiss-owned jewellery store De Grisogono (in one visit) and USD130,635 (RM534,297) at Chanel in Hawaii (in one visit).

      3) From same account, RM167,959.50 spent at Signature Exotic Cars Sdn Bhd on 28th June 2011; RM104,110.69 at Telagamas Motors Sdn Bhd 26th Sept 2012; RM947,178.70 at Angkatan Hebat Motor Sdn Bhd 9th October 2012; RM105,000 at Naza Quest Auto Sdn Bhd 17th December 2012; a staggering RM2,496,000.00 at Edaran Tan Chong Motor Sdn Bhd on 27th February 2013 and another RM146,801.30 and RM155,779.00 also spent at Edaran Tan Chong on 7th February 2014 and 23rd September 2014 respectively.

      Want me to go on? See the difference between your paymaster’s corrupt theft and the Forex losses?

      But I think intelligence is wasted on you, or perhaps as someone else mentioned, you are the assigned "toyol" here, hence better to be ignored.

    23. Mana kau tau aku Islam pada ritual aja?kau kenal aku pun tidak wahai anon 1120
      Prof Kangkung

    24. Anonymous2 December 2017 at 12:12,

      Perhaps you are not grasping my point. There is little to be gained by using facts, figures or logic vs. Kangkang.

      If you offer him RM16 daily, suddenly his ears may open. not count on it. There is a lot of dedak embedded between his ears.

      Prof Sawi

    25. Islam agama rasmi Malaysia adalah INDAH pada nama. Melayu beragama islam hanya lah RETORIK pada nama. JAKIM, MENTERI AGAMA, MUFTI, CENDIAKAWAN ISLAM HANYA GAH PADA NAMA. Dan KONCO2 JIBROS, MACAI2 JIBROS, BLOGA2 JIBROS, CYBERTOYOL2 JIBROS, korang semua 100% munafik. Rasa jelek sehingga muntah. Rasa hormat sekelumit pun dah tiada. Bangsa dah dibangsatkan, klepet dah dicop ‘halal’...INIKAH 'ISLAM' KE?

    26. Melayu kerja pemalas
      Kepala BAPAK kau hijau

      Apa Salah prof kangkung!?
      Dia tak salah, suci pulak tu
      Kerajaan tak ade duit lah, ke tak puas hati nak bergaduh ke?

      Jho low

  2. Annie,

    Thanks for all this generic, cliched Bernama/Jasa/Utusan propaganda this guy keeps contributing, but who is fooled by it any more?

    "A research project on electoral integrity from May this year revealed that Malaysia ranked 142nd out of 158 assessed countries, one step above Zimbabwe.

    According to the data, Malaysia fell under the "very low/failed" category, which is the lowest out of five categories.

    "Nearly all other countries in this category have experienced deep social and political instability, like Afghanistan and Zimbabwe, or have single-party systems, like Vietnam, that preclude meaningful electoral competition.

    "Neither of these is true for Malaysia, making it a clear outlier in the category," said political science researcher Kai Ostwald in a 2017 academic paper titled "Malaysia's Electoral Process: The Methods and Costs of Perpetuating Umno Rule".

    So, thank...

    EC, AGC, courts, MACC, etc etc - all now corrupted - for keeping the Umno crooks in power.

    All they want to do is steal more money.

    1. 'EC, AGC, courts, MACC, etc etc - all now corrupted - for keeping the Umno crooks in power.' - Well even the RCI now is being corrupted!

  3. Artikel ni bola tanggung ke Annie?

    Kau jangan Annie. Ramai pengomen-pengomen akan buat ‘jumping smash’ nanti...

    1. Jumping smash pun dia tak kan mati

    2. Lihat sendiri betapa pincangnya perundangan dalam Malaysia. Semua nya berpunca dari "cash is king". Bila hakim dan peguam negara sudah dikuasai dedak....tiada lagi keadilan untuk orang yang tidak bersalah. Untuk membetulkan semula perundangan yang telah dirosakkan oleh rasuah...... rakyat Malaysia mesti bersatu dalam pilihanraya ke14 untuk tidak memberi undi pada semua calon BN dan PAS yang bertanding.

  4. Inilah masalah kita org melayu. Sentimen lebih x practical dan reasonable.

    Last menang sorak kampung tergadai. Apa ada pada nama umno ?

    Apa yg penting adalah apa yg umno pernah perjuangkan. Perjuangan itu sudah tiada. Perjuangan itu sudah berpindah milik pada parti lain.

    Kita ikut perjuangan bukannya nama.

    Rasanya tun m lagi banyak nostalgia bersama umno lebih sygkan umno dr gondrong. Tp kita realistic dan kita faham reality umno kini sudah menjadi parti najib n co.

    Sesuai dgn itu hanya pak2 sorak najib sahaja yg sepatutnya menjadi ahli umno. Perwakilan pn kalau boleh dibeli seratus dia jadilah ahli sepanjang hayat.

    1. Hidup Najib, hidup negara China, hidup putera Arab, hidup putera Jho Low, tapi...hancurlah negara & rakyat jelata.

    2. Terima kasih banyak banyak
      Sila Sokong UMNO lagi
      Saya sayang orang melayu UMNO macai

      Jho low

    3. kalau melibatkan menteri BN, xda sape yang salah..semua salah pembangkang.. hahahaha

  5. "Ia adalah perjuangan yang diwarisi daripada darah keringat nenek moyang yang wajib dan menuntut amanah tanggungjawab untuk terus dipertahankan."


    Apa yg terjadi di Malaysia ialah berpunca dari Umno:-

    1. Tamak-haloba / hamba nafsu duniawi yg amat besar.

    2. Penyelewengan / pecah amanah / rasuah / penipuan.

    3. Penyalahgunaan kuasa - undang2 dan akta diguna sebagai BENTENG untuk melindungi dan menutup kesalahan dan penyelewengan.

    4. Penindasan ke atas rakyat - Rakyat tanggung kos sara hidup yg tinggi dan terpaksa juga tanggung HUTANG dan KERUGIAN NEGARA ekoran dari penyelewengan wang rakyat yg lesap berbilion2.

    Rakyat yg MISKIN curi susu anak ditangkap masuk lokap tapi orang yg bertanggungjawab melesap dan merompak berbilion wang rakyat terleoas begitu saja. ADILKAH begitu??

    Itu sebab rakyat bangkit bangun untuk menegakkan kebenaran dan keadilan.

    Pendek kata, "sayonara, Umno."

    1. Next time if you want to pecah amanah kawtim with me

      Jho low

    2. Hebat betul lembu2 kat malaysia, pandai sampai boleh tipu rakyat, Buat rakyat nampak macam lembu je.

  6. Annie,

    Dah lama tak baca utusan dan tv3.. Tulisan gonewrong spesis yang sama.

    Minta maaf le, first paragraph je dah rasa loya.

    1. Kluangman,
      Cubalah baca ruangan Selak oleh Zaini Hassan dan tulisan Zulkiflee Jalil.The two guys is the reason why I still buy Utusan.
      Prof Kangkung

    2. I’m a hardcore fan of utusan malaysia
      A day without utusan is not heaven

      “Tak heaven” bak kata remaja melayu

      Jho Low

    3. Rasa loya itu perlu kerana apabila dimuntahkan rasa lega. Please muntahkan. Jangan sampai muntah tu ditelan semula....hehehehe

    4. 'The fact that the NST and Utusan Malaysia still exist attracts further scrutiny. How exactly are they still functioning. The Utusan is down to 123,000+ copies.

      The worst is the NST. The circulation is down to 54,000+ copies daily. These are last years figures.

      The NST figures include the free copies they send to the schools, government departments etc.  Minus all the free copies they give out, I think the real circulation is much less than 54,000+ papers a day. 

      I stopped buying the NST about 10 years ago. I stopped buying The Star also years ago.  

      Almost all the newspapers are now online. Even The Star.  I do read The Star Online.

      Look at the share prices and you get a better idea about things. The share price of The Star has gone up by nine sen to RM1.69 (5%).

      On the other hand the share price of Media Prima (which publishes NST) has fallen down 52% to just 83 sen !!  Media Prima folks, your share price is less than a roll of toilet paper.

      Utusan is no better. Their share price has fallen 47% to 38 sen !!  For each roll of toilet paper maybe you can buy THREE Utusan Melayu shares.

      Apa lagi Utusan mau?  
      Lesen surat khabar monopoli (ok ok oligopoli). 
      Shareholder UMNO - parti pencuri yang paling kaya.
      Duit ada, kilang ada, lesen KDN ada, sabsidi ada, semua ada. 
      Tapi barang tak tahu jual.

      Lepas tu nak tuduh orang lain pula.'


    5. 16.33

      Patut lah kau tetap taraf kangkung sampai bila2 kerana kau mendapati kedua2 ekor ini menulis sesuatu yang berguna walaupun apa yang ditulis mereka itu bertaraf sampah.

    6. Bro Kluangman, I m with u 101%

    7. Anon 1529.
      Let me ask you a very simple question.Kalau kau hebat sangat.Kenapa Amerika tak tangkap Najib masa Najib gi Amerika berjumpa Trump.Do keep in mind mcm mana Amerika sanggup ke Iraq utk tgkp Saddam Hussin.Sanggup keLibya utk tangkap Muammar Gaddafi.Ini Najib dah hulur kepala sanggup bawak diri ke Amerika.Kenapa tak tangkap.why?why?why?
      Prof Kangkung

    8. Fakta depan mata. Yang kena tuduh adalah yang melaporkan/membongkarkan. As usual , pembangkang juga yang salah.

      Dafaq im done.

  7. Macam baca Utusan Meloya...... loya tekak aku laa baca mat ni punya propaganda.

    Annie - please come back!

    1. Anon 16:15
      Narrow minded. Think that he/she always right. To be a success sometimes you need to look and think from different perspective.

    2. Buatlah apapun salahkan Mahathir,salahkan Anwar..demi Allah, Umno akan tumbang, percayalah.

      Kejahatan,kemungkaran paling dahsyat yg melampau, melebihi batas manusia biasa, demi untuk mengekalkan kuasa, buatlah apa sahaja!

      Rakyat mendoakan.

      Yg menyokong Umno hanya segelintir saja, segelintir ahli2 yg berkepentingan. Najib akan ditolak rakyat.

      Mahathir, Pakatan dan Anwar akan kekal dihati rakyat.

    3. Yang menyokong UMNO segelintir saja? Kau mengigau ke apa?

      Prof kangkung

    4. Semoga YB RAFIZI dipermudahkan semuanya demi menegakkan kebenaran. Kami sentiasa bersama YB.

    5. Mane ade segelintir... wake up lah orang melayu

      Jho Low

  8. Melayu with this kind of mindset will always end up in the jungle eating peanuts instead of Bak Kut Teh in Klang. Ok la, instead of lobster at Hilton KL.

    Well done bro. Kipidap. More lobster for us pendatangs.

    1. Pandanglah dengan mata hati. Jasa dan budi Umno telah mempermudahkan kehidupan rakyat secara keseluruhan. Cina dan India boleh terus amalkan kepercayaan dan cara hidup mereka. Melayu telah banyak berkompromi maka kenanglah jasa dan budi ini

    2. Apakah Najib dan pengampu2nya telah 100% yakin, rakyat akan terus memberi sokongan kpd mereka dlm PRU14 nanti.?

      Sudahkah mereka meneliti dan menganalisa sepenuhnya keputusan PRU12 dan PRU13, bagi setiap negeri, bagi seluruh negara?

      Menutup/mematikan langkah seorg pejuang akan membangunkan beribu2 lagi pejuang yg lain.

      Korang mmg tahu ini.

    3. bkn kes lembu je..kes air sabah brjuta2 tu pn tiada kes rasuah...

  9. UMNO must die for Malaysia to prosper into the future.


    1. UMNO can die as long as it doesn’t compromise me
      No hard feeling as I sip my wine and beer

      Jho low

    2. Jho,

      Don't forget we also donated penthouses and paintings and porno film to you & Riza, ya.

    3. Easy say than done.

  10. Org umno slalu kata pd penentang marah nyamuk kelambu jgn di bakar, klau dh tahu ada nyamuk dkm kelambu tu cuba org yg mengurus umno ni membunuh nyamuk tu sendiri kan mudah, penentang pn bleh jd kwn

  11. the problem with Malaysians is we got our mindset upside down

    we don't owe the gomen we elected anything, they should be honored we elected them in the first place to manage the country as best they can in return, it is the rakyat that pay their salaries, please get that into our head, if they steal from us we replace them with one that don't, its so simple and basic

    reminiscing about the past won't take us forward

    yours sincerely

    1. If want to take over gomen please check your strength and settle your own internal crisis, administration as a party or as component. Some basic things that need to be address. Make sure you follow the rules and regulation. Dont blame others if you facing some technicalities. Seriously you really a gonewrong and follow a gonewrong perspective

    2. Anon 2110
      Can we trust the parties that comprise of bisexual,the father of methapetamine distributor,the RM31 billion songlap guy that work together to topple the Bugis warrior?dream on guys
      Prof Kangkung

    3. what the hoopla are you getting at? you think every coat hanger in your closet is a dap plant? you people are really getting paranoid and confused, lighten up not everyone is an enemy

      yours truly

    4. That’s wrong dear

      You own the UMNO because we take care of you for 55 years
      Inilah akibat berfikiran bebas berfikiran Zionist

      Saya nak beromen mistress saya yang ke 4 pun dah tak ada selera
      And it’s your damn fault!

      Jho Low

  12. Gondrong,

    Kalau warga China zaman WWII bersikap macam Gondrong, nescaya PRC sekarang masih digelar Manchukuo, sebab bagi Gondrong Kerajaan Qing sudah lama berjasa pada Tiongkok.

    Kalau Gondrong hidup dalam Zaman Rasulullah s.a.w, nescaya Gondrong tetap taat pada Abu Lahab, kerana pada kaum Gondrong kepercayaan Jahiliyah sendiri tak berdosa, yang buat dosa hanyalah segelintir orang sahaja.

    Orang Jahiliyah tak memanggil sendiri Jahiliyah, orang Jahiliyah, seperti bapa kepada Nabi Ibrahim a.s, menganggap dirinya benteng kepada kepercayaan nenek moyang.

    Macam Gondrong juga.

    UMNO adalah sebuah parti politik. Ia tidak bernyawa. Yang tidak bernyawa itu tidak ada soal dosa dan pahala.

    Umpamanya di dahulu kala pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO rapat dengan pemimpin-pemimpin MCA,sama-sama memperjuangkan kemerdekaan. Namun di zaman sekarang pemimpin tersohor UMNO Dato' Seri Nazri Aziz sudah boleh kritik MCA, katanya MCA boleh didisiplinkan dan dijauhi kerana Kaum Cina sudah tak sokong MCA, dan UMNO patut berhimpit dengan DAP sebab mendapat sokongan kaum Cina.

    Nazri Aziz cakap yang benar. Kenapa nak sokong lagi kalau rakyat dah tak mahu? UMNO sama juga.

    1. Sembang hebat. Kalau Umno tidak diterima kenapa dia masih berkuasa sehingga kini dan rakyat akan terus sokong Umno pada PRU14. Banyak pihak yang sakit hati iri hati dan dengki dengan pencapaian luar biasa Umno sebagai parti sahsiah orang Melayu bukan disebabkan individu itu dan individu ini dengan perspektif nya sebagai organisasi terulung

    2. UMNO needs to rule for another 400 years

      Jho Low

  13. Sedih terhadap kumpulan2 yang tidak tahu kenang jasa dan budi yang telah diberikan. Bukannya mereka tidak diberikan hak sebagai warga negara untuk hidup aman dan tenteram di negara bertuah ini termasuk dalam memberikan hak memilih kerajaan setiap lima tahun sekali. Segala caci maki fitnah mahu pun fakta dilontarkan ini pasti akan memperkukuhkan Umno dan kerajaan BN untuk jadi lebih kuat menjelang PRU14.

    1. Itu orang kata buta hati.dia nak tgk apa dia nak tgk aja.
      Prof Kangkung

    2. Anon 19:20......

      Bagi umno, perjuangan untuk bangsa agama dan negara jelas tiada lagi. Yang ada hanya untuk habuan dari pemimpin dan mempertahan pemimpin yang memberi habuan

      Penentu kuasa pemimpin adalah dari KBU dan MTU, bukan lagi dari ahli akar umbi.

      Najib pemimpin korup dan menggunakan RASUAH untuk terus berkuasa

      Bagi saya umno dan bn wajib kalah dalam pru14

      Hanya akar umbi umno saja yang boleh mengubah keadaan ini dengan izin ALLAH. Kalau mereka ini bertindak....selamat lah umno. Kalau gagal bertindak....terimalah hakikat melayu, muslim dan negara ini akan hancur buat selama2nya.

    3. Itulah pasai... opposition ni kurang ajar tak sudah
      Rci rm50 billion Macam mana!?
      Pandai pulak opposition diam

      Jho Low

  14. Artikel guest blogger annie yang cukup sesuai menepati KPI surat khabar Utusan Malaysia


    1. haha....yupp....very utusan, NST or bernama style of credibility!

    2. HHK,
      Am not Umno member. Am not propagandist. Am just small entreprenuer who working hard for survival. Using syukur and thankful and baraqah as teaching by Islam for the peaceful and harmony country for small usahawan like me to look and get some rezeki. So dont brand me with others.

    3. Well what can I say
      Your net worth is not even 1million

      Jho Low

  15. Dah bosan nak komen benda yg sama. Cepat2 le pilihanraya. Kita komen di peti undi.

  16. Kalau kalah nanti jangan salahkan Umno main tipu

    1. Likewise, kalau umno menang nyawa2 ikan, jgn salahkan org lain kecuali pemimpin umno sendiri

    2. That’s why la.. haishehh
      By the way, have you finish modifying the election ballot system as I instructed?

      Jho Low

  17. Gondrong,

    //untuk terus membantu memartabatkan perjuangan agama Islam dan bangsa Melayu//

    //apabila ramai yang tewas dan tenggelam dibuai kejayaan dan kemajuan diraih lupa kepada perjuangan asal membela agama bangsa dan negara.//

    Waaahhh!! Very motivating stuff there for the faithful :)

    I nearly shouted out "Seig Heil" there :)

    //Roh perjuangan seharusnya meninggalkan jauh naiwatu nafsu nafsi membuat kekayaan secara salah//

    These are just words for the dummies down at the bottom of the pile to follow.

    Meanwhile, those at the top of the pyramid will continue to live a life of luxury and opulence.

    //Ia sepatutnya menjadi parti yang terus memberi manfaat kepada bangsa Melayu beragama Islam dan rakyat Malaysia secara menyeluruh bukan berpilih-pilih.//

    Personally, I think you might want to start thinking of us Malaysians as one united people instead of continuing to use race and religion to divide us.

    //Yang mana keadaan itu semakin terserlah kerana semakin kurangnya pemimpin jiwa besar untuk melihat Umno terus menjadi wadah perjuangan.//

    Yes, there is.

    Her name is Rosmah Mansour and we all know she wears the pants in Seri Perdana :)

    //Parti ini memerlukan kekuatan roh dan fizikal serta pemimpin yang berjiwa besar dan sanggup melakukan pengorbanan demi kelangsungan perjuangan//

    Hmm... sounds like you are ... eerrr... asking "someone" to commit seppuku?

    If not, let's blame Google Translate :)


  18. susah mau pilih loh...

    satu parti sudah berak tapi takmahu cuci...
    dan satu lagi parti baru mau berak tapi mau berak merata dan dalam seluar...


    1. Easy la to choose. Party who have good track record. Working hard for the people in good or bad time

    2. lembu pun bole songlap?..mmg la bodoh mcm lembu

  19. Salam Saudara Gondrong.

    Bagus juga kalau apa yang Saudara tulis dibaca dalam PAU nanti. Sekurang-kurangnya, ahli-ahli UMNO-Najib bolehlah menanya diri mereka sendiri, samada Party UMNO berdosa atau tidak.

    Pada saya Party UMNO-Najib berdosa. Berdosa BESAR.
    Pertamanya, kerana scandal 1MDB yang mahsyur seluruh dunia dan mengakibatkan Kerajaan dicop sebagai Kleptokrasi... atau di perintah oleh segerombolan pencuri.

    Yang nyata, scandal 1MDB telah mencemarkan nama baik Bangsa Melayu dan Agama Islam. Mana tidaknya... ketika Satu Dunia sedang mengatakan mengenainya dan, untuk menampakkan 1MDB 'berjasa' kepada Melayu & Islam... ditaja pula beribu Pak Imam, tunai-Haji... terlupa bahawa 1MDB adalah milik Rakyat 1Malaysia. Bermakna, Bukan-Islam juga ada 'hak' dalam 1MDB.
    Kalau guna WANG TH, Yapiem atau Zakat, ok la... bukan-Islam tak boleh merunggut.

    Agama Islam dipandang serong.

    Ketika pengubahan Wang haram melalui 1MDB hangat diperkatakan... untuk mengaburinya, dibuatnya pula 'Konsert' Ya Na Na Na. Diangkutnya anak-anak di tahfiz-tahfiz ke Dataran Merdeka.

    Lama-kelamaan anak-anak muda, meragui Agama dan mula merasa malu dikaitkan dengan Islam.

    Yang peliknya, Agamawan terus mendiamkan diri mengenai 1MDB-Jho Low dan apa yang Saudara Gondrong tulis...

    "membuat kekayaan secara salah, terlalu materialistik, maintenance gaya kehidupan yang begitu tinggi, agihan kekayaan yang tidak adil, kos perbelanjaan yang terlalu besar, terlalu fokus kepada perbelanjaan kurang berfaedah dan membazir secara keterlaluan dan senarai ini berterusan dan berterusan."

    1. Superb comment RD, sokong 100%.

    2. Saudara RD.
      Nak tanya satu aja.kenapa US tak tangkap Najib masa Najib pergi jumpa Trump hari tu?

      Prof Kangkung

    3. US masih belum boleh menangkap Najib masa berjumpa dengan Trump kerana DoJ baru membuka file criminal. Bicara belum lagi. Jadinya Najib masih belum didapati bersalah.

      Sebab itu Najib terhegeh-hegeh melobi untuk berjumpa Trump. Siap bayar guna WANG Rakyat, menginap di Hotel Mewah milik Trump dan tawar mahu membantu mengukuhkan ekonomi US. MAS nak beli kapalterbang Boeing dan akan minta Air-Asia berbuat yang sama.

      Petikan kata-kata Najib sendiri:-

      "Secondly, the other goal of your administration, Mr President, which is to make the United States safe – and with that, the world safe – we are committed to fight Daesh, IS, Al-Qaeda, Abu Sayyaf – you name it. They are the enemy of the United States, they are also the enemy of Malaysia, and we will do our part to make sure that our part of the world is safe."
      Read more at...

      Huh... Musuh Amerika adalah musuh Malaysia!!!!

      Bukankah... Osama bin Laden, ISIS/Daesh dan Al-Qaeda, pada mulanya, adalah ciptaan Amerika sendiri?
      Arab Saudi yang sudah ada hubungan dengan Israel adalah punca keganasan di Timur-Tengah hari ini. Dengan bantuan Amerika menyerang Yemen, Negara paling miskin dikalangan Negara Arab sehingga tidak mampu memiliki Tentera-Udara sendiri.
      Bukahkah US adalah 'penganas' apabila, secara unilateral menyerang dan mengebom Iraq/libya dan mahu membunuh Saddam/Gadaffi?

      Yang pasti, tujuan Najib berjumpa Trump adalah untuk membodek dan... dengan janji-janji manis, mahu mengukuhkan ekonomi US... boleh dianggap sebagai cubaan merasuah Trump supaya mengenepi, menangguh atau melambatkan process dakwaan criminal DoJ keatas Pengubahan WANG Haram terbesar dunia dalam sejarah, melalui 1MDB-Najib, anak-tiri beliau dan Jho Low.

      Satu lagi sebab mengapa Trump amat 'memerlukan' Najib adalah kerana mahu mengekang pengaruh ketenteraan China/Korea Utara dan Russia. Oleh itu, Negara 'sekutu' yang 'tunduk' kepada Trump... yang jelas disokong kuat oleh Chauvanist Kulit-putih seperti KKK (Klu Klux Klan)... adalah bagus demi kepentingan US di Asia Tenggara.

      #Hidup UMNO-Najib. Hidup Jho Low.

    4. Sdr RD,

      Si Kangkung tu don't deserve our explanation...kaki dedak jer.

    5. RD.
      Bagus jawapan anda.Najib belum didapati bersalah.great.thanks
      Prof Kangkung

    6. “Najib belum didapati bersalah.great.thanks“

      And that’s all you needed to hear

    7. You are so intellectually challenged that... I pity your students prof vegetable

      I heard university funding has been slashed no? And your academic drones are still happy?

  20. Rakyat 1Malaysia

    Mangsa Banjir - Rakyat

    Sukarelawan - Rakyat

    Yg Menderma- Rakyat

    Yg Risau- Rakyat

    Yg Bantu Pemimpin- Rakyat

    Yg Kena Berjimat Cermat- Rakyat

    Yg Kena Tipu- Rakyat

    Yg Disuruh Bersyukur- Rakyat

    Yg Selalu Susah- Rakyat

    Yg Kena GST- Rakyat

    Yg kena bayar Tol -Rakyat

    Yg kena bayar hutang -Rakyat

    Yg menanggung beban -Rakyat

    Yg mengikat perut-Rakyat

    Yg tanggung semua -Rakyat..

    Bestnya jadi Rakyat 1Malaysia 
    Semua Rakyat Didahulukan

    1. Anon 12.29
      Kategori rakyat tu banyak. M40 b40 elitis, top20 dan sbgnya. Jangan amik pukul rata. Lepas tu buruk kan negara dan seluruh isinya. Bestnya jadi rakyat 1malaysia. Pergi la jadi rakyat luar sana yang selalu dicanang best australia nz usa uk france norway denmark bangladesh iraq iran scandinivia afrika selatan morocco dan seterusnya. Byk pilihan tu. Jangan asyik merintih je itu ini lah tak puas hati dan tak te tu pasal. sebab segelintir je spesis mcm tu


    2. yes, wat a beatipu world!

      but i remember my father used to sing dis song. rally beautiful it was.

      I see trees of green, red roses too
      I see them bloom for me and you
      And I think to myself what a wonderful world
      I see skies of blue and clouds of white
      The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
      And I think to myself what a wonderful world
      The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
      Are also on the faces of people going by
      I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
      They're really saying I love you
      I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
      They'll learn much more than I'll never know
      And I think to myself what a wonderful world
      Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world

    3. Mmg best bro.sbb tu org Nepal,bangla,indon,vietnam,negro afrika anggap Malaysia ni mcm syurga dunia.Kau aja yg buta hati.
      Prof Kangkung

    4. Anonymous2 December 2017 at 13:24

      i think its just his idiomatic expression. why gave him nuts and bolts to leave dis country? while d subject is a simple right or wrong…why take ur brass around?

    5. Dah makin ramai macam lembu

    6. Orang melayu pemalas tak bersyukur tak sedar diri tak ada jati diri tak gentel gentel

      Jho Low

  21. Gondrong, ur piece sounds like a bleeding soul. or its d umno cry of sympathy.

    yea...yea...that might work to d insecure senses, maybe.

    then d 30b conceited petition can be a good analogous to d row row epic right now. d melayu saga is on d siege!

    Umno politicians may now tell tat mahadir in a biggest traitor of all time…... tat mahatir is a greatest threat to d malay supremacy....tat mahathir will let Chinese in full control of dis country n tat malay will be slaves in their own country.

    Ha..ha,,they know how to explore it. they play with malayu psyche, first bleat on their misery, then go on to d most sensitive part of malay dignity…d unchallenged decorum tat makes them angry…ngamok is even better so as to make d situation back to umno's favour.

    it works in kampong or in other low life circumstances. but its rather hard on d other ends.

    am melayu kampung myself. be honest orang kampung always look n getting things from a very narrow perspective. mayb d young one like me can make some differences. instead of getting upset i’ll take my role to correct this predicament…..even minor it is, i dun mind.

    1. Fatin,
      How old are u? Your thinking like you are the generation of future. Its ok. Would like to suggest for you to look back our history. Please chat dan check with the veteran (either opposition or BN) Who experience the era of colonialisme, communisme, nation under Japanese.

      Look back far behind the era of Melaka Sultanate. And look at current scenario and we can expect the future. Where is our Malay, Chinese and Indian.

      Look at our socio economic and demography.

      From the political perspective look at the perjuangan parti-parti politik in Malaysia.

      You have PKR and PPBM (serpihan Umno so the thinking more or less like Umno. The party formed by families and cronies) PAN (parti serpihan PAS, lead by so call intelectual religious) DAP (chinese base party chauvinist, racist, chinese for chinese, dominant Chinese, fight for chinese, strong support from chinese and the storyline and perjuangan in the platform and kerangka kaum cina and considered as families run party). All this parties established Pakatan Harapan.

      Look at BN comprising Umno as a Malay single party lead component MCA (chinese base) MIC (indian base) Gerakan (pelbagai kaum but control by chinese) and working together with PPB Sarawak. Umno is also base party and cotrolling Sabah.

      You are a Malay from kampung. Think and think with wisdom and open hearth.

    2. Dear Fatin.

      Think also why Najib appointed ex-MCA President, Ong Ka Ting as Special Envoy to China when we already had one in Beijing.

      Think also why MCA is now having Party-to-Party or Political relationship with China's Communist Party?
      Why the need for MCA to send its cadres for training in Mainland China with the Communist Party?

      You must also ask yourself, what's in the interest of MCA or Malaysia, that they are discreetly promoting China's vision of OBOR (One Belt, One Road), amongst Malaysian Chinese.

    3. Anonymous2 December 2017 at 14:28

      i know history. from our origin to d rise n fall of d kingdoms, d malacca sultanate, d prtuguese. d dutch, d english n japan who took on us, d major traditional cultural change in colonial era…until d declaration of independent.....i read them all.

      then how we became 'son of d soil' n d tits n tats why others were included n excluded from applications…..n d political embroiled n racial disturbance in 60th…..n how after tat we developed quickly. we jumped ahead as economy n technology power surpassed d other countries in d region.

      d political shift then turned to play big role in d subsequent events. malaysians, politically they had gone missing their better times……

      more actual nonsense happened after tat.
      but am not to recall it. no point to mesmerise d past as its no reversible to d future. d future of malaysians are all down d drain.

      u can make any other assumptions but i believe its true. d leaders n elites of our country ve shown one too many tat they r useless. they always succumb to their political convenient rather than to rakyat first.

      i dun truth dis political animals. they supersede snything except their own selves.

      am not saying anything about oppositions as thay r yet to play d role. n even if they were of d same menace its nothing a deterrence to wat i believe.

  22. i just read it....for good or bad mahathir is d father of modern malaysia.

    1. Like I always said. Dont look at individual. Look at which party they represent. Tun M is 4th Prime Minister. His appointment as BN Chairman based on the position as Umno President. So BN and Umno is the platform for Tun M to perform as Prime Minister. Please remember that the performance of Tun M is supported by his team in Cabinet ministers. And the strong foundation placed by Dato' Onn Jaafar, Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun M sifu, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein. For sure Tun M can't perform with all this factor surrounding his political career and administration. From the beginning he should thank Tun Abdul Razak who responsible took him in Umno and placed him at the right position.
      He is the one who groom the leaders anwar ibrahim is one of them and then create chaos under is administration.

      Najib muhyiddin is also leaders groom under Tun M. Look back and see how colourful Tun M political career.

      He create leaders and then 'finish' their political career with various factor either with facts or other agenda.

      Like it or not good or bad Tun M still the main player in our political game play.

      He should play a role as nation adviser not as opposition. Playing as adviser doesn't mean government of the day need to follow your advise.

      Kena ada pertimbangan dari segi pro or kontranya sama ada ada unsur kepentingan peribadi atau negara agama dan bangsa secara keseluruhan.

      Perjuangan kena benar dan niat kena bersih. Umno must face challenges from Tun M and other opposition coalition.

      The Malay base party must do it right with wisdom kerana kebenaran dan niat yang bersih perjuangan kerana agama bangsa dan negara. Tidak lebih tidak kurang.

  23. Gongdrong
    To measure success one must established/endorsed past echievements
    The foundation stone is a critical success factor to propel the party to new heights
    There must be a begining and an end
    Archaeologists dig up fossil of dinosaurs to determinr theit age and extinction
    Is there any benefits to help chart the future of a country?
    If the pasts is questionable how do you chart the future
    Looks like there is no success at all after half a century


    1. Fadzireen,
      Please think with open heart. As i suggest to Fatin, please look back our history. Chat and check with our oldies (either they are against or support current government).

      Look at Malay, Chinese and Indian. Who can manage and give the best for our nation.

      PPBM PKR (serpihan Umno which their soul and thinking still like Umno dominant by families members, Amanah (so call ntelectual religious) DAP (chinese racist and chauvinist chinese base party dominant by families members.

      BN lead by Umno Malay base party (long track record in good and best time) combine with MCA (chinese based) MIC (Indian based) Gerakan (various race party dominant by chinese) PPB Sarawak and others.

      The choice is in your hand if you are voters la.Pakatan pembangkang also have the track record in Penang Selangor and Kelantan lead by PAS.

      Please choose with wisdom and open heart.

  24. The RCI backfires......

    BARISAN Nasional is inviting a backlash if it goes ahead and prosecutes Dr Mahathir Mohamad for the central bank’s forex losses of 30 years ago, because the public consensus is that the inquiry into the affair was politically motivated, say analysts.

    The royal commission of inquiry (RCI) was initiated after Dr Mahathir became a fierce critic of Prime Minister Najib Razak, they said, adding the Najib administration was showing inconsistency in the setting of its priorities.

    They said the Najib administration had doggedly pursued the business of Bank Negara’s foreign exchange losses that occurred decades ago, but was sluggish in its reaction to the loss of billions in the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) scandal that blew up a mere two years ago.

    “Take Dr Mahathir to court and BN will suffer an electoral backlash as he is still widely and deeply respected for building modern Malaysia,” said independent political analyst Dr Andrew Aeria, former associate professor at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

    Hisommuddin Bakar of the Ilham Centre said the RCI seemed to be politically motivated because there is no action taken on the 1MDB scandal.

    “BN can’t use the RCI as ammunition. It is ammo that has no impact,” said Hisommuddin.

    And if BN were to use the RCI findings to tar rival coalition Pakatan Harapan – of which Dr Mahathir is chairman – it could even backfire, said Dr Faisal Syam Hazis.

    “BN has lost the legitimacy to talk about good governance, transparency, and corruption,” said Faisal of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).

  25. Anonymous @ 2 December 2017 at 14:44,

    //please look back our history.//

    Please do not think that history is everything.

    How far back in history do you want to go?

    The Mongols can go hack to the time they almost ruled all known civilisation but can they do it again today?

    It is NOW, it the the immed iate past, it is the forseeable future that I believe we should concentrate on.

    Do we want to continue having a kleptocratic govt which tells you that you are doing great in cuci jamban and selling nasi lemak with your university degree?


    1. I’m one of the happy person who is going to be happy if your anak and Cucu is going to make a living by Cuci jamban

      Jho low
