Saturday, 9 December 2017

Annie bragging a bit

So, I was right when I wrote this,

Umno lock down


I was told that this had been agreed upon by the party's supreme council and will be turned into a motion to be later on endorsed by the general assembly .

The next Umno election, scheduled after the GE14, which is in a few months time, will see no fight for the president and deputy president posts.

The general assembly has the power to do that despite the party constitution saying everyone can challenge for anything.

The motion for it, however must be specific, that it's confined for just the next party election.

This is the story yesterday,

Motion on no contest for top two Umno posts passed

Well, sometimes I did get things right.....even though at some of  those instances I actually wished I was wrong.

Never mind.

If you want to know what I think of the whole thing, just click on the link to that previous post of mine above and read it again.

What else can I say, right?

Anyway, a friend told me the other day that he doesn't think this blog makes much difference as not many people read it anymore.

He said this blog used to receive over a hundred comments per post but now reduced to less than 30 or fewer.

Told the guy that he's probably right. People now prefer Facebook and twitter.

Anyway, it had never been my intention for this blog to be influential or popular. It's just me recording my thoughts of what's happening around me.

Whatever it is, I'm quite glad that my friend think this blog is nothing much. If it is so, then I don't have to worry about being sued or closed down.

Nobody read it what.

And I can write more about my friend's boss whom I whacked quite a bit in the past.

He should be okay with it I guess.

No one is going to read it what....hahaha.

By the way, I actually wonder why would anyone read hundreds of comments on a single post anyway. A bit too much, don't you think?

If less than 30 or fewer, then not so tiring isn't it?

Okay, that's all.

Need to work now.

Here's one of the favourite songs of a lovely boy with autism,



  1. Annie.I don't remember how I stumbled into this blog.Probably through Rocky's bru.
    I found this blog to be very helpful in reaching into masses that are unreacheable through normal medium such as rtm,tv3,Utusan Malaysia etc.
    People like prof sawi wouldn't watch buletin utama or don't read Utusan probably due to their lack of BM proficiency.or May be due to their hatred toward any government controlled media.
    But these people they do read this blog and they do read my comments.
    If we can't feed them the info through their mouths,we can probably feed them using tubes.This is what this blog is doing.
    Prof Kangkung

    1. 10:56,

      "....reaching into masses that are unreacheable through normal medium such as rtm,tv3,Utusan Malaysia etc."

      (Correct spelling is "unreachable", actually : )

      So.... are more or less admitting you are a paid BN toyol? I guess most people knew already lah....and pls. don't flatter yourself, kawan.

      Your are "reaching" nobody because you are a cut & paste parrot - same squawking over and over again. Nothing you post "reaches" anyone but I guess you have to "cari makan" : P

      Zero effect lah bro.....

      I only appreciate comment from RD, Gladdy, Cik Minah etc. - more substance. You - have nothing really. Empty vessel.

      : P

    2. Petang ni kita sama-sama tengok penggulungan PAU.Tunggu apa Datuk Najib nak cakap.
      Prof Kangkung

    3. utusan meloya?


      kah kah kah.

      hang pi kedai kopi, hang pi masjid/surau, hang pi pasar dan mana hang pi mana pun semua dah tolak umno.

      Yg tinggal yang makan dedak dua tiga kerat lagi....depa tu pun lalang!

    4. Alhamdulillah.Ucapan penggulungan Presiden UMNO telah dilaksanakan dengan baik.
      Prof Kangkung

    5. Ayat power-selenge mana Pokjib nak pakai kat PAU kali ini?


      Haram jadah
      Kepala bapak kau

      Ada yang di lontar melepas geram, banyak juga yang keluar ayat minta belas-kasihan…konpom gila “schizo” si lanun ni.

    6. Politician Najib semakin berbisa, bkn utk rakyat tp utk kepentingan diri. Moga rakyat Msia sedar betapa hebatnya politician Najib, 7 keturunan terpaksa byr hutang negara. Klau x tipu x sinang...itu pepatah dulu2 tp skrg silence kill politician, hati2 rakyat Msia, yg tua x lama akan mampus tp yg muda mati byr sara hidup. Jgn kecam word sy, hanya utk menyedarkan sesama kita.

    7. "TV3?"

      Heheheh, power beb!

      "MEDIA Prima Berhad, konglomerat media terbesar di Malaysia yang memiliki antaranya TV3 dan New Straits Times, menawarkan kakitangannya pilihan untuk rehat sementara tanpa gaji, bagi mengurangkan tekanan kewangan syarikat.

      Media Prima beberapa bulan lalu melaksanakan skim pemisahan sukarela melibatkan kakitangannya yang berumur lebih 50 tahun sebagai sebahagian langkah mengurangkan kos operasi.

      Tawaran terbaru ini dimaklumkan kepada kakitangannya pada satu taklimat di ibu pejabat Media Prima di Bandar Utama, Kuala Lumpur semalam.

      Mereka diberikan dua pilihan sukarela: cuti antara enam bulan hingga setahun tanpa gaji, atau kerja setengah bulan dengan separuh gaji."

      Padan muka...

    8. Anonymous9 December 2017 at 20:18,

      Latest from the bangsat is "terbangsat"

  2. Saya jangka umno akan ketiadaan Presiden selepas PRU14 dan Zahid kena buat kerja kerja memangku sekali lagi..

    Dua lagi kekosongan Naib Presiden saya cadangkan Azwan Ali dan Jamal (JJ) berbaloi dengan kerja keras mereka rampas Selangor.

    1. Selain memangku tugas Presiden, zahid juga sangat sesuai menjadi ketua pembangkang di parlimen.

    2. jawatan presiden umno tu hebat sgt ke?

      umno akan berkubur pada PRU nanti, tahniah dan syabas kpd presiden umno najib razak.

      umno akan di ludah selepas ini kerana perbuatan seorang saja, disebabkan nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga.

      Selamat tinggal wahai umno parti kesayangan orang Melayu.

      Malaysia ini bukan untuk UMNO, semuanya akan berubah selepas ini. Berani kerana benar!

    3. Panglima jib dah kecut mengigil nak terus terang sama Trump. Ini pemimpin ini Rakyat mau lagi ke? Hanya habis simpanan kami saja tolong Amerika.

  3. Annie, Jamal dah bawa Hammer ke PAU sebab katanya Zaid Ibrahim menghina institusi diraja... and Mamat kecelaruan jantina ingin bertanding di Bukit Antarabangsa diatas tiket UMNO. Great News isn’t it! Wow

    1. Jamal Jamban will get wiped out.

      People in Selangor aren't stupid enough to vote for a paid goon.

    2. Najib dah kena ugut dgan Trump kes 1MDB..duduk je la bawah kaki Trump sampai bila2..dunia perang ke3 x lama lagi

  4. Annie,

    //So, I was right when I wrote this//

    Eeeerrrr... to be honest, when I read that, I thought that it was something which had already occurred.

    I don't know why I missed the bit about "and will be turned into a motion to be later on".

    My excuse is that it has been public knowledge for a couple of years that there will be no UMNO elections until after GE14, so biasa lah - must have motion to carry forward that no-contest decision.

    Stupid me - should have realised this motion was specific in that it relates to only the president and deputy president.

    Anyway, when I read on Friday about the motion being passed elsewhere, I just mentally ticked the box, "I knew that" and just moved on.

    I just made a guess at the timeline of events for this motion being passed and I can understand why you are bragging :)

    The motion was tabled and past on Friday.

    But you posted the article on Thursday.

    Ergo, you must have heard about the motion BEFORE Thursday.

    I really should be more careful about reading what you write.

    I tend to forget you have a legal background and you do apply your legal mind to what you write - except those bits about your love life :)

    //a friend told me the other day that he doesn't think this blog makes much difference as not many people read it anymore.//

    I never thought you were out to make a difference with this blog.

    I have always enjoyed your writings for what they are - you write straight from your heart and you pull no punches.

    Unpleasant? Ugly? Perhaps.

    Refreshingly honest? Absolutely!!


    1. I can see this is bad news for Zahid, however.

      You can be sure that Hisham is being cleverly placed to take over from MO1, on the grounds that "blood is thicker than water" when the time comes, Hisham must sweep all of MO1's wrongdoings under the carpet.

      I think Bonnie & Clyde (Jibby & Hippo) will run off eventually with the remains of what they stole and my guess is that either Saudi Arabia or Kazakhstan will be the landing ground for their private jet.......

      : P

    2. talam dua muka... depan trump pijak semut tak mati.. blkg trump membela nasib umat islam.. tak ada ciri-ciri pemimpin lgsg... dari statement hg nmpk sgt kebodohan hg terserlah

    3. I also feel you write from your heart and you do not bother about this blog readership. Pls continue..

  5. No contest for president and deputy president posts. What if both president and deputy president lost their seats in the next GE ?

    1. tmbah lagi..donal trump xpndai bhsa melayu..hahaha

  6. 'Umno Lock Down'

    You can win many battles but not the war
    Battles are fought between two forces and wars between countries
    Calm in a party by design,a perception meant for self-savoury
    A battle called 1mdb fought devoid of Sandhurst's hallmark still simmers
    In a boxing match you can win many rounds but if you are knock-out you lose
    Shadow-boxing at its best where you throw punches at no one


  7. No contest for the top 2 posts. Premature decision by the the youth wing who is not really well known to come up with matured decision. Led by a macho guy who is not yet matured.

    The motion comes from the youth wing i.e. by Khairy himself. He has his eyes set on VP post. And in doing so he doesn’t need to do much hard work and heavy lifting. The path towards it pretty much clear now.

    With the motion passed, Khairy wanted his noble act duly reciprocated by the top 2 in due course. I have done your battle, later you need to do mine.

    You see. It’s never about aspiration of the party or its members. It’s all about the ambition of the elite. The party and its 3 million members are only a stepping stone for these people to get to higher hanging fruits.

    Good news to the president and deputy (and KJ of coure) but bad news to the party and the rest of its members. The president and the deputy are now rest assured that their positions are safe and sound and secured no matter how next GE turn out.

    What if Umno fares badly in the next elections? And you can’t remove the guys whose responsible for it?

    This is bad to the party. Umno has slowly turns to what Mugabe does to Zimbabwe. The guys are going nowhere no matter what happen. Good or bad. With the motion passed, they have drilled their butts a thousand screws into deputy/president seats. Umno are screwed. Big time.

    1. "You see. It’s never about aspiration of the party or its members. It’s all about the ambition of the elite. The party and its 3 million members are only a stepping stone for these people to get to higher hanging fruits."

      And the lower-hanging public funds!

  8. a party that comprise of people with identical DNA will not make any difference even if they hold a contest annually, nothing good or positive will emerge, it'll be a circus that only children will get excited about

  9. This is the last day of UMNO-Najib's Assembly. So far, I've never heard, delegates talk about the importance of DBP (Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka) to uphold and strengthened the usage of National Language. That Malay must precede other languages on leaflets, posters, banners or signboards, etc. That Malay is the language of 1Malaysia's UNITY.

    Or maybe... the delegates have been warned, not to raise issues relating to the position of the Malay language. Or UMNO have given-up and felt hopeless in defending the Malay language, in-view of the in-flux of Mainland Chinese and its monies.

    Of-course, the mention of Chinese schools and it's UEC (Unified Examination Certificate) are forbidden... but talking about the importance of Mandarin... or any other Chinese dialects, such as Hokkien or Cantonese... which will be very important to the advancement of the Malays, come TN50... must be an endearment to the Chinese communities, especially MCA.

    Instead the delegates talked about the strengthening of the Sekolah Agama and Arabic which to me, would only spawn IS ideology and lagging the Malays farther behind.

    With the influx of investment capital, debt and partnership such as Proton, from Mainland China, it's obvious that without Mandarin and of-course English, the Malays will be left-out in every economic field... come TN50.

    1. Persidangan yang syok sendiri. No substance !!

    2. Idiot najib is all about might is right
      Cash is king

      Tak ada substance in speech, it’s all about kalahkan opposition

      Anjing Macam sayur


  10. Comment from Azmin:

    'In order for corrupt politicians to cling to their ill-gotten gains, or avoid facing justice, a torrent of human rights abuses may be perpetrated by these white collar crooks.

    Those who criticise their deeds may be locked up or face punishing fines; think of the abuse of Sedition Act against Malaysians who dared to speak out.

    Worse still, those who threaten to expose their misdeeds may even lose their lives.

    In order to escape the reach of justice corrupt politicians may compromise the very institutions of the law; judges may be coerced, attorneys-general may be sacked.

    This is what kleptocrats do. They use the institutions of state to plunder the nation's wealth. In order to keep on looting they pervert the very institutions of our democracy.

    1MDB is the corruption issue, the human rights issue, that is wrecking our beloved country.

    Speaking on Monday at the Global Forum on Asset Recovery, the US attorney-general Jeff Sessions said that, “1MDB was created by the Malaysian government to promote long-term economic development for the benefit of the Malaysian people.”

    1MDB is the corruption issue, the human rights issue, that is wrecking our beloved country.'

    Better to heed this than the thieving parasites at PWTC.

  11. OK over with lame dumbo lock down where dumnos no ball to compete, like sheila majid can annie now write more about Barang Naik oppressing the nation (incl poor dumbos) sigh

    1. A dumbo menteri said Barang Naik is god's will so dont blame MO1 (blame god?) adoi...

  12. GE is going to be held in January?It makes sense.BN will win.The question is will BN get back its 2/3 majority?If BN fails to get the desired 2/3 majority they will invite Pas to join its fold.Selesai masalah nak dapat 2/3 majority.The government will be dominated by Muslim/Malay/bumiputera.
    Prof Kangkung

    1. "If BN fails to get the desired 2/3 majority they will invite Pas to join its fold.Selesai masalah nak dapat 2/3 majority."

      This is simply syiok sendiri or kangkong style bragging and outrageously selfish statement from a supporter of Kleptocracy.

      First off... PAS is at risk of further split if Haji Hadi decides to embrace Kleptocracy. I'm sure many God-fearing PAS members would not want to be an accomplice or bersubahat with Kleptocracy, hence bringing about shame and ridicule to Bangsa, Agama & Negara, at home and abroad.

      Secondly... Lets see how many seat PAS gets, without Cina-DAP's votes as in GE13.

      Thirdly... A nod from BN component parties, especially from Sabah & Sarawak is a must, if PAS were to join BN. Of-course before giving the nod, they could demand both UMNO & PAS to swear never to cook-up RUU 355, ever again.

      "The government will be dominated by Muslim/Malay/bumiputera."

      Malay/Muslim... I agree. But the Bumiputera part... I don't think Bumiputera in Sabah & Sarawak would relish the idea of PAS' Lebais and Haji Hadi setting the course of the country's future.

      Further more, I don't think the non-Muslim/Bumiputera in Sabah & Sarawak, are too stupid to allow the Muslim led Gomen becoming too strong with a 2/3 majority.
      What if Muslim MPs secretly decide to vote Hudud into law at 2am in the morning, just like they did with SOSMA enactment?

    2. Dear RD,
      Politics is the art of impossibilities.Who in their right frame of mind would predict that Mahathir will team up with Anwar and Lim Kit Siang to topple BN?
      That put Lim Kit siang in a very difficult situation,as the Malay saying 'ditelan mati emak,diluah mati bapak'.If you ask Anwar or Lim Kit Siang one very simple question 'is Mahathir a good or bad person?' What would they say?either answer given by Anwar or Lim Kit Siang will male them a laughing stock.
      Prof Kangkung

    3. Kangkung
      1. Sudah berapa keuntungan yang 1mdb telah buat setakat ini?

      2. 1mdb membuka berapa ribu peluang pekerjaan kepada netizen sejak ditubuhkan?

    4. RD.10 December 2017 at 02:08

      Actually you are right....PAS grassroots of course can see their leaders suddenly driving Porsches, Mercedes, buying luxury houses in cash. (Worst of all, the "customised number plate" wasting thousands of ringgit...real Umno mentality.)

      Then what if Umno tries to re-take Kelantan from under PAS's nose? At Ku Li's house the "UG" faction were not there.

      In fact, what may happen is that after PRU14 a few top PAS leaders become Umnoputeras - say Nik Abduh, Hadi & anak, etc are given some position. So they have sold out the party, just like Nur Jazlan and the other 3 sold out Malaysians by running away from the PAC when MO1 dangled his carrots.

    5. Dear Prof. Kang Kong.

      "Who in their right frame of mind would predict that Mahathir will team up with Anwar and Lim Kit Siang to topple BN?"

      Upon its inauguration in 2009, nobody except God, could have predicted that 1MDB would become the biggest money-laundering scandal in the world, today.

      When Najib as Defense Minister, solicited Razak Baginda as middleman to buy two submarine for the country, Dr.M kept quite although UMNO's image was severely tarnished... til today, from Villawood, Australia in the form of lingering question; who gave that order to kill Altantuya.

      Then, immediately upon becoming PM & self-appointed Finance Minister, again Najib tainted UMNO reputation by associating with dubious Deepak Carpet in getting interest-free loan of RM30 Million from Bank Rakyat... which belongs to the Gomen, aka Rakyat.
      But still, Dr.M kept his big mouth shut.

      Therefore, its 1MDB and Jho Low, that broke the camel's back in Dr.M. He might not have abandoned his mentor's son if that RM2.6 Billion went into the Party's coffer.

      And... teaming-up with Anwar and Kit Siang was the last resort, after all avenues in getting rid of Najib, only Najib... have miserably failed.

      "Politics is the art of impossibilities."

      Yes I agree.
      If you're not the President of the ruling Malay-Muslim Political Party, its definitely impossible to make RM2.6 Billion appear in your personal account.

    6. "If you're not the President of the ruling Malay-Muslim Political Party, its definitely impossible to make RM2.6 Billion appear in your personal account."

      Very good point.

      Also if you are not a macai of MO1, then you will not be as lucky as Mat Maslan or Shahrir Samad, to get personal hidden payments of 2 million and 1 million into your account from Ambank.

      Very "lucky"...heh heh heh!

    7. When Tun M/LKS/AI join forces it is called 'Destiny'
      Calling them 'U-Turn' is a myths
      It is for a common cause

      Quotes to ponder:
      (1)'Does the walker choose the path,or the path the walker'
      (The walker choose the path or the path choose the walker)

      (2)'There are no wrong turning,only paths we had not known we were meant to walk'


  13. Annie, saya berkesempatan mendengar ucapan pergulungan oleh presiden umno petang tadi. Pendapat saya presiden sudah tenggelam punca. Beliau terlalu mencuba utk menjadi entah apa apa. Beliau berucap secara meneran neran. Cuba membuat lawak yg tak jadi, beliau tidak kelihatan sebagai seorang pemimpin hebat. Saya yg mendengar berasa amat malu dan sedih melihat beliau seperti itu. Saya dapat rasakan bahawa beliau hanya syok sendiri. inilah akibatnya bila seorang pemimpin itu terlalu dipuji dan dilambung melampau lampau sehinggakan pemimpin tersebut merasakan beliau benar benar hebat. Hahahaha gila lah orang orang umno ni. Kerja nak kipas saja. bila dah habis berucap dgn meneran terus
    nyanyi lagu anak kecil main api then semua sebak sampai berlinang air mata kahkahkahkahkah... apa punya gila ni. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  14. Dear frens & foes,
    Sorry cannot join the discussion for the time being. Am busy packing. Going to perfom Umrah. Be back by Chritmas. Will pray for HARAPAN. Hope we have some HARAPAN for the future.
    Bye-bye folks.

    1. Alhamdulillah..

    2. Cik Minah,
      Selamat menunaikan umrah.Kita doakan yang terbaik utk dunia,umat Islam dan Malaysia.
      Do you think Allah will grant your wish for harapan if nobody in HARAPAN protest him when he said that praying is a burdensome ritual.
      Prof Kangkung

    3. Macai ternakan Najib ni lah yg berciri munafik. Munafik kangkung kangkang & bahlol sewaktunya takkan mengaku munafik...mereka akan pusing2...matlamat mereka ialah menegakkan kekufuran dan kebathilan...fitnah, bohong, khianat...ini sifat2 mereka...pastu 'doakan yang terbaik utk dunia,umat Islam dan Malaysia' plak...perghhhh

  15. Panglima bugis cakap “walau dikerat kaki dan tangan panji panji UMNO pasti terus dikibarkan” kalau kaki dan tangan ko dah kudung mcm mana ko nak kibarkan panji panji tu lahanattttt!!!! Apasal lah ko ni bingaiii sangat???? Kepada melayu yg bangga sebagai keturunan bugis nahhhh rasakan betapa bahlolnya suku sakat anda. Tolonglahhh nasihatkan dia supaya berwnti jadi bodoh utk seketika sehingga selesai PRU. Dalam umno ni byk melayu. Bugis ada beberapa kerat je. Jadi tolong lah jgn lingkupkan umno. Ini parti melayu bukan parti bugis faham!

  16. Kenapa ramai pengkomen dalam blog ni terlalu emosional?They sound so desperate.Pak cik nak nasihatkan orang-orang muda yang baru nak kenal politik supaya belajar ilmu politik.maki hamun takkan menangkan anda semua dan takkan dapat melembutkan hati orang untuk menyokong anda.
    Prof Kangkung

    1. You should tell your umno goons! Hahahaha

    2. 12:06,

      Your 'wise old man' bullshit is really undercut by your cybertrooper parrot cut & paste lah kawan...(a) BN will win (b) why Najis not arrested?

      I guess you're hoping the people who pay you don't check your work : P

      Pure laziness from resident toyol.

    3. yg perangai tu org tua la.

    4. Religion aside, why we young man have to obey old men that taxes us left and right and embezzle themselves with our robbed salary?

      Answer me

  17. Prof Kangkung..
    No point arguing with these PH supporters.
    They are always in a state of denial
    They refuse to admit and be realistic on the present situation of PH.
    Only DAP is looked to be stable but overconfident of getting full support of the Chinese votes can be a double edge weapon.There were campaign stated in few Chinese dailies for the Chinese to spoilt their votes or not all.
    PKR...they lacked grassroots members and without PAS..kaput.
    PPBM..To organise branch meeting is a big problem to them.
    PAN...Do your assessment.
    These three parties are good case of having too many Generals but few soldiers.
    People used to say there are all posibilities in politic and if PAS decides to be BN friendly,I think PH can say good bye to Putrajaya.
    It is a fact Sabah/Swk are.the votebank for BN and the situation.will remain as the position and situation of Oppo in both states far from desired.
    It is alright to be optimistic but to be overconfident by berating a formidable and organised foe without doing a appreciation of the strength and weaknesses of own forces will resulted in losing the real battle.

    1. i think d great chief should take your words. his standing mentality is not d atmosphere of confidence. to say it best...dissolve parliament next week!

    2. Fully agree with you anon1258.Even DAP looks vulnarable with Lim Guan Eng facing the corruption charges.

      Prof Kangkung

  18. Saya setuju dgn pendapat pak cik.. budaya memaki hamun ini tak dapat memenangkan dan melembutkan hati utk org menyokong umno. Saya berterima kasih kepada pakcik kerana akhirnya pakcik bersetuju bahawa umno harus berhenti memaki hamun pemimpin pembangkang terutamanya Tun dr Mahathir. Pakcik juga barangkali bersetuju bahawa segala cacian dan maki hamun yg dilemparkan oleh TPM kepada Tun Mahathir adalah salah. Terima kasih pakcik kerana akhirnya mengakui bahawa taktik umno selama ini sememangnya salah. Semoga Allah terus memberi hidayah dan membuka hati pakcik utk menerima kebenaran. In shaa Allah

    1. 13:08

      I like it!

      Two thumbs up.

    2. Aamiin.Semoga Allah tunjukkan kebenaran kepada kita semua.Prof sawi yg selalu kata saya ada MCA planted Yes prof sawi.I am born Chinese.My original namw was Wong Kang Kang but for better effect saya pilih nama Prof Kangkung.Haha.
      Prof Kangkung

    3. Even if you are a Chinese who support najib UMNO I’ll not follow you

      I’ll Sokong opposition

    4. 14:43
      Thank you!

    5. Puak2 Najib sering melalut-mengarut tanpa mengetahu fakta sebenar. Mari kita lontarkan kpd mereka perkembangan terbaru siapa yg menyebabkan kerugian terbesar berdasarkan fakta berikut...


      Mahathir - RM30 bilyon
      Najib - RM160 bilyon (Dlm laporan Bank Negara, tapi tak diumumkan kpd umum)

      RCI Forex bakal memakan diri Najib.
      Ibarat Najib telah menggali kubur sendiri.

      Itulah padahnya bila berhati kaudu dgn nawaitu dengki & menipu, bak pepatah lama mengatakan,

      Paku Dulang paku serpih
      Mengata orang dia yg lebih

      Mari kita ucapkan syabas & tahniah kpd Najib kerana telah berusaha mati-matian yg akhirnya telah mendedahkan kerugian sebenar Bank Negara yg selama ini kita rakyat tidak ketahui.


  19. Annie,

    Dalam sejarah orang Melayu, tidak wujud sebarang catatan bahawa Melayu pernah terlibat dalam sebarang peperangan yang penting.

    Sejak parameswara membunuh orang yang melindungi dia di temasek lalu lari lintang pukang ke muar sebelum menetap di pantai yang ternampaknya seekor sang kancil dan pokok amalaka (bahasa Sanskrit), kaum dan anak cucu cicik dia terus hidup dalam kesenangan di bawah perlindungan orang siam.

    Sehinggalah orang cina dipujuk jadi tuannya yang baru sebab maharaja ming lagi kuat dan kaya daripada siam.

    Sampailah berharta emas bertimbun timbun sehingga gatal mahu buat jambatan emas dari kota melaka ke puncak gunung ledang, sebab ada perempuan yang cantik nak dikahwinkan.

    Maka apabila orang Alfonso de Abu Kuwait datang menyerang, terkejut beruk anak cucu cicik parameswara lalu dalam 17 hari empayar melaka yang seluas semenanjung sampai palembang dan siak diserahkan atas dua telapak tangan (macam tangan yang berdoa) kepada pedagang portugis (bukan askar pun).

    Lalu bermulalah hidup di bawah perlindungan lagi dan dilepaskan macam hamba abdi tanpa bantahan daripada portugis ke belanda, kemudian dijual kepada Inggeris.

    Tanpa bantahan, terus sokong perbuatan tuannya orang Eropah dan budaya kehambaan ini berterusan sehingga ke hari ini dan dizahirkan dalam ahli umno yang sokong usul tiada pertandingan dalam PAU.

    Lalu Jepun pun datang, dia tak lawan juga. Malah ramai yang kerja sebagai kakitangan kerajaan penjajah Jepun dengan kesetiaan yang tidak berbelah bagi kepada Hirohito.

    Lalu diberikan kemerdekaan oleh orang Inggeris. Alhamdulillah.

    Tiada peperangan langsung.

    Maka dikatakan orang Melayu pandai sangat tentang ilmu peperangan sebab fasih hadis tentang perang badr dan perang uhud, kedua duanya melibatkan ratusan orang dan ribuan lagi malaikat yang dihantarkan daripada kota langit.

    Maka hari ini dilihat kegagahannya yang ingin berperang dengan DAP agar dapat memerintah Malaysia selama 1000 tahun lagi, dan bersedia pergi timur tengah mahu jahanamkan Israel konon.

    Syabas. Pergilah, kalau takde tambang akan dikumpulkan sampai boleh naik kelas satu Air Saudia. Pergi perang. Ini betul perang, bukan sekadar jadi lanun dan kleptocrat.

    Kalau sempat, bawa dua biji Baoteng agar melanggar kereta kebal buatan orang kapir.

    Pergilah, Allah bersama mu.

    1. a sarcastic anecdote…may isay it? yea…sometimes dis simple shrug on shoulder may hv it reasons for being. yea…accusation might be tough but sarcasm might hv some natural knacks to fan off stupidity.

      its not a kind of a bend yoyo to laugh about, but quiet a kind of funny thou….when subservience is still alluding d current form of mentality.

      we feel no secure in our own land. we pray five time daily but umno is our only saviour. we hv democracy but favours only loyalty. we hv strong argument of justification but taking no risk to changes.
      yea….i like the issue. d long ordeal of slavery had caught us in unpleasant n scary situation like this.

    2. good summary...all in less than 500 words.

  20. Arab League lost 3 wars to israelis & this H20 must be a nut case for wanting to send ATM to war israelis sigh
