Media Prima's pro-establishment Berita Harian broke the story a week ago,
Pindah milik tanah FELDA Jalan Semarak dicurigai
Then TS Shahrir Samad, the current Felda chairman made his usual noises,
Felda will do whatever it takes to get back Jln Semarak land,
All fingers pointed at former Felda chairman TS Isa Samad, who said,
Isa Samad ready to cooperate over Felda land issue
The opposition parties, of course as usual say this is the government's fault. They want it fried at the coming general election.
So, what the hell really happened?
This is what I was told about the whole nonsense:
- The land deal started in 2014. Felda wanted to develop the land but it had no money for it, thus the deal.
- The deal is that the company taking over the land build a building on it for Felda. That's the tower they were talking about lah. Felda lost its ownership of the land, but it got that building there while the company takes whatever other profits coming out of it.
- The deal was done legitimately. Yup, through the BOD and everything.
- Everyone who should know about the deal, knew about it from day one. Nothing was said about it because everyone agreed that there's nothing wrong with the deal. That's the reason why MACC was quick to say there was no element of corruption in the deal. They knew it much earlier and had checked on it much before BH broke the story.
- The whole brouhahah was actually started by a bunch of people who were unhappy because the land deal leads to other deals which benefit a gang of people, believed to be linked with Isa. They were unhappy because they were left out of it, actually.
- These unhappy people, who have a degree of control over Media Prima are the ones who told BH to break the story which triggered all the noises.
- Shahrir responded to it because.....well, Shahrir is Shahrir.....he simply has to say something.
- All in all, this is just another palace intrigue. A struggle for power and profits between one gang of eunuchs against another gang of eunuchs. Something like that.
Well, at least that's what I understand about the nonsense.
See, I tried to explain it as simple as I could.
If I'm Najib, I would have thrown the whole bunch of them out. The scheming bastards couldn't care less that the general election is to be held just within months from now.
Anyway, should the Felda settlers be worried that the issue may cause hardship to them?
I would say NOT REALLY. They will not directly or immediately be affected by the issue.
In my opinion, they should not jump to conclusions and instead wait for the full investigation to be completed.
Sabar ya.
Even if they want to get emotional, it's better if they could understand what it's all about first.
Anyway, even if the deal goes on after the promised investigation has been concluded, Felda may actually reap from the "investment" of giving the land away. They got a tower and what ever else which goes with it. It was said that the whole thing may rival even KLCC.
![]() |
The KLVC being built on the land at Jalan Semarak |
The company had wanted to work with the government in mitigating the impact of such a story because they sensed that it could be quite damaging for both itself and the government. The company probably had been tipped at that time about the move to make the deal looks totally bad in the media.
Unfortunately, the Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department refused to see the representatives of the company.
Stupid guy.
Now only he made some noises.
Well, too bad then.
Eh, enough lah.
I need to take a nap now.
Tell MO1 & jho low to return some 1mdb dedak to be shared by dumbo2 & macai2, if not dumbo2 & macai2 to make noises against 1mdb (esp shahrir samad) wakakaka
ReplyDeletePS felda settlers sabar ya whilst dumbo2 & macai2 kosongkan felda macam 1mdb wakakaka
"Anyway, should the Felda settlers be worried that the issue may cause hardship to them?
ReplyDeleteI would say NOT REALLY. They will not directly or immediately be affected by the issue."
Hee hee, Annie, Annie.
Typical lah your defensive tactic.
"Oh, 1MDB I don't understand it, so never mind lah, nothing wrong was done, move along."
Let's not get into complexities lah.
I just ask you: "WHICH of the many Felda scandals are you talking about?"
Back in Feb this year, Shahrir had already clearly decided that he did not want to end up the figurehead of the next 1MDB scandal. Therefore, unlike Arul Kanda, he decided to cry foul rather than covering up, and went public with his concerns that RM4.3 billion of FELDA famers’ money cannot be properly accounted for.
But of course the Felda folks shouldn't get emo.
It's too hard to understand.
Like 1MDB.
Everyone go take a nap.
The deal is in 2014. Don't tell me Shahrir didn't know about it when he took over Felda in January this year. Have you ever wondered why it took him a year to make noise and that after the story came out in BH? And yes, I don't understand 1MDB because no one from both sides gives me a satisfying answer on it. Thank you.
Delete'RM4.3 billion of FELDA famers’ money cannot be properly accounted for' is not the same scandal annie......that was based on whatever was known in feb.
DeleteBut be VERY VERY sure that Pokjib knows about Semarak deal from Day 1.
Maybe got new Saudi 1001 nights story to explain it........heheheh
DeleteServe him right, this Anon 17:12. Give yourself at least at monicker lah, cow! Or is it Monika?
Cow is a good monicker. Short for Coward.
Anyway, Annie, in the end it is the PM who gets a bad name. Poor man. But then again, serve him right for putting those idiots where they are!
DeleteRgdg 1mdb, you said you didnt get a satisfying answer for 1mdb or is it may be too complicated for you. Let me help you by using our common sence. Its so simple to pick a guess which side is lying.
Say we are partner in bz.
If I said some 100k have been deposited into your personal bank account and i even accused you that the 100k was stolen by you from our company and i found out you really have 100k but according to you is a donation from a friend from Timbaktu. What would you do to deny my accusation.
1. You will say YES there was a sum of 100k entered my bank account which you wont denied it bcoz why should you. Since You dont have anything to hide unless "?" right.
2. And you will futher put it to me that the money was a donation by a friend from Timbaktu and even show me the banking transaction document. Thats what any normal people under any normal circumstances would do. You would not challenge me by telling me that now we are in a paperless era so you pakai Air-Liur telling me or whoever disagreed that the said money in your account was a donation. Agreed?
Now lu fikir2 lah BOD tidak tahu atau lepas tangan..(?)
ReplyDeleteThe deal is that the company taking over the land build a building on it for Felda. That's the tower they were talking about lah. Felda lost its ownership of the land, but it got that building there while the company takes whatever other profits coming out of it.
ReplyDeletebuilding for goes to somebody else....apa punya bangang punya arrangement mcm ni???pahtu felda duk atas tanah org free ka???agaknya berapa pulak felda nak kena charge sewa pah ni??kutip sewa 200 tahun cukup??
Ye betul. Arrangement begitu memang tidak menguntungkan FELDA kerana tanah dimana bangunan itu didirikan milik tuan tanah. Ikut hukum Kanun Tanah Negara tuan tanah mempunyai hak mutlak keatas tanah tersebut. Apa-apa yang ada di atas permukaan tanah adalah milik tuan tanah. Jika FELDA bangga sangat dengan bangunan KLVC tu silalah cabut dan angkut bangunan itu utk letak atas tanah hakmilik FELDA sendiri.
DeleteAnnie. Your argument is very stupid on "The deal is that the company taking over the land build a building on it for Felda. That's the tower they were talking about lah. Felda lost its ownership of the land, but it got that building there while the company takes whatever other profits coming out of it.".
DeleteDid you buy your house where the land title is not yours? If I am the land owner I would definitely chase you away ASAP.
Felda land deal textbook case of how to steal from govt, says Dr Mahathir
ReplyDelete-The latest scandal to hit Felda showed how some people were monetising government assets to line their own pockets, said Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
The former prime minister said it appeared such occurrences had become common.
“Whenever they see an authority having money or assets, there will be suggestions on how to steal it. This has happened to Felda, Tabung Haji and even the government of Malaysia,” said the 93-year-old.
“Land in Kuala Lumpur that was valued at almost RM7,000psf was sold to 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) for RM60psf. 1MDB then sold it back to Tabung Haji for RM3,000psf.
This is how they cheat – by taking the government and people’s assets and turning it into money so that it can go into certain people’s pockets,” said Dr Mahathir.
Dr Mahathir said such acts also showed how powerful certain people were and that he believed that the “profits” must have gone to these people.
“This means the top man is too powerful and can do anything he wants without consulting others.
“I believe some “profits” must have been reaped, as they were willing to sell Felda’s land without the knowledge of Felda and its board.”
“How can he not know when such big cases are usually reported to the prime minister? I am surprised,” said Dr Mahathir.
Dr Mahathir said it was also strange that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission had concluded that there had been no wrongdoing in the Felda case when it hadn’t even opened an investigation.
“A case of 30 years ago, they want to investigate. But this, without investigating, they have declared it to be a case of 'bad management'.
“It’s just like the case of RM2.6 billion found in the PM’s account. The attorney-general said there had been no wrongdoing. He acted like a judge and not a public prosecutor. “ – The Malaysian Insight
“How can he not know when such big cases are usually reported to the prime minister? I am surprised,” said Dr Mahathir.
And yet Mahathir claims no knowledge on so many big (and BAD) cases that happened during his time. Case of selective memory or pure double standard or both?
Hello pukikakaka wakaka 9.48,
DeleteWhat 'big (and BAD) cases' are those?
Did Siti Hasmah end up with 27 million pink diamond? Was there forensic THEFT trail across 7 countries?
I don't think so.
Anon 1753
DeleteMahathir's son was in the top 40 richest man in Malaysia.Is it because he is really smart? I doubt it.
Prof kangkung
All of TDM sons is definately 2.6b times smarter then you Pro Kengkang. No doubt about it.
ReplyDeleteTo some people this whole thing might be insignificant and nonsensical, but in the end, it is the FELDA settlers in particular and the Malaysian people in general who are the real losers.
“If I'm Najib, I would have thrown the whole bunch of them out. The scheming bastards couldn't care less that the general election is to be held just within months from now.”
ReplyDeleteAhem…Jibbi al-Songlap HIMSELF has done massive damage to FELDA.
Remember Eagle High Plantations & Jibbi crony Peter Sondakh? The infamous 37% Eagle High Plantations (EHP) Indonesian oil palm public company share investment Najib con job?
There were not only major concerns about the environment, but also the profitability of EPH and the exorbitant price Najib wanted to pay for EHP shares, at a whacking 173% premium to its listed price per share.
At first Najib tried to force Malaysia’s Felda Global Ventures Holdings Plc (FGVH) to fork out RM3 billion (US$680 million) for the EHP shares.
This fell apart when FGVH was rocked by several massive fraud allegations, profits plunged by 93% (since 2012) and Najib was forced to sack his handpicked crony, Chairman Isa Samad who was himself implicated in the thievery.
Najib then appointed Shahrir Samad as Chairman of Felda, FGVH’s main shareholder. Shahrir had for the previous couple of years been one of Najib’s greatest defenders in the 1MDB/SRC $46 billion fraud. This puzzling behaviour was only understood when Sarawak Report published cheque details of a RM1 million payment by Najib to Shahrir, from money stolen by Najib from 1MDB/SRC! Of course, time to install a crook to cover up.
Shahrir of course knows as much about the oil palm business as he does about brain surgery. But true to the typical form of morally bankrupt UMNO/BN sycophant and Najib ass-lickers, Shahrir rammed through the EPH investment for RM2.26 billion (US$505.4 million), justifying it with all kinds of dubious claims.
Well, what is Felda’s 37% EPH stake worth today?
Felda’s accounts show a write-off of RM1.64 billion in EPH investment book loss.
That is a staggering loss of 72% in a mere eight months!
Tun Razak will be spinning in his grave from the liwatting that Jibbi has inflicted on FELDA.
PS: You think that little tikus Isa Samad did anything without Pinklips knowledge?
Ha ha ha.
Apakah Isa Samad masih akan kebal lepas ni? Heran juga apakah rahsia yg dia simpan sampai begitu kebal. Tak kan lah kisah 20 thn dulu boleh buat dia kebal sampai hari ni.
Deletei guarantee isa samad will never be charged.....if charged, konpom lepas......just like kak ijat lembu, songlap 250 million and now still running free.....
Anonymous28 December 2017 at 09:14
DeleteI agree. Isa Samad is a Najib crony and inside man. He will escape. Look at Razak Baginda, happily walking around Malaysia with the blood of a Mongolian woman on his hands.
Selamat Tahun Baru Annie.
ReplyDeleteTahun depan kita mengundi.
Selamat Tahun Baru Tukang Kebun.
DeleteSemoga dipermudahkan untuk kita semua. InsyaAllah.
Annie oh annie...nak justifikasi apa lagi.nak jugak suluh tempat yg terang.
ReplyDelete“The land deal started in 2014. Felda wanted to develop the land but it had no money for it, thus the deal.”
ReplyDelete-What do you mean Felda got no money?
They managed to buy a hotel WAY above the market price in London. Got no problem pouring hundreds of millions to buy EHP shares at overvalued price but got no money to build something of value on their own lands? The land that they already owned for ages?
That’s full of s**t o the story..
Kalau ya pun Felda tak cukup dana nak develop tanah-tanah tu, Felda boleh jer apply for financial assistance from banks.
DeleteBank-bank lebih dari berbesar hati nak bagi pinjaman. Bank pulak lagi la bangga kalau customer dia Felda. Felda kot nak pinjam...It can raise the bank profile...
Shahrir said when he took over to helm Felda in January ... the banks, too, had no confidence in the agency, making it difficult to get funding as the banks demanded higher levels of collateral. -
DeleteAnon 22:10,
It's a fact. Isa's Felda could not get banks to finance its proposed projects. Shahrir sendiri pun ngaku dah.
felda fuckeda. najib foregone tangan ghaib slithers on. O mymy
ReplyDeleteFelda always close to my heart so it needed to be put under JPM. Someone said not too long ago. But being so close to the centre of power has its own problem. It becomes within their reach and grasp to do anything they like.
ReplyDeleteIn 2009 Felda worth 9 billion. Now it worth only 200 million. It looks like someone is running Felda to the ground..
kuat mengkedarah puak2 amano nih semoga dpt balasan yg setimpal
ReplyDeletedeath to teacher babi
ReplyDelete//The land deal started in 2014. Felda wanted to develop the land but it had no money for it, thus the deal.//
I am sorry but I don't understand this - whatcha mean FELDA doesn't have the money?
Was the building gonna cost RM100trillion? More?
FELDA is not a poor company and I really cannot understand why it does not have the money to commission it's own building.
//The deal is that the company taking over the land build a building on it for Felda. //
Here is another thing I do not understand.
I am not doing too well today, eh? I must be have suffered brain damage over Christmas.
Let's say I have a piece of land.
You put up a building for me on that land and that piece of land now belongs to you.
So, now you own the land and I own the building.
Well, I can use that building, but how would you use the land?
The only way I can see you using that land is for you to charge me rent for "parking" my building on it.
I mean, it's your land now and if I don't like you charging me rent, I can take my building and go find somewhere else to "park" it, right?
After, say, 30 years of paying you rent, my building is all buruk and rosak, and fit only for demolition.
I may be mistaken but I think ALL buildings have a FINITE life.
I now have to keep using a lousy broken building and keep paying you rent OR move somewhere else.
I really have to move because the toilets don't flush, the light fittings are broken, the place smells, etc etc.
So, at the end of 30 years, I have no land and no building.
I mean, how am I going to move my building? It's all worn and run down anyway.
Your land, on the other hand, is still good for another brand new building, as soon as you get rid of my lousy broken building.
Also, all that rent you have collected from me over the last 30 years has probably already paid for the original building you built for me.
So, at the end of 30 years, you now have a piece of valuable land FOR FREE!!!
PLUS all that rent money collected over 30 years for another nice new building for yourself :)
Manyak cantik!!! For you :)
Now, is that how it works with this FELDA scam... eeerrr.. I mean... deal?
//Everyone who should know about the deal, knew about it from day one.//
Hmm, so I guess it is perfectly legally OK to give away a valuable piece of land, and effectively pay for that "free" building via rent.
//I would say NOT REALLY. They will not directly or immediately be affected by the issue.//
Yup, you are right, they will not be immediately affected by the issue because those suckers.. sorry.. FELDA settlers will only know they have lost a piece of valuable land some time in the distant future when that brand new spanking building becomes a decrepit rundown abandoned building - that is if those settlers do realise it at all!!
//The company probably had been tipped at that time about the move to make the deal looks totally bad in the media.//
Damn right the deal looks totally bad!!!
I really cannot see how the deal looks good for FELDA!!!!
FELDA is giving away a valuable piece of land and effectively paying for a shiny new building via rent payments!!!
I wonder how many similar deals have been struck in the past by other GLCs?
After reaping felda, will dumbo isa reap spad...
ReplyDeleteNasihat Annie...
ReplyDelete"In my opinion, they should not jump to conclusions and instead wait for the full investigation to be completed.
Sabar ya."
Ketika scandal 1MDB meletop dulu pun, Najib nasihat Rakyat supaya bersabar dan tunggu laporan Audit Forensic 1MDB. Alih-Alih, bila dah siap di OSAnya pula laporan tu.
Sebab tu Rakyat dah tak percaya dengan Najib & Kerajaan. Sekarang ni... dalam isu hak-milik tanah Felda 'lesap' ni... Annie pula suruh peminat Annie bersabar. Pelik.
Kalau tak nak sabar pun boleh juga. Saya tak ada hal. Suka hati masing2 lah. Cuma agama suruh kita ber sabar dan jangan marah tak tentu hala, tu yang saya kata lebih baik bersabar sampai habis siasatan. Terimakasih.
Delete'Cuma agama suruh kita ber sabar dan jangan marah tak tentu hala, tu yang saya kata lebih baik bersabar sampai habis siasatan.'.....ya agama also teach us not to steal......that's what rd point is, after "Sabar" then phase 2 is "OSA"........heheheh sabar pulak
ReplyDeleteYou are stupid to think that we would believe you when you said FELDA had no money to develop that land.
Yang beli hotel kat overseas FELDA dapat duit dari mana? From another mysterious Arab donors? Pleease laa..
Stop treating your readers like UMNO treating the rakyats; like we are all complete idiots whose highest education level is at tadika only.
Ok.I am stupid. You are clever. Thank you.
Deleteyou not stupid annie but this kind of weak article & argument pls leave to rockybru, RPK, or even your new friend Gondrong a/l Bernama : )
DeleteAnnie now you became the issue rather than dumbos or 'failed dah' hahaha
DeletePS people are now so incensed & this GE14 they will topple BN thank you...
You are right Annie,you sound stupid in this article.Normally you are better than this.You have descended to RPK standard.
DeleteI wonder why so called Raja Raja Melayu didnt say a word about this matter? Ini melibatkan rakyat. Bukan kah mereka payung kepada rakyat? Atau mereka cuma akan bercakap berkenaan isu isu yg berkait dgn keturunan mereka dan juga kedudukan mereka sahaja?
ReplyDeletere:"Atau mereka cuma akan bercakap berkenaan isu isu yg berkait dgn keturunan mereka dan juga kedudukan mereka sahaja?".
DeletePandai pun. You hit the nail on its head.
Anonymous28 December 2017 at 08:58
DeleteAt one time Raja2 Melayu issued a statement on 1MDB. But then the Umgnok crooks completely ignored it. PM Jibros buat tak tahu. So I think Their Highnesses realized - Umno only uses Race / Religion / Royalty wen it suits them. For political purposes. Otherwise they just ignore.
Majlis raja-raja suposedly non partisan in politics.but in reality the Malay rulers have quite a significant voice in politics.Naturally Malay rulers are aware that their own survival depends on who is the ruling party in Malaysia.UMNO despite its anti royalty stance on certain issues especially during Tun M's era has managed to keep the monarchy intact.
DeleteI am not sure of Pakatan rules the country.Raja-raja Melayu will probably be downgraded to the penghulu status.
Prof Kangkung
ReplyDeleteSite dah kena block dengan MCMC la
Deleteahmz’s joint, senang jer nak unblock site tu. Orang Malaysia bukan semuanya bodoh.
Deletebersatu, warisan, hindraf & felda plus pakatan are now fighting barua nasional, well its time now rest of Msia to jump on this bandwagon to defeat barua nasional!!! enuf is enuf annie pls ubah...
ReplyDeletePi jahanam lah nk bagi se penggal lagi.. kite rakyat tk perlu khidmat pd penyamun saperti lahanat ni.. mnyusahkn rakyat dan perosak negara.. lebih teruk sama mcm tokeh dadah.. dn penjilat dedak serta kroni2 nye..
ReplyDeleteBagai menegakkan benang basah.This Malay proverb sums up everything.
ReplyDeleteProf Kangkung
This story is wonderful. Melayu screw Melayu without any prompting from the evil Pendatang.
ReplyDeleteFirst Felda screw the Melayu inside Felda.
And then Annie Melayu (please don't say you are half Chinese because you are insult to our race) screw the Felda Melayu by telling them it's alright that they are screwed by Felda.
"Mary" Christmas. Ho Ho Ho
ReplyDelete"- The land deal started in 2014. Felda wanted to develop the land but it had no money for it, thus the deal."
Q: when was the 2nd largest IPO in the world launched?
A: mid-2012
haha... "but had no money"
ReplyDelete"Divestment of 1MDB assets to companies from China helped raised funds to repay a US$602.7 million debt to Abu Dhabi's International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) by year-end, according to Singapore's Straits Times.
The report, citing sources, said 1MDB sold financial instruments and stakes by two 1MDB-related entities which held land in northern Penang and around Port Klang.
"Malaysian government officials declined to identify the buyers in the real estate transactions but one financial executive close to the situation said that the equity interests in the 1MDB real estate entities were acquired by 'concerns ultimately controlled by Chinese state-owned enterprises'."
So, first Hippo & Pinklips pakat with Cinabeng & Arabs to steal 1MDB money.
Next, kantoi and IPIC wants to be repaid.
Pinklips jual Malaysia's pantat to China.
Now Mainland Cinabeng are screwing us in all holes.
Thank you, Pinklips.
Thank you very much.
If the intention of the critics in telling us about all these management to put Felda back to the right track I do agree with them.However,if the intention is to get votes from Felda settlers in the upcoming GE14,my advice is to forget it.Felda folks are simple men and they don't understand high finance.Just like 1MDB,Felda issue will not dent the BN fortress.
ReplyDeleteSoon the government will announce 'durian runtuh' to Felda settlers and everybody will be happy and will be thankful to UMNO.
Prof Kangkung
they may not understand high finance but just put it simply, 'failed dah' settlers knew they are being tipu, samun & rompak by dumbos OK sigh
Delete"Soon the government will announce 'durian runtuh' to Felda settlers and everybody will be happy and will be thankful to UMNO."
DeleteProstitute Kangkang,
You must realise that not everyone can sell their backside for small amounts of dedak, like you.
You are simple man and don't understand high finance, beyond the RM14.99 you get daily from DS Hippo.
Prof Sawi
Anonymous @ 28 December 2017 at 09:18,
ReplyDelete//but this kind of weak article & argument pls leave to rockybru, RPK....//
I have a feeling you are a new reader :)
For as long as I have been reading Annie's blog, I have noticed that Annie has never been into detail, charts or graphs.
She seems to write straight from her brain (ok ok ok - heart).
Sometimes, it is almost like reading everyday gossip which one encounters just about anywhere and everywhere in Malaysia.
I can't speak for other readers but I do enjoy a bit of high-level gossip every now and then :)
Anonymous @ 28 December 2017 at 15:27,
ReplyDelete//(please don't say you are half Chinese because you are insult to our race)//
Waahh, such a caring Chinese who seems so greatly concerned for the poor downtrodden Melayus in FELDA.
I am touched by your concern for those of my fellow Malaysians who have been, and are still being, screwed by the current system.
So, you are angry with Annie because you think that Annie is telling the FELDA Melayus "'s alright that they are screwed by Felda...."?
I am not sure how you have come up with that understanding,
Prof Kangkung,
ReplyDelete//Felda folks are simple men and they don't understand high finance.//
Hopefully, they will understand simple finance, like why they owe so much money to FELDA.
I told you how a friend of mine can make a living from just 2 acres of land and owes nobody any money.
Yet a FELDA settler with 15 acres(?) of land owes money and has to get "bonuses" from the govt!!
//Just like 1MDB,Felda issue will not dent the BN fortress//
I feel the FELDA issue is quite different from 1MDB.
FELDA affects a specific group of people who have expert knowledge of their subject matter, and specifically we are talking FELDA settlers who have a direct interest in their land over 10-20 years.
Believe me, one builds up expertise in all aspects of oil palm when one deals with it every day. I speak from personal experience.
It is also well known that Pakatan is working hard in the FELDA seats thru PPBM.
Say what you like but I suspect the Mahatir factor will be significant.
Keeping Malaysians dumb is working against UMNO in the FELDA seats.
FELDA settlers remember Mahatir as the PM in charge during their times of prosperity.
And the fact is that FELDA settlers are facing hard times now.
//Soon the government will announce 'durian runtuh' to Felda settlers //
Well, it has worked in the past and it may work again.
But, OTOH, it may not.
Annie now BN is similar to a house of cards collapsing anytime...
ReplyDeleteHi Annie,
ReplyDeleteI am inclined to agree with MACC with regards to this Felda land fiasco of which they have stated that it was a case of "weak management". It seems that the MACC is indirectly implying that this is the case of bad management by the country leadership over national assets.
You also opined that this is an issue between rival "eunuchs" in the "palace". If eunuchs could do anything under an Emperor's nose unnoticed then, there are two possible scenarios. First, those eunuchs are damn smart. Second, the Emperor is an idiot and does not know how to control his eunuchs.
I go for the second scenario due to the fact that he can't even control his Empress.
BN is hopelessly beyond salvation so wishing all msians a Happy New Year 2018 (with NO BN)...