Monday, 23 May 2016

Bank Islam douses rumours about Zukri

A friend forwarded me this memo just now,

Please click for clearer image

Do note that the memo was issued today.

I find it rather strange that Bank Islam needed to reiterate DS Zukri Samat's position as its managing director in such a manner.

I asked my friend why the Bank Islam board of directors needed to issue such a memo to the staff and what the rumours were all about.

This was his exact reply via Wassap,

"This is because someone has been spreading rumours that an ex islamic banker who is currently out of job is coming in to replace zukri. The rumour had caused uneasiness among senior management staff at b islam who like zukri to stay."

Honestly, it sounded to me that the rumours must be quite strong for Bank Islam BoD to issue such a memo.

Well, at least they did something about it.

If I was not mistaken, Bank Islam is doing rather well of late and if that's because of Zukri's effort, then why the need to replace him?

Anyway, never thought rumormongering  could have such an impact on all those sophisticated bankers....unless of course if there's some truth to it in the first place lah.


  1. Annie,

    The renewal only for a year. So the rumours are true. If not why renew for 1 year ? Should not l it be for 3 years as usual?

    Since there are some internal resistance, now they have to plan properly. Would not it better if they done that earlier?

    1. Anonymous 23 May 2016 at 16:18,


      Why only a one-year renewal if the man has been doing such a great job?

      Wouldn't the BoD want to lock down a proven performer for a longer period?

      This sounds more like Zukri has been given a one-year notice of termination.



  2. If you are not with me ,you are against me ,it's applied everywhere .

  3. To put things into perspective Zukri wanted to retire but was asked to stay on for another year to groom an internal candidate to take over from him

    1. Anonymous 24 May 2016 at 08:59,

      //To put things into perspective Zukri wanted to retire//

      Sorry but that sounds unlikely.

      Zukri is 57 y.o. so unless he is fabulously paid for his position, he still has a few more years to go before retiring at 60 like most Malaysians would.


  4. 8:59 reasoning sounds most reasonable!

  5. Reports saying Jibby met Putin to sell Petronas assets. Marvellous, wonderful, amazing!. Remember when Petronas used to BUY foreign assets?

    Selling off the family jewels, our Jibby. He boasts that the economy is flourishing under him. It's just coasting along on what was achieved by other PMs, especially Tun M, and will soon crash to shuddering stop when everything has been pawned or sold.

    And all we hear is the Sound of Silence from UMNO. What an apt acronym.

    "So are you concerned and worried about your president's supernatural ability to make money appear and disappear? " asks fictional reporter.

    "!" answers any non-fictional Umno member.

    Enough said. Gone case, kaput, ham kar chan (dunno how to spell it).


  6. Rumours, and your ANON 10:48 rumours

    Hows this for a contradicting rumour? Despite trying to deflect blame to Ukraine rebels, only the Russian missile shot by Russin technicians from rebel territory is able to bring down the high flying MH17. Its however hard for Malaysia and Netherlands to claim anything though ICJ because Russia and ex-USSR lobby would block it, kan?

    Russian blood money: Malaysia must be prepared to accept the supply of trillion Roubles in military aircrafts at deepest discounts in lieu of the cruelly murdered passengers and crew.

    ( wouldn't you as PM?)

    M Zin
    Alor Gajah DPH

    1. There was also claims that the lost of MH370 was a ploy to deflect media attention, away from the conflict in Ukraine. At that time, the US had been instigating the opposition to overthrow a Russian-friendly government.
      A month later, Malaysia lost MH17 and that was after the Crimea Peninsula, 95% of its population are ethnic Russian and Orthodox Christians, was annexed by Russia. And that was why the Crimea referendum favored, Russia.

      Therefore, many believed that the downing of MH17 was an attempt to make The Russian look bad in the eyes of the world.

      Please note that, Ukraine's East are aligned with Russia while its Western region, with Catholics majority are aligned with the West and the US. So Ukraine are 50-50 divided among ethnicity and religious belief.

      I just hope that Malaysian do not take side in Syrian Conflict, where Russian is helping Alawaite Shias' Hafez Assad against Sunni rebellion. We just cannot be seen as siding with ISIS or Daesh.

    2. Err...

      Adakah Pak N Zin mahu mengandaikan bahawa Najib akan mengkhianati mangsa MH17 dan sanak-saudara mereka apabila sanggup melupakan 'dosa' Russia dengan menerima "Russian Blood Money" (Duit tebus dosa) sebagai 'pampasan' berbentuk "deepest discounts" dalam pembelian pesawat pejuang Russia?

      Harus diingat, jika betul Russia adalah dalang, Najib mesti beritahu Belanda terlebih dahulu sebelum menerima 'RASUAH' tutup-mulut dari Russia.
      Rakyat Belanda adalah teramai yang terkorban. Belanda adalah sekutu US. Sudah tentu Belanda akan 'gembira' jika ada bukti kukuh, Rusia yang melepaskan peluru berpandu itu.


    3. Good Q(?) In-sya-Allah tanya Sdr RD
      kepada HE Mark Rutte, Netherlands

      M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

    4. Ehmm...
      "In-sya-Allah" dalam Arab bermakna 'if Allah wills it' atau 'jika diIzin Allah'.

      Tapi, dalam masyarakat Melayu Islam, ia selalunya bermaksud, 'Tengok lah dulu, macam mana, jika diIzinkan Allah atau buat/pergi'..... maksudnya.... tidak pasti.

      Dalam kes nak bertanya "HE Mark Rutte, Netherlands" ni....saya pasti , tiada sekelumit pun kemungkinan, saya, Najib atau Pak M Zin akan berbuat demikian.

      Nota: Najib nak tubuhkan 1MDB pun, dia tak bawa berbincang dalam kabinet.

      Harap Maklum.


    5. Ha ha kan Kabinet mudah lupa(?) Sdr RD
      dan ada yang langsung tak faham/ tak mau faham, tengoklah kerenah politik mantan Yg Bhg TS Timbalan

      ( he now dilupakan? ditched for old man YB Lim)

      M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

  7. Hopefully Zukri did not hear about his genuine desire for early retirement on Annie's blog.

  8. Zukri's purported retreat...or otherwise. All kinds of motivations remind me of us....

    1. Dan Pink: The Power of Motivation

  9. Just a side step.......the Low Yat clown has been fined a total of RM3000 and jailed (appeal made for stay).The comments made by the judge on the rascal are very commendable.
    During the heat of the moment you chose to reserve your judgement on the rascal
    Now what have you got say about this rascal who has been confirmed a thief by the court of law.
