Wednesday 27 August 2014

Istana Segambut trains its guns at Istana Bukit Kayangan (updated)


Khalid revealed that PKR and DAP were not being exactly truthful in their insistence for the Selangor palace to accept Dr Wan Azizah as his replacement.

Please read here:

MB Khalid: I was not the sole candidate for MB’s post in 2008, 2013


"Even when I agreed to become a candidate for Pakatan, there were some factions in the coalition that submitted other names for the Sultan to consider.
"My name was not the only one submitted. It's just that the parties submitted the names using different applications," he said after chairing the weekly state executive council meeting with the remaining four exco members from Pas.
Khalid however declined to reveal the names of other candidates,


It has now boiled down to a showdown between Anwar and the gang against the Selangor Palace.

Last night, just about an hour before midnight, PKR and DAP issued a statement that they are maintaining their insistence to nominate only the former's president DS Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as menteri besar.

It was a clear cut open rebellion against the palace.

Their claims that they were abiding to the Sultan's call for them to observe convention were twisted and insulting as it was clear to all that the monarch's intent for conventions to be observed had actually meant that the Royal Highness wanted options other than Dr Wan Azizah as his menteri besar.

Earlier in the day, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, as the Ruler of the State had decreed that Pakatan must present at least three names for the post.

It's a subtle inference that His Royal Highness was not willing to be pushed around by the Pakatan coalition over the matter.

Outgoing menteri besar, TS Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, who was at the centre of the crisis the past weeks has now retreated into the background as Pakatan now trains its guns at the Istana Bukit Kayangan.

It is now for the people of Selangor to decide whether they want to side with their Sultan who reside at Istana Bukit Kayangan or Anwar, who wants to solidify his grip on the State from his Istana Segambut by having his wife as menteri besar.

As PM DS Najib Razak said yesterday, the people of Selangor must assess the political crisis in the state rationally and weigh for themselves what would be best for them and the state.

This particular advise, I think is most pertinent for Pas to consider, especially so since its leadership being the only one from Pakatan not yet to decide on whether to join the fight against the Sultan. 


  1. Saya membantah keras jika Azizah mewakili saya sebagai MB Selangor.

    Sebagai pengundi di Selangor, saya tidak mahu berketuakan seorang wanita yang mempunyai suami yang telah disabitkan kesalahan meliwat pembantunya. Ini akan mengakibatkan bakal MB saya terdedah kepada berbagai masaalah peribadi dan ancaman keselamatan Negeri kepada jerat atau bahayadari anasir yang mempunyai bahan bukti salah-laku suami beliau untuk tujuan peras-ugut, mendapat kontrak atau habuan peribadi.
    Bayangkan, kita mempunyai seorang MB yang suaminya, bekas banduan dan besar kemungkinan akan dipenjarakan sekali lagi atas kesalahan meliwat pula. Mana ada negara atau negeri di dunia ini yang mempunyai Ketua Executive bermasalah, bereputasi buruk dan terpalit taik seperti ini!

    Suami beliau pernah didapati bersalah dan dihukum 9 tahun penjara kerana menyalah-guna kuasa sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Pada 1998, Anwar pernah mengarah Polis untuk menangkap Ummni Hafilda dan mengertaknya, meminta maaf dan menarik-balik surat kepada TDM. Setahun sebelumnya, surat itu telah sampai kepada TDM yang mati-matian tidak percaya. Maklumlah, Anwar memperagakan watak alim dan warak.

    Oleh kerana TDM tidak percaya, Ummi Hafilda membawa surat itu kepada Karpal Singh dan Mat Sabu yang kemudiannya menuduh Anwar seorang peliwat, di Parliament. Kerana watak 'Pak Sheikh' yang dibawa Anwar, Mat Sabu telah mengelarnya Al-Juburi.

    Kepada yang belum lahir pada 1997 ataupun masih bayi ketika itu, tuduhan Karpal Singh dan Mat Sabu terhadap Anwar boleh dirujuk, Hansard Parliament.

  2. Anwar kempunan tak dapat menjadi "suami" kepada Menteri Besar Selangor.

    1. Sultan tidak perkenan terima menghadap Wan Azizah

  3. Anwar memang suka berlagak macam Presiden Malaysia, DAP pun memang suka lah konsep Republik macam tu.

    -DYMM Sultan Selangor minta empat nama sebagai MB.
    -Pakatan selepas dah penat jaja cerita masa PRU-13 tentang kehebatan TSKI, cuma cadang satu nama sahaja iaitu TSKI, walaupun Istana minta 4 (empat, four) nama.
    -DYMM Sultan Selangor perkenan TSKI sebagai MB.

    -Tiba-tiba PKR cakap TSKI pulak tak betul, jadi mereka buat Langkah Kajang.
    -Isteri Anwar menang DUN Kajang sebab Anwar tak boleh bertanding.
    -Kemelut jawatan MB Selangor bermula. PKR dan DAP sokong isteri Anwar jadi MB Selangor. Dua ADUN PAS abaikan Jemaah dan nyatakan sokong pada isteri Anwar. Majlis Alamak, Majlis Sirap dan Lajnah Politik PAS kata sokong TSKI.
    -Pusat PAS pulak cadang isteri Anwar dan kuli Anwar jadi MB Selangor. Kuli cakap dia tak mau, sebab dah tandatangan isytihar sokong isteri Anwar. PKR dan DAP tetap sokong isteri Anwar.
    -Sekarang ADUN PAS cakap dia nak buang TSKI je tapi tak semestinya sokong isteri Anwar, manakala Stopa Spenda cakap 13 ADUN Selangor PAS tak semestinya perlu isytihar sokong isteri Anwar.
    -TSKI masih MB Selangor.
    -DYMM Sultan Selangor titah mahukan 6 nama. Kena tolak dua nama dari PAS, sebab PAS sebelum ni dah janji takkan rebut jawatan MB Selangor. So, orang Isle yang dah memang konfim masuk syurga tak boleh mungkir janji, sbb nanti jatuh munafik plak. Ramai orang dah tahu pendirian PAS dan mereka adalah saksi, bukan besi macam kes zina ahli PAS hari tu.
    -PKR dan DAP masih berkeras cuma nak calun isteri Anwar, kononnya ikut konvensi tahun lepas dimana cuma cadang satu nama dan Sultan perkenan.
    -TSKI masih MB Selangor.

    KONVENSI? Konvensi kepala hotak anak si Nasution dan Tony PuaKA tu. Nampak tak apa perbezaan ketara antara tahun 2013 dan 2014 dalam menyembah maklum nama MB Selangor kepada Sultan? So jgn nk putar belit dan jgn nk kurang ajar. Lagipun isteri Anwar tu bukan anak jati Selangor.

    Harap sangat DYMM Tuanku Sultan Selangor bubarkan DUN Selangor. Baru padan muka Pakatan!! UMNO Selangor please take note, jangan dok mengigau dalam tidur lagi ok?

    1. Before PRU 2013, the MB was TSKI (2008-2013). So even with just one name submitted, because TSKI is the previous MB, Sultan agreed to let him continue 2nd term. Now it's a different story.

    2. Ya la, my point exactly la. That's why I'd said that during PRU-13, Pakatan used TSKI's track record in Selangor to woo the voters. Sudah habis manis, sekarang sepahnya mesti dibuang dan mereka berpakat untuk memperbodohkan rakyat Selangor (well, some memang bodoh pun!).

  4. Convention is something which people practise down the ages until now. It is utter stupidity to claim that what transpired only last year as time-honoured convention. Even if it was true that Khalid's appointment was only based on one name agreed by all, it didn't preclude new or renewed titah in the light of unexpected development since Kajang Move and developing socio-political scenarios from the on-going drama.
    It is crystal clear that some people only want to see the royalty only as a rubber-stamp institution whereas in reality based on the Selangor state constitution, HRH the Sultan has absolute discretion pertaining to the appointment of a MB. Stern actions should be taken against those who want to throw stability into chaos by committing acts of treason.

  5. Kalau titah Sultan pun tak diendah dan cuba diular2kan, selamanya tak aman Selangor negeriku, lagi cepat Anugerah Tahun berhijrah ke penjara lagi baik untuk rakyat Msia

  6. Please do not make Selangor into a political mess due to one man's greed for political nepotism and crazy for power! Tuanku Sultan should be firm and no compromise in order to resolve the political stalemate.

  7. Big 'NO' to Azizah as MB. Shaming the people of Selangor. As if there was no Selangorian that can lead Selangor people...shame. Slander to the intelligence of the people by 'autocratic' decision by pushing particular group agenda against the interest of the people of Selangor.

  8. If PKR and DAP againts the Sultan then let them wait until the end of Khalid's term.If they insisted then Selangor will have another PRN.They are trying to play with the undang-undang tubuh negeri and to test the Kuasa Mutlak Sultan .Wake up rakyat Selangor .

  9. Anwar is insane, and his PKR people and the DAP people are brainless fanatic followers.
    You can't seriously expect them to be rational.

    Somebody need to ask their people and media why they insist on Wan Azizah.

    1. Why? Because Azizah is isteri Anwar and syurga Azizah dibawah tapak kaki Anwar. Hadi Awang will be used by Anwar to remind Azizah about that la, just like he was used about the kalimah 'Allah' issue. That's why PKR cannot afford to appoint other PKR ADUNs, they don't want another TSKI.

    2. Would we really hear that come out of their mouths?
      These people are not only mad they lie and lie every time they open their mouths.

    3. Yes. absolutely good question. Terrific question. Why only ONE name? and that one name is WAN AZIZAH?
      Tak boleh ke kalau bukan Wan Azizah? Kenapa beria-ria benar mahukan Wan Azizah? Kenapa kemaruk sangat mahukan Wan Azizah ni? Wan-Wan lain tak nak ke? Mahukan Wan Azizah sebab nama kat depan dia Wan ke? Wan means satu dalam Bahasa Inggeris, jadi satu calon je lah.
      Mati hidup balik still mahukan Azizah. Jalan ke depan Azizah, Undur ke belakang Azizah, pusing ke kanan Azizah, pusing ke kiri Azizah, buat U-Turn nampak ramai berjanggut, berkopiah, oops...sorry.
      Hmmmmm...., wonder why the opposition's media practitioners never raised this pertinent question.

  10. Eh siapa kata PKR hantar satu nama jer. Sila lihat 'nama-nama' dibawah:

    1 - Wan Azizah

    2 - Azizah bini Nuar

    3 - Jijah Kipas

    4 - Nenek Jijah

    5 - Azizah Penyimpan Omega

    6 - Oh Azizah versi Mad Sabu

  11. PAS make one wrong move and you're dead duck in front of the Malays! The Chinese commies will eat you up like minced meat and the Anwar zionists will grind you into sausages.

  12. Interesting days are ahead.
    PKR and DAP trying to do what should be done in a constitutional monarchy. If they get what they want then the role of rulers in government will be more clearly define in Malaysia.
    It's good for BN or whoever that win in the elections in the future if they succeed.

    If they fail then we are back to square one and may be facing a snap election.

    Let's hope they can emulate Mahathir ..which was never branded a traitor for clipping the royalty..but now PKR and DAP are being branded as traitors by you people.

    1. What Tun Mahathir did and what PKR+DAP did are completely two different things in two different scenarios lah bodoh!! What Tun Mahathir did was for the people, PKR+DAP definitely not!! If Tun Mahathir did not do what he did, hypothetically the Sultan of Selangor today can whack Anwar to pieces for kurang ajar, if the Sultan wants and there's nothing you can do about it, paham? Bodoh.

  13. Apa DAP ,PKR ,PAS (PR) buat semua atak "halal " maa aa ,lain olang tatak bolih loo oo .

  14. Are they really that obstinate solely for putting Wan Azizah as MB, or is this just camouflage to some other purpose?

    I'm leaning towards the former, I strongly believe that Anwar wanted Wan Aziza for MB because he wanted his hands on Selangor's reserves. In fact, I believe his original plan was him himself being the MB. He probably had himself become the economic adviser previously with the same thing in mind too, with Selangor being the richest state.

    It's all about money and getting power.

    So, nobody else in Pakatan getting this impression?If they are, why are they going along with it?Do they plan to get a share or is the money to be used for their common purpose of stealing the country afterwards?

  15. I don't see much sincerity in all the comments above. All political bullshitting only.

    Dah sampai masa, semua parti politik, Parlimen dan DUN dihapuskan dan tak payah PRU lagi.

    Biar Malaysia diperintah oleh Raja-raja dan ATM.

    Siapa tak sokong tu lah derhaka, faham?

    1. Yeah, like your comment is so sincere.
      You are so full off bullshit.

    2. Cakap byk pulak anon 22:58 bodoh ni. Pakatan la yang tiada sincerity and full of political bullshitting. Kalau ada PRU pun, Pakatan jugak yg selalu menipu. Anwar FITNAH cakap ada 40,000 pengundi bangla. Anak di si Nurul yg tk pandai jaga laki tu plak, menang Parlimen Lembah Pantai sebab FITNAH Raja Nong Chik.

      DAP buat pemilihan parti tp semuanya melingkop, perwakilan tk cukup, Excel pun tk pandai pakai. PKR plak menipu kertas undi dn mcm2 lgi sampai bergaduh baling2 kerusi. Muka2 sial macam ni nak BERSIH kan Malaysia konon? Berkokok siang malam dlm media sosial, tapi ekor penuh dengan taik.

  16. "Are they really that obstinate solely for putting Wan Azizah as MB, or is this just camouflage to some other purpose?"

    God question. It crossed my mind too. It's pretty obvious that they want Wan Azizah to be MB but why - Just to make a point or for some other unstated reason?

    After all, if they propose any Pakatan or PKR person as MB, they still get a Pakatan or PKR MB and they still are the Selangor State Government, so unless they are just being bull headed and want to make a point for the sake of making a point, then there could well be some other unstated reason for this.

    Also, they didn't have to do the Kajang gambit if all they wanted was to remove Khalid as MB. They have the majority in the house, so just move a motion of no confidence in him but they had to do this Kajang gambit.

    Well, they've proverbially upset the apple cart, so let's enjoy the 'fun' whilst it lasts.

    BTW. It's got even more exciting. Check this out.

  17. PR diminta bersabar. PRU akan dtg Wan Azizah jadi MB Perlis, tiada perebutan lagi
