Thursday 31 October 2013

Guan Eng pulls a knife, you pull a gun, okay.

Another quiet morning at this quiet place....

I don't feel like doing much today. Just want to lie down a lot and read my books.

Yesterday I went for a long walk and was tired.

Vowed to myself when I woke up just now not to read the news or pick-up calls from my politician friends.

They can survive without me and continue to make fools of themselves. I don't really care.

PM Najib Razak, for instance, doesn't need an obscure anonymous blogger to tell him how to fight that Chinese bully Lim Guan Eng and his friends.

He has many highly paid consultants and advisers to tell him what to do.

And they all got Phds, and other credentials from all those fancy UK and US universities.

However, let me put on record here that I disagree with many of their advises to the PM, such as for Najib to remain passive when attacked by the opposition.

It makes the PM looks so weak that he can't seem to deal with a geeky Chinese bully like Guan Eng and his gang.

Such advises even sound gay to me.

To me, Najib need to project a stronger and more decisive image.

He needs to send a message to the likes of Guan Eng that they can't mess with him.

Time for being nice is over, Mr PM.

You can't appear to be weak or gay, as advised by your advisers, because if you appear like that, Guan Eng and gang will run all over you in no time at all. It's the nature of bullies. They prey on the weak.

With bullies, you need to whack them in the face until their nose bleed.

For this advise, let me quote the character Jim Malone from the gangster movie The Untouchables,

"Here's how you get him. He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue!"

Well, that doesn't sounds weak or gay at all, isn't it?

But then again, I'm just an insignificant anonymous blogger. 

Why the hell would the PM wants to listen to me. 

So, I better just relax and simply watch the world goes by from this place on top of a hill.


  1. I agree with you Annie. Jangan PM Najib nak tunjuk taring dengan bangsa sendiri aje seperti Menteri-Menteri dia. Bila Cina menyalak and buat salah.. lambatnya nak ambil tindakan. Bila Melayu menyalak and buat salah, cepat pulak ambil tindakan!

    PM Najib, if you want to win PRU14, get rid of your gay consultants. Stop the so called "elegant silence". Start fighting the bullies like a man! Call spade a spade. And most importantly improve your public speaking. You are ok when you speak in English but when you speak in Malay.. somehow raut muka nampak macam orang tua miang. Cuba use the same serious façade when you speak in Malay like when you speak in English. Face it, you can never be like Anwar when it comes to oratory skills. So just stick with facts. No need to be a clown like Anwar.

    1. Saya setuju dengan Anon 09:01.

      PM kita ni dari kalangan aristokerat. Zaman kanak-kanak dia membesar dan bersekolah di negara Omputih. Pasal tu cakap English terrer. KJ pun sama, walaupun kulit dia nampak gelap sikit.
      Depa ni, dari kecik telah 'disuap' dengan sudu perak. Macam mana nak tahu kesusahan rakyat cabok macam kita ni, yang berpeluh-peluh, menyangkul cari makan.
      Tun Dr.M dulu, masa remaja, dia pernah rasa lapar tak makan zaman Jepun, walaupun bapanya Guru Besar. Pernah jual pisang di Pekan Rabu. Dia pernah rasa susah-payah, berjalan kaki jauh cari makan. Anak aristokerat sekarang berjalan pun malas. Mereka ada dreba. Kereta berplat nombor dibida, berpuloh ribu ringgit. Kita yang rakyat cabok ni, nak cari duit beli basikal pun susah.

      Anak-anak aristokerat ni senang saja. Tackle anak orang ada kuasa, kawin, bila Pak-mertua jadi PM, terus dapat kerja di Tingkat 4, sama bangunan dengan PM.

      Apa nak heran, anak Nazri pun boleh sukarela, tanpa gaji la kot, berkerja dengan dia di Kementerian Pelancongan, beli banglo 7.2Juta. Orang bising, dia tuduh rakyat dengki, suruh kita ‘kerja keras’ supaya dapat hidup mewah berkepit betina, macam dia.

      Itu lah hikayat anak-anak aristokerat di Malaysia yang tak mungkin dapat menolong orang Melayu yang tak mendaftar sebagai Ahli UMNO ataupun yang ahli tapi tak bergiat cergas dalam politik.

    2. I think it is extremely rude for somebody to insult the PM like how you and this blogger has done. I will not tolerate anybody making jokes or jibes or insuniations about Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak, regardless when, where, what or how.

    3. RD, apa saje tulisan yg pro UMNO you semua setuju. UMNO curi wang rakyat RD pon setuju ke ?

    4. Anon 9.01,

      Ha....Ha....Ha.....totally agreed.

    5. Wenger Khairy,

      In today's world rude is the game , long's gone are the days where being polite are an advantage . Situation should be dealt accordingly , tolerance and acceptance has it's limit .

    6. Just look at Annie and RD writing, they are not only rude, but also kurang ajar,

    7. RD, antara Najib. KJ dan Mukhriz, siapakah lelaki UMNO yg paling lembik ?
      Ingat, mereka semua ni dari kecik telah 'disuap' dengan sudu perak.

    8. Annie + RD + tebing tinggi = Melayu yg kurang ajar in cyberspace.

      In today's world rude is the game ...????? kah..kah..kah.... Yes master tebing tinggi, can I go and play my X-Box now ?

    9. Wenger Khairy.
      It's a true fact. No?
      Please tell me what that I wrote, is not true.

      Anon 15:44.
      You buta, tak boleh baca ka?
      Saya sokong UMNO. Tapi selepas PAU, dah tak berapa nak sokong lagi. Kalau PAS singkirkan Anwarinas dan puak Syiah dikalangan mereka dan keluar dari PR pada perhimpunan Nov ini. Saya akan sokong PAS. Sekarang saya tunggu & lihat. PRU 14, lama lagi.
      PR pun sama curi wang Rakyat, tapi belum parah lagi pasal belum jadi kerajaan. Bukankah Al-Juburi adalah bapa segala Perasuah masa jadi TPM dan Finance Minister. Malah beliau pernah di sabitkan kesalahan salah-guna kuasa. Kalau PR anti-Rasuah, pasal apa mau angkat peliwat jadi PM?

      Anon 17:58.
      Apa yang saya buat kurang-ajar.
      Saya tak maki-hamun, mencarut atau memfitnah Najib macam Tian Chua dan ahli politik PR. Apa yang saya sebut semua benar belaka. Itu kenyataan..
      Annie cuma mahu membetul dan memperbaiki keadaan, supaya sokongan 'sebenar' kembali kepada Najib & Kerajaan. Kami pengundi atas pagar yang condong kepada BN dan kami ikhlas, tidak menagih sebarang imbuhan atau kontrak seperti kebanyakan perwakilan atau ahli politik.

      Anon 19:22.
      Lembik dari segi apa ya?
      Saya tak kata semua yang di suap dengan sudu perak adalah 'lembik'.
      Najib berada di liga berlainan. Tidak boleh di 'pool' bersama KJ dan Mukhriz. Saya masih pilih Najib sebagai PM, sekarang. Tapi, antara KJ & Mukhrz, saya pilih Mukhriz kerana nama beliau masih 'bersih' gitu. Isteri dan anak-anaknya pun saya tak pernah tengok dimana-mana.

      Maafkan saya, kalau ada yang terguris perasaan.

  2. slowly slowly sister, .... they lost touch with Tai Chi Grand Ultimate Source of creation. Their brain think Power is for ego to manipulate. Where got Self-knowledge when become bully?

  3. Replies
    1. Garrett, you have seen Annie ass ?

    2. i don't know, but everyone now can see inside your mouth into your brain, ... no?

  4. Yes Najib needs to project a stronger and more decisive image.

    Badan nampak besar, tapi lembik.

    1. .....tapi batangnya KUAT !

    2. ........... tapi bini-nya pon orang kuat jugak.

    3. biadap RD !


    4. lidah Najib pon KUAT !!!

  5. Jgn Main2x dgn Kak Long Annie

  6. orang bangsawan..tak pernah kenal susah..memang ar lembik....sbb tu kulit pun putih licin...bibir merah bak delima..

    1. bodohlah anon 12:22, siapa kata Najib tak kenal susah ? Najib memiliki seorang isteri yg berbadan gemok macam Rosmah tak susah ke ? Najib di marah dan di hina setiap hari oleh pro-mahathir bloggers seperti Annie tak kenal susah ke ?

      Najib kini hidup dlm kesusahan, hang tahu tak ?

  7. Eric Clapton won a Grammy for his poignant tribute to his four-year-old son Connor, who died tragically in Manhattan in 1991 after falling out of a window of a high-rise building............ jangan sampai tragedy terjadi nanti then too late for regrets. Would you know my name if i saw you in heaven would it be the same if i saw you in heaven i must be strong and carry on cos i know i don't belong here in heaven. Can there be tears in heaven?

  8. No point in advising balless UMNO and its equally balless MTs. With the likes of those shown and proven to be on the unsavoury side running the show, the President is now more impotent than we thought him to be....

    For whatever it is worth, my 1 precious vote will not go to UMNO and BN at the next GE..... UMNO and its "elected arrogant top ranks" need to be taught a real hard lesson.

    Najib is a total failure....

    1. anon 13:02, please save and keep your vote in your bantal, UMNO no need your ingrate vote.

  9. PM can take care of himself. Pls concentrate on supporting your dear Tun. We all are gathering together to whack him nice and proper

  10. Tak habis-habis Annie berdrama.....masa cuti pon mahu bantai cinabeng !
    Yalah, Annie is the best, all the PM advisers yg berkelulusan PHD semua tak boleh pakai, saje Annie yg tak lulus Diploma in Law di UiTM saje pandai.

    Pemandu Teksi

  11. Thats it Annie.

    PM Najib needs a blunderbuss to kill them all.

    1. Have you wonder why lately Annie and pro-UMNO bloggers keep harping on Najib ? It seem like Mahathir is now a very angry old man after Mukriz lost the VP contest. Annie, play tour part well and let us all bring down Najib in no time.

    2. Anon 16:37.
      Nobody is trying to bring down Najib.
      We want him to change the way he do things. Discard all the adviser and consultant, especially foreigners. Just let the civil sevice do the job, like the old days. Why need to pay more.

  12. Doesn't know that Annie is so well connected with UMNO powerful politicians, sampai can give advise to them, macam ni Rocky and Outsyed pon kalah !

    So, Annie tell us, who is the UMNO man that called you in the middle of the night to seek your advise ? Did he shed tears or not when talking to you about his masaalah with MI ?

    1. Who is the UMNO misteri man Annie ? Promise we are not going to make fun of him.

    2. Annie already hints that the mystery man is Mukhriz , so please stop asking her this silly question again.

  13. When ever Najib name is mention or see his face in TV I feel bored to the extend of meluat , he gave the image of 'Melayu Lembik' tak bolih harap. I would rather see Lim Kit Siang face and sometimes how I wish Najib would be like Lim Kit Siang or Lim Guan Eng though not handsome at all, but the two's got the serious look of helping their own kind ,and I wounder if they ,Kit Siang and Guan Eng draws a knife Najib would be able to pull a gun.

    What are more frustrating that this Najib syndrome look creeping to the rest of UMNO vice president and MT . luckily Ibrahim Ali is still around ,if not Guan Eng don't even have to pull a knife ,he just show his stern face, all the Malay would pees in their pants and sarong.

    1. If annie and tebing tinggi could show their face, all PR leaders and supporters will definitely crumble to the ground, not because of their stern face but because of their muka pecah.


    2. Me too, Tebing Tinggi.
      After UMNO election, I sort-of, having much free time now, between 20:00 ~ 21:00 hrs. Before, I was usually glued to the TV, watching the news on TV.

  14. Annie,

    You are supposed to be on a break.

    No point going for a break if you are not going to take the break :)


  15. PM Najib, if Annie and gangs pull out a knife to knife you, you put Rosie in front of you okay. Rosie will be shielding you from harm and at the same time crushes Annie yg kurang ajar to pieces.

  16. Najib should recruit no nonsense adviser such as Rahim Noor to counter any opposition political animal. He is true fighter compare to the opposition leader which is actually coward but act like hero. You should employ the one which grow as commoner but rise to the rank. Most of 2nd generation of political leader either from opposition or government are silver feed that easily to crack because of their upbringing and never ever feels poverty and difficulties in term of money. One for sure they don't know how to fight with their classmate because they are told not to do so.

    1. anon 20:49, thanks for your valued advice, but NO thanks.
      The only persons that can help PM Najib now are bloggers like Annie and Rocky.

  17. Kalau aku senang je nak ajar cina2x Dap komunis ni kalo dorang tunjuk samseng..aku santau je dia..biar malam2x muntah darah...kencing darah..berak darah

  18. Betul tu Annie..sekali sekala kala Najib kena lah tunjuk macho sikit..

    Buat macam Tun buat.. bila Karpal kata nak saman dia. Tun cakap... saya takuuut..Macam budak budak Tun buatkan Karpal.

  19. BN has got the power and money to pull all the tricks in all the books. Why are they still not doing anything.

    I guess they have become too complacent, swimming with money, not knowing the other side has opened the floodgate, letting the money flow... away from them.
