Tuesday 13 August 2019

DAP's choice; Dong Zong or Dr Mahathir

So, this is the latest on

Dr Mahathir's unbeaten opponents 

Mahathir labels Dong Zong as racist

excerpts ;

“Dong Zong is racist; we set up a campus in Vision School to put a Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (SJK) Cina, a SJK Tamil and a sekolah kebangsaan (national school) in one campus, but they were against it.
“They are afraid to let their children mix with Malays, so they did not want it. They are against all (implemented by the government), never agreed with anything,”
Even the non-Chinese DAP who tried to bodek the Chinese for votes sudah kena from Dr Mahathir;

Meanwhile, commenting on a call by Klang MP Charles Santiago who wanted the power of the prime minister in making decisions curbed, Dr Mahathir cynically said he will refer to Charles before making any decision.
“In future, when making a decision, I will ask Charles Santiago; if he did not agree I will not make the decision. Of course, I have to obtain his view; he is on the same level as me,” he said. 
Really haywire for DAP this one.

So DAP, you all want to throw out Dr Mahathir from Pakatan or not?

It's your Chinese support base or him, okay.

Guan Eng, you don't want to say the handsome old man has declared war against the Chinese ka?

As I previously wrote, the Chinese educationists will never back down on anything concerning the Chinese schools.

They will fight even the DAP over it.

And DAP know they can't fight these Dong Zong people as they will lose their all important undivided support of the Chinese community.

My bet is that DAP will push Dr Mahathir out, now that they realised that he is not going to be their puppet.

They will push Anwar up to be PM. They will have PKR and that Amanah lapdog to support them for it.

Anwar will give them everything they want as long as he can become the PM.

He will even lick Dong Zong if that's what DAP wanted in exchange for it to topple Dr Mahathir and give him the PM seat.

It's seriously moving towards that.

And what Dr Mahathir can do about it?

He can dissolves the parliament, and calls for general election.

If they think they can do without him, let them try to actually do that.

After that he can take a real rest somewhere. He's 94 after all.

Personally, I believe Pakatan will get massacred at the polls without Dr Mahathir.

Well, lets wait and see....this could be as early as next year.


  1. DAP's Barking Dog,Superman Hew @ Cibaiman Hew always said " We Use Malays To Screwed Malays " in front of Cinapeks & DAP' s Mahachais .
    Sekarang Tun Madey sudah bagi 1 Bom kepada Dong Zong..amacam? Semua Dapsters ,Cinapeks ,Mahachais,Kiasupeks takan mahu diam .Mahu tunggu Madey tambah Dos ke?
    ( Dulu Madey cakap Suqiu Huaren Komun*s ) .
    Menteri2 DAP dalam kerajaan sudah jadi Anjing Chihuahua . Uncle LKS saje yg jadi Chicken .
    So,Kamu semua buat petisyen tuntut DAP keluar dari Kerajaan PH . Tak sangka ..MP DAP lebih PENAKUT dari MP MCA & GERAKAN dulu .

    1. Kita orang biasa have been manipulated. So many people now regret supporting Mahathir. Yes, Tengku Razaleigh will be 100% better as prime minister.

    2. To Tun, Tengku Razaleigh is the loser.

      So only a nut would suggest he takesover from Tun.

      Who is more dedicated than Tun in serving the nation, and in particular the Malays?

      Where would the Malays be without Tun?

      Even when he is 94, he is still working all out for the Malays. That is why he asked all Malays to join Bersatu.

      Everything Tun does is for country and race.

      So all Malaysians, Malays in particular, should support him fully and immediately always!

      There is no need to even think when Tun is our prime minister, for everything he says or want is best for country and race.

      Any slowness in showing support may even be considered to be treason!

  2. Thank God for Tun M. Mungkin ada hikmah nya Tun M bekerjasama dgn puak2 ni. Tak boleh dibayangkan apa akan jadi jika tempoh hari ph menang tanpa Tun M.

  3. It only takes one small spark to re-ignite 13may again. You have been warned!! Malays are generally very tolerant, however, theres always a limit. Ever wondered why the word “amok” is listed in the dictionary? Dont try please...you wouldnt like the outcome. To leave when it happens will be too late. So be a good dog and appreciate what you have, which is so much more than you can get in other countries. We cannot beat the malays in terms of strength and numbers. Too many of them. The sooner we realize this the better. Heck, they might even declare dongzong illegal and danger to national unity. Habislah!! Provocation will start and the spark will be created. Siapa rugi? Kita lah!!!! Where are we going to go when all hell breaks loose? You think cina/indian gangsters are brutal? We havent seen nothing yet. Again, You Have Been Warned!!!!

    1. Yup my patiences wearing thin. Ill vote for isma if thts on the plate instead of bersatu or umno

  4. Orang2 Melayu dah lama tahu " Dong Zong " rasis tahap gaban. "Anything But Malay " .Sememangnya Dong Zong perlu bersikap begitu,mereka terdiri dari ektremis Cina .Tidak menghairankan .Dari dulu hingga sekarang Dong Zong konsisten dalam pertahankan apa2 perkara yang CINA .Orang Melayu seperti saya sudah bolih terima sikap Dong Zong.
    Madey ni amat licik .Sekarang Mat SYabu @ PAN akan serba salah .mereka semua ni belaan DAP ..takan nak diam .MP Melayu dalam PKR pun akan serba salah juga .Melayu2 LIBERTAD ( Liberal + Murt*d ) pun di jangka akan bersuara curi tumpuan.So..semua umat Melayu..sila tengok mana2 Melayu Libertad yg akan bersuara dulu .
    Jika Madey Bubar Parlimen , The Son of The Soil akan berkuasa semula .Cinapeks,Dapsters,Kiasupeks,India DKK,India Hindu,India lain2 jangan bimbang & takut .The Son of The Soil akan terima anda semua macam biasa spt dulu2 dalam Kerajaan BN . INSYALLAH

    1. syed saddiq is a libtard in my book
      im disappointed with him

  5. Madey khianati Melayu dengan serah kuasa pada DAP. Terutama Kementerian Kewangan dan Kehakiman. Bila Melayu marah terpaksa Atuk keluarkan kenyataan sebegitu. Nak tarik balik sokongan Melayu. Namun Menteri Kewangan tetap sibuk jual aset Melayu dan berhutang berbillion. Rosak masa depan Melayu dan negara. AG sibuk tutup jenayah DAP....dan tutup kes yg libatkan kematian Melayu seperti Adib....
    Rosak negara dan kepentingan Melayu akibat Madey gila kuasa dan jaga kepentingan anak pinak & kroni...

    1. Siapa sebenarnya pengkhianat? Tanya sapa yang curi duit...sapa buat hutang dulu? tu sebab melayu tak pernah maju....selalu tabur fitnah hasad dengki...kaji fakta sebelum bercakap....

    2. Anon, buanglah taksub. Lihatlah kembali skandal-skandal Tun termasuk forex 32 billion. DSN bina rizab petronas 180 billion. PH naik je balun 80 billion. DSN bina asset Khazanah dari 30 billion ke 130 billion. Yg tengah pulun jual aset PH. Hutang negara dah tambah 120 billion dlm 15 bulan PH perintah. Berhentilah mengarut pasal hutang negara. Apa jadi dengan janji PH yg kurangkan hutang? Kata negara akan bangkrap pasal hutang. Apakah negara dah pulih dari hutang bila PH tambah hutang 120 billion?
      Tenguklah ekonomi yg tiada hala tuju. Pasaran saham, forex dan pertumbuhan ekonomi semua menjunam. Harga barang je naik.
      Masih terperangkap dlm taksub buta?

  6. Good move by Tun M! First stay quiet and pretend nothing happened when guan eng give off-budget money to private chinese school. Now he's playing his tune by labelling defender of the chinese education as racist. Who are those schools to protest Tun M? Want SPRM to investigate for receiving misallocated money?

  7. Dong Zong yang diterajui olang macam ni ke?


    ....former DAP MP and Chinese educationist Dr Kua Kia Soong was the first person to raise Dr Yap’s three dubious doctorates...

    Apa jadi dgn tuduhan ini? Elok siasat betoi2. Satni dok dipervodohkan dgn olang fake fake kesian plak pakat jadi bodo semua anak2 yang masuk SJKC..

    Pelik juga. Ngaku rakyat Malaysia tapi kalut nak belajaq Bahasa Kebangsaan negala PRC? Semua2 planning nak remigrate balik PRC dan Taiwan ke?

    Professor Nasi Lemak

  8. In future, when making a decision, I will ask Charles Santiago; if he did not agree I will not make the decision. Of course, I have to obtain his view; he is on the same level as me,” he said.

    That's why Najib can do what he like. Tunjuk ajaran sifu.

  9. "Dr Mahathir cynically said he will refer to Charles before making any decision."

    Why set up the various ministries in the government then? Supposed to be consensus policies. PM should run country his "way" and by himself if nobody can object.

    Najib was taught well by "tunjuk-ajar sifu" you. PM want this to continue for the country?

    1. That's why Dr. Mathatir has to put in feet in all the ministries and speak up because he thinks the ministry heads he choosen are incompetent!

    2. Some people apparently 'rindu' zaman Madey dulu. Well they got what they rindued...

    3. they got what they wanted

  10. With or w/out Dr M, ge15 is for umno to lose.

  11. Bring back Umno anytime; have Pas in government too. It's time the whole country - Malays, Chinese, Indians, Orang Azlis etc - come together rather than quarrel and threaten each other.

    Of all Harapan promises, Lynas is most important. If Lynas does not send back the processed waste AS AGREED WITH THE BN GOVERNMENT, could the cancer risks experienced in Bukit Merah Ipoh affect the people of Kuantan - including our beloved Agong's family?

    Harapan should exchange Mahathir with Ku Li as prime minister.

    Instead of uniting the country, Mahathir's actions cause division. Maybe he thinks it's best. But maybe he's just too old. It's time he retires. Because he has forgotten all the promises made.

    1. Lynas waste not easy to settle. Cannot send back to Australia as it is against the Basel convention.Waste need to be dispose here.Thats the headache. Even after closing down Lynas our country is still stuck with the waste but end if the day Lynas must be closed down for the future of our country

  12. Lets Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim get lost first... then this old man

    1. Your bro Anwar is 20 years younger than the old man. So how is he going to get lost first?

      Best short cut it. Let PH breaks up and the Agong calls GE15.

      We'll be ready!

  13. Dong Zong ni pun satu...bila Hannah Yeoh dan rakan-rakan jadi muslimah masuk masjid pakai tudung..marah la DAP kerana cubaan mengislamisasi parti. Edar zakat la, kuan Yew siap pakai songkok!! Ok jer punnn...
    Apa barang nak marah belajar khat.
    Ngko ni Ding Dong Zong betulll...

  14. Used to vote PH but no more . They are just petty politicians. Tin kosong saja especially low level one. They have opposition mentality. Peoples voted you to govern. You gave elected your leaders. So let your leaders govern the country . As for me i had enough and will anything but PH.
    Remember when Malays stop voting PH. You are out. As we have the numbers.

  15. Cina yg mai Tanah Melayu ni majoriti r not educated. Entah sulatkabar pun talak penah lapat baca.

    So pemikiran mereka cetik tak meluas, macam katak bawah tempulung..

    Agaknya yg tercerdik among them is Menteli Kewayangan?.. sekadar melalak aje hali2 performance yelek.

    In China lebih 20m Chinese Muslims (a communist country), more than the total population of "Malaysian" DAP chinese where Islam adalah agama rasmi Malaysia. (Ini diperuntukkan di dalam Perkara 3(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan).

    Mengada2 semacan plak cina DAP Malaysia ni apahal?


    Professor Nasi Lemak

  16. Only Tun can silent those Cow Dongs. Smart reaction by Tun. Now you know who's the BOSS..so shut up you DAPs.. meanwhile Bro Anwar can say bye bye to be PM... he can review his resume and submit to Trump for any post in the States..

  17. kesian kepada semua kaum poop-ing nasi lemak, yang tak tau baca atau ber-belajaran lari mai tanah nusantara antara terkaya.
    yang terpelajar termulia tersohor pula "di paksa" merempat. kesian nya. sedih macam kata IGP.
    gua dengar lim got tong mali dari tongsan hanya sepasang baju seluar, satu tikar dan berapa sen aja. sepender pun tak mampu beli.

    1. Anon 00:34

      lim got tong tu sapa? Mungkin kenalan sesama DAP dan PH aje kut? Dah balik dok mengebat kat Hongkong macam toktua2 yg datang setongkang dengan dia atau masih tinggal kat Malaysia?

      Klo sebut JackMa, Charlie lee ke camtu baru la sedunia, olang2 sikalang terutama anak2 muda kita kenal tau.

      Professor Nasi Lemak

    2. Hong Kong sekarang tengah menghadapi tunjuk perasaan besar2an. Ekonomi Hong Kong akan menerima kesan buruk. Aku harap orang terkaya yang mengaku Malaysian tapi tinggal di Hong Kong rasa terima akibat dan kesan kepada kekayaan dia di sana.

    3. dia kasi lu tahu dia olang malaysia kah???? itu orang terkaya????

      dah suka kat "china komunist" aku aja!!!! olangg sikalang anak muda tahu jak ma!!!! charlie lee???

      atuk "kutty" masih kenal???

      "semburit" kesah pandai

  18. Annie, I am impressed with your comment on Anwar Ibrahim.Yes Anwar will give them anything as long as he can be PM.He will even lick Dong Zong. However if he, Dap and the lapdog try to push the old man they will get a taste of their own medicine. Tun M have got nothing to loose.They are the one who will loose power.

    1. Because of Tun, Malaysia became the most advanced and prosperous nation in ASEAN. Then Badawi and Najib spoilt it all and we fell back. But now HE IS BACK. May he succeed in putting us as ASEAN no. 1 again!

      And he will definitely not want Anwar to spoil his efforts. Though Dong Zong maybe accepted if they change their racist attitude!

      Tun, Malays' savior!

    2. What are you smoking Anon? Remember the 1998 currency crisis? Thanks to forex scandal and billions of borrowing of foreign currency? Cronies got rich and others suffered? The country only started to recover during Najib's time. Got the economy growing and government finances on a sustainable footing. Petronas and Khazanah built hundreds of billions worth of assets and reserves. Now all that is squandered. Petronas reserves stripped by 80 bil and Khazanah assets sold. Debt increased by 120 billion in 15 months of PH. Stock market crash, currency and economic growth dropped. Racial tensions worst since May 13. Tun still playing divide and rule game. Wake up friend. Stop smoking whatever that is blinding your thinking.

  19. It is the extremist within PH that we hate.If they can just shut up and let thier leader govern.

  20. why fight d unnecessary in d first place? it just like d unnecessary dead of d much talking road rage a few days ago. a little rubble to ugly forces of lot. n dis khat fuss…d rapt is no different. but if u really into it...why not scrap off d whole vernacular studies from d system. at least we can scream out for national agreement n unity. then it worth d fight.

  21. Aisay Annie @ the stealth shit-stirrer....about education which is so contentious nowadays...my dua sen on this
    1. Only have SK schools which teaches mother tongue language as an elective. No more SJK(T) or (C). No more religious schools and no more sekolah tahfiz. No more maktab rendah sains MARA.
    2. Free for all. Survival of the fittest. Have all types of schools even English, Arab, Japanese etc. Parents choose the schools of their choice. Schools free to have their own syllabus.
    Such a simple solution. What say u Annie?

  22. Sudah2 lah Melayu2 yang maseh nak berdendam dengan Tun M. Apa lagi yang kamu semua mahu. Tun dah katakan apa yang perlu di katakan ..'Dong Zong rasis'. Bila Dong Zong di katakan rasis, ini seolah2 mengatakan seluruh masyarakat Cina rasis. Contoh nya semua pihak Cina melenting dan menyalak mempertahankan Dong Zong. Tak kira DAP , MCA , Cina Sabah, NGO cina ...semua. Malang nya di kalangan pemimpin2 dan NGO2 melayu semua senyap terkedu. Tatau sama ada bingung..terkejut ..setuju atau tak setuju sapa pun tatau..Ini masaalah Melayu sebenarnya .

    1. Anon 16:20

      ...Ini masaalah Melayu sebenarnya ...

      Eh eh you sorang kut yg ada masalah? Aduh.. Kan 98% cina voted for PH? Takn masalah mereka PH cannot sort out?

      Raya korban orang Melayu Islam kan sibuk melaksanakn ibadah korban/akikah! Dalam bulan yang begitu mulia nape nak cemarkan dok layan Dong Zong ni semua! What a waste of time.

      Apala koman sangat ni? Dah la Ramadan dulu kalut dengan semburit..

      Professor Nasi Lemak

  23. DZ should be banned & Zakir deported. end of story.
