Friday 23 May 2014

Listen to your mother...especially if she is garang

Got a call from my mother earlier today.

She was not happy with me.

She said her colleague had told her about a blogger who went around insulting everyone.

Immediately she knows it's me.

Her colleague, however didn't know it's her daughter.

My mother is a very busy lady, but she took the pain to check this blog this morning and she said to her horror found out that her intuition was correct.

She  said my last three postings were all about insulting others,

First I insulted the Chinese,

Chinese will vote for Guan Eng's underwear

then I insulted the Malays,

Stupid Malay men

and the last one I insulted the Kelingons

Celaka punya Kelingon pariah

My mother told me to cut it out.

I just kept quiet when my mother is angry with me.

My mother is very garang, okay.

Well, I feel that I was merely stating facts in those postings.

Freedom of expression, what.

Most Chinese do indeed will believe in anything that Guan Eng told them and will vote anything that DAP put as their candidate in an election.

The Malay men are indeed quite weak when facing a pretty girl. They get stupid when it comes to girls, especially those packaged nicely by Chinamen.

Okay, the Kelingon one was just a joke okay. But I think the Kelingons will not attack Earth and trigger an inter-galactic war just because I did that posting.

Kelingons after all have some sense of humor....unlike some Earthlings of certain 
race, who like to get angry very easily.

See, Kelingons can laugh and be merry.

Anyway, I think I have to abide by my mother's warning.

Don't want to upset her too much.

So, tonight I am going to just play this song, mentioned by that very rajin commenter LOL in one of his numerous comments,

Cheers everyone :-)


  1. Hei dont worry my dear, just continue with what you have done, we living in lovely country, They said only umno cannot stand and they will assult the DUN other will laugh went you said shit about them so ok what. only idiot will come to this blog and said f... word because they just mommy boy try to learn . and also fool to always try be clever.

  2. I like, i like, i like!

  3. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. posed a question then proceeded to teach us:
    “What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of human beings, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the sufferings of the injured.” (Bukhari)

  4. Expressing your thought is your rights regardless of what others think. One of the advantages is that you help to open up some of those close minded people a bit. I say go for it girl!

    1. Same with dap dyana. She also open the minds of dumno. Annie can do and so does others

  5. Sweet Annie,
    I think I'm falling in love with you,
    With your writing....

  6. Kelingons....keep it you dumno scum. Keep it up. With almost every post you confirm what you irrelevant, incredibly racist and immatured political wannabe.

    1. Errr...are you a real Kelingon? Wow!

    2. Wow! We have Kelingon on earth!! Alien Alert! Alien Alert! I wonder if NASA is aware of this incredible fact! Hahahahaha

  7. Annie - you are so funny! Keep on writing witty stuff girl. It is a sad day indeed if we can't laugh at ourselves when we are obviously behaving like morons.

    With so many people saying celaka this, celaka that, f*** this, f*** that, we are in need of a huge doses of humour!

  8. Support you, we need a break with people call pendatang when they are malaysians

  9. Maybe your mum wants to teach you to grow up like Marina but you end up like Mukhriz...But still it's your choice..I think she is still proud of you whatever you turn out to be.

    1. So what is the problem here then?

    2. Lol, he has no problems. You have as you do not know and asking question?

    3. Sorry Anon 16:12 : )

    4. Malay first, Malaysian second26 May 2014 at 04:43

      I would be very embarrassed if I had a daughter like Marina. I would rather have a son like Mukhriz anytime. Yammy shouldn't feel proud to have a daughter in the same mould as Marina. Yammy also should be shameful to allow her daughter to join DAP, an ultra- kiasu party and its leaders are mostly evangelist Christians. Salah langkah, awak pun dikeristiankan sekali

    5. Of course, mukhriz is very very rich. Where did he get themoney and opportunity from? Every bumi get it?

  10. Annie pon mata sepet dan tidak bersunat. Is that humor or in bad taste?

    Cina main sekejap jer, Melayu tahan lama kerana bersunat. Is that humor or in bad taste?

    UMNO Celaka. Is that humor, fact or in bad taste?

    Orang Cina ialah pendatang, komunis, pemakan babi. Is that humor or in bad taste?

    Orang Melayu jer yang layak untuk semua. Is that humor, fact or in bad taste?

    Orang India memang ular, keling pariah dan tak boleh percaya. Is that humor or in bad taste?

    Apa lagi Cina mau? Apa lagi Melayu mau? Apa lagi India tak mau? Is that humor or in bad taste?

    Cina balik Tongsan, India balik India, Melayu balik hutan. Is that humor or in bad taste?

    Ahli politik YB Ryer is a Kelingon Pariah. Is that humor or in bad taste?

    Bad mothing others shows only the level of depravity, intelligence, bad upbringing of a person.

    So your Mother ought to give you a tight slap to wake you up from your incentoous racists rantings. Don't blame journalism as an excuse. It's only for cowards who cannot see the truth from facts and rely on rumour mongering and belittling others to get their encore.

    1. Anon 16:22

      re . Orang India memang ular, keling pariah dan tak perchaya.

      Lulu, Bulayu memang selalu katak itu macam maa a , tapi sikalang , hai...yaa Wa mau cekap atak malau , sendili hat lea..a .
      Sikalang Wa manyak tengok , Cina atak lagi manyak ular loo..oo .

    2. Re. So your Mother ought to give you a tight slap to wake you up

      This merit for a call for Tali-Dera, untuk kes-kes penderaan anak-anak.

      Hmmm.... we don't think so. But the doctor should have given two tight slap on your mother's face when you were born, on the basis of having an offspring that deprives people from freedom of expression.

      Re. from your incentoous racists rantings.

      Incessant racist rantings you mean? You should slap your face for either too lazy to use spell check or too stupid to understand the word.

      Re. Don't blame journalism as an excuse.

      Journalism thrives on freedom of speech. For without it you won't hear about the plight of your relatives in India for certain words and phrase may be banned. This is one example:

      India's "Untouchables" Face Violence, Discrimination
      Hillary Mayell
      for National Geographic News
      June 2, 2003

      More than 160 million people in India are considered "Untouchable"—people tainted by their birth into a caste system that deems them impure, less than human.

      Human rights abuses against these people, known as Dalits, are legion. A random sampling of headlines in mainstream Indian newspapers tells their story: "Dalit boy beaten to death for plucking flowers"; "Dalit tortured by cops for three days"; "Dalit 'witch' paraded naked in Bihar"; "Dalit killed in lock-up at Kurnool"; "7 Dalits burnt alive in caste clash"; "5 Dalits lynched in Haryana"; "Dalit woman gang-raped, paraded naked"; "Police egged on mob to lynch Dalits".

      Note: Annie's entry on "Celaka Punya Kelingon Pariah" is a political satire and it is a form of journalism.

      Re. It's only for cowards who cannot see the truth from facts

      So according to you RSN Rayer's current case is just a rumour despite the fact that there are recorded videos for it?

      Re. and rely on rumour mongering and belittling others to get their encore.

      Calling other people CELAKA is not only belittling but also insulting. Are we supposed to sit still and swallowed it?

    3. Only knows copy paste here and there. First, bad mouthing about Chinese which includes annie s mother who is a Chinese. Now the Indians. Soon all the different races throughout malaysia.


    4. The first DALIT (Untouchable) Billionaire in India - to hell with brahmin caste discrimination

      Rajesh Saraiya might be a name that is not known to many but for the people of his community, he is their superhero. Rajesh is India's first Dalit billionaire. Born in a middle class family in Dehradun, Rajesh studied aeronautical engineering in Russia. Now based in Ukraine, he runs a multi-national company SteelMont Pvt Ltd that deals in metals.

    5. Let's hope that Rajesh Saraiya will help the rest of the Dalit community in India and the rest of the world.

      Here is someone that I admire for helping the poor and still doing it now.

      Muhammad Yunus was born in 28th June, 1940 in the village of Bathua, in Hathazari, Chittagong, the business centre of what was then Eastern Bengal. He was the third of 14 children of whom five died in infancy. His father was a successful goldsmith who always encouraged his sons to seek higher education. But his biggest influence was his mother, Sufia Khatun, who always helped any poor that knocked on their door. This inspired him to commit himself to eradication of poverty. His early childhood years were spent in the village. In 1947, his family moved to the city of Chittagong, where his father had the jewelery business.

      In 1974, Professor Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi economist from Chittagong University, led his students on a field trip to a poor village. They interviewed a woman who made bamboo stools, and learnt that she had to borrow the equivalent of 15p to buy raw bamboo for each stool made. After repaying the middleman, sometimes at rates as high as 10% a week, she was left with a penny profit margin. Had she been able to borrow at more advantageous rates, she would have been able to amass an economic cushion and raise herself above subsistence level.

      Realizing that there must be something terribly wrong with the economics he was teaching, Yunus took matters into his own hands, and from his own pocket lent the equivalent of ? 17 to 42 basket-weavers. He found that it was possible with this tiny amount not only to help them survive, but also to create the spark of personal initiative and enterprise necessary to pull themselves out of poverty.

      Against the advice of banks and government, Yunus carried on giving out 'micro-loans', and in 1983 formed the Grameen Bank, meaning 'village bank' founded on principles of trust and solidarity. In Bangladesh today, Grameen has 2,564 branches, with 19,800 staff serving 8.29 million borrowers in 81,367 villages. On any working day Grameen collects an average of $1.5 million in weekly installments. Of the borrowers, 97% are women and over 97% of the loans are paid back, a recovery rate higher than any other banking system. Grameen methods are applied in projects in 58 countries, including the US, Canada, France, The Netherlands and Norway.

    6. Re. Only knows copy paste here and there.

      So that I won't be labelled as someone who like to slander other people without a proof. It is a good education for many of you as well, to put your back to the right place.

      Re. First, bad mouthing about Chinese

      I was not badmouthing I am telling the truth. For instance can you deny that your forefathers are collie and/or comfort women from China; or many Chinese prostitutes like to come here; or Chinese are synonymous with Along, Kongsi Gelap, Pirated DVD, Rumah Urut to name a few?

      Re. which includes annie s mother who is a Chinese.

      Annie also gave negative comment about the Chinese, but does that mean she is insulting her mother?

      Re. Now the Indians.

      Errrr... don't be a hypocrite all of us do that, even the Indian insults the Indian, a case in point is "Brahmin vs. Non Brahmin".

      Re. Soon all the different races throughout malaysia.

      We will cross the bridge when we get there....

    7. If Annie is remarking chinese but not insulting her Chinese mother so the same with rayer. If umno Malays include all Malays, Chinese include annie'mother.

    8. Re. If Annie is remarking chinese but not insulting her Chinese mother so the same with rayer.

      Nope Annie is only targeting her remarks at Dapster, Evangelista and 90 percent Chinese who support DAP and Pakatan, although her writing doesn't specify that most of the time (I think). It was written in general. It is so unfortunate that many of those Chinese who are not in the list have become "Collateral Damage".

      I would like to say the same for my comment too.

      Re. so the same with rayer.

      No. Annie has specifically written about "Celaka Punya Kelingon Pariah" as an analogy.

      Re. If umno Malays include all Malays, Chinese include annie'mother.

      Annie's mother is a Muslim and she doesn't fall into the category that I mentioned above, plus she doesn't behave like the Dapster and Evangelista.

      Why are you bringing up Annie's Mother in here to whitewash and comfort yourself about your own bad behavior? Annie hasn't said a thing about it, if she does and ask me to apologize to her mother, I will definitely do so. In fact I have also commented the same to one Chinese Muslim who asked the same to me not long ago in here;

      Typical Redbeanie and Pakatan Cybertruoper.......

    9. Typical umno cybertroop. Typical umnoputras and now admit and defending your loot. Giving crumbs to rakyat but enriching yourself with millions. You insult annie' mother saying her fore mother and relatives as a Chinese come to Malaya work either as comfort woman or rumah tumpangan. You must be a son speaking on her behalf. You must have a lot of farhers and mothers.

    10. Re. Typical umno cybertroop. Typical umnoputras and now admit and defending your loot. Giving crumbs to rakyat but enriching yourself with millions.

      Jealous ke sebab tak dapat kat DAPigs and the gang? Rakyat? What Rakyat you are KAUM PENDATANG. PERIOD.

      Re. You insult annie' mother saying her fore mother and relatives as a Chinese come to Malaya work either as comfort woman or rumah tumpangan.

      ROTFL. If the shoe fit, wear it.

      Re. You must be a son speaking on her behalf. You must have a lot of farhers and mothers.

      No I am not speaking on her behalf as I have explained earlier. But you did.

    11. Typical umnoputras enrich oneself at the expense of others. One for you and hundreds for me. You insult Chinese including annie' mother who marry a Malay. Her DNA cannot be changed. You imply she is greedy? Like the nun who was murdered in seremban, they wanted a social justice. Not one for you and hundreds for me.

    12. Re. One for you and hundreds for me

      This is more akin to Along and Pyramid Scheme (Skim Cepat Kaya) always championed by the Chinese.

      Re. You insult Chinese including annie' mother who marry a Malay. Her DNA cannot be changed. You imply she is greedy?

      Yes Chinese are greedy like Along and Pyramid Scheme. They like to give RASUAH, but Blame the Malay for taking.

      No you are implying that Annie's mother is greedy.

      Re. Like the nun who was murdered in seremban, they wanted a social justice.

      What does this case got to do with any of the the issues in here? You mean other robbery cases don't merit justice e.g. the Along who tortures and sometimes drives people to death or the Indian Gangster who murdered people?

      Re. Not one for you and hundreds for me.

      Tell that to Along and Pyramid Scheme Owner. Or better still Hannah Yeoh whose salary is almost as high as our PM and higher than DPM. It took 36 years for our PM to get that Salary but only 6 years for her. What has she contributed thus? Yesterday Helen posted her picture with Prada Handbag,

    13. Tell us how much is telling? Hoe about mb? Otherwise as usual you lie. Pm and umnoputras have side lines which macc scare to tell. For PR, umno Mata snd mcca. Just eaiting with mouth full of slavia just waiting for the killer move

    14. Since you seems to know so much, why don't you tell us? Otherwise you are nothing but a sore loser.

    15. You claim you know better as Hannah is getting more than your umno dpm. You are a sore loser as you cannot prove what you say as how much is her pay? Another kellington from umno in malaysia

  11. down memory lane through deep interplanetary space . . . . with the goood guys

  12. Selamat Hari Rayer bersama Kelingons!

  13. Annie,

    Your mother must have an instinct , from her past and vast experience in life , that DAP and their evangelist provocation, towards the Malay / Islam, will never end until they (DAP) could sing their songs.

    Malay tolerance and patience will be pushed to the limits where they could take no more , and it's look like the evangelist supported by DAP are continuously pushing to that direction.

    Consequences will be unpredictable , but the Evangelist supported by the DAP are well aware of that ,but their great dreams could justify them that chance, they must take ,taking advantage of weak Malay leadership and politically divide Malay.

    Looking at the evangelist and DAP continues , preferable drive toward achieving their political agenda, one's can tell that racial (religious ) conflict are just unavoidable and coming closer and closer each day.

    Your mother had reason to worry .

  14. A group of racists in Umno and pro-Umno blogs insult other races and parties so many times but others didn’t act like wild boars. When Umno people get insulted a little bit, they act like wild boars. Make sense, right? The fact is Umno does not represent all Malays in this country. This racist group really embarrassed themselves as well as Umno all the time and despised by all including their own race.

    1. Re. A group of racists in Umno and pro-Umno blogs insult other races and parties so many times but others didn’t act like wild boars.

      Can you explain:

      1. The Kepala Lembu Case;
      2. The White Angpow case;
      3. The SK Sri Pristina Case;
      4. The Ibadah Qurban at the School Field Case;
      5. Datuk Jahara being called as Racist Grandmother for asking why the Malay food stalls and businesses being bulldozed by Pulau Pinang Gomen in DUN Penang;
      6. The Malay Principal in one School in Kluang being called a racist for telling a story about students sharing car;
      7. Syarifah Zohara (I think that's her name) case vs. the Little Ambiga;

      There are many more examples that I can give to prove my points. All of them have resulted in public uproars.

      Re. When Umno people get insulted a little bit, they act like wild boars

      A little bit? Do you like it if I call you and your family Celaka?

      Re. The fact is Umno does not represent all Malays in this country

      UMNO represents majority of the Malays in Malaysia as proven in GE13. They don't need Chinese and Indian to rule the country.

      Re. This racist group really embarrassed themselves

      You mean like Alvin and Vivian? or Chua Soik Lek?

      Re. despised by all including their own race.

      I don't think so. But we all know that the Indian and Chinese have been through that and still are. I have posted about this so many times.

    2. Lol, you speak on behalf of kj and umno? Hear that mca, Mic and gerakan. Soon wil be the same to non Malays bumis in Sarawak and sabah. Like xmas, non Malays bumis better watch out as Santa is coming to town. See how little you are getting as compare to those in umno but your value of votes are the same. Remember do not be like Animal Farm. Ask for fair justice. No less or more. Lol is getting more than you.

    3. waiting eagerly for the repeat of 13 may... we'll see how the bloody shithead keyboard warrior come face to face... when it comes.. kita kasi habis!!!

    4. Re. Lol, you speak on behalf of kj and umno?

      UMNO Yes, KJ? I Don't think so.

      Re. Hear that mca, Mic and gerakan.

      All of them are considered useless and non-functioning anymore. They lost almost every single seat in PRU13. Any of the seats that they won in PRU13 was due to Malay support.

      They might as well TUTUP KEDAI. I will be surprise if Gerakan win in PRK Teluk Intan. Even MCA is scared to contest in Bukit Gelugur.

      Re. Soon wil be the same to non Malays bumis in Sarawak and sabah.

      Have you forgotten that the Chinse in Serawak had voted en-block for DAP in Pilihanraya Negeri Serawak last time. They won all 12 seats in majority Chinese Areas. Due to that, the post of Deputy Chief Minister in Serawak was abolished with immediate effect.

      Re. Like xmas, non Malays bumis better watch out as Santa is coming to town. See how little you are getting as compare to those in umno

      Santa only gives present to the good and nice kids, the rotten kids get crumbs.

      Re. but your value of votes are the same.

      If you don't vote BN, you expect to get anything in return? Just ask the Malays and the Mamak in Penang.

      Don't be a hypocrite.

      Re. Remember do not be like Animal Farm. Ask for fair justice. No less or more.

      Haven't you got your Justice in Penang and Selangor? Don't be a cry baby. Didn't DAP and Pakatan promise you a better government, governance and PERKS and WHAt NOT?

      As yea sow, so shall yea reap....

      Re. Lol is getting more than you.

      ROTFL.... such a SORE LOSER

    5. CM in sabah is supposed to rotate. In the end, umno change the mind and greedy to keep it. Never mind, almight will see justice is done unless they worship him but not in their heart.

    6. Re. CM in sabah is supposed to rotate

      Rotate what? Rotate your head?

      Re. In the end, umno change the mind and greedy to keep it

      Can you give evidence and be specific about it ?

      Re. Never mind, almight will see justice is done unless they worship him but not in their heart.

      %$#@^*()&)__()*&^%$#@P ?

    7. You living in dark ages and trying to bury the history and twist it. Almighty is watching what you say

  15. i like u annie
