Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Let's take the vaccine

The vaccine is here and I'm going to register myself to get it.

Hopefully this Covid-19 pandemic will end soon and we can get back to normal life.

Some though don't believe in the vaccine.

They go with their anti-vaccine rants in the social media and WhatsApp groups.

Really irritating people.

These are the type of people I was talking about in my last post about idiots.

Oh, they claim their arguments were based on facts alright.

But we know they were just bollocks.

Same with many other social justice warriors who don't seemed to realise that they were an irritating bunch.

Preaching their politics and beliefs in even surau and neighbourhood WhatsApp groups.

Sometimes I wish I can punch them in the face.

Anyway, life is too short to be bothered by such nonsensical people.

Us, the sane ones just need to get on with life and do what is right.

Let's just ignore the idiots.

In fact, if possible, stay away from them.

Let us just have the vaccine and be safe.

I may not like the current government but I support the proposal for it to issue a "passport" for those who have taken the vaccine.

That should separate us from those who refuse to have it. Let's just make them live among themselves and infect each others.

Maybe a few weeks in Covid-19 ICU with tubes in their mouths may cure them off their idiocy.

They may holler about their human rights and stuff when excluded from the rest of society but we also have the right to be shielded from them.

By the way, I also wish we have a vaccine against political lunacy.

Take a jab and we are safe from useless politicians and their idiotic supporters.

Especially in social media and WhatsApp groups.

That would be nice. Hahaha.


  1. Senang aje cik Annie. Kemudahan Pusat2 kesihatan awam hanya dberi kpd pesakit positive covid 19 yg memiliki sijil vaccinasi yg sah.

    Yang takde tu pandai2 la pi hospital2 swasta dmana segala kos perlu dtanggung mereka sendiri. Kos2 berkaitan spt urusan jenazah, kematian sabit covid 19 juga perlu dtanggung mereka. Singapore masa close border, sapa tak pasai2 nak juga keluaq mereka kena tanggung kos sendiri. Tu sebabnya skrg tutup border, warga Msia nak balik raya Thaipusam ke, CNY ke atau HRaya ke.. pikiaq 100 kali. Kena siap ade dlm poket minimum RM6.5K.

    Anak2 mereka yg tidak mempunyai sijil sah juga tidak dbenar belajar dsekolah Awam. Majikan2 hanya mengambil pekerja yg memiliki sijil vaccinasi yg sah and so on.

    Macam Saudi. Langgar SOP bayaq equi RM35K.. ...haiyaa gomen kena la tegas sikit. Dah kena buat new norm.

    Professor Nasi Lemak

    1. Kemudahan Pusat2 kesihatan awam hanya dberi kpd pesakit positive covid 19 yg memiliki sijil vaccinasi yg sah.

      yg memiliki sijil vaccinasi yg sah.

      hmmmmmmm!!!! hmmmmmmm!!!!!
      kalau tak gelaran Pooper Nasik Lemik tak selar kot.

  2. When it is my turn to get the vaccine jab done, I think I will have butterflies in my stomach due to the side effect rumours.

  3. SHIT!!!!!!!

    SJK cina UEC drop out causes kontroversy lagi!!!!

  4. its almost irresponsible not to take it - heard immunity is > 80 %, to kill off the virus. the whatsapp with false news thats making the rounds should be countered by the govt - didnt they just allocate couple of hundred mio to the propaganda unit ? Or is that just for political use ?

    to start, govt should ban civil service from workplace if not vaccinated. private sector should do the same.

    its stick time rather than carrots

  5. Peerg Tun buat video 10 dalil kesalahan PM macam nak umum esok nak puasa pulakkk.... satu pun rakyat tak hirau... pelik tak ada sekor pun yang sahut menyahut dari satu bukit ke bukit apa yang Tun bangkitkan... tetiba Tun bangkitkan Rules Of Law...haahh rules of law..!? 22 tahun 22 bulan dolu ada rules of law ke...!?

    masa tu tekak jadi kembang semacam perut tetiba memulas... tetiba bunyi creettt..!! dlm seluar..

    aarrgghhhh..!! sudahhh terkincit pulak dahhh alahaiiiii...!!

    masa belum tgk video tadi ok jerr perut dan tekak nihh..

    haramjadah punya orang tua ni... puiii.!!


    1. Undang-undang syariah S'gor isu seks luar tabii tak sah - Mahkamah Persekutuan

      no wolli have fun ah!!!!!!
      bye bye 355


      GALAKAN tidak mewajibkan
      Ketua Penolong Pengarah Kanan Bahagian Kawalan Penyakit Kementerian Kesihatan Dr Mahesh Appannan berkata pada masa ini aplikasi berkenaan dilihat sebagai medium paling berkesan untuk menyebarkan maklumat mengenai Covid-19 termasuk program vaksinasi.

      “Aplikasi MySejahtera sekarang mempunyai hampir 21 juta pengguna unik dan mereka semua aktif, setiap hari kita dapat hampir 18 hingga 20 juta check-in. Itu menunjukkan banyak interaksi dan penggunaan MySejahtera dalam kalangan rakyat.

      “Buat masa ini kita memang tidak mewajibkan penggunaan MySejahtera tetapi menggalakkan rakyat Malaysia untuk menggunakannya. Mewajibkan sesuatu bukan selalunya strategi kami, ia datang dengan kesukarelaan,” katanya dalam program Ruang Bicara terbitan Bernama TV dengan tajuk ‘Vaksin Covid-19: Selamat dan Berkesan?’ semalam.
      KUALA LUMPUR: Penggunaan aplikasi MySejahtera untuk merekodkan kehadiran individu di lokasi atau premis tertentu kini diwajibkan bagi penduduk di kawasan capaian internet yang luas, berkuat kuasa serta-merta.

      Menteri Kanan (Keselamatan), Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, berkata keputusan itu berikutan ramai pelanggan tidak mencatatkan nama dan nombor telefon yang betul apabila melakukannya secara manual.

  6. Anon 12:15

    Dah agak reaksi dr naysayers macam kamu.. trlebih cerdik sangat sampai segalanya tak betoi. Dasar opportunist pi rata dunia perangai sama saja mcam hang.

    Yg refused to get vaccinated bila +tive kelak, jenis2 nih seisi keluarga yg akan buat menyemak kat kemudahan2 kesihatan awam.

    Klo bab dokumen2 "sah" mmg cekap sekali. Tengok saja aktiviti pengimpot "daging2 halal" lakukan. Macam iblis bertopeng manusia.

    Professor Nasi Lemak

  7. I was talking about in my last post about idiots.

    aninne since you are an "educator"
    what have you done all the while to deccelarate more idiouts mass-production in this lovely country called "Malaya"???
    surelly descenet of the like "Pooper" of north deserve better dont they. after being "bran washed" relentlessly for 40 over years like the BTN, sejerah written by the vitrious, and the komuunist LKS progation by the old mamam kutty for decades
    also the poor fellow who versed in mandarin and sit beside the un crouthced SJK cina bad mouthing
    still in 20th century, where viet congs sit by longkang to berak.
