Friday 26 November 2021

5G roll-out for Malaysian public, not for telcos to make even more profits

I'm actually a bit uncomfortable with the hate directed at the government's decision to employ its special purpose vehicle Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) to handle Malaysia's 5G roll-out.

I believe that the explanation by Finance Minister Zafrul on the matter in Dewan Rakyat yesterday was good enough,

Zafrul expects public to benefit from proposed DNB-telcos deal 


He told the Dewan Rakyat today that was so because the government’s special purpose vehicle (SPV) on the 5G roll-out, Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) will charge telecommunication companies (telcos) less than 20 sen per gigabyte for it.

He pointed out that the cost of producing a gigabyte under the telcos’ current 4G network is around 45 to 55 sen per gigabyte.

He estimated that the telcos will have to pay between RM3.5 billion and RM4 billion to DNB over a period of 10 years, which according to him would be cheaper then them developing their own 5G network infrastructure.

He said the telcos would need to spend up to RM1 billion per year if they are to invest in setting up their own 5G network.

Good what that with the deal we can get to use our phones and other gadgets at a cheaper cost.

I don't know how DNB is going to make it so much cheaper than if the whole thing be given to the telcos but Zafrul has put himself on the line by saying that.

It more or less means that the government has committed itself to keep the cost low. 

If it turns out to be just bullshit later, we can always fry Zafrul and the gang.

Anyway, why didn't the telcos counter whatever the DNB is selling to the public on the project by maybe arguing that they could offer an even better deal?

Why did their proposed 5G roll-out plan costs so much more than DNB's?

Was it to make the public continue to pay a lot more for their services?

As far as I'm concerned, as long as what is being done benefits the public, I have no problem with it.

I couldn't care less whether the telcos make more profits or otherwise.

Anyway, I have been told that some people are lobbying for the government to set up another entity to compete with DNB on the 5G project so that it wouldn't be a monopolistic venture controlled by cronies.

Well, if the government wants to consider that, then it must make sure the other proposed entity care to compete in the rural areas unlike the telcos, which have always been competing exclusively for the market in urban areas where the profits were.

Seriously, I'm of the opinion that our telcos, which were among the most profitable in the world only care about their profits.

Otherwise, how can anyone explain this;

Reports put Malaysia's 4G speeds at global bottom tier 


Among 100 countries, Malaysia ranked lower than Asean neighbours Vietnam, Thailand, and even poverty-stricken Laos when it came to “Best Mobile Experience” related to 4G LTE wireless broadband speeds, based on global independent data company Tutela’s report in September 2020.

The Tutela report titled “Global Mobile Experience: Country-level Comparison”, ranked Malaysia at 81, three notches below Indonesia’s 78.

Laos is number 75 on the ranking, below Thailand’s 74 and Vietnam’s 50. Meanwhile, Singapore is among the best 20 in the world at the 17th spot.

Yup, they gave us crap services yet make themselves lots of profits.

Kids in the villages have to climb trees to get connectivity for their online classes,  okay.

What's the point then with all the talk of the telcos going against monopoly while the public is getting a lousy deal despite  their supposed competition?

Honestly, I think that our telcos are just competing to make more profits for themselves at the expense of we all Malaysians and nothing else.

Unless they could offer something better to the public compared to what Zafrul had said about the DNB deal, I would like to suggest for them and their lobby group to just shut up about the 5G roll-out.


  1. in the beginning was also sad that much benefit "sugar" cartel.
    look from rfm 1.60 to rm 2.80 after robert cook sold his share.
    eevn when sugar is rock bottom.

  2. always the begining. later letrik increased lah, maintaince cost increse lah.
    name one servie where prices remain the same.
    even the pee places servces increased from rm .10 to rm .50

  3. I remember the Plus highway, still paying toll even though the initial period when it opened was 30 years. Can't trust the govt on this, they will give contracts without transparency to their cronies and bilk the money from the telco's because the telco's have no choice for 5G but one monopoly provider.

    You know Annie, you can just regulate the telco's to provide service to rural areas or make it as a condition of their licence (like every other country), what's so difficult? This is like normal and then fine them when this does not happen.

    1. Bro. There is universal service provision fund that all telco constributed thru mcmc. It is about 6% of weighted net revenue. All telco must cobstribute. Viz to develop rural areas. Dah tertahun. This monies is for that purposes. So pi tanya mcmc what have they done. As much as i dont like telco greeds on top of corp tax. They have constributed fo fund. So with 5G. The more they get revenue the more they have to constribute. It is fair.You and me that uses telco service indirectly cobstribute to help rural folks. It bet the fund in in billion already Why no wakil raakyat dont ask the question. Where this monies goes. I guess the policies is good but implementation might be not efficient. Why should a girl in sabah has to panjat pokok. Give her a sat dish with 5g.

  4. "I'm actually a bit uncomfortable with the hate directed at the government's decision to employ its special purpose vehicle Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) to handle Malaysia's 5G roll-out."

    Kih kih kih.

    That's because you love crooks lah Annie.

    Stick to worshipping Bosskurrrrrr, lah.

    Here's why WE are uncomfortable.


    "PARTI Pejuang Tanah Air urged the government to clarify the charges against, or any pending court cases that have been alleged against newly appointed Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) CEO Augustus Ralph Marshall (picture) in other countries.

    The party’s economic bureau Armin Baniaz Pahamin stated that two incidents where requests for arrest were made against Marshall in Indonesia and India.

    He said on March 29, 2019, the Jakarta Post published a request by the National Police for Interpol to issue a red alert for the arrest of Marshall for the illegal use of operational funds at a company in Indonesia.

    Although the matter is resolved, Armin said it is unknown if it was resolved in an out of court settlement or if it was a court judgment.

    He further said on Sept 24, 2016, Bloomberg published news that India Court issued a warrant of arrest for Marshall in connection with an investigation into alleged phone-licence corruption.

    “Thus, Pejuang urges the government to urgently clarify on Augustus Ralph Marshall’s charges or pending court cases (if any) that have been alleged against him in India by the Central Bureau of Investigation, Indonesia and in any other countries.

    “This is in tandem with the Ministry of Finance (MoF) official statement on March 1, 2021, stating DNB will be managed based on ‘appropriate governance framework and global best practices’, among others.

    “We urge the ministry to start upholding transparency by showcasing the credibility and integrity of the appointee in question,” he said in a statement yesterday.

    The court in India had issued non-bailable arrest warrants against Marshall and Tan Sri T Ananda Krishnan. Marshall was the deputy chairman at Astro All Asia Networks Ltd controlled by Ananda at the time."

    Oh wait let me guess:

    "Oooooo, this is too complicated for a bimbo like me to understand!" (Your standard 1MDB excuse.)

    I am glad the telco industry is keeping this scam vehicle at arm's length.

    Your "blogging captain" is a lot smarter than you on this one....

    1. One central body like dnb is way to avoid telco from avoiding interconnectivities.Those of you remember during 1g and 2g.base stations musrooming. Each want thier owm. Let dnb do the infrastructure. Telco just provide the service.You are harping about + making money and want gomen to take over. Now gomen is taking over 5g. You are complaining.

    2. Anonymous27 November 2021 at 09:25

      Hang nih buta huruf ke?

      We don't want crooks and cronies making $$$$$$$$, faham tak?

    3. Read my lip. DNB owned by MOF.Semua staff makan gaji.If you have right skill. You too can join dnb.The topic of this blog is Govt is rolling 5G for rakyat so telco dont makes too much profit.All profit dnb get goes to MOF period.All profit telco get goes to shareholders local or international. Regulatory is MCMC another govt entity. So dont used word cronies. Our national oil company is sole oil entity in country.Others operate on psc agreement. So you think peoples in this oil company are all cronies. How much this company constributed to our country budget that you and me benefited

    4. Lip 17:26

      Ko nih kompom 100% badigol.

      I guess you think putting Ah Jib in charge of 1MDB was a good idea.

      Read this again lah poyo:

      "PARTI Pejuang Tanah Air urged the government to clarify the charges against, or any pending court cases that have been alleged against newly appointed Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) CEO Augustus Ralph Marshall (picture) in other countries.

      The party’s economic bureau Armin Baniaz Pahamin stated that two incidents where requests for arrest were made against Marshall in Indonesia and India.

      He said on March 29, 2019, the Jakarta Post published a request by the National Police for Interpol to issue a red alert for the arrest of Marshall for the illegal use of operational funds at a company in Indonesia.

      Although the matter is resolved, Armin said it is unknown if it was resolved in an out of court settlement or if it was a court judgment.

      He further said on Sept 24, 2016, Bloomberg published news that India Court issued a warrant of arrest for Marshall in connection with an investigation into alleged phone-licence corruption.

      “Thus, Pejuang urges the government to urgently clarify on Augustus Ralph Marshall’s charges or pending court cases (if any) that have been alleged against him in India by the Central Bureau of Investigation, Indonesia and in any other countries.

      “This is in tandem with the Ministry of Finance (MoF) official statement on March 1, 2021, stating DNB will be managed based on ‘appropriate governance framework and global best practices’, among others."

      Uneducated but still nak komen pulak.


    5. Sorry mate .waste of time. We are talking about dnb. You are talking something else way out of thid world. I never vote for bn and never work in gomen.but when see good policy. I will support. I dont care who run the dnb as long as a person do not break any law in this country.

  5. no diff, just a matter of pencuri 1 vs pencuri 2, with some blogger sided with pencuri 1 while some pencuri 2. next all this pencuri gang will talk about support bangsa bumi similar to serba very dinamik.

  6. Singapore, thailand, indonesia, philippine and vietbam has launched their 5g networ, some as early as 2019. They are ready to support foreign or domestic investment requiring high speed connection thus making their countries more competitive in this area of communication technology.

    Malaysian telcos, despite lower quality of connectivity and coverage has enjoyed better profit margin as compared to telcos of other countries with better quality. It means that malaysian are jeopardized being forces to pay more for lower quality of internet. We are less competitive and less efficient in this area compares to other countries.

    The intention of government to implement 5g through government owned vehicle called dnb using single wholesale network model is to accelerate the deployment of 5g at lower cost. How it could be accelerated because dnb as government spv apply cost recovery model rather than maximum profit model allowing them to deploy 5g based on supply rather than demand. How it could be cheaper because they will ride on existing infra, which basically will benefited the telcos as well, thus able to avoid duplication of infra cost due to competition. The government although losing potential income of spectrum, also does not charge spectrum to dnb hence lowering the cost of 5g.

    Telcos are attacking dnb saying they can provide 5g at cheaper cost and faster, the country still do not need 5g and claiming some developed countries like uk are still using 3g technology. Guys, these people are only concern about their money and how much they can make money. Since when our telcos are thinking about the benefit of consumer? The people? They dont give a damn. We are having a had time wfh and our kids studying online because the internet connection sucks. What they did? They asked government to subsidize to improve their services.

    Dnb is a government company with proper governance structure in place with no pm as chairman of the board of advisor which his consent shall be obtained to execute any instruction. It is a normal company. Government also need not provide allocation for project implementation since its single wholesale network model which provide services to telcos give comfort to financial institution to provide project financing.

    Overall, dnb will be able to provide 5g service at accelerated speed and cheaper cost thus benefitting the people and the nation. The only risk that perhaps dnb may want to be more prudent in managing is its single point failure since dnb is the only 5g network provider. But, this area can be managed properly.

    So, again, this is another example of government is trying to take care of its people and the nation by doing the right thing but stopped by selfish, self serving interest rich people.

    1. can you tell which biz under state control can be managed properly? komunis tried that before.

    2. Stupid comment. No facts. Fortunately i dont spend much time online to avoid reading rubbish.

  7. the telcos will be paying for the GE15 war chest. question is where will it go to ? PN or Umno


    1. How it could be cheaper because they will ride on existing infra

      which 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G"exsting infra" lasted or not up-ed????

  8. Malaysian telcos, despite lower quality of connectivity and coverage has enjoyed better profit margin as compared to telcos of other countries with better quality.

    say man, when you drive a ferrari using PLUS highway, do you blame your ferrari for begin "slow" with the PLUS conditions?????????

    1. anon 4:14
      if i have a ferrari...i will be flying in it in dubai than to read your comment

  9. and yet morons like you support this rubbish & corrupt government
    really there is no hope with people like you la

    1. anon 12:16
      what to do ? DAP is a crooks , we dont have a choice not to vote for bn

    2. Anon 1:28.
      DAP (Pakatan Harapan Palsu) menawarkan MANIFESTO "tipu" semasa PRU 14.tapi lawaknya penyokong2 DAP fikir mereka buat pilihan bijak.

    3. Umno/ BN stole billions & Billions and yet you morons still support them, there really is not hope with ppl like you. what a say day for my beloved malaysia

  10. anon 12:40
    what to do ? DAP is a crooks , DAP can steal also
