Sunday, 5 July 2015

The ever changing tide of the rebellion (updated)


These just came in via NST alerts

NST 05/07
PM says he has consulted his lawyers over possible legal action against those who accused him of stealing USD700mil from 1MDB

NST 05/07
Illogical for someone to stash stolen money in his personal account. PM in reference to accusations against him concerning 1MDB

I think PM should just say that he is suing all those who were trying to fitnah him.

That would be more convincing than just saying he had consulted his lawyers on whether to take legal action.


I thought the Umno rebels can never win the fight.

Furthermore the Umno supreme council had two weeks ago endorsed party president DS Najib Razak to lead them into the next general election.

There will be no party election next year. It had been postponed.

That should be the final death blow for the rebellion....and so I thought.

Then on Friday the Wall Street Journal published a story about billions of ringgit being allegedly channeled into the personal account of PM DS Najib Razak.

It's all related to the 1MDB mess.

Najib's deputy TS Muhyiddin Yassin had after that called for an investigation but interestingly there was no outright show of support by him for his boss.

Then Attorney-general TS Abdul Ghani Patail announced that investigation had actually started.

You all can read all that at Rocky's

Bad PR to sue Wall Street Journal?

The anti-Najib people had trumpeted the latest development as the killer blow for the PM.

Here is among the latest posts by Syed Akbar Ali of the OutSyed The Box

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Breaking News : AG, IGP, MACC Chief Have Already Met Muhyiddin

Here is some news that is flying around KL. Heard from two sources.

On Friday the Attorney General met the Deputy PM over the latest exposes.

Then yesterday the AG, IGP and the MACC Chief  again met Muhyiddin Yasin (at his house - so they say).

Another source says the meeting discussed if there was a "solid case for prosecution".

If there is a solid case for prosecution, warrants of warm welcome at the Sungai Buloh Country Resort style living must be issued.

If there is no solid case, then just watch the Titanic sink.


  1. Hai Annie ,
    Rasa nya start from this hour , you tak payah ulas banyak banyak pasal najib atau Tun M or anything regarding this issue , lebih baik tumpu kepada masalah rakyat yang diujudkan oleh PM bugis ni , Tapi kalau U nak sentuh juga isu najib terpulang la this is a free country. Bagi I , kita serah pada allah swt , dan I yakin masa akan menentukan kerana dari hari ke hari kejadian sebenar makin jelas muncul cuma menunggu Bom meletup , ok relax kita lihat saja . hehehe..


    1. Ini puasa bulan eaa aa ,Wa atak itu TV punya iklan atak manyak cekap itu , kosong-kosong maa aa .

      Pening lor rr ,sana kata ia ,sini kata tidak , tapi eaa aa ,Wa selalu dengar pandei punya olang atak cekap eaa aa , itu pokok tatak boih sendili goyang maa aa ,mesti atak monyet kasi goyang lea aa.

  2. If no money was transfered to DSN account, say so lah... this sort of vague answer is why the rakyat is tired of him. Whatever it is, he is a weak leader and no good for Malaysian.

    1. hey you, he is Prime Minister lah and just because you like direct answer,you expect him to talk like you kah

    2. hey you ..what you talking lah, so he is PM he must talk in sign language kah.

  3. Why wasting people's time? Zeti can clarify and confirm flow of capital in and out Msia for the common interest of the people. We don't need a sitting untie wasting the tax payer money who are not capable to calm the public when the need arises.

  4. I think DS Nazri reads your blog.

  5. Annie, logic thinking yea what the pondan said make sense!!! But only if there are NO LAYERS of accounts!!!

    The fact that there are 3 layers of accounts used before ending up in his is already suspicious!!!


  6. Admonition from the Quran: "The Fig"

    We have indeed created man from the best of moulds;
    then We returned him to the lowest of the low ...
    except for those of faith who do good;
    for them is a reward unfailing

    Then what makes you deny the Judgement
    Is not your Lord the wisest of Judges?

  7. He isnt a good leader anyway. He cannot do stuffs a premier is expected to. For example shrinking ringgit. He can go on and on and on about mahathir didnt have to deal with internet whatsapp blah blah blah. The then premier had to face THE WORLD to save this nation. I dont have to rewind back to times where all the people in the world urging him to sign with IMF instead he gave the middle finger and started his own formula. Or rather his own method. Go fuck with all the people and all he cared was the nation getting back on its feet. Thats a leader for me.

    But this one he is too weak and kowtow too much on everybody. I dont know why he was so stiff scared of everyone - the chinese singapore USA u name it - and as result he cannot get things well again. During the last time ringgit was at this low, we got NEAC meeting everyday to monitor things and that NEAC was full of people that matters - economists, decision makers, etc - and the premier was kept up to date daily basis if not on hourly basis. But i havent hear anything similar now, and all was left to ... Perhaps BNM? Pemandu? I really dont know because there any?

    The way he handles mahathir also is very poor, how come u dont know how important that man is. What proxy control he was on about during his poor defence to mahathir? Even if mahathir did advise him on stuffs that mean he is very poor at it! For example Cash is King matter, how could he not see that cash isnt the solution instead getting jobs and trainings all the people should be? Yes you can give cash but only to people who really in need of it. And GST? Mahathir asked for the nation to start saving and if the tax is to be increased that maybe increase the existing ones not implement a new alient one without proper study. One year isnt proper study, now the effect of gst is telling how unprepared everyone actually is.

    mahathir, he studied what works for the nation, not do something that work for others but not going to work for us. If he think he has to do his own method then he do it. Things work for others may not work for us.

    But this man, the current premier, he hasnt got a clue on what a good management is all about. Take his credit taking for zakat. Good policy? What good policy? Thats why this man isnt premiership material.

  8. sape lah yg bodoh percaya citer duit berbiliion dr 1MDB transfer msk akaun peribadi najib...dont insult ur own intelligence lah please...

    1. Orang hisap dada have mengaku Diana hisap dada have Kahn ?
      Orang meliwat Ada mengaku dia meliwatkah ?
      You sendiriri fikirlah......

    2. Org meliwat tak mengaku meliwat tp ada air mani dlm lubang dubor.knp wsj dan tun M tak buktikan tuduhan dgn mengemukakan dokumen.not just flowcharts

    3. Anon 0608 in homo. Tu pasal jawab mcm homo.

    4. Don't worry about us. Its the intelligence of the Prime Moron is what you should be worried about.

  9. Annie,
    Sorry off topic....but did you watch the video of lim kit siang kena halau by some umno thugs in masai. For once in my life i feel sorry for lks. Saya orang melayu, saya rasa malu dgn sikap kasar dan biadap mereka2 itu.

    Are we not in a democracy? Mungkin kita tak suka politik dap, tapi begini kah cara nya kita berpolitik? Watch the video. Apart from feeling shame, i also feel scared. The mob reminds me of a foortage of the Nazi brown-shirts.


    2. Tak kena penampar dgn org melayu pun dah kira nasib baik.dlm bulan puasa org melayu boleh sekuat tu.csn u imagine what they would do kalau diorg x lapar dan dahaga

    3. Org melayu suka amok. Org cina tunggu pru.

  10. Najib still hasn't denied that those are his bank accounts. And that the money was deposited into it. Just say clearly, "I do not own those accounts. No money was ever sent to me."

    Why can't he say it straight instead of asking a question to a question. By the way, that's one of the signs of lying, according to psychoanalysts.

    I'm starting to really believe the WSJ article now.

    1. Takut nak menipu kot? Mak dia pesan kalau buat berdosa.

    2. Kalau kata takda akaun itu menipu ..mak marah.
      Sekarang kata tak guna duit ..itu berdalih...mak kata pandai.

  11. Annie,
    Najib boleh ikut tindakan Tun M bila dia published senarai penerima saham,AP dan kointrak bila Zahid bangkitkan soal kronisma dlm umno. Tergagap zahid, why najib nak sue WSJ sedangkan dia blh give consent kat Ambank untuk keluarkan kenyataan or kalau acc tu tak wujud, lagi senang sebab ambank blh declare

    1. sampai sekarang gagap dia tak hilang he he he!

  12. ...for the rakyat

    .....there should be not despair
    .....sunshine do accompany the morning


  13. Salam semua,

    Ada ustad dan lain2 ragu2 kata kenapa x pakai secret account?

    Saya ada beberapa soalan untuk ditanyakan:-

    No.1...ustad percaya ke kalau buka akaun atas nama org lain mahupun keluarga sendiri? Ada kemungkinan tak kalau pakai nama org lain duit boleh lesap? Penat2 buat keje pastu org lain sapu...
    No.2...sykt kewangan mana nak bagi buka akaun "tak bernama" atau atas nama "secret"?
    No.3...adakah tarikh2 pemindahan tu berjarak jauh antara 1 sama lain? Apa jenis bisnes yg buat pemindahan begitu cepat diantara mereka dan kenapa?
    No.4...Kenapa perlu bberapa syarikat untuk pemindahan itu kalau hujung2nya berhenti di 1 akaun? Kenapa tidak terus kpd penerima?
    No.5...Perlu atau tidak mengikut akta BAFIA pemindahan wang sebegini banyak harus di maklumkan kepada pihak berkenaan? Jika ya apa yg pihak berkenaan sudah buat utk pastikan kesahihan transaksi tersebut? Jika tidak kenapa pihak berkenaan mendiamkan diri? Patutkah soalan ini ditanya juga kpd pemilik sykt kewangan berkenaan serta pihak yg ditugaskan memantau keseluruhan sistem kewangan?
    No.6...Adakah kemungkinan pihak yg ingin menyiasat akan mengalami kesukaran kerana banyak syarikat perlu di teliti maklumatnya berbanding dgn hanya 1 sykt (maknanya dari a pembayar terus ke b penerima)? Adakah ini strategi yg baik utk mengelirukan mereka?
    No.7...Kenapa tidak 1 pun pihak terlibat mengeluarkan kenyataan bertulis bersama bukti dalam masa 24jam memandangkan ia melibatkan integriti beliau, institusi kewangan, negara dan seluruh rakyatnya?
    No.8...Patut ke ustad buang masa utk bincang2 dgn peguam bilamana ustad sendiri tahu yg dokumen tersebut memang palsu?
    No.9...Adakah ustad dlm keadaan tertekan skrg akan cuba memohon bantuan walaupun dr negara yahudi? Adakah ustad akan terima shj apa syarat2 mereka utk bantuan yg akan mereka berikan?


  14. Saya nak tanya sikit....undang2 negara ada perubahan ya?

    Betul ke sebelum ini jika ada laporan, mereka yg dituduh akan ditangkap dulu dan kemudian waktu dalam tahanan mereka akan mencari segala bukti utk di bawa ke mahkamah dan jika bukti tak lengkap pihak dituduh dibebaskan?

    Ada ke perubahan undang2 baru ya?

  15. very slow lah you annie, kalau tak ada tansaksi masuk akaun, ds jibby boleh kata tak pernah ada transaksi ke dalam akaun saya seperti yang WSJ dakwa. then tell WSJ to fuck off and case close. apa yang ds jibby kata sekarang ni kalau dia nak curi dia tak bawak masuk ke akaun dia dalam negara, esok lusa dia akan clarify lah yang duit ada masuk dalam akaun dalam negara tapi untuk kegunaan parti bukan untuk beli beg birkin. LOL !



    Sad lah

  17. This is interesting ...

    1. what made the son so scared that he dared not attend his papa's funeral?

  18. Salam,

    Utk kekawan semua, cuba kita tanya diri sendiri apa akan kita buat atau strategi kita untuk 'MENGHILANGKAN DUIT?' (Put yourself in his shoe) Tanya dan jawab secara jujur dan anda akan dapat jawapannya samada alasan2 yg diberi pee em logik atau tak.

    Sebenarnya da banyak alasan/jawapan dari pengomen di blog ni dan blog2 yg lain yg menjawap kemungkinan2 kpd soalan ini tapi tiada lagi yg nampak bercakap berkenaan "apa yg patut dilakukan utk menyonglap!!!'

    Di mana?

    Ini semua adalah soalan asas utk melakukan sesuatu perkara agar ianya berjaya.

    Cuba selami apa yg anon dibawah katakan...

    Salam semua,

    Ada ustad dan lain2 ragu2 kata kenapa x pakai secret account?

    Saya ada beberapa soalan untuk ditanyakan:-

    No.1...ustad percaya ke kalau buka akaun atas nama org lain mahupun keluarga sendiri? Ada kemungkinan tak kalau pakai nama org lain duit boleh lesap? Penat2 buat keje pastu org lain sapu...
    No.2...sykt kewangan mana nak bagi buka akaun "tak bernama" atau atas nama "secret"?
    No.3...adakah tarikh2 pemindahan tu berjarak jauh antara 1 sama lain? Apa jenis bisnes yg buat pemindahan begitu cepat diantara mereka dan kenapa?
    No.4...Kenapa perlu bberapa syarikat untuk pemindahan itu kalau hujung2nya berhenti di 1 akaun? Kenapa tidak terus kpd penerima?
    No.5...Perlu atau tidak mengikut akta BAFIA pemindahan wang sebegini banyak harus di maklumkan kepada pihak berkenaan? Jika ya apa yg pihak berkenaan sudah buat utk pastikan kesahihan transaksi tersebut? Jika tidak kenapa pihak berkenaan mendiamkan diri? Patutkah soalan ini ditanya juga kpd pemilik sykt kewangan berkenaan serta pihak yg ditugaskan memantau keseluruhan sistem kewangan?
    No.6...Adakah kemungkinan pihak yg ingin menyiasat akan mengalami kesukaran kerana banyak syarikat perlu di teliti maklumatnya berbanding dgn hanya 1 sykt (maknanya dari a pembayar terus ke b penerima)? Adakah ini strategi yg baik utk mengelirukan mereka?
    No.7...Kenapa tidak 1 pun pihak terlibat mengeluarkan kenyataan bertulis bersama bukti dalam masa 24jam memandangkan ia melibatkan integriti beliau, institusi kewangan, negara dan seluruh rakyatnya?
    No.8...Patut ke ustad buang masa utk bincang2 dgn peguam bilamana ustad sendiri tahu yg dokumen tersebut memang palsu?
    No.9...Adakah ustad dlm keadaan tertekan skrg akan cuba memohon bantuan walaupun dr negara yahudi? Adakah ustad akan terima shj apa syarat2 mereka utk bantuan yg akan mereka berikan?

